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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Sep 1915, p. 8

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se pa fin sac insrtio pot "ix + w rese "aee eIMdferaln afle uoooti -narslofmna tobe "" "ite i cetred e Lue«poM ttha i retpcint ofai W¶1 At, hop,'BabSk &Beckr so ette ,,tin blnapepoInjurbie*re Une"cb»ý Adre Bo 17, L-,iceatd hn nbisaedtio n asuttr Vi.a WiD Uni .1thene iii. baidgeen Shreidfra lon tiuneas sthe eit aI menacrobe FUR SALE-Or ore=., bggys iuff.uTh îe s lu lic Ho akhelt a'pflabo&W 'Bact & ppin.ckepr bu. cuttiua do thainjusre -Inortit of the Stanley Fild home. Phiono 70. op FO -BuWgy. harne.., e u!tIS,' mm . .J. Mn"e.. Plamei FOR SAL-A largequamttY 0aibLe 3elow OBOUlonud voie.potatoeo. Cai i 50JRobert L&eon, Aea. 52c1 i FR S ALE -à =eondb..;oa aue witI ave, regrvcfr and water.tanik.a Ch.ap. Mmra J. B. MacOuffto. Lberty-b viii.. 5w. FOR SALE-N.uw 88 note Pis> or Piano. But maike. WinI oeil for eush or terme. Addrue C. D. F. Cre lndependeut. *520> FOR SALE-Bay tanmtlu good candi- qion, ut 950 lb acI, aima llght wt. ten.i harem. alunot c. a barglu Iff boughtd at once. . L. Wasabbru, (raslie, Di.i FMR a^LE--8-room hanse; City Wus. ter feu. eectri --fgit and bath;: l& arg erd am i gado; % block frant WaeblngtonlSt. Car line; rente fora lis par mnt; &IBOfrointone to ave acre. aofInProveIWOni.rIol si. sutabie for trnck garden, or ilI oIl', la ue9smte lots. Aidresa 1521 Wa*-d ingtstcm *..Wsnieoan. 'DL. Éor i1om B 'Waukagm 1399-W. WklyLt ]g lgluala Nebeasia1tamib hume, trom Pù tu1su per sels. Write L <WMON6 C s i ln C.tBu~ g bel e. Ike u* -CM*, OMM .0; LOb molw 44 .»mt l omfo FOR RINT--TIl os carmer of Lncoine sdSeatAve., Inqoireogos . E. WANtTEd.-2 or 8 toculohai roome tor liaIt t iokelga o t. ct, lt ed- -dfimlire 721 C Ideene c. 12e1 Schultz vas au rouista te thehome ai bis vifes. nother, Mrs. àlspas,j wher. ha vste ge is Is ie sn4 taie lber lame. As heovas maiu lte tui n aShrinurosi ta Cross the bridge. anauben car approachei train lb. narth. The glsrbag hend- milite caiai Schultz te gel canuuad aud la nmre tanner the Ford tour"n car crailigi igainst the rsilingsuad s. le vas gcins at s goci clip, Il broie the ralllng an& plunged head- long ta the bottaiolte ravine, ni- ly 60 foet babyw, canrybt lte'driver vilh l. The alarmisodo. preai. fer th -'-rsh vas beani lu îhe Favier honte ani people ram mb othe ravine vbere tbey touai the vtctbm bnrled ln the debrls ai the car vhich vas sunamei ta piaco$. Wl. evietlm us taten ta the bmIni snd s machina sueuhurriai hlm Laie Frent hospiai, where, Dr. e ven attended uit. He vas literally crusled, bls ribe, collar boue sud site baing broien, but. accorig ta Dr. H4von, île mont serions part van the Internai Injuries he receltoi. .'"He havons betusen lite and dosîl," ali Dr. Rlaven lat, Mondai moral"i. litre. Schultz had beau suai ait s mmntarluirn iornmnte and. am tou lad leit there 10 go taehanrntotben's hoo.eLaie Bluff. Schultz bai vis- Itad ie o ohre Sturaiand founu lier go sncb botter -lihtihoeanranged ta go aMer ber )Dutday sud take ber Uame ta Wiluietto. He us esauroute tben wlben thd accident aopurrei. Theo béidge ila question in ai Iron OomslrtClonan sd on' elther aide ai lé arethlCi Woods, go ane uniatullar wii i ts location...vauli barili 'look for- a structure at that polit Hav- etvor, it la toila ht BabltzvS. tom- illar yul îlhe enrrouadinss sud Pr-el ably toit fiaI ho voild net test amLy- budy as travel that wa! la Uttle mince the Green Bay rosi vsopenai te ltaé voit. Il Io the tOral tinetat -i 1 recal a machine bsplunged aven île ravine unsr aur haone," matd Mrs. ]Fouletr. eaMaig:,, "We bean the crash In cnr hoansd ai course aid vis burriei Lta île victint. I knif lttle els about e t exceptiug that about 15 font of the rstillng 1e braken off the bruÏ. . Reports mie tht another -car bai gens aven s bridge linFort'Bheridin ,Sunday niglt. Inquini falls taeshov _ani sncb accident, Fort Sheridan a!. L Ocers decing tbey bearnthing af WANMTED-To onde.0dta 120 reui ultI Ronai lidinif onuItpraved rond, S holysen Gi-syste and Gru.. M]du KIeRA II ( be lai-gain. Adiresa Box 281,Lb Fo..52 lMu lm, aK man vante place in country.' il l 101 on slai-e or vont bp math. Addresm ___ Lait box 865. làhen$yvliUe. SpI. Vaukegr-Sp WAIItUD-OirIta blib do Muera' îRlatives and Mrei ilrs. Mary loumevaér, nt, fan.. . J~bo.Jhnson, te lieni colorai vo&Un ca;i D Rég vIahovas burnmedltenibli lest Moda! lherly-ville. Phoum 2764i-2. OlI P2 * hweti 1er bei cieîllug cauglt irje, msy ho sppesled ta for sections + . . . . . . . . iofcticie lu a mseit la decided tht + ~SO LL&NE 'vs *S)dU.giaitltg la ecessany ta sUV@ tbe LLa~4t t~T~~Oa ~ -It ta diffiuit ta lsy lest ai pros- ta daral onta t uheor o l kin-gat. 180* PrePwmr o d &LMdi fpeds ieyupuh deep the draute ort Mingo pe Iitch. huma -aissd lau difficulItitla ton ln b aud or machine. Roerm Ibhm taoa1"Dr. W. S. Beliao, île sttenditig plaimian, pald taday. '-I on Uhiaeno efUas or White Hanse thé hurm aie deep t 'ouI be noces- as..3. C. Cari, Rt. 2, Wauegan, mry ta grafi On comierable 110w Whete au appeal viiil e maie ta relatives on uhether partions ofa sKI vilii e removed irai alter portions ai île victim's body sud piced aver the bnnei portion, la not inovu. In- dications are that miiiY a stali foot ai cuticie vilil e ueded. This vouli hate ta ha put an. a emali.sctlou ai a lime. lira. Jaluman appeans ta lave seversl tari deep hurme. Mer cees, back. arme, mIauldons sud face etono ail burued quit. eveeiy. JThere in 11111e change bu the'vie- tirmacondition It the Proeut lime 61td it viii ho impossible Intell011fat a iev dais as ta vhelter or ual the skin-gra!llug viii ta uecessary. The manner lu vblch lira. Johnson et ifie ta the bei clotblng las nai yet beau detenîuluei potitely. £yen the mombers et ber eus fsiuly art ual aureont fthin Point Boyd Bel her aou.lulay, bistered i baude paininUly vlan he tlrev île bumnln lied ciothlaint ai ib.te vindcu'. tViLlE gW #iyave TbU NUo ene ai$M. ,st asaouudlug n te evoetoet runleengins yen ever moaà adi u. thift I ces drive eily. W. baugltit tt!tbi .s K otor Compa Il hane but onli ster vo lai coueldered&ail ofth îlptadrd a"e. W. edei lIaim »Ymy lInavo ouli gel a car tite a tilud"baer for lten u81050 ihwoa a gon adurcl.au. Mr.n. Rueld une 111la bulaM uauto noV itdait jon usel outgae $500 yen got 860 thWanrsd ltai for11 $885 wuvo%'mtan 1fu ll bnnirg udd aigbt, ove dollars North but, vo tîlnk %bat lu tl.Sludebaier vo conte upatr3 liatlng 100Worth. 'Plis ta probaisbl3 duse ta îhe tagict lat the tudebaiert Odoàpam te. «a large volume ai cane %IaIt1 ut aufascture eanlY ail O! tii.1 parte theoWsive« '% atst thaybaveo eff.ctsd raally voudentul maniufacturât c ecocmuy. 1111 of leethinglusa gave us a beiter car vaine for lb. mntO$- 1 W. really thint lIatin@le Studobatèr can eu c earer bina juet uhat vo usut tban etlc the more ex pensive or cesper cars.Tb@ matai- bas nemsnk-i able paver, the lluhtiao la abooeoix mure sud île sarug and lirhtieg epeteui et01 leemme type sai aunthe moet expanoive carSwvite tilesfaimroi drive1 retteve. île spiingof &il airain mv. carr.viug paseegers. Iu tact il; las ev#r.ytbhlg ou vant paver galone,1 pleqty ai roém.quslill aud as1 -Idi bloe, beaut. At euy rate It dom se n-tri eil sud1 pou ulli eulo$ lu Whou yoçl came. Y-oun and dad vooli Suad s lot et pleSsurei lu1 a Stidebatar ifyen bouglt an. jonreet! and i nsl la it 1 vouid smye yan moue! golng spd comug se mach Mse yen ,do. Wl! don'$ yen cousider l~it 11 vili tste jon loto the ils. Noter lcm- psuy, "Il@ yon are bora. Io i b metben pan cont am e ,marktland grecery ve Iqkve boe. 'Tîqgu &Taylor.1 li denet bel(eva lIaI tiare lea »atber1 sous >e< lle du stlutle United States vIe. jyonvW led aM complote a store.1 1fr. Rau Tilges lok une Ibraugb 111e a! lernoan d Ivas eniprlsai. Wbou yen ane iolng your marketing y7au se1 anian extra attrative uaries ani gracery fia. vbialyepo cVWioen *qunty and servie. Whou yen gel beithîîeeene. syenrustuvlhy"hey bave tva big oonaraoaap. e0"for t ruite. utc, sud tle otber meute. Thue are ôperated by I"r ovu .oregeatlug plant sud au overbeai Iractar getys hinie.lte spmso'and pre'luce lote tIent. On îbe"upper faon tlep bave ilar eus lard ringiantad 10 the rean a itore room fthi-eb. rocery departtant. The vIole tUing le juat scel"* asuty eus kltcen d tbey aeo6ta tnp 0o baWrd- ta gire yen jus vIat yen vaut1 W. d*oWtthBEz§Tuieeîe. Their meeti are ait bougît yIr . J*'E. Trlffland fronts@postal loto f Mca. Wleu tley noacb the martestley are pisced lu ls-te cSllicg:routsud lelo undtiitey are ot proper age. 'Thlo', vî1 ii. mtact tIlkt thoir butehare DO kn.-w 'btav ta rut sceau, makt a guad dent ai clama ivIes thay neh the table. - Ti Ttstore vnu l ut yun figbly vail for they cari-y lb. Pranilyn bliegI CLUB8OIJ8E branda. Mr. Tigs selle me ltat tbey are salisfisi Ibal overy cau whliebeors thb tideontaumanart4ce vIlcitle the tory buet obtilnable. lea y ou se th&& you sud b1. valu mgre. ILponkt.clp. Tley admitsé,tbat tbey carry. "lbe boa Ito ourytbtns guod tw est" sudj %bey sorcarry a vaeiy., I belleve,' dau'$ Yen, tIt itlilt mare eeconmcal ta trao ie w -a *tore 'fCt 'îe cbaracten? Service, quallly &amiS ilescuunt ani L'i voiler ibano»ustow Mone em au eprodue à markt t r ocery that equale Triggs & Taylor., tonlbt ve are golaitte tii. Liberty thestre ta mae ate me»v pkteam tley Ware recuuue. Vvelust f sidied basting about iy natai bua urnichon oo hoer aorth bméotag*boutton. lIt s Acompsratlvely ueW Iaving beuopeued lui Jauaryam and e «pret a pictunu Lboue. asYou vo imel Iloug tinte. et0f1coure.beauty lf i tie boue. let *t vIat eeno. a oa pleture show !oi- but ,e i lm aatmnie. nlg. tuhave) vletiyen have tri-!elpicînres te go vb tI.. Mr. bnyda i ues èmaei'licompact". dijo Sud. I tbint tboy ane btler clame Olite *D. Leuay tbrocigb. 'Fl. are about the )rbligeet pni4 lco piqmno ade -anud the keLiberty ose&tfour.,retesat @«shaow onapliîîlug lteosh p "se that pou . bave a ,tmenu.etofcomtes,western sud draiqa bubut set a ourot of i»aY out thlug. te Tih ousas O270 a«d tl. picinre Wa!séoà as u ard lol.ip yq tàgq$XI ab Sbsevore vinter i WetMd vithe el.gl u teS7 Cpare Oor ÎbÏÏt1.p old lb tàrn 'a thé racous, go thvog vlbiïtwilnt'wr v illaho rIeltwn àd nmoutagtos* sev la *a 10M béala e SoA4tiasi ad- 1rarà duitwut vo oasliybanditethoj mOoAJ olbat bua"ine luthe viclety. TbeTbâIM-1aodlt4, mont of tii. hopeâ hoieu4tbo now 11111 National liai building. Jj la another came'*bars I I vI î S 40eifmi *géante. This depsîtrneoî of »e e#mla under the dlreétton oftI LLNI surZ mad they emploi huritour sc9#1 he ytier 'round. Tov ,4cao Sbt Od ue a ve tbi la?. ate.ieý lot 38, boutl Hghlad i WI.. Um Curomt.23, Lnton. 1 Aia u mu na bu . Rdout or Mid M i,,ft rnge em rn y muc Ei ROlb" l*t, a . EI »" ot sket ba2ve nbr Tm, AD. 1911, os la by 1 t8gba ang cMe- fias taitalOs. .lot 41, South iigblanç Addi-AumaniaKnapf, nome. 19. lau requlrel, -ani' itîci suit le iiui j, " I a teto M. dhuip or th5t1bg< Higliand Park. W. D. 8ý. Grioàxe IY, Lake PannaI, 29; Le. 1Pouding.'J yenbaboe aStear 85g9tOibi mmiliRudoipit sud vt. tua EusP. I!pyno Stafford, Ares, 20. LEWZS O. BIOCKWAT. yeeia"anines tIetI ti bave loti Steal, part ar lot 3 in ubdvsla ionof Chlristi O. Paterson, Racine. 42;'Cl. th«eM là NOiiy ETbERe. ulî ot 6as, ugliood.w. W. ). . Antis M.- Chnlteusen. arne. 24. Waukegan, Illinois. Anuafft 14, X. MA4DE. -1 peti $40 for' mine bt ec cu Sept 8 1915-Wm. A. Taylor sud Stanley Tamulimas, Chicago, 29; D. 1915. have Rot on. lite poule for 850 or à' à%to Edgar B. Yagor, Jr.. part ar Anus Poftunas. Wankegsn. 21. ARTHUR DU ILE _î cleaPer orne for 880. Thie le nmntebard-: lotas 5amd 6. Werner and Powell', Re- Fred A. Stseblen, $1, Dundee, III.. Complafanta sSoeuîr. war soreto-adoc a tri ,-. eubivision lu nortîveot addition ta.Ia M.- Gens. '0, Mme. Aug.20-Wkly.4u la tveety thousad. 1 haie adai L.Pt..nov Watkegau. W. D. $10' Fraâý 1. Marin, 27, Waultegan. Min- tle. te, my list ef show fiet of i B. e.Otermau aud vif. ta Wm. . .nie woèternark, 22. Mme. CHANCBRY NOTICE. 141betyvilie. Schiuleber, lots 13 snd 14, laCOston- Blasdi l Bapleigul., 27, St. Louis. Sgtate af Illinois, Tisa t«e dromobat pou tbougît ma's Subdivision, Village of Dean- Mo.. Dorothy 0. Scofield. 22,3High. Cbtuty aofLake-m. woM ou ul chn:usne ~.be touth ieid. W. D. $1. luid Park, I. Circuit court a1 Lake Counîy, 10 liha UÀbat.yvlle Tallai-ellu beautîful Shape. Robt. Oloon sud vite ta T. J. Stahl Carl. W. iCubt, 25, Highland Park, October Terni, A. D. 1915. Mfr. Vchyou dfo ail hie otrn voit sud et ai., lot 1, Go. R. Lyon» Subdivi.-lU.. Ethel W,.Irrau»uay, 23. mome. Jceepblno Mark$ vs. Benjamin Marks, viten *uyîtîuDg annasta cho elt*oor sion of Fair Grounds. W. D. $500H______ iramt Morgan, 'tbarees a n.ý' repl eliIpu e ei Il eau ~Sept. 9, 191.-Jaaeph S. Haasesud CI4ANCERY NOTICE. Mary Bioôme, George Blome, Di& yon nm ret adourcut vitwl i lslm te tu Fred Delulein, loto 12 sud 13, ste orIlinois, ' ard Bloarne, John, Clame. KmW.4ý doqeri»it. He maije my usw toisait Oit Subdivision,. Wsuconia lova- Conaty or e.e-o.Rmeo, MamretliK Roër. Engoe for e ad te fi an apeurnce..4N) &'P'W. D $16. ircit Curtof akeCouuty, Octo- IF. Dady, George W. D@Ad, rPaie PRIVE, ore rigbt. Hosestly f i i nat Joseph S. Haaseaud vite to Prank ber Term. A. D. 1915.i Daiy. Cors Morose, Robert Dady. coo me a cnt m ma If ad iii ât,J.Bauchourille sud vite, lots 1 sud Charilot, Thormeosn v@. Margaret 'Pheodoro H. Durit. "Unknoun 1: readi ma&esud se fur apfflrmme-I2, Wn. H. Plerces Subdivision. Wau. Tbaminmoi.lu Chancery. Na. boire or iavlaeeaof ai ramrNOM-,ea ecui-toi- 1* duplicted It as twîce cotuda tounship. W. D. tl850. 7471. ieceasei." 'Uukktovn boireor 4e- tle»oit. Ira Smtith ami vilieta 'Pbodore ThIe requisîte aflluavît lavlug been I vla. Oit Henry KnsPP. deOeasod." Ni.GCehy urell do. tnov boy to Wc lotls10, Wttt. WllmltIgtou'p fili lu the. ogace af the Cleec of ai iuevownbir. or devisea of4 mate Ibhes ami wben Iue Iu t e oSuibdvision et Rouud Lake. W. D. Court, notice la tharotore horeby git. Johni Clans. deund." "Uinowu bai a domeno imore nuits oomg 81.800.. n onthîe siMargaret Thommemeen. hoira or devisea.t.i lle ReRater, tbrough. lleaslug, ipolugt. rePatirnu. HamnsiiJ,.Gallagber ta Mari* defiendant as e seai, that the aboya e d e i.d "Utikintunboins or de.. ppoloa * ati>altercation uatorally go Tance Bevinaa, eaat hait of uarth- »und oiCmplaînaut bereofaro ied visses o ai Maritla Roîn, de- wictit talor vont airont w, ozpenlgsuontsaquarter &action 15. Warren taun- hlg Bill ai Complaint lu aiCourt C05004" lyItted ttes Semalieos-j yulb the. te cit le au do e.vel ou slip. 80 aCres. W D. si. au the. Chsucory aide thereof, sud 0t7 af Wauikegn. IllInois. James L. &i@aon outhe tailoiag ou. 1Imau nov NOIIIJJ. Contver1an sd buaband to that a aommons thereupon iesued out Suayer. Bucceesor lu Trust sud havlog hi. i turate the bet suIt. Rugebe Sullvan,. 20 acres lu tiorth cf »Wl Comart ainet the abat. IUninavu aunera airlte rosi te Novltai vo ame mevl*g la saten19lo1 a li aetheast quarter section 18. unai ddefeodant, returnable on the tais described l he ill of aicou- readon vby you sboulé dolai irour vieil Avtownshuailp. W. D. $4,500. fi day et tle tort of the Circuit Plaint and inovu au- iota 2. 3 and o minute.' u1 jûr 1y 9 sleftton1 Sept. 10, 1915-J. M. Henrickeand .court or 140. cooty, ta h@ hold at le o the Aeeos .plat af S. x_- expeet ta iiî,bat 0u-0"o etaetiu« ig Ie taJ. A. MCDermott. lot 4, Monkt the Coûlt eue la Waukegan l alid ( SC 28, T. 4 N., R.' 123L e.it Souda! 4 - I, . Tltfauy'sTb.ri Addition te Wou- Laie Counly. iu the lPrt M.isy a uted labitseCity ai WLes ~~ kegan. W. D. $L , octob@or, A. p. 1915. as isaiiy liv re- Coumty of Laie and Stateffliil- IUL ~J>I ~J. A. McDerttott ta MaUlliaXA.Humnl iroi, sud ubich suit lsa tîi pend.- nIs. la Clancerr. No. 74»9 Pbrleodb~rlc's. lot 4.block 2, Tlftauyle ThIre lug. Salishetory aefiavit liag wbeaua LAKE COUNTYTITLI&1RfUST i@Ç. Addition ta Waeiogan. Q. C. D. $1. LEWIS O. DROCKWAY, fialut!l tae* offiea the Clark aiftiga Abstret oIl'Ttie. 110100QUateold. -R. C. UlUlas te Justle E. Hgilw. Clent.- Court ltat the dieedsn:a Benamin M*eOnic Temple iisl'.W&ultogan lot 9, linUr.PiNrsi Addition ta But. Wauiiati, Illinois, epltuber jet. Maris, Theresma misa. Mary Blocus, Sept. 4, 1915.-4v&r A._Esuulel ami ler'a Subdivision. lIbertytlhle. Q. C. A. D. 1919. Rogute r. D.dy. oGis W. Dady. vite ta WII. Gioon. lot 38, Shaw'& D. 0& - R. J. DAIiT aud Fanai. Iiad>i, Cors Moqe. resude out Subdivsioti, Log Laie, W. D. $1. *sept. 11, 1911Joephine, U kal- HEYDEOKER & JORGENSON, aif1Me Sta aioflliUI"eao that praceos p. C. Enligit sud uit. ta Jacob lagg ta C. J. Lageman sud vite, lois Complainantt Solicitors. cannaI ho qrved upan lb.. or auy Beltzel. lot 5, block 20, Wright', Aid.1010 to13, block 2., I<aiag'a Subdivi- WklySept.3-l0-17-24 ai tbei n sd tIat tle defeuiitis MI- ditln ta Lhberty'vllie. W D. 1200.1 sion, Winthrop Harbor. W. D. 110. , at _MiMorgan,. John Claus.,E£mille Rein- F. C. Kalght and vite ta Jacob Bel- L@>P elbaye sud vite ta G. U. Bru- CHANCERV NOTICE. ker, MargaretIa lobrn.01*Un'known tzel, Jr-, lot 6,.blue 20. Wright'& Ad- uer ddvIf.. south;65 test lais il $liste af. Illinois, loirs or devisees ai Hîrani -Norga, d!îlan ta llbortyyrllI. W. p, 1206, ami 12, black 1. Lyon & Hutchlas' CottY i et -o. eceased." "tnnownu bira or devis- Cumd a s ..e û r 1). ubdltimioti. Waulcogan: lot 4 Pnie's Circuit Court oi Lat. Counnu, Octo- oea ai Henry Knspp, deceaei" "Una- MacDonald, lai' 24. 1?109; .WAUxe. gan Hifllands, Norh Chicago. "W. Di$200. A. F. Beaublen 10 E W. Goudy, lots § ta il, bloci 4, Warren'a Addl-. tion ta Winiaeur. q. D. il. Agnem E. Nggeneyar and hushani ta Wm. aa JoasPiine M. Nlenm>ch, lot 21, ehas VsWest Alacbi Subdivi- alan. W. 0. 81.00.' Receiner ot Cllicsqc sud Mlaukee ElectrIc l, rMAlro le'HF. Saliards, lot 25 (excepi veateli 70 fel) Ra- viole. . C. D. 11,W0. ManIha Zimmerman sud hushani ta signa Lindahi. vesi 75.4 teet eassI 182. 4 fel ' lot 1. block 65; Highland Pjark .W. 'b. Sû0 Master lu Chancen ta A. F. Beau- bien. part lots 2 sud 3 esst ai C. 4 N. W. Ry.. bloci 2. MtiKay's Addition ta Waukeç&ý. Deed $1,179-34. Eta B. CarléeltotaMary I. Csrfleld. 120 acres ln monîbeami quarter aima part norîlesat guarler sanib#eat quarter sect4cu 1, Aven tavnahlp. Q. C. $1. 1 -' ý Sept. 8, 19î.-LwtïG. Blesmlag sud vite ta W/.- . Giglori. three pinces ofilaui at, U eotitof 'Channel Lotoe. TIres &-edg, 1P. ' Sepleter 1, 1Id-rn C. Rog- ers et a]. taeisa i E. rut. lot 9, block 2, RogeW- AdditWnion Wsuie- gan. W. O 1). 9. NMareil Duper ta John W. Shaeifer sud vite, pan r ibigok 20, -Chicago I Jerry Ir-iRus« advite ta FI-au< A. ~ ~ ~ . Xaui, o E' .yeomanla 1Subdivision, Watkesm W. D. $800. t RalpI j. jWy ami, vite ta Fred bBnovn Whitney; Part ai lot 45. Cry'. iAddition ta sieai W. D. 83.000. iLivin srbau an i'tfe to iHebar 3J. 2Sure. ,pml. or etion 18, 1Grant townshlip. W. D. $Mn 00 1 reiertck M. Steele sud vite 10 ImmLii Rudolpei. lofa1nd 2, biac 4 Mialiani Par.z, -O.$0 Paumieluloiti am huibtt West part blOck 4, plat "C." ighvaoi.J Deesa $30. 1 Cee. Lutionitagenti t W. I. Lion, soutîvent 40 acres af mutheat quar-f ter section 29, Wauiegan tovnship. W. D. Il. Alice M. Joues sud husband ta Mary A. Flocd, lais 6, 6 aud 7. Un-r neorded Juig.'s, GrandAvenue Addi- tion. Wsuiagati? Q. C. $2. E . U..Millard and vite te Anus Rîngiahl, north balf lot 9, snd south la sud one-haftfest lot 10, block 18,1 Highand Park. W. D. $10. MARRIAQE LICENSES. 1 Jan Kralnik, 31, aie Forest, Ill., aui Ana 'Pnlt, 24, aSme. Wells Thuratan, 19, Moan City,.Ili., Flarnce L. Temple. 21, sale. --Walter C. G. Klrscînr, 40, Bt. Louis, M., Mangery Rosiug, 34, lia- Viala, 111. WillIm 0. A. Marris, 28, oBeten, Mass., Mattie M. Halstei, 26, Wslda, .Ben Bioza, 29, -Chicago, Frances Burns, 24, smne. 1' Arthun B. Merech, 21, Evanstau, Ill., luth.Isunlug, 18, smne. . Arthur Wcîtgwant, 23, Miwaukee, -Aguos Nebeller. 19, same. RaF Heudersa0. 22, Ciia, Marie Poilais, 18, saine. -Uiclard Zlesémer. 25, Racine, Win., AnusaZVeiner, 25, soMe. k Lewis Ir. Gesin4 22, PL Sheridan, Ill., Mary Rubsch. 19, Hlghvobd, MI. Frank Jorb 25, Wakiegan, Mary Cuion, 25, amorn, Edin Cujr@u, Jr., 24, South Chi- 4caga. Ill.,- Marie- Byingtou. 23, Chi- Osar j&rvtSt8Waucegaz, An AlîluiILtI28. os.s ber 1ýenm, A. D. 1915. Augusta Eulep vs. Charles N. Estep, iu Chsuceiy. No. 7487. i The roulstte afdatrît havlug beani fie in lu esic.faitîe Cleni ai sai Court, notice la Ihenefore hereby giv- en ta theo aad Charles N. Estep, de-, tendant au ateosaid, tai*tle abat. usmed Complainant horeloiere filéd ber DIi af Ceniplalut lu mati Court an the Clisuceri aide thereof. sud Ilat s summous ihereupon lseued out af ssii Court agalist the above uamed defendant, netunnalle on île frai day ai île tenu cf the Circuit Court oi Laie Cauaty, tu ho held aI the. Coirt Houae In Wauiegsn n lumi Laie Coaty, ou tle inal Monday ai Octoben, A. D. 1915, ain b hi isv e- uirai, sud uhich suitlas sîlîl pend- lus'. LEWIS O. BROCICWAY. Cleni. Wauiegati, Illinois, Angual 271h, A. D. 191s. AL. T. hAIJIEN.. Camplsinant'esSolicitor. WkWySptS.10-17-24 CMANCINY No-tICKz-IrCuiT CoufRT.0F LAKX CO&NTY. State af Illinois, Coint aitL1"e-a. Circuit Court etf p.ce Cunt, Octa- ber Terni,À. D. î9i5 Alta k îlurt ta. Wllilam C. Burt. in Clancry. No. 7285. The requlsite atbiatit, having been fialu 1n h. ai- Oc. o« île Clark ai mali Court, notice Is iberefore bebi giytthîe ai WiIlsnt ,C. lDont. detondant 50as oe- sasi, thèl lite ebove natuei Complain- out heratt>ore fiai 1ber Bih of Cant- plaint Inasait! Court, ounteéChiucerni side thereof, sad tIaa sumons tb*reupon Issmudod at 'of sli Court againal te boave named doeoaaut nreuslMo on the trot day ai tbq teint t te circuit court 01 LaitCmanty, 1.15 aI tbeiolA ,b ousq la Wauie- aga luam14Laie Coty, on thoeFplut MMnAy toi liard A. .1915, sud ltai kuovu halnm or detimees ot John Claus, ieceased." Unimovu beirs eqr devimues ai Eluilile Reluten. d.cessed," "Unmonvhtetraor dievlsaes of M.i- garella Rohr. ideceaeed.' Uulted States Sugar R.eflery ai Waukegan- lli*,an sd "LUnkuavu ovuers ai the r-eal estais descnii bu înthle11o f camplaint sud kitiasa lots 2, 3 and 16 o! the Assesr,>lat of S. E. 3% Seac. 28, T. 46 N., R. 12 E.. mtuated lu the City ai Waukaaan, Counti of Laie ami tite aif linola" ou due inquiry canuot le toundndo thsî pro- cees csnnot b. serted tipen tâtent' or auy cf tIent. Notice la therefore heréby giten ta. Ail the sai save usmai idéfendants tb the abote nanti Complalusut hai-etofore filed hon Dill ai CompiainOM bu sai Court ou the Chancery idéu thereci, and that a smnos th.emp. ou imued ontut ati'Court sgalust tle abave xmraidoteendants, ntnum- able ou -the fitday ci île ltêtm ar th. Circuit Court afisLie Ccuily.- ta, le bh 5 lAt te qout Hans, te Waukegsu lunraid Uke Conti. on the. Finet Moniay ai Octeher, XA. O 1915,.As lab hila requlrei, amdi ubicit suit lmasîil pemdiiu# LEIS0. D1OCKWAY. , i Clei. Wsniegau, Illuais, Soplenthor lui, A. D. 1916. - ELAM LU CLARKE, Conplalnaut'a LPOllollor. Wilybept.3-10-17441 LYBLI, H. HORIS. Attorney. ADjUOICAT1,ION NOTICE. Publietc mi.ere Mivnmmi m et e a actiher Adthnsiron of!'e aetSa. iLmyl; Audrews dscesmed. wvlttus %d ee onmty Courte!f LaitsOuuîy atIà sritoi. mata nbe biUDt ithe court Haosetu vane*anà, te metd Cot nirmtbe. d6tM oda, ofoveu1e« nostiti8, titaud vtoreal vermomn a qumeil tOc niennthe OsUMe SM id Court ifor W ti k ss n . it. S e p su n o r l è m 1 7 -a C et. i 0*" et iwruai0 th mi flore,'w MoUug 'i'c e Qun Wéue.

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