À I __________________________________________________________________ PNOM - &ay:t# Bdlisd b>' P.4.qUUc~ft Photta Il Ordarq Tmi.eltfos-aJobWek. ~dv.u-iloIusg >'atCEA!~ppilOati@s5. Dam-t AnuiedWbohitlound L"ae 8aluerdo raluhI., et, 18. Adission lion par ouplec Carlyle Ovle trnsacted busliaess tu Cisagonoday.' B. . Sienn of01 bicago, transacted hbut". l"veMonday. Bar. C. A. Miiler and vifs rturned Oaturday frouM a two veeko trip lwtbeir auto tbroudib/WisLonein. Job* Ballard and vifs entertalned a 0o00" ftoi Cblca so Snday. Mms Bd Wgnr entetainid tihe Ladi oId 1aiWdn.eay ateenocm. lms Kelly, asitant teacbr ia the liigh ecool, @pet the week.-end at ber home in Mulvenkke. S. . Doolittie traneacted busîne8a in Chicago Mondav. lire. Lou@e Plamer ut Waukegan, le a guet of liteoSsuie Whitehead. bits. Motua ut Chidrugo, retnrned borne Saturda>' alter speding a 1evw deys vitb tbe Chas. Tncker fauil>'. Mir@. Cht lDougas ut Lungmont, Colo., ,Who bas l95en vieing lu the sast and a&ttended the. Soidiere' reunjun bere feliraed to ber home this week. lire. Henry &Stnton uofiisgleuiole. and àdro.,Rger ut Chicago, r-lAired (Irayosie on business Tueodqky. lir. Gontier and famais ut Chîcao. epet a ev day. at the Allen Farts .3iut reesti>'. lit. Gotier le edtor and manager of thb. Ten 8tor>' Boo." Mmre.Aekers e svry e et ber home on Wepterôfld Place. John Bock died et hie bomne on Wmser. eld Piai:. Tuesday uorninu ater an lilueseof aSlow vese. lir*. Baldwinla visieting relatives at Aigoaquin tus vweek. lire J. E. Meade of CUblg, epent the. week-end vitb relatives bere. [demie kegau. »leni- at re. icipala i. lu- ch for- utlu e 9v- t le>' muid a ke vîI I. in hso be- vhilr plaed toient- ait! lo- le tic cmli e Con- kt dIf- lhsîee s verv tri te b>' mn- a Ca" lu ti beothle Squit. Fe feel uci lu To negeet lb.skia e' 10 oforfolî Ils ja*tractivenais. lire. Netea wbowviii be'mt he R"xli Drcg ètore nezt vemi viii heU jou hoir 10 car lot Ibme kin. DrmDrad"C. t Qualitt OPieegraphers. CalI on ne-Vent dh Bulwaukegan. 4bonI 50 men attendilthtieclam e: lie George Clevelandfisin on 1ke. Wetinistay, Sept. 3. ue.coneistiusg of clama, Cdam ciov- ,cbicteu, bai. potatoe, corn. etc. <mli wste thé it)I, vas as Bie ja goas evmebeWi&mved t hsucau Qualty Photlppene. tnon 'us-Vent & ll Wmukmgan. enjotheb.benefits of a ermni t wIîh a noted beauty apeialiat from Ibm viii kuovu HR OYTOILET GOODS.. LABORATORIES« Blouton. If you are iusemeted1 thse bautfying of y'Oat akine, md &. autelmn 'it i j a plisme% orus to mE ôrd you lise opporhuisty seoune - A FREE MASSAGE IN YOUR OWN HOMIE BY APPOINTMENT write, cmli or phone DiU [MRIG oea. l£REXALL STOR u tthe eectnlcal storm, lest wed- Iseda>' fterooon. Allord Ricards harse vAs Otreck b>' igbîening au.d tii.sbiaig. leso ooe end yene toru off, but no fuýrlile amagedone..None of the baIjt vat home at the titos. SThe lâteriot of thc barber &hop coeeu OW» Vp.uIW4 0;Cariey Ceght onlire lui Moi>Yêtrloup manne? ous d*i es veesi a hie imeror badly' *puawg&d .lire, Abert Kappie enterthlnd thse Luth Club at ber borne iase Thusuda>' Mire. Belm eutertatoed ber faier trom 0Torses Park th. latter part ofthUe veet. Lyman Dennieon vistd bils eler lire. Jobn Mitcell a fev tiays let vest. Lyman ha. a glood position la a b)utter factor>' lu Waterford, Wie. Tb.e4'Aagola Comeler>' Soiety mnes Ibis veet Pinde>'attrnoon vitdaUmesMary Kerr. ile.é Pierce 0t Chlo, leaîleittng ber daugisêe., Mue.'Daîrympie and Mrs. »filler. lira. John MlUtbeil anti littie daugbuer ae spendiîng a veet or Ian daya wilb friendtis in Beloit, Etigrton anti Evans. ville, Wio. Mir. ldilîccIl joined bler iatur day fur a vee'. vacation. 1,e Bherwoo t asactepteti the pool- l'ion mp foneman for tise Western L'air>' Co. liesc, i laîce of B. Lsshetr, whù bas1 retrnaed 10 i boune ia Nev York. Seisool Lir lu goiug un tb!@ veet Prîda, and ti alde>'. Chiltrea have pr»pared quise an iit.-nsîvi exhubit anti a ân prograu le aigu preparet istbf munic anti epsçld speak.rs . Fred Webéir te tiiving a DOv car. Wltis ivo picture shows a veet, beeldee an occeonal ohlier entertain- ment, vs need not seisfor amusement. J. F. Pickering gave isie ravel tait on Utah andthle MormoneslasI veet. anid it proved ver>' interestitig. Qullly Photagrapisirs Cali On us-Veut & BuIl Waukegan. ÂNTIOCH tirs. W. W. Waninen va@ stopplng lin tbe cl>' lest wsel&. t W. S- Wieâtleke vas la business vl*lîur lin Chicago Thursla>'. A litIe son arriveti et thc bouse otflMr. anti Mnr. (bodel Inde>'. Mise Helen Burkc receavedth 1e largsst aumber ut votes at the Eludson sboir 7hlb vas lielti bere dcrlng lb. veel, tbeneby recslilng ltee4daond ring. Tbe two yeer ulo boY of Idn. anti Miro. David Palles disd FrWldand -mdaiut- led Sunda>-. The prmètdatve the sym. pathi>ofthb.cummunîl>'. Ms-s. Bonser @pont Moud.>' lu Chicago, Ineres Poveus a&80 su. Laurel, and 1liarid Flber n-crr Monda>' vioitora la the City'. M,»s Anete lUC".r ant iHelen Buirte rleiteti u inte Ci tte tirest ofthe- veek. Qualiiy Photographe-a Cali on us-Veut & Bull, W&ukegan. Wtord reecieti bers Suna>' uoornhng 0I tIsedet teliof i. lata», vifs of ieb- ard Pantail at the bots.etofMre. Julia Adï.us at Clîlcgo Lava, humeraI at Milunscemelar>' au 2 P. M uièa.ý lirs. A. K. Bain and idAughtet 'eels deveraI tiayi vith rlvei e l < i o relurssng hume qeq 3, «ay Tb@E octeam «bnisool osme4*sda vutb Mleuensaane. ai ta". Mir. antiMLievi.vI te»dmaidamgba senU S uaday UasRoMOtiLmk e aliSte latter', parents,Mli nmd lire. Wma. Clave. laud. mis" Mantidevelmnd_ pent SuDae viti ber pameat J-seDenasanle vlsiîlng bhis son, C. B. Dong=. Fred M[edUe of Somers, Wis., Iran- saceti hbuslon geela uuru hiepeut veet. E. A. Miartin $Peut Bàmadmy ;Isbis% sister Mire. Adams aItOligo Lm'n. 1 Mise Videa JelW»vas a(hicago i. thon tus vomik. )ira. 3MeDoweil returneti te Cerni, Ne- braite iret of lis. vsk. Mlie DovelI vîli remala vîtis ber timgbten lu Waukcgen vwas ver>'%Veil att@Dentit R G. iluirie anti faîsîli>'anti Davidi Ilurnie calltd at John Boinps-s iast Bon. day. Mir. anti ilrs Koeneu anti son spent sunda>' eub htIe bornaloks. \e J.D Tnaynon antfil>' bâve moveà er Pikerviie. Eari Pediey i.. worting un Kenoâba. J. B. Fanltnes- ba@ returned rouhils trip 10 Calfornie.o Aosa anti Wili Corni e vesKeuosba -,ti.i tors las& Monda>'. itchool opsacti ou Monda>' vili MWe Josie Eddyi>'as toucher. $ho drove so cebool antias@ho vas ^bout go get imbu tie buzgis the boreetartei. Miss Eddyi> eangbt ber fot in the vicel anid broke lier le«. Quali Il>Photogrephera. Caîl on us-Vant & Bull, Wankega. - ABAD BREAK OF2 BONES IN FORI3ARM Fred Steatiman, employed as fore- man o! tic Bowuen Dai>' at Gurnes, auffereti e compounti fracture Of the ione. ln bis rght atmn laiesInitia>' aft- e rnocn vhen s latiten on wvildi e vas standig ilippeti on tli e Wt fon anti be feul onto a big seel siaft. Sîcatirans ngi as-m caugit in 00e of tii big stecl plle's iand boi ione. Bnappeti. Tic boue enta veto pro- lrudlng trou uic flesi>' part o! tie forearos vhen Dr. A. E. Bro-wn, su- ie rîntentient of tic Laite Cotent>' Gen- er;îl Hospital, erriveti onthie scene and ie luometitatel>' erderedt lat lie uîllureti man bu ruaiedt 10tic hospital. HAPPY HOLLOW BETTER. Wortham Shows WilI Offer Clame andi Whoiesnms Vas-it>'Entertaisomsnts. HuPus'itulollw-tse Mildwvay. tIse MIe. tif the State Fuir-le tu grow tL.,Yeuriirtut au amusement place uvrti. whsleie f Use reports o! al vio bave vlited the Wonttsam Shows t. te be believeit. Blate Fair officera, more- over, have made sure tsaItishe coudes- senos are deandnt orti>' of a anie la -The Greatest Fait on EartILt" The Wortiam management lia s» sembieti a variaI>' of amusement troupe. hilcihbave picasti crovde la ever>'- state ila lb, Union. 'te' jean the insty vole of lise spemier anti the viid anti Iigi muste of the metry-go-round vlI 001 b lac*. lng as lie great masse* of &tisI0QuS vIsitons Pour dovn lie Iili at-, tnain entrance. Tise Worliam people promise sasse exlraugsuerpries la thse va>'of ramA aboya. vilti ves perme"s, vaudieville, otidities, tainng teste and ail thse test cf lis.etrange hiüzgaeno in Midi*pagreaio . Happy~oi~w, bginnng Spt. 17, .111li ha g >anti glati spot t tise BlaeFair grount.an md lie munie viii not ces.e untilthie lait vListor bas de. pasted an Selurda>' isgit of Blate Fuit Week- Uru. E.Cuncn for sous lime. Quelîl>' Photograpies-e MANY COUMTY EXHIBITS. Cail on us-Vint & pullweukmgan. Furm Exprtsellelp InArrsusghg Pst - Dispia>'.Atethle éSala ais. LA= M jTiers viiilic an unasoali ntersl- f_____ ,1~jIng ssortment of county agnîcltorat i bae taen pssesioncf ti B ci- exisithle Doue building et tise 1 bae taen pssesion01 te Ilinois Stale lPair li ysar, Sept 1?- emii @hop forosti>' ovn. b>' FrM>k 2S& This ta due ho lie inemiast lm-. SBehla and svili do boumeeoelg et d lUvetus giveu te agriculture ln may kunde 0f ipii vont vwihithtatlon. counties b>' dagcounI>' faim atéâers. e32 l avI Depev. BWemtls. Plan aeluig matie for iut.rimil Quallty Pholognapliere. dgpis of products, ant oinlg hteh vol ssaon soue ver>'fine immee éfrein OBeil ue nant & Bull, Wmumgeu. lade net*«ôîlow as te be'endiagase -" b>'iocoda are expeclet. 0 ssale SsSS te dPdisg B evral countica lnthe * -staSe 'ok Sois. et the domie igmale mlaoe sobitantiai appropriations for lime far leS»*tw amathve humJa*, lâhm dlspia>'sever>' year. Tise litreet hla te. poieoaa of Certain timie.'o 4 e li pla>'. hovever, rtesti »nmarily ohhaer -hb&Wâtis e>' l m realutlagMtise inteÇest 18 fsxin-Mod-Us MioUU Daver tien -su la otberpolacue du tesident. 0f lie Connei. & dxéocieutgssis. s-Tisarivairt Iiiyogi viii e sel. Irk*Mm. _____ Qualit>' PhofegrapIsem pQssl toegrpisa 0.a1 o.ns-Vent -&ll. Wauksgm . Cmi on s-Venà t & ll mueV u m Danse am Amma.bail Batur4apýigbt, Shlt. i8th. . A&mlWeoou 50oper couple. Eenrv laneen bse tarted tbe banda- tion os bis giraew. It sufre wiii b. a Thi rabd Isding in utu Bàuud Alie front Davia» corner lu beisg Inlehbed vit a doss of graveluet presiens. GS. Cleveland vili ulve a (d"ohbalte aad isot on the hauts of Sound Lake P. Woher of L.ake VilewP"seidd a ne vgln ar f rts oem &Tiulen W. A. Rosing vas a Chicago vleitor on Mondai. liartin Thelen @peut lltit Mondiay. lu Ubertyville. Quality Phot.graphoms CaIi on us-Vent & BulL Waukegan., RUSSELL Thore vere no services ffindai eveifing on acauontoutfiée storm. The Ladies Aid %il] meut wltb Mlii. ueo. DeFerris on Tbursday atternoon sept. 30. Several froti here will attend the i.i vrautre fair. The Cemetary ffocipty at iIdru. Oliver'@ An Interview, With Presidnt Lncoin lisefiftliti issuemiy of thse reg. a dy that depsIveti a4gauon 0ftls b.i<i e and et tse mine lime Maesasart'u viii swon b.bu em Tbuie vbo livel durtng Mr. LUuols tltdie remeuber hbi. é aslmS ut ts Msltnees. tMal tumoou ptne Bics eu stensd bit asfo ti. iareloa droitone" viti h lis b.osteess lise eblp of sbute tirougs the turbsulent votera of fout years 0f wit, lie msssloation wva oni of lie unittrUee events of the vorld's bistor>'. It w va aabaci la tle etamaor bad bien giduate tfroun one of lie le imtera coliegmand had silecitid joainallu for a oiselse. Whou ssked viet wu !is>'Vocation I dmtSnot rep>'-1Iasu a reprtr.-but "Journa- ism" ~Prom 1h18istl to Dticiferreti liai 1 bati a blgb opinion Or tue 115ws. paper Duslnmgs sud a correspundlngly 111gh opiniqir t My o*8 ottributes. b& llsg insnez«alted a csllig. My vork vas vida a Chicago neye, paper, andi some tâme aTter Abriaam Lincoln-* eleetion 10 lie preel<lency o! thse Unitedi Stabe à vaselirecteti b> the uanaglng idiatotugo ta Spriag- field& se. Mr. Lincoln. If possible, and Set au Interview. i artivei la Sprtng- fild ln lie morniag andi un the aliter- noon vent In Mr. Licoins home, 1 vras, sarprised t hbolntadmîtteti viti- nul an>' cermon>' vatqver anti vas asiered into a lvIng routa. vberein est lise oeurtpreaidmaln à arocktog chair. Tbes e ers tvn 11111e boys. bis5 sons, vid huim. tihene Sitting on hie abouIder. inaintaailng bis position by bis grlp vida bots bande on the presi- dent eleceuté ahTb* otier boy vas c"iýblng up bebint IWtia viev 10 dis- pute bis brotbe» osut andti 10effeet s elunllar lotgmensonia tis er siseai-' der. Mir. Lincoln vis remintietfrom ris log viii one boy en, Wu Clionîder sud anotiser holding ou te bis ceat doller. Be excVsd ihult for not Coing eo and put ont bis bandi lu a vVry frlttd>' vey. But bu Mode m aï saa Iostop thea boys freints tisr atislette amuse- ment.Thla did nuoî ee tuime quite la keeping vils bis digoit>' as tihe cdiningchie ot heittve or a great ne- Noen-to Me, a Jouaraltiderepresenati tive of a great wfvapper. Hlowever. 1 sSpt«e my ?eelge and iegsn the interview. Oirel draving torIls viii as macS luportance - s o ilîsu a noilebool la vwhcih lsy ~w~a remartable tacts wilcs tie presitient lect vonitiannonce tirougi us tu tic nation. *'Mr Lincoln," 1 i li. ]shall b. Much obige tebuyoti.If Ton vill give me the cames of sîscb menîhers of four I cbe;.as you may bave deielde npaI n.anti int poile>'yenomlai tend to puisa.. If ion have mer opeon a polie>'." Mr. Lincoln lookeeta me Lauan kine ly, an fatherly e a>' ai I 1believeti ho voniti 51ve me sncb Information as would enabîs me t%~ astoniai the "I saai be glati2 Se satti. "10 du 10>thlng for yenuln mv power." "Bave yon selle an yurcabinet Min. bucelur -Oh. yen. Bvery mem ber bus beau decItietiapoI." "Anti bot poltcYr" "That bas bien tietermîlneti too.» Tiers vas soncting la hise ye lias puzled me. "Woul y'on avaieny objection 10 lving lien te me?" "Noue vlsstever. ois sre v*lcausa to lt ail. Notbing voniti give MOuabre Ilessumts ban 10give"- He vus trying tu put bls bauds lns his poneke-a someviat difIceuit mut- ter vidae boy on each ebauldor maul- aig hlm-to drev torIls soumltblb bu met Ondins visai hbasntsd. h.,eue Inceel: -nhe trudh a tatIa it orf M i met andi un ouilasofMy polie'areslui hem dusiove tl3ere. sud J bave kml hae k1i." I « <-a equek glance et bis e>'. and MW a > apa-Rri in l. vho$lle . eu- mu of l>lsmomtisversqwarisi eq: à tenir tu t" eltuatien et coca. mIb lue My molMisotIan a im d.ai- id. vu about to vltdtrawv via b. whypped me. "Oit dov& o ung man.» lbe saiti. Pesbape 1 mai give you ou. «bte oitnt at lste moi locked i ai> itii. i aiy su3. tonabave côme railtise vsî trou ebIcege -for fielm asd if you Ce baek euspt7 bandedti ie>' voo't ike1 M Tiers nia>'hb. omelisingit eause>'1 te belliros ont." Ife prooeffl 10 tell me bura-u bimei to ieeledtion tIsat ba lve bite irelen. andi 015ev Stem 1 tat viiduptpledge hixnteo49Xpr- 1 fiffurours, ail of viciIe t1lookdevu I saim di. Whii e tcabd Ouisise 1 oh« or tie boys and. oiing-i bouait tb hafb o wolti qrelygo1 tirvougislise eeiliug-put ont tbs aMe«t rond'ban4 sand i nathé- if bis ffl>' amllegb.d. me aieu. hapln tat 1 vooi4saiifty my journarp bohna Tt hlanMuLenca.S in a àCt bas Page Sq WOMNWEDS A BUTCIER [NIE IN RACE RIOT SUNDAY Police Called to Dady Farm by Golf er Who Witnessed a Fight on Sunday. 'Waukegan, Sept. 13. r A race riot staged b>' tires Rus- s iens and ivO Armnioans on lhe DadY tari near lhe golf grounds Bunda>' uornng termlnaîed blie In. Jury ef lie ivo vomen combalanîs. One girl iras feiled to the ground b>' a blo, etruck bY ber father. and the mother of thse girl met Injur>' by a hie-wbilch One ef the Arueniens la alieged te bave sirucit. A rlot cal) vas sent toto the Weu- kegan police b>' members of the golf club who witneassd tie afteay. One Of the Armeolans tbld this story of the figit 10tete police on Monday morniog. "N>' brother 18 a cigar maker and Owns tie ?actory on the Dady farm. Thie tiree Ruestans MIiithe land. and occupy a part of lie bouse. Eariy Sunda>' mortlog ve useti a pan whilc ts>' ownIn bathIng veandu on one of tbe bonses. The voman rusheti out of tie bouse anti begen callng me &Il the vile ames fiat sic eouid la>' ber tengue te. Tien ber fathen ap- peened on tbe scene and be calieti ber a name hIlch was lhe rankest in- suit that a mans couid la>' et lbe teet of bis lsvfe. The, girl asked ber felier If be koew lie meaning of the pbraae he bed used. and be atrucit ber a blow ln tbe face. SbWe felI t9p th grossot, andi I picked her up anti threw vater in ber face. She was uo. conscieus. Tien my> brother gnebbed the Rustan. ant i plne i hm te the gronnd. rai a second bie vîfe ap- Peareti on tise scene wieldinV e big butcher koife. 1 tookthle knlfe ave>' tm-ber. land inov seedaims that 1 etruck ter Jo the face vltb my flot.,, According te lic Police, D n-e ets viii lie matie peodiog e furtier ln- vestigatiun. The Russien fermer caims that hilevite la dting, but tbe Armeoteos daim tiat aie is sham- ming. and that tiey cao prove liat shs bas net been lojured. The Young Russian girl la seititb take the part of the Anmentan wbo le ai- leged te bave ehruck ber motber. "I feared some une wouid lDe killeti wiso the olti vôman eppearsd on tihe scene viti thse butcber knlte.,' eed one witnesse. EXTENDS IVIks iog dons ID puipita ailoerrthe -coun- unry b>' stcere anti cloquent churci men. Tiere la no more ardent or ef- fective etivocate for milila>' neati- tiens tien Blsiep Samuel Faliova e! Chicago. Thientmes of active meub»esof the Nat>' league are presente b>' Nr. Levis. sbovtog Rev. George Rob- enta of Laite Forest to is a memue. PIG CLUB AT FAIR. Boys ansd Girls WII ii slblt ut Big Ex. positioun TisleYean. 1n Ortier 10 encourage boys anti girls Of Illinois 1 t an inhlaereet lai thm ralsing of igs clasa pige, provisions bave beeni matie for an exiîbit b>' the boys andi girls' Plg clubs et the Ilinois htalo Fait, Sept. 17-M5 Boys loti girls between tise agieto ten and elgiteen ymars are lhe con- testants fon lie prizea, vbibare et. fereti b>'the Stite Boardi or Agriculture, the mUinois Live Stock Breetiere' asso- Cation andtihle varlenis sine associa- lions. - Tise ireetia siovo viii be tise BenkabiMeCiester-Wite, Durocecp se>', Hampstire anti Polenti Chine. No charge -viii b. matie for the pasan admission ticket vili bi turoflt ecih contestant: on application 10 john a. Cuip, superintendent of avine anthle Illinois Live Stock Breedere association vii renter tranisportation 5asistance providet Previoni fArrangement»s are mate tirougi the siat. leader. ive preminuiscof $10eci are offer- ed la ecdidiess for Ijîlers of pigg un- der six mentIs. for. boa- piga aider silx mentie andi fer 50v plgs uater six mondas, tha BlaSe Boarti of Agnicftlre paing hall pf the Premius andtihie association PaYlng thse otier hait. Otlsp rises are oireriti.j Thé boyse anti girs-l' plg clubs have been organizedl ail over lie ulule, antid lia>' are doing.a greet vont in aoue.j ing interest la Pure bret pigi. la 'WOMEN AT PA. TRIOTS WAMY r PHELD BY LEIWIS Mayor of Lake Forest-and Re- view Board Member, Re- sents Slur on Them. AÀtietease 0fclrgyenani Volen as patriola vas utiereti today, mark. Iog lie fri controversy between tic Sithento uniteti forces of mili!ary pre- pareduess. Tiat pastors anti vouen arc tait- lng conspicuous parts in tic vork of .-ouIng national sentiment for a îtrong erre>' and 0ev> and tiat ticir tievotion tbu heircountry' le of thle blgiest cellier, vas tiecleret b>' William Matier Lewis, Mayor o!f Lake Forest andi an oniScial of tic Navy league. He vas uoved le speair by remaria attribuled ito William Ever- ett Hicks of Nev York. e national de- fense advocate. vio la saidti 1 have dismissedtheticpeac>'. propagande vith tie assertion liatIfItla conducted "b>' women ant i ubisters."e 1Gi of Changes by Hickse. . Rave yDu nolicedtihbet the red bloodeti people of Chicago are con- aPicuotîs b>' ticîr absence et tie so-e calleti peace convrention, aald Mr.b Hickts. -Women and ministers arec the noncombalant ciass Jo Ibis colin. try, anyway' Mr. Hickts vould nfot clas minis- ters and wnmen generall>' as 'non- cumbatants' if be tbok thte trouble te lok up figures concertsing tie sup- 8 porters of the big nos-y movementIl tirougbout the tUnited States," sait!ie M&. Lvis. f '«On lic tola of tic vouen's au- xillar>' of tiche v> leagus tiere are nov 25,000 names. and ln ever>' cou- munit>' lie vomen leaders iilicbhalit of prepanetiness are aiso leaders ina ctvie andti llectual Interesta. l1 lai. certaini>' unfeir toelur Amerîcan ci l- izens vio vean tiec clo0f lie i cc sa e aving noopatriotlc and veec 'paclifst' ideas. 1 teffectuai propeganda vwon 40 Roof Scaffold -Brackets sand a piece if 2z4 canilinc muCe thse steetuis- l'or, posil. Cna lct i elnBe- dipete sbinaeu sor reof. ledsnuhh m e a i S a e t J m e . a b o mt a s , t n d o r PRitïE TRIAL""'0n" 04 fdot onr lie jo t. "ontretor Wrt odet, O50.D anms . 15OND"s. I Don't #welter is a bot kitchen Ibis sumissen. Come in and see out full lune ef FLORENCE Ôit-Cook Stove. Tise fir>est oil noves msade. Fui>' tuarnterdWheber yoea have decidcd te bu>' mm oU nove or net, let us dms.you-ihsisse. Absolutel>' reliable--simplmuto TOM WALU15T hardwre NMM' iOiilOiAL PIIOLiOA'ttoef> Report of thei Condioou fe lociteti et Labte Villa. Staisiof Illinois, betore tas cossues, suent nf busines nts 'la, Of SePtember. 1915, sumadtuCthe andtor nf pubge Aoeounis cf the8ttreonittiréole. ilurtuat tblac.ae fnao "b-.MUR . Loana on real essaie ........ Loans on collaterpi samriti ........... 700 (ta671. a d discounis ..........5t 2 6.79 Other bond@ ant idities ..........o.t7.50 10»7.50 4 liarLseStéous Emo>UacM. t r. sand aIXScs............... 2.24.50 5.D= 2=FeQu 2t ...................44.42 2455 Stae .................. ............ t. 1A ...................... .. ..954 126.6 **1v.,*coin......*..... ........0 Mano, Coin ........... .. ...... ..1 . 7 .7 TOTA&LR»ioucou . 1 .............. ,41u ,u .LIABILITiES. 1 .Capital stock Pain lnn... ... ......... $5,5,5( Les%.curntterest suntiad taxe. siad U 4. t @ZLonse Tilme Oerutcaiss......8 Sawins,. sabject t0 notice ......... ..2.n0 abite................. B M B T.r" L. tiAslu ...... .. .. . 1.0. -A. Mitehell. sais, nitas Late Villa Trust h a .8 i.udMIs0le sWear ut5h50tieabois 54m5504li.tmse te tas bitsO~I( $TATE OF ILLINOIS. vouv nt ci Lates. e Rutsecrbed Band sevrn 10 betors me tai 01 dyn DMNT ,WY 1sÂ~J ~OOUNT~ fl4D~PENDPaiT. PRIDÂY. ~P5V~M'Ru~ 1'? loi ~ Dr. Fouitivonît of Cileago. s guesî st the bonis of lire. slîsabeti W bituore. LoveilI ,hitunore letIlest wlekt.1 muiss bume wtb hissant linElncoc, Win. There vii be àapecimi meeting of tbe Ocrosiimtbapter No. 29. 0. E. S. nez t Wedeeedmy .veniug, Selt. 22nd ton Idre. o itsUurore 91 Kaànsas. ses guest ý10 1 relative ber.. YWin. Pbipe »aaid tamil>' las rWsigeti ils position m aiasager of the Mac. Tarisse targe.Elis place vas taten b>' 9mr.hes of liulibrnu. Wm. Whlluaore anti feuil>' ut Liberty'-t ~vIlie, versocues ofutMiie. E. *Ibituore Dan'i forget tltIad"ir. Idellon, the buant>Speelatt. ili ibeeeMonda>', -Sspt. 20ciaad vil le, ber. natil Sept, 26th. sbb. viiiSir. ycsu a free temon- Saalo f Barmon>' CoÉplexiou Ple. qusiltuesn yonr home. The exali Stre.» Wrn. Pester ant isblsons of Wentsgen, won a caller boe Tuestia>.t Orantima Book, vie bisa been quite iii le somew bal improisti. Mark NevIlis, vbo bas ecompîsted iebi gemmer vort et ltseliexali Store bai iempted e position vili the Rezail Dru«g Morestmi Lbrtyvilla. (Continued Itou pagie ODký apprlsed just viat th. . a « mta« attorneys Intend to do but U&id ba bad reason to believe tiat su appemI migit be taken ln an order to We ont of paying the back taxes wbleb tbe revlew board ordered muet b. laid. *.1f the>' do we wiii go tie ilmit wth liem." he eaid. "Thie evidmicy. ln oui opinion.sioved that the 8e«4% People shonld have ban ger.0 va>' a muci larger ani'nt theu board of review tought waiI b fair. The defendants ver. given lhe benefit of ever>' doubt. Now, If lie>' aPPeal, ve viii mandemne the board to brlng in a judgment ln acoordance with tie evîdence we pres«,IW4." There are ,eomne vio belleve, liat 'the Judgment viii beJpad vithont mucb quubbling. Tiey t tlk the Sears People vouid ratier pa>' the amonof ibtis judgment ratier than stand the chance of. Oavlng to va>' mOre ln case an appeel ta tacen. -As far 'as the members of thse board_ are concerned, hey sa>' tie>' entered tie judgment in accordence viti the evideoce' asthey sa i, They say liere vas room for consid- erabie doubt ln some phases of the evideoce and these metters iad tn be teken loto consideretion ver>' carefully. The hein 0fr Frank 'Y!'rsIeY, vin vas kiiied b>' an electric car en the Cicago and Milvaukee eloctie road near Racine ln s eptember, 1913, havre started suit against tiat compan>' for $10,000. The Papers vere filed ln tlie circuit court at Racine Saturday. On the eyening of September 18, 1913, WoreleY vas driving vits a leai of fiffea. He started In cross the tracks on Àsyium avenue. One of the cars came along at a rapld rate and struci the vebice e qUareiy. WonsleY vas throvis a conederable ietance hontthe north of the ilgiva>' and ntastl>' kied. Qualît>' Photegraphsna. Cali on us-Vent ~Bull, Wau&egan. TION TO MEMBERS 0f ASSOCIATION Chicago Association of Com- merce to Have 'Fellowship' Tent at State Fair. Waukegen, Sept. 9. The Chicago Assciation et Com- merce hes extendeti an invitation to memierd o! tic Waniegan associa- tion tâ visil themic atquertersaet hic State tain et 0,4ppngBieit. This buIld- ing np of a spirit o! "*gooti fcllov- sblp" over lie state vUii develop e comunil>' btércat liaI c1n be matie le vont vendes-s. The sans.prinel- Pie appliedti bu aite.count>', as le be- tog donc b>' our ovo commercial as- sociation. cen. If carriet In thle rigit spirit, maie Laie counl>' in ev- et>' respect the banner dounh>' inoli- noie. The Chicago association,& let- ter foliva: "Chicago, Sepieuber 8, 1915. "Mr. R. N. Magiui, Becretar>', "Commercial Aasociation, "'Waukegan, Illinoi. 'rh ienuloiscommitee of tie Chfi- hago Association o! Commerce vil bave e 'gooti teliovsiip lent' on the btaie fait grounids at-Sprlngbleld, Sep. temuser 20 te 2E. "Tise lent vil be locaeet near lise grand stand, betveen the Sangauso Club andthle batlesiip amuour ex- suIbt, ant ilinoiq comIsItee anti oh- ir association rspresnhmaives VIII b. present 10. greet vtîilore. jWe Initte thie membmrs o! your. organiation, andti tpfr fiendsaua webi, to -iit the IlIfàoos commîtte tnt. W. visi 10 laie ativantage et is opporlunit>' bu renew aoqualat- iode. Use the Mflios commitîhee tant s a conienient meetlig place. Tbe note free>' you do so lie billet vs shall Se pleaseti. 'PMesse pas along Ibis svont of weccome to 'otit membnship. Wm look forvarti vili plegaire ho ment- lng you anti yeun aseocl*tes et Sprlng- eiti, "Ver>' cortiali>' >ours, "B. EL GAGE, Chaîruais, "Illinois Commte.." Quslity Photographes. Dail on us-Vent & Bull, Wmukegan. Quslit>' Phetmgnmpinm. u onus-a-uet à Bu% wankefau. a%