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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jul 1915, p. 8

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£lsildFOR INE R ADVERTISI'NG ER JULY,_NEXT YR. RATES Eighth Grade Graduates of 6c per lme emcn insertion That and Other Cibles Can Lotsthan6 liesAttend Waukegan High. 25c frai insertion - bi1 providing fres blgb achtoql -tuitiori for eigbtb grade graduates living in districts wblcb do riot Pro- DO YOU WAN'T vide a fIlI four year igb scbool DO Vou WANIT course, bas been passed by the tate TO 6ET À 60r Dunnes signature. lThe 1551 of the buils passed by tbe Do yoa want te work for some legilature and rematning I the farmer? bhanda of the goverrior was sent to I)o you want 10 geL corne work the Index departmerit of the secretary to do around the gardena and homes ofet lats yeterday to become a law of the town residerits? iwitboat tbe governor's signature. In short, do vou warît work- This bill and the six others that and are you eut of a job? Gov. Darne did not aign, wiib not be- Whv don't you try ranning a cnms a law until 1916. It ta eported tbat on and after "WORK WANTED '0," July the finait, 1916, egbtb grade la our claeaified columne instead fIlIfzo f ot hcgLakre1 wang itil yon hear of a ob IBuf, o City, Wîarrenton and other wmitng ~coutry towns will be able to attend Go Atcrthe ob-o N t the Waukegan township bigb achool Go Aterthe ob-o No ites of tuition. Wait for It to Corne to You. The other bills whicb become laws Yonr ad ini the classiied section ofion tbat date: the LARE (oum ' 'ItEDN Permitting the organization of co- will resch thousan;ls of residents of operative stores. Lake county and viciuitt. Likely. Extending application of poili tax seuts of these readers will need a law as affectîng rosas to ctizena of man for Borne work to do. 1 iacorporated clies, villages. etc. (For- The com at f ils-e ne ad i'rone115 merly applicable oniy 10 unonganlzed insertion je <niy 25u. 'This im thecommunîcesa.) Il ew way tu gel a job. t tW, îroviding f ree high school tullion qluicker. ýfor elghth grade graduates living In i districts whicb do flot pros ide a fuil T~ R Y I T. four 3'ear bigli achool course. 1Appropriallng $50,900O ton enection + FOIR BALE +.of armory at Monimouthi. . . +. . . . .+ . Providing state seai ma>- be ue for public dispiay on bannens. FOR SALE-Blaek farta mare 5 yrp,' ta'ing annuai salary of public ut:il 12001ibm, soand, and back Percheron, Ities commission counsel $8,000. (Waa colt 2 montha old for $200. Cari taosen$0) on the Barry Bradley fartai near Rond -_________ eut; esa grain and crnm inder.IlR Kline____________. 3p2ARIREST TWO MEN FOR SALE-For the next lwo weeka JlfJ aIl nets, biankets, barrise ud wbipa J U DI O A wiii helcosed et aIgreatly reduced p~ica.Arafares8bp. 431 AT UPTON STATION FOR SALE-Pure live Gesse Feathers. A 40 hb.d for $20. Addresa P. 0. Box Men Declare They Simply Had 455 Uhrtyiil. 4p2 Sought Refuge From the FOR SALE-Two ine Collihe dog pupe. Ramn Inside of Car. W. R. Appley, Plions 212-J, Libertyville c411f IWaukegan, July 12. HORSES SOLD, boaglit and elchanged Two men were piaced under arneal Second band bearnes@anard wagrons by a Chicago & Northwesîern detect- Cash or terme. N. R. Ladd. phorie 41J ire at Upton. Lake county. last Satan- Librtyville. 42%f day night about 10 oclocI, when îhey were found inaide a box car, the seul FOR I§ALE-Ciieap, combinationriirg of wbich is said te bave been broken. and driviug mare; runabout ana baries. The men gave their naines as: Dr. E. V. Smith, Phone L.ihstyvilie 32. 1 ROMAN BURNETT, Greenhay-. 3is. --- 41tl ok iy ____________________ JOHN MORROtIS. NewYe ci> FOR SALE-a good dresswea, 3 com. The detective was patrolling the modes, 1 good large 0 barrer gai Siteve. railroad yards at Upton when be ne- W. R. Appley. Phone 212J ii)etf ttced the oper don on the car Hel - - p--- r- Il Inside and saw the two meri FOR SALE-Yoang pantecti> matched croucbtng behind sotne menchandise driving team, wl 1100 bbc each, al@o He competisd them 10 come out and choice et 2 famiy herses. &)wnod by placed them nter arreat. taking themt Rev. Relie, A. G4 Schwormsbu, Gilmer. ta the tower satien. i. 4lctt He teiephoned tse Waukegan poltc We bae a umbe o! os iomZ~asking thein to cali for the felboti saleor rent. Dymoudk Austin Libety. the police patrol. It was outeide lte ville c-4ty Juiadîctine of Waukegan. anid the Io- vill. c-1.t cal officers turned the matter over to + LOBT and FOVN Ihsetf I newn 0U' ton and bruogbl the men back witb S.OST-Childsa checked coat, b.tWOmn him. They were locked up i the Mrray sobooi snd Chrit ilapke boire county laul. This morning tbey were am Aie. Finder retarn te Chriti g en a bearing before Pouice Magia- Rlapks, Are&. and reelve resard. 48c1 trate Taylor. Their case was continu- .000 1ed a week and iri the meantime they L.OST-Bunch of keye. Frein e.rleid wiIl remaîn In the county jaii. throngh River Woods nortb, o00 ale on The men deny that the broke int bMilwaakee Ave., to meuhl Road, sasi on the car or tbaltbey were bort upon intuIsUrond tb Tlegrapb Road, south 0on teallng nyting. Tbey said tbey liad Tegmraph rmmd te Dserfieid. Finder been caugbt In the rain and were ilook- reisiru te Sighiaud Park Pro"e, Highland in for a dry place. They say tbey' qat .h..ad ai 1 5r. 422fourid the door fo the freigbl car open. + WANTRD +1 ............. and crawlsd Inside. - e 'W-I - - ", r r r r r MÂRRL&GE LICLU2SES. WANTE-Positton as boueeheeper bY1 relable penser. Addresse ns. Chadwick,1 Dais K. Holmea. Evanston .......22 carsfetire. Oscar Ssndherg, Liberty- Margaret Hendricks. came ......20 vin@.. 43pliiByron Duval, Milwaukee ....... 22 Eva Metter, Rame ............... 20 WYANTED-Ntneseer Persona te buy Frank Boeck. Racine ..,....... 23 reoidase property lu Libertyv Ille. H.Dr. Charlotte Simmons. ame ....... 19 Boyd, Lihertyvilis. 4Iti John W. Dunlop, Chicago ......... 36 Viola Barrett, Milwaukee .......... 3 Frank Scbiedle, West Allia, Wis.. 27. WEÂTHEU REPORT Lanra Frariam, same, 21. Lancelot T. Bowmar, Renosbs, 25. W«thr focas forthe eekbegin- Mary M. .ecoshun, sains, 19. Weihgder cla y i ufor 14.he week J. Carter Hotlman, Hillagrove, nin WemsidmyJuI 14 iauedpenu., 27. by the U. S. Weather Bureau, Rena Sporelmnd. Elgin, Ill., 28. Washington, D. C.1 Arthur R. Jervia, Wiaukegan, 27. For the regor et the Great LaIn@; i Virginia NI. l'orbes, Chicago, 26. A change to conabiderahi> cooler weather i FYnk Rspkocb. Renosba, 35. wUI verpnsd îbs .1.4L> aoutthe Htrley, sanas, 24. wUl veeewhib ii elo &bortceded >fArthur S. YarrolI, Zion City, 21. sevntenthwhlh illho recdedby Grace Naden, saue. 26. shower anad ioilowed by tair weatber. James E. Hall, Wmukegmri, 22. For th@ upper ieleippi vallev mcd N'elle A. Crawford. same, 22. pleinzetatea: ncattered %hundenehowers Hart-y Smith, Chicago, 28. theno to ay b filwe b a Belle Woodwortb, Wlaukervle, and inederatet> ar weather dariug bMich., 21. change te conniderabiy coeler seather' WftisM ausif la mil& duning the eiteentb and eventeerîh Wben you hier a man tsiling vian aud fa vether Ibereaiter. is thes opinion of "thinking poopht eve"wers" b. ban direct rfargaom wtahmselt The ludepiadent Iies&mLi WOMN A1 N ENT PICI3D PÂLL E t. ON Le.,J. & E.sLINE ER SEVERAL WEEKS RES16iNSPOSITION BEFORE lIER DEATI!H 1 ~ Mrs. H. E. Davidson of Aurora That lire. Ha aK JUIy 0. ofthemaII Was One of Few Womnen Mi,.. Robert Fulton, knew she boit 4~thai Railroad Employes. fnet long to liv la is indcatdbyuta Mns. H. E. Davidson of Walnut fact that site named her palkbearers I street. Akurora, acting agent for the and made other arrangements for her h ste1M1o E., J. & E. rallroad tri that City, and fanerai three or four weeks before One of the 9ww women ln the United obis passedl away. States holding aucb a position, has re- hspalerswr l m bri sigued as acting agent of Aurora. H. Teeplbaeswr I ebr B. Bankis bas been appointeil agent of the family. Their namei follow: J u cau, there. He began bis dattes today. Robert Fulton, son-ln-law. 1Mrs. Davidson sacceeded ber bus- Cornelius ShultIs, non. o band, the laite Horace Davidson. Who Clarence fhuItis, grandson. dropped dad wblle dancing at a party i the Masonic temple hall ln John Sutherland, son-in-law by for- South Broadway, Aurora, about a year mer marriage. mgo. She had been employed lni tbe Charles Raught. nepbey. office with ber buabaiid, wbo ws Carl Atterbery. relative by mer- agent ln Aurora for nine years. The 1united States Steel corpora. rfl tien bas a steadfaat raie that a wom. Afr. Rines was 111 about two years an saal net be appointed at tbe and for the last year bad b'een con- head of a departinent, wbich would ftned to ber bed. Sh. seemed to realus. apply to the position of agent for the E., J. . raliroad tln Aurora. as the tbat abs waa growlng weaker and one rallroad la owned by tbe United day as eialed the members of the States Steel corporation. famlYto ber begitsde and asked as Mrs. Davdson made a success of ao ha h aîeaesa e ber work ai actingaagent. She wasalve hthepIbrrsthr familiar witb the work tbrougb ber faneraI b. the ones wbom as select. service i the Office daring ber late ed. The fanerai was beld on Friday huabandas regime. SfbiPpers wers afternoon and her wtshes were Car- ..et coairteous in giving fretghit sbtp- ried out In everv detail. Banial took iments te ber rallroad. .M Davideon bas, flot left the place at Fox Lake. service of the company. but Intends taking a rest. Sbe wtll remnain ln REAL ESTÂTE TRÂNSFERS Aurora. for atim e d and saidted planning a vacation trip and will Furnished by later decide as te ber 'future career. LAKE COUNTV TITLE &TRUSTCo. H. B. Banks, the newly appotnted Ahtracts of Titie. Tties Guaranteed. agent, was agent for the "J' in Soutb Masonic Te-Pte 1Btdz. Waut.egarn. Chicago. The stations at South Chf- Jn 8 OSCan .Mnbn cao bt ingan Eigbty-Sixtb street, ke and busband to Martha E. Diii, Chicago. have been consolidated andsot lt7hoc"A Barno. F. S. \littenbuler bas been appointed Both lo bok.A", rig.n general agent. EW. BnDnanwfe1,h Tl e E. J. & E. raliroad la plan- EDignan Brwnandd'e u 7 w n' o s ttîng changes ln connection wlth its division of lot 4.3, Highwood. W. D., hunes ln Aurora.$50 M r. Bankts t8 a relative of A. F. $50. V rj n iejF .Ne Banks. presîdent of the E.. J. & E.' Cîay, 33 lots ln Oakland and 2 lots ln TAe elhIe,' of ratiroad, and la about 3Years old. Nixon's addition te, Oakland, Waake' PCr, Fsd gan. W. D., $50. ru& iwi F.N. McClay tb V. E. Fuller, 3 lots ALJIUI,3IS LIIAIIE npOa'iland and 2 lots ln Nixonas ad- dition tr Oakland, Waukegan. W. D., TIIEY ARE VICTIMS $400.A.Newornb, Jr.. te Davis Mik OfHOLDUP IN ZION 'ue2,l95-ýH Cle n, wi , tePau .NA. H.untvdd , Holdup. a te cr ofautostanortbeast 1601 acres section 14, Llb- "boldu. haebenated y o t ooceertyville twp. W. D., $10. Who avebee arestel b th poice A. H. Craig and wtfe to C. M%. Sher- officiesset Zion City during the past mari, lot 4, block, "B" Craig's subdi- two we«(son carge of-irst ex vYision village of Antlocb. W. D., $200. two ee~ onchages f-Frat ex Jacob Gorski and wife to Fred ceedlng tbe speed ordinance. Second.,SMaki, lot 17, blocI , , DuraI's Soutb Driving wthout proper llgbts on Bide subdivision., aukegan. W. D., their machines. Third--Openlig tbe $650. nra1 srb .Al sxaltmae lr 0ltog.aciesinPart lot 234, Lake Forest. Deed,I whi passtng tbrougb tbe "White $I.Ooo. iDove City." F D. Bttenihail and wife to Ea- On Sanday and Nionday of this telle J Toutes. lot 12, block 1, lex week It ta estimated tbat tully one tîorth 2roda) Grayelake. W. D., $1,- h undred autotats were arrested. Tbir- 850. ty-flvef were arrestedl on the Foartît June 30, 1915--'Chas. Krusemarck day 0t July. Those arrested wsre and wtfe te C. O. Smith, 22 acres ln elther flned. or made te put up a cash east 4 northwest U4 section 25, Avon bond before tbey were allowed te con- twp. '. D.. $1. tinue on their ways. The cash bond C. 0O. Smitb and wife te chas. was flxsd at $0, whtcb weald Just EnusemarcI, .22 acres in eaet northb cover the fine,.tI a great many in- wes 1 section 25, Avon twp. W. D., stances the autotats dtd not returu te $2500. Zion City to stand trial. They pre- Grnce L. Ferry to James H. Ferry,' ferred to loat their $6 ratber thari tract of land in sections 1,î. 22 and go le the Inconvenience of returntng 27, Benton twp. Dsed, $3.031.-.8. 10 Ziori CIty. Alfned Clemenseri and wife to John "Its a hold-up. Gee the city oagbt Griffith, lot 17, block, 2. Harder Jr.'s to get rich ln a very few weeks." sald subidvision Lake Forest. Wi. D., $10. one autolat, who pat up a six dollar Lyle Smith anid wfe te Helen R. bond. ONeil. lot 6. block 16, Wigt's ad-: "Theres a deep mud bois uat nortb dîtiOn Ibertyville. W. D., $1.450. of Zion City on Shberidan road, ané July 1, 1915.-Benj. Lwrmyr believe me it la aIl a Ford or any and wlife to John O'Conuorý. nrth 800t otlier car can do te get out of the feet west et iSheridan road of sab bols witb tbe engins runnlng wiid. weat "j soutbwest 14 section 13, Eat; the clutcb ln low speed, and the muf- Deerfleld, W. D., $40.000. 1LL fier openi. Sure thats why the mud Phîlippa B. Lyon., et al, te IdaM.________________ hole ta there. The minute an autolatMagnlo10.Ln' dsb- opens hie muffhisr. two coppers appear Mvision, or 10ir Grons Wa uean HAC YNTIE from hbinaitaclnmp of sbrubbery at vsw n fFar.runs.Wu81.00.NCR NTIE the road ide-and the next tbing yo Ii. J. Delvîn and wife te Villag State of Illinois, County of Lake, as. kn.w 1ysoul are uderarret. retty FxILake, lot 1, block, 1, Devlin' asuit. Circuit Court of Lake Courty, Octob- soft Cicg bou d asbent."e division Fox Lake. W. D., 1260. er Term. A. D. 1916. abutfo Chîcaga wo rostee ased Afred North and wife te G. R. Arcbibald Leslie McPherson. Eliza- saoacinforMiotatseerote to Keno' Blackburn, lot on west aide wf ZMain beth T McPberson, Emmfa E. MePber- sha Raineor ilwake t <oneais street. Waaoonda. W. D,, $500. Waukegan on Sheridan road, anid theri Jh rfihan iet nrwson, Augusta C. Pierson. William Me- traMilwauee toste rno a road, ansen, lot 6:, Rose Terrace subtil- jClory, Margaret McClory an or Mlwaaee oad.so s ocpe 'vision, Iake Forest. W. B, $10. Martin Ringdabl va. The Chicago Paasing tbrough the White Dove City. Jaîy 2, 95-fl M. Zinri and wtte& Milwaukee Electric Rallroad Coln- CHICÀ 0 140 OR toSolomon Trout. '.oi 186,. Sbaw's- CIu A~i, M TORWest Antiocb subdivision. t W.B., $10. -pany, a corporation. orgarled urider CF. Black and wtfe te P. W. mac the laws of the State of Illinois, the BOAT CLU IS TO asd H. W. Cad11Y, lots 9 and 10, block, Chicago & Milwaukee Electrtc Rail' BOA CL B I TOr is' subdivision, Waukegai. W y Company acorporation. rgn RA E N AUiU H.o '1 Osteerman aud wlfie touiie h laws of tbe State ot ~U T cIn Pettîs. lot 6. block 3, Hall arid'Illinois. the City of Hlgblsnd Park, RACE N AUOsterman'a addition te Deerfield. Q a municipal corporation, William 0. Henr Pfff.an ffier f te Ci- aroineS. Hoffosan and basband to caenory Clufaf bsan fie 0fltherh Elizabeth A. Horion, lot 12, block 39, Trust Company, as trustethe cagoc torthClu, agadclued Mayo Lake Bluff. W. D.. $1. Royal Trust Company, as trustes. The Peldace trat ae Chicagocub wll C. H. King to Editb P. King. 5 lots Cleveland Trust Companiy, as trustee, bol a otrbot ace'oWaaegntr CummInse & Co's addition anid part an h nnwn ownsrs of 1.000 on the thIrd or foartb Saturday ,nlot 4. block 34, original Waukegandt.nn August Mn. Pfaff came te Waake- and part lots 26 and 26, block 1ilaa bonde of $1,000.00 eacb. of the Chica- gan this afternoon and met Mayor kegan Highlands. W. D., $3.000. igo & Milwaukee Electric Railway Par scatmio oftneome- Jaly 3. 1915.-R. Dady to John anid Company, dated July 1, 1899, and pay- cTa e Assocao. o lu o Mary Smith, lot 1, blocî<6 unrsrg "TheChiagoMo'o Clb wuld& Co's addition to Waukegan. w. D., able July 1, 1919. secursd by a trust gladly hold a namber of races for ail $1 50.0.. deed, given by eaid Chicago & Mil- classes of sPeed bots te Waukegan If tbe mercbrjts or memabrs of the Wm. Laycock and wife te mari. Lay- waukee Electric Railway Company te cocI, and Wite. East 100 feet lot 8, the Cleveland Trust Companiy and the Commercial A88ecttion wouid Put up block 1, Sclsauck's addition toeLlb- s few prizes," salid Mn. Plaif. Mayor ertyvillo. W. D., $10. Royal Trust Company, as trustees, Peance bas assured Mn. Pfaff that be __________ wtll endýavor to take this matter up aaid trust deed being recorded in the wittî tbe Commercial Association 80y. 19, ELOPES WITH s'ecorder'o office for Lake Coarity. IIi' heads and oses If a number of gond IL 6M RR EE noie, on July 12. 1899, as document prizes cannot b. donated or purcbased AGsIoLda16rMAcecYltnaEdRIE number 'î4977, in book 122 of mort- for the race.A colaroac lintdn It te reportedi hat tulît 50 boats will Chicago -- * w bwen nîieteen- gages on page 107. In ChancerY. No. cee 0 suegrian tatth cs ys-old UWateýr Bankaof Br _-gon 704 1h1. w Mt= thn 0"bu i,?s*ds la beban%. am pou obw o A Favorite Summer Food -is corn flakes. Try the Dr. Price kind. Thcy'rc made from selected corn, cooked and toasted to a delicate crispy brown by the Dr. Price process-a pro- cess that bringa out the best flavor of the corn. LIBERTYVILLLE deed, given by aaid Chicago & MiI- waukee Electric Ratlwmy Company to the Cleveland Trust Company and the Royal Trust Company, as trustees, sald tract deed being recordsd ln the recorderas office for L.ake County, IuIt- noie, on JaIy 12, 1899. as document number 74977, ln beok 122 of mort- gages, on page 107, Ihat the ahove named Complainants beretofuore fled Iheir Biti of Complaint ln satd Court, on the Chanceny aide thereof, sud that a sammona theneupon Issued out of said Court againat the above named defendants, relurnable ori the tiret day of the teran ef the' Circuit Court of Lake County. le be held at the Court Housln MWaakegan tri sald Lake Ceanty, on the tire Monday of Octo- ber. A. D. 1915, as ls by law required, and whicb suit ta still pending. LEWIS O. BROCKWAY, ClenI,. Wsukegan, Illinois, Jane 21tt A. D. 1915. Bowen W. Schurnacher. Compiain- anIs' Solicitor. , Wkly Jaby 9-16-23130 ILLINOIS GUARDIAN'8 SALE stats ut Illinois, Coanîr et Lake,se ln the CourtY Court et Lake Couy, Jane Terma, A. 1). 1913. la the malter ot the application of William A. Rosivir, Guardian of Angelia Thiele and Bernard Thle, minore, for leaae to mlri autime. Public notiele berehY giveri thal hy vIrtue et the eider and decrea ortihe Coanty court 0t Lake Court>, llinoes, entered ln the above entltled catuse ou the 28th day et lune A. B, 1915, 1, William.A. Rosiug. guardlan et Angelie Thiele and Bernard TIess minora, sil on Tbureday the 291h dey of July A. (D, 1915. st the heur et 10:00 ocelock in the fo renoon ut ceid day, )et the fron t doo- 01theb Barik of Round Lake, lu the vinlage et Round Lake, Lake Court>.bIlinois,, offer for sale aud seil at Public vendue, for cash la baud, ail the rlghl tili@ sud lnierest oetatse@eid Argetia Thiele sud Bernard Tiiiele, minrn, in sud te thse fellowing desi'ribed resl cltate, tu'wit: Lot 4, tri William H. Smjitb'e eceord addition at Round Lake, Lake Courty, Illinois, 8sld addition bfing a parc of Section 29, Township 4.5 North, Rangs 10 East nf the Ti4ird Piricipai Meredian lit Laks County. bllinois Daled Jane 28th, 1915 Williamu A.Roaiiintumtdiar of Angehî1M Thiele and Bierrard Thliî, UtItrra. Lysl R. Morris. Attornev, j Uty '2, 9, 1 6.!Ï23 PriceIe Prodï-Sàariseg Cmp i > w y 1e7Pockng. The exclusive Dr. .Pw*e Pure Food Store binyour town La TRJGGS & TAYLOR Telephone 25 Theodore H. Durit. Pretident. W. B. Smith, Vice President. F. W. Churchill, Secretary and Manager Hon. DeWtt L. Jones, Gan. Coungel TELEPHONE 81 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTACTS 0F TITLE TITES GUARANTEED B Capital$125,00.00 WAUJKEGAN - - ILLINOIS le vio poil Ira bad to& he pa gki gi lett the car teil isy ps

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