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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jul 1915, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT _____WAUKEGAN_-WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXII.-NLIO. 41. SRIEN PAGES. LIBERTYVILLE, LAK~E C0UNTY, TLL., FRmDAY, JUTLY 2, 11. ONE TO BIGHT 8 1.50 PER YEAR IN ÂDVAROJ CaR ROBERS USE WESTERFIELD TURNS 1VESTERFIEL WXINS IN THE MOTOR TRUCK Of -FEES OVER TO STATEI____ TOTONS DESIiNYS-COUNTY TREASURER VICTORY 0F WESTERFIELD IN HIS CON NTION THAT COUNTY ISN'T ENTITLED TO N FOLOWSCORSEHE HERITANCE TAX FEES BRINGS NSOW TO DADY CAMP-PUBLIC HAS TALKED 0F Take Two Tons of Merohandise PLANNED FROM THE TIME LITTLE ELSE SINCE NEWS CA*ME ROM SPRINGFIELD.-DADY, ADMITTING HIS DE- From Freight Car at Lake 'HIS RIGHT TO RETAININO FEAT IN INHERITANCE TAX CASEJ GHT A DEL.AY 11N INTEREST MATTER BY Villa Tuesday Morning. INHERITANCE TAX FEES SWITCHING FROM SUPMEME COUR TO APPELLATE COURT WHERE NO DECISION IS WAS OUESTIONED - AT PO9$IBLE BEFORE NEXT APRIL-BE AUBIEN ANI) WESTERFIELD ARE NATURALLY ON WISCONSIN CENTRAL RD. TIME POINT WAS RAISED M UClI ELATED. ______ HE SAID.HE WANTED SU- Last Week Eighteen Tubs of PREME COURT RULING ON cxCut raue alWgêfedYveovwsPOitI(( i u Iltli Butter Were Taken From a QUESTION, INSISTING THE court Friday when the courit ruled thathewsrih n ta adsae sat8fiV Car on Sidlng There. FEES SHOULD NOT GO TO W. rn i h usina ew ethè Wtl igh,'t an tat d, tax esclete bv ter- dsiu rbbris COUNTY AND STATING field as treasiiitr rightfully belonged to Lake (nîîyor not. Dadv had dleluandedý( that on fthemotleiz1 b-- PLAINLY HE HELD MONEY W~efedtr hmee eLk onv etril eueissigte u o committed l inlÀike county ln Yeari INTACT, READY TO DIVERI heotete tun tv; nd, rte Lakemcourt ad ît.v Wfu eisistrfield is rg l ot( wasenctd t to 'coe Tuesdy IT T0 SOURCE WHENCE bi I)a t th (-etny nte urm oiîss i]1ta etrted 11t n mrigwe hee akda two- THE SPE E CUT is given 'a seveîe rap, the hardsî l a las siîstaiîied siIIoce lie l1 ie1(41tile ton motor truck up 1.0 the side doors SHOULD ORDER IT. e1* M f )i We secud' tor v n avYd-a î.he u.tl > h u\I ~u of :1 relgbt cars at t*ke Vila andMr.Metrel' itran a % 11fa lasb nfi ak-o ti tl t Ioaded litdown witb eggs and mer- -. WauRegan, June 26. * i tivîîws arrved. NiiietV,-nine ont (if a;jiîîi<lntl W lt21)CisC(llvorîd <xp -es- chndot. we &o hive brJ '0f course 1 arn golng 1.0 send the! 514414 <>iv it 1)<v and i s >t oi f persoîîai tfriIs feit disappeinted; the'average liail <-banîse.A wek agothiees b iS-foe> aet once to the state treasurer t-i jl u ivrg pee'W4 rugî ao escuil fWse'ul larized.a car at the samne station On 1 1arn satisfied t.0 obe>' the law. I diâ d u ov -Ie II vrg -evl wi liltfvrprseiino etriI the Wisonsin ('entral reliroat]aandflot sale lit te obe>' Mr. Dady when he ifeit lîîglv - atedti thiuîk tlîat, ini thecfirtst 51l1îl-iii -la irtt decisioîî heariîg on the iulanl stoli' elghteen tub ofbutter, demanded i tutu the mufle> Into the I~'tieP 4 lt'VIsetefrne oîu f-a ~h i~~IIi1 u ut fI>1 The police of ueighborlng citles advised me It belonged to the state. îîiteii liatones. ies, th11e out ireoitl.,i*oi viiwa Û(.tlebt fC have bi'en îîotilled and 11. Is reported Ail I askoed was to bave the matter, that rallroad officais hav.e declati'd declded b>' tbe bigbest covrt. 1 only LJNFAlR TREATMENT 0FIW ESTIERFI ELD LIJCKY DADY'S -4VI C T O R Y " IS their intention of ottering a big re- Iwlsh the board bail walted until O'., wadfor the capture of the gang. Connols case was declded instead or WESTERFIELD SHOWS[HE DION'r OBEY DADY MERELV STEP WHICH t beleetht h suing me. The O'Connell case wasFEL G 0F'Stt'Atrnv1a',iees- leke Villa residenUàbleeta h 'decided over a montb bEfore4JudFe "FRIENDS"!" DELAYS FINAL R U'I I N G 1 befts were commtted by an organ- 9ret's decîsion and flot two weeks euf tor of ftore Counthe reser Ized gang of Chicago crookoo. The'after as stated by Mlr. Dady inlent88 Gazette heilng Thursday. june uo OfûmrCntTearr Atrey B bn. epsni mooi tuk se y heth..,thnnight's Gazette, and the O'Connel] 24-"Osdy wine motion len su- Westetfiild SHOULU) win e'.erY other torey Beulen. reretng geiebl httemny eog e peecut former Counity Treasurer WetrId, metr truckvused byete thiees adthsae ed tatthe ony hbelointe r emcur"suit'%rhich ho bans sartpd agalnst Nr. otrll n gl la e vr t Threinth as e oie lre et itiadethestathe maud .Thecut'i neintrSn wh e alood le ine Sue- Westerfieldi, the latter ean teel Il arhe i tef menJe Fth. Mr.uonas "court» fleld wlns le Su terne ruliug of tbe iiupreme court on the Ther anb.eves bg rokthe alsoni ~>'eufeel self-contenteil, inheritance tax fee matier. He sald8 tries to tbrow the blame on Judge WHTICH 18 RIGHT? te thluk that ln ai least one of the along thîs lins: of ttif al<flItla ellvel tatet '~s l bi arice l Iat igh's Did Westerfloold Win or dld Dady big Issues which the perpecutor rais- "I amglad nov that Westerileld did leasi a tvo-ton truck rouat bave béen Gazette, stattug that the decision vas Win ln tthe Supreme court. ed against hlm. that ut his failuore te net turn over that inherîtance tax une4.flot is (%I. Dadr's). Juilge l1'reât This vas the question asked b>' tur. over te lte county the tuberit- mono>' te Lake county because bad he Detetivei; from <hicago are belng decideil that way because Mr. D&dY 1versons vbo read tbe beadings nlac axteh a etnDd edu ea al'dmnebsbus stationeil at Lake Villa and ther uedbmibs tibnes10 d articles le tbe two Waukegan caprs a standstill lu the hlgbest court ef mon vould now be ln a tigbt fixanad t .e. I regret thatMi eyddntTuaa vnn.Ntmyth w tealis Westerfield would eîther have te sue %Mailer villages on tbe Wsconsin Cen, lbave the lnterest case lu the Supreme. headings. heing exacti>' opposite. 1 Tbe tro big lssueï between i)ady Lake count>' or be lu a positiotn of t rai lino ln La*ie count>'. Sbenitt El- Icourt so ve coutld get it decldied at vould cause such a remark t.e corne sud WealerS.ld vere: suppllcating theex te roture to hlmt vin Griffin and Deput>' Sherit f Elmer'once tnstead of isotpouins 11. b>' orth. FIRT-TSiat W'eserfield would sald money.t J. Geenhav_ bau ntifed y te dragging the matthh tbrough tbe Ap- And. the Sun anavers it bouostly not tutu Over te Lake count>', the, "Westerfield's Position iu the be- J. rso hve.ben ntifei b> te pilale court.", toelgbt lu eider1te give Mr. Wsster- *7,00 llahertanco tax tees. gtnning was simpl>' that lbe anteil a Lake Villa authoritloS of theboburg- IThis Bsaiteient vas made te a sunt! iedi bis uit due. and Mr. DBLIy creadt 1 ON'TatWeerl vu ruling frotemthe Ihigiest court on thes larls tat hve een naceil urig4 rporer b Cai Wetoe.id.et-for bis orpectsidofeeat ln the iiigfrr Dot tutu ovér te Lake coouat>'thei. T, ptters belote deviatiug truitethe tbe past 1ev veoe, andI 11.la ozperted Icount>' treasuret, laste Sattîrda>' after- 1court - WB'ruELn IDWON and 000 vhicb thé batikslbait paid te hlm ealform pme~tice Of fermer cont>' that tbey viii vork wltb the Chicago noon. The sttement corne.i direct, DAiDy LOST! tor hlm deposltiug tbe funds ho vas treasurora. tromt Cari Wenter-fiod and hobas nov lIle DadY-Westerfield controvers>', entrusteil 1.0 vlt their depositories. '»As to the lnterest point. it la real- detectives lu roundîng lu the proteoo croven .tu te People O Iet *.ceunt> ltoeehave beon but two ibig issues; On thIileritance lax tees, Wester- 1>' te bad for Lake couaty aud for otnlcok. that ho la a m-, of his word, aud !NHiRITANCE TÂX F M ai IN-«Sfii and bis attorney, Mr. Beaubion. Westerfieldi that the matter was fjans- sln Lrok for Thleves. that ho did neloatenil te pocket any T'EiUST ON PUBIC 1IUNDS. Both inikoti Dady vas wrong wben ho terreil te the aPPeollate court insteail A telepholle operator at Lake Villa moue>' that ho bal net earned white of thea.e casse., decidedianst Wes- demadeil (bat tbey tutu the mono>' ot being ruled on Snually le the su- servlug as a public servant..1I. ls terfeod ln the Circuit court. vers ap- over ta the count>' board; liSe>'di net Prefle court at thîs Utie; because. wan the person wbo gave the warning expecteil that Mn. Westerfield wii el eleO the SuPreme court. iMY that 11. abseluts1l>' bongei le Ibis vIl mean long dola>'. Ordinarily this mnotalut- Sbe sav the big motor sigu a cbecand mail Ih te the sec- AND ou Thursoaa>theb Supremo Wetetfield-(bey sai 1. iii net b. titat ln vhat a defeudant plays fer, trucki as 11. starteil ava> from the vi- rtary of glatte on Monda>'. It la iooa- court RU1LED IN JUST ONE, the lu-.long te the cont>' and risted tho>' but le eut case, wO tok the appeal cintyofth frigt ar an a ocesible that the cheock yull h o trwld beriance ta cas-and tlir rullag muat bave a court ruilgArttln or- directi>' te the Suprome cutsea cinit etat freing ars natonceet1g tes.ecaia ae haee. a latDÂ>gcetnl.tia ieder te protect Wosl.hseld'is bonda- t0 seta fiuai autiteritative iscision Susectifeilthe at sotiva s the villg f-go te t oinuty at>'Wirong. The. Men. And, lo t rOve thfoy voe'cor-.tfront thte hlghest tribunalad thug Sho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u notiitemrble tevlaecuttu ndirecti>'up.ssii Weta.r-0ieiaauming thte dotemnnd stanld torovet Ill te imalter. and ho bastil>' conducteil au Investi'. eM D " l~ d'a contention, that the feu. aboutid th"'dld because, bai they f olloeei '*O"f course i suppose thât the sttes gation. Ythe Waw ERS !eI4 lO t tlfliei worerte the cOunty a as dy's demanesad turned the. 57,.atitilne> ouldvu nbadcso gto.The. official notifiai the Wau- OFPE " rDaidy's demnd. 00inheriance tee. ovor te the coue vetImre t ansbu 11a 500mB tha kherfGaauoriie at 240a a die bALy ÉALTputy~ Aad, on 1he second issue, theiê isr- ty, . *en WesterSeld nov vouli be for some Iuexplalnable roason he di 14AN U Câ TEST Il stt malte, the court DD OT GIVU lonoed lu the position Of bavlng te flot visb a rulilg from lthe aupreme Sheriff Oreen started eut le an auto- 11 A RULIrNG-the court m&My i>' esue theo count> toi recover tiie ono>' court at thus tîne on tbe Interestà mobile lea effort te locate the motet wsU quiescodin luDiilr5rfisquet bat lte ln- sai bold lot peudlng an>' tfurthet de- malter. IN Cg.ANNOUNCE te malt-fer corne beloe lte appel- Mànd Ilat mlght ho nmai. b> the sotte "11.inleflttue as reportt as I truck. .They dtove about toi houts,s late court rather than th. Suprese ek dim it as the "ttels, But, Wes-bave board reportait that 1 teok the. makiug inquirles but vote able te Sot court for a ruling. In otixer vondis, tMIeSld sud Beaubien de05051 Dady> and case te the suprome court lu order ne cieW as te lots vhereaboutti- At The vInuers lu the Improvementljhe vished te bave the luterest ida- ,ýPolltely tlid the couat>'board that :1.0ftrce Mr. Bai>' te move te tranatferc Lake Villa Il. vas said the truck had content le penmanshlp tn the ceunot> ion tranaferrs tramntihe Suproee te>' vYould reniialnAMf lu thoir stand the case te the appellate court and âchoolshave jst 1 te appellate court. Just vii>' b.oet baviug the Supteme curt pus o that I thug tOo' i tat man te secute etarted east. celhaeui been anounceil. 1vishiei this umienss lotvas that HiE lte Point luvolved bestera the>' vould a long course et dela>'. The tact la I Sheriff Gtiff le sa>'s that if the truck, There vere a geodl>' number et en- It.NEW lbe wouîd be beaten le the Su- surteuder the mono>'. 1.001< 11.t the Supreme. court dimeti> got earChiagolot oul bedIfiu! tries andl aliiad maie mariked lm- Ipreme court on the inheritance lax Dady vas wrathfuL He tolil the lnt Onder te gel a decision there aud1 te appehteud lit as tisere are Bo man>' provemeet. Those vho bave been suc- .aead DiDN'T WIA.NT TO TAKE board that IFE knev vbat vasth ticne u as mote stirprlsedl than 1 .motert(rucka there that one Wealdl net cssgful ma>' W@11 feel Preud et their !THE RIS fha gthe lamte iigh- 15v and the law vas that Westerflold 1that Dai>' made a motion te cari>' the auce.est stat e cour noie ailversel>'Oouthueut turc that mono>' oven te the cage arouni thrOugb tihe leng proced- atttact attention- ca. SECOND BIG ISSUE (iutereat mat- ceunI>'. StilI the tresasurer refusaidture ,of the app1ellate court and then Marsbal William A. FisbhetofLake Mr. Faust, vho bal takeu such an! ter), se tustead, h.e viesonil sent te and the matter thon vent toll the 1nAl>Y up te the suprome court. 11ev-t 1 ver, veconu endre Ibt dola>' an Villa deciareil toel that ho la loves- Internat lntthe wvttng wvan eft th e eod bgiotcutthon. eurts. levr eaundethdlyad tlain h cs booigl-Memspupils. lo theoee vii douatoil t that court tulsid agaînat DàdY Was ".Positive." lexpense If the count>' can.", tigaingthecasethoougly. e sys h1bmhe coulidramg matters »long on At lie samne time Dii>' said ho vas hoe la couiucod that the thieves oc. avardi eh as ottenei thsse meoss th. point, Inter take an appsai &ain Juil ai positive ou the 8.0 neetDi>,vi e si uto ea i cule n uombloluadiin efer tvo >eans anditho Interest thal 10te1h. SbuPrese court adC ned 1 =117 v.mo.> viocb ilWtle7stooineaimt Dic a n b vilasif o eute leforead ban beau avakeitoi jutiftsi the con- 1hlm a longer figf* egaiffl Wu0e««mi, b&ving hoon crodilted ih a&ýis t11h Wbisnitie h.avtlatakn u emed isticue- thetnu1<.forho oua trcksviiretination of the plan for other yoars tidleg l o vilr Porbape uitil ho vourd vbich ho heldas trohnsuor. Dii>'la-., rmofceilgayua (ho second machine bal turnai ei me ave s chance te enter aonotisol cem.,aitai; Westerflehd and Baubien te-e. yotemel>' dra i ng yt îale atound. He la ot lhe opinion that lhe ~p01pi ferrol10tlon te01004e, and non. fui. The>' assumedlte came stand n dtemnl. rtea ad alal thieves bld ln the oabes for several Tiie pupils of the Wltirop Harborn»lie u fts We$tos-led as an lamue. titat the>' di on thse WhInitce taI St0F TURSOAY' scheol haro been ver>' enthiustastlc iiiOwIng that ONE issue van going Matter-the>' wanted SeIVOeOdY mone, IGNIFICAN'CE OF HUSA,1 heur beore(ho' prve*td (o fr the puit yoar, tii. bachot of the 1î5Saionithlm lu thie Supreme court aud titan Bail>' 1.tel hem vitat lie>' iThe tvo ver coul luheiance lai thott. gama gaestr.H P HIia,1 eatg thalt toe etho M3IOET, natur- HAD te do. Se, tiott ent loto theo upoie o y h ttts4 'I aenet been able as yt te fini rm argae: ; H .Itliii aai>'i. jha le e a b is neek ail couts at(he saute tlme vîtb tbe in.vspeiolfrb> h ttli "Ibv ucis labil over their Buccalss; thisho coul,. honce tise raquent te trans- beritance tax point. And, the a ainebis thea. n or sl>', asuno boymuh vs akn, utthee reacitool carniosi off finI tandi (bIrd fton il Dramecourt nov hiai ruleil outhe ,praviulb'lv i> o etr ho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lcs sai h oetaaerlt ove nee aud referred. te inlorest matten Siidfer this mono>' caixiing t Ili bndialo. tati ascnidrb e." piac ne eî.Arst andlJosephine court vas mosl>'avayo te a itate's t10tho appellate court for Anal nul- ought te ho tunned lnto th.eeusty1 Geenth Hggls hattltene>'11onthe part et tii. Bupramo ln& treasur>'. Wentenfleld ansveno is~ Orson thONria court; the htui court hai ne maison Tr'-e tact la that WéatoiSid bas suit b>' climiug îIii flont beiong ta T he vinnor ot second place, Etta te don>' maiug tho chante - likel>' Put the Inheritance tax moue>' lute a tho cont>'. The Pint vas ralesdb. OPI3 AIL N gI cem rnes tram the Madion the Juigescet this court. sîneai>' orer- tUannlte banik, as voU as the inter, foie Juige 1Frost. b>' Mn. Beaubien, ichool nean Lberlyville; the teacher, 1 axeil like te relievo thenseirea f et s n>'und abie. the higiion court attorno>' fer WeterSii., that aeuenil Mie deanuMileba vde bateven case@ tho>' eau, aud, wvientitolS. 0e. (iâShsiivabis lack etfI iinet belong te w«elseli, il CIIIDRIN A îp.n~d liin, as a a pèrion reaily vaute te taits a cae rullngs te say' wiat ho aboui do vitb belozsgei te thoeBtte eofiinuola. Just Lýe CoeN SPITÀ sPiendd recod in(bis achool, net tfront (hem te another court ilVs ns- crtminaI motives vbicb D a s lai n- :befors Jusige Front rend.nei bis de- oul nl Peumaiilp, but lut other tonal that thycouoie thse tegneat. isti vote manîftit eiv n ho ne- cision, the SuPteme court ieclded lu L$L .W PT L branches, itle sprobabî>' eue o et i: Thu: vile Bail>'Dm vwin hieara- t be is(&D') eanethe Cook couzot>' case liaI thenions>' _____haeteinent____ id u nerrttos ftela hc blne e h tteadteceunty 1 ms fietru a choolslnthe ln teappellata court, Ilvuaat.the aupromo court nv OW a i ba niInloeI uaecs Unusual Event at the General count>'; lu the ceunI>'contêSt t on ýtero n iomulportance, 11. vas fnot a Orn ,vti one migit> svat. . ad opein toiln t. T i e taost n Hosptal henAdenids May., siother ptipii ttu choRLUNG BYTHM COURT; but, 'lu lveuli ho ietetetngte reail thoe sPrOmo cou te nov ro t.isThe Hosita Whn AenodS f tis chol'the Inheritance lax malter, ousetrlte rnis etfthe fal-mInded but mis-gutoi- 1 Cook< ceuaty case, and bolo ast- Are Removed. Eey ilt a hr upna-tvo big issues lnvelroi, lie court s.i! sud misdîrecteil board otspr-foi cnetinhar,.mno'de sblp, vlnung tie bronze modal. BIB noie against Dii>'. visots. vWho, tollovlng 'adsue- neatelcongteien ca eunI>'. des Thurada>' an untuual ayant 100< The Central achool, North Chicao. AOCORDINGLY, Sentis reador, Dandis lut y>ear vers villlag te e.1 nthbelIngtesthecoun'<a>"sdeî place at the Lahs ceunI>'gaunerai boa- carieil Off the honore lli teeun> vlb eading vas rlgt-lhe Suns nioyeWealorfield trous o0fceeaveu i Theitnateretcae ytiray'appelile pitli vîs six bidren vers operat- centeat; LrneDscn coîri or Gze zttesi? -lvas but tempoPrni>'. The board court. The. Supreme court vîlI net ed on forallantoïe and toil troubes. theleluomaiaai iannetoobshiblamoil for thed e akehe uk, aulctlion et liaI&tcase, bbut ei onfor ionols an tonul trubles liegeli oisilu p.rnauiip ai ues: poitio il asumPositionl',iasceun viiibarsr, fe tir apa@latecour The operatieus vere ln citsrgsoetDoris Bunskiu the Sou modal ile11.-Ethel Hlggins, Wlutbrop Har- t>'@Aiviser sud tecuwyalg ilelole. tfrteapel or Dr. GeorgeJordan, ipeclallit in nose spellus; HllHs oy 1>0le orb nbot achool. baodni o naltei Ibat such a The apPollato court vii lake ltse and tihroat trouble, vho came up fretsnthli mprovesueut content and Mn. 2-Etia ltrng, Maddon achool. iis.itic Course ho e lov61 o , he 1cseho Idiemn ex cobro the cit>' fer that pWur.. Wth h hmUSepe>'la is ut laed at it e sucSsul, r -Joaepine on. uir p-boui, tellovlug bils OtOrfl"UOstiaid, a nne eîso etAn atth ti ne verDi. Brovn, Budie, termiuatiOnon e aofetbard votk. Barber uceel. b hiec11d.w of Dervl the Unieubtaily.thie aide vhici loses,. and Ambrois. abets Plae guesnov aboy fi 1.iieu -viuiappoai 1h. case te the Somreie aniAmre..Fithplceges e by rom a i4.-4ielon Hoy'le, Centrai icehool on tbus important maltter vhi h th coýurt80eth"tathelb. o 1that litiga- Tir..fethlie chilirsu vers poor rural eclClarence Anderson, er Northi Chicago. -ba court baislcitesi ove:. Il vould lien lIsnosemeyean Off...1 patints th oter tme erepriate he Daudi« schol.i.-CitençeAndemo, lefltita, lu fulotureMela"e ceuftt> patienta;e o er Bronv. e pira o he aspauli isg- ofe rie Wn.1 ch rene nlraa Spa uldlas bori of supervisera, visonaCh iraa- tasteut etDr. rov. >~lIoingrisa lt etlieprIe vi. ahoo. -tIC action mîgit be deniandeil b>'1Tiie Inieflonent bIsdeail. SUPREME COURT Court Rules Lake Co. Isn't En- titiod ta STOGO nheritancel Tex Fes Which Oady Petit. Ively laid Supervisors Wes- terfield Must Turn Over ta Ca.- -Dady Gets Hard Rap by Ruling W-hlch Is Most Im. CHRONOLOGV OF DADY'S PURSUIT OF WESTEAFIELD Sept. 15, 1913-R. J1. Dsdy tléa bie first suit against Weeter- field. Nov. 4, 1914-Thts suit dismisd on motion ot Mr. Dady. March 21, 1914-Mr. Dady SI.. mandamus petition agati~t Westerfieid. Judge Donneily denies maadê- mu rit Appeai prayed for by Mr. DaIdy, to supreme court. April 9, 1914-This suit dismias- ed by Mr. Dady. portant ini Westertjetd Mat- match 6, 19t4-Mr. Westerflei ter and Shows Westemfleld remnoved tromn office b>'tho couet>' board. was Not in Wrong in Nol March 12, 1914-Mr. Westerfield Following DemlamaSof [lady reinstateil In office. Sept. 10, 1914-Mr. Bnail>' Marie Ralph Dady, nerneais offomebi rd andl teurth suits COunty Treasurer Cari Westerfield. against MnI West.s'fild. lest anethor ut hlemamey Persecutor ' J. 1,t1915 Juilge F<rost de- meves agaiist lie former couety omf. I cdesaantM.Wsolo ciel whsn 1h. sate supreme court!I APPeal Pra>'ed b>' Mr. West- todiy ruleil agalnst hlm len the case erfield. whlch Oady brought ln th e neseof Api-il 2, 1915 Mn. Bady mors 1h. couet>' te recover for thse cuunly te trauster bolh cases te lhe $7,530.39 leherilance lix fte whlch appeilate court. Oady stateil with ulol poeltivenoes Aprîl 10, 1915--Supreme court te the ceunI>' board, ehould b. turned ddoisMn. Dadys motion la ln te the ceuny-it was on the eue case aud takes the elier strength ef ils brouassertioens thsI unier ailvisement. tie county board list Y>'esrneroveil June 24, 19<5-Suprome court Wagt.rflold trom office. bellevieg liat decues Inheritace lax cane Oad>"s wlielorn was unquestionabLe. Jn fayot et Mn. Westetield. Liter motter* were petch.d up Bnd Jue 24, 1915-Saspreme court W.sterfli reasurned office and fie- Passes (ho Interest case te the IsohieI term. appeliato court. T h e s u p r a r n a c o u r t e l l i e m a n e lI m e -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_ -_ - _ - _ Ioda>' rusld htianlethe "înl.rest ona funds" molIer which aise was o- sud ovon vont before ltat bcd>' & Peehcd te l. il would cot issume junfis- mnais, bisarguments. Tii. sapsim diction but would r*fo ath e op.court Ioda>' almOimi ho JuigliMt OU polat. court for doclois. n. einter- the cOnt>' court et là" 0e11110r tab estl which Dii>' clîlmeil shouid go te (ho case et the clettR l*veoi V%. thc countY tt 10 17J11.90. the C. & M. E. rafiroasiappegmat The tvot Butsaditecteil b>' Bai>'This bailte de viti a apecial&ms@"& againat Westerield veto brougit ln meut Cale. the namne et the counalter .t he The supnemne court lois' aocmi boad o suerisea hd eiad Ddyte Chicago aftsrnoou pagea, rui" deciare the cont>' vas poctivoir en- htarira onJ eMig @ titied te bti uabenllsuce taxes and ben.flt undor the--othwosumaes R- Inltoreet On fonds. Westerfil nibe ponsation aet aidthat a allah umd si thât heho ailai tuais luI an& for the. purpo» se aeilns wantoit a auptenie ceurt muas gte liquors uIn»y ahi4malom a sgl la shov viere laid tends prc<aely b l.mIin' oporatlng te ersie tisel bv. lougeil, but oven that adislsion did net preveut Dii>' îemniig lteheu t DD 9 D e i A irastic action over recommenisi EST PE.5ECU tO . agai st a cuEty aMciFlAth&L of re oude't give up Of e hi e f.nahb. fore the mîtter was proper>' pliced On Court. And nov It appears as Irit 1. as a mtgbty geoil tbleg WesterSeld ateoil Pet and held tiat luhotitauce lax moue>' wbicb, the suprenie court bas ruleil, BOBS NOT BELONG TO THE COLINTY. The court la said te bave beld in other cases liat inioritance taxes 9o te ths aae. But had Wes- toniieli turn.d Ihat $7,000 over te the couet>' on Diady"B demeand. ho nov voeuldho lu the position ot bavitu1 se te rcover ilt ram the count>' lu case the stte maires lie expected de- mani on hlm te tutu il oven le lhe staIs. B>' th. rulinO Ioda>', Dai> la given the uoret rap le hi@ circer beeaune he laid such itres, ho iamumsed suoh ai-wlse knowiedge le the Issue whon Il Cae-e.up lent year. Aed cou th. court ha& proved tsat ",sven ho, tise peseutor et Weaterfloid," la liable to moaenidmlakes le law (Oui>' once admltled nl a aupervmorV mestInq thsat "sven i amn hable te make mis- taces ile logi ratt.r@ sometîmea.") Bai>' sven vont îo fsa t $le5.a maudamus suit lu circuit court aakiug the counrtat COMPELL Weeterfleld te tutu ever te the cout>' thiS lubenil- auce lai mono>' vici nov thoe u premo court assoesu't beiong le lthe 000 t>'. Juigo Benuel>' retaiaei 1 grant the vnit. The suptsme court leis>' revorsel lie Judgment et lhs circuit court et Lake ceubt>' lutise case or lie people va. William Tuskauakas, ansi romand- ei tho cause. This vouli tudicate liaI the case viii bave te b. triosi aain. Yuikaeiku as aachirgo i vii bving bitten off 1h. nouifbihi&wf's os«. On Norebr 20, 1914, ho vas glien an taioog-ninate sentence In prison. Tii. reversaofethe Juiuanent la. a vic- torr for Attorney' Petet Jorgenson, vie val appointoil b>' te court teudoteuil tite aliegoil poae-bltor. Jorgenson ap- poateil tbp case te the supreme court flsc.ntl>' il vas repertedabouest Wauiccgan tisaI Stte'Batau" Dady isadi re.lv.d a shaalgisl tp that tiese uprome court WAS 00. INC te. mil, agaiest himlmathOe. Weetenlisud cs»; th. repot ve*a tiertiser te th. efféctthat, anti. paing a rullng AGAîNSTlm b>' the supreme court, Dady.vus iooklcg about trying te d*9 op SOMETHINO 11.51 %is4e"sho ceuld contrent WeeteaOleid vAtit. Thui maltera stoed for asà r lime. And, Bute enough. comsfirmleg thse report partiy, aise@eg mo Dîdy aed psocured lise turc adit. mente agaînat Wcotrf9old, ou. chirgiasg oespiraey, 1h. miser emb.aslement.-end tise ores ut. hod hein th. e mor uhiohls dl. eiled tise $ites* attoreeyle fecre ot an adverse nulin n t. he su. preme ceurt agile teck eqte. And, Ioda>'. June 24, 191%,thece who re.alled 1he rumo sud ui .- orai teik, iseard thit lthe aemo court MIAO nuald amirMB Deiy la the, Wsetrfld miltier. T1se iv.' oalled uhat 1h.>' had hcurd abeut Dady ANTICIPATINQ A Dt. FRAT le th. hlghercurt wuIUS a#» conssqueet ettect ose' hIe , OW thtiho ase uairred t.e -*lm' ta restebuîsls himmelt le tise o7* et hhe public b>'arde$O adONsmatM actionsa galit WeceoUsIokeVA" ho dld et the lait *BUsims et lte grand jury. Ai à resuit tiser. vas vga am general moureing e liste .BV attorney$ officc tsder. battOic migisî>'proccoutor ieessed book ho hlm MCC00.-year chair ad O me. . muei te i~*acf:"Nover imé,- l'va got tueoson 1 hlep s 8$00 aleat Waateid; MWa Mq keep hlm slspplue R *on If tise higismrt as00,1 t agoînst me ln *tIluapetat ter' givees oei ldoe --

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