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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jul 1915, p. 6

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Danc, at Dlamond Lais Pavillon i urday uîght, July 17. Goad muslc. MmiRe.. Hinton af Bersvyn, spent a1 daye ai las! week witb ber mother, M Bolet. Mmre C. là. Umbach and @au Robert aio Eranston, visiti ai lb. E. J. Gis& home lait Thursia>' and Frida>'. The Misses Alta tirtiahon and Auna Francis af Chicago, ssere guesofOTlli Dancs as Dlamond baite Pavillon at._tlicheil on datana>' and Suniay. Výdcy lgl, Jly 17. Jooi music. l Mir. and tire. Fred Lubieman are 'Arthsur Grant of Chicago, Is vietiuig aI eni.rtaiuiug tie fonmet'e sieten and iva 0 Ir. 1. Williams home. cildnen of Chicago. .* fapis, vio Ioemployeiat Angu -.Mlin. M. Wagner atichhliren of Ga.- la epenulng bis vacation bere. laie@, visitî at A. G. Maeîbcrd lat wveci. lir@, Lani or Waaiegan. l@ epeadiiîg R. L. Gros$ o! Kansas. ie vlsiticg tie weei vili Mre. J. B. Ayere. ilenuis bers. lire. S. J. Crople>' le vlitlug vith H. àlbrgbt andfamiliYbavegot nioved relatives ln Wauisgau. in their nev hanis.. Dr. aid lire. Young af baie Farest, Miss ('ra Hodgkils ha. been @peudim9 spent Snnday with lMr. and lire. Robent &a ee i vti ber aunu ltu Palatine Cameran. Cura Foo1 visited elatives in Elgin Mire. D. A. Aynsley o!fiHighland Pari, îiât eek. viit.d a leurdayî lail veei wibh reia, E. J. ('unie aud famil>' of Libertyvilie, liur. og@ae eure hev. petSunda>' aI Ernest Fry'@. lire Gergeforts rtured tl@ eek The Ladies' Aid yull bave au ie creai huom Beloit, viere oe.bai been vlslting sociai ou Dr. Baker'@ lawu (to-night) ber son, Boy and famil>' . ida,,, eni ,JlyV I lv. veo Mfr. sud lire. S. b. Trlpp motored ta Millwaukee where they etayed over Sun- day. Lucille Kramer of Highland Park, Io spending the week witb relatives here. lirs. Arna batbrop entertinled ber uncle and aunt, Mir. and Mrs. Vineent of Waukosha, a few dave last week. Choir rebeareal ibis week Friday even- Ing at the pareonage. It la reported that the. work of laying tbe water mains will begin thie week. The material bas arrlved and everything isreaily for a quick Installation. lire. Bort Swan entertajued thetfolb3w- IngSunday: lir. andMlre. Gene Matthews of Crystal bake.,lir. Rowley and daugh- ter and lire. Young of Woodetock. lire. Ohas. Whitney and dangbter and lire. 6. C. Dcker and chldren af Lihertyville. Dauce at Danzond Lake Pavillon Sat- urday nlghl, JnL.v 17. Good music. t lire. Mary Jacoby le vltling lMrm Dodorleln in Chbicago. lir@. C. Dorfier bas been (fuite ill the. pas% week. John Wagrier wus a Waukegan vîsitor the Biret of tii. week. On Tueeday e"ing, July 20, Mr@. DoIp'@ Sunday achool cle wili give a pl"a aithe chumch entltled - Packlng a Home liisuoary Bamrl." This will be foDowedhy a basketsocia. Admission 15 vents or a basket. Everyone Invited. ire. fIL C. Payne entertalned rInonde frmw Cbteffo Baturday and gunday. Mies Emme Fisher of Area, vas a gucet ast he Grabbe homne lent week. Deibeit lioeher of Chicago, le epending hie vacation wibh bis, grandparent». A Party ai Young people, chaperoned by tb.e1ev. and Mir@. Carnine, toLbaia boat trip ta St. Joe. liich., Wednesday . Mir. and lire. Barney Amann andt fim- llY efft Snnday at bis brother, Law- rence Amaun. *Mrs.IL.1).Cook had tbe misiortune o! stePPln< on a nail Saturday. miso ErejiOU Ericison is spending the summer at Mos. Ber sisiet Effie le spendlag a weithere aieo. lire. Louis. Stover and ciidren sud Mal. Behm violted B. Amann's Thurs day. Riverjone bad a good time at Amanns harn dance lait Thureday lght. itivas a great amtc.... Net Always Fatal. W-sa Y oung fstlow Who eapecwd to fade and die thrse veke afte & --et huMe girlbau thrown hlm oves bas d*YeiOpd Into a big, robWt Liai eaOf MaeonIWlty-TIo Eliad.. veicome. I GAGES LAKE J CC.Ames. Harold, Carlton aund ennis motored tu, Chicaga Suuday. tic, sud tire. Jas. Taylor sud Celesia Young spent several da s itis veel, in Chicago. Mise Edna Kaîuple ai Waukegau eî,peul Suda>' nitihoue tos. tiranidtirs. Wm. &lircu-k slient Sun- day ai Trevor, Wi. Kenuieti t Sromg eturued tu'bihiomiîe ha Chicaro alter tavingt a veci ai F. Van zan tes. Mme. 'Taylor ai layion's Grume vlitei the firet part o!flb.esveek sith ('.. Anues aud faisutt. MisiMary Amaunawho ha. ace-eesia position as primai-y teaeiien at Wiuubrop Barbon. [of% Sunas>'for DeKaib. MisesFrances VauZanit Io speniing the veekinlaCiciago and Oak Pari.- TAItE THE "TRIP 08F SHAOOWS" ON YOUR WESTERN TOUR ubeoiuiely unique in* Ameican travei le the trip dovu thie Shai 'owy* St. JOe River o! Idaho. decianei b>' saine vriîers to b. -a trip uhraugh tainyiand.'* ut afioris fini>' mles ai incomparable mirror rlletioae-mouuitaine, loreste, ciond@, heailaudesuad blcessoming ehûresappear ailear ani oeeeminilly as meal as the originale. This trip leau exolusive feature o! the "Milwankee" and is optional i i Lb. traveier; tiai ls, if ho nishpes ho ta> leave the train at St. Maries, Idaho. and IlLerrea TjtePIAwA MM in Jen eebe f àait. i OXE IN flURNEE By T. F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent tir. anidtirs. Honore Palmer sud lanuily have riuîeei hem apartmeul un Linuîcui iarl boulevard and have rouie ber. fur the suuier syhere the>' have[ talite u ofaMtark Molrton. tire. Juohu 1111,r o'i Uburgo, vt*itc-d iasî wetviî tMr, sud tire. E A. Bancroft. tir. and tii-s A. W alson Armý'ur bave beceientaîning a hanse parI>' aI Itiir home on Green Bay' load. Mir. and tirsý. Plîiiip D. Armouor 11, 'vithont extra cmet, taie a steamer dovu w:.a*have ic-n iehiu sib 11.ie lai baie Coeur di'Aieue La Coeur d'Alene. Mr. andMoor. -îun. lmant net, thene b>' rail ta Spokane vhere the tr n is oup oea pn journe>' aven te Chicago, Milwaukee & the week-end at Faimawaas e igueste St. Paul Railwa> ta te Pacifie North o1 tir. aundtir. H. C. Chat deld-'nay 1-.r. Coasu le reennici. This trip pros-ie a tirs. Thomas bouelas m(ci c wr veicome break lunte transcanîînienîaî Sunday a! the deati oi lier fatiier at jourre>' aad le anexrînsive leature 01lîhis Foui du Lac, Wls. Mn,. Douglas iha@ route. lie sYmpati>' o! ber man>' iriends lu ber rhrffl «mat mountain ranges are bereaveuiui& pierced b>' thei."ilwauokee" afionding tir. and tins. George A. M-Kiioci a vaiber extenb oi beautiful mountain eniertainei twenty gusst.e aI dînner scener>' visibloelose at baud freua lb. Thureda>' eveniag inuîheireuuntry hoemie. famauî ali-eteel acrosue-te conlinsut Mar* n tiody, svho bai buvu visitlag trains, "The lympian amid--Tic Ca- ah Mnneapolis. Mhan., returuci boute lumbian,' than au>' otier route. Weînday. 'nie retrnu joanne>' lrou Caiiorma i r.thogtpaily. formemi>' Miss Helen can t-e maie direct irom etier Sian Morion, bas ebavu a wonderfui talent Frantleo on Lon Angelu'. on the eteel- fon modeling lu ia >'a. having lahel>' made equippei "Paudtlc Limitci" over thei! alitesie bus-su! her father. Mari central route o! this coiepan>', bine coin- Morton. tire. Bail>' le spending the pleting the 'grand circle tour' of the entamer vith ber lather aIt', heabon. vest and st moderate coot.n n ir.Ka lv aertrc For informuation about low fares, hlm. r.nd Mem.waKengt p ave reunov of traîne andifor western travel literatane e oithsir be litrip'lyasdarerly appi>' ta local agent o! lb. Chicago.a, idhre r.Co w@frel Milwaukee & si. Paul Ralîvas. 43cl Mi"Eu.anor Ramili. Thomar Redmondi leiitlt e Aile Il la reported ihat ti, rosi cam- Home boopitai. maisslonens of Shieuds township hilv, tir. anitr. Gustave@ F. Swift or purciasedl an ail sprlniltug machin and that thu,>'propoe taohoitau iet ChIcau, re>' e.gaete ai ruade In Lie tovnsbip viîhlu lie 1e.t ti.niMm.ertimas Prinivlli, 'I MI RESULTs COUNT It is the resuit of systematically saving a part of your icmeecd month that oventually resuits iu your becom iug a 1 finaacial success. " $10-00 PER MONTH, Will in ten years arnount to $1397.82 If deposited li our Savings Departinent at 3%Y-COMPOUND INTEREST.3% THE CITIZENS' BANK Safe Deposit Boxes for rent Area, Minois U1U.Y TRISO1ÈANK YOUR BUSINESS HOXE" Crmick, via acre marrei aâbrosdinl tie epring ami Who have ointe been u Europe. viieretIdr. ticCarmick vas a war correeponient, sailei July 911h fori boni@. Tii. baie Faneel bail team ieieated th. WeIls Fargo tcam oai ('uaga Sanda>' afteranoon y a score of!8suta7. Waukegan. Jul>' 13. Thie nepeal of tise oldviseel tax or- dinauce vas ans cf tise mattere ta'ceu up and iecided b>' lb. cil>' couacS ati thie egular meeting on Monda>' nigbi. 'nie vbeel tax ordilance vas passed a Utile aven tvo jeans ago and dur- Ing tbe au. year lvas eutonce thie dles o! ail Ikinie. eta&lnabrdlumfv 'nie license vas collectai tram avuens o! automobiles, motan trucks aui ve- biches o! all unie. 'nie officais tien began ta wouier vbetier or not lie ordInsuce vas valu., despite thse tact that a similan *dinance vas effect- live lu Chicago. Fir tbe lutI >ean the ordinance bas nual heen entarced. 'ni, i upnme court recentl>' beli tisai a cil>' couli nat collecl a license tee tram pleaeune vebicles sud il vas tiI decision viirb causei tis local com-j mlssioners ou Monda>' ulgit to r. peai the ondinance. Vera Metcalf Is United in -Mar- niage to Clarence Zimmer- man, Both of Gurnee. A ver>' preli>' home veding tpk1 place aI iihebome uorSMr. and fa Eluevoni Meicaîf Wednesiay ater- rn. IJane 3otit, 1915, tbe occasian bbing the manriage of thein eldeet daugiten. 5Vers, la Mn. Clarence Zitu-1 mnerman, aiea of lIonnee. The home vas ýbesutifuli>' iecoraiei viii Pink sud vhite roses aud pennies sudtleie gueti numbered about surt>. Ai tvao oclack Mise Ellen Zimmen- man sang a solo, Oh, Promise Me, atter wvI'cb lie bilsipart>', constlt- lng o! Alla Melcaîf snd Mabel Zlm- merman as foyer girls, sud Maîten Hloward Smith, via carrisi the ring la a calla illy, Ellen Zimmerman as bnidesmald snd Elmen Wirlb ai best man, wltb tic brid, sud groom enter- ei lie lange eittiig raom 10 ithe sîrains o!fSlenielssobn's veding luth.,' le vietlng ber cousin. Miese Ruth B.ech.1t. llisms Elizabeth and Midred Knicker- bocker ai Chicago, are visiting friende liere tiisweek. Roy V. ilutchison returced home Sun- day baving epent severai nionthe vîsit- ing relative;j in Misouri. J. A, Riecheit, Sr., left Wedneaday for Calicrnia wbere lie will mee!tiMrs. Riecheit. li. Clayten Jarris and eau Keunetb are vlelîlng relatives ln Gale8burg. Mises mens Rockenbach le ependinir ber vacation at baie (eneea. Miess lfrieda Knaai visited Miss Kathe. rifle Arnold oi Cbicago, the paet weei. Chas. K. Oreborne entprtalued Mir. Riechets Suuday echiol ela@o Tuesday i enig. Mir. and lire. S. P. Huts'ýhieonu violted relatives la Waniegan last weei. .luliue Bo@old oi Mokena, 111 , lm vieil- lng Irvin Anges thi@ week. lire. Karcb @pont s.'veral days ofi met week visiting berdauKhter. Nrs. ieausa of Cross Plains, Vîs. Misses Marie Aid iof Ihilieuthe, Ohio, aud ',dna Cobin o! Cairago. are guetite at the home oiflDr. C. J.tav, Theo. Knaak leit Friday for California where lie wlll attend the. 11.-alIl Drusi gists convention and a&W, thiefair at Sau Franie.o Mir& . A. Whting eutertaiaied the M.iesîinary society o!fithe PresbYterian chur-li Tbureday atternoon. lire. F abry and cliîld of U'Ž-ago, wer. the week-end guesis at the homue fi.!. St ryker. Mr@. C. F. Boles and sonu ofBeýrwivu, are visiting Mir. and tirs. i4ip,l. Sr , tuis weei. Miss Ruth Riecheli vas the. we,,k.end guest ai ber auni, tirs J. W. Elliott in Chieago. Fifteen delegates from here attended the tfitb Worlds@ and twenth-seventb International C. E. conv ention la Chiva- go July 7th to 1211, LAKE FOREST eom-t he ,'nal objections o! the man be itai sclected fen hi, fatbr-in-lav. Be eioped vith Jese sud nuav e', living ai lhe Ysniea observalon>' as Mrs. Jobn Melisi. Meliaeb as living lu Cottage Grave, Wls.. vbeu i. reai Miss Waod'said vertisemeninlu vbci eh.e igued the name o! "iSaroti>' Reede." He vai vonlîug hilstler's truc'k tanm bî day sud walilg the stars ltrough a home maie lelescape b>' nîit. Me Took Advanlage of Joke. Athougi Mises Wooad bi rille-% sud Insert.d lie aivertisement fan a7 "Perfect buebani," ln a spirit of fu Mlellisi taok il serloual>'. Be vrai a repi>' eayiug he ansvered ber specl- fications. He didu't drink, 'note, chcv, avear or gambie, and vas vili- Irîg ta ,tay home uigbts. MIelili's letter vas on. of mone than 2,000 replieq recelvei b>'les Wood, viose hame ai Glenco. vps be- Bicged b>' reporters vien the Identity o! 'bonoti>' Reede" vas discovcred. liLs loue pleased Mis Woad sud Il va, one of lhe fev she anvwenc. 'nie Wisconsin fermer accepted Nlles WooauFs Invitation ta visît heu. Tien. vene tva more visite, lu 1he course o! ane of wblci Mrs. Wod Jeetingi>' placei a lace cartain aver ber dangiters heai lu tie mauner of a bridai veil andilook ber pirtune at Nlells's i5se. Biut tie course a! true love dii uot rnnsmoothi>'. Aften tic third visit Mses Woo's parents iecuded to dis- courage lie farmer'. suit. Moiiish Ehopes Wlth Mer. But Nlelish hai fauieu ln love. He venula oGleucae a tourli time and lopei ta Waukegau viti MisWood, seho le 18 years ahi. RI 1 Fa III 1J i IUJUIRiI'lJIAI 11AFJEIIE i SCIIOOL LAW <iIV- IDEAL TRACK DREW STRIKXE IS EN IN A BVLLETINý A LARGiENUMBER SETTLE Somne of fhese Laws Apply The honse races hell at the Ideai MnGt7 etqnHua Direcly toIssue ThatHave race track. near Russell, on unulday MnGt7 et nHua Diretlyto Isue Tha Hae atternoon drew a large number from Increase of Five Cents- Arisen in Waukegan. Waukegan and the county. Several Adopt Thompson Plan. The Educational Press Bulletin la Waukegan hormes were entered and_____ lis leurrent lue containss mre points Luis tended ta add ta lbe Interest. Waukegan. July le on -acheti lw whlch are dlrectly ap- There were a number who made the As ear#î as 7 o'ciockibtis morulag.ý plicable ta ceveral Issues whlch have trip lu autos or jltneys but lsm-wr a eevdoe the teega. developed In Wsukegan. wr a eevdoe h eerp The points as priuted foîlow: tarît>' preferred ta go ou the sîreet wIres thal lie carpenters' strike hai. July le the montb set apart by the. car. For the moat part the races becu eetiled and tiat Waukegau dat.. statut. for the conslderallon of the wene won la stralgit beats. amounte ta bie ievied for edlucational Followlng are the restîts of the four oclock Mwoudyriug. ythe te i and building Purposes. races: 'lcModymrig tee Suèh amounte muet bie certlfled and 23 Caof ite agreement reacbed by anbters, returued ta uile townshiptreasurer on 23 lm ftecretr'uinadtecu or before the fini Tagala In Alignât, jGeorge H; lacken ..f.i......ner .nio 1d l5 o1 annually. bocibkart W; Dabbe ........ 2 1 3 iractore, the carpenters for tie neit The township treasurer shah nreturu *goB Cafrd.....324tlîrPe years wilI receive 70 cents petl tb4 certîficate ta the caunty clrien 1ou î ; rkeK Hausen..........43 2 2 bour, sud yl vor elgbt houri a day or before etie second MIouday of A-Dri ;Hne .....432wîitSalurdya afternoonî off. gust. a ndy Stewart; Schultz ... 4 5 A tallure by the scitool board ta file Trac, 2:32; 2:34; 2:31. Ton, wbciter, v ra n pciafier ihtes-3 the certificate, or of the Ireasurer ta 2:45 CIlsoe. a ope terte& returu t h l h.county cierkInluthelngtssinfredb ao hm- lime reqledwyl l d ilate the as-19utcher Boy; fichaîzen ... 1 sngof sesicaon t e r ailn busofp assument.'Rose D; Vogel ............. 2 2 Chicago and their strlklng traInmn l'h. salaries af teachers and Jaul-10 esele D; Reddiug ......... 3 recenti' echda greemeut et 4 tors, the coet of fuel aud ail therIKie A- IKo ..... 44 ty eahda uecessary\incidentai expenees muet Kîltie . cKeou..........4 be pald fromn the educallanal fand . Rallie 11; Connery ......... 5 ortubfra6>' moiueg. t e Thi. cost of ail ImProvements, r.- Tîme, 2:34; 2:35. iontbeore icaocplierlb. cted paire or benefits ta the buildings aud 2:20 Claus. ThorSuo! atcathe epar ntr uc ut enst, grounds muet be petid trom thlilid- %lias Slelîmeg: Dugan ... ... Ti u1ullb re d1enst lug tund. lied and that there %vais cause far The. coat or lultion muet lie pald 5111>' D; Dabbs ............. 2 3 greîîr rejoiclug amnong tlîp Men at tramn the educalional fand. I.iaud Starm; %Mouhan..4 2 i rike and amang the. coniractors who The cosi o! lusurance musltbe paid: Eddie S; Nellis ........... 3 4 have bei-n tept Idle for the past four tramn the building fund. 1 Tîme. 2:25; 2:23. The compensation of the. lerk muâti nots b. pâldt romin hat part of the educa- Green Race. %riio0.lli,. (wand NMax limade, two tional fund not otherwlse appropriai. 1liarry G, Glartien.......... 1 aîicaî l1tkuw areir ed. 1tCi. James; Dugan ......... 1 2 fnîîouîîced ijuibt on owdayarulugrs The cost of ail speciliassesemenîsisett,; artin..........23 of aukcan wli muet bie pald tramn the building tund. ( harles D; Dabbs .......... 4 5 l1 -arpeuicrs fWuea The cosi ut libraries and apparaiuîs, rit io)work and that iii-, nl !t muat be îiaid from tii. educat~~ionlorizontal King; Falstaiff... G4 ig orporle1 h o tu dat ater provision bas been madeSalace; Nlaoev............ 5 6 oiu i.îa îimiî iS ck for the payment ot ail neceesar>' i Tinie. 2:50; 2:48. tiecl,, iail., n'*, i.wi assemblie atC glol expeusee. z Tiie print-ipa o! aîîd InterPÉt upon I t liw -fruitiz aid crect. tre of cas!, any outstanding bandait indeVERDICT w aukegîit- e Muipa bth muet be psu fromt tie building tund. JtJICIDE' E DIT bog The supreme court lias repeateily' os heud thaltaxes lesled tor on. purluose f~lf IT uLA<r Tit-l;,tîl ine uld haveelissa mnay not lbe lezally used for liaI of the ftEIU IIIED IN CLAS3E c(iti'lltl v P iPd iL. lunie. , butfor Ithe other. Iii Veollulwn oa e Thi.eduratlonal and iiuildlig funds at.W .o dntwrktdyle m useb. uept separale, rnal ouI>' b.ecocet fre ae bu lutv amntoOtebllft u AL. <IRISIVOLD ~ueIecnceetrshv a th. township treenner ou bis books, stl- ifflrlu-niiy ta permit us ta pro- btIthpaaetothbilofthe? ce-rd wlîîthic oailwotlk. On Monda>' district. People '. Hassler, 2C2-137 jA coroners jury lmpauieiled ai lt. e thn I rm e I.work and tihe I- luin 515h. boeîîiai laie Thuneda>' ne- building sm'Ill be complèei withîtu iî i~aN turnuc a verdict of suicide atter r,- io1ru' ali Mr. Samsau. One baul- ROLL BANDAGES silewing tii facts lit the case of Ai- ired and tacot>' iwo arpentera have bpnt J. triwl .a lpatient tramn Rus-declared tiieîr iit ofeuiiiung L FOR OLDERSAT ell Il», hose body use touai! iui1lii- ork o! erectlig the bat-house F OR AI Fox River ai 3 oi-lock lu the afit lo a gm-at niai> uft tieni figure tuaI AN ART INSTITUTEýe,:-,Thirda.e.. enta retlg hosplial esturesscd ronsiderahile sunier.-r h lIte 1 ime- in îiotis 0ou Wealthy Society Womnan Or-. prise at Grswold's ait, siating tliai m building îlîi promises toitnlng hap-' ganizes Bandage Rolling ýhe vas of anl uuustiallv cheerful dis leie-tat ic n-du-nia uit the dui>'. Club o AidBritih . 1Iposition and liailluiproved rsidiy 5îok C .w no tOarnt ubuilding, lie Clubto Ad Brtish dîîing his short etay ai lhe hospital.t ic(iiin oeut Ilî141)h his bëen dFlisyci dfor< Lake Forest vomen are seeklng out t They saidlie bâtiadnol ureatened sui- 1sel u etc. Womk ls scbeduled to their sevlng machines, seevig bage ride slnd, lieixîg admîtici. sat on the. erection of L. J. Yager'e and kniiting needies, followlug the Unlevsoli C-as a lronleraus fermer aew building, jumt weei of tic W;hl-* concert semait. and are takiug a'living at Rusesell. i.aPe runt>'. Jinsu- Inei*v prope-rîs on Wu-st Washingtotl. thougit once more for war relief. cial reverses tlîree ycars ago worried streel, n-Iti a very fi-a- ciys. Ad now tua i erym> one le settled for lb. hlm sud b.ea-as finaliy laken ta El- lîrge îîfunitsr or property onner. ar.A rsommer, igin for tri-aiment In Mardi ar bis oannplannuing Ibiîiilng- and n îlthi a short tIrs. Hobart Cbattield-Taylor Is ai !reehuesi. lim-eîplan, vilI bc qubmitted ta cou- the heai of the nevi>' organlzed corpîs, Tbre wecis ato lhe vas mnoved tattr-. fori- îîein prices. of fashionable bandage roilers sudAUic parole ward sud if hie ituprove- loy the terme of the agreement Lie garînut mater, vito vIll bave them ,ment bidtontlnîied, lie vouli ira>'- carpeuters non tudr main point-a first meetinugioda>' at Dirani Art lu-, abiy have reiurued ta his honte wlîh- imand ot 70 cents an boue, or aun sîlînte, La<ýe Forest. The group lu-! lu a tew months. lucreas,,o!r5 cents. Tiey waived o. cludes nearly ail Lake Forest, sud He dîsappearci soon afier breahk thilloter points-the mateniai clause meete b>' Ne. Taylor', invitation. fast Tbureiay mornaig. A patient sud date of expilration of agreemet-- Ten sewing machines have been' lu- flsblug touai bis rosi on tb. river 1sand egreed ta alibie by the terme of tetalled lu the art institute sud Eve> batik about 10 ocloci sud attendants 'the unitortu agreement accepted b>' Fniay morning hereaiten is tu be vere sent ont ta seanch for hlm . 1lTIbbc Building Trailes Councîl. Tieyr adevotei ta thte wva. The garmnents the atternoon. James Kiley. an at- agrced ta make tbe date for lte end- 0are ta be usci for tb. British relief, tendant, brougit the. body up thirt>' lug if ith agreement Mfa> 21, luateai aithoogi a part of! hemn may bie sent feet ftom lie shore. The man lef i no .1 Apnîl 15, The agreement vas -ta France. If Itla1,goadecided tod5>'It etters ex plalalig bis set. signed] aionce sud viii last fon tire. a The "omen are coutrlbutlng Lie funds years, dating tram May' 31 last. r ta purciase clati and otier neceeeary fIl EI W NI The clause lu the uulfarm agree- jmaterials. ODD I LLuU IVA NDk1 meut regarilug the use of matenials, 8 Lady Arthur B. Herbert, of Ragland, 55t whlci the carpntets faugbt bard to, via vas reccutiy In Laie Forest, lu- IILDL ARJL U N O bave resuo4d, remalue. This means - teetd Nr, htil-a lu PLAN that there shall b.eno restriction on 1- forming the clase, sud Invitations j flJJJI maA FINE H6E emalenîsîs b ave been exteudei la a few Wauke- UI845 FNE M Tues clause reais: "There shalbll gan vomen ta join the close. Lady no restriction of auy manufactured y Herbent vaq au American girl, Mdiss Ou Dturiay the Sun carried a dis-Imaterial, ercepi prison maie." hHelen Bammel af Providence, R. I., patcb frnt Springfield teiliug lie 'Tie carpeuters ist.d Ibis clause and ls a sister of Me. Hope Sater oft tact thai Secretary o! Stale Stevenson b le stricken fron tih agreement, but. New Yarkc. SBb as been In New York had issede a license La Incorporais ta the. employers dcclared tiat Ibis de- ail wînten orgauizing tiese sevlug Lie Odd Fellove and Rebekabe Home mand wauli neyer lie met. 71i>'d. a7 circles, aion of Lake caunty. The lu- clanci liaI l le Impossible ta pnocLe The. van turned oui by Lie Lakc èollrporators are given as: NMary A- ail matenlals neceesar>' foran ul Forest vomen vili be ahippei direct Thampson, Dr. H. T. NeBbiL and At- lu Chicago and mainlainel hen to Canada, ftrain wiich province Il viii tonne>' C. T. Heydeclrer. rigit ta buy themn anywiere tie>' abe torwarded La Lord Klttcen'i; At ti, lime lie purpose afthte or- îîueased. 'nie carpeuters c(4tended Iarmy now in training lu Englani andI ganization vas ual kuovu but loas>ltai tie>' vantei to patrouize home France, Inquir>' of thc incorporators brngs Industr>' l,î.t. -e out the tact liai the. parpoee o! the Tii. date of tic expiration af lie Leslie A. Neediam, a Chicagoatai association la ta gather fands viii agreement vas faugil for hitteni>'., tonney,. ibraugh Coake, Pape & Pape the. prospect a! building a hauli or also. Tii. employer, argued t hat an of W'aukegan, ioda>' fiied lb. praecpic home ftelb. iS Fellowsansd R.- April 35 tic building sesan le ustual- of a suit fan $12f00 againsl Wilbur bIs. Stbacriptians are ta b.e levici 1>' aI ils helght sud liai lie>' dId ual tGlenn Voliva of Zion Cii>'. Itlal un-,trnmtlb members eaci year aud lu vaut Inierterence just ai the time. ienslooai ual Neediam isa sulng forljother va>', mon>' le ta bie turnei lie>' vere busiesi b>' iaving angu- dattorney' tees be cdaims Volva oves lito tie building faund, go liai as sooni meula oser makiug a nev agreement. rhlm ton soume speciai van ble la sai as suffilcieni moue>' bas been raieed Tii.> maintainci liaIt Ma>' 31, after.ý se 10 bave doue for hlma a few yean it vill lbe passible ta praceed viii lie bus>' season tBa ven, la lie propar ,ago. The declanatlon la ual yel filei, the construction o! the building, lime ta arrange nev vaor'alg raies.' m go lie charges are ual kuovit. Tii. There ls stilliaaohber neasan wvyI>'liTii. union men coniendei liai the )f lechuical charge o! Irespase on lie tal desired ta inrorporate the associa- earîîer date le the proper lime, as it rade li maie in tic pnaeaipe.. Iion ai once. il bas been iearned tii-t evet-yuhing sbould b.e sttled before ______________thle association le to acquire a certain lie big von o! lhe sprtng la oem- îwillam ULvi Brown, colaned, beli plere of propentthrougi bequest sud pleted. marcb, pisyci b>' MissEthel Owen of Bancroft, Iova, cousin of Lthe bride. Tic ring ccrcmntîy vas usei sud Rev. H. W,. (ordieiluo!fte Gurnee Chisitian chuîrh officlated. Tii. bri.e ookcd ver>' nhanmlîug lu while manquIseit. lnlmmed viii ma- tram, lace and carici s bouquet ut viitebrides roses sud1Miles of lte valle>'. Tie brldesmaii vore pale green crepe de chite amd cannieul lila nase,. Tic three 11111e fouks ver. ver>' prettly dressed l ini..3Mise Vers is se inuwvi as se.bas been a ver>' sucrestfut scicol teacher lu lie caunt>' for elthît vears sud has abost Attenrcongratulations vere overthue Company' vacaici lie roome and s long table vas spreai vilci seali over fitty gueste. 'nie preseuls ver. ver>' beaultiud numenous. Thase present from abrosi vere M.%iase Ethel Oven, Bancroft, lava; Mre. bavina Klici ani Mise Marie Gantsci>'. Pbeo- nix, Arizona, SMr. sud Mns. E. Zitu- merman, Nur. David Basingen, Mis Mary' Basingen, Zion City', Ill.; Mn. sud Nirs. Alne Zimmerman and fatu- Il>,'. nsd Mrs. 1Levl Walt and i 515 lti, Stearnus. Wuiegan; Miss SIlanJanie_,Psnon, Chicago; Mn. and Sira. Wflari Hamiton, (traysiake: Mn. and Mn,. Elmer Metrai! ami iaugiiten, Edua, Dunlap. Ill.; tire. Laura ('aris. Miss Launs and Wi!lile ('amis, Russell, 111. Tii. bridai pair bai some difficult>' i& heln fiat vhilausnewl>' Tuniai. ed, to thein man>' frieniss atenAug. lu makimg them s"et ava>'," but lftI sud onthhcin netaru yull he aI home for a hancymoon trip ta eastern points lst. STAR fiIER WM) JESTINGi 6IRL AT WAUKEGAN FRIDAY She Prints Ad Ps Joke-His Answer From Wisconsin Toucher Her Heart. Mle, Jeesie Wood of Glencoe mar- nled lie 'perfect man" ton vhom sie Jokingi>' adveris.i iassiFebruan>', at Waukegsn Fila>'. 'nier, must be a pencentage of Lie cave man lu lie madern masculine Ideai. sud Jessie's "perfect man" prov- ei be bad it1 vicu bufsllei la aven- OP Miss Le Tells 'Pc Ï E A.cordî empi Mli i*dd nc mudjury «deleIof hIId .0 Ir te UV, IWsd Ouli bsred ei Mid aI gel Chag W tu blu grcand yl tha' radeg gr Th aInca %y poia tbegan.t dy iber.ie 6lien le lu Inved bai 'lie loca Ny point e l'ewttnr W alleni.i 'Pei. 1a Ovd b>'rê inivnl tn 6 teatalic miItnivln ail rac Oin year c ànis raie lti n âd enici 1Manhoîz' 19 prairie - Md Sixte. le betwe F Thse Wil Wen calle be Mnia ved lii.> mito amu die abou th. ocompe eh ('ha K r of ni founi he haillet i-W Lee. garhoîz' 1 Waxveil. mun, vas lain. s eound ou r Lte been le, b. Insi ýhe place lagger ou Mi larboîz b, jilmette. oprietor îeylr, ils bam Robe P's iom F ilarri ve sid tceii ý ManIloîz rel broti lni viien ley tires e. polir, ýýrston o! ~ect iba ~,el os we as qre ta m boy b Mn,. E. di relati -fe or a

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