t the AmerJeu ay plaL.It la mil- re ctb *ul. itUU utata ru i r*xtoI Y die, QuafIty and Lw ,~th.u. hand~oi Lud vu 'Au~ bu oea r, Cl., juat the riving or, geuoral elseptiQnal v»i 4, fl -.doi i btoiewc mIU !fl'MiaMYWqtio lm ........ -r Proi tbi ost complete amaort- mmet <0f beautiful muumnerdress- es w eve vi hadYou eàan hoos ate 81jke thes svn - EXTRA SPECIAL. Ail our .bigh clam dresses that alwaysseil at-6.98 to 12.,00. in th-tee grefat .grupingi for, ~--c6~- Gbiklt4ssoeghoes; il 149 izes a o 2. Régular1 alue ..............L gj 89e and, i.(M utyl0 luorgandy spIkid $ 1.50 voie oiaidy, crepe aut u1avZ.0Oash sUko ich siw 'r' SM to2-2O. soptlep esautiful new, pts inisheer o andy, voile, 4' hdi'ace; t) mintiest i t t]1 'yles ,we fiai ver ieeüin lusizi ~14 year. 0h Ïnt hat'hawvejisotarrived in a frhbpa.Be baok T e l a4>d braid, EXtRA SPECIAL 20new coats, in mixture, serg»essu ancy weaves, \belted, balmaoaan and flane styles, values to .7.98, 395 very specla Wome'sThom:ue 1.25 and 1'.50 leather... hland b........ 9 Boys' 50e unionsits 35 at ..............35 Poru-LiA". dBaibrigga. "daIimal ovelty mýkable 1under- Tsfféta Silk, Skrts-I[n u ané le-wbt .w8 val L Sê ed awo Ip tue 1 auto., r bus bé misai .ai M thati "ta Bib. ~Lo Mimor U7~ v SAT p. , Deo~eUlo Aulimu ttogp a4ometl.,~ set bAVIaN 'maithai IP ce tha ompeétg Oilb ooum the by t lita 'mm cm Who laà ~On. cem Just dota for ortiJ lhan qule 't thlm *Mti the tant pie dit thet pout Flai sud lettu veri or t] ai% to u tout t.i romi Ir,. wou bats rad,' ly'l b lav thi- ap loi qRý ., 1 1 Mmqý ffl