LAKE (CdJTJ "q¶ DyPENDENT FRImA Y . J1VULY 21,1915. Page ftvq StEdiled by'F.J.DRUCE Phono l Ordera Taken for Job Work. edvertisingrates on application. Ruben Miler siid two daughteres ud Misa Suai,, Whtdbead vislitid at the Kuebker and Whitehead home@.. Mi, Whitehead returned ta Lake Bluff with thein to @pend tiie ret of the week. Jeu. Lougabaugb acc<tipanied by ix wife and Mir*. Win.III, m otored ta Cicago Tueaday. lirs. hors Knlgte and sîter upent Sunday with thpir iîîther, lire. Ueo. Thurweil. Clark Merrili, who. ha&. Lw-on visiting wjth Juha Wasbburn for beveral weeks loft for New York Tuesday. Our rural mail carriers John Book and Eanrry (ieary Lave purcbamed auto@ whlch tbey will nueou their route».. Lew Liîchii.ld of Lii.eryville. ha» i,.'e, dolng thie plumbing on the. Mehlian bouse. Chane ffarh)er Shultz will leave uet Tuesday for au exteoded trip tbroigIi-,ý uut the west. Hiestiratt oll wilihtSlin Valle.y Ciy, N Diakota, lie wifll s;.end coupiderahle tfine witb relative... He. Inten ig t,, vet the expoltione and' ,a'.ny tbh'-'laces i î . rey eau' Iîvde iel li,. aver>' .leaKant oi~urney. Orando iichardson and lisil>'motoir. ed ta àilwàa'ulee anîd nu.-lt.ri1i g ties Sunda. Mir. aud liro . hua,., în r.tetter @petit the week-end at Ken.ob.a The . rsysia'kp Attiîltîva îîmet deteat laet Sunda>' ai 1thebandes(il a buuch iof husky bail taa'.er at Foi Liii.. Store X to03. J,,.. <srw ,,od i inonu.îg jj, ,,.h. Lave 1uicbaeed -n. 1 ljie wck. . Pwal.b trari>acte.ils.ueein Harv.ardl %Iay. ---------- »-ni Services ut St- Aulrea e liaeiuui aceHiui'r a,., lien -auged ran. 4:34lt..730 1, il, Mrmr. ndX-u1-F I G. iricîrarnd %l"e ,*es]ra aymlstmt cci jctirlàt lier n,,tramtiel-,L rdii..Ev lr. Coulmo,uLUIx tteîioeýd ti.- auto.,race lalurda,. tir-' iabrderuiu-ntraumca. ,iA iuýineîil , J H.Lux ad au laîîîlwneu-t niundu ut Mdiwaàukee Monda>'. Zîou, cru> at the iî,,rîîe - tr. and lira MmreEnior>' Adalniarndi auwiirtbn îjo Mianr- cpi-t Tu"d#biy nialtitrlCreîati'. % Ir.and -tire Herberru Stuîg .utEiîgb- auj irienldèlat iePleius. Wood. cie-ut [ridla>' mthhi. a Junl. Mis....Lillian ldamui ni Ruth Nec lueMlp ltisTSrn et,înîed fe,,îîîC-uar [lapide luIowa, Tue. tMr. und Sire E V. Lux ïsîcut "iiidy day wbere t->' bave [eeu vliirig ienul.,iluWaîî.-gar. ai tbe buutueouttheii up- L Parî ireethtie e-t. 4iw il,. at netuehi-a 'r.,(i lu. Rl-xali Stor.. ruc r. lug Co. Wij-dâya îourî u iarug tVe arc agents fanrlCiball Plat,- Co. ai Edward Cuniugitat ind ul.îu-eiZDtn Coenluand ai-c ur nea piayer. Ttc lalzelms eilized ut St, patrkem ltei-ait Storne. lînu -i-rug Ca.chunch, lb.. reremon>' le-îucî-nuu bcî y (inay>lak ex -te,,,hiilu corial înîtio.n l j ltlýp Ctiaxici.. an. ,ý.ucofuthlu- Liu. tui-ver> bail> il) corrunitndtlp titim irs. Wm. Fendre, miiidrnio(urjon calelraî. nrcendn day Moiu(lav. seert Sunju>' mitb ber pari-uts, Mrndu Jul>' 7,tirs. T. Stnang. A puluc nueetinlg iras i-Iin ttie Tic..fiicud. afFred lShea aire glad t. village hall Mojay ai uîmich b.. quea-kuom Le te abI.le te a ut ugain. Suon ofat 5cm lira> lai,.lmre. Jobn Slea le utu Chieage.ting was dioiuaeed.Thie Board .,f Lai-aI! iuproveu.eni suuitîtinàg the à..Imfthlle pnopos..d >-te-i auj anewencd eu- questions a-i tbe.pnajbe-îy ovneramîi.ed t0 aak tiien. Clarnce ittanil Beaei.. Walace mer.. marnied uSaturda>'. Junie 26, uathie homeoaithlb[ridesparenla At Monaville. IMan>'relative, and fiend. mer.. present to add lo tit. pleasune of the occasion. Tii..>' ilI reside lu thiîr ueým home an Westerlield Place. Ju.t eceived a neu ehitpment ai tire marke. Gel youn suppl>' fan th. Faurti eniv. lTe les alilStore. D rue,[ruît Ca. BARN DANCE. Adance uilli he given la B. Aman's barn nt Fremont, Thuroda>' qvenfiig, Jl>' M. ion th e tendt cf neu oigan n Ie t ['remoni Centre churit. Ticket@ (,e Il trentmfeut for unvaus troubule. Mire. 1Isaae Sliîeld,. and rilrdren mer.. thaukegau vioitlontncday heive ek Mir. and lir Bert Winter wer.. Waui.e- gan vieitars last Saturda>' lins.T. Strng, liraJý H. Lui and lirm.F. hi. [).itmeyer atlsej l te elatea adoption oul H. N. ofA in Lbetyville lait Wedneeday ev..uing. Wmn. BaI..s aI Frauiknile. tise , mas lu toma honda>' C. T. Reydecker and ie and lMn. and Mn. Jake Bastian vieted aI C. A. Hey- deceis Monda>' eveuiuig. RUSSELL The..soclet>- at Mm .S. B. Boues e. atoll altended. Rai. Sarts aoniounced liat Sunda>' T li n ricdla>' tirs Edmun, Niltui, aud utaoglit-r tir@. Ki-cler retoms-j lhuomec roi., ieir liait un Nelrali.,aud ruiLer tuýien iitit-heat. lira W ra. Bilet-ntd auj daugitter Char tn luai e ni-ti ed r.- us t heiintrr tii ('aliforiîia. Wiialter Tayloer aïîd miei-,fui Wuukpgan. mer.. Vuetung hui-hv uu cthte laat ai titi- eek. Tui-.'ula mu joLb-r ('t juin-itizensv-i-r. o rii i i tLir mi.t c bu îoetlue tuf-r orn Fireanc -li-ur, th Ae lth il Juiv. WhVlîle .itiiig bue ctn aitilu drawsu, g ha> - Jauuiu ,týaage wt miii- tuIuau r,. thee auj aujdiras iluite eeiouiily hort. Hi-wa v-et on- e niu-ielJit. mu muto, la file Lame hue, -. mit-ni-riducal ail a .1.Norman ic ou téîLe c iMt.i NI ilii Zeigier wus a Luiücc.vletur ur NImuignMuinda>' OBITUARY MIi, Matilita F. O(. [n.,agi- tbirty- fojui ra.dîed Juet 22. 1915. at ber Fond du Lac. Wic lBer iliuce v-a f ring dunatîcîr. auj paîrenîly scie Lare ber pain aud] trouble v-ah ii.- con- stant lule ticat cite v-îulil gain stn.ngtb and lbiatb again. E'.crytliug ttuat nedical aid and kînj buuderuuuld do icas donue, but witaout uvail. àdalîlda France.Wagner O'rnueuai boru in ['ni-ont Cent-r. Nov. 4. lSds. Site iras neaned luhaltolie fati and mas a etauncb believen unto îbeend. On Apnil 14, 1903, site vmas uured lu maniage ta Frank OBrien aif[Fond du Lac, Wiw., uhere te>'have @eLuce made their home, She leaveo ta mouru ber deatit a bus- baud, fahben, a @tep mouther, aud the fllowing rine efters aud brotitens, Mire, Nîlck Galater, lins. Chao. Stunm, ie. Oea. Zimmer, Mno. Aloi@ Raupp, Mn.. Leo Trot>', Mihael. z'yveoterEdward, Fred and Irviug Wagne.r, heades man>' athen 0F COURT CHIARGE Waukegan, Ju1ei 24 Stece K.rasek, a Nart ii Chicago man, mas arralgued ln circut court ti,, merning and mac uuîcccita serv.- 30 days in the rouT s ivjion a cantempt of c'-t arc. Several meeke ugo te court order(eui Karaeek tu, pas $18 a nuontit truard lte sup- part o! hisc cilîdren. H.-il, gaid la tas.- paid (hfic arnuo,îî for several weeks bui for the feu monthe il la charged tai lie lia, non been ke'ep- lag up mitic.-e paymente. He was wmmmcd tatIfîr î.did iol par lie moulil be iîaied imb court and t-unisited. Apparenili. îheae marnîngs scere wihiout avaul .nd itis morninîg ite W"a taken loto court, He itad lit- île ýlo say in his ou n defense. Boy lu Poniac. trvinr Pester. a Lakte Villa boy, mIta v-as indlcled b' hi b grand jury on a chcarge -of larceti. ,iindmita pleaded guilîy mien arraigluî d in couçt. mac gencienceil to Pontiac u.formmîory ibis morning by Juage Edwards. The boy admiîtilavlng tolen came money. He aiso admitted taI l mas tietiîrd liari.- ,litad been ln trouble. On a formcrr occasion bce salil ite iad served a t.rauniite SI. Catir- les scitool fon boys. 1-is parents vere nolified la appear lit court titis morn- ing. It le chargel, liai youug Pester itas made a genera? nuisance of hum- self at Lake Villa. SIMPSON'S CAR WAS FIRST AUTO STOLEN IN TIHE CITY SCIIOOLS 0f BEN. TON TOWNSHIIP 46, IN COMMENCEMENT Ed warà Edmonda ui Gages Lake, la J_ 1 a e ?' /M RD R SMA vlstiug hi, Pister, Mrs. Larseti.DE R D - C Wm. Truaai f the U S. Nav v la vltiîg 'uu ble father. ne lm not goilig back ou The ,Knîik.rt,,,,k.r P îue 0lyJe f iTHE t60VERNOR acconi aof hie heaîtii. rapidi>' elearinu the lgraurd fornnenly Mies Perisud huud Cleveland occupied b3 itoic hou- ud l-ardiiug ,tt.ned 1. visit homelîe.bniéand expeetm to have th- groririj Bv slgnlng a bill whlch nake- ,- ) i% udRé. Go. it.belleared tus week t,,,.] alter auj of ible the. parole 0f lire termconvrlets E. A. MartnindL.Oe.Mtcelkiudling sood has Ib-en haîîled aira>'Governor Dunne maY open Iii.-door of and son traneqeted bueinese iln Wauke- and CharleThioru a1 Autîo.-h, irbo pur- freedom tb three murderers who were S an Prdy.i chased tih.boarucuir ihonite, lme"ring lit tried and convcted in the. laKe rounty Misa Barth& White mpetit several day.i down and iiauliing tii.. uriiter avra>'. E, circuit court, Tue Woodard blI which w ith ber aister, Mli. J..8, Den man. Bartlsu ha. pîînhaeed the tenant rat. the governor stgned Fidar niake pns-1 Ida 8trang spent several day. lu tage and will mo'.e- t ta the vacant lot Suie the parole oflitfe-term convicts who have served 21 years or more ln Chcago the past week. we.t of hi. bouse. lihe state penitentlaiT. Mia. Magrselio returned toOmahla, Nb , 0. P. Marzer and tamil>' bai, an auto Joseph Smith, a negro. convicteed of laat Tuesda>' hýeiDg @peut tifa weeke trip ta Wlmot Mi- Heur>' and tue muder of 1. Swift. a G;rand ave- wlti er roher W G Masela. tos ~ aîunlu ù ne neaU.ideut or Waaikegan, la the one wihbrbrter . .Mrels on uuday. murderer who ia eligilte for piardon Vred BElddIa alîended the fanerai ai James Sttearu. mu'.ed Lis laiiily and on or aflen lhe tirat day or July when1 i cousin, Mn. Mame trau of Racine. gouda ta East Latin Laik..]lat w.ek, the nw billbecomea effetive.Smiitha FWis., Saturda>'. IMn. Strouss w»a a bere be baé %-hante (A au irebous for rorlie 0yasadwss-tne uJeter o1 the, late I@ Belle Dewe, whoue theiti-e .rbocker C,, U e are sornv tou He attacked and heal ta di-atit anV death we mentioned a few weeko àago. las.. them tfram aur village. aged man aud was captured sîhen he She ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~tl levst or e oaahaad SeiiUie n iîeo akgn f froni a tnee by Elmet J.1.Creen, Sheleure o muli hei ls@a bebad Serif Geenan viile(ilWauega, it a tnfot a deputy siteriff Miii. and ive chilra. calied ou tho ,Lerfi'mco.-Hi. P. Miller Swift dled severai 4ays latei ot iinjur- E. A. Miartin and fanrily matoned toanad mile Suuday. les received, when aie men, ChiagoSun&yýMr.andMrm Dëereux mit ofOakrescue of her huaband. Smîihlu. the. Chîcgi.Huna>'lin au Mn tive-eau Smîiiol Jakoldest convict hield In confinement hy Miss Blanche Oliver olCbicago, @peut a Park, vî,mta-d Suuda » v it ira. Kmithsl te sate authorities. Receutîr it was le W d.,78witbIdli* Jo",Phi"" Maîbe,. uiter. inIA vet'reported that he had beer, gîven elu- Edmn lenmn l wrstlîîgwiî a iselljve.Auee pi-t Sturat ujpioyment ou the state farin, and tat IMVA Deman i wrntltig ithPb Mss ;lad" Ares pett Saurdy a hebwas flo longer ulthil the- penitent-J tel...,. Suidar mih fIjurie fiendo. îary malle. flunei. Mî-ei)ougaill aiottowa, IIIli., M ndjMira. (licu, .. h- avi- h..n Lemon Daforth, alco a i. cro, may C lire tose.. te day when h.- oull b. giv- atteudedl d.urrlî ltre nunda>', the t ire ctiiirîyitrm the Kerr ,-,ttagr.. i..>. d <tu.en is rreedom. with paroi. resutrict- rF toue ii frlv Tsars. lie Came tu, %auhc- Fui Lake .- miii w.--k, &@ Sr Iion tac long. But a rew yeana ago iu,- negro gan and brred a br@ and ibuggy Ai sac urilutel a l.aîeition r. a hotel theni- I cit and kilied one of bIs oi.rn race r tu drive thr.îugh thte country and fnote -%mIuad lire F#-i Mrrnig ,of Bî.kîy . ho was living vlth hit as i-s rom- te niantcags . aiicl'u- ;iej ii.-JbK-r o,- adt.mon-lau mire. it le allege-, in the y chnge. H fuiiirlsliv(j ;sie.dut l,,Jýh, Krr ome-ýlin 1-. erntein rilts. Danforth fhî,-d four l ou the Heur>' Shepard fali,î%lisesl.atr,,- 1%W îhrigIr. rieci-ted 'ut stteatlte maman and ah.- ma.,-dead [1v. Go % m"iorl» aiiro tetesewo om VrSna. wen assistance aftived If-- asu e- ' Mltrice.. uitc rebellionîîr aetu giae Athe bou.rne fu, . ipàrerer iuu on . tenced for lire aud bareiy ,-scaled lb.- Milir, ,-en-b peanedlin.-Su.dy. At b. lî,i..ii tc lnt, epurnt. .ugailows by pleading guJiliarter te Fil Cunningham o.f lis i-.cilit>' alj SUljjrda 'V. dune 29; .u,.u rc,îîte-mar- ste iit dpresented itscarePOn.. jun- Agnes lialziel of ilhuee.- m-en. i,ianra- iage ,f or, i. maheard to remark that b.- juryR W.-îîeda Jue :1C..gnaulti.uii [ill ,, îratîmî- l .- , lre wa Id have hanged Danforili had h.- T2:i- LaisAdC.îri..y a 1ioid a litanfG neaya i nreltive. u, fn-rid-e Th'If a ipconguily. The third rilan held TtjëLadem'Aid rwity ilibol( , argcirleoflatvestidrieidm.Thein riofor matilaughter iriuuLake social at th.e riurcb Thurgda>' eveuiog, bride i. the ..uly da,îgbt.-r .il Mn. and - iiî leCitales Bjorgenuein.mitaH Jut> $ u-eurein nd akemil~e-lir. 01,. Wala, an bie ~lî,Cî , iaI ud kiled bis itfe long frlend In serviieed ti n cle iltMý.li WIaeýad o ahe i 'drnken br.aitaiFox Lake. Il mac merveil frienit,, erîsb lber and ber Litaud . Fxpertl etathe wullieb..frfî,-(ilbefore long Uri.]bmtupv narri-d IiL- Tht' yil lte (ose orfte presecul iar. mru ei. ulimIr hI. u aiue e-te reurv-i,,rauilr t.ilc g,,uîi.MuaFlnoeabn'-tr Iele - K&RASEK <iOES TO Hut ( at uie- nduI itrdre,, of hual i 51v ..'nOCH J JIDI utr eiterall'l t ie.)-.ýý,f1 ,iihai ý"iý, alC.Ti.n@ AIL ON1 WONTEM4ii CI MEETING HELOWEDNESDAY Plumbers of Lake County Or- dered to Return to Their Posts Thursday A. M. 1 Tite îlinibe-rs'striXie hue been srt- tled. Ttc journeymen plumiers aud theIn liasses hld a conference at eleven orclack WXednesday morning, grier- anceî mer.- eelttled, and ai a recuIt lthe piutbers o! Lake counîy v-en.. ordered ta report for uurk at elgit o*. (dock Titnrsday morning. Juet mitat terme mere agreed up- on la no nkoovo and according lu Tiios. Shiellman, delegale for lie union, mîlI non b..made inovn for severail ays. XVhen h Is ittlng and proper le give ouI ail farts the nemapapers ull Le ca.sulted vih and the people et Waukegan vill necelve lte correct facls' eglil Nr. Speilman, Tite plumiers ofthe La,. coun>- district vent out on sîrîko aeven veeks agu. It vas reporteil ltaItii..> ver. askiug a ralse of dit>' cents a day, bcut thus report vaa deul..d. Just mhat demandeallney mal.., un vhib set. tant iev cie.... willpreaco nex Soun-. rltv&Giiee.C . ue. i rce- - day eveing. wene heid fnom St. Puie'Cathluoic churnit To T. Artbur Simpson, couuty su- llemcnt w as made., is nul 7noun at Tii Inepeden 5tii OO5IW ~f lns.G. Sivrcotiuequi,, oon,.Fnida> at 9:301 mîtbit termeut at perintendeni ofecitools5, ncuat go the ai dtme, but Il mas posillvely an. 'Th inepeden latheooutyl on Nl 6.A. iveceninus qitepooiv.buor, if suc it Ie ao b. termed, of nouoced ou Ticurada> ltaI"no giic. t>, 12page weky-thffl why eveuy- Ber lwo broltsers, alter, ean and ie Calven>'. baug the tinel Wau-ýegan rian ta bave ancea exisl Lelmeen lte plumbens and body take* le. havs been vlalllag he. his automobile alolen lu Waeukegan. îhier employers, or lte boas plumb. N B Buniug ei fn ii hmeinOBITUARY Thomuas Snelllng itad hi&tisutomobile ers. N. . Buainglet fr h@ omelnstolon a iew mouthte go bu ttoirbckea lamva Sonda>' morning, tir. Citas. Alyca mas ornnl Soment- place in Chicago. Titene are ln lte neigiibonicod of R e u u is uuuhinhaandmil veîbdneaioosbire, Eugiand. lu the yean 1843 Be Reports have been neceived bore ffty-slx plumiers l inti, district,ad .. ea hi d dC. M. ebi n evotdrltvsdled antheliMcAllisten itospital lu Wauke» liat automcobilea have beau stolonlthl iese men av trncuo or Profit Bq Sasuda> anid Sunda>'. - gan an June 27, 1915. otier cilles, saine of titen quit, udar, shc lt.akeveae ut rw Mns. Conis and danabter Laura more fBa ]@a,@@ ta umeurt ibis lose tire, but up te Thursday Waukegaa has ic tesr -ws nd We are agents for the Nirnbai beeu sngularly forlunala lintis ine. Thé. plombera of lVaukeMa are hoep. ian ad playera. (C3ieper and Wou kegan viltomu Taseda>'. siatee, lins. Chard oi Gages Lai, Sfimpson vent bu Highland Park on lug tat lhe carpenters mlii settle better players than any otlier. Aak M. Carlson i. entenlainiag hie ilangh. Cain oh Fox Lake- and lira. Jenkine ot Thureda>' aibernoon. He uibVed bis ei srke tfo mi>daefr about the fe retard deal for the tere, Ella, Eva, Esthenandlire. Plastead. Euglaud and man>' nepliewa and uleces, automobile liceuae rerelpt and atter tersrk eOrmn oe o Kimbal piuno playera. lire. E. A. Reeves. 1. A. Reeve, and Fart>' veans of Mn.AI'oaleha the auubera on thîs had basancheck- lie>' daim tat thelr uonk la belng TheVir tlkug acineaîd hul mre auega vsisreFria>. een @peut among bis lovez! aolnsee b&t ed litlte numbera ou the car thse tetd up by thte carpcuter's strike. TheVicor alkng achne tidMiulewer Wakegu vsisre ridy.Gage@ Lake, uhene in the . ch ho machine wl. returued to blm. He Waukegan carpenleril bave voted la Victrolas, the bail, machine on the Mr. and lir@. Rayumond Neseali of belped to build and aupporlt he fanersifiibalan prepared to eplevla lte car favon ut settllng thiestrike by arbitra- market. Aak ns about il and we Kosa, @peut fluada>' at J. . Confis. seriIes mee h.ld Tueadmwy, Jute 29, thie povidlng Il mas nol turned Cicr aiter wil 1.1 vy. nRai. T. B. Ramaiver>' ahi>' fficiating heiebail *abmitted mitat h e ousldered lion, but il lo doubtfulIif lis atrike wiltllay M.&d lira. IRG. Marrie and date .aaolettd b>' Mr. G,,o [baisai!, uho s an micintproot of ownenublp. vilI b..eeitled for man>'veeki. The. Core ne uand sec our nem Piano ter more Waukegan visoitore Saturds.'. eantlfai hymne. Inthrment at Liberty'. "t'n' odd that a tuiefaiould pick Chicago Carpeutena' union, b'rna Players and Victrolas.IleouaTi ize arpre ugtdo hi ubs. rcclyriz Coummutation railmoad lticket@ on Several tram hers atteudeil the borne iti.ou.. ar.Timpson."areote age o themuni n hencis. uat lacas ea bath oade.comlng i Kêiosha. CEK NM RIG Nothuig cdd about iîat, w a. lie unnofhecl.Itaacsef bagencyobasket M. and .ldlre John T. Knox and Frd. CHCKSOSED I LLNOS repl'. "Tien. are more Fonds stolen maiority vote rullng, and because of Burlington laundry aecbse M OE IN LIOS.tit any >'olier kind of car. "ievea thir affiliation ulti lie Chticago union louves Tbcrsdy. a. ni. andrdelurns Inand attended tha comrneneuoaîxu-. oiemnor Dunue beisaigned lte bill cam dispose oftem more readîl' ie agncreln ulacd faturday. 1 1% ci..mesi B. R.Acadeury.-- eorir~-ls.; milcit provides thet any- creatiag suspicion liait FThe. beet in drîtg store morchari- Jane 22. mien. thein daumbler Frieda cotractedlnluan>' Mate b>' taiSents oet ake. îî'as se' luremove th by ien rgi !lt ot ae ult se had finisied thesfirat year %b.ghshoi1. «t lllnois, uho under te lave or dsltlagiaWtg numbers g au laua tinlre illsîrici. The best in dmng store service. tts sasI are prohibited tram mati>'. cuner would nti knov hua omu. car" 'r, a oi. Porson.s « ot#tcr slalom Ieporta fom otiten cilles sho m omfrMn omti REXALL ~~~~ Grand celbraion at Ro&zanan, Jul>' 8, vio are puohblted tom MlarmYlng la liai Site bit majonit>' of auto. stolon RomfrMnCutis THEREX4L ST RE 1915, at Arn,. Grove. PatmIotie spezech licr owu aat. are prevented under are ftrds. Simpsonsamys hie a goiug The arme, of Califorula. 168,297 square b>' Rai. A.J.Pitman. Muai.,:Caplee., te açSt &m oing to lun d6e, 'ta carry on. pi tie uheela oc ie i miles, lm appoxlmately equal 10 lbe fl~I 'F cilckn pe diner,~trebmp T h.tceume la oua advocated b>' a. a match channigo liat a tief combined ores of Roumanla, Bulgaria, DRU D UG 0 .races,cheé i isr erbn e te national commission on uniform - vould bave more trouble la runulng SrvAbaaMotnroBegu 5 ~ RLJ~.~J. orn su hao a500 Urn, p letaltio. fava' vli 5. ad Tuke>' lu Europe. WILLIAM LLOYD DAVIS AT L Atedhe "-' Annsul COLN CHAUTAUIQUA, LB~ tedt f SERTYVILLE, JULY 21-26 mmuam % îîîî Ilç, Vit Davis or Wisconsin, mlî ,r if-lier. , ,n mnuiiity expert. ,I a 1,1ý il i i 1h, n-- ot linz'ro,î Xita il, i , ofi ieîl).,îr ~ f~ sir. ANDR!W's ÉPISCOPAL MISSIO Thursday, iUIyý!5 AFTERNOON AND EVENING UNDER TENTS On Church Lot, Corner of Park Avenue and Centre Street, GrayBilake - ~ FRE [ET!RTAiNMiENT! lii a- ~ ,i iild umir (arn- lnvail - %ieau '%% t invite 300 to o a i a 1-m-,u i r ir!ende. -il MONDAY, JULY -5,1915 The Fire Comnpany and Businen Men of Grayalake invite a&! people of Lake County to corne to G rdak and spend the day-Juy Sdi- breevery pre. paration has heen made to, entoetain diem in a sans n proper rnaffner. There Win l h ii arg umber of en- tertaininents uaually found at sirnular occasions oed, many added Meatures. CASH AND OTIER PiE WILL BE MIEN FOR ALL AEUIEIC SPORS. To Disappoint Us Will Mean to Disappoint Youruelf Corne arl! te sec the long parade and stay late te e the large display of Flrew«ks. DANCING IN TILE OPEN AIR A GOOD BAND. WILL BE IN ATI'ENDANCE AIL DAY I Three DiffereDit Schools in the Township HeId Their Pro- gra min Union Meet. Commencement cxer,-ises mene iceld un Friday atit.. WInthrp Harbour achool. il mas a union commencement as te graduatee trainlthe North Prairie and East Benton scitoole ne- ceiVed thein diplomas ai lite lame tiue., Attorney Clarence WV. Diver of Waultegan, gave lthe comnmenc-ement address. Tii, honorain the titre-scitools mer.. mon as follows: Winthrcp Harbar Schoul. Final t onor-Lydla Jacobgen, Second itonoi'-Ethel Sonerion. North Prairie Scitoel. Final honon-Holger LUndirardt. -*,etBmnton School. nral honon-Lealie ,A. hleriter. Tii..program nendered mas as roiý loua: Piano salo-Grande Mlarch de Con- Cert. tVNall..niaupt.l i. Albert IWar- ren. Readlîîg lthe Evils of War"-Jeui nie Ethel eorenan. <les or - 'Il. Recilalion- Aitalom"-Routh i Ian Steenrod, class of '15. lteadlng- Peace lthe PotlicYof a Nation --Niargaret Staudrîge, clase of 'l 5. Vocal duel -Voie.of!lthe Wood" Reubengîein MNiss3es Anna and In% Sorenson, cissor -1,,14. Recilalon -Arter the.. iattle"- Hlolgan Linditardt. cime. of!'15. Reading "Kaîrina's Vîi taI Newr York X.II,'. AIle..Kir',. clagss of'12. Piano oOXdîaoî Llii iison. rIaissof!'15. Recitallon-Tte Anierîcan Pla, Leslie A.Ileriter. cimes of 15r. \'alediclory-"Our Nationi and t tierenge" Lydia Helen Jaco1ucen. nlase of '15. ltecitation Old lnonsile- -il Cl'oe Ferry, lage or '15. Address-"Te ResPonsilitîes or the. Educated' XtIr. C'larence NM. Di- ver. Presentatlozi of dîplonias Nîr. ISîî-, F'ongeneen, presîdent or ecitool board, Diatrict No. 1. Pregentatbon of rewarde of meem and altendauce and I. P. R.S. diulo mias-il. P, Hiliia. principal Wlr. trop Haritor scitool. Closlng gong île' a Long Way bo Graduiatiou Mý%Iss Evangel lngwelr s0ii. ciasso! '12. Assisted hs rias.. of pan>' mîit ritzenîsliý e willl peak ex- tempore Ilo tire- clbJct -îOuir lommi,- nltr. - n E I-IM'.liLLIER. Alle.5 NOT IC E 0F EXECUTRIXS SALE 0F REAL ESTATE Lu,,- Tut. l i.lDon't sweter in a bot kitChen Liilia Tr, i rs.l-, ieus .(4 the et WIîl this summen. corne in and sec auld ie.tuîu,-lt .Ku n laIe It arýi Il aur fo ul ie of -i 1, elutît, arî i t. Siu fuilu nulte lehi-rli gieta . l1 orhlv prenu. îue M il.mi <rder unj der-e-e, tered i.l i hi- lab-cîtîe, ,llr, theiâme The finest ail stoves made. FulIy Ten,. A, 1). 19,, vs aid Courît, 1 @hal guarantecd.,VVhether you have uruI SItu.rday. tirei- iith (1da'yVut 1iii l, 1) decided ta buy an oùl stove or 15-. it ,th-ue1i u)rn of iliu in 1 k liîe noit, lct us show you tIns hune. f-llîoil î u nauld uâ . at- 1tlie P[tactdoar Absolutely reliable-sirnplest tai oîf te I.iirt Hu ofeaicmiLa,]Ikt tunlv. operate. .-i l-î Ile '.-,V , i htaîrkegmî. tirthle I i.lty TOM WALSHI, Tehrwr a of L.akei-anj state iil 1lIIîuoia, "IlI at Tehrwr a [ui,1il. neuutIl,. tht-iigliptsaujditeet Graysilke, Ilibnois i-- lun uiifor,,at1,er , iuiigdeînrihi- imrii-.said nemi(etate. eltuateil lu tite Cmn1 - îuiv.,li. LakeiandSI e utlIllinois. ta In Al The. World mva the dlu i ad imtat,, io a uh No Trip 1.1k. Ib tîiereîul as nîals ' uc,-i-.vsanvt. pmy lb.. de1ts n uil-îîe tfioul aid estai.- and tbe t a ahanit ammi'@ duty »55m dmeati5S5 adIlibltraiol noWdci an tot)Zeate tais. bis tamil'. uwhi eh. asilee.d i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~&O etbe înuluntuiuu- u-mi a~~Cl1i~5lve bea u t lietue ar,-. a-it- âad Visi-ie -rat -zo t 0. t- eid- 'l o Nrt l 4(-hineof he a.t vlais'o adSma Diego; esolâg- e »Y. fort titi lb, Sunt rhma ,l be aitSi îmîa nr-vlen MatiaSo'os.7i ob oude- LutI. Si,'No tlu,.et qluai-n tero te North- Denier, Colo"na prlag,i'iPes.Puab enat,-liarten .d sectioîn 9,Toawnship 45 bh5 itupendeua and wmnid4s oal :;srge, and Ust la it ry. Thon Ye"shelu \Nth. lange il Ea@t of the Third eturn by vo of et tsortbhP&*fe COoat Am Pricipual Menidiail,. it..e'.îiag,- of Fox ithanGlaier or YellonstoeMs>a&" Pam* f'onu lli nver have theasnomOuPOto.itY M Llke Liii.. l.iiint-v, Illinoi,ia.orîtainiug f ye aseh th neotgh P.llassa-vimoeth n2 lr,-.atirdui. infrîlî- is. -aBington Renta (C. ".6q.LE.) weJobSeit cfti.eofraleoemi sMdeuee-hmé Lo.oîc14 and 15 n luocka-h1; Lot 73 lu iPe»a1yCondutdgja>'un Iit7.a idîvlded îiie-fiftb lutereat ihoswonders of Codoulthovit ,etra0 tri auj -for yon wil peus &ilthc". mcml intesti tiadto Lot 1 ru, [hi-k 4. and au u n- pointabydayi t.,'tieoae tht. il'jiji ir.ittbinteriet lu and ta Block Rers's thie deal Bit r:;= duaMduiwrite 01 ,lSelt t4-.eNonth, 3N lfe ttereofl ailtlme hou m"ay zpeet te mine te .trip, Jus, ru liarnin.bon v orant te go, the palite «met tg ineri' ubdi'.-îeion iif part ai the.. isft.heW long YOnD5&=te te S>, 8d luitl Nerteast quarrer aIflthe Narîbeat pinn mtp«pec"a11 u toper Ue an qunarter ofl Irantisnal section 9. Towu- neede-u>ien you i1 kneuSI about lt Il shîi 45.North, Range9) Eact of lb.. Third psu deelde to go, 1 mlii make sr.a.omes Prirîî-pal Neridian ase eitîîii î, the fornyonn comple ttipsiid ree plat thn,! -ne the he lt.-,au-der'eberthe. miien ths time cours frton o orat dfi. iLl eCont. iniia bite ecrdr PWrie today- beforn.youforgel t. 0 Ofeo f lte u L ae ¶7. 1 o@ nBo 3 .ciseG. P. A. Bnningto Rente (C ofpat,onre page l llee modIrée.aud IL & Q. IL-) 5U7 W. Jscksee DIVqdiom cii-ar rte fi le re iateoiii hrrctina Nlarvin, ____ midoir cf YFranik Bl lanvin deceýaeed, Deati tlrop," atnams given hy neal- Nu de..d or deeda w ill lie ilelivered ta i tGecet ts ldc ne thi- purehaser or purehaece..util sald tic..Chicago & Milwaukee, WJeetIrc, sale bac be-n ep,,t,,d ta and approv.ed nallroad a, Hazel avenue aud Onee. b>' said Couîîtv Court.Ba odSnadd ate v- liated] June Sh, .A. D. 915a udaade ntie c Emma Tnipp. îýiecutrrx 'f the lattlim ta Ils liet mite» Mrs. Clifford W11- wmli and testament ai Frank B 9anviua., Ham$ ma saevenely tnjured lauan auto. decepaoed. June 11-18-25 Jal>' 2 mobile siamaup. Ve