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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jul 1915, p. 9

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-LA-KE oUT NbEPNDEM:,, WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN AJL~ ~XII.-NO. 42. TRTVVTLT.U! TYT. WMDfAVT.V ii 16.115 D A nU@ .. ffl*> M y d.55JUI lu.V IZss.51.VIO V'.V~ t*-g Ki UflV! TSi luA Tbv' Aâ- FItBTIECITYJÂIL yoigWoMan Complainant F= Man Who Made Das- tardly Attack in Lobter. TO MARRY ANOTHER GIRL Goesp Nu If That Girf Has Pm tse t Mawy Hlm If Ne 118 Uhrtid. rfeerck Hallen. vhose alleged "g1âson pen" meuiiodu of atemmtlag ta force love f rom a former iveut. beert, resulted lia bis being thuit loto the. cty jal on a charge wich, If vie e snt a OIve year ' terin In lhe federal prison at Fort Legven. vorti. ian»ssas lber&Wudf rom jail inl WWtua Wdsmay morias efflthe requet ot Miss l empl ill,11 vi. va» tie vic" of lie alleged dastardly attack. ACtWlelve o'clock UmilIIIsald:, "YulIIl tin tvu. liaI Malien wuas NWer si dtram mil ib uornlng. I bave poUltvely refu.ed ta testlfy aainst kl u. 1 toldfedemal sutiiortiela Chie Twemdy thst 1I volifDot Md S', a n« ailbuiasgiven me bis vouA et hMer Ma aMan te refrain from euh ida.Yt enlylatein lisf n DEATH CAU$ED BY SHOCK, 15 VERDICT. A coromer'i Jury on Tuesdsy night found that Mardero Garoogian, wbo was lnjured at the wlre mini plant Monday. came to hi. desita y a hock causel by a beavy truck falliamg upon his body wvilelte 1.emPloy cf the American Steel andIWlre CompanY. The pont mortein cooberatudth ie state- ment of the conipany's doctor that the man died of siioc because It uas proven that no houes 1usd hein brok- en andi that tho dead mmS bad flot suffered intena u'l e. i i. t uner- ai Winiibeld ononUuds«. ultbInter- ment ln St. MarY'. CeNltu'Y. STABS SOLJE AND ÀA ffiPtAN John Fdumo e Çounty St., Watlkegan, (s Ar dnat HAD A FIàHT AT GARNI VAL. Louis Bellen, a SoIdIr, and Po- ioeman JO F i- Wer Stabb.d inllt LYONS STORE !S SOLD; RIJEIN BROS. ARE NEW OWNERS Reports Which Have Been Cur- rent for Many Monts Were Contirmed Today. DEAL PENDING LONG TIME. Store Has Been Conducted by Lyon FamîIy Sinoe the City's EarliestHistory. Ruinors wbich have been current for several monti to tbe effect tiat the G. R. Lyon departiment store, tbe pioncer establisbment of Itit kindinl the clty. bail been purchaseti by tbe Rubin brothers..vas confirmeti today wben the new cyners assumeti active administration of the fine large busi- ne«s. Altbougi the deal has been penllng for somte lime. the Rubins ditd mot moike the. final payment until at Bal- urilay. The records of tbe secrelary of state at Springfield show that a IlI- cens. to incorporats han been lusued tu tbe Rubln's Iepartmnt store of Waukegan witi a capital stock of ffl.- 000. The Incorporators are Oscar Ru- bin. Sol Rubin and Chtaries Leviton. Tbe paper. of Incorporation wvilch vçe filed in the. Lake county court bouse Baturday aflernoon show liaI tbe stockholders lu the concert are residence ndmibusineiactlvlty hure. as mucii cab. said for the Rubin brother. who wlll ln the' future con- iluct the. deps*tmefat store. Mugir.. A. M. Rubin, M. Il. Rubin and Oscar Rubin ei vehl and favor- ably maya ln Waukegan mercantile cîrcles. Tbey ail ver. at one time lnterested fOnanclalîr in the Globe de- psrtment store. Oscar Rubin bas been active in the latter nameil business bouse Bince its beglaning ln 1898. Messrs. A. M. and M. H. Rubin assoclateti themeselves actilvely wîi th Ïe Globe department store at the. Uime the new building was put up, la 19U. At that lime A. M. Rubin becanse general manager and lookel &fter several departmenta of the store. M. H. itublu aI llrst bail cbarge o! the bioks, and iter of the shiore department. Loft the lobe Store. Bînce April, 1914, A. M. Rubîn bas hadt lie dry gouds anti shoe deparl- ment ln the Hein store. and the dry èiods andI mllUnery lepartuteuts lu the. Printiesa store. M. H. Robin han bail the, sho. lepartinent ln tbe Print- sess. wille OumEsaMbin bashbail lbe position af manager of the latter mama- eti bouse. realgalng lu March of the, present yesr. Meusr. Ruila assumeil format charge this mornag but lie business aclually belongel 10 tbem elnce lent Tueslay wien tb, final inventory waa conluleil. The formai transfer Iaok place Ipt Sa±urlsy vhen full payment iy ¶hî 11*1115 1to t.eLyons was matie. Tbe Rubinsayae holding a long lease on tbe store built g PAl IIIM4E AT FLINRAL 0F LATE pISlBi0P QUIQiLEY Prote stants Join With Catho- lies,, Irrespective of Rank, in Paying Tribute. SOLEIMN 'DEMONSTRATION. Heads* Bared as Cortege Pass- ed, M ihile Throng Pçays in St reet at Residence. Waukegan. JaalY 14. Thou» ntis of Catbolles lu Chicago,1 as weli asProtestts. lrrectlve at their rmh ikult, JoiL y. t.rlgy la~ adem,ntration of unlver al a4row over the deatb et Archbbiop Jbmes Hilvanti Qulgley.vWho"e body arrlved Iu tbe clty early in the. day. 1. At tii. archiepîscopal reoeden. on1 Nortb State street and Nortii aenu.. sadd.ied thronga .-came \snd ient tirougb ontthle day lInsllpt trIbut, to tbe' meinory o! thee prl4te. AI- viiere the.-body lay, thousandiq stoati lu sulent grief lu there tmsuy dropplng to their knees lu prayr.. Tbe arrivai of tbe bodiy brouotIl)t.0 getiier one of lb. greatest gatierings of Catboilcs In lhe hlusory-oft the cfty. More liait 6,M00of them look pqrt lu the funeral procession and many more Ilneti the tioronghfaree over wMlch turc. Ne bas prouisel la refrain ln & fres fer &IU 0511# th# capnîval Oscar Rultin. A. M. Rubin aud M. H. Pleaftd et Thoir Succesu. tefnrlcreepaseiou1. frqm vrritmg lutteras ta girls vbo do grounds, Fourtu.nhh l pirmtTiiesdsy Rublu. The deailelatbe langeet o!lits Spetking of the ev enterprlse. A. ta tue Catiiedral of thei.aloq , pi. not cure ta sfesi ta hlm in nt he nlght à Unted Iltae w4ilr w» n int bas been culminatet i n Wau- iM. Rubîn vasn very much elatel over Their biaIs vere haret! sud many U1iet5.. etbbdIn lte cheek and n'sNorth Chl. kegan lu a long time. their acquliitn0f tie Lyonî store. bncI' as the coffnu passeil. Misse Hill Iformel local police au- cago polcemen héïd thé fila on hie A Pioneer Establshment. ueylng tial o i. ret commencel taf Pruyersuln Every Chirch. tiiorIles thMabce wuld polllvelY right atm rlpped open by aie h ld "Times change, andl ve change viti negotiate witi Mesue. Lyon ln De- Tbrougiout lite day expressons of refuseta appear alaint Hellen. ant Inl the hadeof a Wouliigs resldeni. tbem." comben. 1913, snd completeil anme lu eorrow sud regret continued ta reaci lista e va of te opinion that the The Inju,'ud: The. abela taken f rom an anclent Februaryfl 1916. WbUe tie deal wn officials of thi Ilocese tram every part ove dors lbe bas spent In Jali on LWIIS *mumu, uildler from th. book of L.atin quolatonus. t comes ont andi off seversu tîmes. b. saya. iho!oflte nation, antiilu lb. 220 C&thollc basai am" valt v ouli l i c hlma FortSheridan pont, abheoin la ght lowu irom an age vien fev chauges andtiebIsbrothersbal their heuat. set churcies o! Chicago tiionutis of Mou" nit mIhi vould cuver forget. cheeli; tonauiltchuu rgqulrud t took place compared i vtb those ich on Purcbaslng lie store, after learn. prayera vore offerel by sarrenlg l liq bellevel lat Mlis' avoved ose. p uap. swiftuy confront Ithe Peopleof thli litatit Il as for sale. persan wvi a d knonn the arclaihobp uel@buei ,IUUupoln Mina Hill JOHN FNYea, pelleemilinla th em. varîl lalay. ."We expeet ta keep up lie repnis- lu bs ieI!, in deuils af kindne..and I.6 *" thcehagé,MIdtsthu lenae fte e cf N: hicgo; Waukegan bas seen many changes tiait of lie store for lie;iosesty .ctt eà- - lhe msa.. oItlaI.allegeti. sie bas Wabed lanlgri*$ a. 2' mnce lie laye viien known as L it ntegnlly au establsiel by the Lyon As lie bodiy lay ln state y ely lialii 0 SIi.The nelge sahlbml Fort Il claimeti for l.s total population famlly." smid A. M. Rubîn. et îhe resience. clergy and,-U -JOHN FULKENTOtI, who cdaims tva white men, "Dutcb John" anud "We vilstrlve ta contantly in- a! lb, churci slsteriools vent ta 957 Duuçaite viat has been &&id about Ceuuty slret. Waukspsii. as hi. "Engliai John," living ln rude cabine prove the usefuiness of lie store, anti a tnlbutroi sorrow anti respeet. Opuy Y1ruiri Hllen. vha las unler5&>'- reulduncu. or tiug-onts lu the Rlle eoflthe bluff, prove ta lhe iuylng publicthbat for tiiese ver. admîtted tihe i.hier, utltbu- geet on as charge o avi g l~sent a Louis Bellen, a slier o! lie anti a number oaIndilana li thetr char- value-givîng and service, lit vill be lng annace thel.Catholle laty Of poison pen bItter ta Minse Lempi HiluuUnitedi States nruy, la Company wth acterlstlc epes. itot tihebut iIn Waubegann.but bave no lhe City viii have au opporutify ta ho bas at boe, diesertoti by Isson. or Ivo allier mon. Wpu at target Qulckly follovlng lihe tva 1Johnssuperlpr la the uortherm part of the vlew the romains lhiiiaiternoon snd Ifelmi Aho. the Young voman vîit Praclîce lu lie amateqlr rifle range came lie sturdy ploneres vio made utate.1 evening. wbes ibas buen keepng Company ovueti anti managel by tii cannival the vîîî îloomlng prairie of thilaandl ContInulng. Mr. Rubin stalol Ibat for 1h. test tîw monlis. Miss Abo company, vifi 15o ebing et the ~otler conielotonînplaces of Civilis-nev lipartineuts stul bc aIle. visite blm la lie Cty isil every day. Fourteenti streçt grouqis la Noti atlou, agriculture anti commerce. uillinery, boys' ant ils' opee Z D ÇO S O @oeaivays stands n the, jol con- Chicago. Luk had bm emlng ayback lu November, 1843. on, outOittlng anulmensfs hcog de: A SS eTSIIU BAN bugeAvnyment vil hoconduclet inluaddition ta IMDOW rider andl Ista hlm througb lie againsi Bellen and ho bad maIe a o! thia clly's fiet places of busineslie lepartineots no perated. 5~VW5D5FUsa-D O N baer. , Tbe Conversation le lu Flnîsi number ot exceollngly p00f 5i0ts. vas openeti And carrieti as stock, thnt 'ie nîn oviters say abtin tehi inst Il sems ta b vory Intense. Tic Il ls allegedti tat thi.Waukegan vhlcb vas deemeti necessary lb lhe change bas been buovu th."y"bave, TIEN FIED -BOUSE polie my tiat aliaougi Mies Abo at man. Join l'urLerson. ale fun of ifofthlie people o! that day. The ryevi ra elotecuae ____ Ors va sicie byliechageslia il abllî vii le rOsanlIba ~proprietor 0f the generai store won ment trau the public wblch bas offer- bai iieea"@maisgalnst ber sseth.srl ire. for al figit eitnou4 lsaac Reel Lyon. He bailcome trou 4ptoae sveia rut.Ms Atnn risiSy Ihat shu gaQ asae h0ave accepledbils On. vitmesse daims 154U hob it - New England, asud recognîseilLUtitle e t atrocntgeni. nsnsgau ro! HeuMsb antn A so Sinuok i S dillof lieu and Intends ta stand kerson mal. a slta t about the Fortla a mot atvantageous spot. wvilh ae sConturei their viagm ofss andAoke Her GlisMgr iyhl al'~va irug. poor uankansbip a! 1140U. S. sal- Ni, 19, 1893. deati îook lie Pioneer an ________ lau As ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h aCie. fterfsIo liler iiletampcsesdo tcly and the bsnssh dhave for conslderation of lte "flain'a HUI1 ta testffy against Helen niien liat uany bloni vwre steack butr. stablisliel passedlInto th. bande oi »epartmeitt store." vilcih li tesnv NOW SEEKS A DIVORCE. abc larMe tint Ma convio btle Wankean man 4mw iisile. otha!ilsson, lie laIe George R. Lyon, names of lie nen lusLîu1~ voul bi sent talt.efiderai prison ami bellan laang t4li. w vo. vith hIe sons. Charles I L HdDe et Lonvmevoti tutrcs of trou The sBaier mal, nu atteMill t Wilulam i. the business prosperel un- Hea* of Depsnlmeals. Assets That Her sb 4De Ose ta neven yzm.It le elpectol tint llnci viti tii. WaukePnus14anud der 'the firm name of G. R. Lyon & Theite lre. Robin brothers vilI snCb serted Her in Aprl-Sues ès tho ioderai autlteà vIlidrmP the i. itappel In just ln time.to recdive Iauperintnd degarîment lanthie clore, a Poor Person. case. Assistant Chiet Thtomas T1yr'- a blow an lbe face. Tii Mqlite. vhIciL anti their slster, iss Rubil, vilI aise »Ili declareu tint i.oi.aaiitlng nord Il la aliegedth le Wusunma Hon. George R. Lyon enjoyeti a aselet anti take charge of the mlitec-dlg1 icegs ael trame lie ed e amore. Ibatth.yCne k. stucilie sbo re a t. clanul sociallfe. He vas a man Miss Lbby Rubin bas mad mauy a divorce billfiletilu court totisy by bAe wronpu1te casr.. s w r gitd ci e Alosuegss nereuo ! ofsterling qualities, anti drev anlIl- year' experienceln tite vabc sievli Mrs. Antonins Bratuaki againat ber intund ta aet," be salI. "I lo't Pra. ta the offices of 1'. .lolley or Nati es rd ateetbiheto aaeadi s elkont h ubn hog tonyRyFw pose laam se. icase enI hore. 1 am Chica&o, h vas tound au .esary ta e ic h.ovas the active heal until msuy buyers ot ber close af goodsin lu er, the buabant id tithe follovlag golng on 'vlth It and vîli prefer sa- take ten satcia.. ta cimeue thelie l deti, lit Augusl, 1913. tus le it. "q ailier charge eanat Malleh. If ho ls nound. A tev yeans &go the G. R. Lyon & Tii. nev owuers will retain lie en- tiuga: gullty of havlng vriiten the lnsulllag John Fry., a pallicuit ah Nrth Sons mercantile estabishueul badlmIreforce as 00w employed îY the. Fîrt-iff. bnket is h i. ie ltter ho Mise Hill b. siaulti b. pun- Chicego,. ruaied tla bý 0 ortheouigrovn Ils quarlers and s.ddtihoiial Lyons. as tiey cousîder the employes dowu anti then set lir. tathie jehod. if h. i. Innocent tii teslluoity listurienc o the tue . on he uaace vas secureti andtihle erese.nlare tea agrent exteut respansible for bous,. in thecase vîlI ushovIl. I for ami groumîscomuoeaul oi*t ",'ibt, beautifulfronts on Gounes ad Waah- the splendid reputatien nov enjoyed Secouti-tHe struck her là theu au nettUiel ta drap lie Case, non Otghl!" Frye rnuéd la.agi sUuipd ngton streets anudother extensive lai- by tint store.faebaknbr ls. tiat ve have gone tuis fer. Ba tan la separati lie tnp upu.' As & r,,- provements vre matie. -Suces.. sa Sure te Fellew. fc ralgirgass eu lie ioerai autiorlîles are con- suit o! bis iboa"e o #a reclvil Banc Decîduo e809. Tien, i. no question but vint anc- Thrti-He felai ber ta tue cerned liey coudn't do mucb afanY- asep gsi la ihirl &ML *m Thi The formaI ennouacement o& tie ce aaait. lie RUbir.' deperment faon nul huat ier many tlwos. tiing aise if the girl refusel ta teus. inlfe ripped'opon lte 8'hfor a dis- sale o! tii. big store today Ila th cul- store. Mns. Iranskilstand al of lieue lIly againit Mallçn." tance of fully four Inh' and fih us mination o! negollations vhici have The. min vie have purciazel theîîîngs anti neyer complainqil anI faunl neceuuary la taie h m1 i enpniginDaymni. praperly vhlcb viii nov b. bnovn by STOPS BOUT 0F SOL- offices oi tue loclor loo'@a clup tbe Ruoas bave been la circulation the abor, name are ail expenluncel lu mlght noyerf have ail anylil% bail DIES T ADION WS. o Id.Tiens ver. *&ton rasant about the. Inlenleil change of ovmel'- lbîir busitess. Tiey are bard' nonk- nIber buebanil ieserted her lutI DIES A MAISO, Wd thlat hbc1014t de ,- as lb, ship eaI litervalasiulce lesIt all. They ens, they bnov the people o! tue City; AprUl. Tiat vas the il utrgv sud Maiowis., >July 14.-.---ovemor resuit ai lu a ofbloP4 liq$ hei.doc. vire repeatedly deiled biiytle pa>t'-tey kmon tbemerchandîse; hhey nov aie Io sulng for divorce ua po900 Maîsn.tor's office vas reiobud tics lateresteti. knov lie markets,,anul tiy bave lie PhilIlp lolay orderel. the eberif a i af Tiofiiui ! i iicle fcîya nvn vn oofrsdpersan. fie leclares shei. oligil Monroe counly ta stop a priseaighit lerson, teUmm, vas antdeo h da ale aulyo10 igwattofr n afunnisi support for hersel andl ben gcbedulie la b. bell by United States overpaverel ity men on 11e greuade forer lutmo51. secrecy until tue asieet aI t lime ta ofter Lh. iey are pllie.oa!Fort Sheridan, Ill. t tue and vna takion 1taliheP(o« bIM9go vas actually affecteti. sud tie Lyom putl masters lu tbe art ai lisplay, sud tva ebilîtren. te<ernl mîîtary reservation noir 351. Widneday ho vus lyeca hei.ar- brotiers, as veli as 1he Ruhin a rti. bulleve ln a liberal use of prnaten' fu in s. Braluaki leclarestlia se haI Spala oniil.Ti nII, alg olg before tie police 15s#lslnat Ofe rs, voulti fot taîb about lhe malter ln the vay o!fntivertlslng. a rather close escape vion ber huas- Sparten tolht.Thmsate up tlthe it îy nivaotau ae teexcepl la say tint lu case aitything rTe nnio!ofRubîns' lepartment bandi set fine t10 hei hointe&fiterbar- uelnrntrgîîg ulgto radJr nactuso ssl appeneti ta change lie nmne of the nill becoun. a bousehol nord la Watt- ing knock.ti ber dovu. Sic ua«iee the. attorney general tînt >ie tate vîtt a n eadly neqpos. 1415bolids clly's argesl store, the information kegan and a tev nevepaper ailIons dti ber bout ho gel along 'niti ilm bas autianlty ta prevent plIs. fighl- verle fixed at $500 mai as'hitrois voul ho giion out linlue lIme. vîli go out vîthoul tt. namo belng atter tiat, vbhici vas tv or titrue lag on land celel îy lie saI. la lanth ný1e ta gin bond* 114 vasbroogIt The New ComeriWeilI Kaowa. proinont lu its columu. lMuci lu- y«.rsgo, but l seemed no use. - tuieri ovenunl 'Fe ltn"i tae10Wukeffan ,and Iodbe&Ila," êcolin. Whll, lie passiltI o! the Lyon brouh- pertant sMore nevs vill bu tomaI lit Snce io bas been avay, #ie4q pes. ,«r gvrmn.Tea M i ty jýers tram lis mercantile insinuas thher anaounoeuets. sahbas bal s iarl lime 1a gel deng, owàinmured saldihe val tavel*M"maires reference la imaluact un- "Qusllty aMI service" le ta bcutlielsud U"1Nimbs t iecouta ltcomjpei la iimmd of the troopi màd ot'de- . MM'ii e d od. w"flýtecesdary o ouCnal or thietlong mollaofaitle store. ber alanil ta support ber, t» MW Dot tag10 old 1the oitt h vnma at o*1e*s RAZE SCHOOL FOR NEW STANDARD BUILDING. An old trame school bouse. built on a log base, ls belng razeti la Lake connty to make room for a standard school te b. ereoteil at a coet of approxlmately $3.000. The old sceol houne. la nown as the. Williams' achool, and stands on. mile nortb of Rosecran'io érners. On Prlday la-t the. pupils of lb. achool presenteti a memorlal program' under lthe direction of 'Wie Hazel Sneesby, a talented young schoonl ma'am wo resides la Waukgan. A short play. vithi uduent. s sa era andi actreses, vas presented. and the. ef- forts of tbe young students "«ks Weil 8r lthe ablllty and methatis of teacblng aloptel by Mins Sueesby. Ih la e*imated "a& iany hinnreils of V4pe b ave c»th& aid ichool su vi«e»nuuslèm laeonslder tbat th ii.t Ont ia..pled ui early .lxty years ago. an lea of the importance of the oid building la galned. WRITES SON FROM âmIWAUKE; POLICE -BAFFLED. IN #SEARCIIÀ Mrs. Starck, Who Disappear- ed From Home, Was in Wis- consini City Two I3ays. BULLETIN. MRII. STARCKC POUNO. Mm. Hlld Starck, agud suvualy- Oive yousm moîher of Gusive Blstrck, formanly af th. city englacer', ofice, ýwho ha. houa miulng tram hi.' home haro silacu ast Wudndady mura- lag, was fouaI just aller toa o'cook thls moralag la Mi"ukie. Bhe vas wundern abhot th. pistufflie bull- lag la M41wsuket wh.n ioea hy a findaofeher sua. tue l-akon bhy th etii la mctions.of1the woens flad l la not kaowa vhuec h* han eein durn lieur'long Absence. Wrs. Sanah Starck, for viou Wau- kegn men and vonten seanchel ra- vines, nool lots anti prairies, is ln Milwaukee, WI& Thie nine huntireti police oMeiiaIs1 of liaI clty have bon baffiedlnl a tva lny searci otoneb. ouan. ici nu 1 led by ber son, Gustat iStarck, nia loft Wnuaiegan ton Mlukiee apon1 ricelpt of a letten trou hua agel molier. lira. Stanck, vio lisapponrel tront ber home ln Ieasha a veem ca, nnole ben son n letter aaimg liai bc forvard ber cloting te Mlvata- kcee, postofilc, userai dullvery. Mn. Starc made op a acleagu of clatblng. book Il 10 liuIns.iea, aà" plsel the pac'tage la tihe eukady o! tue poahoilce au'harUuu, Olarck1 speat ail of Momlay ani Tueuiy lait-1 erlng about lie entraucua ho the poet- offce ln lie bopesn tubsmotier voull caîl fur lthe pacage. To date mie bas ual put lu an appearance. Tien. cas be no question but viat lins. Star'ck vas lu Milvaukee ou <p.turday and ulfuiUdgFThe.leiIr ne- o*lveti by li, sontlasllulber banîvnit- lng, andlber relative, four at iaai la vnndering about thit clty vithout foodo 0fufnds. Il developsa ttlis. Starcki md completeti every minute lelailitn her plana ho fIee tram lie boue of ber son. fi. had vnltu a friend ah Dâ- vampant, lova, nier. s ai s a bnni scount, as'ing tint he -Iran her flude tram tie bani anti senl themn la ber et Waokegnn. Thie Dnvenport frieul o! tie aged vomanuvraIe Kait. osia relatives betane dtaimvng tie uoney ont of lie bank. Waukegantmin and! vomen bave nid- ed muchinlatle a.arci ton lie agel ploneer resilent aftIis clîy, aud liey bulleve tint ah, viii sar, Mlwnaukee siortly ant ill cornte direct ta Wau- kegan. Itla lu lerai that lins. Starck auv ber son at'hlieltofficlanMlvaukee ant id it lcalfor lie package for tint renon. Mn, sud lins.Smiuel Insull anti sou, Samuel La.. vio. e..u lhiîr tarin nier LiberlyvIll,a*» planning anu extenive trip nul,, Fier expeclt t luove JulY 27 and aftien vIiilg tie Ivo oapeultions lanCalitornia vil ffl1cr aatmgthe Pacifiea coawtion lov- erai wqeks. la lie laie sommer they, vîi go ,for s fen veuhu oth le Waumu- ici colony noir Jeffirson, N, I, FICIITER FmUNO (iUITY BY A JRY ON BUT ONE OUNT Verdict Wîs Returned Tueq- day Night if 10:30 P. M. After LongDelberatlon. SEHRER CASE IS DROPPUp Lacked Sufficient Ev'uO*- Testimony Taken Today bM Peter CPayton Case. Atter a deliberation laatng OVIM ten bours, the jury ln the. Hdwu# Flcbter case, returneti a verdict qt tn-thlrty o'clock Tuesday nlog* lng P¶chter guilty on one oftheii two counts on which he was b.inî prqg. cnteil. Wiimi the Jury took no 414.1ti &Mveit was tbougiit posbtbt4 tuer. would, be a dhsagveuq$ WhMeber or flot tiier. was a 00191 promise ln the returnlng of the vp~ dlct le Dot known. The verdict siiowed the, jury foeq the. Foi Lalie man gullty of qIl Ilquor on May 30. The state's attorney's unuual @p fin ln nolle proslng the. caseof guit Seiirer late TueudaY a wh"3 after a jury badl been le1d4 everytiiing was ln readineite aiiead wlth the taking of te"tq~ bas canseil proound snî'prsu.T prouecutor. la. sal to bave adaifl that h. dld flot have sufflçnC,*i dence. It la known that hi. ii,% basty conferenoe wltii bis deteoÇl7M 'wbule the lait Irnors were bilig *4 cureti. Sbortly after this ce*"",~ b. nolle proised the. case Immeilately atter the. jury la t4. foirer case bail buen dlicbarm$ t11 work of iecurlng a Juryla the'~4 Cleytou Case was Miteda.Ithe lag eft ustiflamy l5ut A. G. Avurg, 191 sud. Hany AgI itrong took the stand and teI4, 4 baving entereil the dance bail-af Clayton salon. Tbey caïd the y dereti "colbttles" and teitiliq tiese botties contained buer. Armstrong said! that the. maneý Weiss" ws blowm la the. gusef bottle b. recelvel. Ail tusil~ ý ther. were no labels on the botM Avery salI that on one of tb&. hd visitei t.he Clan Place ho taken betwe.n f teen and twq driak. He sald thatl ne 0of t places he vislteil b. hied basee* s ta purchase liquor. State o!fllnots, Lame County.a- lie County Court. lia thé maltor lbe estal, of Magla L. PapI, To Chritina Bas., LaumaBq, Mttile Buci, Hnrry Pate, lu~ Petert, Arthurr Lltcbftli, W Harding, Charles Làtaobel, UitchfllI.Tiieressa ,taion, UaIabhl, Louis M. LItcebl. 141 McBirde. Menry LilcifleI, Mary Albert ltcilfield, Mrman LlliSIç Ailîle Holtzaei, Mary iltztseu- ilertiaHument, Franki Utchfielil, us L. Willsan, fopbta M. Huli*, Amelia C. Snyder, Henry G.1W Lotîle M. Wolf, William P. Loge. Iý ertyville Centery Association, . <4 Cangregatioasi curci cof Are. iqlq at Ian, next o! kmn, devIsce. amidIle alcea o ai MaL. Popp, leceased.1 You nd suocio! you are bersby à* 110.1d liaI thundersigned, xol on Mandny, the thirlieth dayà o£41 ust, A. D. 1915. etIthe hour ai'hute% ci af aId day, or as sou le er as lie ue eu bu hourd nlUl aegt ta lie Couniy court of Çoaty, Illinois, bils Accoomi Setlenient cul Final Report i Pehale, andsni tnt tii.hsan proved, salI estale lecla-dl and 'closai and liaI b, bu trou funhher dulles and lis ixeculon of al ,mtate. At nich tinte and place yoR M" bu present if you se. lit no ho do. Dati iJul Y1h .D *1 JOHN G. WIU=Z Execulorof a!ehitlwaZh, sUgapi j ment o! Magla L. Popp, loes Heydecier & Heydecier. alluti for sit estate. k4J ation or norm, for lIaI by Ilinole, 1915, 1, Angelia .k le lie ,nt door tevilg. Illinois, vendue, M1e anti iel, andi 10 the .0-vit: Ospent Caunty, part of Range leredian .4 IN dent. PART two.

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