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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jul 1915, p. 9

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ý.WÀUJKEGAN IN DEPENI)E-NT EEKILY SUN 2ITTI.V 2- fi1s rfuiT PAGES. Uany GOodEntr&s TO, HAVE ROunNmiNO IbssAlwYs a Strong Biei on Eaoh Day. lWial miculiprove ta ha au e aeedlnskl ine e""dl roorsuVIS&le preegtal t the, Lebdýcouty' fai at Libertyvufle on Imylember 1.à »anm 8. et 1h18 yesr. Premten rs ctle lit have laken greef salua ta matbe the prismore attractive tihn»uuel thla vonamId epect lhe umber of en tries le ha Up te a- hlgh standard. rOpe featre liat vili ha approeble Z'd are lie runnin races. Tvoof lUmes "Ibous bave -bobs lsed on the pro- am for euah of lh ietrI Io daîs.b TIere Win 14 eu othle lait &W. lellews«m-Mthel.pregrani for lie tireedas : Wduy.Septamiber let 191&. 3:7trot; perse 8400.0 à: S4 pwMn; purs. 8400.00. 58Mle runalfgi Perse $100.00. 34 U04 reamins; pers $10000. Thersdy, Saq "mr Ra0d. 191. Mree for aiu Pace; Perse 84W00. Cout paeo eligible i 25; purg TrSW for il trot; purse $400.00. 64 mileruming; pures $100.00. 34 mile rmmns; purs. 8100.00. Prldoy September 3r4 I018 Cout trot. eligbie :30; purs. 2.20 trot; prs. $400.00. 2:17 pace; purse 8400.00. t A64 mile runng; 'pus. $100.00.t Ibe folovins ccodtio MM .11 30-9 emre eraces ail estries: L-Rnies ofthle Aerlcaa Trottina Aoscilone oSviiivee*e a me 4 m.Ai oues ta ha mile huais. 3 lu 65, te kmem al01 placlmg sysleni. 3-4bsaco fee. 6 pe cent Oft psue, sand an adilticeal E pet cent treu moneî vinnens.t 4.-Puosdivilel 50 25 16 sud 10t per osnt.t #.-A hors. Ilalaucîng the bll or Mrî pan thlereof lm entiled 10 oli ,vt mener. O .-Usuel veaiher reservaUion clause. Haî and straw free. .-Entries close Anuus 2. 115 a"i recorda mae Iht dar no bar. t Thoraeametahobamahellgmmem on1 mach day cf the feu.Managerm of Laie oontî beais are urgel ta coni- muinicatte iii Z. EM Elsvorth. of Uh. ettyvlle.. Manager of lbeUasball departsient. lu order taI a ehedulei Mar b4 arrangel. Chief Healy of Cicago Gives Him Rht té Defend Hm- sfI ttacked. ASKED SAME PERMIT HERE. 1ev. W. A. D. Venerable, pastar et the Af rlcn Bapiel chuch of Norh Chcago, ha. bel apecial police povra conferrel on hlm b hidhutllaleY of Chicago, accordlng ta a statemont h. Ige mil that ho là Ch Oicago a lacge pat 0 lie iste. aa4 bha. been idnzkrel liaI CUnnSlgiaM. lOe clot- e1 M» Who. $hot hefl Iv re t mealy. hbu heen maing tirets oi W& lite, 'la tact, h. MY$s ho bas eM q5#Mbwmnshalogb is fOtMla l paes viere h. bnev lie feiov lad puVO aldexcus ta e *üWl m1h18pionsha veutt 10Ckile Jhejýy, hle i, and ss0i leofepse bfs Ut. va. lu langer. The ObtOls 1111f cfpolice l a «dto lave sera] him luas ta specal oigalvn th le rIait 10 Carrya oev.s nlllrrquet Of tb.ýWhuem npo- licebut A vlleiioPiidsowIl vas thougt lie mnister'vi Ano, eu- ~pei duIog«. Cuniilms te ut u $s000 hll [~aa ecio r taten»ipd tulr. Io oberre hmbasbet w100111Wrhlm foW »svmri dmla u rler thalietÉav ^bav ostatersvehv tW io for "tet ~et taé aS~a eaisnrf ymr. Olmn l. «Os 0 I on 0hostate treaiuuhIp. 90m vol be attorneY eneraL. la lu. bld iagaIat -01.00te date am, 1 ---- t~'hsa's ad 1W.t B. 1(1V.of- awu.PMU, 'User vili opposa witer IL pro- vis, et Christian cown>. Gopum W. Wilo cf Adams Omeif'abd S8puel A. Ettatmon of cool ,elty. ReN3AN'S'PROVO The openlng shoot aI OG«. P. flane. houas sootlng groundi n oun labo provel te, ha ahui» 0us-lu though at one tine it *01.1 et thuh veather coOIItiud" Of Saera Io*eIe, II Niit. l of a dau emt iy ta .151 p6 la~ avents. 'Long la"e sent te Is ow4 daes tion althoub hCiaso amsdWue iver. ot far beind. They. , et local boys a"nmre from rUnaqb tovas made a muet ropeet~v bunch aud the scores tIn edboO ta the perfect conditiosa4~~p ments » W. V. Jackson of lnulstew 4ra higi amateur viii firt f05 miiioff %ox Lake second; for the proIselWn- ai&, H. C. Krwool val on toépith 90. cloeely followed by J&y Graham', wlth 98. Merchandlue prizo, veTo ai4» won by Jacsnon. Huory, Kauataqi Gre- ham, Oion, Ahlgrlm. Fraw.. and Ifammon, each cf vlmom i-oi'ml a vey pretty and useful pI0150E vhlch will sursly ha apprelatel. Shooa wli be heldonthee ru durlng the summer aI r Inter- vais and from generalirlthee la a right future. 4 Too much credit csnnot'hs gSiven Manager Reseban for hme efâiK& lA prosioting the events. everydWlekbr tua woni taoen cao of. T1>'"isoot went oq lu a anner veli Wfj9ýW et a "tte cmiaponshp. Tue ra vere as follovs aô&100 taeusle: AMATEUR&. -,W. V. Jacko, 97. B. Dunili. 96. C. C. -uery, 95. I. R. Keller, 95. a. C. Muler. 94. in. Dunaill, 94. IL . 1Ranp. 94. 00o. Mot>)ernxtt. 94. a A. 1lawe.94.W. V. XSWu, 44. A.B. 1 Kamier92. T. L Mis.. Mý91. R. ýXMotgo. 9 IL Gedo4'8U., 1. A. HiMto4- 89. o.,YTrameU.- A. 018051 78. li. lýogean, M7 J. 8icqaei". 3 A.HamêS 1.me o IMEtO 60. .Bertainger.5E4. A. J., Simér.2. PROPES11OIA., ; J. Gah., De. The Lxi. (lSuty w boos. have-,berna880àssuel 'Ws dste Jun Again Has EstaMted lt- vuR 200 LICESES ISSIJED hist Is Coulderably More Than Were t#suinii June for Last Two Yurs. The "oth of lune continue, taoeu- Joi the distinction o! being "tho montti of brdes" for the 'er«dsat lb. office of tb. county derb ehow that the numehr of licenses l»eno je" luring lthe monti of luge this yonr la cousierably larger UIbnilas for te mne monlh durlug the ,mr 19U13. r Tie number aoflicens lésued dur- lus loune Ihiayear as veli as dnriug the sarno montit for the 1mut Ivo îotas. lase asfoliovs: lune 1915 ...............20 jue, 1914 ................. 186 JUne. 1313. ............... lu The figure@ for lune. ibis rear. voe taoehn p10 oonm Iodai--lt la possible sud vynprobable liat morelilceumes viii ha lauel tht. aflemnoon, brlugng ul lb. lucrease this year ovor pre vingt yeare atill more. IePutiesla the office of the cetnti club are Inelined tu attribut. lb. heavyi ntrease in licenses during lune 1h18 year tu te big influx limaI bave comainlafroin Wlmcà>lasn. The fact liat Mg liloenaes vere la mel hars shov" tiat minlters and justce@ or the pesae have hesn bept buyprtorming marrlage. Ou cor- tain occasions differoat Justice% have uierind masiani a. dive or six mur- rlages in one day. .. Thneir fsarthat th nov Ilinlois av vw cims a marriègo prformel Sb li ate invaild pmoIlel it l id ha i1flla may Oume Mats. mai have the essaeo f laitalus tiir husiniss. 4w tlIe reithe ment of lthrmat- - laMou s w - supies edmtnt Ueie fl-lutber atea. "Thie uMvlav maites Il aimentiIm- possible for a Wlemal couille ta corne bar.sud gel mariol." on. jus- lics ail. IN EIJROPEAN -WAR Mms David WMlon of St. James Street Gets Word of Rel- atives' Toit in War. SERGT. NESBIT POPULAR- Waukegan, June 30. Mms. Davd WlIlou bas auceved Wd-el tai acouin, àasonaofici moboer'. siter, ha.beau 111181 la- *ltina ille servies tu lie firlimi gar. avotier relative, a mPe#e, lW soislu a hosptal, voudl.- MiaUr. Wil sonh.two or ;upidenem. q»va th le e&Mybel of ailber rom,- tivea. ti» eat ofBugt. Nest la lhe orat mumwit ta accur -Mga h Bara la vhat the Peeple'sluis of Lýnolou. aya of the let f iot cousin: 'Sergeant Charles Nisbit. t <T) Battalion Back Watcb. sou 09 Mr.i Cbas Nimbil, Brosd treelt odn bahb e bn- Mlel luacMton. lu wrltiug ef the al ocee M elo Gutbrie states that Sgaat Mabt waa no severeli vounded bY a Plece or~ sagrpnel that h bed11 vtila 2"; miites iter macing thecmmentca I poet. Il vasa aovi blov ta lie olI D Comay. Ths serseaitt vam oue of the brht.t ald buet ad lieW. very lrsI daY lu tie tranch., bai beau marketl hi bis desth. lie vwu accomupeing hie pletoon oommen4- or, UÀeutenat Stevart. InapeçIl al- Oiu, sunI h(Major Gathi.)%'ld jum exchanged, reeinas vlt hilma feW seconds before te shrapuel came. i$ lyounger brother laoi l teste- ment, Bugler lames Niait. vas mcci distremede. as Indeed ver. theîail. Major Gulie viltes furtier liatI h. d lin aI 50Wvll. Sergeailt Niabt h4» b e u.o!flb.enict valcel mée fron»thle boglnains of lb.e omPenY. Desesel inthe Orat of lte C0*ov deatb Territoriale tu 10m. his. Ie.'I ecriel lbe long service sal, l Wem lu te comuani bins axeeé jésa, &He vas 3 Yom cf agema Gcertllusber npi.v. the mante -Arts, c--& a fortalgit-MIlie rot. IATTORNEY .TORfYFOE Rumoir Has if Iba He WuiI As- sume Woit kd in the Past by Ct Soitendent. HAS SUPPOT'0F COOKE.ý It WasRe éb .e Would Ao-A cepti stm àd.TakeSlOO î a Yearfor WServices. la T. Arthur 1011011,on.,coutY su- perlutendent of $eh",oo s a asume the. superlntendency of tMe Waukegan etty schools 4 It vas reportai W«ednem§day moru-., msg that thé -Ccci. strengtb lu the school board vatil support Mr. Slntpoon for th eescyvbch nov exita, duerlo the relgutîc of Oliver 8. Thomp&on. ArIbir gSlmpwou.lit la reported. wil» assumme ose o"acet imperiatendont of i the*Waobeaan eçW echools. lucou- junction Viti liahe t? offieho nov boids. Mr. fimpmo! salary. Il la reported, If ho. âeêýp& the Proffered position, viiiho Pal 8100 a year. If eimpecu las pgented ib 011 Ihe vecancy, Mnd le ve"M a saiary of but 1100, it viii mous a aavlng of $2.300 a year ta thea- dli of Waukegan. Tbomp.onm sterWms $2400 aYsear. A Bun reporter sltiel Mayor Poarce ff a movement vwa on fout te appoint Mr. gimpson a. séppenltendent cf lbe Ciy schools. Mai ho ilfused te ma'<e any slatemenle s stie matter. 'I roadlaluthe piera sevoral veois mgo that one me. lad conented ta taxe the positipu. l"d vas wlling ta 011 the o0ee for the atatod ealary of 0100 a yeaa. Mr. Uhupson le the ouly uuan lu Wgubug" Sho could afford to ail the vseancy 1h51nov existe for tbat ucney 1 admtt that I bellove t1 woul ho a top IX thelisrght direction ta elect Mr. Simpý eo, talii the va- camcy" aIl Mayor Pearce. Mr. Simpson reftut tal about the malter. If awk a stop les to ho taben. lhe Immediate plane 0f the school board viii not-ha made Inovu for »serai deys nt least. 'Tpo much one mau tule,' al one of tic members If tue ichool borda vio teierel is *mslatw les *Bmbsr tae mmlo *sscon téIar li. l'h. meMbee r' mAle'lie salI. baceph ho ndrea briaslng persoualltles eEproa pruigs.4"t school mattels of lmporl,- anc. Il vau reported today tiat SupI. Oliver 8. Thompoon hel recelved auy falteringocf torsasudtiere in no doubt l te minds of blhie ndu that haoviiirocelve a superlntendencl vhlcb viii *et hlm more çt il thsk ho vau recelvlng lua'Waukeflu. Thoupson bas Ihousand ot friends la Wbubuan, an dthey. ta a man. ha. Ileve tha( polltlcs ajonc causel lb. fisht made egainat hlm. PLOW f in RY TO. OffT DEST RESIJLTS ÀADVIS3EXPERTS Three AomesPlowed iid uy Are SaIdto Ba Worth FflPow- ed In Septei.,,. The crop timprovomeot'. comieei amits ths valuablo coottsielo th Tesiers o! Iis paper: Balire nelghhorboode maI llght et the main. ime tb vin. Lâte moulus a ,lli but yl not prevont Aprhl hatcm- lng even lu latent seolol 'viesl plov. In leauder and lragging liecoply vay.1 Wp foed 50.000.000 busiels cf goal Irestto 1h. Heemlan fly *réry ioar te Mr nolhilus cf viat il coseste ita feel o* chlnch bugs aud o0>er pesa, a"d haVe only oursolvos <o biamne. There ta- ou yone uhiect lta'vhlci aiU farmers aure.and tià a 15 h tases.Thei vaut pay'fot abeep 1111- 04 hi the neighbors dogn. Wby not cml par for the vheat bifl l y the aelglbor' Hessian filée.? Gel tooother. Evory nisiborbool 8110914 have a tarmor' Olb.,ald ap- 'poit a Hewaan i coniitse What Tg Do RighlNq. 'Out the vbest hlgh. above tie sec- ond Joint. Remove the grata titou the iel ald stack Il oaillere neae. Tie Lyis nov ln the relus stase a«d lesalebt vay and oJysure ,4la furtoeveri fermer f0 pv eV- ery acmedonpl1 d thoZoâgily viti- .Z veb 'lor hmVe t tung undrtbe *lnbbi compie flId ltheu tagiâ ,rr. This *vIii X . Pi. 4mém vcekla necemaay.- Tocb th'* gooo hillîron ta Io* for the , an e report it ai every stage. &P- 'pointâ; caplailn luevety'cio l- tact1.. vie eould ha the vi w at mm* l, Iwo th le bi0b7, uI"bd a Ietto exl Mie, t. 'itiu Alec euI ln connection with the rullng of the supreme court In Weislpftkli' case detalled eisevhere, hls 'atlonY. Alec Beaublen of Wukegan at8$ Ir ought' te foot personi~ud th succosa tbat Lanmaried hla v« lu handling the case. And, bis frends alec ar c'lecaffl the fact that Xt marks another vlc1. ln Mr. fleaublon's supreme court $Xi patiences. lie won ln the supreme court Ibe Lord-Reol 'case ln vblch tbe i4Iiq court milel againt Judge Wblt4 sud establlsbed the tIlle cf the =f~ lty farmaut Antlcch In the came oý Genevieve Reed. H2e aloc won the MIon Cty smoi4 case lu whlch ho took the case teah supis.. court and obtained a .1 wblch hald the antl.smobe regulatlon as Ilileamand lnterferlng vltlj pet- zonai llbertlesof realdents. The lattes case ha& heen vlleiy. copiel In law- yeW - selected- cases throughout tihe ccuitii&y. Belief Prevails That Il WUi Pm. vent Majorty of Wisonsin Couples Coming Here. INVALIDATES MARRIAGESI Those Who Corne ho Avoid tli Marriage Restrictions Therq, Get No Relief Here. Waulcogeu. June 30. The slgning by Governor Dunne of the Illnois merriago lav vhlcb pn>. vides that persono troni othor st"e cannot ho mariol lu IIlîlule If th*l~ marriage ebcnll bc tu vlolatiliop f lave of timir homes u*tls vIii p«e ebly slgn the leok1iunt pt eir hoegan as a Grelh e"#*i~. îfor il bar the marrialgo lier' a b4relsi 'people vime have beu coitag hée towe vo esccape the lave of, wlqomg. otaser Grady Says He Ha$ Ma y nquries for Po- sitidns on Farms. ~ANY NEAR WAUKEGAN. t ipasize thie Fact Tha Mon Who WntWork Real bady Can Secure It. ' f titere are a bundred sud fiftY abie bodied mon lu Lake counti vho vant ehtiere'. no-excuse for theem b.- lut 111e rlht ago rw.4'-' ecées ta 150 jobe§s UI W««~uutY forme for men vhoa are Williug 10 do tbat sort frwobk. 'roll tour tu IOve farmors riait uni1 Waukegaa have -lefî lbiu vîti me Viti tie requut liat thes tare. banda."»mailMr. yaltng: "Andln thlb.coadty, i aii150 gsncb jow s »U-l e4~nto.dai arocad, his right v.$ Tcfermer& of lb. counly usad 0 adther pai bold .maneyfi - ibr. If ani man vents a Job ,Bfaai &l bo bal tu do la te louve 11 ansd sddrecss vll me or eseirpostlmaster. fermen. isuh- hm h follovins the Mmre plan 9* ustartel by the govemn- sep umeime mgo ad Maur gen Cave lio elpel tircugi a ealy lu PEAp CASE a .M; o~e f ]KprtmChipaso sUd WavkèplI., lesnet jeled toperve a asutiece la1 tas pplponon a charge et merder st > he" cagvold It, amdals a reluit le oteimra, tO im adesperale at.t Nuit Uaturley n MuIaiubeber M7la .in8g o argué a moi a macho olanov rbd.If 1h15 s l enlel, ae Lrnwt rIa. Ve@Asimie the cm *10U ha mn*pealed 10 lie aupreme court. "A uphr of lnumleliiMilali bop poepleWho have taben un inter- çat ln tlb caeehave Pised te fur- ehbq li.peoeaaari funds," 1ev. Ven- qpble salI. "MUi 0 f tli ODapsOi lpe ville ald lbei arlbnsi itçp PAufaély becam lii'felM , ujp" in Pmt gmhtîcfti ie0e WHO WON VI c- IEmm JOBS'i R WESTERFIEGDOaar.a $tJPREME COURTi AAIALETOUN WHOO WANT WORK t t*t muà?pa Tiqë i. remiuw t«' tu» s i arum vibaeies jomaWè bd be" vubmiaI timaient c1 oelbnalns ulosAa t »setmbu Ths Woo p OeMeelas ic* fait an. planningha liia &mb0 iitshoeid le Putlatoe cL. sin.- a'nvrelevmaws The passage cf the lav vîlI mai. Ie 1I8sd fgitins and the ha i rtde *aa op« emhppdd. lier bond bit lb ptutie invald marriages of persons from EMIOW, MaLd osiiel a. a result. 00v. fusessiguf Wieconein who ovale the eugeule f lesre VaUno lioubt of murder In Tnesday evoeg e 1ev4 ihose vbe marri vithin cit he yIqtl 0U f ellier vomna." Thirdàt morales from lb. time o! thelr divorce, th" W - tXyDUAflI tINENT. qurers pmii ft vite evado the iive-lay lilloee "4liWt 1 -ran ibehobl-Oe.a sud te persons who marry under e zooieI.,N. Y.. lune l8.-Arch. Ato lIttiae r~ At leail ibis le the lntr rett4lo me pso iageys life lasiuoly obhwng rens. 21 wll8*q attorneys who have lookol Into t tenispiîcat ý4a o ia"ue~ sitatin. ~ latb la nov oura question'hetel lj Sînce the passage cf the tigil eugeil @Umulaiilm are bing uael Il 1Ivn Wisconsin tiers %hose, vu e ven taslembm 'no " e vaa.If ie a great Iuflux o! Wiscounco00ueq t )# Preioa sventa m emb7 eis lu Chlqe luau Waukegdn te take eut mtras. of ecountyarn vlde8 lu- ceuses. Thte number tIbis îear bhaethesym ealiysudieo 01 U*t Wb"oliet uuusually large. There la not a e ~ tp M. QuWgle are busY ae AI wben there are notetai bai a hf onIltance ceaue. AcbbWho . 'VUX Bd doe fte.papal lelflegl; Arebi vl>m1iiII1 lezen e! hom.oftSan 'ranclmco, mm geees li"'ho From lbe number ot Wisconsin <ç*6 and otheror ci ri Maney pies 'eho bave beau comtes ber. fale le bllherarchy are n- alb. et tesisiI laie It wcull appear liaI tliey vlal OoUiuncalOIL ta get mnIer lime lInebefore tl* . i T J 'oiei of ChIlceso.,thé RS ATI noie 1ev hacomes effective, If MW, Ilmcpmronal PbYWAIOM, 1 à HE corne bore and tek.e oui ilcenspu afi«pr h immlea the lav Aa effective thior man#" W thé Aler b.eeaotà** Itbec not ha vaid provIling thei ylelat% fleouncel liaI1'- le »teetwIau the arragelaw of loSebe' Wunçi»agul alài, ia5 Toaai a 10 o** the mriag lav o! Wsconl.le~ su&d frlada ahoUIprepare Cimesier «unlell, Waukegn viii avait viii onaldet- Ie t I >p. m.no ina. Taylor sud -Mms. R able Intereml the vorbing ouI' of tie .of4 bili ulota nov lav.~o e l*uehbioe conidi iMm zela ~ ----..' . Il7 p ii Mu' U1 or Tlie couple luitM FAI ,WEA .... FOR PO$tieD Pmpy' w a, mpple tie oeretuoY lms Wambtnu, f. C., lune 29..m t rip ta mil* h vetetorfor lie Vourth o! Jul uir , gave 'ontlu ie"ondionvu udUlpie lai nexi Mondai vs promîscd ' Imgv n inI a a a.lp ýUtW ôt the latmoue t FM OauMei1w tI te tlRl htoa.* sl t. [Du-e ,msesbae. $ a u Li 1 Z, lty£47., riun 8 rnuro. IFJLuu% K Juffl &MOUW &&M *W_ PLEANS fU lmOA DAY TAIE Many Feel That a bioPWuad WiIl Be a GOod Drflwh Card for the Even. OTHER PLANS DtSCUSSED. Belleved That One Big:Fmu~ Suoh as an Aviator, W*«I Be Good rawlng C"r Thé annouacement Imat the oft la ta have enother of ia popular Wsuk a» Day celebratlons oen Auguet cores as velcomo noe sta every C*t ixen for th. celebratlons that brui heIn 1.1 in fr«meryeealvers lave hesa Uye SMuocfl. The faut tiqI the lwoomeds tht.ear viii le devo8aW ta th. lane MCAIwter lielal,~ elatiso a" the Waukepaa shom b ave tbeiueorecfmalles lie afal 1h15 year mftor ucesftuis Whlle Il la ratier eauly me y« ha deelde luit hat fq"m Us ah aor*, sontel. man feel tat tbe ---- ntle vent e o emplete vlthcoiatUSet pwtule. Theme alway bave umobmi fiomer Wauk«egsan his. ies51w1 bive binseue ffl o Ptt pa orelel'autos la iaus. bstier Mragaetbitor cM tdSmq at ail diffiquit«bd t k la veês1i *i Mnyfee m tatumrYnexW.Stt ieul iw b eue 54t vMi thé letwaube: w i, M%'ed* dfm#mm ~ecase l A N(m»t*ês voeu . o ua.TI Ci, t, tim Pmý Tim lx ID 1

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