't' cqwal ead. I - 1 PI sAntnoo We Are !iTow Giç ireearL The Beiggest anmd Bes IlTTSTthirty-three daýys ago we foemally announced- that we haàd assu med h Jfnil ownership of the "Lyon" Store. It was'the most interestinà bit o! news made public in Waukegan for many years., Following closely upoh tho heels of that announcement cornes this important message cotýh ing oui' business poicy. ln the future, wc propose to give you a suhstautial discount on every d1ue you [jspeîîd ini our store. You wîllreceiveý at least one a«. (ireen Stainîp witfi evcry 10e purehase, an4 we will also give you a OT6ok in w'hi-Iî to keep your staxups.- Il When your book is fild, it is just the-sain(, as niouey in the ".H' Pre- [jiiin Parlor on our third flour, where you iuay take yunr evhoice frotu a splendid stock fl of statidard inerchandise, freely given in. exehange for vour stanips. cement Very- ring, thçQ Famouùs it of Ail Discounts;__ zýe.Premiums inelude furniture, silverware, chinaware, eut. glaus, leather goods, blankets, toys for th echildren, and even fine'jewelir. You can easily supply an y reasonable need o! the home-and remember, these godds cost you absolutely nothing. Ail you have to do is to svet4 stamps, which we gladly give you with your purchame. And, better yet, vou will find listed in your "S. & 112" Stanip Book," oyer 1,000 soal) wrappers, lab)els, tagr ail coupons w-hieh voit eau exehange for stampe at the pre- mitin parlor. Thtis is atiother treineîmdous hellp in filling your book quickly. 1)oiî't mîiss our olxeniîîg day, for wte xiII give von 30 "S. & Il." 8tamps FR1E, witli whiclî to start a volection-no pulleliae required. contie and look over the- bekau- tiful priiuj exhibited iii our îarlor on the third fluor. SsturdayAug.« l4th Is Qpe ids DayÇDMM30 Z.«. Stamps Gîven Fe Tomorrow and every day next week, w& wilt give thirty âc stamps Free with which to start a book. Prîces HaveDen Lowered The August 0learaneSaýle Is notes'orthy for the splendid savings it affords in Womnen', Misses' and Children's dependable hosiery. Women's LiiseHose, 19c-Extra fine lisie stockings; full fashiolicdanîd reinforeed at the heel and toc; -exeellent 25e' values, pau r................... ....... 9 ïW Lis Hose, 33c-Woîîen's 'Supernoi (juality lisie hose; shaped pei hetly to the ankle; hlaek, white dnd <ol- ors; 50e values, pair ......... 3 MAISSES' AND CHILDRlEN'S,'- OOS' 1408E, 21c--Excelei't -Fine Hlse basé.in, black, hose of0fne maca Yarn: Wel tan. ight bine and eloforced where 'he21 Pink; 25c vaues. pr.,gC1.7 c War Cd*~s; 23&c vals., C NFANT'S 14085. lon-Regular 26e wÔOo-,.INIAè"A#HO8 IE8, t-044s, and ends in en bonseIn back and colora; iik fine cotton and wool hose;- former-fl beai and los; prioed at. pair.. 7C ]y oid np te 250; at, Par.....C1 Econmomize by Patrouïzui' "bins- .Pure Food et Youuean lessen your groce ry bill conslderab y by purehias- ing the variolis table .needs at "Rubir's." Not only arc our 1prices ineouîlparably low, but qua lîties the icî'y highest, and varie- tics partieularlY gratifying. A few specials are here meîtiond. KIDNEY BEANS - WASImeN POWDER- EN-a Marcoe o. 2 kfdaey Ilargepackageotf t beau; sp ciaSwlts.Waahing iD I 2OcS BOAP-Amnrioen Famlly VAN ÇAP MILK-4 POP CORN-Fancy sheli- Janndri.sOOp; spe.A 115eaetVi e~ d pop corn; par doal at. bar ..... .....4' milk fr4,5c; en Pound ........6 calns for ..... 295--- k- foe~i ~ 47c «,f R" jl*& mi-l 35 MIlS Wisofl- sin brick sin brfl cheese; se- dol, per lb., 20e TODILET &SO^P-Thrae ý10R cakes of violet gly- 20 SUCCOTASH-34arco; . finest paceéd. 2 cons for...25c Fresh roasted peanuta; spécial at. per Pound------------... lo PAPER HOLDERS- For ,tlcky flypa-* par; 2 for...... ' 1POTATrOEB - Ho0me FLY PAPER-T'angla- ' grown. Eariy Rose; par fot; box of S60 5c1 peck of 16 poundsO cheets for .. ..3 c lIor ..............20 SUGAR-Best, cane gronniated engar; ,.22 panýnda* wltii evéry 8.00 grocery arder for. <Flour. soap and fruit opders flot Included) 9 Châ, g Voile Blouses at D ai lt il1y designced j blouses of fine white Voi1ec9, îffeettndy - triinned w itli la<cs and eibroidcîîes - others witb etubri 01 Ir ered frolIts; b w ou high neck; splendid $1.00 values on sale at 69c. Fise Cirepe 4. Chine D1<wses, Exquisite' styles o f excellent' Iwo quality crepe de chine in white avU and fiesh; also a few coloi'ed stripes; silk emnbroidered£ fi-ont; coilar pieot edged; $3.001 values, at ................J A Sale ot Uàéermusflns Mualln Govus, 4de-Women's sIil)-over gowns of splendid quality C îiîusliin; neatly trimnied with em- broidery; the regular 59e kind at. . Gowns, Obc=Attractive gowns of damn- ty quali4y nainsook; "V" slip-over and high-necek styles; lace and embroidery triimd& $1150 values, .....15 at.................. P ETTIOATS,*PETTICOATS, 98c-Attret- PETTICOAT,'Sc-Embri tve styles in regular s04 et- ery trimined petticc&a 01 ira110 5110Utrimmled with arn- good muslo;> eOsiiy l.broidai?; $1.25 98 Worth 75c, ai, special c . vlues............. 9 &Sois Sharp Price Reductions on These reduced prices are sure to bring about a lowering of our stock of suîuxer underwear. Qualities of the highest character, for wvhieh tlîis stoie has always been noted. UNION SUITS. 33c-MIuscsUNION BUIT, 29c-Wom- perfect fitting la"e tri@nden' iaribbed notion union union suite; 'iln nist; hEe- its; lace trimned or tight taforé soid for 5- knee: regularor Oc2 naw ................ » aus.......29c Union Suits, 40c-Wonieiis extra fine lisie suits; lace trinuiîed; best O $1.00 values at..............49 W4ILDEN'S - Pants and andý vesta-ribbed garments; formeriy -. .c and Ic; 9c jbriggan union nuits; our regniar 60e seller UnqI*rr CHILDRENS-Fine ribbed cotton vente WOMENS VEST% béi-.atg lg and ponts; prIced heretofore at Un, i 11e; daintily aObali; asdbd 25e! redncéd ta garuent at ...... 817C I soc vaines; speillypré at. C WOMEN'S VESTS, 17'c- WOMEN'S VEIITS, lie- WOMIN'S VESTS, S- Our regnlar 2tc ribbed Low neck leeveless vente These @je the sort tbat catton vesta; carefuiiy fornerly said for 25c; have beau. . eeiiin finished; j7 sale price flc or 10o on sale, 5 Sheets, Pilow Ce»S ad?,ýi PILLOW CASES, 7/ac- I Theseau he a It reu- lariy selling for ion; lgoodi muesin; slo 4x6 7+c Inchon; each ...*2i Ut4W.EAOHED MUSLIN, 7ý 36-loch extra heavy unblea mualin; lways soiS for 10e;7 special at. yard......... MUSLI unbteat taches and Bc ciai. y& CI4EECIOTil, 30--81000 yards af unbleanhed chéesaeioth; 36- Inch width; gradé alwaYs selling for 6c.yar. ... tNDIA I4EAÔ-36-inche genuina Indien Head suiting; pure block- * éd; Ic quolfty, at, pér.1911-- yard ............. .IN, Sc-Blschdor MUSLIN ?tý tchad m»sI.. 36 heat Nil hieà i *de; splenid 7c yard wide*;d ce grades; spa- 5t Ity; speais Frd ..........%PJ1 yard.. LONSDALE CAMBREC, 12/,-- Génuine Grson tas 1Lonsdaimua-ý lin. with a soft nainsook aulb;" usualiy priosd at 15c; Fard ...............~ 2 &HEE£Tý me - fneattrantv. sbeet*s-Pu iebmed or hum.l stthed; '9 ON or 8100; m.. excellent'$1 valués.eauh.. OUTINO FLANNEL,' qnality outingi aanei, atte6yv stripes aliS hecka.; 10esMd 12%~c grade, yard-........ id~Onr verx hbbad mwltn; lu. flrum~quai- il . Visit our Pro. mwmmParlor on Sd fisor anld Sa« tw MSOýtArtils Yeu «ao blr~ b3' savinq Il$ & MI' Greon aSp.- Hoàsiery 59e Ileachul SbeIs 72x90-inch sheets,lade of a closely woven quality of bleached sheeting; excel- lent 59e valuesAf each.. ... ..M lac pIIw -C".~ 45x36-inch bleaehed- pilow caues; the kind, usuaIly moul- ing at 18c; nmade of« 1 icm grade muslinu; .ýiGJ'e each... ...é:1 i