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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jul 1915, p. 3

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PRIDÂY, JITLY 2, 1915. M $$QIN GOLD $0 FOR The best cartoon on Old Doc Yak now runaing in the. Chicago Tribune. Fifty Dolrsin God wiube paid to the. per- on s2Zmiti e bi hut cartoon for our old comcfan each week. Leav'e your cartoon at the. ticket office and we send thena to thi Chica 0 Daily Tribune. We re dso r= 9: fhth DaIy Tnb- une'& Animated.,Weqly. e very lts news of importance. COMMENCING fRIDAYr JULY 9th WIEERE? At the -LYrR I Ç f course H. C. Burrîdge & Son Nursery Stock TRANSPLANTED--- Obba;Oe net<Juifower - omato Panta BOSTON FERNS in several sizea Fairholm Gardens Dyuaond Rosi HARDY PERENNELS for autumfl Phone 102-R ibetyviii., iii. Priating ibai Pleases Letter Ileads --- that Iead Business Cards-...that bring "'biz" Bill leads-..that tickle "Bill" Envelopes---that can't bc beat We use good quality stock Our prices are oni the square But should you want a cheaper paper for a cheaper job we'li do that too-aa cheap as anyone-buit our speciaty is The Better Kind of Printmng WIIICtIDO YOU WANT? W! CAN DO 80111 KINDS JOB DEPARTMENT Lake County Independent - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LANGWORTIIY"S New Varieti Store FIRE WORKS Crackers Pin Wheels Roa raies Saikers Coloret eSyrcets Irlow Pub. Bl.... Automatic Cap Guos Etc. FULL LUNE 0F VIEFY £OODS Ice Credo Soda and Sundaes 5c and iOc Ice Cream Cones lc 2tfor5Sc 5c 30c PER QUART Absolutelg the best of Everything ARON, l UG6IfNi LOONS IN WEEK1 AND TIIIFTS MARK TOTAL $499062; IS ZION LACE STRIKE RATIIERDULL NOW A DESPERATE SITUATION Number of Transfers Aggre-1 ARISES WHEN TORCH IS gate but 120 in the Week APPLIED TO BARN AT ONE Ending on June 26. STRIKE.BREAI(ER'S RESI- Business 0of the recorder*s office for DENCE INEFFORT TO IN- the week endifli lune 26, 1915: c TIMIDATE HIM-"STRIKNG Number of transfers. 120.1 LACE WORKERS ATTACK Nurber of loans . tuunt ud CLARENCE BOTORIM AND 133. ADMVT MISTAKE, AS THEY Total amount of oans, $49,062.50. WISHED TO CATCH A quiet an en below the average. FRENCH STRIKE4BREAKER The only big deal during the week ______being in Highand Park, Benjamin Argon, lugglng and thett are new Lowenmeyer, a promInent North fetures whIch have made their ap- Shore subdIvider, aPpeared as the pearance In conneetion with the Zion purchaser of the Frederick M. Steelo City liaeeworkers' strike situation as a property on Sheridan road, having a rosuit of the renewal of the "strike" frontage of 1.350 feet on the west aide teature which suddenliy came on a of the road, opposite the grounds of fow days aflar Marshal Pieid refui- the North fMore Golf club, south of ed to take ba.d ait of the strikeri Hghland Park. The consideration lat who walked out sorne ten wee'a S90g. withheld. but 1:, sald to have been Here are the lateat Incidents that about S30.000Cash.t Is the intention took place Saturday night, at leait to subdivide the property. ,nue of wbich is traceabie to former"i. Fred MeGire acquired the lease lace factor>' worltmen who have been of the business Proi)erty, east of the refubed their jobs back. Erskine block In Highland Park fromÉ FIRST-FirsUlastMarted in barn of the Willard T. Orr >.itatl-, and Lewis Charls iWlinson, French iîcework- N. and Anna L. Grpenî bougbt frein rer, who entered the factorY as a neW Louis B. Stokes for $70o a lot on Vine employe whie 'strike was on; police- avenue, Highland Par«z. man saw tireeand extinguished pi; rage ln Hlghwood. ('harlf- D. Burgess saturated wth kero5sflc found nean hought at masters sale a lot at the pace, showinq lncendiarlom; arreats northwest corner of Railway andt Iikeiy te foilow as strofif suspicion lghwood avenues for $2,765.63. are heid ........ ..... ..... ........ In Antiocli townshiî'l). tlla F. Howe SECOND-A dozen men attacked bougbt a lot on Lake Catberine from Clarence Botrom, aged 21; hie fleet- Edwin B. Meeke for 1 . and George fiets of foot enabled ilm te escape 'M'. Strang bought -p0 acres In section with butsa few pufiCheS ; ho recognized 314 and 40 acres ln seution 27 from one of aàiamntsanmd ta hi@ father George 1. Strang, for a nominal con- the>' apoioglzed and admltted they sideration. ehad meant te beat up a Frenchn'an In Avon township, Pred W. Buck eployed In thein place et the miii. bought 20 acres lit outheast quarter TNiF4RO-Cloth** stolmn from the of section 12 front saa&ic L. Holmes une of a French iaceworker; that they for a nominal consideration.' were stolen saslown by the fîct tha1 In Wauconda toc ulshlp. Grace D. cothes line was cutlnto piecem and ileGuire boughit -"::acres Iu north- thrown near house ln order te show west quarter of section 23 from Eima that mere theft of ciothes dld flot In- J. Graham and others for $2,800. spire the thleves ....... .. .........lun Beuton township', Spencer L. The deveiopments of Saturday C(rawftird sold a lot in northwest nigbt are said to have reached a cruci- quarter section 8 10 tue Trustees of cal point. Lace factory officiais »Y> Schools for $120. it shows the desperation and, the lu Waukegan, ses cral deals were re- lenglb 10 which the former woriers5 corded. Theodore 1l, Durst bought wiil go as a result of having lost their the Johnson prolterly on Marlon positions, for, white the easterfl bead- street sud Browning avenue for $7,. Iquarters of the union officiali>' called Son. Samuel Bradbury, et aI. sold to off the strike the factor>' heads did Giadys 'A. sud Charles E. Ferguson rnot taire back Just &aut haîf of the and Maud A. Ricb the property on men who formerly were enrolled as South St. James street, 90 teet south employes. Ttlai said to be these men of Washington street. The John Lan- Iwho now are trYing ta use force ln you heirs divided the estate. Arthur emphasizing their feelings. Lsnyun lsking titis ta store building it was early SaturdaY evenlng when at Genesee sîreet and Clayton streel. Raiph fcbarff, policeman, happeningi te page thse WIlkinsen berne. saw srneke coming frem the barn. Ho caileil for heip and It vas not bard te put eut the Osames whicb apparent- 1>' had jut started. Suspectlng nome- thing vas wrong. the o0fcer investi- gated sud tound kerosene rage ail about the barn. Knowing tbat the Oirs vas Incendiar>', It la aise aid that certain men vere seen runnlng avsy f rom tbe place sud that arresta rnay foliow. A careful Investigation ls being made aud It la said when developrnts come on tse>' viii cre- ate a sensation. Clarence Botrom la empioyed at the Cook electric lsnt aud theretore has notbing 10 do witb the lace strike, He vas en route home vison a dozen men Jumped out ai hir n sd began 1tu drul i hm. He la iet tooted. boy- ever. and made a rush te gel away, aut-distancing them ver>' seen. How- ever, be recognlzed Borne oethe men and laler bis falber calleil tbem to tank. Tisen then admItted il 1h51le> believed the>' wsre gettîng onseto the Frenchmeu vho hail baken tlir place ai the lace wveansd tise> apologizeil te Betrom for tissir mis- ta'ke. Hovever, their adrnioion. Il la said. ma>' prove their undoiug jater. At the home et suethel' French lac-. werker. the clethes vhich bail been hung eut tbe nlght before, woie stolen andl no trace et thern bas been secureil. To sho)w that it vas neot mere theftth ie thieves cut the lino luto smail pieces sud plied lu near the porcb no tise famiiy vould gel tise significauce of ths acI, Il la sald that maur ofthIe men vbo bave net returneil le tler Jobs coulil bave bbem backIfitthe>' vell agreo tolquit thse union but lb.>' vont do no. The>' are afrald. Il ls sail ibat. d4 they consent. the>' right ho taken back for a short tUme sud thon r& leaseil. whersupon tise>' wouid b. out et the union sud eut et a Job. Hou'- ever, nome et the men are salid te bave quit tbe union sud are back le vert, lu ail, Il la said the cempauy bas Oive French isceworkers £1 vert ln the fsctery. aud Il Io these rmen,@ preseuce wbicb stirs the union men wiso are 'eout," Iu ail there are elgisi deput>' aber- Iffs lu Zien, One stays with eacis Fresncb lacewerker vise bas laken the and Verne Lauyon Smith taking titis to the Lanyon berne on North Sheri. dan road, sud aise property lu North Chicago. Elizbeth Robinson bougbt 1the Corydon propert>' on West Washlni ton street aud Washington park fof 1500. SPIRITED COIWE- TITION AT bEkIN-- QUENT TAX SALE Wankegan, Jue lm. Spirlted competitlon la Marklng the progress of the dolinquentl ai sale this year sud tax-buyers vIii net resu large investmenta upon tboir moixe> as the big majorit>' of descriptions are belug bld lu tor Oive, or six psr cent, The salie opened on Saturda>' sud a number of piecea. vere dimpeseiloe tbat day. Tise sais vas resumed tii nsorniug sud hlddiug vas quite briskr trom the start although Il was qullo uetlceasie that thers voisnet as man>' bldders present as usual. There vers some of the 014 bidilers viso maie It a point te ho pissent ever>' year sud who usuail>' manage te, pick u a number et places tram Otteen ta tventy-five per cent. A numnber -ot places bave been diaposof etaitwen- ty-Oive per cent this year. but thse number of pieces la lusignificant when cornpsred 10 the anlount sold atI Ove or ait per cent, This la caused b>' tbe sutrance min the field tIIsyeri otsevosw.i outsld- ors. A couple eftbhorn are profession- ai tax-buyers andltey are coutenieà le buy lin the deacriptions at the smsiier amounts. ucbaslng se mucb that the>' make a goil margin on the lnvsstmnent. This breaks up,.the oId cuatem or allovlng saab tax-buyer te watt his turn sud Ilion bld lu descrip- tiens at 25 per cent. Lplace of soute stniker. These siser- sItts are lu charge of the whole situa- Stien. accouipillyiilg the men 10 sud trom vori(. The>' assume charge over -the police force, the latter belug mere- i ly aides îo them lu case tIse> are needed. MgcDONOUGiH SAUS ENORMqOUS'AMOUNT NEW LAW MAY AFZ 0f INSURANCE WAS FECT TAU BUYERS PAID IN LAKE CO. This Law Which, Awaits OnIy Records Show That Nearîy aF Governor's Signature, Gives Quarter of a Million Dollars 7 Years for Redemption. Was Paid in Last Year. The delinquent tax sale again was Nearîs one-quarter of s million dol- lars was pald as benefits b>' different contlnued toda>' afler one description Ilite insurance organisations lu Lake bas beeu sold. Indications are that county durlng the year 1914. Tiis the sale wlll n01 stsrt lu roea eset enormous amount of mone>' was paid Iu adjusting death dlaims aud while until irdsY or Saturda>'. This wiil the amount seema unusuali>' large il bc doue so that property owners wilI bas been carefuli>' computed by ex- b. glven every possible opportunit>' ta Pert statisticans. Pa>' their taxes before their property Waukegan beade tihe list lu take le sld i te sle.count>'. as neari>' $100.000 wss paid lu la sod atthe sle. aims here dnrlng the Uest year. County Tressurer 7lcDonough de- These figures are contained In the lu- clares that a large number of people urauce Press, a publication whiclî have paid their taxes witbin the last makes il a business to compute ail te dys e ay t ashendI-these figures. I few ays Hesay It aisbea difi- The actual oantis pald in escli cuit for saine of them to raise the cit>' lu Lake ceunI>' are given oni>' mioue>',la severalIinstances it was when they are more than $10,000. neitessar>' te psy the moue>'Ilu matai- Other cities lu the count>' where the dlaims have beeu patd are mentiofled mente. Nether be nor the ceunt>' but thse exact figures are omitted. clerk wished ta work bardship on the The figures as gven are as tollows: laxpayers and fi was for this reason Waukegan............. $9, that the sale whlch was to have star,- Hg1n ak.......72500 ed o M 'Lake Bluff....................25 c onoday bas been contioued La-ke Pore.........11,500 from day te day. The efforts of theseatloch etim ate d'at)......,000 two Officiais in being aoprected Barrington (estimated) ... 5000 greal>'b>' those wbo have found itLibertyville testimsted)... 5000 difficult ta raise the mouey., rPrairie Vlew (estimatedi ...5,000 Wbhen thse tax sale opsens thîs YPar Total amount î,aid ......219,500 It ls expected Ihat there will lie au lu Inte cilles sud îowns where the unusuaily large nutmber of buyers. estimate le given ai 85,000 it la safeto [assume tIsat the figures are not, uver- Man>' of thse old faces will 1)e mlssing 1e,.timateti. for whiie they mîght fait butî there will be several from OuI Of under t1h51 arnount lu one or two tossu who will be on baud 10 take places they v.ould make up for il lu thelr places. It is expected tisaI totiters thee wll e qitea sashng f rtes Tii.' stat isiic., show fîrther that ther wit li quie a lasiog f r tesItere uer.' so dafims paid lu Wauke- sud litIle of tbhe properl>' ls exp.'cted gan i wtich tise indîviduai amountsL ta be bld lu ai twenty-five per cent. werc over $10,000. A dlaim of $20,000 This la the ressort why some of te was iald for the dealh of Nelson A. Stpeeansd $11.000 was paid for thie local bidders bave dropped out. Tbeydetso .EHg.AHghadPr say itlat nol worth their lime ta bld lu a dlaim of $19,054 was paid foilowingL descriptions unlese lise>'cau look to. tise death of A. Mongomery Ward, make a fair margin of profit, sud $101000 for Stepiien H. Harring- t on. lu both instances these large Tise out of town bîîyers. or "shanks"' ciaima s elped ta make tise bIais lu as tIsey are sometimes called, plan te these cities as large as they were. bu>' In enough descriptions te make Distribution bv lite lusurance Or- a profit despite thse îower percentage. ganizatiomîs In thte Unitedl States and The more the liercentage la bld down Canada amounted 10 $686.700.000 lu 1914. as computed by the Insurance the better it Io for the taxpayer. Pres. The amount was the iargest on Mr. McDonough says that the bu>'- record., exceeding b>' $40,150,000 the Ing of delinqueut taxes ma>' rot lie amounît of the distribution lu 1913. Un- no Popular next year sud Il uess- der tise policies of the level preium compaules sud tise-certîficates of life quant years as it bas been. He say insorsuce organizations ou the assesa- a bill bas passed the bouse sud tise ment basis, the payments lu the two senate sud Us up ta the governor for countries for death daims, matured hiesinatrewhch ivs he ro-ýendowments sud other benefits bisy signatre wbchges 10eaprof -amoonted ta $433,050,000. For pre- ert owerssevn >ear iutes ofmIum savings, for the cash values of two years as ai present. He thin'is policies that were surrendered, for there la littie doubt but tisat the g0v- sunuties. sud to thse beneficiarles un- ernor wili sigu the bill, making it ader poiles issîîed in toreign coun- tries the reesîlar companies lu the law, This wouid reduce the precent- United States snd Canada paid age sud make il lesa profitable for tue- amounts estimsted In part. that ag- tax-buyers. Thsis law could net affect gregated $253,650,000. the sale this year but il would affect lu thse record of deatb dlaims were It nxt ear f f paues.man>' accident cases. The deatb dlatms il oil ear f i pasesdue ta the Lusitania disasber yull ap- ________________ pear lu the record of 1915 le the amount of more than $1,800,000 life STEAL AÀDM NOW anj accident insurance. AND YOU ARE 6iuu. AUTO KILLS Cow; TY 0F1r LARCENY ]RACIIIISCONSID Governor Dunne Signs.the Billi ER B Y A A iE Which Makes Dog Theft a More Serious Offense. Sprnngfeld, Ill, June 23-Tweuty-à one bis were signed b>' Govemrur Dunne toda>'. makiog a total of thirt>'q vbicb bave received hlms puroval( sine the adjourameut ot the legisia.1 hure. Two hundreil and ferty-ninei bis are as yet unsigned and muet be1 passeil upon in the week remanlulg betore June 30, wben the legisaturs returus for sine die adjlournunent. 9 Governor Dunue made It knowu tisat he probabiy weuid veto a biHl previd- Ing that aIl eleciion records et yers1 prier to 1870 sisouid be assembleil trom the varlous counties of the statej sud placed lu tise custody of the Stt Historical sodiet>'. The gevernor said he vas able te see ne earthly use for such a law sud that the emp eumet transporting the records snd for ster- age space would be eut ot proportion1 le an>' posible benefit Ibal mlght b., derived,. Among tise bis slgued b>' Goveruori Dunne was tise Gardner- bill et vhlcb Mliss Kate Adams et Chicago, fermero bead ot Coulter House, vas theii. obl sponsor. This messure makes Il pos- subie te sentence Immoral vornen te imprisoumeut for oee >ear, the pres- eut law permittiig oui>' fles. Theý An automobile drivon b>'àa volt known Wauksgan business man wbose name la vithheld b>' request. struck sud kilied s cow near the Spring farmo on North Sheridan toad about eleven o'dlock Sunda>' uigbt. The collision vas se severe that the lampe vers smashed sud the tender sud poitIon, The passengers lu the car were jolted severgi> b>' the shock. No blâmne bas heen attacbed te the1 owner et the car as thsacident vas oe that couid not have been aveid. ed . In soims mauner the cow bail broken eut et ils pasture and vander- ed loto the reail. It was ver>' daît and the animai could not be observed except at ver>' close range. The automobile vas returuiug 10 Wan'iegan. There le a bad bend lu tbe road aithIis peint. As the car made Ibis tam-n the headligis s ve. polnted to one aide of the reail. As the car rounded the beud the lisIts swept back lotoIbe road agaln and revoaied a cov standing ln the mniddle et the road immedistel>' ln the courge of the car. The machine vas golug about twenty-Oive miles an boui aith Ibtime. Tbere vas ne time le atop but tise driver sounilsi a warnlng. The next moment there vas a jar sud tbe cow vas dragged aloag eV-1 pîîrpose ot the bill la te maie it pos- oral teet before the car coul be sible to seuil a voman tu a shelter troughî le s stop. Thse animai vasr bouse or some oliser institution for mangleil considerabi>' sud died al- the purpose ut curing diseases. mast lustanil>'. Governar. Dunne diîplayed cousider- The cyner ef the ccv founil eut able pleasure in sigmng lbe Scheies about tise matter tIIs morning andl bill, making the tbeft ef a dog larcen>', aetlfied tbe police. Hoebiougbt the It deveieped that s tramp wbo bail aulemobilil migist lry te escape ths been ted asthlb.baci deor e! the si- consequencýes cf the acl, Ho vas ecutive mansion bad laked off! vils mistakren howvevr. fer ho vas vîlsile a dog beiouging te lise governors tam- shortl>' aflorward b>' the ovuer of dis l>'. car. He admilled te hlm Ihat the cov The Watsonî bill, auîborizing the sbould net bave been lInsh orad- Nst empinyment o! convicts ai road bulid- viii bave te stand bis own lois.l la iug sud repsiring. vas approveil. said. snd the eivuer et the car prOS-ý ahi>' viiihase te stand the sîponce Want, For Salt. sIc ad@Inhe Ch.Ice havlng repaira madl e tiste me- DEPENDENT neach 15,000 - poesons chine. Utio'i Roi$ miold doth«s- ANY SIZ! RM 271» In. te 12115 fw Fe'r parsicueuliwrite or oeil au J. A. GRAVES Durand & Durand REAL E.STATE INISURANCE COLLECTIONS ýTrlggs BIdg., Libertyville' Pho»o2, Uhosylh 708ILa. h MOER SLPRÀYIN4i AMD WIfMEAmIN Clean Qui&k Gaurautoe 1Work. Cow Barns, çChkke.hues, eut F. JELLEY Phone 319-R U.tvi. Ua~ DYMND 1L AUSTIN Loana. Insurance, Real Estae mad Houa.Rentin. Office in Kaiser Bloc*. LIBERTYVULLE. - ILLINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLBY Attorney-at.Lav offic-e a% Home, Cook Ave. Phone 108-J LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS, LYELL IL MORRIS A&TORE-ATLÂW Libentyilis Illinois LueBuildivit.ee hn MARTIN CDECKER 4TOavaY-A?-LAW Olice Upp. lOth St. Eleotrie Sta*e. OJffice Phono 848 iRu. Phono 1860]k NOR~TH CRICAUO. ILLINOIS IPAUL MAC GUPPIr. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ulbertyvll., Illiots DR. O. F. DUTTERFIELD. VITEMIAIT suEGEOS &»UIiAN? SIATZ YUUUUAEAS. Ubsftywl D.. ILls DR. KX V. SUima PIIYSUCIAN AND lSUROKON Houn 8 goi10a.um. 2$e4s5Ioop.m 06b» m vZay fiUt,nUèo h D R. YVLW. e 4h I Oid Trtggs ids. LiA'yiU la1 OMM. Rours 10 uaqit Tuauil -d maieàTMs*Wlaiy D, I. IL TAYLM: Off bs i, RFissm s~lSm .8 @oum:--11o 8:80 sud t o,8m. Se&x maon ravq o~d.Pg M GOLDMG PEtTliT Boue Ste12.i ni t Office Phons 19-J. au.. Pae 15141, DL 9 EL OUT%. aca.-8 tc 12 . M. Mud 1 Ioa P- . CHtAS. N. ST!PE4S.I . OR VITOR C QE I OMMMllG lb. . u~.g 9-12,L M.; 1-4 P IL; 7-8 .$ gua4ays b>' ApDoltumSt OmIt Telophome U&. J. L. REDOINO, D.V.U. VWMMRNAWY R9 GraduaS kle 0 e 0e Av*. Pmoue 11wW. :-t PUSLIC Au,&; P4 clomt t îmten ple a-i~ aiction ms&Wmd botmaiS. Ai kld fborse., vignesme haines.for" sat ek«ffl q*etof HMNY 3MI i>homes 148 or 44 U!ICM.Y4§L. PHIONE 1140-M 1W. I m. IMA Violiniat, Planilst and t$IL mO CORV A"E. wAUKEA8Im4*. Thé DA"dmet 48&.èm a 4, ~J THIEATRE Ph"tpa F A. Su7dam. Prop. Four Reels of the. Beilt Licenaed Picturea. Frida>', J0i>' 2 The. White Cadiesa - - - reei Kaiem-t>raman Featurlng AlieJoyc aud Gu>' Coombe Basie the Ses a - . Essanay-Comed>' Fatun'ing Charltie Chaplin Saturday. Jli> 3 A Chud f th- P5-d-- -2-nesie ig-Weetei-n Drama Feturlng Tom igix jusi a Laris - Bograph-Comed>' Featurilng Isabel Re Ta M- Edison-irama Sunda>', Jul>' 4 r Ohlsmacons Damils - 2ree-Katemn Dtective Dram. Featuring Ruth Roand I lle Jsrr PamhiyDisOWe Hrsau - Vitagrsp-Uomedy IS Aienee otber good piture titis not et repored- indep.ndoflt ad&a-ismilb>' U.000. Independent roaches a&U poinats ln La. CeunI>'. 1 -;-,: -- - @ý» -lVý 41 il ti Il aa

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