Sy T. F. SWANi Co epondent end Agent lir. an Ms. J. H. Iving ilted In Norh Cicago, Soundai'. Mrt. Mdun r. Cbernh 0f Barrlgion, r od y wtb ira.G or e Joue. thube romaboreatteudsd the Od& hsov. :mosdng rt ghnd Park, j 'jas.Kiroy and family speut Sundasi wlih reativeseta Lake Villa. Hrmsu Zreen and famili motored to Wauksgan. Bunday. A numbn iio 0 ouug people gathsrsd et the Fresd Runtington homme Baturdoy mesing snd ejoyed a -oa good lins. Mrt. aud Mms.Siasfler of lsucos. spent Ssmdai st liascVatra Rote.. lir. mg lir. 'W..Cropley utsrtained the folIlewg sui Sunday: Car)e« Code sand daugltèe. LUiSta sud Anne, sMd Oecar penny, aiu of Chcago. 8. 0. Wells sud facnly eft Tueudai eventug for liaudau, N. Dakota, vhere tIaey ezlsnded riit vitia Unr. Villa brothee sud family. Johs Rodgs bas recovered from his menet hua., sud le agalu able su taie peroual charnaof hie lutereete. Qualty photogaph-s Cei, on u-Vaut & BuIL. Wauksgan. Geo. Goheiwu' a Evaneton vator Mies Arthaur 0f VresaIOe., III.. @vent MMsives ii ira.mBan lKaus. lira. J. Hodo, Bather sud Raniel, sud NMesPear Ray vers guinseof lire Mron John...of ai Baeneood, Thur a @Chouf apsud Monday vith au n srah- ment of tveuiy-ivoacholas-s. Musis Mary Tiffay af Auioci, hotug viii us again ua eélr lia. Neal spst Suudey ai Liberty. nmul, t gaof ailims (4rte.' ale-sm . Ba arrltd home tram Wlllqe,~ort l~b#,,qu rlday. ê. m~s.f. isé ~S~l5ghter MesAesd Mr. 6an'lmti. Utitchell tee aula risy. liré. Base miývwé oremalug mnlisuuDm. Tisehoir wii mms$ ith Gordon sud asiB ouon day algbl, @@Pt. 27. Mm e41wb an ad euldrsa"ut Fk Wi. sMd lin. J. Linhan of hicag, ipsai thé Wesk-end ai . Batltve. Ux Keeý Mr. sud lire. Ras-i Rani sud Ifa r*iur vers Elin acallere Sondey. oIM uI td lira,. B.LI, Si.,. ves Ulula vhktoreTouda. B. &*hwo&r sud Iyay d lir, sud lims. Sutom 0f Laie Zurich, @peut Sun- J. W. Buichînga and hie iaujly motot- id ta Mguauieé.Thuredsy 10 attend thé litatsaIair. They,, rturied Suudai evising. Mims IL D. Cooi vont 10 o nta Tuesday 10vioelber soa, Edwvin Cook u4a amiii. Is.,Lusi ni Liberty ville, la iesplngbouem durlng er abeence. Ma. Lniées Stover onirhlcansd FraiStril of Bprlug Laks. Nw Joresy, spet Sunday st Baruel Amaun'e. Mdime Frances Mieer returned home sandaîfrous Wauisgan. Quulti Phatpgrapheae Ce.l on u-Vant & Bull. Waukegan. amilia @hop lforiy owned'by Frank Sehoies d vill do boraeoiug sud &l ide of repsîr von vlith satIsfaction. 532 lisIvia epw, B"Mcenth. (it. The Miii. Bélier Kux sudLue SmlofsuIt aturday for Ilinlos, Uàîvsen sty. SMiess ertrude MLaren departsd Mon. dey for Sv,.: BrIes' Coliege lu 'Vrginîs. William Renuer dled FmIdey, iRept. 17, at hie home ou Vine Boad. Mr. Benne, héaves a wvlh sud tvochldien to mouru blg destb. An levant 01 much interet 10thé people o Ai LePoset vwuthe marriageof ime Isabelle, Mcflttusy 1 Henry B. Stmo of New Tort on Tusaday. Sept 21.1, at the home of thé bride' parente. The céremouy teeli vsn read lu thé presenca ai ltas Inapedate faufilaisund a ew cloes risunda, byhi seev. Henry A. Stliuson of @%&tU leland. faiber of thé bridegroon. lir. 8tlmeon viii laks hl& bride to Nov York to lys eter a vtdding trip. Mr. and Mie. Homes Martin vho epent the etimmer ln Calforniea bave recetly returne'l. Igre. VanWagenuAllngand daugbtet Bertha, vho bsre bren Iljilfornla for esveral moutha are nov ou thir vsj homé. i4ng 'thé recout purcebsees0f mnifluoeé are Wm. Steelo and Montagne Rasmussen. .Quelty Pholaugraphere. Cail on us-Vaut & Bull. Waukegsn. Oto Frank Mo red lto bis nev home Mouday. Mire.'Ired Seip sud Mm ina . Eicbman vire Chicago vilotora Muuay. Chauiot Cordes, Abert Prehm sud Emmit Braudlng attendedtisi liianke. fair Wedn«eds sud Tbuteday. Miss label Blier le speudiDg two weakslu Chicago vlth Irenda. lir. sud Mie. PlilDp Schaefer bavs novai t0 Llbertyville vbére they yl ake Iheit future home. Misses' Nords Huimas sud OGetrude Rirea &peut 8aturd4iand sud ndsy visit- lau friande lu Ca'ysl Lais. Misa Myrtls Relter vas a Chicago visiter Tnosday sud Wedussday. Mr. sud lire.Fred Selp miteuSeS thé Milwaukenirsfo toodes. Cari £muet epont ose veskin lu libgen for hie vialon. Mri. anSdidre. Jahn Fini voie Chicuga vitellai Trdaq. Mam iga Bîchanan experts te bavé able vosi for a vit t behr slatîr lu dunkigonl Michigan. lire. ]Bull Frank aud dangiten Anae vialedfrienda lu Chicago Sunday sud mioud"y. lia i i m rbmt basbeau vieillug rienain luChicago. Elhe la éxpicled te lir, sud lir. [via Slp, viimore lot th la lii bicia Mr. sud Mm'..PbIlpII &S "ramolihve recently occupiod. Mime Mythe Bictnaeoenternle es tinés fton lrring Pari Ssturday sud Mn. à&ud Mi. D. Smuith sud daugiater Donna of BEla, ViâlteS vtth Mr'. sud JOhn C. liathis loft bis sutmsr home to attend echool at Lawreueovilio. A numberre. ombers attendeS the picte etI User 0Grovois iod&i. The Laite Zurich baisbail tesme pisyed Loug Grave a: Deer Gmove Sumds., Lalip Zurich viulu. ,the acore hetng 110 8 . Mdre.-Arthur T. bonuton *Pont Satur- gday sud Snnday at hem- oumner bons. lire. C. Weaven la risltlng bot mothér ab Wsuiegaii. 1 li. nsdlir@. Jas.. Dymoid vers Chien-, go vietere ilatudey and Sunda. lirsud lMm-. E. t. Smith antertaled a number ef friands aven Salurday sud Sunday. li, nsd lire. àas.Foreman @peut Bun- diy lu Barrington. Quellty Phoographeri. Cal on us-Vaut & Bell, Wauiegaa. Thie inaepttiont la the countys u 1y- IZPage wielly-thet5why svem-y- A, UJXIJRY A grmt people conside a çhecking account au a Iuxury A$ a matte Of fait it is anece.sty; but conmldoet am you may, this bu*ic cutaiy pubt ii convemace of aChecldng Account wi the rd. each of aIL $1.00 Opens an Account WE WANT TrOUR BUSINES BE fT LARGE OR SMALL THE CITIZENS' BANK Sale Depoait Box«a for remt ArOaliDiois - UX>EJME TRIS EAN«TOUR EUINMS OU" Missées Wlaufd P!ss, Elea"NorMyer sud Dvleald Wluatat are attaudiua élool at Levsi nstituts wvidiastarted Mon- day, »ept. 90, Mr. snd lire. Bd Blal Iaie vlltlug st Grand Rapide, Mien.. for tvo vesis. lir, snd lite. FrankI lioer sud sons Herbait anid Fraùklin of Elgîn,, vlsielc friende haia Suudasy. A obldren sermon vili hé given avery Sundai moutls lu the Presbyterla ohunéb. Thé toit lait Sundayvas ýTe aie Gode Bpi!ingo." Thé viarlaga-ofMies SttaiaQuinn of Chicago, sud Pater James Duffr Of User- field, va siolemulued lu the Bkouda Sacramnt.eburelh. Wedueeday norulug, Septembror 9,5a2. an. Mr. and Mie Due wHvi hast hôme atler.Octoben lut lu thé Bpecas Wellnu apattmont on Deerfield avenue. Thé truatemoofthé Proahv tean-lau hrch bave putchaead f nom thé confsees of0 thé Unied Evaugatkllca chreh thé cbuech properti formerly occuplsd by thé latter congregation lu Deer"ed. The Woua'a liesaonarY aocleti of the Preebyteisu ehnrch, mt St thé couutry boneof lire. J. A. Reichét, gr., Thuradal afternoon. Thé aubject dis- cuesed vas Aines, lMre, 8. P. Rutchiecu beng leader. Mr. Nud 1Mrs. Ormn sBocinhacb re- turned Meoday fron a itx eeitpý througb the West. lir. Wlllnau of Waterloo, la. bas bain vletlng hi$ cousin, Ethan WillIman, ICiai onQs-ant & tnieauf. I Tho CSoon bcool opénedJi onde y, Gladys Payne of Ivaubo. eisahg ber second torse. 1Ho tatMri. sud Lira. Bert 8mai! a son. sept. 12. 1 Thé Ladies' Verucn cemetery seity r te wthMr@. BRoman Albrlght bhonda", Sept. 80th. A daugiater srrlves thte houseo lir. au& Mie. W.. Boei, Sept- 10th. Mr@. Frank Footeepent éerami dayeofi luet veS *ttb ber parent@e t Palatine. Mise Laura tprague le entavtaiulng frlende lion lia i cty. Auna Lockhesd frac$,ured ber arm cranklng thelr auto 8unday. lire Gutier sud Mr@. Frtlof ai gh- wood. spenetlb. week-end wlth Marlou Koodier. 1 Fioneie Koedier la *pouding the veek wllh relatives nt Bavnis. Quelty Photographere. Cali on un-Vaut & Bull, Waukoegan. M iss ilabohh sud Subi Kuebker @peut tbe veek sud naIhhome. Mr. aud lire. John haéch sud chlldren vleltsd the formera brother s: Racine, Bundày. Mie. C. Doi fier entertalued ber grand- daugbtere fram Round Lake. Honday. E" k 14'-iohMmonof'Warren To Marrlw ?hidred Idvit k~iot~uu, bo gave bis " Wankegua, III, aud lit q & s, 15. utd-d a licepsi lu Do. q t>ltf *turday lu marri Mildre4 %bor- i lui, Cliag, wlhO gave talae o! 10.q Aud leva 0f le su 0 ore t lIis1 105i0rightillht Ithe tact hhat Mr.' Johim, a veli inovu former,' iWho lives nos-ti 0f Iiley's corr, West ai Gurnee. bas talken anollier sire aven betaro Moenda or relatives 10ev ho asudlvorced tron the vIfs, he towk uula hinsif about a year &go. lia tact, thé newyaoetthe third narý riage of thia nuch-narrid ma couresse aasurprise 10 those ho knw hlm sud tht fanily. kt »asoaly about a year Moc that; Joilusea surprIscd hie frouds sMd relatlvee-. hi alipplna off and qultly* mtrrlogn a voman about hie ovu a. TPey toc a trip Bouth and speit %@s wiuler la thé Southeru dtatte, travel- Ing, about lu varions citiés. Tiasi Johnson bans hacita Laiescouty- but Mr*. Johinson dfdn't cante vita hlm. Whore as eut or wvit asi- cane of ber nobody knev. for John. sou vas uaturully secrotive about his marital mattèrese auIl people desire ta b.Eut hé rsturusd te the tarm. directed Its couduct for a tins and flot long ago ho presented a comeiy young onan te hs iandsand toi- almée suad gave them toe udetstaud that ah. soon va. hé oueonsMms Johinson. "What lied bhomon0f the bride of a year ago?" asked uelglors of éacb other. Even nenhere of thé John- sou fsnlhy vondéred but nons could anukver. Johnaon kept hie ovuL se- cret sud uohody could find ont vbat bail beSuonsotthé bride Vie had aéyer cons tu hie tarin alter ho narrled, ber. Dally sud veeiiy ail thé paut yéar frieudsansd relatives bad looked for thé arrivai of the uev lira. Johnson, but as eneyer cane. Iusead, s uev bride la to corne te the place alter they complété a hou- synoon lu thé East. The lnterestlng phase of lb. mat- [ir of s promneut ferner narrying one vomnu aud appareutly divorulug ber evsu hefore shé éver bad a chance to risit bis tamarnsd look it ori, takesanother vIfs, ia révsaled hi thé dispatch lu question, telliug Johuson'a latent matrimonial reuture. Tht original Mms Johnson wae véi knovu sudhhlhy regardéd In Warren tovuuhip. Johnson hinueif inhetitéd bis tathet's hig tam sud has uonuclod It lu a vay hinself, although ho did 111115 von poeon- alli, but bas hi'ed belp, to do It. Thé finit Mn,. Johnson di ed sons yéai's ago aud théebhldron hy that marriage are vs!! inovu ln the county sud hlghly regarded. It fa admltted -lu aud ahout Gurutee that thé natrimnial Inclinations of rthé eidenly gentleman havé ual met vili approval hi nenhers of thé 2 Jonsou tamli and therefore thoru la a feeling amng then vbicb la flot entirely amooth. Hovever, It cema 1that Johnson haa thé narrylng habit and doesn't cars nuch vhat othera MdisAguea Pa Sue apeut Frlday vlth think about IL. relalîvffe lu Ares. 1Wbonsoumtîné ago ho Iutroduced @The Woman'a Society met vipi Lira. Miss Eberléin te bhis rlatives sud Heury Van PIew, Theraday. frieuds ln Warren sud loIS lien liaI Miss Gladys Payne hegwn ber se ool i onvel aaibr hîcn lu thé Coon ditrict, 14ondai. Ita the conclusion tuat hé vas al i tirough i vilthlié onan hé insurieS A. L. Bitta wooi su auto tînci boaS 0f a ye ago. AnS thsY marvellsd aI furuitîre 10 Chicago for Oison Wéeh- tie tact liaI, svsu bétore they had hurm lai Thuiday. baSt lie ploasure ot meeting lir%. QuRlllýY Photoguphens. Johnson numbér Ivo, prospective Call on us-Tant & Bull, Wauiegsu- number tirevas being tlultedi te them' - * '" j itacerdiugli laua n evuow heh { G.AWS L KE\ r Johnson dIvancod nunhor tvo or Ul daKao#toof Wglisn, hm 1 vietier she got tie décree. but -a beau *encdlng îuo iceeoilth Mn. snd report aI Gurnuesla tu tht tifect liai Mre. a le.Johnson pernittedl ber to, gel lhe de- Kaýpie.- anse and that Il costhlm quté a suai There vil! he a concert given t the te permît théectpasation ho bs naSe. cbetch on Fuidol iveuiug, Octeber lot. Thé vaî lias neye ieaked ont as Bvez eue Osun.. 1ici1 to vwholnson really vas, va tiis: F rai. Chard and tw3 chilîdren *cre Thé Sun recelveà thé message about Chiacgo isitore oua d"Y lait eoi. thé Detroit ilceusc hluz igsueS Bat- Mielia? Clonld aiOfCbkla l et urday.,Why, Ibis sani boinson vw" sévrai dart s ves i vtia frisais bore. mannléd juI a sar egsu Bt S. Loulis. L. àansun aîlsded the Mlvaukee 1 renomberan auItem hoina baudet la Wr l"s »k.10oThe Daiiy Sun Juil about s Ysaî Ont pastor, J. 9. IHouiyer, ia asitng a ao," saiS a reporter lu The Sun vacation. Thora vilI hé nu preacblng Office. lnquli tem relatives shovet naît Sundgy. Ho vIbu hookconouOct. that liey baS inovu a vsddiug val aes. hiable te maturiaime a day and ThéeLadies Aid met vltb iara. 0@9. thoretore lau vwers not éutlreiy sur. Motas, Titsdsy, sud a nety ojoyabitlsod.8 linswu# bi by al present. WB'U TDUR R PORT N. C. Msreh, sud'eMime il. larMai ofWoather foresul for the week liegin. Ersusto.. vhclhave benu wipu tva .,ninx WadnessdVSept. 22. issuac vrmie ab . B. Mareh's, rourgod hat hit the U. S. WsethOr Bureau, TPhuredai.ThY voe e acompanod hyWashngton. . Duiohy arsh uh vil atend For thé réiquonfathe Great Lains Mies FOtYMrtl u ilated air sud cool vestar thel. lra#Ihbat o etho Unlvérgty ibis year.thvéivhprbllîofee *Mr. sud lita. J«s. Tla ipeat aéreraif rosie Wednsdsy sud Tinreday. Tbi 4aalu, Wlscoueiaethi si. 1latter hall of thé veei yuil le varmue 1,.,sud lim. È. 8. FsuWnr vere1 Sad unattiod itia piohblyarasai Becaeviellae«a. aeoera. PIF MyV TT îrvsors ais4 a ieaolt'lo 1 %11Mh PMvW« Sfor First State o lomi ar ly Tic board ot îupervluors 1'riday adl- OPtéd a résolution iarovldlug for 'the Carrylug ou of th. couatre orial atate &Id rosA viicli tva yearu 4o vas ltulgnated au thé Guad airnue nd lietveen Waukeffl s&Md oz Lie. Tbe i'ésolutlau vas important bu. cause It provldes'or thé startins et wùr'c ou the clate aid rond wviaiu ,would not be restricted 0to sh@veet par-t or the hlghvaî. but liaI at the «eé ime von trecianeruuning seat irontLaisVilla. A sttolci of Ogorets rond aiso vil!hb.laid lea" 'Dgaet fs-ont Wauegaa ilty lm- iUn ou Grand avenaue. Thé Waukegsn stretuh vil! conlti of about a mile vhlch vill carry it to the coutil ospital or poeeiblî iligit- Ir hOnd. dePeingou ýhe anionut of moety helng arsilabis. The risclution chatas tht vidta ofet lisonrets naad. The strntcb at Laks Villa nov la 10ftet vide vita 4 foot of macadam on sanob aide. The nov extension véet fron Laie Villa vil! ho le test concret. v"lth aboulder; vest iran Wauisgau it vil! ho 18 féet Conurete vith no ahouder. The Laie Villa extension vil! hi about ths-ee-ineou a amile under thé prospective appropriation. Suptrlnteudsnt Russell téday aald no voit olu the road vould ho doue un- tiI spni. Il seesthat wvilele Aie county bas aPPropnlatsd $40,000 lu lhe past tva issu for use oami ate aid ronde, liat unrIL ifttîs mare tian that snn has beenrlspent théretare there la noney avs.llable to maie thé added extensions ou Grand avenue aud aiso ta carry out lias proposition men- tloned holov hi Supervisor King and vici the board déclded 10 adopt. Bupervisor Bairslav éxplained lie atatua af théefuode lu 1h. toaSd de peulmeul sund urgid that stipe ho ttan hé apeud the nonoy lu proper nmanuor lu order thal property ovu- ers vill see vbere thé money lau psy lu taxe. la belug usod. "The trou- ble bas been that ve haro appropriat. ai money and baven't put tI 0nume ret and people aré iicking." sId he. Cowîlty AId lu TewnfL And Uic board veut tuthler ou thé gond ronde movemnut viasu thé board hi vbic Iil expreseéd tar oe the cfrietof upervisor King et Shels., that Ifthlb.county vould pouti-ibute sa.certain anount up tu 110,000 for roan* ver*iou a atats aid road. ,Telegipi rad, lu Sield, he v»asrome sutovsc«Y leat tue zuvu. ahlp of RiLtedevouid duplicatéa «W amm. Thes hoard tentatively acoupt- ed bis ofsi' te conînihutt 810,. 000 I t laI van i iShields vlth bbc prorîso that Silids contribue a 111e anount. Thé rond nuat, undor hie affer, ho acceptable te thé 81810igb. vay comission lnluthe natureofai cn- struction. The coMlti vll nlu ine sert lis ahars back intmeb.niat, as illaisa *tate aid roid sud, under the Ticil lav the. attsstands hall the éxpenue of sncb construiction. Thns, lu a vay the couuly morely adrance. tht sate'a sharéetofthé rond cost In Othera Wsnt Siach Aid. Inmedtately alter King'% prepoal- tien had beén made, Supervisor Pad- dock ot Wauconda sxplalued that other toun,,éapecialiy Wauconda, v oold ho vliing 10o a hs vitb 1rond wvan If thé county veuld con- tributseuoe-haIt the coat. Re toit surs Waucouda vould do no. Mt. Kiug sud Chairnan Bairstov af thé toils comnltte s id that vas exact- tly vhat vas désiréd and sevéral au- pervisors sad liat thoy -holleved thé board each tino s hévu vas teady te t ollov bis plan, vould hé glad te 8contrîbute eue-hait the ceat. It la génorali telt that thé board 1hy the adoption et thé résolutlons dld 1nunli tovard lauuching a gond roada nordanent vhlch vil! spréad ubrough tthé counti. FýTtsasursi' MeDonouga explalusa te, ýthé board thai thors ia nov 141,000 iin thé couuty tund, that $30.000 haa ho. paid out at thie meeting, that thé tDictiphér grand jury 'ls coning ou dsud that the board should ta'ce stops 9te horrov about $20,000 pouding lias ereceipt of additieual funds. Reisrred In financé commilîlsé vllh pover te White read a clause team thé atat- 1. ut. vhich provides for posting àâd or publlilhng detailed statenenîs, oacb ineaofrecelptusuad sxpeuaes of .1] lcouuby ofiets, a plan vhich haann ktre besu tolloved bore. The mattes e» vas refetrsd tu a apocial connitteE a tonvestigate and report iu Diceni ber. 'the ,èolmIttee n-ied. Me e-Cullougia, Wale sd(lots. teSupcriteudeut Russell vas eipov« erét té $endS Mlle tu tavus liat usec the rosil machlnéry sud asi thein t( 5ettie. The board volai $100 thé thé Lai, ta ouaty Ponltry Associatien. ».The.taerer' instituts appropria an lion vas pt Iovér te December neél lr 1The r0ad connltteo u'soannsndsi Ln tiat théeIKellogg bridge nr Win id throp Harbor' be coustttod cde couu~ aid Il iicoat $1,600 aul $20s o'ardlgapproachie, a ltt et of1,800. Thé board voted that th vr ork pioceed. I it ii ho 24 foot vid viti 5-foot valk on said51e. The pour tam comutée vas en povéa'd od provide sabragé sheds f0 n. the rad équltanent et thé conui; U, Superintendont BRussellsud -th raids committe vêeeallowed sebom è s t Cgoda ade meeting ta h ' hld t CdarRapide October 4-7. 01 Thé mate, of Shields tvuhip gos iy ting eauuty aId on théeleate aid rÔa 'b vas retetred 10 the rond comilie to ivoaig _A su mreortiu KIteU 'S ION1~ I3SUWU (~dntlflUt Vlan P~ t ~- ~. erete, 1x. been- put- down, it i8 cracking and muet be, re- paired et-en before tbe bondsi; re paid. ,Lake county would needI but a few real 'permanent ighways. Foý instance, if 'thes roada: Grand avenue Sheridanroadl Milwaukee avenue (and road) Bel-iidere road State lime road elseytoehe theto e conywud be brubf, by yunnbr toneraat onetvtheebte acountyoffin oda-o tha tcfomdhtfatr L&ke county ie a iaer that n 0do t wW as h badoservisor ere og ot a e t he atru i bwusi slike mane and d uMtH G angbl along t is lime ,AUTO TIPS a VALE; LAI(EFOR. EST MANINJURED Chauffeur Kiled, Others In- jured Wjien Big Car Turns Turtie in Eust. Thonne Douueiloy. 19-îar.old son of Rouhen H. Doneuéle et Laie For- est, bad et R. R. DeunoléîY & Sous,0 publishérs, vas selouaiy Injured est- i ly fridae wheu a nov automobile0 wbio hoh. ad récently purchassd sud vas loarnlng ta drive turneS turtie an thé Milford plie e uai'New Havn.u Coun. John Crove. a protesslonal driver.9 vhom yeuug Donlléî hndl engageS I te give hlm pointons on runulng lhed machiné, vas killisd sud ather occu- I pants et thé car voeeinjured. b Young Donlley vsnt te Nev Ha-1 ven a vee< sue ta voit ou his ou-9 trancé ozaminationa ta Yale. Upon bis arrivai bé parchas*d tho autnoU1-t bile-a Mercdp-in Bridapont. and0 employeS Crove snd Cobh Busiaman, a machliit. te assiat him lu tnylng t out. A thici esrly narulug mlst Ob- acured thé rnad. Thé car vas gaing ai terriMe c peed. vhén suddenly at tanner'. wagon leomed up directli lu 1Ia pub. Taoung Donnolley. via vua i the vbeol, avorvsd thé ma- chins suddcniî ta one aide. The cmye vas 100 sharp. Thé heavy can turaeS upeide devu. Crové vu Plnned be- néatb it'sud bis sknli vas fractured.t Donullei sud théenachiltalwc vsre caugbt under thé machins. Their Companlous aIdeS lu oxticat- lng thon and disappearod alter they had héén pWaed li other machinés aud ruabsd hé a bospitai ln New Ha- yen. Thérs Crove îleS vithout re- gaiuiug conaclousneas. As seon as neya ot thé accidenit reached thé Donuelley bons lu Lake F'orent Mn. Donnelîsi hoarded thel tiret train fer théesut. Young Donélley firai atleuded the TaftI chool sud thon veutt b And- tarer, vbérs hé vas luJured In foot- ball practico Ilut tail. Hia Iajury was. sucb as te cause hlm te retunubu Lake Foreat for thé balance ufthle îachool tétin. This sunnsn hé ha. Lbéén attsuding thé Rosénhaum achool Iu New Haven. Ns. . sec ansyem-. e The visi str bsn tathor bougbt s u automebile, Julia, iged rive,. esid 1he« prayer like thie: "larire us OUi treépasses as vo forglve home vht Wtri luies u1."-Latc. *1~ I. t, COLORED M -1TO . LOS SI<T FR0mi IIUNTINO i ACIEN Johln Halloway of Grayslake la B" uth Waukean--Dr. John Hallaviî. agiS about 55" years, a coloreS man reaidiug at Onsysîsié. lu ail proabhlty Ivil lois the esgit of hi. loft ce se thcre- suit af a muntina accIdent ai Gays- la'cee bis nmma H&aaaî as flahlug on Grues laie ath thotmé lhé accident hbajaped.' Several mn o es untina ou the iii. sone distance svay. One o!f'the nen dIecharged buesheitgun at à Sudk vhica bappened tho ho dltectly lu line vita Hallaway, altiongh tus bunter could not mes the fieltonnan vho vwu hIdden behind son.eijili Oua. pentape nore, of lie lino ciel teck effect lu the nlctimi oeyo. One ai thé shotu passed ai&Uihevsî thraugh. Another @hot bit thé vie- til luth li p. Hé vas taken hé Gnaiclaie, vhéré ho vas plaued lu au automobile and brougiat to Wauiegan. ArriveS bore ho vas tien Imandiateli héto af- flue of Dr. Il'. C. Knight vhers thé oe vas aubject, 10 the 1-rai 10 Jeter- nine viwhete or not auy more of- thé fiué shot veto Inbedded.lutho ent- be.. can't gny poltively eaI listins that Hallavai vili lotsthle stghât ot thec eys, but thé chancs are very atrong liaI hi yUl." Dr. Kuigt said. CORN SIIRDDIN4i Spnlngflold, Ill.,Sept. 21-Thé satl boar-S ot lire stock comnisiioners today issueS tie tolioving order at- feelIng ULaissd Cook cauntlés: "Preveul thé spresd ai foot asud nouth disease Lu catie, siseep. atbsr rumnuanteanswaine. Thé custom of 1corn shnéddiug ton silo fillhlug shah buo 1prohihlled vililu tva mils etany Iutscted bord or preulpees. The ueu- tonm ai cern sbreddiug vwil! bsolier- mittéd enhsidé oftheias Io-miio arcs suad vîthin thé lire-mils cieloudquai'- 1antImeS ares. PROVIDED liaI la permit sas!!finit ho obtaiued tram au assistant stais reteriusiri lu ,charge of the quarauined ares.'" 'SPECIAL J7m]CES For "hi month, on [-AVE TROUGUIS9 MILK CANS PENNUNSULAR STOVES* AND FURNACË~S :-: :-: MA Aso Pipekes Yur.aoes at one.third thecost oUsteam or bot water heat 1 a Cut Prioes on Asphait Siaiç Rooriog. thé best on die market at a much Iower prIce. S.: Ss-8. ROSS R. SHIERMAN General Tinwork Phone 204-W Deerfleld, Ili. -j d 1 Lu . 1 s-i RE Two and 0 7,C Dr. J. If you ýdiftere.c *r agaîn eau do n tar asee Dr. P"oleî ttable en ýUns exp DOC di ei vanta Io theu Dr. ami resched liatîr bont KIL, 10 Se aIl thsy t 80dais lias rosi ried and or otel. à*ud chu ihey are* lrlp as c( L Ofcol psrienced 1000.ile #ot thoir ga r ot t pilo Mlie vers se rani., H bloci.a be ne Wauiegai palot. îAt Loi pers del Silo ga'e à«, Ulai 511h Rieli ,Sunday P248 i Viasi leit .1 r. and Clarence anuntîl 4.croei ' th Mo i o-h kary tU pilS on ir a tU Dk ot cile W9 Idb. foeo ofic tul led. l ty or ad a of Il