is 2HRMIENIUT; Two 8 count Physietas Cbwnlca and ëoFiRklturn roa Ru î Ta 7,000 Mide Auto Trio. toi at Cornlsh Home. Wauega, Spt 0.Wankegan, Sept. 21. Fra Wauega, Spt.20. Tva firernen ver. hurt, aud a <bIrd Of Tt Dr. 3. C. le>' dîi ot sa>, "Ner. slgbtJy bus-ued about te neck viie Savin V fuaati" vhon h. drovo bi% big M.5ev-bb>rusbed luto the. famo-sept et- the l IdL :301engor automobile tin thei tic 0ft te Coruitb roadouca. 918 sDdh 1 crage t biA homo, sboitly afton North hri arosit. Tueoda> att- comi kmidulght Sunda>', but be did sa,, ernoan. lion '"Once te enougli." Tbe fiulured: ara Bc If Yosa can gt Dac h tol YOD the DAVID A. HUTTON, assilstent dire t>' ai -differeuce lu meaulng betveen '"nov- chief, bonnes lu laf t baud bellaved to FowIE er agaîn" sud "once la .uough." you ha broken. a j eau do more tlign a Sun reporter so J. B. BALZ, freman company ,i "If -Ur as ancertaining vhether or no& baud badi>' bruiseit. public Dr. ïMl'oconsidora is trip a prof- Oua ireman aligbti>' burned. bave Itable ana Insafar as exponsa and ROBERT DICRBNSON, fireman, e! ti Urne expenseit are concerned. ligbtly burued about neck-membar vices Dcdifi as>'. Well, If s'ana be ru.- compan>' 1. te!k W vanta to sec the country. veli, Shortl>' atter 2 oclock the pramen interf t lAa the vs>' to go, for you kuov receivefi a cal frorn box 51 at the . $150,0 ecanantoses the dasert t flb.tbet corner o! Gillette aud Sheridan road, vida tram the train." The Carnlab home vas fouindinl Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Foie>' sud taml>'ldames vhen the department arrived, main rescheit Waukegan 30 minutes atter and Staes Attorney Dady vas !ound lu Bel ,uidnight Sunda>'. Their arrivai ati a8iistig Mr. Hertz.!, a 93->ear-oid tain1 tho1, homne marked the end fi à 7,000- resident, frorn tbe home. Hila daugh- flewc Mle auto Journa>' trami Waukegan, ter, Mns. Corulah, vas aidlug Attor- >early )IL, toelan Frýanclao andi ratura. la ney' Dady. vho aimait carricit the ..I, aIl tii.> traveicit 7.00 mile.sud ver. agefi man to the home o! Dr. andt lira. sonall ,0 days on the rondi. The>' mept et W. C. Bouton, neit door neigbbors 5mai Ahea roam aida In tenta vhlch tho> car- of th. resideuta of the buruing bulfi- eaue -uled and tbbc> selfiom ste ai a caf. lug. $6.000 or bote!. The lire, fi developad, bad starte oldi "Oh, vo lett Dr. and lrs. Taylor tram a defective flure-lu the chîmno>', mysel ont chlfiren ait Ubertyvîlie. ye,sud had enteulits way tiirougii the Disan they> are vell, aud i muet sas> that ve roo! betore t vas dîscovereit. Nelgh- Profit, *11 eulo>'od as gond hesltb during h. bora first stv the fdames buratlug tala *Ulp as coulit ha exPated." brougb the roof, sud vheu the>' ru thore Of course, the Waukegaultes. ex- ilto the Coruish home the>' found 1h. lmpro 'ýOrienced smre trouble on their 7- aged man sud hls dsughter seabefi la 1-mile trip, but 1h.>' aivays for-! big ari chairs.AI ,mot their troubles vhen the>' reachad fost as Assistant Chia! Hutton sud tract :ay oftheb big cites. For exemple, Fireman Baiz vere ciimbiug a laitder pan>' rhnti> e.drtvlug dovu one ot Into the atbic, a amali chemicai vhicb blona iremanireets lu Denver tbey the assistant chief vas carr>'iug, ex. wth ~wr eub>' a Waxukegau >'auug piofief. Places o! metai simd Fiaut- promi ýMsa. Ho chasedl the cars far four tou'a leftibaud lust aboya the second nibudE iblocka. andi then succaaded lu lump- finger. It la !earad that bues vera it L n tehl. runug board o ! Doctoribroken, but h a re used to desert 4v t ry i ~'q a -car. The young man pravafi men and ratura ta the business dia- amp!o r ho no oterthon Ro>' Samson, o! trlct 10 have the Injur>' dremed. Fire- lecuis W.110 gan, aUnitefi Statos Investi- man Baiz vas siruck lu, the baud b>' Wauk ~to. -a flying place o! moel andi ha 1ke- pan>' At " sAngeles the Waukegauitas visa sufferait a ver>' painful injur>'. office. 1e.deligtfully entartaiuad b>' Dr. It vas founfi uecessary te carry the The arter. a former Waulegan resident, bosa luto the atic sud vhen Fireman afiver 'Ulia gre a dinner Part>' lu thair DIcleuson raisait the batebva>' lu the ai las onbl. The>' met Neson Cle St Ot- ceiiing ha vas envalopefi tu dames. It i 4, Utah, andi hait a pIeaa;ýt visit The big bat wbicb ha vore protect- Fast, tih Rlchal' d Mrein at Denven,-c&o cd bie face, but ha vas mont pain- et gé Sundaretbey drove fr&sm C.dbr Rap- tulg buruefi about the neck. , thecpi fE. ovài* to Waukeggh. a distance Thè ron!fas! the building vas de- presea 248 miles Iu a uittle avar 12 bours. stroyed. and the ceillnga brnughout it wuc ~iey loft Omaha, Neb., at noon ou the reaidence vera deatroyef b>' bath losa utirsiay. lireansd vatar. theant Mr. sud lira. Nid Waizei sud son A score o-I more business ian as- Ilu > rende viii net arrive lu Wauke- sistad the tiremen In carrytus furni- Wau', au until the 29th ofthlie mauth. turc, carpats sud bedding oft o! the -Mr.F -building. "Th 0TTOM 1000 FEET BELOW Thea bas te the avuers o! the reai- mous) A crosa continent trp la frauZht fiance wiii ha close te 1.000, accord- suppi lth. mare perils tian the average lug tn reports. Firemrnn BaIz suc- opinio ia n oulf Iimagine. Dr. J. C. Po- caeded lu finfiing the fazrWl poclet thP lu. , hio as jut returnait from a book vbicb contaiued a large suinofo! inle ~0mileotrip ta Cailoruta, talla ot moue>'. aides asm of the. mont Itorestlng experi- tai of es e h"i on he trip. The State Board of Live Stock -sit For example, be asys il la au or- Commissoner Make NeW mrnasr -an>' thing tu drive for miles aud BiatieRUn. sblei es ou tha brit'so a precipice from _________RUng people ch thoe.nla s traigbl fdrop of Springfieldt Sept. 17, 3p. m.-(Spe. other r a thouad test In man>' places. cl.)-Tbe tkLt. board of Uve stock uiii rail ruas alozsg ou the. iedges of commisonars isouet Su order to- nasa. not aver six *test fromt the edg. day that In the futre no ona eau go ta, or trom a farina on vblcblhe Itte bas i the abysa. l'or a driver 10 loie stock bai boaus lacted it îtheii fontthId i of hla car, either thirougb uer- sud rnouth dliansd attor the taras mateà eue, the. breaking of s stesning has bean disiaftet until the fatam flot cai.or ,the burstUng of a tira ban beau fclali'leiMonand tram - w ouid cause h. car '1t> skid, quarantine b>' the commission, more Rlerotofore viien the prouiaoa hait eau ex Id lie fatal, ho.» dlisifeced the>' lave boou. au- - "Thi a sSmoon ot so vo tifi fot muni t hmaticali>' roeaiet fsoum uaranttuo. ceas. very mni,"Dr. Foto>' saut, "anit Thtis Dov raliait ?the sate bord mosans tatnet a scoro but itundpeda medic frequontt>' ve drove iong thiOetrLako count>' faumors; thoir tami.l-iets a o f tbese precipiees At a spScItlies, Sud their vorkmen viFi eh hli posaib <rom 1li te 20 miles Sunbour. The. prrsonrs for days or until they areII trOula as iio vovouit eetomfciali>' release t!trm quarastine b>' trbule ws whn wewou tu n nact of the boeri t tprWOilit. The I er car. Thon it voutit le noces- uav ordes- vaut ittaeffeet ttoo>'. and noalize for oue or the aifler e? the cm spromises tn vork a haÏdehlp ou alors.beenm bock up unUtI a vider letto vas than on, former. Issanki liai. Bomretimes va liait to back - - mentl -râther steepl lcUne." aart.d miing camp ett he time sait l>' an Foie>' sys thaita croasing the vas obligafi to drive 70 miles on lji. cama, il vas nacetsar>'Y t aal S rg im of thaeoel i.IsaArma aro stili "I a ~ty of trinkint ater. Bach car lame ftram h. temriffc strain hi vhicb States ad a gostaklu bag vith a Capsa- the>' ver. axposeit. îng aP of 10 gaiions. At oua tinta the Thea part>' ver. ver>' borr>' vien Wiîl rature rosa ta 110 degrees Sud NidÏ Wetzel sud part>' eftthem tTueeio s necemar> to travet b>' sigt. Caitornis to tale a trip te Seatle, tu-oW piete .raugh rock>' madeIanluWash., sud Portland, Ore. Ing 01 , ansd deep mtitdy roade In lti- «NId vwas one o! the hast travelling laces.Dr. Foie>' uati but ulue compaflions 1 aven bat," Dr. Foie>'Wau an the trip sud mre Of them daclarefi toda>'. "Fie vaa cougonial tiesa la portectl>' gond condition et and aven-lampereai a al times. Noi- çiecîs ~préenOt lime. At Cus tîme Oui Ibo lng over seemet to von'>' hlm. W. stacî - ourne>', about a veek or ton missoit bim andi is, I*ty.- *eony for-th, &0, br. Foie>' biov Otit ou. of vhen aur paths jIlvito." . gomple Idées on hieicar &su!d id ual bave 1Mr. Wotzoi aaýd Party are eoet <iau. t as misAi - hom>ue aoutthe lestofûUuxoisýuqab. > LÂKE COUNTY NDEPENDENT.FRTDÂY. SEPEMRF~R 94tlu.~________rs~u DIFFRENT OVER SUITm POl,OOO RCO. O I AL ce Option on Nlnety-Eight ler Cent of Stock-Fowie May Remnain in Co. rauk T. Fowier. former>' ovuer The Sun aud president et the Utae Uga Devices Company, makers o! lungomotor vbicb bas met wlth à ý1succea, hbas just placefi the iauy under cash option te, a mil- tdollar easteru compan>'. There sore 12 Waukegan sud Lake coun- gtockbutdero Iu the company.'.M5r. ver maltes this statement Satur- 1relative te the deal: Ifyou kuev, pleasa' do ni give Icit>' to name o! thosa wbn nov eundar cash option 98 par cent tha atoc< o! the Lita Savlug De- is Company' ($200,000 capital ,). because lb mlgbt lu soea y tafre vitb the dea] vbicb meaus ,000 added capital for country- esdvertislug and sales campalgu Worksansd head office are t r. n lu Chicago. Wbiia thosa now iative coutrol tee] absolutel>' cer- tbat vitb but ona-third o! the capital tbey couid mak0 8100,000 y. -yet va haven't got It. sal] aIl my foreigu patenta per- Ril> ovned for as atistactor>' lunt. The deai soama assured b. se Option holders baie expended 00 thus far. Waukegan stock- era are protacted the sama as if and vile t vouif bavelin- 18aly reJoiced ti set tbem big It. the>' can retira viti Profit or c tock lu the uew compan>' If *la no hltch wbich nov seema robable." Fowier May Rfemain. Itbaugh %Ir. Foviar bas no con- tat reasn vitb the nev com- ythe>' baye offeredý hlm a goal- suad hé ma>' conclufie 10 reraain 1the reorganized canceru vbicb isas te become eue o! great mag- ie. la uuderatoed the Chicag o tac- vili. bc rataIuad sud that every foye vIlI continue as before. le Joues, son et Judge Joues et akegan, la secretay ~of the rom- yand bas charge o! the Chicago eé nav ian plan a ceuntry-vlde Prtising campîaign sud vili put out east 30 salasman at once. is underetood that stuca ha vaut tMr. Fowier bas ad au offer gtting $200,000 more capital for ke la -Dr. ait à5 L9 at Il loe ho r.- Gray's- a labo penet., le tale ft he St à irectil' chi tu. arma» D taih le siiot va>' l. v. u-bere l0and ài bore the of- i-" the Jeter- o1 the l mou- la lime gbt of s vomy It maid. A KER e stat.. etoners der of- sl: ot astit 'otiior ,im of hball ha of an>' he cus- hae per- ele ares, fi quar- bat 's dfi rom un>' lu Ms.'. BJEAUD COMMITfJE ON F 0 O T-MOUTII lnquiry Shows Little Has Been Accomplished by Nation to Combat the Disease. The Waukegau Commercial Asso- ciation ccsmmIttaa appeintefi to han- lis the foot andi moulu dîsesm ait- MUte~UG13 Nebft Francis Adams, 12 Year Old Boy, Victim of Accident un Thursday Atternoon.- Waukegsn, Sept. 17. F'rancis Adiams, ageit 12, a Chicago boy who bas bean vlauing et the homa o! Mns. Charles Lau-son, 602 Center street, bafi a clame escape tramt deatb vheu he vas strasel sud run .ver b>' an autamobile drtvau b>' John licGanva. a btadlsmîth ai Gui'- nse. The accident happaneit Thura- daY attennOOn ai 5:15 ociocl ai thee corner of t3ausea street andi Grandf avenue. The Afiama boy, lu compan>' vltb Lester Mitchell, agefi 14, or 609 tildI-1 or>' streat, vas ridiug s bicycle south1 in Genesa. streel ai the time the ac- aident happaned. Adams vas on the aide o! the street sud Mitchell vaa ou tbe east aide.f McGarva vas ou bis va>' home.c dnlving forth on Canes. atreet sut turuing foeGrand avenue. The boy vas neani>' acrose tha intes-satiUg streeta viien McGarva svuag &roundt the. corner. Each triadtuhi vaiet. lit other andf the result vas s cotllon. Tii. boy vas luocle oittramhie bi- cycle sud accardig hi vibuesses,t bath vbeeis of th, automobile paasafa Over bhuit>'od. Fievas uncousdlaus1 vben picleit op. H. W. Cafi>, a lacal lusurauca man, drovo ai&ong aboutp lii lime andi picled th. boy, up ta'". lng btm lu bis car 1tote Jane MliAlis-d ter bospitai u-bare the ladt vas attand.- Pd b>' Dra. Barker sud KalowsI>'. Anb examiatiau taliefi la show su>' ser-t- oua hurte aud unises t la founfi ha vs. InJurefi internait>' it la believe Il ha viii gel aloni- al igbt. Wltnesees insiat the wbeels o! the car passaI P over th. boy. If thie la the case It la considared almoat a marvel that ha escapefi feath. compllmestary.v T%0ii.bsbop of Loadon, peaklg 1,. OMUti>',lid thét chus-ebeadit no:tdrop I dou-n from hoaven au>' more hat biahopa, though a. itttlo girl la bis scu- grogation, eitenti>' under that tain. t slan, hafi racentl>' salit tu bar motboru turing a tiriug sermon. -I am tiret nov, mothar; ca't thse bishop go butol ta buave?"a Waukegau, Sept 20. "I bave evor>' rasson ta, bolieve ibat the malonit>', perbaps aIl, of lte teachers ln the Waukegsn cit>' achools Sud the hîgh schooi viii corne undar the nev teachers' pension iav."- William C. Knoolk. heafi of the tva achool mystema, dediarefi toda>.'.q" do not maire thua as a positive state- ment," b. adidf, "tofor, v in nfot luoouutil vo have laken tie mal- ter- uP vith the teachers teuelvos. Of courso, thome0uWho an. teaching for the tiret timè thla ye&n have ne other alternative." lu ariter to coup>' uitb the lau-. lb viii b, necessan>' that the teach- ors came undos- the plan before their uaxt pa>' ta>'ln onde- that th. manth>' lustalimeul vbich tha>' are te, psy Into the atate pension tuait shail b. taken aut of theis- eaisry. The teachars a! the bigb achool are paifi uext Frida>' sud the tahers of the grade achoola the toiioving f1. day. Superiuîendnt Knaeïc' sa>'s liaI bulletins vii ha put up immeiltiatl> lu the bigb .choat sud cit>' sciiooio tu as-dem that ail tesebera ma>' ha ap- prlzed e! the Plan. Wltbin lhe uext day or tu-o the teachrî of the ilgh achool uuli ha intes-rogateit as ho wbsihe- ar net te>' u-sb tacorne on- des- the plan. The principale of the varlaus schaoi lit ha egiven fuit ln- formatian an the matter aud tira' lu turu yull Impart thîs Information to the teachors andi roceive replies aa ta hou- many ara toslrous of camlng uniter tho lau-. Tbre are sons, 80 teaciiers lu thea cbooi e! Wsukegan. Il la thugitt tho big maorit>' vJi &au ihheuselvas 0ft th. opportuat>'. Action Started Against Wau- kegan Young Man by Miss King Is 101d Stuf f.' The Olihng of the. $60,000 damage suit againat Charles Steele of Wou- lots» b>' Miss Tloronca King of Chi- caga on Wedzieaday came as the climax te the automobile accident vblch the Ste.!. auto ancouutered near Libertyvilie about two years ago. Miss King la veil knovn about Druceà laite, ber father, George H. Ring, a varehouse ovner on Nortb avenue, Cbicago, bavIng a nmmer bomne just nortb of the. lake. Tii. bons. le tbe concret., structure tbat stands near the big grove about a mile nortb o! tbe lako. MIaSRing andi other youug wemnen at tbe laire vere frequenîl>' enter- talued lu auto parties by Stade sund other local Young men aud oe e ve- nlng Steele took ber, for a drive te FiaitfDa>'. No! havlng bis owu car at the laaks tbat night Steele borrowed Clareuce Cumnmlngs' Mercer racer and wlîh Miss King went 10, Hallt Day. Eu route back to the lake tbe car wrent over Jot a ditcb at a narrow point lu the road, both Young people be- lng ibrovu from tbe car whlle It wa.9 Seing at s tant speed. The car was wrecked aud Steele presented Cuni- mînga vith a new car as a result cf tbe occurrence. Tbe strange Part of tbe accident vas tbat neither Steele nor Miss King were serionsly burt, andi afterwards frIenda et both yauug people lusîstefi that neiber vas Injured or even bad- 1>' scratcbed. And nov nornes the suit ln wblcb Miss King claimsn sire ad ber nose braken lu sait! accident. WbY tbe suit vas deiayed Bc long unless It vas toawaait fL>eeles cor. Iug luto the fortune left bu b>' bis tather or tullil ho attlnad bis mia- jorit>', le not kuovu. He vas 21 lant fa!!. Steele and bts friands tbtnk the case viii net amount ta much ha- cause the long deiay doesu't ludicate tbat tbe accident vas o bad as nov la clalmed. If t vas su had. ibe>' argue. vhy vasu't the action started before? ttaferrlug te the suit, a Cbicago ps- Per says: > Sorved In Yacht Club. lb vas samewhat ot a probleni ta Set service on Stteele ln Cook couuty. A Young lavrer was -voru lu as a depnty aberlif. He invaded tbe Ch!. cago Yacht Club the irst day Cf the races. Ha bold the steward that ho. must sea Mr. Steeleaia once on fur- Aftiiough milk dolur lu the fMOU district. which suppu.. Chic"%go ou tract.d Wedaied &y for the. 5upDIy during the vintor monthe at a prie. lover tia.n lent yesr, thora vnI iboem roductioii la tho rotatl cont of milii. It vas auucod lesat nuiht b>' largo distributors. The. average price for the comlag vinter la $1.76 1-3 per iiundrsd pouaft for a grade or 3.6 milk. aImt yex the quotatlona, ver. amond theo * mark. The decroase, hoveor, lanam slIgbt that rotai! prices cazusot bo aff.cted. MiIk et prosent »sa for 8 cuitsa aQuart. If. BAIRSTrOWV Marbie and-Gr.ate crnn.tory wu*k ai la"" Correspondence,, IçgtU lan uo akferl ourtaciet th e ai- cati of Chalisman W. i. Lyonu t the Commercial Association roonis Mou- day nlght vith the cbalrmau, D. T. Webb, T. J. 43tahl Dr. H. E. Horton and Secretary Magililu atteudance. The conumittea, reviewed tihe Inter- mation already obtalned ou the sub- lect sud planned the gabbarlug and dissenslnatlon of Bs complats data as possible. It dev.loped tbat vitb the enormoue appropriations made for the faderai Departanent of Agriculture, practicaily n ork bas been doue lu the scientlfic investigation efthIe foot sud moutb dIsease or lu the deveiop- meut of serum treatmeni. The sac. cessful treatmnts davelopad lu Eur- opa bave beau lguored by botb stata aud faderai ijvestock authorities sud n efforts made te devalop s treatment here that coutampisted the saving et tbe cattie altected. The decision of tbe conmmittea wass iat such Indif- tarence on the part o ftbosa responsi. bis., lu spite of the tact that the varn- eus dapartieuts et agriculture are ad- vocstlng the improvarnt cf the grades ut dalry cattle sud lu the face of the successful treatment of the dis- esse abroad, constitutes crirainal ne- giect that merits the strougest censure sud uuqualified correction. The committea wIil continue active work ln babait of tbis Most important Lake couuty iudustrv and wiii meet airai aBthte cati %f the chairman. Chairman W. i . Lyon e! tie Lake ceuuty committea. baudIing tbe food sud mouth diuasse campaign oftheb association, stated that they are try- log te ascertain beyond doubt vbabb- er or net the diseasa dan be quaran- tiued sud curad Inataad of the pres- eut IndiscrimInate aiaugbter of antire herds, usuaily wvitb but fev animais afflicted vitb the diseasa. Ha tolfi et the association vriting tiepixarma- ceuticai and pathological laboratorias for tbe hast Iuformation obtaluable and of the use o! the Information se- cured by us lu the Durand Injunction cae Wvitb bbe resultaut victor>' for the assocation@ contentions. NIr. Lyon !urtbar staied ibat w. bava ln Waukega nanetofthe greatest au- thorities lu the Unitedi States on the boof aud moui.b disease lu the par- sou o? Dr. H. E. Horton, bead of th, agricuiturai department et the Amer- ten Steel & Wire Company. Di-. Horton vas made a member ofthte association committea on the boof sud îoutb figeas.. AUTO STRIa"3S BOY- ON 'BIKRE'; WIJELS portant businass. The Waulegan club man vas ont ou the laWe tuuiug up "The Barnacle" for the race of Prasaut compan>', penmittlag the Sut stecîboidars ta eran, but ,oid mesu that Mfr. Fouler vouifi contre! cf the comPany,lilence neir deai. a persona]leltter te a friand su akegan relative te the naw deal, Fo'wlarsays turther: rh People viso bava put up the y for the cash option have also lied moue>' for expert patent don ou the validit>' sud valueof Patents bave aisenextandofi 8800 .eorporstlng a nev campan>' ha- nothes'spromotion expeusas, a ta- Of siou. $6,000. ;ouif the praseut fleal for an>' on fail dovu-it don't lokpue- v ith the amount o! moea>'hem. al bave already put up-I have w interesta here, vho 1 believe put sdded capital to the busi- i n fact, a staclhotder hore vho, $10,000 Investad, doem net 111e, fies of our mailiug out sud loti- Ià a !ev days ago If thinga fit ga througb ha mlkht go lu, vlth 8maue>'-ho bas It sud baides enlIst othes- mone.>' 'e lunganotor la a u-bilvind nuc- .It bas the confidence of the. ca1 aud sdiauttfle profession in i.blt>' ta chieve the simoat flm- ie vbeu It ta vos-led Inteligent- Igrows b>' leapiSutndbounfis. tla a great satisfsction la eZ' that eone tbiug lun m>'lie bas accompliabed for the benefit of kmd, sud that the secompiisii- v il! ha a credIt ta me, my tam- and iji friands for ail time ta arn ta appear betere the Unitedi es govnmeut huard of lite @av- appiiauces at Boston on Monda>'. close Up some matrs ber. ou iay, returnlng te Chicago for a wéeel' atay pending final cli D the deal."oi Oct Check* for Options. aukegan man vho ovu stock lu compan>' lest eel recelvofi sa covaring options ou thein i ad ail fa.! sure that the. deal te comploteasale ia pract caily. [olned. 9*Podo"t: Monre mders tisa i ADLER TO SPEND BALANCE 0F IFE 1IN STATE'S PRISON Detalis concerning the admission 01 guilt of John Adler, the man vho avlndled Henry Wedga of $3,000 àev- aral rears ago, are given lu this tels- gramn from Wsukesha, sbowlng that Lake caunty likel>' bas nlo chanace of getting Adler back here for trial: Waukesha, Wls., Sept. IO-teorge Adler, kuown tbrougbout the south-11 weat as J. W. Barnbardt, president and director of a bsnki at F'orent City Ark., tbrew up the apong toda>' aud realgned huma.!! b apend the reat of bis life lu prison. Witb 54 citias ln 20 statea begging Waukesha to let them try hlm for torgeries. Adler, lnstead ot makinq tbe expectad deaperata flgbt for ac- quittai, auddeniy suhsounced a plea of guilt>' and viii be sentenced on Friday. Hie sentence endsa a career vhich the Pinkertons say involved forgeries ot trom $500,000 ta 81,000,000, and wben his term ta served ln Wiseoon ;tin be wiii be givan up to authoritiess of other statea. FHe la 64 years oid,a v;o tbis means practicaily a lite lauf prison. He was caugbt ai St. Louis tva weeks ago afttr breaking lai! hemro, sud bis wite Is said b be living ln f Ignorance untii bis arrest tiat ebe was n'ore tan a ricb country banker.a The stor>' of Adler's carnetrla ana o! the strangeit In Amarican crimainal history. Operating for yeara, uing bis knowledga as a beaker lie vorked sucressfuiy city ater cit>'. placngc forged mortgages on ruai farin prop-n erty witb banka tu the neareat locali- tics tu the farme aupposedi>' mort- gag.d.c Hie age vas such as tu dlsarm sus- picion. It had been axpecfoed that Bock would plead flot gult>', sud vould use some of the man>' thousanda net- ted througb torgerlas aud faite reai- ty deais lu flgbting the caaa pouding againat bim. He swindied Wadga aut ot $3,000 lu counection vltb a faits fsrm ban, snd the next he was beard of i. bad put over a simîlar deai on a faruer lu 'Michigan for tvlce tbat 8Dm. Ha vas arrested inl St. Louis by Pinkerton detectives, and returnod ta Wisconsin without forcing the. da- tectives to procure extradition pa- pers. It vas learned upon bis arrest "Oh, Chalie"' yetteàthe club at- tache tiirougii a megaphone, "a gen- tleman l e re lu sea vou at once on Important business." 'Ail rlgbt, lIlI ha nlght lu." the boat ovuer megaphoued bacl. Ha hurrlad ashore oui>' te ha sarvefi vith the papers lu the $50,000 damage suit. Spolild Hlm as Racer. This llttte incident. it la saifi, no perturhed the. spaed boat man, liat he neyer creased the finish iinq lu the rade. He shut off the gaz vhen ha augbt to hsve turned It ou. sud aitogather vas san opset that "Tii, Barnacie" rau trua telils naine. At Wauleasutuda '.%Ir. Steseevais aslefi about the suit, but sait ha fiid net car. bo go Into au>' detaits. "«Wheu dît thîs happen"' be vas aoked. "Tva years mgo, ha repiiefi. Bilent on Romance Angle. "Weil, fion't yau thiol the yunug lady bas talon a long lime te decldo the value et a brokan nom, beoes filug tuis suit?" vas the ner quàes- tion. "Tes. 1 moulfi ays>eo," vas Shooe'. reloiniter. 'Wer. yau avar engagefi te mair> Mima Ring?" vas the next qUestion. *11 have nothilutte saa>' vas Ste,!'. anaver. "Do you Intonfi to fight the action?" came noxt. "I bave nothihg te say," vas tha repi>'. "Weil, suppose, %Ir. Steele. that tis yauug lady IsovilIng te taIk? Don't >'ou vaut te state your ide of the +e ef'vas the reporters naxt t->'. "She siiesys bas beau reat>' euough. 1 have notbing te as>," vas tho ansu-er. (Steale vas equally raticeut vben Wai*egan nevipaper men tried- te get a tatemeut fron i hm relative te the cage) Mis Oblact. NUS pV« vant te redue. yffu velgtr »sait tho physical culture 4» part. -No,- repUe t he calte, - MW* - vat te Sec labo somb sort ci 810101:11a ilvit>' that vil! permit iveto vas? ciothes. that &»eresu>' luit allà .01lu van . oatier." 1 l 1 cf tbe, leading dtizens of a amati Ar- liangas city. Ha beat su underabariff uncanscl- nus vhan ha ascape ail ai tWauke- sha a month ago, andi tbe autharities there expect to bave hlm rearrestafi on a more similar charge vheu tkas bas served tima for forger>'. He ta wanted lu 23 statet af thb.'Union. A mouth aga yealerday b, speut threa heurs un Waukegan trylflg ta oeil a Pearl baufilef revolver vbich .bd hait stoeeq fromn the sherlff's office ai Wauleshs. The sun vas founf b>' Thos. Tyrrel sud vas returued ta its owfler. TEACIIERS TO CME UNDI3R TUE PENSION, PLAN IMEDIATELY APPELLATE COURT Three Cases Are OnlyOi i Which State S eedCon- .Victions Last Terni. Founr et the Fox Lake saloou cases lu vblcb convictions ver. securad are being appealed te th. appallate court. Ateorney' George Filin lara- reseutlng the foiiovlng smloo»keep- ers vbo are figbting agaluat paying a fine: C*lon Ostrander. Peter Cisyton. Edward Pitcher. Auguet Sehrer. The first tbree ýcases è.ere amang: the batch that vere brougbt Into county court at the iast terza b> the state's attorney, vbo used the. inor- matlan route. Out et F0 or 60 cases tbey ver. the oui>' anas ln vhich ho vas able te secure convictions. At- er saverai fruitiasa attempta to get convictions lu the other cases tha state's attorney tbrev up hie banda and dismlssed ail the reraling de- fendants. August Sebrer was found gult>'ot seling lquor on Sunday at a previaus term ef court but neyer bas paifi bis fine. An sttacb ment vas lssued for hlm, but bie rep>' vas tb. taklng of an appa!. lu the cases of Sebrer. Fichter and Ciayton, Attoruey Fild ls coutendiug tbat ths verdicts ver. contrar' to the evIdence. lu the Os- trander case hb. daims cbsrged agalnst th. detandaut vas madea on Saturday sud that mei> the deiivery vas made on Sunda>'. Ho la taklug the cases up to the bigiier court ou s vrlt of error. H. viii leave In a day or tva for Joliet. vbere ha vili conter. 'è~ti. Judge DIbbeli of the appaflate court and a.cure tba nacessar' .npogcode. FALLS, »" TU!' 0F BOJLIN(i WÀTER --ClIIDMAYOIE, Little Margaret Paizetta Meets Frighttul Injuries Sunday at Market Street Home. Waukegau, Sept 20. Margaret, the tva-yeaz.old daugii. ter of Mfr. sud Firs. Natali Palsetta, an Itallan tamily at 701 Market street. lies at the poit of deatii a a rosuit of behig terrIb>' burnefi 8undq~ noom vbau sha e tllIfto a tub of bollint vater. Just as the. other mqmbers of the family ver. eatlng dinner lu an adjling room. Tbe vater bafi lust bec ltted t ron the. stove andi vas at a bouiM point. Tii. chulfi va plaflng nfar it sud lu, same mafiner ftl bacivard into the tub. Her screasa brougbht help aud she, vas lttef rous the bail. lng tîqulid. 5h. vas scaded ai over, thevra burns belug on ber back sud arma. for mii. iad ou but ver>' scant ciotii. lug sud therefore vas quit. uap?.. t.ried. A doctor vasçaitod at onces sud ha reilevafi the chilfi'. suffortag as mucb ais possible sud dreased thl% bumas. I 1fi 1 Tii. famîlly objected ta tii. uttle vlctim balng tabou Ithei.bosptaL, bw IlavIng tbat ber burun ver. aucb that ah. sure>' vauld dle suyvi>' sud If the end vas ta came. tho> vantait hor dia at homo ratiior titan avap. NO DROPINTIIEmam Il a il 0 ti a b b ti d LA= INDEPENDEN-Tý, FRrDAY. SEPTEMBER 24.1915. eh--- ---l.ý-