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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Aug 1915, p. 4

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LAX OOflTY IDP&-IT ~~ÂY uoiusT.20. 1915. Dos ofeueialide Jak Drntn dcidd srrIly onoed utuhe d hifebéson Turnili., Càbbage. Bilan. uues 1.11'. l soi~ 1 go on abousilétrinp. Mercy, a girl marrying a girl of Mèeys calte. Alter nd other Voutable. Also appei and Waeakegan WeekIy Sun dri.~* fÀtE S o tihe adjacent moucain settlement, marrying Jack, MercY lieds-*ie bas other fruit.. At right priedlvered iD 0tiif R -DI S A was bot by accident. There waes ome- tlred oler and aihe go". back tu ber Libortyviii. F. W. Schiclr Phone ~o.edai Tlophone Number 1, Libertyille Exchaflg0. .~urSo tbing do cbarming about ber etoic country borne, and becomea educated. 286-R. 4 tt ~on ca~'iR ~" ~courage that Jack's beurt went out to tibe wino the. love of seboolmates b officiai Paper for L.ko ( Cui b~> er. Front tat moment the ooclety "Taing on. of tbein from ire. Later Dally Thouglit. dit Adrrtelg Rte Mde no n Aplcaio . lreEdgar VWollo, Jr.. lait Monda>' for lion courted the simplemxtin mId- Jack appears on the scene-and gonlitIt Ti.W&Y to sain a gond reportatm 1e4 £ very Frday.0 Dory Aesline of Fremont Town ,.I.d h ew tavl.b: ow htMryobqhn e ulv 0t UOYit .wa o aaO - ~dMYTM................................ .... EdtorMjsoBlache Dalton o! Detroit, laship Dies ai the Age of 90 Jack'@ metropolitan circle. and i.tb e aa ............~~.................... ......., f4pvss or spending a fwdays at the borne of ber Yasa optl 9e*d ........ ....... .. .........t.... .. ... .. .J .1 ~SiR..............................etManager, Phone 16 -J brother, John Dalton.A etiyfmrBtt.agO!7atnn H. B. Eger made a business trip t years, a nowly wed t thie 010 of 75, autorail)~~ Tefl wrdiina wu ttintiAe-Springfield un 4.bnred.ay of .ast week and a divorcei dat the. ageo! 80 years, a n le& jugt now seems to be the only nation that isn't turued returned on Saturda>'. dopendont at the, age o! 80 yean!,MMro1 toe-turvy, and- from the way thingas are lookding in Mex- Idrs. Franc..Colby le enjoylng a twinnmate of the, coujot> poor farc i t I I II tbieo f topsty esnotlhg owogw'l otnetoeis-ieeks vacation front ber work at tbe thie age of 90 years-thus reads the, Mr@. .J iS, teres o teling hw lon we'I contnue t ho al se-W. W. Carroll &Sos@ Co. nortb Mstr. lits history of Dot>' Aetina, iWho died L O T Mfbir S The Misses annale etertained Mdiss at the Lake Count>' General hospitl I faîer Am aeln !Chicago, and Mises ltSundaY gp.teriioon. It i ~ ftIwith be~ AdnwLeootyagain is under the ban, a certaýn AmyLaurElle et PrFnd> oatAeslina, 10 years bénis, inaregard- A g e, 31 i. h Sat3turd5e. 0 And as Lakncouo! tare Elestf prosrkeroday f lu put of it, for foot and mouth d18eaae. If it iSnt one thing week. . Tasoe c.h o. roprosSaud it's another to make eopie more worry and trouble. It Mr. and Mro. J. 0. Carson entortained farmers of bis as. in nortiierui 1111- ________________________________________ parenté, ~sarsintO gve n exuse Cbk~, a thor brne atu-oar Fremont, and! acoordlng t. rosi- __ jrasnte1cof of beef 8lad nf1 ffl11' ~Joo.day hadSnd>.dents Of tbat section of the, country , M IBd e.. Cali hdeari sDagomht>'ahndam. f InP R U U C. T. stffsgoimu.Frank Keru. one of the assaistant Mse ariedaho .ft btheeiy. !of 9 0_I.____V V cablers dat the Lake Count>' National M.srI ho ettbut feMi.. Cfie O«Wfgrsshow that the. sohools of Liake county Bank, lotliast sunday tun ep.nd bi% their marriag,. The. farm was sols! mie@__ -IC Off fgurs L vcaionluWisonthoibn, and Aeslica, It la sald, recelved $ 3 95 0 0' IN P U RMU Kan., lé -eut about a million dulflg 1the pan ar O tis 'i acto u ien . but $1,800 as his char. of bis own ber un, $115000 vwu spent in Waukegan city schools. Idooking The Misses la)me Jenkine and Marie p et.Lougiabi at tht sm one cannot help but think that the. taxpa eras chanck have returned to their home@ Thon h. wect to lire wlth a nephei ebola ofWueanaepyigtomuhmny note cw-boe.al ter attending the sunmer chool by the Damo of Aman, wlti wizom 41k A good clean Midway, varlous and up-to.date Side Wui.U 01frtahr tDKl oml aebis home for several yeariLe TRaFgj aI.ah~a eA tbl gywStoperrn4t the wranglng¶ such as came on durng lMrs. Earl Coriett aBd listte daugliter nephein moved-to Wisconein and Âes& Show s. fre attractions thaturn yv.se an interest Piit tentfwmnhan rgtonsuch pecdtd Roma are viiting a h oeo e n en »tecu orfiMilk e) frictn_._A sum like $115,000 spent in a sinçl ie ina brothen, W. . WotlthandhmnElgo!. bere li e .sent thetii, conepo acu. aiM. Good harness and runoing races everg daq G Cood et Gay# year in BOXE money, and to get the. most for it, harmony, Mir. Corett also @peut Thuroda>' and laif years of fis l!,e. Several day. snappg bail games every daey, b!j the - best clubs in MleS -jdmn t. uteFriday there. ago lie euffer.d a relapse, and wu Cal ~ ri L. good business.Jumnet.,ma xe.Mise Mary Foreythe returned to ber remtoved to the. Lake Count>' Generai [he C.outi. Ivn home et Freeport, Ohio, Thureda>' alter hosPîtal at 'Wukegan, inhere bc died ore Cap" ilEa . 1offeit, commaundant at the Unit- a six weeks viel wltb Rev. and Mir@. B. on Sunda>'. ____________________________________mt« r ed Status Naval Tann Station ai Great Imakes 18 an en- M. Allbiirt as the Maiée. Miss Foraybbe Hia body w:s toison to Libertyville ffo sîsttc pprer o! h apint nuete ulcl lsro r.Alburt.willblai!airsti he1meew ui b nieofteTher willbe Lage, supre ! ecmag oIldc i.pbi The Mimses Eva and Ruhy Wiliams at Fremont. lis nepbew, befor. i u ad pe rgaiTyBlotew to showrspctfor ithe national anthem b al1 n he-returned homo Monda>' ater a sen days rezmoval to. Wsconsin, depo.lted su. iihsart nda eeed Proram ToyBaloon ~er it- ts plyed in a theater or other public pace Te vîsît witb relative@ and friende lu Eigin fScient fondé wit a LbertyvIlîe un-.i ilapr !_____TddyBearai, Stke captain bas lssued orders that ai 8 o'clock each mor 9lg and Rocheli. 111. A little cousin raturned dertakter ta bur>' tbe ols! man. the county. Wednesdag. Sept. 1. 1915 Ecli f utimn the coloraS are ralssd; at sunset, when they are 1oW_ wilsh tbem for a visit boe. Asllna has relatives living In riear- 2WM t1 us $0 o teltiefia Whd n i1wSna ftronbn ocrs ien Mers. W. C. Triggs aud George A. 1>' ever>' township of the county. 122 rtPre$0 o h itefls endnatinal athem 18 ayed, e ry civband ance, Eei s Rton oulTuesday inent ou a isbing trip * No trouble 224 Pace- -400 Th lilia aday nit *ezaàn1ate spae, vycvla sielut North Lke, Wis. Tse>' expecu 10 MISS ROSELLE BUS§ to find Mile Runaung ' 100 Amusement Stands làn.> ery enllsted man on. the grounds, n*Lat arise and stanid rtuu atra>. ssDoi Fedrt unilusanhe a lnshdwhl a atooble a the is managinglMr. Trigge' choc sture in RECAlE BRIDE WEDNESDAIPeiytoEÀMl Rffil 100 for the day. ruseration muat be stopped. bis absence. ___ n rw p The Tirla Chapter o! the Westminster Ou Wedueeday morniug eau7o'cloek, Drink Thursdag. sept. 2. 1915 v siens Gilid have poelponed ail meetings untîl aithte St. Jocephem Catbolie church at Free For Ail Pace Purse $400 Wm. cony scnrekl he occurred the mrrcg f IissRocelie Rlv gible 2:25op k The. movem.ent to recover taxes for Lake cu yOn teseod ek nSptember. crig esoal 1ies. CoutyPace ElU be2.5 300 And thon thore willlMr.l'es more of the big eutates of the county where the. decedlents Young ladies, boinever are planning a Bush 0! uhîs place and Mir. John A. Froc IFor AilTrot Puise 400 lirthebl'esi prWo to their aeath bad covered up" much o! their prop - part>' to Ravinia for an afteruoon and CCotella of Chicago, tbe Nuptial Mss. ' Mie R.ning -.l( i h oi-l ýeeiitletWw.biing read hY Father M. ticGrati of The Manage~ment Mie Running * " 100 of epbia frt âJh oty, 18 one wblch should not receive the 1ea~st icuae . an&eeter- a'-- ,ojet. .volmauo ofibgrooni. la 10o x isfrby J.E. nmi on the pat o! anybody. The poor man, U max anith ie xxal r t~h re lcknd rThe brides Lrother. John Bush of Spaig no EU>&ise Fda ept 3. 915Al to EffloyCheg wM ibuLt a single houme and lot, with but a meager pi- Ruthg tii. Misses.Katerîe Mick aMi@ Waukegan. gave ber anav at tbe aiar.inCutyTo Nbl2:0 30 and al.~ tam nc the total, 18 forced always to pay bis share o!fltee Ruske oo18 St. JceoM. Maricn, MiesThe coule iere atteuded by MieseMary CutyTo libe23 30indications point Chicago tms.itisotetieshrdfo bmto pay bis !.w dol- Slc.it e ntl hoaeic t iré,o e. eMar t niE. Bueh, a iter o! the bride and b>' trying to male 2:20 Trot Purse 400 to >a 'issu ini ýî l taxes but8oie si' isdty itnt tnd elar o bn imt osrenillthe tir t oieerbt Joseph Costella o! Chicago, a brother o! tilayeara' 2:17 Pace 400 lam~er exhibit 118 theuteke itleinilius Wà F A 1R5 ieRuniting'toTu week. Dr. and Mrc. Martin eutantained loR Mugirl. 100 . 'torTue bis Ïhare proportionate to bis holdngs-and he acrapes lt adanelng part>' lu the Auditorium lu Oth>ethe elatves o ubeconurcîin arumd to raise thie necesaarY amount. BT i téutr o! their gueute thie inek Thurs aue udanme ! redrmL.ake C vua ~cb entii brdsi a ot o ret ad heyfiidit ayevelie.Lbertyville and other titi.. were pre- Remember the Tislis tour Pair, yo ur vacation, KyDp.tetuLioO la «Meer to "1cover up" tban the. poor imant. Tetus es- The. inner L.ceum mranagement have sent. Among those fromn out o! toinu DATES the time vilen you expeot to see oid ey epriet24tb. Sap. taxes and uherefor.e nwv.ment ini LakeO couftY cited the entartainnieuts, as wiere inýre Mies Marguerite MeGuckin o! ùg 31,fiends and xmioe many new oneç wilbe tliur;i t qIuliz6 matters and diT Ur Meo! those back txs arracg6d for durlng the Ciautauqua LosAngeles, Cal. anddiss Margaret mItc ti aeOut' Great crowded wi lu tha mnibero!lepdombr, Noveberor h bride emain>'enance oini luwith the béat the wi-ke timry povltug r cunt maitenlcewb hekbavng bokofeeeNveug eaoin o Roers Parlk. n nLiberti' et.1 ad Holiday. Don't mien your part of county ha. should bave been paid in long ago, should be encouraged in Januar>', Februar>', Marcb'u Pi il and viciiity hr lea mny Plan to attend. ii eog oyu ti orFi.Dlrh "Mer possiblemiranner. The November number inas repiaced b>' frieude un wiia ber happins. She le a ot i _____________the April onuelu order to apecure Judge noie o! Miss Ernîl> Bus,at inhoce home Th uwennamj-wgndivn oWukavun Georg e D. Aidansinho lectured the lasit ou Division treet the weddiug breakfast________________ The ase iierin ami.fc-waon divin to a* g o! the Ciautauqua sund inho audreception wae beld. before daylghi Wednesday Wherli an auto traveling lihe made such a "hit" witb the public. The groom le a son of Mir. and tirs. I. mm~ way rau int an.dcrated morne daMage, uay prove, Thalthe boue on1 the prograni William Costella o! Chicago, and holdo à gure't o if action resfly la bronght, to b. a test caue o! its kidin given b>' @ta ecbhildreu o! Lihertyvilis positioo! 1tîmekeeper lu thecouth parka flarr, thia local*iy. luIn th end the mllk waon driver would TburcdaYo!atiakaBvnaier lu that Ciy. Mli n dlira. Costeila wilîl sii 10 au. Oas..wc,.~ mO . la wprovacss~ uat aprcciated wasevideuoed b>' tiiemanner Mak hi oel hc~ becraa ols u.TR h tI hich each number inas receivad b>' The.happy couple received a large aîj EVNHEEDA NVfiLSmusi car front theabig croinâ whIch atteuded tise home Bobr fbauiuigli.Teygate ale a«d rosi lu. Ronce, the mllk wagon, net bav*19 aan~t pla>'that aternoon despite the. outheir hnne>'mno iven o'clock lun 0i. Brai vasli jgX w o guarding i«f»2M an auto or ver>' uclavorable ineathor. A large th VYn mdaowr frc n A RKNIlire aaybln eu, u fcih vs IOI1IRg . ]~B thi" number o! Uhertyvillis people went t10""welliîh"s___________tBrusru là, nting new-ln facti h's lie exception viieoa hre-___W_____ drvaésil cresal1 h. .i ccdnt u ae i t> h. home chldren, ans! wthout -a AT THE THUÂT-rPS Teeisanturlcas orwr Wtcn luae drV diI UI ih hs" et ncs utlingle exception inere high lu thoir praluse H ueantirleas orwr W.eu uDon. is stauted, may be lie meana o! letng hors, ovuera rea- lover thse réuit@ o! the chidreue work. -A Cblýd o! ube.\orth' aut the Lberty', Strate iii this Way: If every 80ldleri Europe knew for tir. L Une tbmtautoS bave not beon slngled oui by the state and Not ouI>' the. liertyville fok@, hut Bturda>, Aug. 21. A trong. Wol- see C. ( made 10canM e to agls abu, but uhai ail vehiclea mÙst carry practicell>' every onncla the auience wo:en drama o! ]Ilfe lutihe opnthi. a certainty that lhe would neyer die-but vould live for- frfld&3 >. tim talnes tiey hto violat, lb. law mil place thOISI ave f a siedalaof tsa:hadrben fpumtworlphotopia>' iin command tiie ever, unless he got killed in battIA, there would be no more Tore CE bars ar eeaed ul tb ea prom pctofai film palraus. Tii.ecesicewar.he thooting and in falet al the 1'rough atuf" of , beni sievesa a de!ensoel position in cas of anmaccdent mini- on b>'tisa chlldren o! the nons ehbore are doit lutise forets of! the North. la i n illar to ths on# o! Wodnssday. More accidents are going tourne. A Poppy drill b>' litti. girl@ the latter part o! lime story', ihen bliav>' ihat nature would be leut out" ini a hurry. But death day. 'to ppnai corners vien autos round a curie and can- dressmed lanmadaet, adilng rom saven to fall fsono have mantth mand etaiksthrough the ]and. Thirty thousand will die next Thse no ilngs ahead viiere lir rn iga u,>ougtiii.oered antr hno aeotrt& week, right here.under a pollcy of watehful walting. The Baturd bsoy@ bu wle nc m t7dîi edntbat.Tefnlpicture, with ulei tMe àUBVA mer of torse is going W 1MBAIAin ImsolU o"de1.&Dl id odup the Ubertyntloparu of the the lttie hall-hre.d ibero"cfrosen to soldier knows Oum o! embaraused viien ho la ohowa te bave been "light1s5çm r<grm.deatisinliser cannie, wilîl he long rotatim. o! tise i _______________bered. The work o! tise cut le lu keep. "To everg mon that iveth. A"4 nov, aft« "umot evéry ciy bas doueaan IS SAJLANIIig rtstefotmfts rdcr Death cometh soon *or lote". a~ the linafir sen railroad trains have eluni- DE AauEEMSNOE the Idien girl. ia e intl hmOUl one U u tebeluyaoecupif aho .wiAW.oidik oeofbrdWWtr lr.W."ugorafoeDwn tth eand o0 when under the excitement of the thing he -goes tatriiogcmsteedrligoerïetmnatC Moue in Lbertyville. ou Mondai' o! Frida>', Aug. 20uis. Prof. Wallace. a the rouie". ,Rei Wa.hhgtou iltu e statemeut tuai h bubblmng o tiinIis woek occurred lthe deatiso!flire. scieutiftc authorit>', objects 10 hie son 18mn naiaysu agru bnli ndlkn cbel esstra ogllcecvr Richarde@ romaneiniîh Violet Dancs, a W&T and rumors of war will continue to be to the «Wilupeopleon aednot to permit tuerlips toilog a period o! about tour yeare. Ti hrs ll Te[ld os"eondn.of the wo.e or util smore cra±ty Yankee invena r celao ottaivii henii !li funai. uolier d--ad W.sê9 yaare oîd, baviug beau Prof. Wallace toiee thtgirl îoav une@@. pianos int cotut wth hrimfthefoutai. 1bore lu Sterling, Seotiand. Bloc.14, 1826. uthe abandons bis sou, hienili compîteli diecovers some elixer of life that will prolong indelnately bte r ord,,the warnig e:drnk ro te!ountain uy hoding 1Ou.Jjoe thlttis, 1847, ebeg was dieluberit film. The next day tise Pro-or*dy nerh.,Utltebterisr nsr bu lOp jua inluthe flovtng water, but don'i let liem go dovu married toJameNeas,and herisusband tueuer was !ouud dead. Kate Kirhy, au ae onerh *Utlten etr nueinsr bu one tlien comm a s d died Match 2, 1896. Two sons and girl delective, le eugagcd. Tiesle u9 insurance and make up your'minu to tae.e tuings as tuiey Kib on aghe urietheir mother. arreeted. Later Violet cou!esed 10 tise Ve prtco; aeg somebody andicks oe ultrsriemre..M94Kryeaieteefcecorne. We do not know whether this isa aqueer world for Ven Iloer t' cs oiis1 usfembi e8 aoand The>'are: Jamsof Lberty ville, Audrow udr is ib'eaineh fe.markt fer tMa'0 Bal of South ilakota, end lins. W. C. Mou. o! the Profeseor, aud discovere a note we-have never been on any other. ilt

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