1 LAKE <"OU'NTY INDEPENDENT. FRIDAY. At6uýt sr 2o,1915. Paize 8en -- -ELEVEN YI3AR OLD' L. O. BROCKWAY M'icCANN'S TEAM CAN YOU TELL tû lJ>Çgàjet j* FISIIERMAN FALLS IS ELECTED TREAS. rAGAIN LOSES TO THE POISON KIND 0F W ~OFF PIPE; DROWNS IN 816 CONVENTION HIGHLAND PARKERS MUSIIROOMS? READ __________________ I SENDS MONI3Y TO PAY 8BILL JUJMED TIIIRTEEN YRS. AGO 'Nick' Billin Who Owed-- for Photgah and Bowling AIe 11Pays Up. 'onscieieairiciten because le bad I ~ mmI BANKER WEARS LIFE PRESERVER IN DRIVINEi BOATý Charles Steele Gives New Hy- droplane First Tests at the Waukegan Harbor Sun. RAILOAD TRACKS ARE BEINGi RAISED AND RE-BALLÀSTED Northwestern Road hI Raising Tracks 18 Inches Between Here and Highland Park. 1Charles Steele, with a lite presers'-, The Chicago and Northwesterti rail a r around bis neck. Americas rit- wv ttp.oeýn le ne neot paid for lwîî debtia wilch le leff 1 ;,f hntrfor 'Ibree heurs Sun- ,y i hcu..-,,imeinengge In Waul<egan 13 Yeats ago, a tornerlday morning "firled wlfb death" lu in reballasling and raiaing ils frai-ta remident who signa imseîf E. G_ driving bis new bydroplane over tho In Lakte ceunly and the jet la une (of "Nidk") Iillen or Biliien, bas for -waterset Lake Michigan off W~au'ie- the biggeat eser underlaken li thîs -*adedle osîtaser rad a 11 i an harbor at a 41) or 45 mile clip. vlcinîîy. The oleraiena exlend ail *arded eiPideas2tr GadySteeleillnew hydréplane, sasitithe vay from North ChicagoleEs ns which lie reiuests hlm te ie te be one et ftbe fastest in the world. , btteg(icpi fot are he- among the rigbtîîl ciaimanta, is re- 1vas brooght t0 Waukegan on Safur- ton, put fothrnvipel eenfo aets tîff qurest bng cosced nce le moat in- day, and early Sunday mornlng 'tir. and points aeutb. teratig "onsiene llle" eer e rSIeele and une or two of bis friends jAf Lake Bill: Ibere la a 'triîg~ ceived l n the MWatku'gan tîntofflIe. moere at the laite brigbt and early tii lerbapa -ffl emply boxcars thaf gare, ili rCady, S.olo D. Igîte te bat lits fret offilciai test. being used as living quartera for lbh' RapîdCîby.S. 15 Severai tintes NtIr. Steele raced eut men vito are cngagcd iilte vork. Il 8--4-1 o1f the barber ai a tf-mile clip. The 'lm reqîiricg a mi arnîv cf men 'o Poiastera, 11 roar cf is hlgb powered mefors cou'! 'do te lahor. Waukean, ~be livard for miles. Many Waukegan I iitdreds of carteada of crusbed r ea Sr-lreaidenta thouglil an acroplane was tone are heing used and many fbou- Yeu will tInd enclosed $5 which paasing over the city. asand loads more wilI be reîîîired lue 1 wish >ou wtuuld puy' the Richeliu Mtr. SteeIe drove the boat vith ag fore fue improvement la cî)mplefed. bowling aIle>' $345. i do not know much care and judgment as an oid- The espense fiii truie enormoîta where the Richelieu aIle>' le an>' timer aI lite garne, and ail ihoge who ilundredut of peoplte w'ch ave had oc- more, but in 1902 it was ln the witneased is acta Immediatly alal eps us sote avti blok as o 1. oaotic, - d im for higher houons. I he progrens ofthlie verk. Il la im- stairs-second or thîrd floor- if bas tîsen sîîggesleti Ihal Steeli. possible lu Imagine a hunier acene. about the middle of the block. :m bi e botte"%88Wl- Mhetec peepan or m Puy the other $156 to a photo- kegan" In itunor cf the cîly of bis cempany bave flot been made kuowu grapher In the sorte block and birtb, for mucb good advrtrlsing for Il la underslood flial atter tlie rebal- on thg s"me aide of 1he areet, 'aukegan could be gained hy audit iating betveen Nurthi Chicago and onl>' farther eust-near the cor- an sel, a moforboat ectitusiast pre- Evanston bave been compIeted that ner. Hie phobograph studio le up- dicta many vinningit for Ilie ba b srtell belveen North hbicaie, stairs. He ls an old man b>' now. yM If yu cnno fld tesepaites Il la possible that the Steele bydro- anti au'iegan, and possibly farhlir pleàse lui-n th. money over 10:lplane wiit be entered in the Asmec a-1 nortb it.ylli e starfed. *ore por ersn.et Yacht snd l'o'cer Bloat Cluib race's ; The Nortbvesfern alwava bas an- some pou person.lu helc iîedn Cicago, Augusl 28 10,joyed te repufation of heing one oft 1 have been owing thîs mone>' b t be amootheat roads In thte country arn me10 for nds1khngeyou 10 do Thte 'ariailaît bîdrotutane Peter aud te iompany ex idently doesanet il.rbutnImdofot kn o teho l'ai) Severi and <Conmmodore danmes A. vlah tb ]oae Ibis reputatlon. sl.dbil 10. mtPat wo o 1ilia ti-murhersut "ir and Fie bav.. The prîncitial featître otfte new Itend itnt yugral ao d. .lrcady licen enlereti. and il is stat- sort. bos-ever, la not [liaI the tracS 1 ing th ugetl ord- cdltatIf;0more ettîrieea ahibe gis-en la t0elie rebllasted ,n te saine vhs ours respt., i-ut iis veek by the aîîeed officiais, grade, but. Insle-ad. ifla le tubqraised ("Nick") E. G. SILLIN. Thu-y say the>' are certain et frorn tS incites betwsen Highland Park and BILLIEN. 2o 1o 2-- boats; for te big regalta. Wautkegan. Wbelher Ibis la done bc 'o epencdth ie niai and foutil whicb la the biue rîîbotî evenlttis soteiy to make the rcadbed amotiterl th ot,'IrUaivbgn elî~îeyear cf te speedboat vorld. Ac- as tl la mutre te do, or vitether if te whio mîglit Iilliti bel Meiin 'ho liveti crrding te a cItter receied from bîtt a graduai tep toa'ard a complet. bere L13s cars agoi ret-alcd an abstract Johnson Brothters of Terre Haute, the eleistion tif the tracta, la net known. wrll' iter hobore thal nanuc, a man Illat.k lemon entry wallibe bere bol Ihere are macs' aho incline t vtîo 1,fl lire for parts unknown. The> Wedoesday. Blackt [lvmon and Dis- tbe latter tlieory. Tite Norfbveter fcî-l hi'nimust- elie f-les- 'hu. afler furiier IV are the tait faatt-'.ibat&t road bas lalked of etevtion foraln ail tbeme 1-ar-. ma aatcd tii nalle yet seen un t e st Ail efthtie olIs- lime. It may be fliat the beati ofil- aniettis for IlUlîtîiîl i ils cf s Mal ers are practlcaîîy ntic raft. a't ialas haive decîdedt e raise thte tracts sn'îîî 'liihe iii'iîiurrt-ul and la ixperd ai mortds recorda yl la foot or 1w-clitaIalime and eventu- "jittiucil . le ahallurîtiat tie b9ivet te hf alaly ruach te deaired beight lf. iyl lur ler ltiyi s" s i îîtî ti c li dere. takt- lncc l onger 10 ralse the Iracks phiotogaerir anti lus milt'te o ltom The \%ruglt-y Tropty. 'chichi cuit iilonhes and rebahiast 11cm fistor- lie no-f-r-. ln Ililelleter ar' boilu deati $22ii, 1mli te crst sperling embierna tuitely thant It'could i tereîy tb rsbal- le tiad r-ftrer, a' îI. I.Lia-, vho in thcec Iit la bebti by the Amer- lai-I thym. conduitil a slodio filtthe titi Prtt'e liarit iianip.unship eecdbcat. 'ciicit, builditntg,. - itir AI)bol ' stairen,s bec,' i t resent . l ilsItrîter i1il Tiie lt iliii- îii-î.tlGlobhe d-îartmntt dr trb""- o i -nmtîo btt PROSEC UTION FAC: n-,,itandts.l"culta ili he defeîîdcd by lîtturber 1tv N 'tcittund NIrs. L.abave- pas'.cd a'ay Which is a îîî-vr ad faster boalt, atnd d' Ns1snsuruWED lonig ince, bitl tlie' bave a tiaugliler. as 'et ai couttteti the atv-.lanîd meaostW JW V Mr_ Rous:lii], or Norlt Chicago îîcaertul sîteeti' cal rit r bliottW OM RR E IR BidigerRanBowling Ale>'? W OM R IDH Buît, 'bo ran the Richelieu alleys 'c lc art- nom' oa ned biuythe Kirscht ENTER A LOCAL Huttdreda of Wiacensin couples vho niers? Tuthie besl of recollection of haie conete 1 Waiîtegan t0 edil nov lIt tuti ntes.Forer ayo .. F BA E I ~face prosecufion, if la reporfei, un- Bîtinger tand Peler Stoîmens badth ie bowling alie>s aI itat lima lu tle teomut ceer shere Heins store nov I.The't conduceti ite esatafont ltte and tiis belicîcdti lti ilas tIilnt lthhey w'ere Ini charge. -Wloeien bas a clai ,t it tIfive, 'Ir'- Bail and the Richelieu alley ovn- ers. cin haie came bY caiing aI MY 4'-effice andti1Igladly vilI give Ilt[o 1thu-m," BasitiMn. Grati> as itt admitteti ~Iliîns-as a mccl unucuai lelter anti shovedth îe kindnas4 of heant oetIhe mari malte dîi ne forget the bis wviid lontg ago had been iegaily "oulaweti" A METIIOD IS DIS= COVERED TO PRE- VENTCANCER NOW Nev Yort, Aug. 15.-Tue Rocke. feler Instifute announced tiay a dis- covery b>' lwo cf ifs inveafigatora vhereby immunît>' front cancer, lbIl:l Isoped, may be obtaîncti. Thte Inves- tigation vas conducted bv Brs. damnes B. Murphy anti John J. Morion. Titey discoreredti Iat ln te white lympit celîs cf te bloodt lure are tse necescar>' factura In making aninmal% Immune front canscer. Thte physicians say a decIded increase cf lite whitet lymîti celha gives abaclute immunity, Tht lnseaiga±ors treateti sever9l ~sce vitb a serum of lympitoi Ilstisae 'ld ssy the number etfvitite lymph llaIh In te animais aimeat doubled wititin a fev days. The increase ut the celis cin elther be naturel or throug thlie Injection of lympit tisaie. BETTER BABE SHOW Springfild, M., Aug. 13. A number of applications have alread)g been received b>' Mrs. C. St. Ckr Drake, ciairmani of the "botter babies' contest, whilch la 10 be hold 51 lthe state tain nn thîs db>' next montht 10enter ba- bies. Among the number le on. from Mrs. Arthur H. Brook@ of Wau- tegan. Inquiry shosva tIMns. Arthur H. Brooks ilvea un Etivarda tr5tt, M'au- tegan. 'tir. Brooks la a cis-il engi- neî'n, empioyed ti a innetka. Tite baby la a boy vite viii be a year olti ln October. 'tis. Brooks furmerly vas Sylvia Kesaler ut Zion CIt>', anti she Isaa ten te strict eugenlcs law oet tieir borne st.ate. A cher'i from tite office et te cont>' clerta office ai 5111- wauket la sald te be ln Waukegan at the present tinte, aecuning a lst et thte Milwaukee couples vite bava been setided hiere since danuany 1 1914. Reports received aI the office et the effettaf 231 couples, vito from Janoary 1, 1914. te Jue 13 eft tiis yean, according te the Wtisconsin eti- gentcs manriage lav. toulti bave betut marrieti ln Milwaukee county, came te Waukegan anti vent marrieti, Of titis number butt 12, en them ne. turn bo Mlwaukee, fiet a plysicia' certificate vitit the ceunîy cdent, sc- conding tu tht provisions efthtie aw. A dlent cf tht '%iiwau'iee court nov ls itn 'miukegan compiling a liaI ut the titan istes cf \Milwaukee couples sisten of Jehn antiBorner Kester, sittcc tîrtre 1?, thia yean. boh l eh-known yoîjng men of Wau- The etgenic marriage lay providea kegan ant i Zon City'.1 that atuy prospective bidegoom leai'- The baby is s healtît>'leoking ing Wislcornsin for titispunluose cf be' youegsier and natunaliy is parents itîg marrledl, and et sveiding the eu- regard hlm as an excepitional babe genic lav test, vil he plinishietib>' a tise <bey wotulti not have entenet irhl fine. dîtt vat actiont 'i Il be brougîl Iri the t salevide conleat anti proit- agaiîust thtose irlo are said te lave ally te> have strong bepes of bring- violafedthte iav hy coming itere to gel ng honte sa rize yult tis ceming fitarrieti is nni t nos'n. la saidti iat bale. I vien tue i. t if ccouples la cqmplehed This lu tle first lime that a W'au- 11sf uit 'clî reacli ttcariy 300, for tegaut babeliahsa been eetered ln almany licensus batsehuen issuêd te stare cîmîuîst iftfIls sort, hence te>Mlsaittee coupltes aince Juna 13 ef conîuoîuînllv generati>' viilba m»ehtit isy'ean. lTe action t[bat la planneti lîtteresuetiln te showing madý by',b>' [ha officiais un 'ilwaukee probabi>' -Saster Broois. w ill lave île effect cf taeping many .Ara. Brooks, of course, vilihbat ealui Wscoînc lev>'tom Wu hake ber chiid 1a Springfield anti for- 'egan. This 'cul have a depressing maihy present him ta tht jutigea at effect ont tht marri.tg.ulîcense hiusi- tle gis-en lime, ccxl nient. neas hene. When Youngster Failed to Re- Returned This Morning From lOY PERLEY, EMMONS.) Doctor Says It Is a FooUish port for Evening Meal Par- Circuit Clerks' Convention N ~ " i.l lt.iî IC Pro h as Eil ents Instigate Search. at East St. Lo uis, 111..oli lt'tiî .i.rritFnusHpaad WAUKEGAN, AITr,1 Lewi.mO.. Brock'cav, 'c licfor sev. - bY Ilit-01,» of 1ti,,i7, c iiii The'papPrs iii s rorning telt of .tn- il . m-Sorty ~foe i oclok rai years Itast ht'i ttili(iated i c- tl'8 li li't lfi.'lu-Sil il . m-Shrtl beor 11o'cockiri, 'ei toI,ý iljin joller iieath front the taing Mf poisonl- ,ui1 clerk and &soiril v roi order cf. Suivra, as. lii uaws1, i tirii iieCouîuheis ua h ae the odyet h. oy rowed I te Lake county, watt acerdodl the signial tht thie Mcn ia- 1iii Iii (Je- il, itpelsoning caueti y eatlng toad- mouth of the South Side "mnother 5Cw- honor of being i'te-teii i -îaairer oI test ed lix t1li- <gglgai iili,,1rn,ili' t.9toîs whicit she had mistaken for er" on Frlday afternoon was recover the stale asociatioin of -irci it tIent-k o nwt'cr cîî-01 "'trkmushroom., 'le would lie a very ed by Lifesaver Sunderlin and hts i sud recortiergata the convienitiont which bi tite visitoras a-. rpesîciilohIfor fooîishivmaît whîî trpely admiîted to aides. The body wss taken from the 1cioaed at Fast St. lxiiis, Ill., (lt esierdas 's tiefeaii Tliçi i fi linhi îlhe pcixacy of. h , bomne those about water at the end oft1he piet-, about Tbursday niglit. Mr. Prockway re- are a bondi îtf chnitet-. Ntîîît. 'houx lie knew noîting: and People' fîîred hme bis urtiitgfr 1î 1 te ,'ld uni il te li n t ' eu IfLîlci 12 teedt rom where the boy felifit utc hm ii onigfon lc1-are ciiially foclisît who Invite chan'ýe the lake. The body was removed at tIireedav convention., hart relîeved hii.t 'aukegat nit,' scîlîliaintanît'offftie mushroom tam- once to the Conrad& Wetzel morgue, The year before last Mr. Itrîsukwa.v rltclun i it coalttel illy mt fic privai-v cf their atomacho. where Police Chief Powell and Dep- wa lected vice iirexiilto nI île iing fie lrins and lie iraslien re- Thcý hl i i rt baie been properly uby Coroner Conrad examîned the tate association and last 3ear hie wa lit't hy Potier., tioioaid1 itue itidccetii-itt-r personaiiy by a body. It had been teared Ihal the boy i sated te be president aînd trolîai;v luntin attyi *v. ackbcitrne came bacit friettîl ii wionthlie itoat has confi- had been struck by a stray bullet,1 vould have been had he be ailleii..n Ili, fîîîrih anti plîcheil good bal, dence, or hyty tiir, in tthe form et &ô the officiais conducted an exami- lu attend the coxiseolion. tlit i t a holding the boulie bunîcî to one more sclentlfic, descriptian, If the gatherer nation. The lad'. nose waa badly rule that the officers must lie eicî-tvd rl'nm Iitch 'crangling watt caîîsed b! flnds onev vich loks respectable. be skinned, and on. aide of his neck and frOm those tiresent. This yeelr be wa the roorneaa of lte uopire al the mnay lake It aroutol the public Il- hie forehead wer. badly bruised. The eiected treasurer and Ifl 1. belividlapite. tic certainly 'cas raw on balla brary for Identification. There are deputy coroner and police chiet be. that nexl year he 'ciii bc gi'ien th,- ýL trikeis. severai bookq Ihere. fnety iiiustraled. ieve the body was bruiped by being chief office. Waiitct'. t)iillsanti Killix wcre ii and otten 'cifl coloredi picturea. If washed about on the stony bottom of The three dayii' session, ai ciirdingIiîc ing fiends for thevilsittirs. lheY flite pecimen us flot fouund there de- the lake. The bov ate as ate tI %r. - trockway, wredlîided iii-1g.iitringi 12 ufthlIe 13 hostile bitssrbda Ileon wti etr irpose From ce thse ms any Ion or or thse tdolph n the iberty- di sup- ing le 11h as -as l§ tresh myut lai aitli ' te liad away. asked las lthe y val tas ai- If an ýn seil lt gis-e sud. tu ial teut 30 lood ta rs caui- itualen. ng the ceý At ortilaI ovri ted hîy v- w "ri tveen EasatSI. Louis and BpevilIl- On TuesdaY if raineti se tIsaI itthe c lerlaloment coulti he gis-en, butoi Wednesday atternoon att the close cfý île day'assson the delegates 'cere laten for a long auto ride ahi around the city. In the evePning nhey wersý etlertaineti at a Ibeafre party. on Tituraday eîcnhng tbey were lai-en for a tnIp up theNltlIssissipîiriver. From indications, 'tir. Brockway Iints be wili be able te lantd lite coinvention forc Waukegan next year or tlie year foi- ieving. Witb Jdtge Pers -ns as presi- dent cf the atate coîtn'y judges' as- sociatien, anti 'Mr. Bruckiway holdiag a higit Position ln tei ircuit clerks association, 1hl'coulti appear thaf Lakte ceunty la heing givent nmatchi -nsiden. alion. MAN MAY DIE AS RESULT 0F BEINGI KICKED BY AÀIHORSE Maurice Actor Sustained Two Fractured Ribs and Possible Internai Injuries. Wactegan, Aut ., Maurice Actor, vito resides it tie J. Hen home on lielvidere Street, vas srrousiy, pcrflsps faialt0 immitreti by the 'ick oit a torse, on Sunday afiertîcon. Tve ribs acre fractured and Il la fearcî lite may haie sua- tained internaiIinjuries. The true staluts cf bis conditionî -II llot lbe tnovtî for a few daya. AcCompalidhîy SI as Bcbtt. ctor 'c'as0 ourîî îng un Sunday afîerttouît H-e 'cas on Itle 'NlilwaiitPe roai. nîorth cf Wý'aiîtegan. vtten the accident tout place.Ie htouclîed thc hurse 'citb île titilli 10 nî ite iugo alotîg a lit.- thu- latter. Withîiii arîîing the hors,,'iactti utrietic, itis hevî.s flig uvtset daahbîiart. One cf thte steel- sItmii hiofshit rîtch S viiir su1 ta rel mii the i leut. kîtotkiîîg htîm oli f1llic buggy. NUls Bt-lin lcaped out and fcutnu Iliat ier compatîlon 'cas încenaeus. She startcd lu scream 1cr behp and Ivo or llirî' farmers living in te vîcinity (ai-c 'tic iiiier assistlance and rendered ishai aid they couhd for tue Injured man. About ibis time an automobile came atoîtg andîth ie driver consenfed t, bring Actor ;to Waukegsn. le vas remos-ed ltte Belin residence where Dr. KaIOva'ýY vas attmmoncd. An ex. aminallon sbeved that Ivo ribe; lad been fractured and Iliai lte condition of the victim vwas Quite critîcai. Blin ta uînablit o accunt for titi actions cf tite horse for lie als-ays bas been consilvired i ry genîtte. ln svimmlng. 111 sPIte ut bis abiîity site feared that sumefliing migitî bail- pen telitlm. if la through ber posi- tis-e knuwledge tliat le 'cas a good isaimmer thî.ît aIe cannot reconcil-' bersehf tu îhe lait that bis va- geitîng fic . 1tnrce attdtfour respect- uti-t hl-.irutaîîd Neirutver tires- îhîîc u fi- luit-.fuirthie honte clan, Bob- hiY cet it iigt' -aniid Jec Iv Thie vi iituir- iutiltir sconing in t lit- tIrstitri a waltî, a sacrifice Iiii and use single-. Four more acre atideti n btheltirroti oiter 'cait and fouir '.ui--en-.ie -.igles. W'aîîegan ied up tue outtîin liii r hlhiof te Ihîrti. Brtîcle 'caikt'dset t tutsecondion a pat-seti halltand -.ctreîl oti Ncmeyter'a dotuble to iefh Wiliams vas safe on Klbv's fumble, Jteegoing bt tird. Wtlliamqs aIde second. Dillon watt- ed. filling lte cornera. O'F'arrell sin glcd t0 ight. gîîing le second on the Ibres tri. Neinteycr and Wiliamts scocing and Dllon laking Ibirti iapIte atrollad, filting the bases again. Pot- ier relieved Blacithurne in the box. tiIactbourne tiroppeti Tiernev s fot righl, fDillon acoricg. Ktng vas bit Wi a plîtelihall. forcing In OFarrell. Prince cingt-.d 10 center. Hapke scoir- tng and Tterney being c(ttir own af île plaIe. Brttnke bit to second, forc- ing lPrince anti vas tiuubled ai first Six runci. One nmore a-as added in the next. Neimeyer vas sale on PetiI' fumble and vent bo second and thîrd on pasa- eti balls. Wtilliaims out, pitcher 10 fr-ml tDillon lanneti. O'Farreil singied to lelh. ticorJntg Nelmeser. Hapte out, shocrtin flrst. Tte vislilora lied Il uP n thue fîftti on nîrce singles. Thbel put t lon ce in te ueenlb on fvo watts, a sitnglc and a double. scoring un-rc nutu.. Score: Hiîghlandl Park. lthe scene when the-body was cecover- ed. Thse inqueat over the rentmaswll be held late this afternoon. An Il îear olti fiaherman Viantitt Rode bv name-vas dromsn.-u iniit he scîsage saturaleti valers of Lakte Michigan anithe moult '--1wSu-itît Sie " monher aeaer" aIt 3 -li Fr1- <ai alhernoCon. and nof unlil hlu uth- er liait inuh*igaleti a search t ur bis tallure to report for [liee Evi.uing ntal sas bis deahh reported. SesEýn-)car-old Tony Dlormiu, castirte ois vintnes lethe trgaedy. Thei- i-or cf the dro'cning. as tld b' theii- ycar- oId boy le a Sun reporter iliii- morn ing iPrad as folevws: "I wsi-standing on Ibis big pîle et rock abotîcul3oclocit Fni.t' iter- noon s atchtng Frankie. 'clii 'as i- tling on the seven pipe abouti loiiluel frontshiore.Ile vas fsltitg simd i i-ais ht putl eut on or tco atiall perd .Stîddeniy i beard a rm'îuhîer t-but. il 'cas fired fnom shore. I-air Frankie junip te listeest-tht ru hi l0th bis halance and feuloto thie'water. I dîdn'i su-c hlm comne te mmlitopgairt 1 tint lit,îîmas frigthened lu% tenoise cf te gti.I1ran aisa'ifrinit livre. buth I dicii telune or t'ccofnilluetther kids iun the streel, but I dint tel Tranll'g mot-er. Igaie-. il 'cas i o'cloct betore Fra nkie's-. utîher knvîr lier bot ltar]been drostiid." Shorhis afther 6 c lit,t the droit t- ing sas repoîltd i)i \\al'ter Stînter- tic. ilfeguard anti poluteman ai([lie batlhing beaclit le iiiiepdiateli't bs lenedti 1 lte sruuuofmthîe drewning anti xorted 00h1iiwa.rîi mitinigltitn1 dragging tite 'cui-r Aý eariy as 7 o'ciocit this morning tue vas on the ,cette again aînd -îiuiu- io or tîre Itîurs laler i-lie boi. faîber. date Rode. appear-ui il" tolil the tari of thie uro'cnitig at i. utu-mInhohlm by the 7yeareold 'cuit- Ai 9 oclot t iii -iiii iruprers vi- ited the scelti'of il t' dre'cning anti founti Police I 'lu-Pol'îscl snd Tyr- ru-l eading lithuetuthi One amal tioor boat ant i titirom'c ioaLs w'ere in use. Titrougbou t io îcrtuuffng te'ca- 1 ter 'cas dragged foi, i distance cf a lisif mile of hhe t-i ipe. Tire police tire utietigafing lite alory et the gun -itturas toiti i th e striai Domit boy. Tlue do flot be- lieue the boy 'mis -irtct by a --,a buller but <bey do thinkth(at te lbat bis balance anti feil front the t2-incb setter pipe tîpon 'mxliihi lie vas ail- tng. Ordera 'cere put-u il i liii.morning le permit nu more Iîuuî tuo fit trom the dis-ci-pipe. The drovotti loiýS parents are Mar- Iaef streef residenîs Thte boy had foie bis methler be 'cas 5îîng eut te catch somte fit for tbecx vnîtug meal. WAS HE HIT BY A STONE? Desplte the tact tuaI lite coroner's Jury wbich investigaieti into tIse tacts lu the case. relurnul a verdict that 12-year-eld PFnsnk Rode came te bis deatit by accIdentai drovnlng vtlle fisbing off the somth ide sewer op- posite MefKinley avenîue, lteIlittie vie- tîn', mether refuses tu accept Ibis solution. Tbrough lier tears she keepa repeating tat somî'thiutg muet bave happenedti f0 er son 10 rentier hlm unconsciotia or 'tiIi iim before le struci thfe vaier. Ont solution slit- citera la that someone may lave ulroso 5alonie ai ber boy. In support if ibis bbeory site points te te foi-i that titere ver- atmn abrasions andîti ii~iaeq on bis face. "Frank wuuuhd i-t liii e drovned-- be vas tee go-ml a iituner," 'I Rode mcaîivd. Titen site m'cvon uIteulIl oi s it eflen itati iatcheul luuit styla slseau In the laite. Sonit'îîîîes le swam out s0 fan titat site feart'd for bis safety. but h a sa aremartahil% strong avim- mer for s boy anti aivays relut-ned, safeiy. TIat vas alas yesn. Thii yvsr 'trs. Rude forbade tht bvoy4o, go ABR.11HPO.A. 2 2 0 12 1 -4 21311 5 1 5 2 1 54 04912 -40 1 Ia -4 0 0 2 .. . ..17 tii t3 27 Il AB.R. I-PO.A. -0 12 0 -3 7 7 27 9 Errera-Kilt>', Biscitiourne, Prince. Brunte. Extra base luIs: Twu-base -KiIbs, Neimeyer. Sacrifice blil- Naperatacit, Wiliiants. Stelen bases t'ellls, Duif>', King, Williamtt. Dou- blie pIs>' Pettis te IGraver 10 KibN. Basesa on italie <tf Illacithourne, 6, off fotter, 1; off Neintever, 4. Struici cul -b' Bisctbounnc, 10;. y Neimey- er, 8; by Ritinebani. 1. Passed balla -Naperstîcit 4; OFarrfeti I. Bit bi pitcher-lx PoIler, I. LeIt con bases -Hightland Part, 5; W'auitcgan. 7. Tttîtî'of gatîte-2:50. Scorer-Em- drovned, fon sue techa sure ltat hatidmte lit sîtoll>fallen Inte <bis vaten hel cs votîlti list ehîen sbte to svimasalons 'Nir. and 'trs. (Charles timon, Mr. 'cIt tue grcatest ese.anti 'trs. T. E.Cliristiaut atd 'tis. Tire cilytuiîitg thte coroners jury Jedue )îtittg andîlson spt-tt Siuday tadt 10guidthtentiIn neîuîning a ver- at te0. A. Nelson firnit. Leoti latu. dict. 'c-s tb' stor>' et Tons- Bomit, aimlli mcWh til i igtotghitiohît' ttatu itcli seveut ucur umît boy. Tcny itaid sontie-'ir. MIitturt-axe a potmito uIne standing oen un lure flreul s revolv er andt Ilf nore vrec't-htIan the t' ttri, anti, un- th' report itîtseti Frank te fait mb 'mîsigaîîng,foutndithat sitaîl polatees the stvur. liiit Tony tllst othen sIc r- hatiIcîiitutoitia t 'murictus Pouints alonîg les îcc. so 'trs. Rtode dues flot pi-ce Iiii- le tm, shorvt-hie grounti Tite toit tîuî lucreletuce un bisafiratsturi'. siahk miiuitîtrhapa T" inclues aloi-c gr nu sSiiandputaloca vere te tp e eit Aitllt-e Masotuic toties cf 1Lateip ei luîuuîsh ai uthe tilt. Il'matis sctu cOiiitittand lte louiges oethîe tuwna rumusurahfresi of nture to i-ev pi-a aloz the auxrIt ihrrelitweî'ît Rav-in .tt o-rutsinugti tho sntutiiiir, i encî- anti Et atuioru iîlu hiotu a joint luta I- M Ittorp-etttuatflrt -t ket piî-ruucari ospart, Nortli Chti. iltii to aukegan vhvre I hue5itui'h cago. I-rîîham' .Xugusf 27. Thtisi xill b v îc Iiends. thue lîIvge.si oîîing part>' of the ses- son aIf'Poss tar.It i laexpectedti tat Independentî: 'tientreaderg tîct a il ever 2,000ii people wili attend. county veekiles cownPdttt. say "good-bye" to the fongus, rather than risq saying -Lzî,od-bye-tu better Toadstool Means Shape. One of the ervcîn hngs b lharo ., handling musbrooms la that the worni 'toadstool" la oniy descriptive of shape. 1It does nfot et al imply poison- ous qualities. and to say thaf une "afe toadatoola. mislaking lhem for musb,- rooms,' la a clear Indication of ranl< Ignorance on the subjeef. It Io as If one wouid speak of eatlng wheat. mie- taking if for grain. In tact, the mush- rooms which are Most oommoniy est- en, the cultivated English and French siiecimens. are nofhing but toadstools. But, before they are eaten mush- rooms sbould be Identified. Not long ago a friend showed me somte bean- titul specimens whlch had been given to hlm. They were of the toadstool shape, trom two to six inches &cross the cap. The meat of the cap was thici., and pure white and tender. It was sweet to the taste. These are liolte commun at present ln the filds, and are mistaken for the pasture musitroom. The gis, on the undee. aide ot the cap were white. 1 was flot certain as fo the species. The stem was easily detached trom the 'Y n. ieaving a litt1e cup-like depression ln the cap. The gis' were tree from the stem. Poison,.s $oePeople. 1 told nty friend tu place the cap, gil down. upon soute paper for a short lime. and tbus gel a print of the 'spore storm." If. as 1 suspected. the sPore--provred to be green, my advloe was lo show bis visitors 10 the door. Left thus ainne oipon the paper, the tell-tle pale green spores soon ap- Peared. The mushroom was 1he green-spored Lepiota, wbich la pois- onous for somte people. and flot at ail for others. _- 1 Some milabrooma are poisonous, and anrte are fine tood. One, whlch la deilous when Young, and Is flot of the loadalool shape. la the sulphur mushroom. This spectacular appear- log growlh occurs upon trees. and fre- îquentiy reaches many pounds la welght. Il la as If the three was pour- Ing forth molten sulphur, siighfiy tinged wilh red aboya. i recentiy found a willIow at the corner of Dodge avenue and Greenwood street which had poured forth s0 mucb that il ran eut on the ground. One of the Finest. Artîer fine aPecimen may nov be. seen on an oak ln front oif Dr. Dan- fortîba residence, 1620 Hinman ave- nue. Wlthin the flast week 1 have esten severai pounds tram Ibis. The Inside is ivorY white ln color and fInaily becomes fibrous and tough, but ail that la tender and good. Cul It up and Cook if for hait an bour. ln plen'y of quite sait water, then pour out the water, and add pepper and butter. The resuit lo one of the finest tasting disbes one may ever find.-Evanston News. A marriage license was Issued ln Chicago Nlonday aflernoîo to John A. Ford, aged 19, of Chicago.andiUMis Edlîh Gebbart. aged DI, of 2805 Ezra avenue, Zion Ci ty. F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTUREN OP Marble and Granite Monuments Cemetery Work of Fvery Description -Correspondence SolIcItedi 1I116 Genesee St brty - Iss Poiler. rf-- Napersiacit .c Shtannoen, cf.- Wusalae, 3b. i)tflr, If -.... Etîbi, lb . ..... Pethi, b. ...h GOctu ser . i ..... tltîckburnc, p. Tciats ...... Wta utega nu 'tViIiainî. cfe. Ditlon, s . . . . OFarreil. c.- Hapte, 3b. -- Tierney, . t King, If . .. . l'rince, rf,.. Brunte, 2hb.. .. . Neime'ten, p..- Ritineliant, p. Totalest... t -i -t otf lio- -oial iod andi viboob- et Lae toedad Tl 00. se rs bt-. nf Lake success- on thse Liberty- 0. M3 ineonds, t>' or If tompany ar Wveil- Le cama iredti he vas la- that vs i Prda>' yi heen 3poas te ns. Tlsey ef the port. ter than ter last an ait- la>' tIse 'used te ýtr par-0 attarda>' ELY vas Li