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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Jul 1915, p. 8

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,VwewEsuiaim-io ASK13D IN SUITS YS. NORTHISHORE fiAS Are a Resuit of Gas Blast in the AnzelmoHome on Market Street Last February. Waukegau, July I. D tamages aggregatln $46,000 are g demanàed or the North Shore Gaa Compauy in euits flled iu Circuit court VIN today ai a reauit of the gai last Nýo matter how mucit yen or you- that wrecked the Anzelmo home, cor- huiband rako your jnancial ind. - uer of Marbet and 'Water treeti, en pendenCe cocote more ou the wa, s Flbruray 2 of thie gear. Two people and ans iffith which you utiIjz.. were klled and a thirzi waa tjured th*ooffly and the goode it pur. panfulIy lu the explosion. chjuB then on Vour melry. The nuits are as follows Ômof the mýA@t common forme Joseph Anselmq vi. North Shore of extravagance je iu houiewives Gai comPanY--425.0o damages. gxviug mway or storing away, nover Mariano Sclaro, admlnistrator of to be ueed a&pin, articles snob as the citate of Concetta .Anazelmo, de- bedeteada, table, lampe, lothing, ceaici. va. iNorth Shore Gai C.-$10,- etrtaîns, ioe chesta, phonographe, 000 damages. etc. &farlaousScolairo, admnistrai«of e Maybe the very thing that yon do the astate cr Antonina Anselmo, de- not vant ie juil what iomle cne ese ceased, vs. NortbhSMore Gao C.- je looking for. $10.000 damages.. WL The site are filed by Emory J. Wuy Net 5.11 TheSe Articles? Smith, a Chicago attorney. You cau rua a littie advertiîe- In the bille It ia set forth that te ment in the waut ad columne of the 1People who were 1klîed aud Injured Lake Couuty Independent. If yen lu the explosion were ualing ail poî- no prefer yen eau omit your nainelsibIe dame, and that thte go,; company's and addrei and we wil useo initiale negligence ws reipoueIble for thte ac- or numberisud have vour answors Mient. corne care of our paper. Tlhey wiII It la claimed that te compauy'i then bc sen ouîoYen unopeued. 1 high pressure gai main which runi The cent je so insui. You caulpaît t.he Auzelmo home leaked aud mun a 30 word advertîacnent one'the gai percolated thmouga te grouud turne for 25c. under the hard, frozen crust cf the .And thon there in another thing. surface, and îeeped luto the Auzelmo Ie it right for yo.U te store up thinge home igulting whon a match waa aud wate, them when there are. lighted. jflenty cf people neediug them. Thte twc wcmen. accordlug to the bills, were killed inttantly by te Telephone your want ad to us Mail, itile Joseph Auselmo was bad- OUJR PHlON E IS NUMBER 1 ly burned and waa confiued inite boa- pitl for a moxth, ePending upwam-ds -IQ $1.500 for medîcal attention. il +118clamedtitat the was disahled per, FOR SALE-For the nit two weeke aul neta. blankete. harneffl and wipo wi ib. dloued out at greatly reduerdf pries..Ares Haruem Shop. 42c1 FOR SALE-Pure live Geeme Feathere. A 40 lb. bed for Ï20. Addreee Pý. Box 455,IÀbartyville. 42p2 FOR SALE-Two fin@ Cole dor pupe. W. 9. Ap5ley, Phone 212-J, Lbert"I1le. c4lt4 IIORSESSOLD, boutbt ud exchanged Second band harm..and wagon@. Cash or terme. IN. R. Laed, phone 4, Lbertyvîlle. 42t1 FOR SALE--Cheap. combineaton riding and drvlng mare; runabout and barne.. Dr. 9. V. Smith, Phone L.betyeille 32. c4ltli FOR SALE-Si1 acres gond, centralg Minnsota cure land; àWeitlymoen1 ImProvements. Only $60 au acre Gond terme. Owner-Gern Nlelean.~ Litti, Falsa, Mina.. R. &. No. 4. 152-GtT wky it FOR SALE-Two paeesenger. could tIre, buggy-type, two cyllader, gasoline ru- about (Séare). This machine le lu tood ruuning order and will bwe old '-heap 0"e R. a. Ucolttle. Ares. Ili. 40p8. FOWÏ4LE\% 5 Dur.c ige ab= t 8 we.ks os T. C. Zereen, Tel. 290-J-2 Libertivlle 9et FOR SALE-3 good dre@,ere, 3i coie.- modu, 1i good large 6 humner gai e4tove. GUARDIANS SALE ýState of Illinois, County of Labo. ru. lu te Countv court of Lake <outy, Juue Tom-m. A. I). 191. lu te malter o! the application of William A. Roilttg, Guardian o! Augelia Thiele and- IBernard Titiele. minora, for esme tu, oeilI rou etate. - Public notice le bereby given tai t y virtue oftifhe order aud derreeofthLie CoucLy Court of Lake Couty, Illinois, entered in te abovo entitlpd caupe on te 28tit day or JuDe A. D. 1915. 1, William A. Roing. guardian of Au)gelia Tbiele and Bernard Thiele. minore, wvil1 tuTiuredaylte 29th day of July A. D. 1915, aLtaihe hour of 10:00 o'ciock ln tbe forenoon cf said day, at te front dcm- ýo! "the Bank cf Round Labo, lunte village of Round Lake, Labo Count'. Illiinois, offer fm- sale sud iell ut public vendue. for cash lu baud, aIltLthe riglît tîtie and lutereet of the eaid Augelia Titile sud Bernard Titiel-, luinotre, in aud to the fllowing deseribod ri-al otale. to-wit: Lot 4. in Willianî H. SmiLlas so.-ond additionîuat Round Lake. Lake C.îunty, lllinoie. sqaid addition iaing a part cf Llction 29, Townshtip 47, Northt. Range 10 Eat of te T.im-d Principial Nieliian ini Lako Couuty.Ilîlinois. William A. RîiucingIadiautîf AngKelia Thiele and Bernard Thiele, Minore. L.toll H. Morris, Attorney. July 2, 9, 16,. 23 W. R a. pe.Poe21- Uî 1 Pl:;îm:tie T:Ime ping FUR SALE-Young porfectly matched among the nstives or west Africa, an.ý drivng tamwt 100 In mch, 1@0 venta are dated by the evervday hep- drlvng e a, wî 1100 l. ech so enings. For example, a native ariter choce ! 2Iamly oree.Owned by ro-e that she received the news of 1ev. Belie, A. (1. Schweruan. (ilîmer, ber Slîtere elickneea "a little while be- MI. 4lctfý fore the guinea fowle talk.' i. e.. about W. have a Bomber of (une home. for five oclock iu the mornlng. eale or rent. Dymotbd& Autln Liberty- ville. e-41-0f An Odd Crime. - .... -1- Lady Bowyer-Stulth la an Eugllîb FARMS FOR SALE-lu Traverseeçounty, WOMRn who bas heen gulty of the àliluneta and IRobert. 8 1) , lu Catholic crime Of vulPicide, whlcb la îlmply and Luthitran settle[want. Very fiue ln plain Englith that ahe bas killed a- land, the richeet eoll ini the world and fox la enome other waY. than te Erg- wher croe ae mue. Te haitbý1tmbl WaY, with te hounds. IL le con- wher crpe re cre he ealtttet edored alincet ai great a crimne ai Lo clinale to b tound anywhere. LOW kW a man for snyonu to ot or th* prices for lande. For particulare addreienwemle -.:a-y wllh a foi, whlch lai G.oJ. andrwa.l>moî, inu32p1 rgareda he epeclal prey of the + FOR RENT FOR RENT--Good bouse. baru sud s-asdm. W. H. Appley, Phone 212-J, LIbestyville. 36ett FOR RENT-Boueee sud flate lu Area, Good locations. E. 0. Payne. Are&, lit. 4ilel *LOST and iOu-Ni + .LOST-Btmeh of beys.. roin Deerfield t.rough River Woodg nomti. one mile on Mlwaubee Ave, to Ineull Rond, euti on l1m0i]roaid to Telegrapit Road, couth on 1kleuwapb rend to Deerfield. Flader roe.us to Blghlaatd Park Preee, Highland Pak, Ii.. mnd receive reward. 42C2 anT-lckmd White Pointer dog, be* U teked, ipotted. ilewamd for m"m t IW. W. Wright. Hall Day. 41t1 Izd.elldent reader? BE ONE. ýWANTEFo-Nln*eeenpereont to bny reeldinee property la L.brtyvlIlle. B.Di. Boyd, Lihertyville. 41tf WANTED-C" aISI suor Coîlie sud etiter puppies. six togt. sb.«ek ehd. Telepbeue Ares 85. Buniage oalg. Juue 25-t WANTED--Good girl for s-sueraI boue vcrb. Teephobe Uberty ville 22. e111 4MIBOELLAIIEOUB 4+ TAICEN UP-A horee. Owner pleaee caîl. pay charge. and bake property. A. L. Travle, Rleut Farin 2, Liberlyvîlle. 42el &LP X yý IO 7(ome Drer/A et M e Proparerd E.specially For Thuis by Pictorial Revie VACATION SUIT Chic coat ccetume ln brovu ratine liji the aummer girl. The pocbet may PlttorW latIvtew Suit lNe. 4290. gs .7(ome VreýiXM Prepared Especially For Thù Nd by Pictorial Reviu STILL ANOIKR SM' Zest tie klnd o rnpliety Ibat the velI-dmneed WvouUaalkeibei te m. bod laintie trock cf @trip"d lnes IL le trmai vd illa blac affeta. itla t ipeeeble te sur bat mg uns «7lyh a Ps-efeeed lu astesnoua fauch fOr tere ha.sehIdorn ben a ernais vbathere vas gomie-b variation MW Ihb. Tiu stgbiss- model viti ta1 mIls-btiy bloueed valet aud gatiteret ebit iat Ila ruee»paeiconvince oue Ploloslai Reviev WWNOfE. $802. huit. Prido% 18*@et&e Oirt No. 61*1. bOIe.& S84 S& si. -tam ADVERTISI NG RATES Ge perlin.e cn insertion Lots than 6 lines. 25C firet insertion -- -buzt àl dtioI'Io Umn4i~u.s&wî a.s fb 6m uirn#iti»mbona biiniu m mi t&~ um g t4of U, *" oo muIybur m IN IRLUs ATM £à 1ine1ee huwe.&Io a 6ui nt afi rsM b., mdeinluoneor two uiodi4h déign, .-usf.ll a aud thte sklrt la trlrumed wltlt pockets. ou Thte coafort aud style cf titis tallored ..td __________________________ frOck wae apparent; therefore It uteetsM the approval ofte lmcet coniervative Of teete.s. Thte jacket mey cs ris-ht 1U?.P te b ck wit a round collar and lié boîtai Or naay ban uttalitt anu] looe e k a boys cat..j wlth a clusd orV V-ibaped ueck. Tithe kirt i@ a imart *or-!RTYVLCl tWo-plece affair, wit waiel-line raskel tWo tnchteaboya te natural bine. It lo flsibed wlth a neat boilansugatin- Mil iligittly 5cm-ceethe back. Ukoe i-________________ JaCket. li la trlmîued wltla pokets of EL STT TI SF S Thoee .Dut.Peia. 90"7l dimiensions. ELET, RNFR For 16 year aise 3% yarde 54-incli Fumlibd by ho reHDut.Psdn. auatia are required te moite the cos. LAKECOUNTY TITLE &TRUST Co. MW. OhurlftL.Aout turne, sud lu cuttins- the celtb dMn b.Abstacmto of Titis. Tilles Garanteed. Hn eltL.J ueed te-boat advautagc if Lbé directionaq Matenle Temple SidaR. Waultegan. T L P On the Outting guide are caretully "or' ried out. Paret fold the material. Non' Juité 26. 1915-ERima . Grabami et On the leugthiwle fold, about Ltre al. to Grace D. MoGuire, 23 acres north SE U IT I'ri * lchea frein the crossiwlse edge of hié ansoeiL o! Wancouda rosid ln nortb.S C RIY-I clOth. place thte bocksorem-ecft te sklrt. weit quarter section 23, Waucouda and te the rlght cf titis lay the back of Lvii. W. D. $2,800. U R SOF M Lb. cest; aise on the fold cf materlal Macler tu Chalucem-y te J. P. Hogan. A SR C S0 IL Folie- wlth the coler aud tite front tract of landInlu urtbeant quarter tcm-e and vîit the addition cf the bol, section 28, Shields twP. Certificatesa~tI$ gtens complote Lhe sections te tsi llai fetale, 129,924.39. cpw $ outh f fthe g-ode. Tieteunder-sleeve sectIon la laW t,3. CMANCERY NOTICE. j V AUKEGAN - ward lia celvage edge opposite the Saec lica onyc ae e- bock gee The front, upper-ileevo tt fIlni, enyo ae 8 section, uuderfacing, pocketsand ud s-uf Circuit Court et Lake Ceunty. Octob- marlidon a tengthwlse troad c et i ePr Teru, A- D. 1916. State of Illinoi, Couuty of Lake. ase. Ifasrtlal adsrdontejct Arcitibali Leille McPherscn. Elima- lu theoCounty Court of Lake- Coun. eut off front edge cf Iteit on sasih'o etit T. McPbericn. Emma E. KîcPher- t y toe th- Auguit Terni. A. D 1915. perforations. For 'the open necli et- son. Auguste C. Pleron William Me- lu thetoralter of Slocuna Drainage tact et off front odgea of front and un- Clcry. Margaret Meclry and i strict. Lake County Ilîlinois. No- derfacing on straitl 'o-perfor-ations.fa. tnRndh s h hcg Thte statu attowance on thte shouldet',Mri 1sdhiv.TeCtcg ticé of lte tUr nsd place cf heariug under-arin. back seoam rof leevo aud caff & Mlwaukee Iglectrlc Rallm-oad Coin-: u pon the "Commîjsiloners' Roll or As' la one lnch and la iudlcated by note.le-. pany, a corporation, organlzed under sesSments cf Benefits and Damages - The remalntng seams, however, are but te lawe of tite State of Illinois. the % Incht wlde.Tea$ esn neetd ndpi- At titis @canon 'IL luweîî te selee Chicago & Mlwaukee Electric Rail-la a te tperso eitre itedand pegtil- serge. gabardine or a lis-ht vals-ht wool. vay Cempany. a corporation. organ- aud devicees cf Jacobt P. Debus and en utaterial and te cuit vill o avait- lzed under te laws cf te State of able for carly faîl wsar. Titere la a îîîîneîî lte City cf lHighland Park., Alouzo F. Anderson. deceaied. declded llklug for te tan or dust-color Talre- Notice titît the Commissilon- lis-bt voisht coverts, wipcor-ds, ktakil. a municipal corporation. William 0. ersi cf SLOCUM DRAINAGE DIS- etc,. for nmnmer wear. Titey certalnly Johnson as receuver. Mechaute Lsu show te duet tlesreadtly titanthteI& Trust Company, aU trustee, lt ae Rl d T. AEir('oUNY.IINturs olS. idark cloths. but ounte ctitr baud titey Royal Trust C~ompany, as trustee. Tit aefldtorCmieoeiRl are net noc beccutins-. cf Assentiments of Bonelliteand Dam- UMPFCIN9 seiTCleveland Trust Company, ai trustee, ailes.- witîîthe Cdent cf thte County Sjand te uuknown owners cf 1.000CorofteouyofLkan ae O boudacf $10000eacit. of lte,-Chlca- o Illinofi t ('ouny c l.aesudate - K . go & Milwaukee Electm-lc RaillwayRolf semntadBeâsad - - ~~~~~Comnpany, dated JuIy 1, 1899, and pay- RIo seiet n eot u abl Juy , 119 ieurd t' trstDamags- affects every plece and FRON abe Juy 1 199, scurd bya tustparcel of land coutained ln ssii Ied ie ysi hcg i- Drainage District, a corporation lien 14 le, 18 andi20 ygass. Paie, 14 the CevelncTrstwaCompany te ,organlzed sud eistiug under au theCueolnd rut Cmpuy udLit ,Act entltled, "An Act t.0 pro- Royal Trust Company, as trustee. vide for te consatruction, reparation. said! trust deed belng recorded linte sud protection cf draina, ditches, and cil ~~~~recorderas office for Lake County Illi- levees coethad of othera for nibr 477 u ok 2 c'mot poses, and le previde for te organl- raKigj Igagea on page 107. lu Clîaucery. No. zatlouî cf Drainage Ditricts," approv- 7404. ed sud lu force May 29, 1879,, and ail 1ý Ï e1Tite roquisîte affidavit itavlng iteen autendmetsti iereto nov lu force. 1tIlIed linte office of te Clerk of eald Voiu are futher notified that te Court, notice le therefere bereby Conîmisilouora à sald Drainage Dis- ieupapgixven toe te said above naed trict will appear before te (7unty defendauts. lte Cleveland Trust Com- Court of Lake- Lounty, Illinois, on te tiany. as truAtee. sud '(he in- 17tit day Of JuIy. A. D. 1915, at the knwnowpers cf 1,000) bonds cf hour of ton o'clcck ln the forenocu. iLE STRIPED LAWN. 1$81.000.00 ech. cf the C~hicago & linte m-contt tat ime occupled as that thora la ucîinglsg c,.no pretty apnliwukEocreRilway Coin te Counly Court m-oina, lu thte Court te striped linons. Tite uodol picturod pauy. dated July 1, 1899. and pay- Hanse lunlte City of Waukegan. Cou- liera la trlmtoed wîit black moirt olk. able .Iulv 1, 1919eiecured by a trusit ty cf Labo and Stale of Illinois, for becou.%e linon sud talteta are ver>' leed. gloon hi- said Chicago & MiI- lte purposeocf havins- a jury impanel- Th aninbulàatlou vîtht i ehtor. waubee Elecrlc Railway Company te edilunaccordance atitlte provisions motarately te a great exteut sud owe the Clevelantd Truft Comipany and the cf Section 6 cf an Act eutitled "An mach io!fls cachet te te original charte Royal Trust Companyasi truti.i Adcto provide tom-te exorcise cf te cf îL ysitude o e sud uttlnie.r- Id trust deed being recom-ded lu Lb. rigitv cf emnnt doeuain," aitprcved qurcivtu make lte dresa. vîtît 1 yard rPcordom. office for Lake Cotunty, 111-April 10, 1872. sud in tçtrce Joly 1, 16-inucitallk for te bauds, belt tund noie, on July 12, 1899. as document 1972, antd for the lîearing bofore aaid button-4.if nsed independeutly 3 yards number 74977, ln ibook 122 of mort- jury upon aIl questions of benefitsanad of l1nen wltb % yard eilk make te vaust, 'gages, on page 107, that lte aitove daumages te any of the land lu aaid Aftler closlng the uuder-arm sud 'named Com-plainanta ietocore f1011 Distrct, alse sald jury wlll, lu case iicutdor agame sud itetuinustLie front tîtotm-Bll of Cotoplaiut iu sald Court, auy party lu lutoroes l go requeit, the waist vill b. well on the, way te Ù aneyad hroadttpoee te xmieheldsad ccmupletîon. Thte next atep ia te gatber t on lt hueyad hrosdtttpoedt xmn ieln u te lower eds-e of front aud back ho-a sunimona tereupon lasued out of publiceitigitways te ho affected by lte Ivecu double "TT' perforations, sud à sId Court againtuthLie above uamedprpcdwmkfaidDtitsu defendauta. returnable on te tirt day saiî ascertain te ltee hoît cf titeir ~JL~ of lte cern of te Circuit Court o! abitîiy an ud iulteut te benefits Lako county. t0 ho belliattLite Court witicb sitaîl accrus te te lands and House lu Wankes-au lu cald Lake public blgitwaya te ho affected by te jj,~L..LLCouty. on te tiret MendaY O et Oe proposi work and te damtages Lu ~L7ia *'-.ber. A. D. 1915, sn e ibiy Iaw required, te lande lakeu or damagod tbereby aud witicb suit Io atilI pouding. over wbic thLie right cf way for te luches above. Adjus t ay under gatit- LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY. construction of te sald pmoposedl ers, ceter-backs even, sing-le strail ' "CIerk. wcrk itas not beoil obtalued. at te perforations at under-am sesin. âsud1 bming large *'0 perforation at icwem-1 Wankes-an, Illinois.1 June 2let. A. D. said Court Rocin at the ime heroin edge or! day te conter-front. 1915. sitove menticned for te impanelins- ci Fer tite satbered eleeve Si-st ecie Bowen W. Scitulaciter. Cemplatu- a jury as atomeîald. Ail perioni lu- searn as notchai. Qattem- on cross- aniti' SoIlcitor-. tereated, includius te persons named Uner athe qir 5sie uandrlt apie ~Wkly July 9-16-23-30 lu titis notice, may ho present at iucli uotcited. essn in&MY g ulînse. Ime and place and lake cucit action Titi culer walot close.es tite tr slaefL atoied fteys e aide. Fret lap 'ahoulder eds-e of back NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS . fiyt.aubrseifte 5 e eu front. malciîns- perforationisud We. lite Dimutora cf cebvol District ft sitLch it rst aitouier lu poiltion"'eu- No, 15, Newport, vili"I eve bide for lb. C. G. SMALL. mga lcft ftri for opnins-. Gather en erectiOn-olsauniseciacol bouse. lu aid D. G. WHITE. crua"ines ofsins-le arnal"0ote-ra- RYPDOK tions. Tura hem at lowrem- iedgcf back district. Ail blde t e î uimitted 'Dot RTPDOK on double "oOr Perftl0o. i4llaI-e later tbanl2'clocknoonJu1yI2, 1915. Cemmlîîieuers ct SîccunI coller sud m»v te lecboaise On ris-bt Plans rpay b. sien by callins- on John Drainas-e District. Lake aide a as Wei. Arramae, - vauât. bs .Teoêflu Ide ilb ony 1100 0 contar-fronte ad Mi eate.ba«* a ven;Sh.JrTieucefnblemyl. CualIis etitch galbèeete Posinmueso there requim-ed teonuse »YgMaterlailin lte nId A. F. Beaubiea. lu watet. brinuM 11is b11144 dSeO U t O bouse thal May b. cnaidired fit for nu. Martin C. Docker, outer-frent sud ham te he doubi"0" , Wn reeervs lb. risbt 10 rewet auy or Attorneys. perfomatons la itaY ad mai gower & ieI ecnie hm xouv.wl-y2 a eds-e,fee f rom conter-tronttlit;faide albd fv oadrtenecsie kyJl cieda, for openlug. ailiti te fis-. coi- Conrsi'tor wili not b. required 1tes a lai- aous- ie of «al*'0" Perforations down te old building. .- NAIRRIÂGE LICLU'81M. William V. Leitan. Mlvauke.,lit. Elizabetht Krsuzuecb, lme, i2. Joseph Sukcvateg, Milwaukee, ?4. Minule Kroeulng, saine, 30. Martiu Wehon, Mibwaukee, 22. Esther- Thomas, Rmre, 19. William Lued"îe. Mlwaukee, 28. Auna Malone. same, 26. James W. W'baler, Wllmiagton, Del., 26. ludia Taylor. Ravinla, 111,. 27. George A. PalIison. Milwaukee, 23. AilîeA. Fox. came. 26. Emil Carlson. Chicago, 24. .Marta Johnsion, saine. 24. James Quinn. Chicago, 42. Lillian Keiter. aime. $6. William Strese. Milwautkee, 70. Bem-ta Krcus-er, Ramae.,68. Raynmond J. Hannon, Milwaukee. 21. Celle . .Maney, ame, 20. LOUIS Van Derok. Chicas-o, 28. Vinjta Umbauaok. ame, 24. Eugeue Dreyfus. Mlwaukee, 21. Mae birauken Rame. 18. Clyde Bertrain, Muswcsago. Win., 21. Almta Wlllert. Muekes-ot, Win., 18. Josepht Mikulesky. Racine. 21. Glble Jensen. camne, 20. George F. Ellarson. Mlwlaukee, 32. Mile E. Schulz, cme. 32. Luman T. ilium-ho, New Yerk city. N. Y., 26. Mous Quayle. Lake Ibmest. 22. Felfte Deutbtcki. Nom-Lb Chicago, 1 Mas-giana Bambum-a, camne, 31. Carl E. Anderson. Kenoeli. 21. Mary A. ljandakov. Rame. 19. Paul Behrendt. Miwaukee, 43. PeunteDi.stembelt. came, 24. Pbillp P. Raudolpit. Chicago, 36. Edna H. Sveueg. saine. 29. Henry A. Taylom-, Lihortyville, les-al as-e. Hattle C. 'MoxeY, came. legal as-e. John Sees-er, Racine. 21. Domotbg Petersen, gaine, 18. Clyde A. Hefferuon, Riab Lake, Wi., 27. Gladys M. Jordan,.Bromlin, Wls.. 24. Arthtur Caddock. Kenosita, 34. Lîllian Dmapp. saine. 37. Clarence Zimineruasu Gurnee. 26. Vers Melcaîf, samne, 26. Josepht Stîka. Milwaukee, 19. Helen Baldyge, saine 20. Peter Bores. Racine............. 25 Klsa Stewart, Lanierton. Wis ... -.22 Hugo S. Levin, Cliicagc ...... - 27 Isabelle Hyvl, sRaine .......18 John B. Draxel, Chicago......... 27 Doria Warner, samne------------.-26 Mîbe Vucbovk. Milwaukee ....40 Lambki Sinolis. Raes ..-----------30 William Vokinn. Milwaukee. ..21 Marlou Kure, came ..... .........19 Robent Nolorotb, Chicago.......... 40 Aleda Schalem-g. Rame-----------..26 Louis E. Chrlstiansea. Zion City -... 46 Sarait Murray, saine.............51 Fred Weus-er. Kencsaa........... 23 Sopitie Haereit saine........... 18 Malcolmi J. Howland, Gmest Labos - .30 Rose Reindl, Citicago......2 Walter Tiscit. Grand Rapide, Mich-241 Ethel Pearl, saine............. 2J Henry Chinltnatitt, Milwaukee..21 Marie Schmuidt, saine........... 18 John H. Ruachiî, Evauston-....28 Florence E. Steffen. Wilmette ...21 Camloi P. Ward. Citicago......... 21 Irene Burbe, same.............. 18 Robent O. .,lca, Chicago---------..33 Akueis aner, saine------------..26 Recognlaed Word et Once A IlttIe ninegyear-qud boy vas labo- rlously locbiuig up hie spellins- verdi lu thte dlctloaarg v« ite.camne upo& one vboe e mantes- vas perrectlgap- Par-eut te hlm,. edaaheioff a sn lence otatiig lie word "capisr and paaeei L, o the udxt. Imaginue thea leacbes'î amusement viten b. reeiled.' Élly. "Mg cap size la No. 6'D- Unoator. Rope IleesStueng as Steel. Recent xpesimenkteshaow Ibat rn aamopa le as etrons- as @MWdbar- steel. vols-ht for vois-bt. vhereaa a leather bell isle» huambn40 par cenSt as aIrons-, comparei lu the smne way.. A year a use vili laks 50 per cent f& ropeaaetmens-lb, alter vblcb Lth e &m1.I eantelemore graduai.'ri W. B. Smith. Vice Président. eraten, and MansFer on«. Gan. Ceuns. IONE s'O E& TRUST CO. TITLES GUARANTEED 125,000.00 - ILLINOIS NL Ti AIE OFI *heueA 8heCol o ine ela tp the.par su plana Hie Sm-il 8tbfri- en.d fi and msefrein Tri: tibertyvllld olved to s-citilsz aie meuai sire go bnay j ester Ibat lie to wr &5 long t -oa fl bee gun ers »auuall Samding lbousht cd «t a tiSi *ben orne -eouodlits s 0. in IWbea*à wa. a uic Mait o f a lit Wf ve ta Wnormei tlown dem-i meuldsgo i Iou<ed ve fepicd hie *d &bout there twe Urne ve b »mWly ru «487 but yt AWé acîdos- tag -before 0avfuai ucmcp ti Have hi Mre. Poey àdaI ata Suwture. .Lbertyvll The ec- moue et t aametpîse taben We meq piar-toetil touit and camping a OId GoI bg Our fi ~ca of c 'Veatem-. mns vîtho, malute, bue -on accomb thi theii 'eaume.1Ihb that cari- ilirous-h 7yeuns- lai and vbce the papes eost, ovi stoppi a thLey yodt i les, vI .,whe. L asaln, a a v1 rae go awr yoi ff[OOUUU$.-Ul.nClUnatl TimeeStar. 1 ý . 1 ý L., . Lt

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