ýAY, ÂUGUST 13, 1915. Wtii operatfons Iwoi 911dotors tredo, a* mter ail the appeudix isn't ai it vas painted during the WRIT I~ JAR& TWO PEO)PLE BERI Tb*~hepusaIç, Stasd and Two Year OId Girl Starts Auto- C aTh"y W«e Intimi- mobile While Owner Is in ';t.#tdby ~V0Id&u. rlel H u Tu.sdy. 040D ex ATTOREYS. LESUE SEOARE IS HElO, W~ S* I Ihw Ruthe luduFfI rom iGmontouse anc UW ua*Waotte'Uae Suooeeds in Stop*in Ca In Differi* Gss Before Anyone_1lII1rt WA~I1WLJ<, ~TO, ~WIAl7KEAN. kilO. Il. WMSmta llau ie. r t'mu. and C"ati e.tai 9.1gilpoate C et h trikOlS ficai tb MuUk 5 u a4 o e W*r r-aderm? pli* mm Plant. Iras pisoci cmtriai Net âh "f'Ettcour- a t sm o~ uge vUa <.ootIÉN. George, pp-lietOr cf tmpeona acharge of havlng vloltei GoergWCOlo. -y@', h51 the li*naction luspef reomoti>' y he tii twcyear-old isugter cf Or. and t«W Tic ciart vrit rotlei a@lMre.. Yene, o.f the OMM tLaIm UBS tl ro i em1en1%g 0<1k or le- 1 usai Trminu llation e.conthrew tkOIbwwn< la «ai-..man er- bem- a oliath inoer, cm.etait thse *»» Ofthluac.Plant. scel huii sser buse.bis i4M ihferost Peuple veir. placcieut lu tZeu.tteffwmt.Mr. Goerge UJ-ffic itisaistand "Y ' aid todl e de.ubtuWthe wchld ccldetOS- d"WpaOKemcoy Ibilaa1y lse b .ithcNeMacuhins, but ho hue pon- Wglwi. Tva0oflieu saliSmitit>' ef ovidonce te wàrent thse t SIthora lIa ltcemtel. et Wa4 bringine In of a convicton' In an- Hemu ori,5 iOta 19 Yse*r @Wnthé fscfrogolflquestion. @Mdi$MUb"baiMIleS u a Presence et mini displayed b>' IA 4 OI% I910WU IO a dJe lie. George on TuesiL>' prevent eI ~ t" M » M Wo5 istid M mti», Enu.C. B. George. W WmtW i B. âdSli b. Wtitd pick la vel knovn lu churci and aoci Mi. Ug'5i 1211W hi. liste the Street yqk bens, and a tvo-ysar-oli chi #Mt.b.hobai "ot" IS atierone, tol rm meeting ijur>' if oct icati. »f 5 d Sot WU o".laIe 1'nidelaterocan Mr.Goucr rUI& ' wOtvIsoiSt«U"tlstihe invitedhils motier tlattale a ri Us U' as~gS v5I~4~ La wen, bits hlm l is novroadeter. Mi abouit sheds,. d'it thSoppei George accpted tic invitation and1 hf*-oId i itaa "ssb"m a i ai hcvte&oi te tvo.-Year.old dailgiterof 1 *UE St atr" etS" Mm Ui& 'a body- ai nd » mtnuta ccompan>'bk @*W Tho>' dreve south on Marion âtre *ARO 'tWMOeneWrlie "fonidantland stoppai ait Meyer' green ica iW 4 mach cf 0(,09 isss eaca- uhere Mr. Geoge vent ln 10 p dîe ocm ,iUsV1 ai - 1 tieycags Mme &o>«". iHe stoppe Ui'< hè! vrow p U0la*' sit n gl; ~ in*utir-evout the lulci UUitM htiât iqg. . d-&,P thiers esl« ahtieCcar. "Ob«& To,.â 'Aftlace 'lu bïdluit enterailiche a pw «0 oh*to.g*«iCourt ioume vien lie ftuo-ye8.T-04 ah W oubluh sw fer vit'ey1'terni tirovnie cluslI 1, am5?b>' mc * owition etObfTeone of tic levers at baiero..In ou inho t tregnosis- otiel t ea ber foot Icuni tic à, starter, and tie machine ruaisci chine W" nuit ravelfo CO cr40 ta a ~ ur-,b tilbroie aa'a lf #f&vêd ver>' Irnnate liaI ovaer- of lhc car boaden cm7> R.14l4 ttle chtld uttcred. Obt o s ha la inreaching the asaclifo e st a 1t -7 1 Wuaboe tetacrash to ie ecurb. LiOlé of 1u- 4 Pru f Amin ve &aik-can a two-year Ont at O~rl r-ue a. 40-borse power roadat s,- phe lail iii ge Ide In. pr. à4r- as. big om ba sel for i fe ta t ri er r.l nEw~p gIhI hftS OtIEgvptian flowers covers an arma O HIN L I A IE T URE. M16m aces.Tiers noyer hb heaa @~ AS ; NslngMai <iit m A R lns MI ofisatifactor>' cxplnation as tu hoW f)I these iiowers became UatnaPlsted from their native home ID Egylt to c4nt5em i5i.-e Criaanlty T11th e Fox Lake region. The déprt. À B R N #*& E US BE ment of agriculture bas tried .1er>' _________means 10 propagate te lotus itu vari- Headachef. loesa oua parts of America, but never ban lrumaîts aid bucmIWO pro- Auo9lSPDWdTrUh IMnd anumber o! anailîswithontt i u Eyptiaî Flwes succeeded except in two other places. msunl'digpMW hiU I~ing au Mbo a Last Par Othe b. 14hil, "rom b bhead reinave a Grass Lake Are HeId Back The lotus grows In almost the ien- fl ar.toieSYth jpurney ta Sig Fair. amail asîJofeite substance the sîze of by Constant Rains. tical way of the sîster flower, thedrS reto o b*Ci 1 116 > t your tumbnai SUdvair tese aones ater lily. Tie>' bloom in Auguat govcrnmefl. Timir uipolm ii i It4ID- HEPAI GOUOS aouthtur n£eci Mtrhs. e a oeso RW A VISITORS. and tie supplin lainexhaustible. VIs- chut'!o.f. Yournec. Mae apouticeof RAWItors arc ai liberty to carry bosse Jpîîlus F. Smnieta" in" YI ev. the odles of m ilsua t nlîs and appi>' -ai m n, as are des.Ired. The grat nib colector, gave i'g à e t - Are *ýen a ecpI.on and lamîl>'. Peol Corne From AlilOVer the yellov or lit orange flowers have a~ adtefrtnmsD~S1O Sho n very Possible Con- or appi>' h» bralo oof a vuiture Io- Ste f07 thie Sole Purpose -eot dcll#httul odor. The lent, wiich t n sideatkln by Ofiials. caly and vga? a banc from his ekuil of Viewing the Beds. Il-a fiat uDon the vater, la Wilam tela E.s DrArthu,4 r b. ý n to 17 juches indiameter. Wat.r WilinmE. Wafor , ' !. 01 the5 about Éudrdsof auegniesnevei prinkled upon It bas the appearanfe dctet or ?'m', ,veu Thrty-tour dey's afw lfrItg Chi- Or burn thec sun ot a mousemis;àx d o akgntea elof quickallver, as It ruai about tich@ ia A d i .Saýoth. e ,.eu I cago, and having comeciabout 2,50)teiies9 iearadapy as 0icceanis of people In different leaf. Offima eu.*lcd iL order miles of ait kunis oaI So u goai paris of tiie state. especlly In the The fame of the Grand laie lotus blanks 1s65d ta .trqiv~*b7 th4 weatber and bai, uceti>' bai. thc a PouiCe. nor ttern part, are waling for the b- Ibais bas apread to ail parts of the govenDen14. Nortwestaru Mlitar>' and Nalal Tbes e ve.tlb.methode employai . The..In . a tacademy's f#et of elgit Cadillae cars b>' tie practical'Coabol of medicîne of t bdi t (ri ai 0boo.Teeonrtidca checkrein Tc0O i~tw0s . i aTlIVei in m8 %"owf l m USwel. Nov TesUmot tâgI0c, accordlng te bostful beds. Il la sald, bave not jdreis of people via pa 4YWI 119op & bFW1bOt achc eornai b>' te inaror and oficiaIs cof IProfesser Shirley' Jackson Case of the'yet bagun 10 blossom iandil in e ld (raisltecfor tic able pur-pose cf 01WSU T5-zroè tic Panaîna-Paee emosîtion, and University' of Chicago Dvînit>'sootl. the>' are somewhat late this year on seelng thse greatlibed of floyers. given a promuest camping grofl o vatalai yotrdron "Mental ratmetserteevstar'. . Ins iîteexcpesîtion. Theic ItitarY Hleallng lu1Newv ?catâment Times." accaunt cf tic ram vilich bas caues a latic loyers mlzht not bloom, but Bts" acaiemy for-merl>' vas iotat H elre i t lcrliin .the water In tie laie t10be bigiier i ath0i nwlaIt constant 1It i4 PW"thattwIo vomon Highland Park, but nov leaia Lake temporar>' 10 Cbrlstlantty were large- tian uouai. raine wili oni>' bava tic effect of de- ves tic>'ameelab4' Gemeya. ]y' onas of heaillag andi cited numpcws The bais are among lise mont rare laYiflg liem. A few years ago the â 4 e a e thm 4,0IIIa Thc milîtar>' cars, viti about 50 Ioua storlas cf 114011n09 imilar tuIn intie yorld. In fact, tic>' are one igh condition cf the laie canseil te m"ci ourage tea istuhmlMi cadet. from the acade.>', in chargeI char-acter 10ti thMortes of lie New of tic biggest attractions of lte Fox large portion ofth lied ba ie hode. ber-Aikaiu' Journal. of Colonel R. P.» Davidson, tiec orn- Testament. ILaie region. Titis vast bed or stroyed, but It sJIli la large. ArmeutnsnUi. f.à-, officiai cbscrver for tic var deprtuent, teft Cýlcago June 10. TiecMotrI as maie undar favable auspice, but 4". clgun ahocat immiltel> ran mb ram>' usatier vhilci contînuci for nine days. Througi ail tlii. dne thc cars plougiai sambo. and comp vas made aimoat ever>' nigtitheti rain. Alter the rain>' spIli faîri>' goodI vreatier vas eacaunterai, inakIng tie jour-ne>' vanti>' more picaaanl for tie young soidier-ln.le-taaln. Tic eoluma n as vctcoiaei anthusiastical- t>' loto tic targer- lowus and Ciiles, tircugi vilci Il passed. 'lbé cointan Includedau anaifer' r-connalanoa'car, cqulppcd viti spe- chai mitîtar>' rifles. map tables, and inap uaiclng Iostruments, a deicttu machine, etc., tvo 'ylreienss cars, a field i îcies. a bozpitai car, an ar-' mrci car countlag a rapli Lv.e gus, a quartrmasters car, wili rapi fiLm gun. and the bailoon destroyer car, vilcini a voteras of 80,000 Mites cf rocad a v on, and tie boraof Uic 1910 Gidien tour. rCaulng pont entra velbt ta lie va>- cf guns and armanent. kitchen, bonol ansd vîrclisa equpment, thc cams vrcput tla amont igoroua test, but tic mtire tOlp vas maie vitiont, a moments icia> due tc serions trou- SEWÀNI»TAT AS !4 ORCIESTRA PLAYS il hu Intèreting %» vatch thc vcm en a etheRavlis park concerta. oSme of them, lu tact mon>' of taBou, go tisere 10 enJo>' tieuselves ad at tiesaue, lime net loue an>' lime. Tic>' can be acen knltllag. crochet- log and dotas varlous tnis of fancy wark mas tie pfqgmi 6f uslc goos on. lhsa. vien a strain iappens to bit tiseir fancy. lie>' are seen 10 stop for a momeni, look up. andi tien con- ire thiîr von Ma&in. Wieueam, it ussît la be tie excep- tion and tic cause for soma ltent loaieon lie part o others, tus pmuc- 11ce nov bas beccmc go common at tic park that it's a case almoat viere almcaL 'mvcrybod>'~s doing It. itlai sald liaI man>' vomen go Ibere and sien~eio~ ~ ~ - vnuuudo fancy von which, vere thc>' mot - WJI ~ DhJaile ladud irlsin heconcert, vouli WM*U~, mo.ami smaxpaulw'lkli> deter their attendance. but, be- .Ite berng !Ï th i %58OPi LaeiEeIPuvcIw' tng aile la bc enter-lalaa nd do a fai mie*a rncmiIoa> bfor. ffl ff1e~ litlUe.fane>' vork-at ticeaimeUlime, monerin ho d n *7èweuPJ. tm tyn ic>' fIa lnsct enjoyable t<ospeis fi.b Main aet aItus session vias INJI ce y Ithe atternoon ln httanr to prove vbo 0meUcli wk ioue on wî' eAXI>. 10. A daMnI obàrvatton of lie vom- thoi~ araaUf vi ~e fr i. yses. tuaI repesoits il$ weïa1un et von oen lir fanc>' argIles lii. BssscouBgoi Inraisietioed thiltthat beres a lmaie ton », v'aaes<l IIIIIa foi- vagef, but i. ceshare fit. SBeroyau- un rim armtl si$5 6 1I58: inales toma cuie pOldlt go - <anlovaris viere "vork sud play'" uret>' go hand Ifouer-, Cigeb ol 1and Ed. 'R Uffring ou tour chlMreP-:- P l i j~h.bil ocL" m&i rs. Lac Opel, vhes aise calîci atz Uk u cn4t ta show libat in tic tic poicestation 10 vit lher hus- ceildzt6,1ie >heaOiW hunsband *-tW isn ahitei oùi a Rw&U Ifed Buse %l4 er if; Ibt funik mild isori y i>' b Og&*Mer, bmié'hf tse IgMier coi- A gondtousicims le viot M'y bus- - jo mimtérul te the Bmim aruup 'm"enu, nps-credit ohisouriBii WMU 1 rci Busse pai for it. Muet-ul hn.n .acadll l or -/ W# -mw aio ami 10 Pr-avo tbâl ma- ~ 1 nadfuuti ifti . IW sicd la theUicr-m vaspli og s UM&t -M f«U«l ,dr >' ~Oi I. s alWlIash»bacC mmdcalmosl des. ci -mm ki fliaI vé ief ee Bs-'oia cfg1 yim i tlg paS ;.-eu t *tIir-ioe ,à aie lit iti zis0t; dà *«*M he" a#dl«G&-Aco> liftétour t dftdisaccompantei Souc. haiAi <lit white George,. he.é,hr taeps va ie *mm,<ccce o5sd- m b. sipu<atd, ordeed brafé .7 brtida:y,"sidtii. dct am btf -ticPO Mdimatéi-ai, ts& heDli pie"a à14 lait Boluiau. .D à,> VIF )Le pa g- etibk,>111à; but ia t hst.l-.JTj~ MY& 090 rUdU notm. »iVm thepo, Xs __ heh aibien arr-ese&and vas to lbe OPEN EVJENIINGS - osoi 0sre ll mtne pnSns-Ot lAM Wauktff p L4w s'Ser. Truthfui .a4vertlng Mrý Hein is Now in NewYr na. Sentthese New.PFa» Skirts=.c $6.00, Values-- $2-.95 V OU.will be very mucli sur- I riedwhen yusopi her to-mrrowan see tbe wonderful lot of Skirts Wt. ........ Hein purchasedilathe east. They were such a ,&ood -value' that he sent them right. home. Ai ppuarcolor amre prl.d uch asZblck and whit aie etc., an actual 6.00 value; CROICE WHILE THEY LAS T, 7'HURSDAY ONLY-- WMJTB AT $1.00. For TThursday we are offering miee of' the best.waist values of the î asoîl A!1ne tyles, and tliey are'actýally worth a thuî d nxire1 w leader we TANS 49c (Coru îroy tains that aie .so poîîîlar in black ant, white; special value for thJis se, -at 0111Y AlOur $500 Wash rse 1; w IMDDY WAÀ»Ic I Trimrned witlî bitxd- i ing; excellent vallies offered for Thursday at j only--------.. O C Dainty voile wash dresses, large variety of colorn and patterns. Dresses that have been seling il season for 5.00 will be offered for this sae at WÂIBTS, 29c. Spc<ial -earaîîee of sumitier waists; s5ev- eral colors; iiîost al ony .. ..29c OBTEICKBOAS 98e Fenh (strieh boas i un black and white; one of otîr hest values for tomorrow 98e B at . .... .... 7 %0 rîch, iuuiw'aqf special vglu. at .......... "~ ~ o~u~*4. ifit~. f r- mc w oe~. S- te~' hV1 qlfta B~Ui E~a~ ~6af.A. t- hSmt WAM os, $10.. Fine quality wMâ h kirts d- 1 - ;y , r