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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jun 1915, p. 4

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IiAKE ODU~Y IA~EP . FRIDÂ~ ITUNE 25, 1915. Lake County Independent Waukegan WeekIy Sun Office Telephone Number 1.ibertyvile Exchange. Isdat the Postollice et Libertyvflie, Ill.. as Second Glss Mail Matter Official Paper for lake County. to1d Every Frlday. Advertising Rates Made Known on Appliction. OUBOJICRIPTION PRICE, 01.50 PER VEAR StRICTL.Y IN AOVANCE W. J. SMITH ....................... .............................................. Editor P. 0. SMITH ..................................................................... M a ae u. Jý WEBER ........... ................. Resident Manager, Phone lai-j Not so in Lake county-poker untaobooed bore! News item:. -Doinino piaying lias heeti stoppcd in Kewaîiee by the passing of a vit'v ordinance. Thie boys and girls w1lh attend parties feai' that thie plavixîg of postoffiee, pillow and otlier parb t' gamies m-111 be tln-eateiied.' If the county board was willing to pay the judges and clorks of election a REASONABLE vag. for assuTming th. rosponuible work of bandling the elections in Lake county; and if no taxpayer vas raising a complaint about the plan, il seooms very strango 10 the taxpayers of the county ilwho foot the bis that the state's attorney "should vorry._ _ _ WoUl, if detectives employed by th. state's attorney 9" e vîdence in poker games ba" gone 10 that Bach- eios%%ùýpicnic, and if they bad b..» wlng to sop Up to th. game when St.ate's Attorney Dady hirnself vas toachlng smre mon how to play the nov ganie, 1h. question in: Would the county have 10 bire a special attorney 10 prosecute the cases these sieuths might have submltted evidence on? BUis of "Idetectives" employed by tate's Attorney Dady 10 "trap" Lak~e county taxpayers and others who miglt Play poker, etc., include these items: "Playing po- ker, $1.75;" "fisbing tackle, $2.50;" "miinows for bait (loverali item), 25 cents and 50 cents each;"1' boat hitre P '=1v aitems); -1 playing pool'" (several itenms). BOXE ITN, are't they, for taxpayers to b. asked 10 stand for from th. state's attorney's office? Imagine Lake county taxpayers being àsked 10 pay fori Cegam oes, ftibng tackle, flali-bait, boat litre, pool play- M& ., r "sieutha" Who were trying 10 get "levidoîce"' aglit the very mon wbo are paying th. taxes. Men be- fgentertained at couîty expense in sucb limes of diver- giâ naturally vould b. expected to GET evidence no mat- ter wbat sort Il vas-for, 10 keep on baving sncb oxpensos they'd bave to make nmre ort of a showing or their mm snover would be allowod. The county road-bridge committee and the. superin- tondent of hlghways bave stated in no uncertain ternis' boy tlioy feel over the derelict manner in which the state AU aroaé vorkbhas goneon atLake Villa. If allsotato aid roads are 10 b. dois 1k. Ibis in the future, Lake county boite do ava with any possible state aid and take cars t*i job a mighty siglit botter than 1h. state men bave ihovi to date they are able 10 bandie il. *bill which passed the recoît legilature and wbich conoras Waukegan and all other cilles provides that no cie tovu or other municipa corporation shail require the sumetofaay motor vehicie t pay a tax or license fee for tb. nue of zuch môtor vebiclo in oxcess of $10 per annurn ter vebicles of 35 horse-power or leua, anddini excesi of $20 fer minum for vehicles of more than 35 horse-power, and Moxcoas of $5 and $10 respectively for tb. differont classes o1 motor vohicles in cilles of les Iban 150,000.f À Waukegan mai states that ho bias noticed where 1h. UabE logiolUmturela passsd a law providing that the oMWn on iedttion booths bereafter muet be bigli enougli trou the floor 10 permit1h. judges and clerks 10 ueo the lor portions of persons vioenay b. votlng i1h. booth. Nov, if 1h. Illhnols-legllaturs vWin oniy ps uniarl1 il w6y solve the problem of.gsttlng judges aid clsrks of elution lu Lake county. at the. sbtraglt age of $3 per 24-1 hom day. On seond thouglit vo tblmk il sursly would. The dastardly murder of th. vife of Wardsi Allen of« th. stats C elniary at Joliet Bunday morning bas shock- Od th.onsatir aite. Warden Allen bas dons mucli for the the botement of prisoners confined lu that Instiuton- MRe porbape 1han aîy othor warden-and 1h. fact that aM"inr convict, one vho bas bad especla privileges gratedhim, a trusted mn, coâtI.d th. dsed bers eutj âÏ t"of th. pbilosophy of th. laIs Mark~ Twain vhen à@ aid "If you pick up astarving doig aidnmkebim prospeous lie vonit bite you-this t h e principal dif- folroao btvesn a dog aid a mai." vW.fl, agitation bas provailedl Leo Frank bas been Msed, ium aubg as a result of 1he criss for lenieicy ubicl poured mbt Georgia fr-om ail parts of th. nation. Vaukgandld it art on tvo occasions. Two petitions Me oforwardod by W auksganites to, the goverior of Geor-i iM asktg clemoicy. And Governor Blaton bu asmde a mmn for hnmself vh evon the cry for blood of a dis- tnWW odGeorgiapublic canot efface. Frank vin serve tbe remabnderof hbis 1f.lun prison but Il vil give hlm a dw»o prove bis innocence, for, maiy a mai sent 10 0hequestion raised on 1h. board of supervisora Thurs.- dai 39U.e , reaunabimand A eff'legality of 1h. coun-î tboard papyg for the poker panes played by atate's (AOu. a yîdetectves in decid.dy intestng, it il, reaon on thes oie bagd (as, for exuimple, tb. judges' and clerks' of lection pay) and, on the other band, vants th. board 10 psy detectives' poker gaines, 1he excuse bolng that 1hey were procurig "evidence." it's plain to b. seen that those detectives voren't aI the Baclielors' Club "opeuing,' 'at vhlch the state'saattornev bimseif sbowed smre of s frionds the vay 10 play a nev am o poker w'blch he recently bad been tauglit, accord gto bis own admission. Wonder if next ho may ask the county board 10 pay persona poker gaine expenses and cdaim ho alto vas aller "evidencs." The paramouat queston on the boardl, althougli not discussed, vas: Did ALL of Ihose de- tectives, sxperienced as lbey are, LOBE TEEIR POKER GAIM? And, If they W ON, vho got thear earnlmgs? Should thefr "vinningu" be turned back to,1h. county or sbould tbeir eanlngs and bosses be figured uip and deduct- ions made accordlngly? InoCher words, shouldn't losses b. subtracted front earnlngs-shouldn't 1h. variations lu the gamie be sp.cmfed? Oie day tlaey miglit bave von- aid lost the next day. Is il roasomable btbluhik that pro- foasionals would LOBE IN THE END? Qof£»etv e David MceCan bas goDe to Elgin te vlstasoan. C. B. Dix icît for hls home lu Maryland Wednesday. L. E. Ray sud famlly were Elgin visitors Suûday. Mr@. F. Llichentertslned the Ladies Cinch lub et ber home Tueeday alter- noon. D. A. Scott wrent to Swanton, Ohio, lest Frlday, belug eale tere by the deatb of bie mother. JusticelLyell B. Morrie, who bad been 111 for two weeke, bas been able ta he at his office @Ince Tueeday. A prîvate dancing party was held ln the tawn hall on Monday evenlng. A fi ne time was bad by those present. àdrs. J. 0. Garison ls attending the graduation exercises ot ber daugbter, !sabelle, troin the DeKalb Normal, tbis week. The Mystie Workere beld a social even- log for their memberesud their friende ait their bail Tueeday evening. About fity were present. Mr@. Nate L. lisher le entertaaing Mrei. B. F. F1ornemann and %Ire. A. E. Carrtir of Chî.îgo, ani %Ir3. George Tiormnehienof Siver*Lae Wis. G. C. and J. S. Oridiey, Attorney B. H. Miler, El. C3Meyer. Peutl1G. Ra>' and Chas. H. Avenu s ecut ta Weukegan' Tuseda>' evsning sebere they wsere 'guelte a: the Waukegan Commercial Club'@ emoker. J. W. Browen and Ed McDonaid seent1 tu Paltine lest Friday wseere the>'. attended rgradustlon exercises in the1 towenship bigh chool. Mir. Brown's daugbter, Iieeeu, ww aemember ut the cea. Samuel Stein, a fisb peddter wha sald bie home sees In Chcago, wae arrestsd Weduesd4y rnornixig for peddling filh sithout a license. The case sees besrd belte Justice Devis sebo iued hlm $8 and costs, but remitted oD@ dollar of the fine. which made the ainount paid sais ai the liceuse.Stein s&id he seould appear hetare the village board Frida>' nlght and esk for a permit ta seil! fia here. Mr. sud Mrg. F. J. Wrigtand Mir, sud tirs. Jas. H. Swean sud two childrsn. rsturned lasi Tussday tram their tseo woeksesamteru trip wbicb tbey madei with a part>' of the C. F. and(G. A. Wright tamilies, thirteen in &il. Whlle 90ns the>' pent a day et Niagara Falls. tsea days a tes Thousaud Island and one ai Hopkingtou, N. Y., sebere a Irni baionging tu the Wrigtestatela located. Wbs rest of ths Wrighiparty seul rsmaiu In the Hast tor et bail anotber sessk.1 Tueeda>' svening Conustablse Prise sud1 Bock otjPraile sVlew, hrougbt Samuel1 Korbi ai that losen bto the bertyile1 jail ta rem" u ver nlgbt, sasPrairie1 Vlsw bas no lock-up. Tii. constables1 came alter hlm Wednssda.y marning. es wue cbarged seltb dlsorderilycouduct whlcb seas the autcois of a queirs e h 1 bad wlth Dan Hsrschbergsr. Korbi1 ezplalued ta maniaiUunbsnry that h. aud Ben.cbbsmrs eIre both tu biais,1 ne Rierschberger thrased hlm with a 910,whselsobs(Korbi) trisi ta give1 Rerscbbergsr a beatins. Tb@. disputeJ brose over a lob ai rep.ing lu Herach. beqre'.baunshich Korbi la rsating. Korbi seusbouhd aver toe grapnd Jury9 by a Justice aI the pleu la , a@s& change of vene ad besa granted iim1 hi tbeJunsticKnopf af Prairie Vise.1 WRÂTHRRRPM Wealh*r fOrcast for the we.k begin. nlng Wednesday June 28. lesud b the U. 8. Waather Bureau, Zuington, 0.0C. Far the région oi tbe orsat La&k.a Fuir seetiier sel continus until about Fnida>' shen a brIet sioseer perliodme>'j besspscted, ebaseens are probable &gain Ou Tnesdy the tseety.nltb. Average temperatures seil prevail. For the upper lIseIsmIpvalis>' sud Plains stats.: Rhnwm sarn probable about Saturda7 the. tsesty-eiuth sud aasiu ou Suada>' the. tsety-eeventi. The lemperature. will b. close ta the seesonl average. RAMAREA LOSES EXCIMI QAUE DERE SUNDAY The Higb Lîfs team of Kenoe acame bere Bunda>' and defeated the home boys lu a Close test game, the fiual count helng 7 ta S. Johnson w&8 absent, aiea Barbour. Tony Darfier caught aud dIsplayed a fine shaseiug. this being the second gaeme he bas taaen part ln this asseau. Tony sesant upanaur grouud miles sud let these men couie lu on a Passed bail. We gat one marker la th@ iluth but sent lu four lu the sixtb. Kimbail walked, Stafford single, Kîmbali gaiug tu ibird. Doriler was bit hv pitcbed ball, fillng tbe @a",. Then the blg surprise efthte season. Morris got a hlow for tbree bases, I'eaning the isgî and scared wbeD Ries fumbled Jakes' bunt. We go: One more lu the 7th aud one lu the Dinth, but teil short ane. The score. Ramarea Davis, 2h .............. Burge, 3bh................ Kimbali, se.............. Stafford, lb ............ T. Dardier, rc........... R. Dardier, p ............ Meyers, if .............. Marrie,r... ... Boyes. cf ............... Kenoshe Rice, @ s.................. Pfumiller, ...h.......... Hollisier, c .......... .... Sorusenil I............ Tacke, rif............... ..............2h Bierry, eli.............. .... Boan. lb .............. Anderson, p ........... Hfi P A E 1 2 2 o 1 (i 4 i 1 0 16 2 1 11 0 2 0~ 7 7 2712 3l R H PA E (i 1 1 3 1 (i 2 3 O O 2 1 7 2 0 :112 0 1 0 10 20 Summary Sbien basfes, Devis, Burge, Kîmbail, T. Dorfier, Morris: two base bits. Borge, Dardier; tbree base bits, Sorussun, Morris, bases ou belle off Darder 4, off Anderson 5; bit by pîtcher, R. Dardler; @truck out by Dardier 10. b>' Andereon. Tme of gaie 2:05; umpire Melo>'. Noise That ibrose over home sea ecoetly uns. Right there seas ehers sec loas:the gais. The outfield bcbng moseed gîves the groadse abetter appearance and is @saler for the fleldere. > Burge seau the trese bat glveu by J. B. Morse & Co., gestinfi oni>' <seabite. Pretty sott. There was a fine crosed ont ta the gaie. Nase If se can bave soie good sesather se. sUl have soie good gais.. Nexi souda>' secplay' theChicago Kîlîs bers. This le a test temi sud seul make the boys PIs>' bail ever>' minute. Théy are meihers at the Intereit>' Léague. Our offcl sear scribe seas absent Sun. day. But bis uuderetudy seson the job. LOCAL LONQE L N. A. IAVE 'CLASS 0F 75 The blggest @vent ever bai ln the histor>' ai Ezcelulor camp, R. N. A., took plnl the Auditorium sud the. laige hall ai tbe thîrd fluor of the Firél National Bank building Wdenday even- Iug. TiI affair seasthe liItatonotai ciamsOtseveutyfivscanidatee, the largset nuiher @ver taiken loto a local order ai ans time. The cams sesgottao together tbraugb the efforts cf S deputy wseo bas. bien seorklng bere for soie eeks elti the inmersof the camp. .Tiie nese addition booste the membershlp of th. local order ta soie 217. Mr&. Amenda C. Wilson. dîput>' Bnp. r-ue oracle for Cook ad L" o ountIsà, Ilyre B. Ennlghî, lupus.. oracle et Kansa City'. Kensas, asud iltor of~ "Tii. loyal Nelgbbor" sMd lis. Jeunie (Jhlstoma f Evanston, district deoi>' for uortbern Illinois, seer. passent su Wepsi slth the initiation, The daiM t-s of tii. local camp di tiie Voik. [efusementowsereserv..d. Abouttseuty members of othen campe 'atteud.d the meeting. CARD OF THANIKS W. elsta tothank our nelgibors sud friande for the 'ntereet sud kianum siosen and Rev. R. Burgertar bis e orde Of @Ymibty, durlng tii. siecknsesami desth ot aur loved une, Heur>' Rehm. lire. Rehiû and CiUliren., The Independent Ia the CoufnlWI 01i ,y 12page wO*kly-thayw >' *Vry. body takes Il. Churoh ?/ewt SFROM - LOCAL - CHUPOIIES Mothodist-tpiscopal. Preachnoe services will he heid nDdt Sunday both morula« aud svening as uni. At il O'clock liev. T. E. fReanà wîii Preach & sermon on the subWet, "Peace Lke a River." In the eveniDg et 7:30 there wiii he a short &ong service and sume speciai musie alter which the sermon wil he given on the subjeet. ,A Lite PurPoe." Ail are cordiallY invited. The EpWortb League devosionai meet- ing will he heid nez t Sunday evening as 16:45. Subject. "Brothers ln Christ." -Leader, Mise Facule LIghtbody. Ail are CurdialiY Invited. The choir will ujeet for rehearsal on Friday evening Bt h8olocir. Next Runday morning durinfi the 8un. day echool sesson 2ev. ieaçiwill give a report 0f the 8tate Convention whleh was held Bt Danyllie, Ii., let wsek. St. Lawrence Eplscopal. e oiy Communion 7:30a.In. aSgnday echool 9:30 a.n. t Morninu Prayer 11 a. ni. a Evening service 8:00 p. m. à Hai# Day Church e 10.30 a. ni. Sunday echool. 7:45 p. ni. Preaching. Thursday evening meeting ij P. ni. Beul. J. Trickey. ilinister. NINETY-NINE YEAR LEASE 15 UP SOs-A sSUMMERLESS YEAR DO yen knOw what has caused al ibis raiuy weather? NO? Weil, it's mest hecause Nature bas to have lits way. lt's Juat hecauseeof Natures siesire te make goMon o the ohd saylng that "history rePeats Itseif ence each Here's what an eastern paper Saya to substantiate thc statemeut: "1816 seas the 'summerlesu year. and If hiator>' repeate itself ever> ceutuai'. anticipations for udxt yesr may e deadil."The article gees on ta state <bat January was eo Mlle that tires were allowed ta go ont su that ttebruary was a5150 warm. Marcb WaS wfr an su prtnglike, white AprIl seas cold sud efforts ta plant oorn and4 ather accu s ere ebsolutely abandon- ed. lu June. snow, te sud froet were se prevalent as roses sud buttercupe neusît>' are, sud overcoatesud bu,- falo robes were lu vague. Ou th. glenlous Pourth of July, tee as tank as windew glass waa formed tbrougb- out New England sud Pennsylvania. StraugelY euougb September was sean snd by the neat year. 1817, the etements bad found their proper place and seere once more back lu thelr normal order. -il THE LYRI.C RESTAURANT Under New Management LIONEL BULL, Prop. Special Sundayj Chicken Dinners HOME COOKING EARLY BREAKFASTS HOME MADE PIES LATE BUPFERS a specialty Parties and Dances Catered to, Ail of the leading linos of Cigars UêêSss:ups sua---b---------------------------p , In Which Paper is Only One of the Ingredients When you go shopping, Mr. Man, and slow up at the Life Insurance counter, do not put ail your time and attention in the selection of a pretty quality of paper to be used ini build- ing your Policy Contract. W4g? 0 just because the chances are that you will neyer read it, nobody is likely to disturb it and when you I"kick in", your widow will handie it very carefuilly while taking it bo the cashier. Pay more attentien to what is wrntteul on it and WIt is bock of it. For when you make application, you do not buy the Company-you bny a Contract, one which should guarantee enough, and this aforsaid friend Old Mau Guarantee should be there with the. backin'. Speculate, if you will- on the Board of Trade, or bet on the Hall (James, but do not b. 80, foollsh as; to drag your wi.fe and cblîdren into sncb a wild.cat speculation as rotten insur- ance, thereby leaviig a law. suit instead of a legacy-give 'eni tbe real thing and you'Il stand a right amart botter chance of Èetting on the way you would go. This bas a whole lot to do wth the futuire-yours as well as your family 's. AREA JOHN HODC3E District Manager Branch Office, Michigan Mutual Lif e ILLINOIS The b THE 1. A 7T THr TITÇA-PS World Film offers the beautitul star. Lillau Rueseli, la a powerful racina drame. 'Wildftre" et Liberty Theatre Tuesday, June 29. Five thousand test- more or kmes, but flot very much less-of the airy falry Lillian, the incomparable Queeu of the Drame. «"Wildtire" le a movie thriller ail about a raclng mn numed Barrîion, wbo wass îurdered out Wesi. Deceesd ad twodangbters, one named Henrist, wbo knew noîling of papa$ horsey tastea. Sa Whou the murderer, under anuassume.! nais, sent Eset and armed with "papers" claimed the racing étable on Long 1l@land, there was nohody tae, fflhim nay. However, the Western oberift, Garrison. wbo bad followed hlm. susopected hlm; aoa did Henrietta, osberwlse Lillian Russeli. Ses ga$ possession of those paperio and when the murderer trled to have the favorite homse "Wildfre," au thai e b.sonld Dot wln, obe, alter many aiber hernic dseds, clîbed ta the vsry top of the flegotait and held up the hiag, whlch was 1h. signal for "Wildhire'n" jockey ta sein; deet the murderer, nuite Mise iussel ta the ian of ber cbaice sud bring % magnificettly ecctiug Lillan motion pîcture ta a Close. The niaIt gigantie motion picture whlch bas ever been îiroduced lu the Ujnited States will be slîown ab tbe Lyrir Theatre Tunday, Joune 29, wheu Mdr. Henry W. Savage. the weil-knon theatricel producer, will offer "IUnele Sam at Work," a niuc.reel eto)ry besed on the luspirlug book, the Amierican Governmenîby FredecicJ. Hakin. This pieture telle of the niarvelouu activities of the tweuty.seven principal puhases o th, work ai the Amërican fluvernuient witb a graphie rilni, a .'ompreheneh,. actualiîy aud a vivîdaese Wbiî'h only the all-seeing eye ut the fîuving picture camera cen portray. 1ltehîîws how lis moDeter bttleshipe eau ight. Ih bringe ta, the cye wiîb stancllng distiuc'tness aur greai North Atlantic' Fleu'î and shows the flash oftire sud the ce irI of omoke tram their great gune. Au amneudmeut tu the school laws as pased by the recent legialature. authorizes the board of education te levy a tax nat te exceed 2 per Cent In an>' one year, lu addition to thie 1% per cent autborlzed by the existlng law for malntainlng eachoole, sud a ta: noat to ezceed 3 per cent for building purposes wben ratlfled by the votersa o the district at an elec- tion cailed or beld for that purpose. ATTACKSWIFE WITliA POKER; PUT ON FIE BAK*LIST, Mrs.D. Conway of Rondout came ta Waukegan Saturday atternoo n sd begged tbe police chiots to Place bier busbaud on the "lc... Deepite the fact that ehe=bai B e ie urai Of a Most d&gtardlY attack made b>' ber bushend, ah. would not consent te, baviug hlm jaited. Ail site asked woan that he ho black'lleted no that ho coutd not get liquor when t'lsiting lu Waukegan. To prove her. contention that fi was blgb tume her husbend'a Dame decorat. ei the htack-ilit the young seoisa exhIilted ber anm whlcb 1usd heen rendered black and bine hy a hlow frai a poker heulu the bande cf ber huehand. ConwaY les weli known lu Waukezan where hohan baousaof friendes who agree th&t be les a flood fellow, wstimet. wbsn not under the Influence af lîquor but they agr. that saloon men shauld nt soei hlm tiquer. Hie wife bas notblng but pralse for hilm when he li; net under the influence cf Intaxicants, but laye be acte 1lite a crazy man when h.' la drinklug. BROTHER DEFENDS SALE 0F MUNITIONS. Boston, June 20.-Ex'Ooveruor Eu- gene N. Fois, brother of Cong. Cee. Edmund F'o3e, a stroug Peace ad- vocate, adîlte <bat the B. F. Sturte. vaut Company, of wbicb he te <the bend, le te manufacture war muni- tionesud bas recelved an order to build 100 aereplane englues for the British governient. Mr. F'oes saye he ha, ne eiruples agaluat taking the order. "t dont think snob au act te incon- sistent seltb my views of pence,- be declared. "I tbink acroplanes wili helP ta brlng about peai'e, especiall f the warring nation, get enouzrbrit them." Deductîve Reasonlng. "Matmma. what's a bookno)rm- asked emaîl Eou "A person - ho loves ta colleet andl cindy book%.' dear" n'a, the repl'vý A fen' days later a woman called whnme ' ingers nere dec- erated weuh Innumprable rings Oh. mamma." encelainied Eloise. "lait kat Mire Srnith'e rings' She must be a ring. 'Born a baby J1. W. terahal ItoresiB velle st: L. Y. week ail are ope] Albrigh: tiemel une gra A fat shbooter. Park Su kegan % carli1 Harold lbhoreS 'u Itussel of theèsI Munday Jor an vemt. Barry bis nt day. 1h'Kal b. Chas. Wintbro Mise L ited aiet t and Sun I arsun oul Mond sud tam Bar ry lut4. thel sub divi. Parié C lt.'ulilSi We an' Juet r.' w ,rks. carlY. T Itinx b.'n kegan VI. Milsil @pliut a born loi Mrs El ber daugl sev.'ral di Man Drumimoi bere $un( N. C. M Lvanâtou E. E. Mai Remein] wiibout 1 Misa Mi ation ai 3 @tou Thu polyl 'You'vi long tint ber lîttie litte gir] iplay il b.er yor &ny surprisini thats tii famliy. s oer dol inde 'Reni We a piano@ ai botter Pi: &bout thi Rimbal The V Victrolai market. wilI tei Corne Players i Comm both roa R 1

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