-ENDMn, M DX HALF DAY WACOD iappeflfles ai Mande A. Knowl le lerking in ber Ou Wednesdat. Augumt 4, at the Prairie View @tore duritrg the absence MIethodist Episcopai hurcir parsoflage in Mr. and Mms. Matîrer, who. are ln Cali. W&Ukegau occtirred thre marriage of ~f& ~r a - orula. Lfslie P. ['urnbuil or this pkce t,) Mi@§ MIrm. Ida Fi.'lrle va' calied home l'y %lis'<illdred Wl tIng ettrtained at alPhYilis Paddouk of lRound Lake. Tire tie eer lles i e nnFred. '«ia h'inrTedyee u nro ieiappy couple acre atteuded bt3 Owen By' T. F. SWAN 've larn je improving sowly. Mlargaret N Ice er. Paddock, brother r,! the, 1-ide and Mimej Correspondent and Agent Rer. B. J. Trlrkey returuëd trori bis Mr. and Mr.. Rd Knaak and chljdren Baille Seymour. li-cV J. J. MWilliarne homrre ln lowa about a wcv'k ago. Serv- of Ilowner@ Grave, were week-end g btoPfrid the oul3 daglitereof Ms. Thd ________ ee- werec cetioued duriu)g ie absence, at the borne oftr. T. L. Knaak. b r brid @toPy addocko!lof Mr.Lak, Ray Knigmm and family @peut Surrday but We are igv.d tobave hlm wîth us Miste Marie Miller of Arlînglon Helgirîs, à . lbrt addocbekofRuüunLake, at Girayalake. "gain. vllted aIt the home o!f 1. H. Nleyer las tland leoeoIh em nw 0n Win. bramerofHgadPr k, lm Mn, (je,)Corbin of Chicago vigited the week. ladi ftiat rrrrurniti .The groom v@tn ih relaive hrlarrd Parek, l ,aughlrn fîanily fur a fer. aud l the 011Y sounrl tMr. sard Mrs. .trr vieringwithreltive lin. tie ekMr.lc an %rs. J,'Alt,,clil, S r., tdiT rtul o a i ii*irge and Iras nrany (-)ecar Penny of! Chicago, @petit Onudi IMire Laura Manle vreliting ber aunt. cildren, Faitîr and Moise ani grand- iriende amaug tire people of Wauconda witir bis @jterl. i. Cropet. Mrs. P. J. ltockelmaun ru Libert.vville. ceblld. MisesElzabet thieeceit, uho boave and vlcialty. «They uil make thirlhome Mr. Mary Swan spent a few day Vtiý Mr. and Mr. Ni.. Moore anrd Mr. and been tcareliug lu tire uet for rire pat l b ae ucrctae ej.l week w th ber on, IBert and amily , rg. Elmore and la rily of Chicago e1ent w o rrrnt s, retureri tr tieir lhome n nlu trer ma sn Mur ay s cottge. r, con. Racine.la ftv adryo at the Moore brnie tre. efedFriday e' eurng gratulathýUS Mr. and Mre. Grant of tOak Park, are Cham. Foote wag a Waukegarr crel .tor tir h ome of eri ato t siir,,netkguau T reat8geh visiting wth W. J. Wllians and lamlly. Saturday. tehmre 1ofv Bekar d darrrz tirtwer eabsihen SepouaTownrs7h i irebto Mr. E. 0 . W elis @peit a lw day s this M s. Enoq (ilas n h ,, bas reen quit r O as i sa d uhte I ab l r oa0 S eni tir econ tr !t I r te Toa week wtb ber sister, Mrs. George Roing tIII t thre borne ofber risughiter, Mc@. 1 0ai WilmPtte, an. risitrrrg at the home or . H a the@eeuod tii'rofute Twn r I1erInt eil equlpped wlth ail new scirool furili. at Round Lake. Rigr at Lake Bluff le reported ta ha ire format's parents. Mr. and is.F. Fred Hortington and tamlly returned luchIrmproved. Bdderstadt. ture and apparaune. Alil pupils who are tbe firt o tbe week from an auto trip Mr. and Mie Tramp of Blooruirrgtrn, Mise Dorothy Supple errertalued tire greduate, 0i tire .igltb grade ln the tbrough western Illinois and Iowa. 'i. aldo teirltvstr etlJewel club ait ber home Saturdsy aller-. tOwneilp hi be grven frosirnan stand. Tonwbu ee@atdtis familles. irere Monday. non oitgTire sciool wrli maintain a course week. Hermad Knbiank Io building oneM. and Lre. Esdohr of Jetferson Park, Mis@ Mldred Wiitiug wae tire iîeat aif' tudy tiravil!l meet the neede aofrire In Hammonds subdivision and R. . aben returuiug home rom viling their Miss Josephine Trr.ser of Cnrcp.go, several erery boy and girlje tIl avail thsere Rous le building one ln Ravine lope. relatives lien. îast v.eek, îuckiy escaped d atwe.e appoyardugirly t rlail btheler The ard imessoeil gien b theInjury ahen tirey ucreditcheri aud badl Mise Rurth Riecireit eftrtrrined tre N i 1tbie potnt.l hleteao Tir brd ims ocil nirilby t be -.h l ,out. Sigma Chii Fcldaly erenirrg. ail purpose of be mranagemnt of tire lanooi a naeh- i,,,, 'h.- cr-Jirt-4.iir.t Donretie Science lub iat Frlday eveti- ing aaa a decided sueccesetier sevety teople wene <rt and cijoyeri a royal gaod simue. S. J. Crîple>'left Saturda>' igit or Canada wirere ieiras secured a lucrative pos3ition as meAiranic ait, a large tirreeb- lng arrîlt. Rev. Thomas K. DLiae uT t1'lmette. ai occupy the local pulpit Doit SundaY morning. 11v. Dais la pastar ai tire Metirodiegt chuncir at Wilnette aud tirOse aira came aurta b ean hlm are seured ai treal. Iu tIre eveing there wll ire anotirer ofthtie eries ai stereapticaui1 lectures. Ray Hecketaweiller, Who iras been attendlng ochool st Ciampalgu, le viBiL- ing witir irisparent e bre. Mi. Carl Baden @peut several does at wsek altir relativeseat Harvard, Ill. FREMONT Mrm Berha Fredorick andeildren are epeuding a aeek altir relative@elu Waukenan. Mr. and Mrm Frank Hiraninuos and iamily ni Vrlr, pent Sunda>' at tire wllow larru. Fcank Errt entetaiued compan>' irom tire ity SBrnda>'. Uri. J. Prederlck, Mie. Adrew Hertel, Mm.Oa. Scitt and daugirter Frances epent Sunda>' st Bol>' Bill, Wi LAKE VILLA IS VICTOR -1. OVER ANTIOCH SUNDAY. Lake Villa, 3; Antiocb. 0. t Lake Villa defaated Antiacir ir>'tLe score o! 3 Lu 0. It wasa a test gaer from start Lu finish. and tirea asanu period o! tire gama ahen tilga oonkad favorable for Autiocir. Kerr.,airo was pitcbiug for Lake Villa, made tire "Oqspel" boys lon'c poor, laLLng Liram doan aith r ulut bite, one bahng over Lire feuce foc a1 two-bagger.1 'aBobbia., tire "Gospel" pitcirer, wase- lu fine trlm, lettiug thea Villatas doau atir seven bite, but iis teammasj put up sucir a poor exhibition (la ira1 eaIled baseballi Liat tire Villaites playani iide-and-seak ou tire bags. Score byir>'ings: laite Villa ..... 01 00 0 02 00-3 Autiocir ... .... 060 00 0 00 0--- Samuel Alacirular la Lie probable appointea La Lira vacano'lu IraheUnited States circuit court ot appeals cnseil b>' Lie reignation of frmer Junige Pater S. Grosscup. Il la uudecstaad thaL ai tira Dunna-Leais-O'Couuell contareuce hald Salurda>' the conclu- sian was reacired tirat tirea15 lile irupe ai landlng William A. Doyle lu the place. Tire Bal ltay Congrercatiotiai ciurcir and Sunda>' sciOol Pienrc Wliicb aAa beld Thureday, Aug. 12tir wae a succets in eerway. A goad man>' came ()ULta enjo> tire aiternoon pragram lu B"ýrtr'l's Park. abicir roneisted of rares. Tire were suit came,. wieelbarrowt4, egg races; beiug twelve kinde in al and prisse are given. At 1o'clock teirelnic supper 'vaes eared. Tire pcogramrun tire evenlng consisted of recitasiansand Barras b>' tir e irldren and an addness o>' 11eV. Allburt of Liberty ville. Bis subject aas "Wiat's a Idan." [t was ful il ait and bumor aud commoji sense. Rer. Albut wasa a welcome speaker. 'f iere wen. over 200 at tire eveningt progranu lRe fresirments acre sold during tire nlter- naun and eveulng. Mr. Triche>', tire minlter, 'vas cbairman. Mruch credit ls due ta tire varlaus commit tees wirnbi tire picnlc In chrge. t waastire mnt enjujable occasion beld in Hall Day in man>' years. twae beiprut sud a Wilder oi cammunicy spiit. Hall Oay Congregational Churcir 10:30 a. m. ýuuda>' seirrol î:451 p. m. Preacbing. Mid-ae i..nreeting Ttirreiav m p. tr. Reouî J. Tnr.ke>. 'drieter A.K. STEARNS SUED BY LAR6iE CIIICA60 PUBLISIIING IJOUSE A. K. Steamna, alLurney, former joucualiet. sud ex-cepresattve iu tira sate legîsîsture tram Lis district. aas maria daiendauL Loda>' ln s suit 1.1r $300 damagas, filear agahust hm b>' LiraWesteru Neaspapar Union ut Cicago. Lhcangb Attorueys Wolf and Lova. Thre euit la based ounLire Lecir- nlcal cirarge a! treepss ou the casa. In tire declarathon ILlel set fOrti Lirat Mr. Starns, airo reshdas at Lake' Bluff, autered luLu Lire business a! publleming a trade magazine knoan ais "Tira Inn," and LIrat ira iadtislma- gaineaprintari b>' Lie plaiuLlff in Lira case. SLearns, IL l chargeri. sgreed to psy for Lhe aork ahenever ce- queaLed La dose. Il appears LiraL irahad Lrrea dit- tereut Iesues of tire magazine prinLeri aL lire Weatern Neaspapar Uniou, tirs total cosL of abich was $471.18. He le said tLu iave antered mblirathecon» tract ou Februar>' 25. 1915. He matie savanal paymeuLa on Lire total cost, tire aggregate belug $204.25. Tis leaves a balance due. according te tire declaratlon, of $266,93. Tira plaintlff avera thaL ir asa marie a reqtredt foc tis muna>' ou sac anal diffareut occasions bruLtirai fitearus iras decliuad Lu psy IL. Tirea fore Lire suit for $300 bs beau atarted. BIJRGLARS and CUIECKBOOKS Did you ever hear of a burgiar steahing a check book? No-nor we don't believe you ever will. But, on the other haud, did you ever have a bill you couldn't pay with a check on a strong banký Then why "ltake a chance" auy longer, Why not open a Cheeking Aceount to-day and put the b1urglar out of businîess, $1 --Opens à Checking Account.=$ I Mrm.George O.tmau 0or icrago.is tire guet aofSire Ed Wilmuntbire eeek. 1' wi tb the(in ivereitofI lil in ois et &M early a date a@ naseible. v ,,V. 15.0. - Mise Ele-anor Meyer use tile guest ifo tîtedagre , r u rr ime. asked tor admission toelire as Mis Ire-ne Maare Frdsy and tbatui-r- ' edd u teol ren row, ciation andi aas admltled a t-', day. diedat irer!houre Morday îigbt, . ng h Fl eksaoieVts$00000 Miss Elireda Kua" ak stire guet rof oi loci, jaa. Sire hâira cried lber foot FoieVîe*OOO00 ber istr. rs.Rousyn Stvte aian srue>' arîa aek go ut ire Tiret tire proJ"ct devlsed by cepre- ber istr, m. oniyne tryer 1 o a ust nui a eekagobutthesentative business men lu Fîcirida la Chicago, lait rri'k. aound was o esinglt tiraI sire drd not The "rCver Ready' club irld thier complain oi it unti Struda>' and b>' this no Idle drearnuls evideuced tron tire moutln>'meeting at tirs bome oi Mistime tire poison brad gone ailtirhrougirvoad tet n oner@$10.000.000iraIs be Elrzabreth ierelt Tuesila> eveuiug. lber eystem and aitrnrugb Dr. Coan aof e uirnsadl txlre > Miss Mairel flacentierger as tIre guettanc village sud thirormirer lamil>' tire tamlouscute hog ar Mrs Ira Reed ai Genvirew, a feu deys docton of Aurora, arker over ber £i te amus higra>' alîl pans. Prop- tant asek. day Manda>' It pruved of no avait. Tire erty oauers aloug sections ofthtie rond Mire. . M. Vaut ase the guest oI lire. bereaved parents hravce the sympatîr>of ai aer la noa baing constrncted have L. 0. Brockaay o! Waukegan. a tea the entire commurîity. gaork le beiug rldly puthe ada days tast aeek. Mr@. C. A. Gorlding sud chirldren ai orl esmn "Itncle Joe"Cann Sir. MacDonald and children anîd Miss Chicago, speut Sturda,; ana Sunda>'dat o lîlînols o nl doe 4Cannon Mary Sciraingle ai Chicago, are visiting tire home of Mc. sud tire. Heur>' Golding. o Ilrsom auvlle. 14 trugir14 tire rei at tire home ofiWim. Scilie tire eek. Alvin Kimbal ai Gary. lnd.. le spend- ta Wateie, Ill. te attend a meeting Mise Margaret Vedder ltt'uesday for ilng a few dey@ at thre irme oi is parents, ofIlîlinais gond roed booters. and lire Caifornra atrereis iralîl vîiil;tire tairMr. nd tire. V. 1). Kimbali. ociogenartan himeelf tncned Lire tiret aud varions points iri lutereeit for al Miès Nettie Murray id speudrng tire spade of cartir aiicir marked tire hi nui afwek eek n Chicago. glumrJug o! tire Illnois pari ot tire ic suad Sir@. Jus. Trisoy sud daugir. Dixie road. Harold Vaut of Wankegau. waastire; Sunay ues etthehoe o bi paent_ýter o! n scy. at-ce iuete ai tirehome ofIntuGeorgla and Florida large irtel,; Mrsud>Mr@e. attir iM.reai bs rar3t1r. snd Mr. t'. I.. Pratt rver Satnrday are lrelngbiulît for tire couveulence of ans a- ere(f h-gl ,«sd Sunda>'. touriste. ahie Iron. siel and concre'e luit bier cousin]', Isîr Helen Sirmleber Mrand ire. FI,diarroit tarringtrrn, bridges are rePlactug tire nId waonde rue ut-ek. acre Itauconda vncrtnrs Sunda>'. spns Wilh tor years have archeIêý re lions' srci.'tr ettire Preelrterrau ire Walte-r Bangîs of Chicago,spinttprvsan remofhefle. churcir Oee etertairred et lire hw ftetie ftebeka home ofe M11cr Joejrbne Wrrdmau %%tednsday Parents lie..Kentucky Levele His. aftenuooui.- Harry B eý a akHde Tire morinuaîn counties ot Kenturrt Rev. andMrè. LedeRaarele>'t aseR.a.Park ir idday.itrongir alicir tire hlgiraay ail mn Rer. nd Sre. Lnderan. ventig Rervt.ior Suday.have begunula level off tire higirsr' Leider', tather runllanemtaà. Mi-enFranris Ftincr. rf tCitalrn. vi'iled tbma'.e the iroad as et-en as poisibmn'. Julius Bosold o!fSIakena, speut sereral at tire lime ai Mr. sud ire.H. E. 'rlauy miles o'f tiereociadhave alr"sdy days o! laët aeek viiting Irrin Autt-s Maiman Surrda>'. heeu completed lunlire santireru stafeS _________________Wrll I-intren o!ftChicago. @peit Satur' as wadI as lu Indiana and llireim - .......,,.,day aud Sunday airir relatives Iere. Many rourîles asenhave iregun ntn LA" EZI.J.IG Edward Nliiaiis reunrned trnlisunerra ImPro ve tiere oads laading tuelire fi. --lu Nraukegan alter a tai, aerkam dli mous stretdr, so tirat trade and ibus!. Miese Emma Naaak iras bteu tire guestl artir relaiiee irere. . ness maY bie dlrerted te tire ton% of Mies Myrtia Brciuae foc tire past Misse Matine Sîcijurnen i., ependnnrg threflot on tire map se tar as th irebghirr. aesk. Sire returuel bhime Stouda>'. aeek at tire banne o! Mr. aud lire Heur>' le coucerned. Tire Dixie iigiraay lu Jas. Dasoden le rîsîtrng relaives lu eary. tire main toplc dlscuseed lunlira rati. Canada. Dr. and lirs. LI. G olding aud daugir. an Sstates, sud plitles sud tire Fu- Miss Ad.e Preirm vsited dit ber borme Ian ai Libantyville. vlslted Waucanida copeau aar hava been sidetrackad for hans Sunda>'. relatives Suada>'. tire ime being. Mi.ltemnn au ale pent Sttiri>' atiItrrugto, Adre Rags ud Evaryabera ls anthuelasm. Club- MrRedondandwie eien Saurds arlBroghtn, udew ang an umen. sciroal childran and Boy and Suada>' et tbir a ner eerdenca. Vinton Cari eipeut ctundsy at Rneriea Scouts bave auîared luto tire spirit 1 Emil Frank w"e a Chiciago vi@itor Park. Chicago. o! lhe Plan, sud aaeds are belng cul Tuseda'. î4. E. Maimen lransact.ed bueriuese lu doan, rubiîsi removad snd icees Tire due gi ven Saturda>' evening atI1Chicago at Tbursda>'. pleuled aloug tire roaday>. tira pavillon 'vas dil attenrded. Tire annual lawu let* given b> tire Boy Scouts Piat lTrse. A club tone oua udred business mon ladres of'ranreiu ration Catiroliec ciurv!rEvery tree planted tl amned eften test k'nlday ard Saturd'a>'provsd a insa o 'pont Wedneeday at Lake Zurich. Tira>' enecausTire net recelpte ahiinot e copany of tiraBOY Scouts ahicir had thier dinun et tire Lakeside halai ascertaiued until &il books are turnied lu Plauted tire treeali perpetuats lie and @peut tirs aiternoon playîng bail. b.ut ae irope tausasas good a report sas memor>'. Ou theranlad airuitIuglire Thyraturued te Chicago dit 5 'elock. at yesn slIa?. Iratier Murphy wat e a i srso rittesw Tira>' ~~~~~~~planning on îusîaîîing a bot waten plant iba ' ot 0 ri ra i A number of yaua people mcom bare lu nie reeldaence If aufficlent fonds aceire planted, the fruit te ireiethtie dis- attendar tira pit.'urc as 1),@r Gnove Sun. raised. Thlinsaneeddimprovement as Posai of tira tourise traveling over dey. tie o!d iurnuae neya! watés atie! actai>'. tira roari. Tire Georgia aud Floride idre.FranSchtz,_J_,_ad______e Fedarations of Women's Clubs have rm icgonark eoz. r. ud crthe ______________taken tis aork luniraud, and fiLin irou irhag ar eendngtir aakVANHOR PoPoedto have Lire long stretch of alth iranparents. d. - "'àrad Iesdlnz tirrougir Lieseetatas cov- About ten machines fuli of mei an1 i re. Florence Farnewortir sud lîle eredl aitirlarge aimesud cIrer spe- oua truckt epent Thuneda>' bere et daugirter of Chicago, bave been tire des tLasbpoetLr on Netlereet. guesle o! the f.rcer's asont, ir,4. J. L. tram ofa re t rtie sun. turst lit. Rd Tounugf Ba-ningtar<, isope r'Cimeld.tr atwa.Tire goveruors of several etatem ing afea <lave aiti bar parente. lMr and Mise Barriat Brainerd oi Wslerwian, hava been aekeci te permit thre use of Me.,Frauk Scbioî. ltl lei spendiug ber vacation ut bome. couvîi laboc lu contructing parts of Mater Taddy Rer spent ou@ aeek lolses mI sud id oe Smith oi Waulre- tiraro&d. lu Chicago at tireirome of Id. sud Mma gan. visited elatives bere tire lirsiof tirs Business men and marchants alon, Woodiman. wok. thea route in Indiana laid slde Lirai Mms. P. Schallenkamec and son Mark Tire chiribias punciraced a neaw piaco regular aork for several days aud le!it Manda>' ta vinît relatives ituCiicago. andd t aas used for thre tiret timaounu- bandleri spades andi ehovele tn ar lim. E. Heatt sud tirrea cilidren are dey. Sir. Dolpi's ciasas of girls presect- effort lteirlp tira work a[cug. ili vsitiug ait r. n.sd lire Emil Frnîk. ad tirs churcci ith a nice nea lclaIst bundrade o!fsrmars sent Lirair hîred Mir. aud Mis. J. Smith nof Joliet, are ae. men alli tease t assial in tire rosi vleling aiti r M. and Mr@ H. Sciref.r. lire. Marion Bubirard a! Richmond, le construction. A little girl arrived Wedrntsday ut tire tire gueet aifSire. Manry Jacoir>. rDuluLir. Minu., le unirions te couneci home oI Mn. sud Mrs. Jas. Frnnar. lRay Fangràan u! Ravenaoad. epent uIt aitir thea irgliay alti rnos Doal Ynn I veiiu a Le rtmepart niIst ael a itrbs nlFridleadlug Into Chicago, anud etepe bar4 Donad Yungle voltng t th hoe 8, wek wth is ucle re beau lakan Le perfect au organlatloi of Jas. Dymoud. Rooeinger. Accordtng te W. E. HamilLon, eecre Misse@ Eleanor sud Julia Fox rp eM Sr. sud ire. Fred Beachr sud chiudren tai>' foc tira Wisconsin end of Lir Cbircago visiter# Saturda>' also lire. Blothweclnsrd Missehile ai Shearidan Roar I mprovement associa Inldiana. aret. al@ng rtetained ut tirhe n toasl Cncg sey ie Jobu '1ergman of Gray's laka wase M~. Reacir ofrintr.th a a boom ou ta complets tira 90 mile! bcaugbitu Waultegau toda>' by Su- Mcûrur itiicgr pette oraa eadîug tronm Chicago tirrougl pervisor Audrea 'ite,, Bergman,. leaeeëk.en,l altir friandeI.re. LI.ý'îaKenosira and Racine cauntl¶. le cbargad. iras ireeu acth* queerly Dora Cranmpton a!ofa Ne)rd, le sperrd. Into Milwaukee, sud aurk ailiregli and Il le deehred ta put him ou trial InXgsa < aos aurGrave Inlpti. altiua shrt thme. for iis sasit'. Lre. J. King oi Lake Villa. riaited Mie. Frank Simlth Satunda>'. Ask lire fo Information about Our LAke Couit' bis aeskly-INDM' Mr. L Kirtaluger le antectaiug Mma. pa-r vean' auto poflie>' eoverlng tire ani 9..1ar aitugra u i ,lsoa.n of C..e,.. t - uan uan.Lbrtvl f te es tig tir rith ire ' ot my 1 Iaper. ht.'" a -a-l doome.-ot- elr udDlsa sire. For years Dol,'vs vas tire !aitht,l 4hie adderl liat sire all tellinlu er serr ant of Tirompaon.Tiren iris 111 IPîaber just boa sncb mîstakes could uess carne on snd for week e e iad Iuelnuated tiret %Sins Rasa aifull I"Wirat rau I do tac hlm?" ased madea errors, lnuat. Il lis ganaraill Tiromîrson af thre dactor. telt that Il was merel>' carelese book- "Gai him nome nea blond." wasethre keepiug abîirh caued tire rnpleasant ,dactors repi>'. "Thate tire oui>' a> situation. 'va can save hlm." Mise Rosa states tiret sire doee't Tirompson In a man air airs ai- kuQa ahen sire alîl get out irer next ays belleverilu advertlalng. If au Issue, but adds Liet tire postoffice ex- adrertisemant lu a paper cau setl pianation ie ail up ln type sud tiraI pies, ha reasouai. ah>' canît lt give ah@ walî rely ounirer explanallon about Doleyesnomre blooti' Lira situation. Ste feels personail>' Sa ire sdvertlaad ton tira blnud. aggnsveted over tira mannar hinairicir 1,1"ili gîva 10. ran tris unsuai one Chicago paper irandled irer mat-, apîreal. "ta a irealtir> man abrout :30 tac. Tire others. sire admite. were years aId aho ahI gi ve same laod na ver>' fair lu tireir siatameuls. a friand abom thre doctor saye rao- uot lire unlese ire gela this Infusion. SUE T E LE TRC it 1le urgent." SUES HE EL CTRIC At r, o'clock Monday m rrun Ingtire MR Àl cu m en gau ta arrive at irisattire At RUAI FR-A DOUIA ES lrsltuehu-iewaes manie nP orrt a I (ied "dou-ad ane"tireir oan J ~ ~ blood wanted sud lmirovenlshire r> IN SUMR O< $ 1,0 Itire lire-s nne>' hed led Tirev are _______ rrcklv shosu Lire door. Mrs. Lucy A. Ludlow, Widow ' .If 've rau', givél'OneYs goorh laod of Man Killed at Lake For- 1w w out gI ir e u % ara a l.- as Suit Tiompsons dhcnnm. est, Brîngs Sut haler ou r garons stail-ted on __________-felows tank nirir piares lun ine lrrres. .rr. Lrucy A. Lundlow, admhuistra, The>' alr<d anletlr tforlire r-L trîx of tIre eslate af Fdward F. Lui- "Iam iryiugrta iud a nuan r!fIDo- laa. wiro vas struck aud hutanti>' Icys geucrel type arnd brild,*' <'z. killed by a fast passeuger train orn plained 'rîr. Tirore)on,. -The.'rloud tire Chicago & Milwîaukee Etectr corpuscles runtnarcin.' lin' dortir rond the 141liri>a! ofMay' lest. ira ri talla me. stcucted suit against Recelvar W. 0. lie sent nirornhthe rirehes rapil>', Joirnson aftie eleclric campan>' et %li Fineli>' ie senlec-led six of tire Iealthi- for damages lu tire sum of $10t,000. lest. He gave tir tirXýets and seul The 1cipae waseilIed Ioda>'b>' At- them u ot na tire hospilal. turne>' ,amae G. Welhb aio iras been Tiare tirey underapul a strict employed ta reprasent thre comPan>.-, biaod lest. Thier corpuscles 'vii ire %Ir. Lurdlowai thetireLme of his laid sîde b>' aIde altir those o! Do- deatir asa employed i etWImette. Hi, îeys'. Wreu tire seleclion IsfitualI>' employer saut hmtaLa ,ke F'orest Ln made Daleys wilil get tire blond andi do some aork. and hie waae aakiug &omne lucky rbap ai get the $100. down tire traclk ou tira C. & M. E. Amaug liruse aira stood lu flue wera rigrt of way airen killed. college protessors.slesmen. ibook- Sire. Ludlow llvee on Utica treat Ikeepars. andi farmuirbandis tram Lake Lu Wauteg.. county-same of airom irai orked Tersuoi tir eteu r>'of excsIvea n tpead. because itlaisgenerally, admit- ted tirat Ludlow wass aiking ounLira private rigirht fa>a! Litheraompan>' airen killari. Viecase al* doubt ira callari foc tial atie Octohen terni of thre circuit court. At thre ime Lud- low aaa truck anurikillee l» Is ife, IL lasasid. aas visitlng alihfriande ln anotirer ciL>'. Ludlo a ase ll knuan lu Warrkagsu airea ira iat livati man>' years. Chicago la to bave a raning camp for voluntaar officars at Fart Sirerl- dan elmilar lu avar>' raspect Lu Lira ona nua lu operation et Platsburg. N. Y. Congreesman Martin B. Mari- rden of Cicago, abo aignatad Lira Ides. vIsitai Assistant Sacretar>' of War Breckanridge ai Washington, D. C.. Loda>' sud at tire conclueionuuf Ibair conterauce Gen. Tasitar H. Bues., acting chiai cf staff, 'vas rodered to elagrapir Col. Fredecicit. mîlitar>' commindar ai Cicago, Lu make lm- medisLe prepsrsLiaus for tire camp. ct TeheucetairLae e amraneLaia Mai- a e an ant Coi. resekatirnirsa>'. vdan. ILlepoalairaeLesnTed au St' leyso iroenlng ao!ie of p ah re day og th v en ninica tioshe ia ila h.re e vnuanderndicaptionatam a la ag usnsmerofappsicatLins fortc S Lcslning amen ba oretre mu.IL otlo is turainin d irat tecamp aMITta g5 unuiurit.e s Iul r the mpwIl e uçjcnndaeafl ;i Saturda> tire Wadsworth teanu de- featari Gurnea ai basebaîl b>' tha score -2 ut. 5 lu 1. Sunde>' lia>'dafeatai Lhe nd. St. Bart's ot Nantir Chicago b>'tire secare uf 13 La 1. sou Ibanked tLiralatter parthcularly. 'o glad taseae you here. boye." ire sai. "TiraI's fâua « you." John R. Tirompeon le onue o! Lakte cauntys mosl eciantlfic and success- fui big tarmers. Hia farma, on tire Milwaukee rosi, justlsuntir ot Liberty- ville, tanks as secoud ta nouaslunLthe enufll'state. WAUCONDA COU-PLE < PICK 100900 DUY AS WEDDINi DATE W&UKNGÀN, AUG. 13ý Superstitious? W. abonîri aay not Mise Pa>' R. Rutherford, of Wauwndo, does nuL care IfIlb ralus tudsy or if it le frida>' tire îtir. lu Company' witirlea. D. Grahram. satirer ireit- .nawu Wiucouda nasItientaire came ta Woiukeau ioda>' anti securad tire ane msrriaga liceuse airicir asela- "Everybody seema ta thmnk Lirat as wii ire uulucky If marriari on Prida>' tire lîti, but Prlda>' bas alaays beau my lucky> day, anti I do not propose te go bacit au It," siritire groom. Tire> were m5rriad b>' a justice 'of tirs peace, accordlng ta a laLe report. Mr. Grahram Is six yeacs aidar tirsu iris brida, airo asa 20 ou ber tast birthdis>. Rouir were willng au au- xlous Lualie marclidan Frîday tLie 13tir. auritira>'absolutel>' retnsed ta, lisLen ta tira suggestions uft Lirar papr, ente and friands sud asît Sattorda>' ta ire marri. Tire>'lefL tis Cit>' inr marilatal> aller Lire Caremony ase part ormati. W',h <'n tire noni irere 1.t atro 1,-f1 fe.'i hi' ail rire, Fut ru i T l'otrt h lie ro-fr-r tte hait 'ta long sir Mr-. R Bidi uerr- bauwlina is. Tho rhrrre ar ttj, n il NIrr. Dc m'offirce ( hem," shoaed mnarri ri laong unI col New taller Il cuver>' iroped, tigat l B<. Mur Tire>' lympir ue'esna Immun- gay as lymphi Tira ~rce w 'id sa Jill witLinI tira ce (brougl IPB.À ?4rT LAKI1 COUNTY D THE CITIZENS' BANK Safe Deposit Boxes for rent Arca, lMinois "MA"E THIS BA.NK YOUR BUSINE88HOKE" LAE OUTYTO rENIES SItE <OT OFFER TO SL CONECTWIT TH HEP FON NY0f BLOOI> TO SAVE A Blf DIIE 16HAY ERCLOSE FRIENDS FARMIIAND'S LIFE At Leost the Plan Is for North Miss Isabella- Ross of Lake John R. Thompson of Liberty--,, Shore Counties to Ask for Bluff Postoffice Says She ville 0f fers $100 for Less g AdmittanceNow. Knows Nothing of ItL Than a Quart of Blood. 1 Tbe fflacunsln end or tire pcoîrosed NilmssIsabeila Rose, postmlistcess ati Stûre titan a irurdred weil-ted and lmIrol cd Shreridanî rond train C'hi-I Lake Bluff, abose b)ouk'ieeplng St beefy-looklng young men parked John lier Into troulie aitir lie postal de- R. Thompsou's outer offIce lu Chi- ceg,, to Illwaiikepf, ahlrh aillI inn îrtmurithen ît aas found alsireirad cago yesterday. Tire beat waves rda- tirougîr l.rsie. Raecine aird Kenohe nmade errors totallng 1400, whicih tire latlug tcom their comhmned lrulk madA courrîles. irer beonre part of lire ta- governiment lmmedlatelY asked ber It as wam as a Turklsir bath. Tire mous Dixiée lrglrway. wlrich ir ds falc bouding comlsany to make good on. avecage weiglit ot the party muet aihir tIre near trture Io be tire long states tiretBsIre knoas notirlug about have been at least 200 pounds. More est stretrîr o! lmproved tîliraayln arîy trleuds iravlrîg made rip ire shrort- Iran on-e seemed on tire verge 0t tire worId age and tirus denles a report airicir aroplexy. Tireir faces aere purple. As soon as tireilarn% tr Improve lire rarue out Wednesday tuat they iraf and tbey stcained at tireir collais altir Sireridan road tram Chicago ta Mll- douesa. fa, clumsy ingers. waules are tormulated and becorue 1t1dc.n't want tîretr to malte it up Tirey were tîrere wltb une purpose effective tire tirrep cotinties mentloned for mej if 1 bave dune wrona, 1 '<o seIl lieir blond tor $100. Prom may as'< ta ie admltted ta lire Dilie sirnuld suffer for It but I dont teél tbelr general outwacd appearauce thre association, wich bas contrat utftire tirat auybody tinlis it ully cbaugeà lbas ut blond wouldn't hurt tirem auy stupeudaus projert 10 bave one long. my records. lt18 Jtirt a case ot mis- mâ~re tirai, would tire acquisition ot contlituou stsretrir of road tremin Flor takes lu boakkeeping." eald Mise 1100). Ida tirrougir elgirl states to ChIrcaz. Rose, as sir exeplaliied that sire etiltndlrectly. tiray acre tire for tire Thins all rmsait tiraanauartomobile la postmlstcenssat 1.'(e Bluff aud proeo algtr ieo dli rau stant troni SîIlami. Fa., anudmn iropes tu have lire bondlng campany A. Doleys. abo iras aorked on tira over ruade of concrets, aspirait or prermit lier ta psy thein back witirlber JohniR. Tirumpeon farma at Liberty- brick, througi tire state tec aluter ealary as sire gels Il. Sireiras iropes ýville tor yearsi, anid 'viose blood sup- touriste, tirrongi recgta, Tenneese. ire gaverument ailnat displace ber.i, ply lalmlted. Doleys. according to Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana. Nichrigai "J bavent rrunything la say about tire dorlorm, iras about one-ltir h a and Illinos. Miciigan, atter look 'lihe malter exrelrllug tirat 1 sia raintl ,,h 1blond a4 h, neede lT'nles hl§ lug ou toc a consîderableP lengtir .I1 acumplete statement ofthtie matter exharrsted arterlen rercelve a tresir laltr. igre aenI-sse. ir nxt.rpl , ir liiul oesl PAI TH 'Nick' Photi 9 <'onrrci flot paid in wiauli remiderri "Nidk") *arded t whicb 1 among t quet be tererrllng cePived il Il rfa, Il 1 pirmnz". 0 '9 it It ýs 1 Cari Kirtoinger sud little BOIL 01 UIIICffl . tbelt. vuranc & vurana, uluerli.Yvalle. Postm Wu er You 1 wri't bowiln where mort, block etc inae- &bout Puy t grepht oen tih. utiiy 1 ner.I stairs. If y pies se *orne 1 ha affies pardor it. bu tend i i W, ing tF