FOOT I)ISEASE OUTBREAI( IS LAID ONTO B1041SERUM RATESPlaces to Which It Was Sent 5C par lins sscn, insertion Are Under the Eye of Federal Lots thon 5 lins, Officiais iow. i 25 fisi iserion That every possible precautiunary stop le being takeo by the federal deparimeot of agriculture and Ilinois . . 4.... ... .. 4. 4. 4. officiais to prevent a recolýrence ut 4- FOa SALE1 + the foot and mootb disease epldemlc . ... ... ..Is evi.qenced by reports trom Waab- lnigton and Springfield iast nlgbt. New FARIA FOR SALE-laS acres, Lua, cases were reported lu oFrd, Warren Counly. Illinols. Improved ulth8Srue'ý and McDunoogh conies yesterday, houme, ew baurilio and other necea»rY bot as tboae regluna already are on- buildinge, vlciniy ot Libert.yvllis. WIiI der strict quarautine there la nu tes,' MO at * bargain prices i $12500 aul uf a apread ut the contagion. Henry ape If s1ld by October lat. V» rite W. T. aud Laike counties.Illinois; Poney 11u4,i05 Ba3-n Mawr Ave., Chcago, county, Indiana, and Saglnaw couty. III.48PS8 Michigan. &acsowere placeduder FOR ALE- col, bake u drve, ~ cosed qoarantine. FO .. E- clt buie ldh,$8 c Blm. l4oq Choiera Serum. 1yty colt, $5. 1 7-ro hoe TVhe uew uutbreak ut the dîsease la $65. btlusI ho soid as vre have Do rôool thougbt by federal offciais to b. due for tIbm. Appiy ai Walrond'ae alan. to sblpments ut ntected bog choiera 48p1 aerîm trum (Cook coonty, wbere scin- FOR SALE--Good 2-year.old stock bull aia foot aid moutb cases exlated. These Holstein. John Cossue, Liberty ville. 1P abipuieuts have been traced tu Michi- _________________________ galdîsan ad Minnesota. Eigb- FOR SALE - Piaiào, alimosi oiosed.* teen represeutatives ut the guveru- Low priles,.lMra. A. C. Murray, Tel ment have heen pot tu work maklng à94, ltbsrtyvills. 41 s survsy ut every couity to whlcb .p .. orp..P 1 the sospscted serum wss sblpped. FUR SAU.-New elx, roomu reidene Oun This serom waî made ln the Chicago Second etret Llberty ville. Large bath tocityards about the trne of tbe lait rouaid pantry. saven foot bassient, outbrea,', but waa beld there In cold tuo lot$% porchese. Stucco finish. G.. auaeutlrecently. Llpplucotl. 48e8 Stockyarde Head Reassures Dealers. That the diseate will soon end I. FOR SALE-2 rlding and drlvingbores the opinion ut President Artbur G. osmeron Botai, Ares. 47c2 Leonard uf the Chicago Union stock- FOR SALE-Team of ail around worit yards company. He lssued a itate- hors; ound, 4 ond 5 years old, weigbî meut lait nigbt In whicb be sald: about 2600; usîl bruite. Inquire Henry - Live stock pruduceri, country Lawrencs, Libertyvllle. 472banitera, aud the public generaily may ___________________________be reassureilcacering the new cases FOR SALRE-About Auff it ti, four out foot and moutb dîsesse dsco'iered bSles. Chicago Telephone Coin thia week from the tact deffnitely pl ,W5UkeMI4 fL, wiy t ascsrtalnsd by tbe United States sud _____________________________stats sîthorities that the outbreak la FARIA FOR SALE-To sottie dus entlrely to the distribution ut a estate. tort uof 100 acres, known as the certain lot of autl-bog-cboisra serum; John Fruellcb ftaim, 1 mile aotb of Laie that tbe authoritles bave a comploe Zurich sud 4 miles noriheait of Sarring- record sbowbng esch Indîvidual farra luin. This le uns of the eest larins uhsre this serum bas been applied aroud; nuwa8te land, gaad Improve- sud every Party ta wbom any ot it -mouuin, good location. For terme sud bas besu cousigned. sud thait me pou price apply te, Aug. Froelch, La ýsblity ut Its spread la conflned tu a Zurich, II. Phone 41. 46e4 narruw field; tbe Unted States bu- ___________________________resu of animal lndoîtry and Illinois FOR SALE-Ruliber tired top buggy lu te huard ot live -stock commission. inslelms condition, ueed 8 mu. Ail>rt er,, bave ab,,oute, control etf the ait- Panser, Ae*, 111. 4ffpS nation aiready; that ail animais thug tafr lntected sud expused bave beeo FOR SALE OR RENT-7 roum Hou-.e. saughtered sud -buried. sud ail sus- Obab or esy paymsnte. inquire ut Pected counties quarantbned. sud that JamiesR. Mack, rosdwsy, Lîbertyvilie. ibis outbreait ulîl necesaarbiy be llm. 44c1f ted bu extent sud ot short duration. 'Alparties bsvlng growiug or bIORSES SOLO, bought andszxcbaued tsedtag, stock sbooid kèep It until Omed baud harmss and wagon@ ready for marktet. There ls s great Cash or terme.N. R. Ladd, phone 4,sudce ttedfrwtrsds Lbertyvlhie.' 46tf scarclty of animais tu consume It. îî W bave a nimber of fine humein for wooid bc toiiy to ablp immature taec aie or reuI. Dymoud & Autin. Lbery. nuw. vile. c-46-tlt -Ample provision bas besu made by __________________________both the United States sud varions + tate legîslatures tor fuil sud prompt + y +compeusation to ail aunera wboee 4. OO Mud FoUIm "stock shall be- slaughtsred ou accoont ... .... l.4. . .4.4.4. out fot sud moutb usasse." LOST-Lad'e goid usîch ulth black tob. Mooam un"M. T." un cas. Re- T IS D E I w«Lfeuratl devecdu efe._ci1 MSTO R À 4..44..44..44..44..1UP COURTEETSAÀ Bi~ FINE INSTEAI) WMtTED-Âutoxnobuecoui.,. bwrite1 in ocer lbt us .5 aU ityonu at our auto imuscepolcy w»h ullyý prolmslayoue machin. aralmt bath fdm' and tiat for 02 perr vs.. (urand & lium&d Ubertyvlhis. 4&11 WANTED TO RENT-5 ta 6 rou ELouesor Fias. Addrees ', idependeut. 48p1 WVANTED-To bny good Jersey Cow. IL . E.Bieau,, R. 1. Prairie Vew, i. 47p2 4.+ +44.44.frI.44..4 14BR SVOUR CHANCE-Ninêteen r«aar ramansd boarders. iMn. Spua isg umg1 et a roai hargrain ber bétel bud»mes qalpmset. Loca. Wion sae.. rcs OUdepot. No w le the th»meubvbY beoe the Fir. Inquire of Dumand & Duuamd. Pboge 2. 48e2 MakIne Chlldress llnk.ý There la Do sud of discusasasmito uhat 0oUrssof study @hall beftaon up bY th.e chools. Dtfferent views M 0 Op5U5iedrauglng froue thé bara Outliftes 01 the aid-trne 'three Rs" 10 the. mot elaborate ides ut cuturs "tY. ut more practical forme of taChins baud work and home arts. Meanubile. here la oue great esesu. lia ruuulus for ail instruction. That lU, talchildren h. taughîta otliln] thi ngeot for themBeives. Aimosi amy coursei ai tdy le goud if thio power la glvmu-Sb. Joeeph Nsws-Preu.. Charles Behrens of Zmon City is Again in iaH on Aodount of Being Too Noisy. CharlesBechrens &gain occupies a tell la the couty laul, havlug been broughi doun hy Captiu Walker ot ZMon City mter h. ua s d $200 sud conte by Justie. Mîil, &fier ha had beeu rreted on s charge ut disturb- Iau the peace. Mlieated aa ceus lu Court sIen he cursed sud ralaedl a big rompus dnrng wsic lue yslled t tieejustices sud &mont other things ahonbed: "lte uorld oues me a living sud lFu uoing I t t I f 1 have In break ev- ery irindow lu bbc.. general stores oves- tiere." poiuting Iu the Volîva stores sera,. th. street. Behrens bas 'heau, ln lai three pre- vlaus Urnes on almilar chargea. Thie lime hlis. charged uith havtu.g dia- turbed lhe ueluhbbrbood by shouliug ai uebghbars sud tellilug thsm shai they eould do. Behrens lna sflicted ultb au excep- tionai graulh of red shisiters sud long hais, sud la charged ulth su- dssvarlug to mals himsîf loit as much 1k Christ as posaible. Because be sas 5o rain bucourt, Behres recslved a $200 fine whicb sili give hlm ample lime to-'thili i t aver." Uv. Low»eron Penînuula.. Il la etAled thit thse reeldeuts of Islandeansd esilsl peinaulua Uv, langer tissu persous ubo dweli ou th. malulaud. ADVERTIS IN G sent ont the Davis to Ficher route The score Risuarea A liR IH Kimbail,3................ 4 1 1 Davis. db.... ........... 4 01 Magradv, m se............ 4 Ito Stafford.................. 4 1) 4 Fihiiier, lb ...............4 i1(0 R. BoriSer, l .p............ 4 o 1 Johnson. e................3 ,> 0 Barbour if....... ........ 4 0> 0 Meyers. cf . ............... 2 t11 33 4 4 Havane, Stars AB R H Hall, rf .................4 0 1 Bacone. lb ..............3 0 O William@, If, pe............ 4 0 t) Edgstan. e.c.. ........... 4 te1 Tbumpsone, e ............. 4 0 0< Beed. 3b................. 4 0 O M orpIf ...... ....... 30 I0 Jeffice, 2t....................O0 1 A E 1 0 0> 1 M 3 A E 0 0 2 0 00 2 0 11 2 Summary 8tolen bses, Kimbail 3, Meyers 1, Johnson, Decone, Bdgstou. JisSues; iso las bit, Hall; basses on balla, off Durtier à, off Magur 2; bit by pitcher. Myose; sireit by Dorfier 4, by Magor 3, hy Williams 1. Vims of gaine 1:57. Um. Pile@, Soyes and Mlloy. Nts. Davis lad a husy day in the id. Acceptine oins chances sud not ai error. larry es y ', as eau lest any teain ln the leans.' lBoy@uiupired halle snd etrikesanad Malioy uon bases,' Stub' got away easy, buta cau~eeutf Jaitees' dci@ion selse quentioued. Davis put up su astul boul ubon be sas caiisd out on a third strike. For somamenaeun uuknown to us J. DoiSler falied ta shp w up tor thce aux., lut Kl i lli ho sith uCs t third traixnow on.1 toutes Colta are hooked for a zame ban@ Sunday, Aug 25th. This teami i teturtîg a girl piayîng firat hase, tle beam laiatstasd have hesten muai ut the City Isague tesins. LioeenguI a rap un the uriar hv a pîlcb.d bail in tle sixtil Art bsbis arm landaged bot sili De wei bs, Sundsy. NesitSuuday îleChicair., Lgjeuueswi b. ber@. This tesu. in very popîlar n Chicago sud uil atsthels oeal love "ýgO o"ule' hliae osRý i4armfuliIntaces. 'ram a Composition un "Harmtuî In. »etIL teacler gleaued the tuiiauing Information: "The chiet lusects harm- fui to aist the bly, moaqulta sud cat- erpilow. Tu destruy them get thein &Uan suetep un tbem or otherus de- sIroy thoir hreatbbug places." CAMP BE MADE AT ET. SIIERIDAN NEXT FOURTEEN Y3aR OLU GIlRL IS DEAD; TETANUS IS CAUSE Hazel Kirk of Wauconda Step- ped on a Nail in Yard and Dîed Short Time Later. Misa Hazel Kirk. 14 vears old. a resident of Wauconda, died ai the home of ber parents lait week of te- tarnus, which she contracted when sbe rna nall into her foot. Hers was one of the few de tha front tetanus ,hat have taken places b Lake couon ty in the lait tew years. The girl was runng about [n lher fatber's farm yard when she stepped on a hoard ftmwblcb a nail pro- truded. The nail entered tbe fleshy part ot ber foot causing a paboful In- Site imped loto the houas aud her parents applied simple horne reme- dies, thiutking they would be suffi- dient. Instead of getting better the condition of the chilfi grew worse and finally a physician was summoned. He washed and dressedl the wound sud iuformed the worried parents. It la said, that be tbought nu 111 re- sults would tullow the iujury. So fair as known, nu anti-tetsic serum was used. The condition of the child grew worse rapidly and ber death oc- curred several hours after the injury had taken place. The tact that deatb touit place au soon alter the njury Indicates that even the use of a larg-u ijection of anti-tetanic serum would not bave availed. The irk family have resbded In Wàuconda about a year, bsving move1 tu tibis couuty froux Geneva, 111. RAMAREA WIIITEWASUES CRICÀQO COLURED OENTS BY MEC> Ramarea added another vlerory to its lst Sundav wben tbey obut out the fast colored teem, Hlavais Stars. to the tone of 4 to 0, in a good fait gaule. % Tue Ivanhue wizard, Mlr. l)orlber, burled @teady ail the way, ..niy allowing the dark boy@ three bits and those of the seratchy oider. Th,? bcurae lads got two lu the ixth on an errer and walk and a è4ngle iy R. Dortier, then two more i the seveuth Mieyer@ walked and etoe second aund on l uxK inrialle oil ui le t i-nter Kinibailithenix O ec.od arnd third and seored ou Magrady'a grounider te tiird Seu- iîs rutiner that boy. Williamxs thex i lu.' lu rou. leit field and rlx.lvxd Magor, fibixhiîg the Mame. The colorad lads started off with si.ingle by Edgeou in the itb. but a quick throc by Dortier gut him off blett Thompaun lipd ouit t artlur and lteed LiBERTYVILLE v ILLINOIS Cangreasman Martin B. Madden willi leave for WasiIngton ou Monday ta orge Secretary of ',ý ar Garrison ta es- t4b>lih s miliiiary trainig camp for Chîcagoans sud Waukegsnltes aitl'art Sheridan, on the same plan as the camp at Plattsburg, N. Y., wbsre May- or Mitchell. Theu>dgre Rtoosevelt, Jr., sud other celebrities are learnbng the wsr gmre. "'I kuow uf t aesat 500 men, most ut tlxem weil known outside ut Chi- cago, )who wulud be gisd to Juin sucb a camp," sald0Oungresaman Madden. "I tbbu'k ft le a fine proposition sud 1 shahl do ahi 1can lu gsi a camp near Obicago Wbere tbe business sud pro- feseboual men ut Chicagu may bc glv- sn au opportuuhty to learu sometblng about mlltary factice. "I kuow Secretary Garrison uebl sud 1 belbeve he il listen ta this appeal from Chicago." REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Furnished by LAKECOUNTYTITLE & TRUST Co. Abstracto of Titis. Tilles Guarsnteed. Masonic Temple Bldx. Waukegan. Aug. 9, 1915. Emma K. Henry et ai. bu C. A. Kingsley, lot 22 snd soutb 18 test lot 21, block 17, ýV'ssbburn Park, North Chicago. M'. D. $200. Mra. M. 0. Blliey ta W. P. Bslley. lot 3, block 87, North Chicago. W. D. $1. Dors Moran et ai. ta Fred B. Whit- ney, lots 12 anti1.1, tPowell & Hîtci,- lus Sbbdlvbabou ln blockt 31 ut OrIg- inal Waokegaxx sud strip adjobubuz. W. D. $4,500. B. M1. Seller and wlfe ta Wlbelm Lemite, lot 8. Cotes Addition ta Wou- kegan. W. D. $1. R. Fulton sud wlfe ta J. eJ. Thomn- son, lot 9. Tiffany & firazers Subdi- vision, Wauitegsu. Q. C. $1. Maai. Nolan aud bîsband tu Thom- as Phelan. west 50 teest uteast 12543 teet of nul-lb 215 teet of lot 5. West- ern Àddition to Laite Forest. W. D. $10.1 B. A. Cummbngisud uit e tu Trus- tees of Schools ut Waukegan town- ship, lots 1, 2, 3, 7, 8. 9, 28 to 36 aid north 3 test lots 10 sud 27. blockt 14. lu Waukegau Highlands, North Chi- cago. W. D. $5.010.Ags 0 95 Elizabeth A. Smih ta Flurence T. Lbniiey. lots 7. 8, 8. 10 snd suutb halt lot 6, Liudenwood, on Channel Laite. W. D. $2.760. E. B. Nelville snd site et ai. ta G. F. sud Else Kohl, lot 11. blockt 4, Houit & Newille'a Long Lake Sîbdlvl- alun. W. D. $OOQ. W. B. Walrat.b sud site to Agnes E. Niggemeyer. loi el, Plissa West Antlucb Subdivision, W. D. 1750. Chicago TItis & Trust Co. et ai. to' Sarab B. Bruwn, lot 24, re-subdbvlion ut part ut hlockt 72, Highland Par't. Deeda $1. W. R. Berry sud site to Helen E. Kuowies. lot 33, Ravinis Woods. Q C. $10.1 Htarold Dyrenforth aud site ta Hel- en E. Kuowles, lot 48. Ravinta Woods. W. D. $1.600. Estats utfiP. B. Ifervin (deceasedi ta Christina Marvin. lot 3, blockt 3, MarvIns Subdivision, Pox Laite. Deed $150. August 11, 1915-Lukasz Audreiasit to Cecylia Gsncaaz. lot 50, Cummlngls resubdivisîon, North Chicago. Q. C. $10. Peter Masterson sud ubte ta Norah B. Fi'tzgerald, south part bot 1, Thomp. sua's addition, Laite Forest. W. D. $1. M. E. Ammoa ana site ta Phehe M. Puits, lot 14. Mable & Couversaul- division. Foi Lakte. W. D $300. August Il. 1915.-Northuestern Miltary Aaademy ta Nrtbsestern Miitary aud Naval Academy, lot 7, block 60, Hlgblaaid Park. W. D. $1. William Wilmlngton sud sIte tau.. H. Abeler, lot 20, Wllmingtou's second subdivision ou Deesp Laits. W. D. $150. C. G. Watrous ta Harry Lund, south 35.54 teestut lots 218, 219 sud 220, (umngs & Compauy's Nortb ave- nue addition, Waukegan.. W. D. $550. Aug. 13, 191-BeuJauin Couman aud site ta J. W. Thompson, lot il, blocit 4, Doollttle Taylars Lake Sub- division. W. D). $425. J. W. Kreuser sud uit. to J. C. tDolezal aud ulte, lot 9, Kreosers Sub- division ai Hagle Poiut. W. D. $10. T. W. Sithil411d wult ta Peggy aund Elut Msgue, loi 206, Siaus Long Laite Subdivision. W. D.-$10)0. R. L. Smart ta Matia M. Treatrail. cant hait of sasi hait lot 66 snd wst quarter of Sest hait lot 65, Cory's Addition ta Wau'cegan. Q. C. $1. Aug. 14, 1916-Nora T. Gibbons sud hoaband ta Athur Meeker. soutb- seat quarter ut nortbeaat quarter sction 6.,t)eerfield towuship. W. D. $10.000> Ireue M. Lamb and-buxband, et ai., ta M. C. Deciter sud R. J. Dady. part we'xt hait. section 14. Warren towa- - - I i~] $'500 TO $19500 MAKES MMI INITIAL PAYMENT ON A WELL IROVEZ) FAiM INI THE DAIRY BULT DISTICT 0F NORTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN> We bave 80 acres in TAY LOB Couaty, un corneraof twa ruade. adjolnlng sebool, ai-ros. tho road troui a bbackemit @bop sud grocery @tore: near creamery; 20 acres under cultiration; [rame boumseuad harn; lame good timber; creek roba through the place. Pb-e $5.2001, $500 down. iveyear's tinxe on lialAncee W.' har.'49) ac-r»e, M, m4llesfrom Blrixau wtxi)d. Ilmsi-r.-. xleared;! gix.xd houscetui tari -. 1l.01 $tOda Other bargahus luninuproved aid uni mprov.'d laid. TAYLOR,IlIncoir. i.auglad@C(os lAberl terme A bstract mho w i nt good tite furoished La every case. Nxli)r particularâ oià"eot. W rite or Ilin. ?'£-EPHONE H. , BOTD LIBERTYVILLE e mOwuer»and Agents LOEB-IIAMMIEL RÉALTY COMPANY 205.06 Muweb.te BuldiU. 140 Se. Deuibosu St. Chicago.,ilhu"is MARRIAGE LICENSES. Gustave Koekabe. Milwaukee .. Marie Rider. Milwanke......... 83 Fred Sîmonsen. Racine. Wis...2 Jedine Lurenten. RacineAVis-...18 Ernest G. Roesch. Chicago ...28 Mae Haizer, Chicago ............. 21 James Scott, Siiisaxuiae ......... 52 Emmus Weatenberger. Mllwaukee..-48 'Jostav Esu, Chicagou............. 29 Lillisu Ssndherg. Chicago .... A John Ruiler. Kenosha, Wls ...27 Sybilia laurs Hughes. Kenosa .... 1.1 Shefton A. Shocitlee, tChicago ...- Alice J. Hoffmau. Chicago .... James Harris. Sauitega .... 40 Eusa Edwards. Hannibal, NoM.... 29 Puster Scbomacker. Kenosha ...23 Catherine McCanstlaud. Kenasha. .11 George C. NVernlcke, Dudee,.Illi.. .21 Klsa Lau, Dundee, 111i............. Is Andrew Cbrbsteuaen, Kenusaa3 Neitie Miiiigau, Kenosha ......... 30 James Fisrlty, Milwauktee......24 Etelle Kludt, Mlwaukees......... 2 2 Lester E. Wnding, 'Milwauktee..22 Mes .J. Madland, LaCrosse, W9 ... - 21 James Bordera, Great Laites. 111 ..21 Matile Russell, Wauitegan........ x, John Brassingtun, Mlwauktee..34 M artbs Sitrzpnakl, Milwaukee ...23 William Eari Les, Zbon City. 111. ..2 I Grae DawleY Suellibu. Zion Ciiy. .21 Charles Peters. Niles Cente,111... 24 Ida Marunde, Nules Center. 111i.t!I Guy Hsverty. Oîbitosb, Wi.....23 Charlotte Taitatein. Oslituah, Wls.24 Fred H. Waiters, 29. sud Vers B. Bavure. 23, bull o! Chicago. Harry Surenson, 26, aid Este Nel- sun, 26. bath ot Racine. Wls. 1 asper Schwartz. 22. aid loia San- thany, 19, hotb ut Msrlnette. XVxa Leo D. Graham, 26. sud Fsy R. Rutherford, 20, bath ut Wauconda. Il!. George Long, 34, and Eva Shils'<e, 25. bull ur Chicago. Emii Bailman. 37, Sparta. Win_ anxd lus McCumber. 26. Mlanitee, Ml-b. Alfred Scbuldes, 24 sud Nlae lh Hsdley. 22, botb of Chicago. Henry Corsil, 24. sud Margaret Johnson, 26. bath ut Chicago. Albert Ellis. 41, sud Auna Schultz. 30, bath of Chicago. George W. Wadsurtb, 41 sud Auna E. Johnson, 31. bath of Chicagu. Phllip Trudeau, 33, Lousil, Masj,, and Della Walker. 28, Hilbert, Wis. David Steadmon. 30, sud Ozzetta Guer, 22, luth ut Wauitegan. Gilles Allison Kingsley, 19, sud Maris Pauie Kline, 17, luth ut Wsu. kegan. Louis Drasch. Z9, sud Mariei Fred- ericit. 25, bath ut Milwaukee. Alert B. Clarkte, 39, sud Mary Aleco Hughes, 30, bath out Mlluukee. Richard &. Jones, 23, sud taira ltagaesger. 21, both ot Barry, 111. Van NeasaYoung, 21, sud Eva Gil- bert, 20. bath ut Gurus., 111. William J. Meuth. 21, sud Auna Boulie, 18, bath or Chicago. Andreu J. Anderson, 49, sud Auna Streuiig. 48. both ut Rocittord, Ill. John A. Custello. legal age. Chicago. sud Rose A. Bush. legal age, Liberty- ville. 111. Albert Abhott, New Orleas, L a., agedi 31; Nellie Hourigan, Evanatun, Ill.,; aged 23. Fi-sui Hugh Griffis Lenarit.Ill.,. aged 25; Pantin A. Prutzmau, Shan- non. Ill.; ausd 22. Marcua C. Hall. Geneseo. Ill.; aged 26; Katherine N. Smith, same; agedi 18a Chicago Telephone Company I.L..Audrous, Manager Toebaas 990 BENl B. MtLLKR. Solleftor CU4ANCERY NOTICE Stais uf Illinois, County of Laite. as: C'ircuit Court ot Lakte Ceîîuty, lîtober Terni A. D, 1915. lu Cbancery No. 7420. Fiorne E. Zwlaier, va Joseph Hl. Zwialer. The rýquisit@ afi4bavlt bavfug beuilled in tle office ai the Clri et sald Court, notice lei theretoro beraby gîven lu tbae ald JosephIlH. Z wi»er, defendant as aforeald, that the aboya named Complainsut heretotars 5used ber Biiut Coînplaininl sid Court on lb. Chaneery eide thereut. and that a sommnons there- upon ssued out ai aaid Court &gains% the above named detendant. returnabie un the gros day uf the tern, ut the Circuit Court ai Lake Connty, toulho heid ait th Court Waokegaon lu eaid Laite County. on the Frst Muîday ut Oetober A. 1). 1915,se nhy las requlred aid uhIch eut laeteuh poug. Lewis O. Brock wsy, Clerit Waukegun, Illinois, Juiy tI A. D.1 1915. __________________Ile in H.IlM l, ADJUDICATION NOTICE. 20-27________ a Publie notice la hereby gi"en tIbsi the Sub- BEN H. MILLER. 5olcitor ecriler AdulnontrslOr nf tie Estate ut Ariette CIIANCERY NOTICE Morrili. ilecasasd. viii attend the 0Cofi, ISiats ut Illinois, Couaty of Laite, as. Court onite 555 0,iiiti. a starn l5ei50f Circuit Court ut Lakte Couuty, Uctohor ta be bndn etthe Court Blouse bu Saukegau. Term. A. D. 1915. lu said (tout,. on tOietiret Monder, of October lu Cbancery No. 7425 ssii. 1915 allen aud shere si - persone s vln#Mathilde Frilîniso vs. ,Uninown leurs clf=sisintI sald Esiste are notibleti aud at las or dsviceee ut Jacob Gîtaier, requesed t Dreseut the »meito esiCourt bue deceaeed" snd '-Unhnown osiers ot or adludication. een neetdl h st8%rd EIESARII)W. McDEIOOTT, Adutuitrtsr 0P5hen et5 8%trot ted b NEuo7~rode waulieian, III.Ansixet 2. 101. a l eird ttsNrh6 AsUKRt 13_2027 rada ut the Nortlseet quarter of tle ________________ Nortbemit quarter ut Sertion 25, Vown- a.0e. oruniy.slip 43 North, Rtange 11, East of tle P7rmt Jss-"Dwenty years agu Gold- Tibrd Principsl Mridi, ln Lko ite sod soesrlns o th cauerCouuty. Ilîinol." stein old ehestrinsVos reeqornriT -affidavit haviug been und toduy leo ous the cornae- au fiied lu île office ut tho Cierk ut sald wbich leetaoud." Second Jeu (ex- Court, notice i@ ibareturs hereby givsu etedly)-"Und If le had valked uap to the said abovo named aid unknosu und dusu hliemigbt hava owued thq,1 .detat'bat tle alors named Com- uhoe bllck7-Lite. plarnant beretoture filed ber Bih1 ai jComplint bu aald Court un the Cbancery @ide tbereof. sud Ihat a smmns thers. upon leroutait ailidcourt amonit the above oamed deisêdanu. retuuei on the Oret 65v af the otutoftthe Circuit Court ut Laks County. lu b. baUd as lb. Court Houae in Waukegau lu said Lake Couity. on the Fini Mandai of Ocluber -. . .1915 an la hp lau r rqnlrsd sud shch euti t l iipeudin. LP wilaO. Brock W&Y.(Clent Wauîegau, Illînois, Joly 10111, i. B. 1915. Benjamin H. Miller, Cominsnt SBoleitor. Aug. 13-20-27 sept. 3 BEN a. MILLER. SoIcitur CHANCERY NOTICE &tateutf[Illinois, Coucty oi Lake,se. C'ircuit Court of Laite Cnot-, 0ctubea Tari A. D. 1915. Iu Chanery No. 7364. MuonIe Bade sud Augues Baade vs. Caroline Tonne, Eret Tonne, Anus Tonne, Dietrich L. Tonus,.Latts Tonne,. Sophie Prism. Dicit Prise« sud Louis. Tonne. Tise requisse silidit having beau Élled tu the obus of t>e Clark utfsld Court notice id Ibareforé hreby glven ta the said above uarisd detendaul. that tle save naed Camplainants hanta. torseus flIeu beBibi cf Compiaint luns«id Court, un the Chantéry side ihereot, sud thnt a aummons thereipon Ieaued ontut eaid Court against the above amed defendant. retornahhi on the firai day oftheb.term ofuthebaCir,-uir Court of Lakte Counîy, ta be heid et tbe Court Boucs in Wauitega nnsaid LakteCounty, an the Firat tlonday ot Octoher A. D. 1915, sai. by las required, sud ubich suit jdestili pending LesieO0.lirai-k way, Clerit. Waukegan, Illinois, May 24t1 A, B.. 1915. Benjamin H. Miller, Compianants Soicîtor. *Aug. 18-20-47 Sept.4 Indepeudsut reachm ailpointa ba Lake County. Settlements for Telephone Ser- vice are due upon receipt of bis rendered the first of each month. A Paymneît should always be made before the 1lSth of each month at the local exchange office. Checks should be made payable to the Chicago Telephone Company. Subscribers are urged to seule their bils proniptly. Do Bot becomne delinquent. Tho >su Toi ocboo] WCi mach sbi tIscluf -bonde b ufldi smoi theI a man ôtarts that l Ii kt hoo ateao*r feiq r41. hau i , g= 4*that c~kyIL.