LAKJ. COUJNT INDPEN'DENTT, WAUKEOAN WEEKLY SUN LIBRTyVTLLE. ML. 'lttDAY. JtUE 25,1915. PAGES A GOYERNOR WHO 18 BIGGER TMA1 TMRE Y=ugserMade eiiliantIN S IA Ir, ernolg indo ab- By Tacking on Amendment ernace Suday.Raising Supreme iudges It ANS ERS UESTONS.Met Death in House. PREVIOUSLY HAD PASSED. Some Were Put Wrong Purposely in Vain Et - Would Have Become q LaW fort to Confuse. . Had Not the Senate Attach- ithe Amendment. Zion CitY, June 21, The Zion people cnjoyed a real hi hee apr on ae -ý1tret attibiloli tabernacle Iat adee eîeao lclgaaue nlght il MisNas iunire Put.-n vnmmbr fteIeiltr tarer, a 14 year oid girl, gave gave out tiese tatement that ts an5 addes su the Ilile andi judges* bill passed bath bonnes asat miracles or Christ. Miss Futt- friday. it develops that the one wicb tarer la a pupil of ber father. raised the salaries or circuit Judges A. F. Ptterer a genteman 'of the state did flt pe and there- %t0s wchoIA tada rund bib le ofore circuit judges are fnt ta receive sehoe4 ~d uner bs tutian$7000 Instead of $5,000. Tbey wiii - lit lg marvelous wbat bas been MISS lUNICE FUTTURIR continue recelvIng tbe same as the aftompliibed vltb ane so tj'atony young. Lent niglt the young Fourteen ysar old girl wbo sbows a wonder- sTh a c la t theoky.n lady gave an outlne of thse life fui knowledge of tbe bible. She gave a lac-. b ati bt b okcut and miracles of Christ and ture la ZMon tabernacle. Zion. ad su isd judges blt which ralsed tbe salari' ansvared seel questions aId students of tbe bible by ber tamiliariti' fram $10.000 ta $12000 there, péesed that ver. put to ber in re- vlth Its dtails. bohbobaues and la n0w up to tbe goy-j nard 1.0 the Ilves of the early prophets ernor ta igu. It la generaly conced- as roordd l ibeojaelngchaperaed tisat even if be sigesIt. it wiil nât asre de I teopnTg atespermit preserit Cook counti' judges ta o! the bible. ln order ta try and f take tbe psy nov tbat tisey are Ini puzzle tihe young lady saie was even TO NSHIIP HEAI4TII hneHu tyloti i er Jscôb ffl beOARDn IN Jacb meY Here la thse statue of tise out-af-C0ool______________________ Mdelckeeedec. 8h. Immediately an-, W .I COUNT county billvisicis raised tber Judges: finel vas 4baakm that met Mal- - senate sien passed 11; iowever. theUS R 01 D U SA TO T L NSMf chamdec. la ' anasrtai qufflions Sprisor Conrad 'Reoeived senate ImniedatelY amsiided IL, tak- T K fronsthe ok o Gmes, Mos F the- o1tonPo Sae ing on a clause wbtcb retend tise su- T K E fi À C ; F O4I R ' O tarer aevefi wopdSrful kaovledge e Ifom at..ionF m; preme court Judges from ten ta twelve and lWL 11.This clapter os accout Bard o u VI h thousanfi dollars a year. Tise clalux (iUARD PRISONER Tiff CORT . OUSE DR of R acelogçal istry i cosid -vas they shauld receive as mDuch as Oii Sme of the moet difflcult la tise LS R VR DATI. Cool caunty crcult Judgée. It wO g - 4- bIble. pet, &asgâve ail the. sanso! of ê ThtWc Caett ttaughs the senate vîtis a rush but, Sherifi. Gr f fin Ordered t0 Use Ford Machine Belonging to the A Fini' She. am ndJapetiýd inihe onieta Mt Eah R o fII visn It vent back ta tisebouse for Exta Precaution in Guard- County Superintenden.f H 1 us by mying ah. could gise al th, CntsenMs B epë. concurrence. thé bouse refuaed ta n U.SPrs es cho W fle $j graadeos If ash had Urne. ed to Board at Once. conceur snd thse bl thus ded, the fIU.SPrs es.ShosW sS le.E As the. Zion people are great &tu. prunc fa ttelvpasd amendment prtaining to Cook caunty C IAO IPO NHG LN'P.CM dents of thse bible thse Internât In thse Inhrua ofa15, awpase judges hsvtng tbrottlod ItL ONE SLUGGED INCIAO IPO(N IHA~ P.CM addreos vas very kban. *'Tbe young board la to bc «tovligb In ah t ah e bill f eit LIs asiTwo Ohty tese av Machine Was Taken Whn He Was i lady vas applauded frsquently as ashetownship in Laeactaliis la eaeh tat, isad tie bioc al gsewd vn asTwo O rWtn ae Left Court House on Busi- us1 gava thse oqUtines or historical éeontstwshp thebarde l uis Xteshavemend e ta talocaludsvolsld not Musteriously Disapeared-- ness Tripa as racooded In the acripturos, vilstovsi h badvi cnttalahv en bet 1eaiataeo f > uperviser, the assessol' sad ts tovnI t during tisir préent terr. lit de- Drug Users at Work.____ vonderful accuraci'. derk. BSperviser Edvsrtl-Oirad of - -osfrhr httecrci ugs Waukegan. Juno 22. Mr. Ptteror duaovered thîs sytem Waukegan today recelved thi istaio- terres tut-tiertba tIsecircutherdgla Du inshv bgat ra rbal h otGrngIbey PasI of bible tudi' about four years ago maUion. fram Dr. C. L. C Dh&emarnr t ln u sr aDrakfedbvebgu o rek Prbbiehem a caru rb nary lan > nofarmai timei for <ulifyiilg as la vengeance upen tiseir ecbmPanians vio ever enacted in Waukgnocredotbil vhen lu thse cty of Sn Francisco. Ho secretari' of the Illinois états board ~t ~ ~ ~ ad1 1 h camp foi vasgrstl l teeâtd nyhe entoerfleh.dtegnte luth tisey, o! heae-altis. demntwsnesesfolow y wen adv2 oelnktdaymr -Id nurur and adig i dificlI a £v~,Wben tbe secretari' Of statesesnda Ing the confession of "'Omaha" ioha:s"lui; when a Ford automobile hiouging In os-aer and liaingil iflcul taprove te lmmediately upen recelpt of the lu- them their certificats they mereli' as- thon tist Jeue vas the Mens"aisstrs.ctlon tbe Wsnkegan tovuahil:sm fie.JdeEwrd us1a0à hi hefan n t a ae aT. Arthsur Simpson, caunti' super-t saelabl tismougis flt being suficiently a- eatb board membera met ado- < vnn esvdh. ~ ct ta an attempt may be made ta kli itndro,,iooa vsitl.u tatis itw qutaie 1<1th odtestament, ho gniad, ongt"ouhth r»ow i lltiicale trous lie secretary of stato DavidpOlus-ri a govermnot vitnesa, l rn fts or os.tcnle thsetrfeo h tt nd thua la duy aeated as circuitvia s. ovJe cd prsq, n Ise frnt fote cort onl wherelby be eold trace Use principal boas-d of healtis oficial. Mr. Conr-ad de a jjj1. TeGaa i Mr. Simupson lttishi hoae- shortly avenue,C avetsai ciaile vtl acu-aiUsa aterîsoon lnformed physiia» of g allist' al.Te rha iater S o'chack for bis office.1 divlug mi" Nil, Aiens o ecmenatigvs re acrud iamlsia esîishordvii io wts el a vitnes ls 1 David bts machsine. When hoa rvsd tises-e chaîrma:a dravini>andi mapg ho dienavereai bc obliged ta enforce, IY A(1 S~~ tarr. -isaÏ 'm> steriousli' disapîîoared. he drove up on tieseonat ide o! tise mitîe. that is hiidren couid gise thse num- Among other ting% it la requls-sd fox A IE M14151Ai~ as bas 'antoher vituess, William court lioua-on Calinti' stret-and TheO M ber of *4 ciapter and tise ioceitY Uat physictans muet ti4fy silane !~ MA E Larduer. Sise wept until Assistant stopped bis auto lu tise roer ot one mns<,rlu visere tise evont happened vitis great member a- h sor mlediateiy o! UIUif1A U IL R ti be eonging ho L.. O. Broeiway,' circuit for nesas- oas, MHe found that hie cihidren escis case of scarlet foer, measlos3. Datîct Attgorifsh e otecîta. abUes vitis the aid o! mape and dravings dipitieria, visoppiug <ogh and Kabs couhdIgo.if abo reiiorted to 15115At 9 o'clock rMr. Simpson wnaura- tise Mili learneai more lu tirse monthea than ensalpox. Tisetiret Information may oakkfIIJne2 te ii- ofNce daiiy. moned ho Highland Park. in tise cage and ho learnad lu a lfetime. ln tise year bc given bi' teléphone bu t this muet inlis annuai tournamni tis . Louis Lee, visose testimoni' sent a meantirne Nir. Brockway drove bis aesOÇIkit 1911 lu tise Cty o! Oakland ho came be fllioved within a fov haum9 isy a nois State Susrtau5afl' Association Chinéese opium seller ta tise federai machine down ta tise Wagbamn ho- When ta tse oncusin tat dis-d ds-eetts-r utîosigatse actgîntreinfacptodyesIndY vtb fso 0 1 teplnteniar aILevnvotCirKasuitelto onvy CrcutaJdité Cs 000s 00 a t cosehe conclustorn tu tat t n bec' eat aprvda o va ae.Brt Dunuil of FOX Lake l., for five years, lies unconeclous t ie Donnelly to the court bouse. When tissaita abied the tudient ta trin a mental latons of tise ule. et 19 yards, vas iigis gun Intise amna- home In Cbicagoa. Hoe W l'truck On lie returned he sioppeai bis car lu front erI' nei picture of the. bibis irons Adams ta t la provided aise tisat oadis pisysi- tour case itis 99 and Judge Snell tise head ses ral daya Lgo. Piysi-lofthtie nmachine owned tii'tise.counti a ansal Paul, vtis ailtishe principal esents lu clan muet notify tise state board of o! Caslinvilie ah 19 yards, second vitis clans says he is auffering frorn a frac- superîntendent o! echools. vitis- at a condensed ftrra vils tise locaities heaitis vitisin tventy-four heure a! 96. william Stannard vas iigis pro- tureo o! the akull. His sesailants M.Smsnrtre rm ih omd vises-e tisey tenir place. Mr. lutterer's eacis case o! tise folowlng diseaao!t fesalonal frous 21 yards vitb 94 sud have net been artireheiýded. It la ladrk Simpanrturnaeir ons ckHeiandOuloh main oject la te ltereet. He uses smalipoz( scarlot fever (maaslatina, Sart Lewis sud Tom Marsisall sec- feareai tiat a similar aMoult mai' ho wvaIked ta tIse court bouse viser. ho sassons. mails sud charte sisovlng tise joumusi'- scariet rash) dîptithersa(mem~br-ane- ondi igh vas 92. made on the nusan ieid prisoner at intendeai ta get bis mýachIne sud drive Tisep luga of tise proi>bta, AisosUoes sud o! oua croup), épidemie cereibéosPinal Tisere vero 102 entries in tise Chi- Wankegau, sa strict ardera issve beenhoel ner Temaiewnsndte tise Meai. Al Use important avents meningitis, scute anterior .,»ohomye- cago Board o! Trade dismonai badge issued by gavernseut olcils, andai hi' han ta al u Ts ac ievas sen i are mcppad ont aud thse lction itis (Infantile paralysie), tlyphia i 100 targot osent. Tiss w on b hi setif f ivin J. Griffun, ot Wauogan. misnome.f he ut hoube et is ad Lakrhcnt da-ainos that te isa' lures on tis evos, bubonle piagîse, Asiatic choiera, J bna Martin of Bureau, li.. fron tise tisat Starr be not pes-mttodta e di tteoahie 800on btOuig mnd staer tiesasmofashion tisat ans yelowfveano-sd typhus ftarer. 19-yard mark viths a score a! 97; tisavisitera andi that na food ha givon toadIvetitseoniasiwe dovtov bthe o in n image la focuseti on a photo film. A fine la providoti ferr uo viola- la, tise second lie Mr. Martin isan hlm excopt tisat visici camnestru chnfiapaeifrom frno!sicd iu repli' tea aquestion put tebistiton. Thissaction la hbl«5 jIgeis hi' - 'ureaitise dlamand badge, havig tise sherîffe gSiîOi'. iecortoseaefromfre 2ontclcB. etd tis stte uar luorteswon. tiqs- v n eolal a 1912. MIL Math Upon tise evidence a! the yugldytiecauto suatse re viso dovk e eth boy, tise anaver vas, "l don4 have tesae'or nodr;m hr Teat a e br hn,1doeptsI ta rensember, becauso 1 înov IL" mai' be a direct sud poult;lvasdecbon son vas second vîtis 96, Best Dursili, >vho skipped out, sud hem psrt-er, MmVutere- blioes isebib e scis case o! contagion tlt breaks George BaIN anai C. J. Patver. naît William Lardîser, has depeudeti mucis homne ta dinner,' sali Mm.. Brockvai'. sud pIsn hohiMr. ùtisr le m th uertuibaltStlaetsoe .tIt v a ,ea Untest- s96. in tise professionai clans, at the government's case against W. IwathrwenIdo Jg lsec. deuci ta ps-vent epidens .' ' Stannard sud Keulcott ver. higis vus B. Wallace, druggl isCIsIcago, In oser vultton. He loves Il;and ts Tise township Iealth boas4 viii iaYe 94. Clanci' sud Amen ver. second vhose tore Deplili' Ij'itetj States tel, but that wss tise lent tîme S sav principal authos- vitis a ksn dévotion.. la as-- hagiolacs aeItl9u Chrargea Usofoiea eneaCM, , iJIi d40 #tisa vls 93. Marlisai Thsomas sheeisan, taund 1,800 a Duc dslnfecting, quarasttln)u*jý tr, Tisae "dope" proscriptions dated ince Mai' Tise Ford was o! tise 1913 model. néss1 brougisi up vIththUe sente bnoviedpe- iou o! Oode yard sasbis cIuba h-i ae s-ias. sont out .by tisa beatm bad Eléen gs-sdtated o1 ery Hall, tise fs-st, and tise mont ai tiem given aon luetas~esttughl tielu raelig rimslise 50 long -i1a.e > a-isLss ale eraitt, ld Useir - ossdseoe- hiDr. Arltur L.. BIuýt.- Wallae, w visa UMM4 Ut ouPmg 2effle0 eud ll5iatinhInstuctIn tavarins lsanst la ociase a J 'ia vwilS meut exrcises Tu;eoday momulng luaibai dlsappeared, susroee-d ta Use - denoBIgWioesin rier Ua: over-ps-vant mca ticho hat tiat the LakeVors- PresbYtes-anchus-ch. polc Tesayan sd vas released un- itsîf'aaia is mg loti ea as-aisvas-ed lIn dffrenucsa, Is _1,yi-eti tise dans, Miss Dos-oUsi Tise govermuent bas elahteen otiser giet andth ie Chicago dotor.; aiî niaa ae e I netqtv9 thé ba Pierre, . D., *as namet as thse houas- ituesses iocked Up lu th ise wîLake, Thse Man holdIn jlliai t .1%sa rentematn on ea haitSb@sît :a10tudent. -D-~tuP ansd Cook Co y 'jas, visa le tise goyerssnent'à chIa,1~1asa%. Wos-t i - ' - Mis. Isia Petre PersoagyI« 01% Thanks Sun for Efforts ini Locating Her Brother. 3 SISTERS WRITE TO HlM.- - - Sister Who Left 9t Samne Tin» - - -Nover Returned-Dyinq Man Thought of Son Last. Waukegau, lune 22. "-W. thank you for visat yet have dona fer ub--wa f1001tisaS 3 - you dasberve pa-actbcslly ait l îeS ca-Uit for 1ioceîing sur bestmsrtr Mrs. TltsPoire af 210 South C1118,04" Street siffler-of John LAttls>ois. V#4- bas mest bern loeated bhis Sun a#t-- es- s mysteriotis absence 01 tvenr., seven yeastbaieiielu h< - 445 morniug un Use tos-egalng vo-de. Lîttejosu left home 27 yeabrs5&P j andiuotising lad heen bss-a01?bien unil Poalusate- Usadi' recelloiS S lette- ou TusdayI' luulini About th* deisils a! bis fatisera deais, tise A* uqundement a!fvisicisho hba sd la a western nevsPapeç saidgtioWtbl hevbng beau reprinteai tram a stOiY vhics appeared Inlutise Slu. -lt1 John aieca set about bis sisterus ad- motiser. 'lbat Littlalohs diti nort place sauge ____________________confidence l ise thevaepaper srvl*, that hie faiber vas desti la lnadW RER CAMP TO ht obise faUshe et NM,_eci o. ESTABLISE)AT -bs aen asdsatth eter u- - 111911 55111sons. otse-mouise-of!te tbê 1ue.- MU AU M is@ am tiauvs a-sst f., h1k -> s - vay tise mumbors of tise, t«WIY5»MU, e d uhet Uttelobu la s-.idlus aiWflk lz AÙfor ý . nsù. T15s-of atise àBisser ,OOO-ufldSoon. Vo"reo! Wankagan. -. VIcias-e ______ Ms-s.Milchsao! Nos-lis CicaNe. vief FOR POOR PEOPLE. to th;lm brotiser tmolt*ly. hea f rom him andti hotisi e asuf. lade Possible by ca8 Be- aud veli- Tisyai'asursa ienbmtý@ît tof 36,000-Addition- thoy are aIl voîl andi voulai hao ~B $1,000 Is, Needed. ad ta h;ve bhnm cal sud vieil;t tho. Ponneai Nota Aalcinf e ton oi. have boen conspieted for' the TisaI aged Abrahsam LItUelaba vuql usment at Bruce Lakse o! a thlnllng oMbia miasini sou up la ih* ýr Young vomen, cilaren sadssii' hast la Indicateailbi'a s 51h5l- - ses-y molisors vs ih iltren. cidOi5t that 1001 place Jistl lusreo. m t' mako lise plans fulli' dled. - Ha vas ton vesk to tit b ut- le vt as - annuni5ed iodai' ho made icisfaili' undersieni Ua wîîî ho e ueosary ho s-ciaor a ho vised a ponand dpape-.Titage ah10 amouat of meinai. Tise wve.piacbedInluhie ssaS m -tI- tn bouse, Iiio Webt Nos-U tr.mbltng baud hl e araleti ute.M Chicago, la bahiâd OUsa- eve. littie noeslais Voire dosm ian Hait of Lake V Int.lanote vas bled-totarend i bt lao4mai91 an a! Use auner oeW oat eiIl as.folioea: - "Hase You isad sta ttra jahur r -»5p at Uce labit ili hc a A iev momentaistis e sUis-l . Wl ta Busan W. Paxon,viso pas-ted firomn sa d body. Tise eu4 i' fort'Y ears devoted benoît men paseeti AaivstisaUt* Ue91i reStas-e ai tbe poor cisiltiron luhieceaunon his mmdbut vîlbout Il»*. [ankee avenue district lu Ci.i- lg nYthhssu about hl& visrgabouta. nd aiea iu tise violîsiti o! tise When John LlttSejohn lot blions ion banne. oser a quarte- of a ceuturi' &go, hIls is ie dieti ase hlsal th" $6, sluter, Enseline, dopas-ted vus bOs- te association- Týhis hbueauot isbanai at tseseame Ume. TheyaltU )buy a plnce o! voodeai pt-p- thay wvantause vis could ra.mai!t et- DUtcs Lake, tagether vIls aai' f rom homo tise langer. NoliSes- Il plece On Use -vstos-s aige O o hec hireve- retumsteaihoUe., batisouse. A cottage tan se. TIh ulster bat mers-led a mas hi'Ue date fatt'le ta bituit et once ImDanaO! StabsBadlissi'nov recsl# es-s are planneai for suissoqueul lu JOPSîn, Ma.,- the !amlly's bau. be- Il. d %fore tisai'movedtoIlinois. Plian o! tise association la to A long lime after iecsiug lome the -ed usatiers anti chilairen sud vs-oie a Setter. Otse- lettes foie*W-.- ýgYoung vamon 10tiste popular. ed At lotng lutervals but aise meVri sunti' isbe for a mucis ueçded came home tu a si'em fathe- os- bis- .A more Ideai site ihan the tors a slsit. LoAcal relatives béa-sam- Druce laies coulai îot have boeu tome lime ago that she wvbsrlu Il 4.sealhansd ont of conalderaîtmthi?, 46have not apprizei hem of iser- a£~&g mutlng association ai»o pas-ic. daats, fearing tis e iodk migi e tî I tise conaisct a! a boys, caPmp scbfor her ta her condIti ou et ans varions listais, canmp part- heaitis. c.. for pSrt peop le. John aiea vas mars-ted, aile- aho i bs-ny outItIs sumlsýer Plana, tiseborne but unuile hlemuste-. ho di 'le al ans belug Use sunsmer camp even vrite ta Set the lmsoucher& et b» e lae, tise Association houg aa trnii' nov viser. la vasor vW""i $1,000, Mise HOIt gave out lthe e or bwvs sUlISalive. ttisat viilbeonoodet. se isas for contribistions o!r ani' seze. Ilteinrepos-ted Usai Vs-ra"sH. M __________ of Lhhe rtYvllle la dtbeftn v se tise - tamli' o! C. M. Ts-ov- Aurora andi Chiega mon fr tisaIl o! Ljabeo Vrent siept XMondai' limaI. abject of launcisini aà a bumalar ransackea tise dlning paler la u t0-.TIare -4 .nd mado orf vîts mUses-plate osti pape- Usera.e 8qothe t~. W3Oý He.jimsnled A vindav. ibouga tISeCI. 'b»as*9âqM41 oissome ta a per- e reterse sports of' re s tise rrlne the sais on libe lbe report extensive Oeta couS- srs ai the quetions 'I agdelcu- sa unani- 6 Ilerneen iset-iti', don, os-o- sy lu Ycle e Bheflieid proleosss siverati'; nif phyaic. vessiti' ai id Sithi, Iolai' maies ti 'Y ta psy get pure Thehbout Whisid bas viid te b. b.klag modes-cto 40-1 SANE rIs vIli ho ite Ciy la @var con- e World'a eY nigist, oser lise r, sherol- Chisgose onanesa or tireworke ,iition la Panama la exhbtion os snd ver' onryh, t repras etacane lu. olou. Tise ertiornt liera of &Il we Batie or cedl landi tned elth - big sas-o- im Ihrough es-y dis-e-. dor of thC <s eiuptiauý P as tise eye 40.1 iha-tyilis. e lu an eriaunce: .se cl»u le bas s- emuvad to mo fua e- »m.ý à 1 MOB