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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Aug 1915, p. 5

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1iDEWENDNNZ ~IDÂ'Y, M'GI'ST 1.3. 1915. 1~a.a U~uu --B- ~~** fj Edit.d by F. J. DRUCE Phono Il JiOrdere Takets for JQb Work. I dveri~tising raée onapplicationi The L utie UnId onnSuitdfk i-boul will gis e a lazaar August 14, Bfititiu and evenîllg, inu"oudnian Hatl.I. tound Làke Proceede fircbmirct nd Ssaîi uselul things to tîuy, aide houle baking. Partly hoîp. MO; ci'ay lîiam if. $3.2ti4 Why psy moilt? Boy i l itlryvîI-W. 1 Ed i['ebter tif Foi Lake, wacm i iwn on lusîne*e Welled. Han-y Hows au-I faîîil ' and Miseê Girâce Patmer <ilWauseganu, and Mlre. Bojwec ani- and lauglîter f Masaihu- ietsg, vîhiet ie ssWtitetiead lasi- Sun. day- .Ntire. Jeets liiigiàtaugtt) anid Mre. Ellis transactedti tiastse lis Chtcago Friday. Icre. E. F. Shankst has retruet fi-ui s vimt tith fiteudein outitern Illinois Mlrri. C. C. Allen epetlit ast 'ee<ýk <tel-- tng ber son t DKalb. F. J Illmi iitit of trarîsaceti tînsi. ne-se heretuetmiay, i rlanidîî H.ok anti famxii , tari 1-aie and famuly arnll L y h-abotut a du-zer frît-nde muo-rd t. Tinl Lakes, r- e-undafy wtier,- they cpentt tie day. Tht-y jaseeitirîiugli Wilînoi- wtere, e tier are liutuettlîpary - Ail report : a gIrionueat suay T, lu L.al. tA Lei plaie for a pici- .- Miesliessie Pricer o(i , agii. rvlurnedt to lt, ebomne 'Aeduesila, att-r i'mdltg the W(e'k a îîh tîi- une>,. l>rando Rîichardmon. The iaru iauegiivti by 'asti olhiltttle ID bis tiea barnu sa a g urt-seThere were few'iite intiin ujauiiy maLbfailed to ai admvatauîe i. îla;eu-uuî.-vI, r nu enlocalàbi e tlin Bu Peierhurt traîsmai-,letitsîîî-ein Chic'agoî W edieday. G-e, Shoidi n bas 1uri-fiiae-d <i t-a four imYllînderrilacoIne Ira-t iii-10.1.1 b va d,:îu.-red Tuiay. Tlie ir îaa %1ke ..tllei-is î,urî.eyetIta Wslcairii Sunday atiretlm"-y me-t dIeeat t lie lband. o f itle tii ie ttan l tu iuire 'fi li i î3 tir. E. il 5.-c le andi iîiilî varc spemiii' mît aà th i i Buieg.iu cil.llîîi-friie. ait lreatir. Mils i-utrita Meaile. a-hibas buei aiielmî'ligbe eUiiitwr terni ai tbe siate Normal seli, h la-return.'d t>, trays- lake.5he' ailIIt-ai-tul er' nez- terii Th1- dure !'i itii trian ea, ttJitiii ursSin Chii-tagi Mundily irwc;unWastitiuru.n lii, le iiliied hy1 1wb%% il îîînuMi -r iii-rl'o .peýit Sun- da % aitus .biore Li,niarul flou. tas eurt-il a poition1 withI a l-ri.lL't- iiietru i-bini iaIn lu Tue (luî'alke eelDtery ciietty a Il Auhi I ti-litoi-ims selcomie. Mis'Mautie anti Mav larîîîut andi Ru~.I a-sif lîkea.entrli ija t Btl iI. J. LiA!tus hbonle. 'tatrGeoiirge tra iAo buaile vliîinu iim grandiî,ai-enis. 'MIr.and Mire. Ed KapW M is -,lnuiiu nie.i s tisiing fiissus aund I~ in hi ctîago wcveral dayc uid U-re. 'ai 'eee'and grand daughter Ruth vere aîliiuîig ttîîîe aîi-endinàg Abs lunerai of i-ée vici ntiîf the lsi-tlanti torror in bl-guamîîng ihem the Sindlar lamitly o! egt wbou rc ite.Palle'.en hâtd careti tir a.- nurse. The most pathettc phas" le that îînly a poor olti gîandmo)thsr s3urvive t.l grieve the lses. JoîînuTeliir of Cicagi>, caught a il Il,. lIi-bas.@etai lre. Palîcen rt-ort ieently. It vas 21InBelleslong, 16 Iluchesin î-reuinfer"nce. Au affidavi-tita * e abvive tat wae matie bellore Judgs ngulaliaugb. andt te Jîtige meaeureti Lthe llsb. Supervisor AI. Msetber af Prairie View writes i-at ha ant ieIs ife bave reacbeti Gallup), New Mexico, an thei- tripi-a the exposition. Hia brother-in- law iuns a papsi' t Gallup anti Mr. 3faetber wviles that i- fiee 7,000 test save ses level. Read This and Profit Bq t WNie arc agents, for the i<mbal pianos anti plairs Ubeapti- and better players than any other. Ask about the free record dieal for the Kimbai pfauîipias. ie The Victor talkitig mtachine aloi Victrolas, the best machine an the- market .Ask :w abiout it snd we wiii tell wtîy. Came in aseie ouit-mutw 'i8uo Players andt \ictmutîas. ('ammutation i-iilra ivou lkuts un both rontds. Birlingtin launulry agenc'v, basket vee 'rltuiirsday a. m. ad retîrns - t ady. !THE REXALL STORE DRUCE DRUG CO. Phonu 11 Greyse luI. ÂNTIOCH l'ai- 'i-u umuçu Ni lay loani sol, $3,2001. Wby psy umours' Buyt, Lîbertyville. 1 Sir. and lirýe Carl Cornîch o! Solon Millesud Mies [uby Mack sere Antioch vlstuîre Sunday. Mr. anti lr@. isacce entertalueti cont- pany fiow Chicagoov-si-Sunday. Alred Speflaid calleti cn Aniioeb friendo Tuesday. Minu Luia Waiker le cpnding tihie eek wl-b her cousin Helen Bai-k. The bail game Sondas vae iargeiy ai-- iended. The Fax Lake bay@ e e e b winnert. George- Savage o! Kenocha le ralîing on olti frisude sud relatives bers tbf. week. John Thayer foe entertainlug eompany frum Esansi-ou. Levis Paddock. wbo vas 50 erlouely injuiretd insnu automobile accidentsa week ago, fleiecoverng sIjwly. LAMB*S CORNERS Partît tmp. 80; u-ay loani soif, $8,200 W hy pasy mors'" Boyd, Lfbrtyvîlle. , 1 Mise [Ruit Bahock vietea i-bs veek- cuti n ih ercuusîni, ir.e Han-jet Panzer. Mi . Percella, esho lised on the Oieýt- fanm, bas soli-be fan tua sMi. Nelson sud tuov-stihie tamilyhack io Cicago i-be tiret vcfi-be vesk. Tht- Warren Cenetery A@eoiation viii mesi- Wednt-tiis afi-cinuon, Aug. lStb, wu-h Mi-. (lirigi- Vse, Si. l'isitoic weleoîîîs. ire. Ellen Lamib vent on Tbiureday i-a Blus e0landIl lI.i-o aitend i-be Sherman The Ladies' Aid of Union Sunday »cboiil wili give a Bottear Auguet 14. aI ternoon an9dmeieîîtigIlu Wîoduîaîî Hal), Round Lae rceefrchurch fund. N tesanti ...t bting= uy, 6a1§0 home baktng. Partly iip. 8; Clay loam 0011. $3,200. iYby pay more? Huyd, Libertyvilte. 1 N. Gi. Leîtzner, nuw of Oulifield, Win., and a foirmer -.rincipa here, la viicit oui rteridm boe, wtbh hicwife. ne rend.red a culo at ihe churcli Sunday evening whieb V.as muh #Djoyed by ai present. MmssHelen Kerr tm ependlngtbis week w ith frienils in iiago. Mlie« Stela Kerr returneilthie tirst of the 'ueek trom a iit ln Cîunctl [tîuff, Iowa. Mtr andi Mr. James Kerr and O(eorge Mitchell motî,îed tui Chicago 8unday. Umie Belle Hughes of ADIloch, @pent Surnday with Mlrs. A. Hughes and Nie. fi. Iougf ai. P. S. Ianille, E L Wald. R. I)unglaa and J. P. flutehinson attended a meeting of the A nti'ealoon eague ln Waukegati lîî.. weeli Thurgday. Mr aio.nind familly of Maywood, and Nir. ttremmenden, a-lieand i on of -plag.met i he piit week etthi-e JaifiesAtarI! home. Mtr and Mtr@ .foe Eherler of Chicago, aî-îompanîied Iîy thfe lattero father andi uiothr. sitîed at Jamep Lonards â r eeiîtl> Mrm. Corpy of Pennevlvania, wlîî basc been 'i.itiîn ber daughter. Uie(jeorgep Brn,tt for the pagtmototh bac returrieil t,, ber eaeiern bonis Mr. andi li-. Henry Pi'tmian and Earl Piman (o! AnSioeh, stiteti at Thîsm lrompu-,no Sunda. Mrs N. Brnett of Antimocb. alle on Laie Villa frieude faut- Tauroday. Ni r#cDlieus herwmod efiet a day lest week atth lire. S. Sherwîîi1. MILBURN Partî i vitp. NOl; Iay loan i, , 204). Why pay more*' lBoydc, Llert % ville 1 !uîs.'t'ra Miller is bt- for a feu wek ecva-ati,îls lroil %W uugaù. %liîse -ie Ilîi"on î,f tharle.tîîn, 111 , id homeirw ii lier mother foir a %" weekë camati-on Mr, Llttie l'adgeti- returnedtu io er home n Charleston, Ili., Tburtiday alter oereral weel.îvoit wî,h lier niother. Fred Hedd-le returneti toSonierp Satàur. day for a fi-w weeks. Ming Alice Jafiie8t Uof Berwy n I., jIe cpedig a feivweÈ wîthLî one flLe ldice Ruîy (Illînge returiî'-ti romNe iw 'toik andti.iîsted 'trs 1%%,il.liinner Suntav. Tb- M llturn Siuday s lîîîî,l nli boi their ltiine Irday il tis 'e' i ý au- tîriiece Lai.- Mis@ Vînnie Jaieîson rturü(ti front i-le Wet the Past neek wbere ciii- vieiteti lier brother, The youn2g peuple under i-be auspie .'l the ae' Aid wîll give a play of Hornie ['aIent Tbursda.v, Aug. luth et the Mi lburn ebureti Priver 25 ant I., cent.. 1-I r, ireat t e sers etiextra. 47ü1 GAGESLAKEi Patl P 17 ,-y bau, sou, -2t. %ilby pay mire' Buuyd, Llber&yvulIe t Miss IlertLa Faulîkner rmmmcnd tiiLin I ity rSunda> Mr. aîid Mm-e@. E.trlesmeyer Fptnt Son- day at Higblanti Park. T'he Missges lîîîîy i! (iniinuati. are vis- itiitg hibrr elter Mm-s. Evan Law-rencer. MIm-s. E. Mai-eh atîti taughie re of Ster- linit, Santi-Cts.IMai-eh o! E-ansi-on ai-e i-ec uîte oi E. E. Marti. lir.. E S. aulter s1ueni- IBetteetîin Ctivu'u 'iand %%-'ankegami. Mi-. antiMm-e. R. Krae'mii-r (4f 't'aike- gan are uisiting at Win Selrectes. Mies Lizzie Cbarti nue a Wauku-sran visitai-Fi-iday. ,Mise MarsyiAmaiiii reurnuj fi-uni De- Kalb Suntia', 1RUSSELL Par-ly tmp. 10; Clay bau, enîl. $3,200. Why pay more'!lloyd. Lîbertyvilîs. 1 The Sunidaysibl convention vas velu attenadeti. Sundsy the S S. vîli tue ai 10-30 aud evenlnig servies ai-7:45. ldred i Suer iiieaenier-aing cousine tram, Waukegan - Mr-. anti Mr@. Julien <if Lion spent Sun- day ast Pedlcy s. 1Auna flancon epe-ni- i-e weet-end at Mire. oait. Elmer stlove enteri-aineti a nephew aud neige ront Lelasau ast veek Partly lmp, l'O.Clay lbau, stil. **201(. Why psy moi-c! lloyd. Li[uertyi-mllm'. 1 Mit-e Nerua Younug leviiiing lire Chai Cape ili [i .s M-s. Prter o! Wadswhri-b siits'd be-r dsugbi-er 'ti-e@. ymîuVincient Mouutay. A @on vas bhu at tbe Vincieni- lime Saturdsy mtiiung. C. Mi. Brovn anti &-un anti famîl-v aie touring Wigeoncmn kl'y auto. The Ladies Aid lieu-I a talîeiy sale Sat- niday wl-b gi-et suceces@. Mr$s. Mi-ullougli xpcu-is i-i nise li-to ber ut-a tioiiecnexi- wcri. Mm-. H. F, si-ver o! Ituesecli vas a %it lui- beea-at ui-e. reuuîîîîn lîîcb nam heldti t year ai- i-e A large nuniuer of N ikiingH vere enter- hine of Mre. Bei-iha Moril. tained ti the Homne beir Sai-uruay' anti Mi. sudfie,. L. H. Millercpi-ni- Sunday Suntiay. aftîcrion t ai- ImceLake is-itiing Mi. Ebener Allriglit ie.u11-1-ug-a i-ad o-r anti 'tre.CIme-r Sti-ier. W. A. Chaud ler of Waukcgxan. tins Wvuuie-y le s-iiting uitb 'tre. Elln George ha.t'luuîi bteen il] for the Lam b. pasi- i-va eekesbbtilebeitaaupreseut. MICI Y COUNTY. FAIR u ThTA T BU " ~ T Eat gatherei the "muahi-nomi" on ______AWARD 'aViOflTRAv UT B UTL H Fiiday. They had tht-m coaked tao- 1 M he ei i-y loua-y Fair mwculi-tion F R AUITCPIAI Arn dinner Frldiay svenlug and bat i-b l as euepet- t-in fas arumg the msurvins uofFORAÀNEW ~iSCIW3L EAILKS OFT IAiiz sîci-ail nlght. 9Ih Chiucagoîitlmv Neye Boys IBandi as AS SIK Tht- tai--tlh lt-t m an, tas un kttdeti feature for i-le fa-i nTlbiti- tTN Rh HIA O SO L IA IK e son, becauce ha didn't lîke thei tay. ATe BadRTHcuCpHICAGvOuit-a5luiu 5nie any too wt-f. Tht- san, bow- i-anugl g i- e us t egb itii sictu-1i i- _____ cci, tel-i-ht-y a-si-sdeliclous aud aie 1.Yeals. Tht-s-aresa veil ditleul uiigar, uuîa- The i-outra. t er ainet large elgît -li c u ruaul-utuuîul utetimi. aîuo beai-tiîy. 1. ,ii m t a iti e a uî-uiiin--torým si--bol use il, \uth Ilicago eiu rî i )u I lu Cliii co a i- ra y l th uih-be ram sik niaI ehzs antiagi-d van ' iba1. iren avardu i li ttii-c \\2uuîan I-n 'x Ia> o i raud fit~ nlthac'ngt-est parn in. ad l nauîie tîuuîn th-i- iq a d a, d h sbtt](ly nIltly i ra an 7- iiui--att i- "i'u'dsi-oek, Bai-i ni-i unuti ly the r'booi lurarul ,f Ni-rth ('icago I Poisoning iliat nrîun ul u-Pd o lri At noon Satu'day i-bey vers hu- IlhJebPlaiunse IBaudti ll lqu apueunr u wulîm pOtta l'id or $1 iii rili i uui lice, ui- M îr. eohî ofnul b p i-ld l ri ni rsei io C Cat- sci.aîui zuot mas- ii ii-g>eîîi nieredh r , ]hiI- m . i ul a-i Sbotbaof Chiceago. Tbu-v ba nai raca. Dr. Schaeffer of Gi-ai-s lake standl ecansd cm-ciy affer ii us re ri e be >(,,i i 1Wi-c. \ (ý rai-kptt'. lai-ni for a- inîeh and t rthIa- i-e soin votilti notls-t- 2o nesîîred. lu the attractions - u'î15ît Tuewreh-l- iuul i- hioni-sm Partly tmp. 80; eday bain -0, «:1 2001 Wby pay more' Boyd. Lib,-rîville. 1 fUlItob Litwiler and faniilY are m, i-iin relative. in Chicagu. MIgloo iba Huqon (if Rovliford s'ac the guet uf relative@ ani trleiîîlstitis vim-k. Mtatt Stfele of Lake Furéet opiot nS1uî- day andi Minday ai- Joe Iavis. hIrs.Frasik ltîlsy andi dauttbter ut Day- ton, Oio, are vlettiîîg iith lire J. Mol- idor and ottier relative@. Mr@ Chas fiaught Qf Wsuksgan vieit. ci 1fr.. Chat Tbiîmipsvn the weekt-n lire. iVill Froms i e ueiting relativee iu Waukegan. Mir. ana Mire EtC. Webber inotî,red tii GIreen Bay Mitîîlay to epéaci a neek. jMr-. Smitth (if Lak-e For-et bas charge o! the bank durîug M r Weber's absen, e. Arthur Frosi tîî agolàeitlstig reativsedberse. Tbe Ladise' AîolnoSuss-oî wlli give a Bazar Auguet 14, afi-erition and evening. in Wiîidmau Hall, RiyiuulJ Lake. Prmîeeedefiîrî-tiurehfumtd. NiLeanud nestut thinge iiilboy, also bomne baking. J'%rtty imnp. 8I; l> ay lîîan soi, $3,20q). Wtiv pay nmore? lloyd, tibsrtvlle. 1 !Mr. and ire Herbert Straug and lire. Win. [tee îif Hîglîooti. anut 'trs. %Vmu. Fenillek and scin 4horiilon oiftliertyvm-lle. clitS'undaý i <vol.I rA M1'trs.Tue-, St rang tire. Mari Mu-an les îsltlng a 111<rela- tives Inu ibis siiniy. Mis@ m-a Lux su as a t.hi-i, elîlîmtr part <of tatni- Chas. lirawbém w ac ealling on fitends Su nday. Mtrs. J. R Porter rwaes a<mres visititi on ?luidy, Mir. anti trs. 'rhumas Strang enter. taiueti a number of fritude 'uday even- ing lu buinor of the fumiier's eeveiith iirthiday. A v..r ni-' lunch %v-a.s erved %s bu-h nas fully applrei-ated. Father Feul-y bas bad a nunîber o! i <nîîr.,sIesntm tint of] bis place, awnontr thetni a drîlîst ieirl put in by Wuii .Buylis of1 Fiankville, lA .. 7Gciîrgti Usiono bail bis band t.adly laeintetilast Sunda as ouie o! thle boys mtel)ped uponi it in îuaking a i-un at thé l'all game. Mîise alanti Ethe;lilletmtver eni-eri-ainéd cu.iîpany ft-ui Waukegan and (hIi-ag> part of last seek. si-lres aceirtimnaly andîi u thlei-imads~ ai- i-beFair. Aii uncual tiemîanti bas iemiîu,,adie tbis tu-ar i. r spai-m -in h aiii'-m- aid aîitî,e,ilii- epariete@.A frtii-l -lacs arid euoiiiplete A tomobi le Sbîîcia lii Le ie--aitf'm-the cîsitore. Eni-re..ehave already been ie i -lby i-le se-i-ci-ai-yli-bshemai-lunedeurtrints andthtnslargoe ibbi-s un t are have î,een 1romiseti by the euperîimiiilentls Huorse racîng tibi year,'altbcuuuîum.Iinrd perblipuio a tuore local tsrritiîr i <ii lie nîigb ilacei A sîmi- iv tht' Mcflnry C('icut vair ai- %'t,îdtcek this year yl huie lth priititll-anti pIe%turable. TeIli g- &. Nîui-bt-set-rn ispiepartua tuueiuiîoumiu-e .fue-eal tri-iiservice otiail tirihe ic- iions for Wiodetoiu'. OFFICIAL COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS VILLAGE 0F LIBERTYVILLE Regulari.i tuîeing AngubtI 1,HuI1. UFreseit. i'irei(lrui-Morges;Truitster'i-r. Hart. 5maI-. t'Wrigbi-. TIe sear -uiiii-t ruî It lai- they hlidm-.eievrl tile fuir tiii Iii upo! mew,'m on M-e'nics Urus-e r,ail limei Nagtl -l.('- per luit:- A.Soii r.7e pier fout Tije fvlloinz ic < i-ir uclited l'Y ilti iant-e uuiiienuit a ,uw"tion mo utioun of Sujlale am i M m-uI t a lu--b cariet i al votîug la% e Publie Serv-ice eI'o -ligil.l8Au powe-r front June 2vu Jii v. 4;li:S Jammes lan. iiay ig- --. ...... 4 2 A.. kilehnin.Jul v saami ...... S.,10 i-i Limbem-iy. Juli c ...... 15 0t L.ate Ca. P. & -P - î.'îînUt ... S30 Jarnes Davis. baîiiig 1,c e art.. C, () 0. HIeathb, street - rk. ...-.. 17-ce11 F.rt'uisiu. cextma ealu t.-- .. ', i E. H. torleti-. salai. 3im-u...... 0 0. E Lester, eti-r-t .ut.- ....22 sO. A. Sodi-rturg. sici c .. lil'Il Fimenîsu. July etlar% ....22 10 Publie Service Co .luilY gtc.183 1M7 John Leter. cp-.-a 1 î..î...... 4 00 Tai le-sy ci-diuant u, as r-aci.Mocet lui Ege'r anti Snale- iai îrdtianeNo. 271 be paseetias m'a-I 'lctI-u caried ail voiing aye. 'tion by cWiigbt ai-id ui-m i-ai- i-b otreet caititito-t5e lui- thiieti twput lu a i-t-tent vaît n "-uniof i-be lMre Duseenberi-y prortr l .NIlli aukees Ave. Motion carried ail VL)lluhi me. Mos-eti hy Wiright- ai ilFer to atifîurue ta liontiay, Aug Ihi ai i,' n. Moiion caried. E. H. l ut. Nilage Clsirk. The Independent la the county's on- ty 12-page wekly-thata why every. body takeg 1. Don'i- swelter in a hot kitchen ihies mmer. Corne in snd sec oui- fuit fine of FL ORENCE Rl1 Cook Stovea, - i--tht- Le.e" The fines: cil u.-u-s iMade. - Iutfy guarantecd. \ .'uu ou have decdrd î.u buy i.u-' stox e Or not, jet u.s how yoii thîs lune. - ,ý tely Io.bl i plt u operate. TOM WALSH*, The Hardware Man BIG CROPS in the4NORTHWESTI GO SEE FOR YOURSELF THIREE FOIRKS, MONTANA LOCATED IN THE FAMOUS Gallitan, Madison and Jefferson Valleys Unimproved Lands. $17 to $25 per acre Improved !arms, $25 to $40 per ocre ROUND TRIP EXCUIRSIONsF R Ï ON CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUIL RY. ARE YOU TIRED OF PAYING RENT? 'i'liiti go to T brue F'irks, -Montana, wiiure heslth. weaitiî, homes anîd lialfi)ilîiv'5S3fouilul, a-fer,' good erops are growu tfîat mi a few yais nil I pay fîr > u-landf, be4idem money in haîik . Tlk wl-b thic farîiere m'ho bave ised wliîre yoîî live iîow, but slto have gone et i-o gronv up wîth titis grolden t itntry anti are mskîng guod hloites fioi tlîei'.vî tsasd ahîldi-tit IFor f-off p-rtînuiisrs addrems ADAMS INVESTMENT C0. JOHN W. GRAY, Traveling Repretentative 808 New York Liue BIdg., Chicago, Ill. EDWIN AUSTIN, 'General Agent. Libertuvile. 111. Theodore H. Durit, Presideuit. W. B. Smith, Vice Presideknt. F. W. Churchill, Secretary and Manager Flon. DeWit L, Jones, Gin. Counsel SECURITY TITLE & TRUST COi ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $125,000.00 WAUKEGAN - - ILLINOIS I D$ne;Quartztte o. i ESTABLISHED 1907 INCORPORATED 1915 Area, Lake Co. Illinois tic-t volîl' îaîm-' oit the booster list. Buy a block of 'file Factory Stock--- itie-ltiglte[tin-lilivest. This enterprise whieli will be a factor of importance ini lin' ds-u1o1 îîeiît tof the commufity of whichi Area, Illinois, is a center, wifl t'tuftifiue tu riîi îine-r a mnagemnent whieh is conducted by mîodern methods, CuI'h115anid exac-t. for which we ean have only words of highest praise. -No mie Iersou cati make thim thing go. But the concerted effort-.all <Ji us, iii tiis conîimiunity pulling the saine way at the sanie time, can u me thiff elterîîrisela xoneymaker and a credit to the town. We mustlwork if we wotuld huiild a higger Area. That the Tile Factory stock will be- boughit ni within a reios"oable short tinte, there is no doubt, but we are tt'Sp(ially interelîted ini having it Fo distrihnited that a greater number will becorne interested to the extent of boosting the factory and the town. Thiise opporttînity to get in on the ground floor of such ant enterprise, with so big a fîîttire li se]l>nie equaled. A in who botiglit a $100 share in the Ford î iNuuito-r Ctompçany wlîeii îrganized, it is said, recently refused $450(,)O0 foîr ti- i-aidi~tl which lie atînt p a fc'w yê'ars ago. This tile and colored (éminent iidtîuitî'v. as is Iîeiîîg CoIIIucted Iit Area, has as great opportitnities as atI-tl iî jels we kîow of. fhi, 1>(îtîibilitie'e, are nottirig wonderful. With ptlIictIUiy lnotomletitiolîîiin our jîrodi-ctru, with goodri that are ini big demand, t1iem--' i 11(1 chance of loo-ing while the oulook for îîîaking big money l'e good. '1el t usiiuheir is rigbt lîcre ut lhome-. il li on a paying- basis, on a larger scat il wi!I jtay very hiandsoiîie retîuî'uuu. It will help' build up yoîir town, r;tis' tlic valuie of your îiroihcrty andîlfîî'i-isliemîloyînent for moicre people. T-hi.,i, :"alIi-u(l business ojî{îi rtiiity. GEO. W. DeSMET, President H. A. WATSON, Treasurer OFFICERS S. L. TRIPP, Vice President H. L FISHER, Secrtary DI RECTORS ROBT.P. LAMMENS -.TRIPP- -H. L. FISHER .WILL KNIGGE GEO. W. DeSMET Gieystae, Iliisu tfor ti-lui'r-are mauy Isaturu j tsie "'-'onuuthicjol' i uiîgues llu onlliounmac-uof R ltbino'iefa] eli-i aas abolit $27,0.ih>. X'îîîî', lI of to i-dinkars- balloon actel. Th u juliti, [$17,(qi aau.$ .uip ulr tlue iiiXI: ouc-- oi hue a-t us stabtishieti by ,esut f est bld The se-li,ýii-I ui i 1- eu-'îru bei ig rt-peatedly booiiid ai- tt uni iai. <i liontSheridan m-u.uîad uuuî Tii i-I itt El'niiitiong. Ulr),3edota, iuîaa ui unît rlsi eet. It ilui lu,' niuuîir]Iî îuIi -y oi-bt-i-'tai-s Faim. Se-m-cmaI l iu- lr,-eresepeet. Bacte viii uîpi-uar daily lu fruiit f tt- The plan- eaimr lm-uui vI,-. e.umi gm-snd stand.l -Bal gantes luil e !,-ejTatz. W'takegaîtr-r-utu. i -fuir IC. arrangzetifuîr eacb day, gance tiirtitiwg W'. N'teîuter. NI. m .t, a ilii-uIu ai, 10> a tu. ee-iy neuunug. A ue-rai tend the ereellon of lii- su olîîi ) purse bas been put oud th -e M. Hitur v, that evemyting leau tiir' -< o eîîîu- Hebroin, Rîetiîîoîd anti Hanupýluire trais i-le fot knosun juici- ow (Is hitieu vîli figgbit ont for sapremnacy wlîl take to eomPlete the ni-a s, b or Omu 1'ritiay a spectai Ford a9 'i>'lbl~bt tl ell@euti-wiIl leconte- inte raie i. tlanne i fur andtri eisliailu',hiabaut te mtt o u -ner. matie fi-uni îgii)pP@latnem taldii. uuîy Graint iwlIl be liroken nms'tiltely. pointe nrMllenDry Counby. F ru-lu.>liai, The conditions in Iti' \'omîb',- lit-ci éel,'eied bv variou@ i tuuuui-ru al icago si-IOOls isutontre-liai - roi%(Ifrl au IlrgaîîîratîuuuS ahi a radins (f I rt the prissent tinte as a misit of ii uiles 'if %Woudei-uîk as their da;,1j ui c 't jgiowing poplaiflon. S-eeraI ni-uv i-li Faim, 'llie 1Woodtock Cul, aMiii-t isehoole haie heu-n elcieuiltIiee vi h Be butet uttiîs day ant i vii ut-etIýiinluthe Ilaet taw years. 11 1.1. 1915. v

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