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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Aug 1915, p. 3

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v g~rav,'vnrwwP flhl!PRIDÂY, AUGIJST 20, 1915. LJAKEr 11 .i~~ DANIE'L FROHaMAN PRESENTS "CAPR I-CE With Mary Pickford supp1orted lcy Eriiaat Troax and Oweni Moore inti oon pictitre s. A 4eighItfii Corndy.ra . of socity ' lov-e andl the great out-doors. Poucad by the Farnons Tlayers Filîtu Co. Lyric Theatre, Tuesday, Aukgust 24à~ SAIME OLD PRL('E Daniel Frohman presenta LAURA SAWYER AND HOUSE PEUERS ln a t trtiingsciweîtific Ietetiîve pIay "AN HOUR BEFORE DAWN"Y Written and directed by .. Setrie Iawiet. Baed on the a.îou[idinig dt-ol,Iricti.e Viitian Itai au n'rginîeer, of a powerfui eleinen- tal -e-t;ictiv fore, ich1a. reîî'îitly crested asefnmatioti i h s -ttifirworid. A 1ýEQUAl, TI) -CHELSEA 730"IN MOTION 1l'ITES Lryic Theatre, Friday, Aug. 20' SAME OIÀD LRICE i Annourn :ement DR. S. E. IODINS Optemtrisi and Opticai OF CHICAGO Has opened an office in LibertyvillhiÙ)te tst .and fit gIapse.-, and ini order tu, get acquainted lie wil furnish glasses, when needed, on a 30 deys free trial every Wednfstday ouly. OFFICE WITH DR. SHELLEMBERGER. Houri 9 to 5 Over Loveli Drug Store AI's Not Cake That Citters Borne cakes are hxed to catch the eye and fool the taate. But they wouldn't even take the booby prise in a pure food show. Beware of doped cakes. Our cakes, likie our bread and other thingm, are made rorn the best of materiala. Our reputatiof guarantees this. The Libertyvle Bakery Phone es Libertyville, Ill. Remember the Mata.e yonr oid ahoas jut as good as uev wlillê von vait. O)pposite Pesters Blac"iih lhop on Sprigue Street, Libertyville b don't thbinit it neesarç (o adverti8e t bat b pay the hast prices for ali kindâ ai muiy I iuv lt-on. itals and lub- ber. ldFat-ntg Machiner>' a spar- ,,lty. Yon eau aiso wat in m>' yard tlîtiga viîa mîgt naed for litîtie or uotiî- 4ng. wbîeb when new Post a igreat deat. qrop me a piusîai card. or phsone Littr- t.vvilia lIta-R. and I viii ali. I cousider ni ee eiîied ta Uie business a@ b iva rfirhlt-a ae matsg >ou. J. GOLDENBERG. Libertyville Fortuinat* Indiana. KIn a Composition dseilzsg vitb(the habite and customas of Americau bu. dana, a boy deepiy lmpresaed with their free-and-eaay !ife vrt. ithe oi owlng: "The Indiana bail fev lava1 but ther ve ers vivolated." SERJOUS ClIAiE MADE'BY 1IUSBAND SEEKINEI DIVORCE WAITKEG AN, AI Y1. î.t Seriousacharge- uof a statuitory ii tut- e vra made ini a bibI for divo rce filld lu circuit court today by ('harlas Thommessan. Tise latter chargesý (bat is wife vas intimala ou dif- tarant occasions vitr saveral dîfler- eut nmen. Thommessen sets forth lu is bill1 that ha and is vite vere marrled October 16, 1906, and lived logether until Jane 1, 1914. Ha says ha bas laarned (bal about 1910 bIs vwife vas ltimate vllb George 'Winters. Ha says healaso bas beau informad (bat cha vas lutîmate vi(h a man lu Lin- coin, Nab., on a numbar of diffrent occasions. Ha sald ha bad beau ltformed and bailevas it (a ha (rue that bis vIte at (ha presant tima la living vlth a man in St. Paul, ' Minu. In addition te (hase instances ha cays ha bas beau informed (bat a numbar ut other men visosa names ha la unable ta secure, bave autered Inlo (ha Case. As a rasuit ha asists (at lie ha gir- e n au absoluta divorce. No childreti evar bave beau bort-(o (hem. IBERTY THEATRE F. A. SUYDÂX. - Prop. Four Reela of the Best Licensed Pictures. FRIDÂY, ÂUG. 20 THIRTY -An E.oatay ifratua ilu2 teel Featuiing F'rancis X. Bumbnan FOOL'S GOLD A Western iiogzraph-Lirama BUNKS BUNKED --- - -SÂTtTRDÂ-Y, AUG. 21 A CHILDof theNORTH - - . - - 2-reei Vitagrapi-ilrani HIS POOR LiTTLE GÉRI - - - - - ral i- 1) ra lli THE UNDERTAKERS DAUGHTEI - - a- Eanay-l,"'iîedî Featurinoe SI'îî'ry l;ii SU-NDAI, AUG. 22 A ROMANCE of the NAVY - - A t 1- irt.-1 Lubin Fealur AlgoJa good ( od(y tit le Dotyez report« We can remedy it if yousen yor autohore. No phase auto repf work is beyon ou eblt or facilities au none is toc trivia to com miand our but akili and a tention. Seud your car hei and it wM lb. repaired am r.paired right. Rii 18TOR Co Phone 8 LIBf RTY VILLE. ILLINOI WE OFFER YOLI A POLI in one of the set-y best ira iiie meeta h itsss stomptlv sud laii )oî't neglect ira protecton longer. Fît-e coînet4 chais east pactad. Dor't let it ind von uni iced. Our phonse is Lilierty'ç Number 2. Duraind & Durai Trlggs BIog., Llbertyvi Phone 2. Uboetyvillet 470-M. Lait. i lev lecm n tltand had at- IESA E O EI HUMER, RTIED UP tnpe oki ir FOX LAKE CASES SATTLER HEINf#. AND TIIROWN IN o en furii (aimp Thompsofl reported ARE A DEAD ISSUE . W.AU'cNo x. 1U. ~~ U~btck () g.. h-j Ij me ting t o. W rI ~~ j, ord was received In Waukeau to- LARE DBY KLIIJ'4IDNTS '-totioi1 w; l niaie to get outila'ssar W SIl jIAL A I1I y* _____rant whu ýoInncd Frorn o ..ne iAgree lu Sgn Warrants. HsTae-otist il re- mners lboat touched Illepi rin rn ii fro d.11ter s Stipulation in Cases Charg- tle, of is summer home, it ws p joued 'sd ila i',apocîdb n N ies r oub h iiate!n oascn Roller and ,eî,,a Ti tl,ýs ere asked ig'Na ene'sîdir onb h iiatsadi oi if thei, wouid -igliil , ararnt. Afier sage was sacurely trussed laud and foot 1 Tbe with capes. Romer o,îllnued to ýon e deliberation ihev agrede, anid T e e euis on iither reason To I l scream "Help, murder- and in a few Ille neeling adjourned. u1o.11t that 3Iate'.o AtidilîeyRaiish or Il scnshescreams were joined In T s pecial conmittpe and thel )ady Intends ta draptire cases against (o sy ends ie omIfi he(otge amp Thornpson contingent than got the Fox La'ýe s.,Ioonkeepers. Hie dis- othe by arrelaied v oe Te cotage-s bowo]nouopýadwett teIclnation ta go ahead w th the pros cag. dat vs ommttd.office of .1uýstce ofthule Peace Georgei ecution la somewhat (f a d,-.alîî-oiit drwsbeing cm ted ment ta the attorney s w ho repreent Fiuably one voman screanied "who M' Koeh at Fox Lake.tesa l s being murdat-ed?" Tbey fourndtile justice !l shi's sa- te aooukeepers. for they say (bat Wom@rnbhouts Approval. ton. His Justice shoîî is back of the they bave prepared tbeir cases and "No one, but vere gis ng Romer a ('19 courter. He i-oued the warrant. are sure (bat they would he able ta welldeseved eatig," ne mn Tie names .4lgned ta Il are thoe of beat the prospeutor If the ca.sev wpe yellI) D. 1L. J. Dyrenfourth., Louis Zimmer- teCne tottrial. 'Go abead," yle the wmn n a and George Hi tu>t. On the records in the county court 1041M 1 I a short time eshe j,,ined the band, "lIli give vour Jackt Welclî taserve teeaeaecr rmoeo no . tciad In haatiiy gathered together Illhe paper," salid the Justice. mations againet Fox Lakte saloonkeep- I tie.Start for Romneci H Ouse. aera, cbarging (hemi witb saling liquor l Al the Unis5 mambers of the baud The coultlittee conferred and ac-wto alcneThs ifr tos vere beating the prostrate man. Ha ce pted the offer. Then tiîey asked were fiiad about the samté lime the was rllin on(ha beach struggîîng that Frank Wea'.er, a resorter, ha Public prasecutor filed! simiiar infor- va hs rond ndb reing a h o made a deputy. Thtis was dane and mations agaiuat the samne men charg- Cjc 1 of is bonds and screato lg a ed.to he party set out for Romers Sam- lng (hem vwitb selling liquer on Sun.- "Tbrov hlm iInto tbe laite," one muer home. day. The aller ist of Informations fl il ugestd.There vas no trouble. The vig was dIsmIased after Dady hadl been 1 Whiie be vas beiî'g rolied tovard antes fount duo armerd guards, as . lbey dfaed repeatedly l'y virdicts of "nu* the waters edge a Chicauo physician, hed expacted, and Ramer mlet tiremt rt gîity" whs lteduhe a ae sthe ldoor. But no action bas beeni(tan with wha ite dagatrras ameia one of those approarhed lv Romer, He firIst daniad its ldentity when regrdta the olther batcb ofrintor- rappeared vibh a ituife. The march Welciî read the warrant to hlm 'Tiietimation. The question (t ire as aked towad th lak washaltd an a ie stepped back and bregant ta tug at is wiîether or not the states attorney ~ toar (a ak vsbate ad arvolver Inu is bk pok Intends ta wat bat the cases haveC4 liorn va malata s ura'l pea Welclî and Weaver sprang i hlma. bée"t forgoten and t ben dîsmiss therl lio, t er ad Escpe. tussbed and overpoverad hlm. Mca quietly. Romciv ergMaes Esape. hoRenmer waa with difficul(y restrained Thtese questions as ta wba( shouîld Phr Xrente one of the tbree cottages ovned traim going vo ber husbauds aid, The be doue witb bhese Informations was e hy Romer. vas avakened. Ha ar. childreîî were crylng ioudiy. diccu Ie before Judga Pet-sons by (he rived lu 'time to present the assauit Deputies Seize Weapon. satst(re and the attorneys for Lo vith (ha knife. Whitle hc vas argu- Whan the daputies bad secured tha the deteudants. By agreemant it ing vlth thoeuraged resortera. Ro-vePou Ramer said ha haad not meant vas decided (bat tbe attorneys con mer ucceded n feein hlmelfte use It, be vas about to baud Il ta eacb side sbouid maire stipulations as LI mleuricuhe oee d n uing btaif is I vife. (o thair version of tha case and (ban sumentmer home, barricaded bînsailf wTbe vigilantes were ambt-tassad subml( (hemt ta (ha court vithout ar- withinwbeu they tried to explilu hait- rea- gument. Attorneys Tompitins and vhin. i ws ae akps ons t0 Mrs. Romer. Thay tld ber, Field prepared ta malle their stipu- O secret (ha names of the members of hw v b wat (ha girls had said, and iation. but. accordlng ta report, (bey LI th atckn bn adRamer intarrup(ed t0 shout: are s"Id ta have beau Iuformed by th atakig au adpractlcaily ' That la not true, so belpi me God (ha stata's attorney (bat (bey need ly avery remarier dauied kuowledge of lenst!" .I nohurry about it-(bat il vouldo't (hy hadta h erelysasme th aila "Tîs at-test will give hlmr a chanceihurt the cases to ride along for a (bey "bad lth eard oa"i" aout er' ta vndîcate imseif,' salid one nof tht while Re ba y did buat (t ha ked bn on hovaer.numb r stepping forward. "If he ca o The quo arranta cases bt vawre an (bat a att se hm een coult edo that va shal h aid. If lie cant.' tar(ed as a test in circuit court, ta ir eait a. edont vaut hlm beca "oust, if possible. (ha Fox Lakte sa- îa me held today.trday "Nor do i vant hlm if lie cant," onkeepars, bave been Put avec lu- R oerwvhbu seensî'teda was said tfelictie. and Ramer kissed lier dafini(aly b>- the stata's attorney. Il îy ascreed a ithbuss. (chltt laesrar# and bis six children and vas lad out Mas in (basea(suas that iteattorneys - lîlacTee and bis lise lady era to tathe utsi for (ha defatidanttefaith(ey bad thé laes ha een ere lt falso raib.He A crawrtal hallsgatbered hooted tata's attornev beaten aven before re s ed ha d beau e d t b s wr s a a nd jeered and m igh t lisve attac ied 'h a sta tted. assalans ad saîd lha (hough( "(bey __________ ir vre ma frot Camp Tlîompson- This vas deuied bath by (ha resort E T R CO R _"ers and l% the Camp Thomîson heads.PaAdÀ R N beau "beaten to it" by the action of ED FOR TIHE ANNUÀL MCOUNTY 0FT LAIE the resorters. Denies Children's &tories. _____Of____ "I (hought when I vas attacitad SOLDIERS REUNION (atsudPo aeOa) t tibat the msen v. re robhars.- Ramer (otne rmPg n. W nid. 'The charges against me are CoflgreSSmafl George Edmund provldad for (ha ueglac( or avasion Bo uboue as ie i o s ost'ePicplSek f (ha dulies raquirad by (ha board 50so utely taise hthat bdi lo s os oBePrnIpnSpa- uregard ta casaes f>(bihs chat-acter. : " hrtbee ncetha tecil. an er at Big Meeting. No sourid reason cao ha advauced t " b bt 1 ad s e n u fep 1 0 ( h a c ilt a n j a n d e v b n n a iw y ( b s e im m n s a y w v a a t y s. . * h i t- v ie i t b >' a k in g h e mt o u t In ( be L a k e C o u ty S o d ie r s -S a i o r s ' A s s o c ia - i n f ( a c s a t a r c u t , c t .mtrbouh as hlpfo (hmr ntTh chbaargeirauion f (a ie s Ohoueca (a ju out popor- motr bal s fr Ia carg (bt1 tien vIlI hae held at Wlcit s grave, and tovnship govarumants. The but-' took undue libertiez vitb (ha physi, Gtay's laie, August 25 and 26, and den of maaluinug (hem sbould in . clanse chibd, il îs an absobuta taise, Indications are tbat (ha avant Ibis practice as lu theory fai on the t-lch . bood, as well as the. chat-ges teat-diug year viii ha a largeiy attended affair- and pool- alta. Thase astates have . Boy othar cild in tha camp. The Gtay's ia'ie commttee ta vont- invokedti healad of ont- courts in a C ad b'Ibava grovu chilliren and Ibye Ing bard ta make vitors feel t bomne. stimn addsrbtIno8hs of been falriy prombuant politlcaily. bas. The committea consists of Aiidt-av1etimmenftanedstriuionftse m ad lng beau a candidate for office. l'm White, Haut-y Dombeiti and T. A. lime(bey baveunegiatheor eae ad a friand of Ilayor Thompaon aud a Reyuolds, t ( h pyaha eir Jus! is r ariO ýM- lot of other prouinaut oMeiiais. wbo The (vo dayc' programl: ot h aymcocot maito po(em.tony ~ viivoub oc e.Wlth me (ha t- WCdA5Uday, Augus! 25, 1915. bave not or viilnet attembet to evade DM~ tack ls a closad Incident. it vas ý, The day viii b.e devotad la visiting the paymeut or the lohesitanca tax ad bg mistaita and b thiokth(e peuple with aid soldiocs. due ta the state, vh.lch are far more hera itnow it nov. It tesUlted meetay Music by national fit@ and dcaurnaaerus ta (ha average man (ban tb! r m ( alitw ld la nes o f om a iltte Corps, a Il l d vetera s . paym e t ntIf local tx a. chibdca'n." Camp tit-e lu evanIug Bt grave t . The board of revîew bave a posi- ' '~ Music b>' fife and dram cot-ps. tive duty te perftorai lu (boss mattera 0LongLaeRsresGtW . Addt-afs of weicome by Presidaut and (ha mulier lu vhich thay per- Lak Rsorer Ge W r-Thomas Strang ut Wadsvortb, aise by fut-m Il WyUIliea atcbed vitb taon tu- rant for Insurance Man Aft. Cougreasman Geo. Edmud Pose and teract b>' (ha people of (bis county As er Questionina Children. others. vho bave beau paylug au unjust pt-o- FOI kebAts Ag. 16. Sang by quatiette. portion uft(ha public axpeusesevhiej S The vigilantes Of (ha Long Laite iNfe sud dram rot-ps. multi-miiiionaires bave llvsd amang Sommer coln'iy Sunday placed Char- Sang by quartette. (hem appat-enti>' immune tram (ha Op- les Romer in (ha jail t Fox Laite. If e and drum corps. e-los0 b a bteat e Romrw1,,lias ! 20NothCe- Song by quartette. Proportion tramt ordiuary mottais as tral avenue. ('bicago, 'had been chat-g- Prayer by Chaplain. a tax la defriy the axpanses of govera- ed by (ha resortars vitb "attempted Camp fit-e addreca. meut. crimes agaînst chlldran.1" Hie accus- Camp tire-e dunes. a erc veut about (ha art-est lu a busi, Niole tories hy oid soidiars. \W'slîngtoii, 1B C., Aug. 11.-l'h. nass-ite as. At a meeting of ail Thuredzy, Auguet 26, 1915. United States publie health service (ha resorter Of tha colon>' Salurdtîy Association business meeting aI today declired filat the bnbblig night a special commnittee of five was 9:30. dikn onanmyh rae apponte. Music by irsys laite blase baud, 17 menace ta beaab( tban the aid faubi- This comnîbtea vaut avec to Camp places and national dcum cot-ps. ioned tin drinkiug cap. Unleis pt-up- Thompson Pariy In (ha morning ta Exarcises at Wlcits' grave at 2. elY cons(ructed and properly used lit question soîîîe of (ha girls vbo hacc lddress by Geo. Edmand Fas, foit slîkel' ta ocrease, rather (ban de- tod aid atone absout Ramer. George lowed by addressýes by oltiers, crease. tlie spread of contagion. .1cWilliams, Lauis Zimmerman and , Baud concert at the grave ftraim 4 -Ever ersa-cunsing the bnbbllug leut-- George H. bo.T calad (ha girls lto 5to P. m. and front . ta 6 ai the ho- fîiiiit'ain.'" sas tisa bulletin uft(ha that (ha confet-ence I tf.erlerai bealth service, îshould bear y. Girls Accuse Romer. Dance at the opera bonse lu evenlng. I lu iîiii that tira abject of (bis sant- S eta n y T b a c t(ol, t ie it e ss sta n d - usT t irs> < hsi e l 1 t -a v n t th e in te r- -as i thev were in a court ofba By paylng ana cent, ail persans chîange of mouth BecretiOn.ý. The vleand gave their stataluents. Th ree etindiii. packages by parcel post after upc loi ould flot toucli any part of the ilegirls sald Rier once (riad (oaiîug and Septamber 1 wIlII 'epgîtan recelt lfor foinitain. krisa tirenir hile tiey wara lu a csn,,e the shiîpment. This receipt. iXeteins"Ifirspertv con.structesi or im- àTTOR14BY AT LAW, Ubentyville, Illinols -nUv1n es DER.I .BUEREN. ASSISTANT ITAT% VTIMTUUgI. LiberUmUlle. Illinots._ DR. N W.SHELLENBEM )ld Trlgge Bidg. LiberjvMo4 , 11 office Bours 10 UDti 5 Tuesdays and Fridaye Qnty DR. I. L TAYLOR Office La Firat Natisual lBU& "U mouns-1 10 o3:80 %aid i c' 8 M. @Isedenuje 'smBroadvay. oppoutis RP" Uàoestyvtii. d"0118. DR. GOLDEG DENTIOT gouregSteo12 a.ml-1 tu 5 iM. Over Firet NaloI Office Phoe» 1"-. "m. phone 157J. UAbetyyllle. WIAoiA 1 DIR.IL H. SM1TH DENTI8¶'. 3TBD LA&& noIUm. IAA. SA«M souu .. 8 te 12 a. m. 4ad ài110o6S> . CHAS. N. sTMtEr4S, M D. PHYS1CIMP sMi SIIGEON11 Plissa 900Office ove, au ICe. LibertyviIe. KIL 20 yers m ? T .UM AU . . vomen. RklabIeor go àé.. iowW tion fre.las-9 to 5, Sudayî9fin. 1448 W. Medmon Or. em Aeband Bird., Chicago. DR. VICTOR C. H ObTEOPATMIC PI4YSUA 215 Madison lit..wàmkffw, lU, Office Ho= . 1 9-12A..:1-4 P IL; -8P. 11 Bmndays by A»POI&tmeut O.ly Teleptoue SU0 J. L. REDDINO DeU. VItiEAitn^ov sIJIUON , Graduate Chics, V%~el office a stdenoe.'ZTSGP Ave. Phone 1130. PUBLIC AUCTI0NER5< Ciogeet attentionl peid go auction iaiin and best remuli la lui£ mame. Ail kinds of borffs, Wagons 804 harnees for maie or excbaf ap i i au. HENRY SMN Phome148 or 48 ZIoe CMy .i PHONE 1140-M Violinist, Pianist and Tesulur M0 CORY AVE. WAUKE»AMI IlI zio, third wife of Mfoses Eezzio, 0was weil known la Waukegaai. >S Hezzio died et her home lat Seat. 1Wash., eariy Thureday moiraing. 1. Clarke Chandier, a daughter r.-, ing lni Gurnee, recelved the mes- ne teiling of her motheoe'a demi». cs not known at (bis time vbeUier not the body wiii be brought back Waukegan for buriai. 8h. basves ir relatives ln Wilmette and Cht- go to mouru her densise. THE HOUSE OF SDIAM NDX yar- f Hoîîest Merchandising and Golden Rule Service lo your (luaranee. N. StateSt.,l deN. effalgt1*0. CNcag. $100 Brasa led (Comph<.) 63 u S!1)ONLY 90 DAYB 3907 SHERIDAN ROA IICAGO pIiuallaI E OWER SPRAYINQ AND WIIITEWASUINQ leau Quick Gauranteed Work. ow Barns, Ckkkeu lieusm Woct F. JELLEY hon. 319-R Llvi. hnnom DYMOND L AUSTI mat,. lusursace, Ruai rate ami Houe Renting. Office in Kaiser Stock. ABERTYVILLE . - ILLINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLJY Attorney-at-Law ficea aH ome, Cook Av@. Phono 188- .IBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS.- LYELL I. MOME ATTOUEY-AT-LÂW Libertyilte - Ililhoia Luce Building. te.tPhOeie 152-Et. Osce@ Phone la MARTIN C. DECKER -LTTO5SiEY-AT-LA'W UtilcesOpp. linstst. Electrlc Stalion iffic. Phone 848 RLeg. Phone 1860a NOITH CHICAGO. ILLINOIB

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