4.- . --- t oi*uu orahi This a0=uumebau murnu, axsaot a fly ut au er," for but agowlibma mm&al1 a»ubrof et. i tbo totaL 5U"1tbcWAbomnce ay b. duo - . 1b-Ij' mmd " 01-u"cmpl ,:,m nFçA cex. Mtet ofGeorsm a pq-natt.ds, blot to b. Plaçed b lmh 1 nw1*Mbu .fod.rank in deait, but M lïliM4on. And oie pd cen<td *ub ftçàtlz* pIM m-b7 the mob 1"dsmauy ib«I tba 1'blpw lbe moi la eburg te Xt k pl qz* o t.lêhéieénMmd d0oora Wbic »M t thé tbedgrace tAat hmas con the. ombm o f Ibat mob - *ould b. lrýaced -doiftna a orubave lioatedoui o ~uA1Uto bU4 fronte iu £qa ;;. iwonUlt b. sous S1~lb.Ohcag> r9m.scomment on the Prau hë South is backward. It shames the United States ~cyand ineompetence. Its bll men and pqor 1its masses otf eared and bnillied blacks, its ignpr- à violent ,oliticians, its rotten industrial conditions, 8 rotten socia ideas exiat in circumatances whieh ce the. United Statèsin the th(;ught of Ainerieans lii. opiion o!foreigers. linte North exbbita a de of violence ~awtherasceof &the exhibition. Wbela otht exhubits jtifhere je deflance of opinion. lie Seuti l barély hait educated. Whatever there 4cable -i the murder of Leo M. Frank ie, thus ex- bic. Leéo M~ Frank 'wua an atout in the Amerîioan Ifi ie Us ught bave died, unknown or ignored4,.a md deatIts more agonizSg in ppreliniiary torttire *»,emi n4nal eZ0cuton, uand have had no effect, let~e et a stru«ggiùg human being helplessa é- md.aWftuse in tue care ofta cat, will stago.r Sou h i haf eucaed.It ila aregion of ilHitor- WwIt seff- lgh1tomuinO0, eruelty and violence. Until mproved by the. invasion, of better blood and better it wWl omi a reproulh and a danger to the Ameri- L MDI SLA 'grt-TidsY I vas lese'ed -ho 11mica Dentby dewast. lhe "FU gaie, waa wte viran OhIghbsA u, payiug abtalln. 1-ad -' Wnh.hsii a ste wad 9800 DW la the.Omie Wh ta aliege bY P*00111e0aeetehave amoe the ~44111SIf*D1 11"oanOGilîde vere et '%efli iii- Com lbbafflrently a ja, w armoi qai sud-w dggy,'aecrdle, te vItutuaea ame W"" lus«%' am blngs. seuo a lmmIe ie wmespwbd avsy aM hou vieulOCWkble 1hle aI ieim N hav ow ge a a" rpod~ mweliean ou n. dey mor- kshs*u was tmn ,unag foie ao f ui. e fo cOile onsd-thoré W« m indles- ,t Vm'Ofaf saimit: .714*rman la mgU la -A Varyor o~-r W hm lasy fôôisalme Ï , jý ý W&Mob".at thé beil va. >'I nla tiraslibelwvîlit i tet malot bee on Miii and whkoflvst day moraneg The vouaI stab vau infiUctat on thne rlght chaek. At IbisI point tie kulfa plercud lic cbesk and1 theu ufilcteti a long saab. rapulntu1 Il alîcies. Tve aithelinalalen ar- tintes vire gaerad! aid theil un mtein e .neck vas miaaat Mr, ravir. Itlvwu nucussair 10take lv- stitehes ta close a shah vound in Ibm leu t trearm.1 The police deciare tit le tahe-4 bldg affray tock Place la the 2I»d- dan Club on Sheridan ramd, a PIMOe ii.tronimed etuslvaly bhi colani pie- pie. Thiy amy liaIst s sort ofu aiunnt amos anti tiat Cht, vas stabbeti by a vomanu 10 vho i. %é hes paylng considerahle attentioni 9i àats. Ciitiswent tg bis bome aidi sougit 10 ataunob, h l- oy f bîpti Fallung ln Iis. uo motifledtihe po0i6 aid vas nmmovid te tbm Jaue 1Mc- Allister beepitai - la the Police am- bgbhgnca. Haevwuattintiati y tir. Gourley. Déapita lie ativice at tha PhysiCIn, Cilitig aMillt upou-belug neinqiet tcM bihorame e b.hovas put 1tei4d. fis baud vas avatuet inlubandas viien a reporter calldiami 0 esiM On ChUIs denieti abaoluteiy tha ,m&- ceunt or tuea afair given bylic Po- lice. Mie declarai that hi.lvas vgft% lng sioug Sheridan raid an bis VaU houa siorlly mi~nmitinlgt Uu4uy mormns, via ef»VOulMaI rvho výir standing by thm bridge. cried ouI. "Tberc'p a ntggar»nov WiII liaI bo gaya thaystm te4 t make an attacit on hlm. lHe delâmâ he fiooreti a'coupla oIbhm bult 1 siiotien succoeadt la onttlsg hlm w"h the. telle. Aller putting tbem AO fltgbt hiomaya ha ventte theliah*$- dan Club antiwuvacempanlid inhba homes hi seaof bis friands. - Tv. coloeati omeo. on. of tem Dorothy Stevart. vere s aul a lie vIiichu" vIien ba gave hil tl j: Wuh' NIehisam orn thle Mo ek mmuw lm MNIINUhala lie void. am sa- lipicuu 04 -' Sunday S#fl Tuhe's Mes- saeo! tïe Ughtenathe Mlothur?. ark Homr. SÉNSATIONAL ,EXPOSURE. Girl Saya Stie WII Tell NaMer of %an h t()Te She StoppEd er Stor. 1 %Waukegan. Aug. 18.v Oprtide Ocbwery yeuterday re- esaivea aliter. Wben aireaidltho put.l 4~r beati on the gboulder ef barb iimoýb*r, Mm P rank Schwery. and ,edo4 il vau front ber Preabyterkair çbqpb MWU&ytiaschooc teacer andt eeqime messages cf love and of- f*rý pi ielp .o1 my Uile Qortfuda."t ffl rde hba cut of messages of el*?, lpr the. coroner'. jury in Watt- Mtada verdict regemmend. ,feg PM bher motho e ii ,ad to tiie Juriw on a charge of ailowing3 gtinadobuldi a naviy-barn baby. 10 Ilpe motion anti idaughtmr at ato- IN ý thet .rooms of the atter'a atior iqr, 0. T. Heydeclier, avalting the g'o4Jet. Then the lîtter vas girsu Netse rig. hppy Taira. «I %Dnow WSwil la trom."$o abl&ud and r#Ati. As page iter page vai Wnrglged the. tsar gatiiered la ber1 070 nd id the Md aie veDt baPPily. "S»* wanta me to be brave.» Gir Ine ppimt t ber motiier. "Suo j» sb iRi ommback to waukegan1 te **tme. 5he my 1mnt ba gertland tat she bellevea lu M"@~ uwthmr nda utile. »Iipýiot wowwyla aheel myeif iýRt4r.. i wait ber batpy Ramat.f a&M 04 t tink tuat 1 brougit tusa use -ber. "pfor my bay-my poor UttIle b4ywh t nover criad or vt as bhem. 1 knovfIt 'f».Mother fi sure Il vas tiead. 'i.gtyoiy act aquaroiy vbth ata4beV and jet ber alon. vs are go. &"y te basin litfe ovar again. 1 bu goefalOometig vili seowrong 1-60 on 1.1eeritilng 1km.! If Ib #Og'h4ber. 1 shal tiibo - -tpptppsd sharpy. The color 1 4« fl fe. er ayes. large andi ugdby ber atruggie, vire mlsty usbins cet i lai" coulti net bho!Iekan N&ouer Talle Slory. Th* »ucher vas wvlhlg tt lU b.f etotY of tealiaged pelsoning of Fragi Qulgey, ber daugter'eswaeel- "Wbe and friiandis, althougii i »«L iihadnt dons vlgt by my lftl lor,' %mie sd. '*He vas t eny = *et Ou , oo. aughingsud reatilng Gàuea, latter. 1 gave blm som.3 is~gPop to drink,.lHe vent bomea. 1e tutt nlght bo. vas sal~. They 4M. te me anti saiti. 'Ycu polsemed VkaaI' Tien 1 vas fnightenetianti fliL~t but tiey matie me pick ont ike.q#,tïe bottle'my son kapt arsenle iïà adMuI&, Yeu gava im scai et tbW- ' i ddt poison hlm."l *u this*1 moment lhe phone rang. An PollIa roportei liheverdict cf the. "Ton are ildtu te agrand jary. »M 8'u.11vérY," aiti Mr. Hiytiocker. GCirl Diii., Mothar sigha. COrtrude gobled agalu, but the mohhmr asisbed a httieanad arese. #eOee*eboum. Gertie." .h. saiti. ,-"TWWmi vant 10 arreet me." ,Q«wtIe. sgng tie Preolous let- tw of qhue ber breast, foliowad ** ýont eft té room. 'S'P arnaafor Mma. cîveny'man- iqot 40 Mt ilaetakan out. lo*ever. «41 tIt 0gt $ho may hoa alovi te' "gli qîîtiia e'obianno f qalg lq" qgg" aqaiit ber. wvielà ultmm for àwx#a ». Us ,* tfflslory vas vnltten by XWW X19'lArumcg.aPetite anti - M sony vrtitar of one of MnevaapiOM. Miss pS- iveslie aulaeigpt te~, et t begai ci 'uuesdayai JgqpawOtu SiMwry and han aq<b«.mies rmtrong came te Tue 8»a oSéle matilately UPOn her ai, ni*4la Wiinkes. "X *deubt ithahr Mm. Heytickr WM peuit ye o etait viti Ger- 1trudgWhyen," @aid a Sun reportar. -Vos, 1 knov, but aita'a a gIrl, a"A toi** L Yon knov. va vomea eam '00t«oau v uy .leof atsciicie"s liis<a. *"- Pèras1 III ablhe.te -41vitb UCrma chvmry aid m e is Armaftrong*eI. d *g eeead. m&for her artiula vas proubluece a he bmdaily en Mmis. J le t Twentleth street in on tbe-si« u0L. Misses Get.idhnV and IahgeanreJol- iey lit teday for Guru.., viere tieyý Wini v4k*-il Üvti for a wuek. The Poyai ~g1bors beid their reg- niar meetini latevenlng ln 110 cluiý moins. Tfii.reguiar butines» wa. tranuscted atter wbicii a social Iiour wasaspe4tt Mr. and Mes. l. W. Cook andi daub. ter 'Beatricaseot the. day îsterday vitit Mr. &M dMn. W. T. Powell- of william Mogeson of Cblcago waiaa businsuo visitor .igt~ bis clty today. Itapbael bivoy' cf State street bai retunned iû, 1 » borna ofter-_uending two sasvtu latl uCbieuui MiUn. LPM*l andi dausbter Ma>. tii vira Chblo visîtors today, Mrs. Jol. Wells, wbo bas been Ul aI ber hoffl for- à ev tisys, lasmae- vbat Improvati.,,j Dr. Budus vas a Chicago -viator ysatery. TueTüesday Evunîng Club of Waou- kegan hel hiuplcnlc at Mnm, lIu- dlgar' home en -Elghte- entb street lu- etead « tha Park as vas pianneti MMFrdKarr et South Park ave- uie la aitertaining ber Mlater Mn. Fran' Wiethtanal of Chicaoe for a iav daye. Mm..19. Regai of Milvaukee la vis. fting ber son, Dr. 8. F. Regap of Boutb Park avenua. Tbe Poua Park board met iunegular session ast evaning. L,. C. NeCuls oi Chicago vwu a buât. nees visliter lau Ib icty yesterday. William Hainaemanu, vii. la em- ployed at the Divis Mllk Macblnery COMPaey, la. auJeying bis vacation. Rteno 110«6 loit todaY fer Canyon City. COlm..-vhs,. he yul atand sev- oral veeks visli i$bs Iosiae", Mine Msnie Moore anti Mr&. Clarence Bakar. Mm P. A. -ptéa cf Lincoln strest la entartainlug ber sîster anti npbev front Minneotai. Miesa BarnicArmstrong, vbo bas baeg vTWUngMiMm Violat Nelaon for sierai dayi. wnatrétetahanhome in Wbeaten. Iii, .yesterdar. The moarniaga f i" e .Wiignar anti Frnk Wamdnsv ocrrad yaa- harmiy moruing lu me c atiioli churci. RffVI39WSEA Lads at -Naval Station Sing Capstan Dttie ol the Blue Water Baller Men. IS A STIRRING FEATURE. À long UIne of boyis. bronsetiJack tar manciedt treugi Wautegan lutI Batuntiay niming. Trha naval station band,. up aitheb hesti of the procession of 600 or no, hati ixiaustetilils heut marclilng mIir. The. bugle corps blalet Its mont teaplug milltany airains. Saddanly lie maroi step toaot a ev sving ana a qulckir suap. acb,-n to a autical blIni atbils flarng trousana. rolleti a bit la bic gait anti Jerket i is cap 10a a klgbangle. "Vyo Ha, My Lada iî 14.Mo" Tien thay begmu 10 aing: 01 ail the wvvuore, nsyou knov Therea nane like Nancy Lee. I Ses, tiere ahi standsand advves -ber bands upon lia ses, Andi every day tat I'm avay sbe'li valpi tor me. Yo ho, my lads, yo bol Tiare neyer va susio a mamcios lits tie boys vere axOeutlng nov. Thoen thay braka lie liaheaborna: Tue aton's vite the ailloes star shoh, Te boo, my lads, yo ha. my lads! Tha iallor's vile the aahioc'a-star abali ha, The shuc's ire biastar "all bo. Fer tue deep valer chantery h.- lovcd of mon vho go 4d otheliases la $hips f remm l mmemonlal.bas 0=ome nt o tScaaanmlàishenaval station andtihliabeys'vans sltng liaI favortea ofail maons. 'Nancy Lu," andt t ohiowd,t vti "Jack 'a Uvn'mi a ellan.O"oy Slngint chéâtsyu le nova negutar <trea no uhla. ut tIe-cuavilaBis. tou.- Reci Wet ay:tbM, mea tdy r now son<, Thebêm»a vho tala 10 cmait it toiamorylla 4disarace 1', ta dang, 0»,hto eelpIla, the Almagrety"doWange aptb WUIim I. - om àâd --ffate - ma*bo?»I.h. duoted -AI Frco.' MUCR4INTERtEsT IS SHowi. Art of, Sef Dtep> le Consld- eredan m 1 tam t eti 0fth ralnn Tbe work of -congtructtng a largi plattonu en vhlecb 1h. boxing con- toet Ilbavai station May hi bld. et frd"ée la edýer vay aud'tbm claie ul bit i.apwinthelb.oner futurs. It t la tu é locteti ln'a ravine Mie reuqnvam 1%9 Ti.piattoru viii iii at ite bottom cof the ravinead wiii ha n s mtuate t t tt leapeclib,' May stand aet the. top or lina tha aides of the ravine andti tus tha bouts. Tiis Wau viii hoconduclad until the. veatiier mas fti natisabie te, do am. Vb tg thi preiient time the. majoniy, of bouts bave bien boitd la 'thi gym- nailum anti drill hall, bu t tiiere are vauions reaisshy tua la net- ad. vlsableanad iR vas bacmasefet tât tbat il sedacideutile oriel a plat-I form 19 the omenair.' Boxing aithte naval station le cre- aling muci interst and semae ex-i ceedingiy claver bouta bave beau pre- aanted. -It ta helleved liat a knovl- atige pi lthe maily art mas bottar' sallora ont of th. recrults. It la con. sldared orna of the Most Important features of the. pbysalt raining. "ode poute b. aR"» lao.te 510., s itelina tàalaot.b. Tb*. tii udu X=.si for t*6 Ioit fSU55 31.U. l gvos Isit relli t. tfrd, daing e tmatid >-am n U04, a tout osa lady ru 1 m I ejoyal *easy UMC: Ot 7 B~ Mtii£p'ld0.e.thwka te Mim' ",A A88 otmr wol ducUmalàz Lrel MIlL VAWESj ltyoYOiL là Wauk.ga, u, .. Phono 760. -t t... -.;-,., p 3Lt Your f~~at on "6Dollar Day" Wedaesdy, Autust 25th. r~' (- '*'~- Almost eveiy,.çdy plans on going to Waukegan on "Dollar Day. Those who do their shop - ping at the Rubin Department Store will profit greatest. The variety of bargains which we shall offer at $1 will ho of al - - most countlees number, while the values will exceed in im - ----- .. portance the very best offer-. ings of«the past. Bach item has been substantially r.duced in price for this sipecial occasion.~ In addition to the attractivevess of our offerings, you wiI reeeive hors p rom Pt, courteonsi service, an(j "S.& H." Green TradingSti~ with each lOc purchase. $3.00 valués . .. tbî *3.50 values.. *4.00 values. $O $4.50 values. .... $8»' $5.00 values. . .$COQ Inthe assortmentare, bothshoem and punip-,. suitable for - ear for now and during the' O$N8SOES AND 01=O 5AT *2.96. A shoe event of utmost importance tb every xSan and yotung man. $3.50 values .. .0 $4.00 values ...$800 $4.50 valuîes ... $ 5.00 values...$LOO - (hildren 's shoes at a re- duetion. You will find good wear and satisae- tion ini our Boy's and Girl 's footwear. PHROUNI GUARANTEEZ>HOSIERY Lýadies' *1.25 Silk Rose.......... .......0 Léadies' 75c Silk Hoge, 3 pair ............. $200 Ladies' 50e Silk Ilose, 4 pair ........$1.W0 Meu's 50e Silk Hose j............ SU5 Méen 's 35e Silk Ilose ............25e Men 's 2ac Silk Hose, 5 pair ......... 25C CHAS. JACOBS'%Ep 2014ISOITE GENUSUE T. Il 1.ý