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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Oct 1915, p. 6

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LÂ1U~ ~OUWrT a. A. Watoo aMd Justin Btinaeki Wre Chcago vtorm Sundsy. lir. and lire. Cari Bader motored ta .>oopbsgiona iWmk. M MeJ. J.BRodgerol 0f Keoeaia openSil Tuadal and Wednaeday wit h Mmr. lBr> Swan.c lire. Thomse Rusml vletd ith rea. tives la Lake Forent Wednoeday. f Mime Emma KmIgge of Chicago. pentI ftnday wiub ber parente bors. È. A. Wesiwood, wha le empioyed lu Chicagoaillent Bunday Wtb fionde bote. G. H. Knlggs cammed hie tudles et Lake Foresit onage lut w.ek. A parti of ladie spot lest Fntday f vih Mr. and Uri. J.J. Boueat Wet Fremout. The Are. orchestra wilii givo a concert t the church Frlday evemng. Oct. 8. Na palmei bave beom epared ta, make tbis a musical treat. Mr. and lir@. thomas Rusoeel enter- tainmd a number of relative@ from Lake Forst Sunday. The Work ai iaytug the water mains bus boom campleted amd quit. a number of praperty owners havealready put tii. water lu their home.. Qulity Photognaphera. Cali ou us-Vant & Bull. Waukegau.c EZIALiE ZJ Myrtle Richarde opent Saturday afid Sunday wlth ber parente. On account oi the quarantine the Vernon township Bunday echool have PoeîPoned their convention ta Oct. 17 et Hall Day churcb. I Mr. and Mrs. M. Urnbach and son Robert of Evaneton, epent the week.eud with M. E. aie. George Frey OfiChicago, spent Tueoday Oi tht. wsek wlth hie sister, Mr%. S. E. Kuedier. Half Day sehool opened NIondey, Sept. 27th. lirM.D. Sherwood mand Mary Keougb tecbling their second term. Hait Dey Congregationai Church 10:30 a. M. Suudey sebool 7-.45 p. m. Preaebiug, Sulljeet of the evenlng wili b, ",Education.,, Everyone auld be lnteroted in thie sub!pet. A weloome le extended ta every man, waman snd cbild lu aud around Hall Day ta bear %ii subject. Beni. J. Trlckey, Mînleter. Qulilty Photographore. Cal] onuàu-Vaut & Bull. Waukegau. Carl C. Gbbs of Lake Forest lIed a bill for temparary injunction lu cir- cuit court Fnlday againet George Her rick. The restraiulug arder vas pr- dsred by Judge Edwarde. Gibbs, thraugb Attorney Clarke, asserted that the defendaut vas excavating for a building neat ta his store and had slgnlfied hie Intention of encroacblng 18 luches au the Property ,aofthe plaintiff. Gibbs declared also thal If he excavation was alloved ta cou. tinue, 1h wauld preveut hlm tram ieav- fug or enterlng hi. promises. Report Ylf rom Lake Forest this aftsrnoan vas tuât the tnjunct.lon was flot being Ob- Berved. Mr. and Nirs. Albert Fluel of Wads- Worth held a bau.evarmlag party an Thursday eveulng. 1h vas ettended by about 200 Peapie. fully 75 being tramx Waul<egan. Mnr. and lire. Finel, vba formerly resided ln Wau'jegau, are building a ten-raom bouse et V1l1adsworth. Two violine and a vic- trola turnlshed rausic for the. danc- ing. Retreshmeuts vere served and alilpreseut report a mast enJoyable tine. @y y. F. SWAN Correspondent end Agent DON9T MISS YOUR CHANCE THIS MONTII AU Jeposits md in our Savings DePartmnent on or bef ore OCTOBER Sth WiI draw 3% Compound Interest from OCTOBER i st $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT510 THE CITIZENS' BANK Saf. Dtposit Boxes for rent Are«, lIlinis -NAKE TRI8 BANK YOU~R BU5IlME8 HOME- DIAMOND LAKE lire. Hlmaleent ltweek ln Chicago. Miles Mary Tffeny $peut the wS.k end t Antlocb. Tb@ (emetery Socety wlli muet Wltb lire. Henry Kane on Thuredsy e*aternoon OcIL 7th. Mir. Petermon and fanilly of Chicago upent the week end at their cotia.. The P. N. C. mestiég wbicb W&..te, haie beau bld the. fret wsek la October bas boom puepoued matit the firet wsek1 la November.,1 Mi. 0i. Bartist We the gueet of ber daughier lire. F..>Johsmonaof aukegaa l55i W.Ok. Um imeHlen Gerber and mother we Chicaglo visitore Mondai. ibiy Cran entertaluied a number of bis fionde aturday aternoon tlbhoner af hi$ tWeftb birthday. A very piead"M alternoos wam @pent by ail alter Wbich supper WU eerved. Mdime Neilie Neath @pont the week end ai Libertyville. Water Papis and f riend were Grays- faire visitors Sunday. John Barbara» aud mother and Mise Ehel and lierrîl Welokoph opent iast Week at Springfield attendîng the étate f air. Uime Julia Barberas ia epending The wesk t Llbrt"ille. Quaiity Photographera. Cali on us-Veut & Bull, Waukegan. Mir. aud lMr@. Frank Smith @pent teset week wth Waukegan relatives. Mr@. WiliI ecietoweiler, who wBs operated on for appendicitie et the MelicAster boopital Saturday. le reported ta bie dolng as well as could b.e expected. lire. Chambertin le spendlng a feu' daim witb ber mster t Irving Park. lire. Orpba Harding attended th. W, C. T. U. banquet lIn aukegau luee- dey evening. Mises Daiey VanPlew @pent the tires of the week ln Ciccgo. Mre. F. Sý Doipb eutertained ber &ont, lire. EdnB flarden, Saturday. Mime.. Ada, and Elizabeth Kuebker, Elizabeth Wrtz and Avis Payne @pont the week-end at their bomnes. Witt Vlcliery returned front hie North Dakota trip Saturday evening. Mns. A. L. Ritta. lire E. A. Ranscim and Mir@. Abert nyder were Waukegaa vietore Wednesday. Albert tinyder *teae given a birthday surprise part! FrIday eveuIng. Qumity Photographers. Cali an us-Vant & Bull. Waukegan. LAKE CO. FIRE DEPTI. ASKED TO LEND ^ID. ljeerfield, Sept. z2.-Fire of an un- kuown origlu this etternoan caused a $60.000 las. at the St. oseph's Home, located ah what 14 calied Techney mest eouth of Sheruierville and uot far tram the-Lake couuty hune. Qne bey lu the bg Cathollce choal wss badiy burned and lhe was rushed tu Alexian Brothers' Hospital, Chica- go. It is feared hie will die. The buildings destroyed lucluded what are kuown as the machine shaps. lnciudlng the prlntlug office, carpen- ter aholi, machine shap. etc. Mien 1h appeared that the entire Institutiou, one of the largest af Its kind lu the shate, was lu danger, catis for help were sent ta the lire depart- meute at Highlaud Park, Glencae, Gieuvlew. Shermervîlle, Evanston and Deerfleld. Ail thase who were ap- peaied ta respouded and accordlngly the blaze was under coutrol about 3 o'ciack. The estlmàted damage la $60,000, covered by lusurance. The main building. one of enormaus sîze, was nat dameged. aitbaugh it was threateud for a time. The buildings are ail of brick. The home la located ou the Green Bay rand aud cen lb. seen for mauy miles. It vas orlginated by a Mlwaukee cloister snd bas several hundred boys there for training. The Illinois naval morvesvCo ast yeer pravel ta have e bigiier aven- age o f g u n n ery ex cellen ce th a n g y , noguler navy crev, leserves ta have s u'arsbiP on whicii tiiey Cen recet,'.o adeejuate traliig and a little rom- tort." a e.i1e.IIiVi~ lftJj4 ~~ "Thie nasal training camp for citI- zoavl uely hbe ldlnlu1916." de- lanel W. M.Lewis. Berory oaithe TO BE APPEALED 1 Leegue. i"Te t Arbijration Board Gives Man anumarîne sud a destroyer. Traliig Burned by Acid Recently lun fils sort of detensIve cafttIoleos- Three Weeks' Pay. sentiai. Anotber thing, the tact that Chares ojnewiz, wo caim toa suhunarîne was maliug daily dives Chemse ajuevlz, vco aIm taoff the narhh shore val arouses ae bave bal indu face sud bauds diatig- greater lutenest lu naval mahtena than ursI permauentty vinile engagel 1-1 snythlng else" bis lahonsai ahen Cyclone PenceCa- psny plant lu North Ciicago on t he Rfl.f 15tb dsy ut Janusry, vsaloel IK E R damnages ln tins sum out hinee veels' salary, iesfinan $100, hy tne sîate KILLED ON ELCTRIC,, industriel hoard vhlinca nveflel n NELo;IIi Wanlegau Nlanday. WiL I- le lges tbat ou Jauuary 15 hie HL 'J RI NG was employel hy thne Cyclone Pence_____ Company plant and tinaf a casting, dropped Into a vat ut scdI usedlnlu Borrowed' Machine Dragged galvanizîug vire. aundsth o iew 900 Feet by Chicago & Mil- shorel vitin liquil metal. lie vas waukee Line at Kenosha. seollng damages on the grauind tiiat i bie face and hesd vers distigurel I Ticres men lu an automobile vere permanenlly. He vas reprosented hy [ cna ftrnn sr eo Attorney Max Pnzyboraki. Theorb~i- sha vinen tineir car vas struck by a traoos sent ta Waukegau hy the train oft he Chicago & Milwaukee Biats ver, Danel J. May, Walter Wy- eectric lins. Tinoy vene Fred Met- sacl and I. Berlman. The Cyclone[teti. Fred B. Prott sud Antinony Czar- Pouce Company wae nepreseufel hy j 10vski., Atongneys Sherman andi Elis oai- Tins men vers nldlng lu aornai cago. auto tuck vhich tbey hal 'bar- Tics case of Lawrence Szsioga v,. I nas-d"--wlthont permission. It le saId fine Vulvan Louisvillîe Sunoter Ca. i tram tins Pabst Breving Comp-sny , vas contInuiel tiree veels uon lice of wiich Czarkovsl wvs. 4p employe. roquesî aofuice offiiais aetfine ameten Tins electrlc train la sidta havo Company vina minove that their ld- heen runnlng et the rate. of 45 an 50 tan . an ieil», vas ouf of Wanke- mile.su n our. Vine couductor, W. O. gan. Szehuga dlaims that ou June 2, Genard a! Milwvaukee, and tice mator- 1914, bu vas iioîpîng tela a scrap man, W. A. Marcy of Racine, vore Iran vhen a lange Piece hecame booa- anneshed and bell pouding au inquest. oued. rallng ou is foot. -I couhînt belp if,,' Marcy salI. Yuhe case ci Waheuty Wil-î against I 'Tic waruing bellitaitino craeelug theie o mpamy vas levise can- vas soadiug and 1 vas lovlug my tinnel. Be vas icurneo n tins face wvie. Tino men lu the auto appen- sud right arm ase n result o!fsun ex-utly thangint tbey col croes lu plosion lu tics pant. tîme. I diIInat ses fine auto et aIl Todsy Mn. May vent te aitseeVilla until it flashed nlgbf lu front ai me. vbore be preidel over an Inînatrial Tinen thoenta vas efruc ln u scb board meeting lunfine case of Flan- s vay thaf tbe airale af my train once Chialman. admintatntix aofîles put ont at commission and thne EIu'arî Chirstmandeceasel. va. The auto was dragged about 900 test be- Consumera Ice Campany. Chralman tons I coutil stop lice frein." vas killel an lMatch 1, 1915.,vicen a Protsud Czrîavali vene klied largo tîmber feli on hlm, as lieovains a n tl-y. Ietteni. cliuglng toettno helping lu tics vronf aismmsuîîng Automobile, vas dragged 500 fest. Ho an al lee plant. vas picel up lilve, but lied on fine .say toa s ospitsl. An exadus ar msuy promineut bus- Afler lice accidont tinonsauds of luesse mn toal place lu Kenosina, Kenosine resideufe veut out ta lolk WIs-. Tbnreday. Othera are planning ai tics vrecîago. la lusl as so suthior business ei- fafire can be errangel. Thelr action Daiiy Gond. t. promptel y hibe try airlice Mol- W. are tuoaCputaunderrate lb. ter. a 20-Year-old delinquent nov ln IMorqanmi nty ai a man's reguler vaca- the ustdy o th poice.Herstor tii l @ aae an, hie bunes tin cntad a!thepolce.Hon look sorw e bsfrumtiesfor gome1*4 thl e O Who bave slneedy bo coevreaattam h.fr ffl ad hn reaeda snstio. hie oprtuulhj far acievinga raW~ bascratela enstIo. Vneter and loing goal. But Uere le noth- giatar part of theo glrlVc stary. vinichIngluse t..fial le go determinative ei cerna lus dulabf tParties iu and a Man's ciaracter, unotng oe. thet about Kenosha,Ile nuprtntebie. Tbe no funnshe bnslfor ltà benoee *ata'*e Attorney bas startel an laves- sud feet 10 mmm bis orramile ai goal fisation. Wil.-.ToinnW. Ol" CLck lire. Robert Peitis WBS given à sur- prise choyer by ton oi ber frle.nde lest Thureday. Mime Ida Shah aif Lake Efforts teinu Made te Secure Foret, vs, th. ouest aiflins Pet",is ub m ,Topub o De- Tb@ Pareniý-Tebhr association oi the aryradG iot Deffleid Iranimar echoni bal theA gCola oonhtmtlng of a ubmarine. Sepépmber meting la the Aemoubiy bal a torpe.I destroyer and a British Ftday afieacon. Tbo pupile of the huit nbsot &1ailfyli sthe Amoa upper grade. csug a grOup af mongfs m uay cruise On lte. amidln under the leadership Oi lites01101-ne. entmer wtth Chicago AS & bals. Reportesaoftihe different comimtleem er. &ppiçàtton hb en made iller tbe gireand udhb. ork ai the organliation iudnof e suhmaine ad a de. omtlAd. Tes vas ervel by the -socatrom te, the North Chicago Iratalus comahtite. staion for tbe propoeed cttig*Wsnie. lire. Howard Dunbsm of Keiiu'arth, val cmp.fit vas îearneei toI»y. The Demlmg Wolf oa i Wiuette. tir. BalIs truton camp, firet of Ite klnd, Of Albuquerque, N. Mexico, sud lire. vii poeltively b. bell even If the wau William D. Walf ôt Cincinnati, vere ihe cratt cannot be ohtained, It vas as- fuenu aiflire. Richeit, Jr * Tbunsday. eerted.1 Rev. T. L. Suhr. a former 1>55101 0f the Capt. 9. A. levers, commaander of United Evangilcai bureb lu DerleldtIlin ltois naval militia, la nov la gave a *ery in uormting mieianary taik Washington, D. C., piesding vltin the on hie wark among the Chinea. ta the autbofitinq for a larger andl more et. "Milddle Fiawery Kingdom" Sunday f cient training shlp for the ummer slterooan ln the Bethlehem LU. E. chuncb. croises. of thenIliGnois bluejaecet di? lise. Frank tiempstead te vlelting In visions. It ta understood Capt. Ever HEston, l'emuyvania. ban flxed hie oye. on the U. 0. 9. To- liee Mamie and Leure K&rcb are peka, a large, weli equtpped gunboet vliting fiends lu Aurore. é vbicb vas orlglnally an Englteb van Alvin Kuaak leit lasi Sunday for veseel. It vas hougbt tram the Bnit- dette, Wasb. Imb govorument and added ta the Amertoan navy register etthie onI- Mime Roberta Porter of Chicago a, s ra f i.Swlb-xeia ar. tbe guest ai ber cousin, Mi-.s Elosuor bTii.ofthSn anadÂuerta rmu Moyenriast wvk. TeSnJindAsra rsn training ship of the Ilnois reserves. A number ai the memiene i fthe1 . I t e kuavu as "the hueiet" amang tho 0. P. and their vives etteuded lie youtba vho maIe annual crules lu couutyamting et Highland Park lenttli cramped qusnters amI ettempt ta lueeday uight.1 master gunneny and other naval lir. sud lire. Ed Bileei returned probleme au Ifs narrov docks. Tburoîay fromi Grand Rapidsevbere they '*The hesi cnafttve ever haI.,' il bave beeu for the past tva weeLs. vas explained today." vas the~ gun- J. A. iltryker viit.ed bis brother Irving boat Nashville, but that vas talon et Fon du Lac over the week-snd. away tram us because It was ueeded ~lun South Ameican service. Then v. viaiting ber mother, àdre. J. L. Vetter.1vas tao good. They took evay tbe Sr, ho tequite ill. Dfl,,h,,n d z-ve.us 'theh....fr5 lange dividende on grosmiy vaterel stack sud great salaries and lobhying oxpenses ta ho ahîtractol tram the Paruings. Tins enormone expenses ut eturnlug omhty cars tafine bomne rosI sud for mainhalnling manifold î'arsllhUnes viii al heelstinahed. Better vages viii he pal ta employes sud fether service viii ho gissu la the public. Vhs tirne viii came sborlly vinen tins peatle viii demrnd Ihese chenzes. WALTER DAV'IS. Waulegan. Ill. PERJURY 'CIIAE MADE AINMST MUN TAKINi À LICENSE Ray Henderson of Chicago Is Charged With Swearing Falsely to Gir's Age. A charge o! perjury te preterrel againsf Ray Henderson ot Ciicago lu an Information fiedlnl county court on Tbursdsy. Henderson la canged to have savn anusely ta tine age of Miss Manie Pleines vineinhe o ol ont s marriago licenslu tice office ai tine county clenl ut Lals cauuty on Sep- hember 13, 1915. lu tailug out the marriage liceuse Heudensun Is slloged ta have evoru that Miss Pleines vas aven 18 years of age, leclarlng ehe vas 18 yeas ohd on December 8, 1914. Ae a mal- ter ai tact, itlmlecontenlel tins youug vuman vas but 17 yeers olI ou tinat date andl îlI ouf be 18 until De- cember 8 aifini. year. That lleuleraon unlswully. vil- fnhiy, corrnplly sud înavtugly evare taise leatice charge made on tine In- formation. It la chsrged almo fnef tbe girlsa parents. Mn. and Mn.. Phlp Pleines ut Ciicago ddlnaf bau' ai tino Pro- pasel marriage culndI ld tglve fbeir consentl ta f.If IsIoallegel ta bave bieon an elapement pure sud simple. When tino girl'. fttier board of the. vedding, ho hecaeovon angry sud communicatol the tacf$ ta Stales  t- torney Dady vitintine result tinaf Il vas lecîdel ta start criminal action agaînef Heulerson, vina mvoro ho vas 22 yeara of aie. Thieleatino tiret tîme lu several yeare that su action ut this kIlul ias een startel hors. Tino penalty lu case ut conviction 18 e fine af $1.000 or one year lu jeul or bath, lu tino lîscrefian oathfie caurt. Heudonson cul hie vIt'e are not liv- ing fagetiner, itlalesalI. A lira. Putnam. vinolived near fine North Prairie churci n l Benton fovu- sblp. lied 51 ber borne TbureleY niginl. Ah. vae a wehl Inavu reellont of theno nrtiieroparu ai Une conU!it. TUE I.TIALRAIL ROAI STATO Walter Davis e Wak0a Tek~me Chan SUGGESTS U.S. OWNERSHIP Or Should Consolldate--Would Inorease Wages and Reduoe Operatlng Expense. Waakegail. sept. 23. Walter Davis, a local roident, bas noma e ry lnteresting vieve on the national raiiraad situation. He com- mande the Intenetat ecommerce com- mission for tailla t 1 grant permis- elan for theo raisins 0f mraofanés snd tella vhy rallroade flad Il diMf- cuIt bo operate on the present rate et fane. He alzo euggesa a logical solution. Hie Idees worm pubieel it tb. forta of a communication lnaa Chicago attenînoon nevepapen on lion- dey. -Thbe article follove: "By tesson of mlemanagement. re-' flectedlaluthein operatins, methode. paticular carriers have heen unecon- amical and wastefui ln oxpenîtture, aud thue lacreasel thelr ratios af op- eratlng oxpense tao Perauing revenue. The lucreese lu aperating ratios la traceabie ta deepseated undeniytng causes vbicb- probabiy bave effectel carniers generally." Tee plain varde. vbich apply lu sorne legre. ta al ralîroads, are tram a statemeat of baute on vhWh the iod- eralI ntersitt commerce commission deples an lucrease ln rates ta Il Western railroals. We wha note u'ihh great Intere3t the pragresaf the country ln thne reg- ulation of great volumes af capital ses an Importance lu thue docialon that may escape thase vha mare lightiy scan the neye day by day. Tii. American public en e erno hurden allel to thes alroaly overwbelming cosit of living. The ralîroada ebauld subher consohidele ta reluce expenses on hurn their eqcipmeut aven ho the goverumeut. u'hich vîli sud the trou-e ble tan ail time. There vhlI ho revenue lu plenty CASES ARU FILED Cruelty and Drunkennoe Are Charges Made In $erno of the BM RFled. Tomorrow le thé lut day for il- las culte for lb. Octoben tereof courtaendas * reut the etreui clenk amnd bie deuty ar e b.ag lapt very huer thèeeras. , loverai bills for divorce and other nuits vert filed ioder. Foliow'ins are some 0orIbmecases fled today: cois vs. Cos. lir'. aKtbnyn Cois, tlurougb Attor- neY James 0. Well±b, tarted suit for divorce against ber buaband, James Cale. They resldo ai Rigliand Park. lire Colo reroresnte that the and ber bumband wveumarrIed at Chi- cago, Jal7 31, 1907. aIbe soys tbey lived together mâtih september 22, 1916, vben elle Bessaeh. as obliged to basve hlm. file charges blm wltb extreme and repetel crueity. She leciaesethat in October, 1914. ber hushand kicked ber iu tbs back. On May 25, 1915, the Bay e ho ast ber no severeiy vilh hie flots that se vas obilged ta summon a physicien ta attend ta ber Injuries. Thore are tva cbildren. Mary, agel 7, sud Ger- trude, agol 5. lire. Cale gays ber hushaudlal a cerpenter-contractor and maires tram $30 ta 135 a week. She asIs an lujunction reetrainlng ber hyehend tram gaiug ta ber home or tram Interfeong vtb ber or the chi]- dren. She aeseaiea that sho ho given au absolute divorce. the igbt to resumoe ber malden nome of Kath- ryn King. the custody of ber chul. dren, slimouy and colleltorle tees. 8h. was greutod leave by the court! to proeecute ber suit as a Poor per- sou.1 Peco vs Pecrfiand the stahe bighvay commission la MNrs. Priecilla Pecor of Lake Zurich ciisrged vltb the duty of prepertng stsrted suit for divorce malsoplan s t hctialn udspri. busbaud. Ferdinand Pecor. She gays ing thes construction af the war4i. they ver. mannied lu Chicago, July vhIcc Involves passiug upon sulinlo- 6, 1907, and livel togetiner unuhl Au- nesof matonlal. 1Wbshtever type of gusu 25, 1908. She enys ho lesentel odmyb eetdltl h uyo ben ah that time and tine leet she theroa ey be s..lncomdluissitdty 0 heerd of hMtho vas ai Los Angeles,,prictosfrhe bt ow Cal. Sh.esys mhe bas been obligel formi of construction of the type chue-1 ta support lharselt since hon huebsul su and tuagincoinpîetent inspection lefh ber, as ho nover bas caninibuht- and supervision tum aoven ta tine ta%- ed ta ber support. She a55<5 e di- pyr b etrslaPsil n lvyracicshantdrsule pssile ia sorce nd almony.der tins conditions for tine mous! 01- Hufiman VI. Hmffman. pended. Fred lHoliman. Androw 1lloff mar.1 Wili i UponRequeat. sud Elizabethc iloffirnan. tîcrougin Ah- "he question bas bec i aed. WI iorccey MtarhIn Dledker, have lilel a the slatfe biliway commuission Permit~ bil ofpatitonagainsh Williamliloffith bIh a Panilia iheuse of shate aid funds ton tine Pur-. man, et a]. LlICtiei vs Tnlgc. chase aud appclcation of ail for oîI-ý Lithfild a. rig. Iccg exlmthng sartin roadm?" Sucb iW Albert W. Lltcbtield, hhraugh At-ullc chu t h e.Ti a îaruthy GeorgetW.f heeld,.bas'started aoe suit gelu asum ei to n .oOO dm sInty a maintenance propositioUý a sut i asumpit or 2.Wo dm- nd If shoulci be clciarlY uuderstoad agie ageluat J. E. Triggs. btteoln f(at od nI Rhumherg vs. Rhombeng. îsncparary expedient and ah best lIi Mrs. Aluma Grey Rhornberg of Wau- usefuiness is short llved. Tin orna-~ kegan. through Athorney R. F. Fou' mission viii, tînvever, lunsîsu' of îbmeý 1cr, today, itled asbilîl for divorce tact that tine application af e proper.- agslush ber bushand. John Rhom- îy Irepareci ail is etc improvernent t&~ herg, charglug hlm sithh xtreme cru-' au carih road, use oil lunfine canstruncH elty. Sine gays they vers manriel ahtflou of niats aid earthronde.,viie Providence, R. I.. Juns 22. 199. and requesipel by the caîuhty huards. but livel together ultil Auguet 6, 1915. v11lireîulre thersarter that the comm- Tinere arc tva chilîdren. John Ivan, 1> sinali psy for reolling ftonm year te iged 10 and Allen Joseph, aged 7., year, or attener If requireci. as a part. Shortly alter tbsir marriago, NMrs â m- anenneo sccsi t liomherg gays ber hushaul hegan 1 roass vich as vs have inlicatmi tins excessive use o! lnhoxicshiug I-aicace, develaPa upon the couuty. Ab qîcare aundinile under thInflutience earth rond Io lefined 10 le a rosi she says be vas qîcarneleome acnd1l1it propcerly graciec snd Inainel, tbat la, treeted Iris famlty. 1tins bille out, the boitovefiled. nec. Ou Auguet 2,. vile lutoxîcaled, he> essery ditches, bridges sud culVertS gays be destroyel ber clôthlng u'ith buit and the vinaIs surface brougbt a knffandthenchaed heireldstho surcb condition i bat If 1h bas bea cid vith the kuife, maling thneets propeni! maîntaîneci e durable vase'- agaiust the cblld and aima againat lng surface may he laid therean wv-ItI- Sire. Rbomberg. Ou the ase day out repeatlug suy of the u'on leaedi abe gays be bIt ber aven the beddoue. vltb sucb force thaf ahe vas 111Iti Ue. of Bste Aid Punds. bel sevonal deys. f ho says there -Concerulng theUse o f tb.e tet vers mauy athor Inshauces vhen he aid fonds la building bridges, that 1 beat ber. le i the judgment of theo commise Iu Apnil. 1915, sih. says he locked thhat 1h la nul cautemplated b! the la hon ouf of the bouse and as ebath ta that ail ut the state al maney aleepin te tabe.i1a cunuty shalh ho expendel train y lu July, 1915. . aie says ine loclel ta yesr, an bridges and culvents sas ber ont of the house and sine bal ta o tlnu sspato ionad COn shoep on the stepe. At the saune tîma atruction, as sinaîl fraun lIme ta fuel aine gays ho accuaed ber ut heiug lu- be Ietenmfned. lu most countie. the imate vltb athens. sutficieut tuode avalsinle lu the t on Augnst 6, 1915, site gays ho pur- abîp treasuntea vîtia county al, aued ber vif b a large knite. mekiug ltale cane af tis vani satlstsctorlly threte aaint be Hfeandforcng Howevor, lu concies vinons there ber ho ise ta ueiginbore ton al. At evllonce ofat elsd of funle otahi that lime aine gays be vas annstol vark, tine Commiesion yull detonmla and novles ln fine county 1511. bau' mucin It any ai tine state ai avaliig theielactIon of the grand Jury. funde may ho usel for tbet purpot Sio alie for a divorce, tino custody but vill require that lhe bridges an of ber chihînen and aimoury. Rhomn- uiver.te ho lîmîfel fa sncb sîzes an berg vas servol u'itb tino ammona ai cucin loçilltiee as vîlI onable tine I hie vifes bill ae he lay lu Jail today. pertinent to carry on tins varI ec omalcally, hohna ta cost ai constru Pagan'@ Advice. tionandul ca f o!anienvîsion." Begin the morulng hi slng ta t».6 self. 1 shah =eeut in Unsebusy-body, If te reported lu Zion City that Val theo nugratetul. tihe arrogant, deceit- vp. aul akr 2,0 Wo, envions, the unsocisi. Al ys l tShue»Pakar or0,00i tinluga bappen ta Ihem, hy ceasu 0 prepane tics dnug store ceea hl their ignorance--&f -bt la goal mai lt lasai!hocaIea bas made tino stat ovIL. But. I1vina bave smua Une namotunt tbst It may cost - of goal lItaIlIl le besutifril, sud of the mare beforo tine case in finîshed. Tii bad thatlilu la 1uglY, and the nature coS vas tine case tlnîhcintino ludges hlm who om1105 Uoii-that litln'eakln fine Circuit court rmied against th te ume. 1Imcenmeltiner b. Inured byZMon Cil! drus, store conluctol by sMW o2 effl-.marusAurellus. lepenlente. TO USEODELON everltAsMwrun UP TO THE COUNTY BOARD. ln a Lettor te Board Commis sion Eoan htState Funde Oaa BeWIJsed fr Thé état* blzbwaycommissIon vii use os0 la the construction of stele aMd rMde «when requestel tu do 00 by oMaty boards. This Impoté«t det. sili w1ae reached tâta vook toilolr. tus thé e ept of bhuadreds 0f quottes aiet Ibm e boes as tu whether or mot the revientd Tic. rosd 1ev Dormit. ted the une or claIe fonde for ou rmade. The maintenance of these oU1noedM, bowaver. yull b. uteon the respective counnue, once Ibe commission bas imProved the rosI amd piled IL. Fol- lowlag la the letter sent ont to ait tbe coaty boards. Board Define Poiicy. "To County Board: *'Because af the mmny Iuquileis reachlng this department, lbheettes bighwsy commission bas deemed 1! advîsabie ta formulate and dm efn s ciesrly as may be. a. paiicy regad lng the use of tate aid funde farto construction aud maintenanc eartb roade and bridges lu accord tc wlth the ameuded law and thereby ansver et once muet af the. questions asked. "[Ider the Tice law as amendeds the couuty board bas the priviiegeof0 deslgnating the type of road ta iM bu lit witb etahe aid. that ie. wbetber an earth, gravel, macadam, concrete .5 [DAYýl INSIR PR( John C. K Woodme Last J HE KNEV 1 Most Unu,- Admissh by V Entering On Septam dy. aged 9 Camp Woc Molictein: * WSflt I Omenmt."1 H. pel "Good b- Hlctin. "l'm gaui '"Why, hi Holatuin Il desd befar la due." (And he But Mn. said to Mr 'Vou're i man, in lac IpoOd." But Ken presson or "The duc wont live he'a ight, About done Mn. Hol bock, Kan et And wal stor. That hep ihie mouti, Sunday. H Wou to dit doctoralicd accurat. Mr. Kn Ither mc "M.Kenor i 'ciock Su Elâilan shreet, it a complh( bad l>ser ai slt býenticol POpt for the 1i ve as ho OUri in Anti bo Daon, fov br about 20 ime o ho Wui 1 cticallv s, WgeI lu tlb ViWTng an off Besides his 6Ilreu, Gorn SIservice of rma Washin uenedy. H is.Robent t brother. W. Puneral Tu lc a t tho ithe Congre PROdV IWAÇ ~i.Durai 'Spread M SI Mmr Scott 1 gb Tre. lai a lesire tc 9e of 1 'The dise& Ilmlar lu ca of aichilîre aO ttscks a ftrom my t mt the herd e. vhlle lu he, vhere cae tine di ~herds hbey ., y cattie ithere are Th c I E . s . , 1 'l i, Queiity Photogrskphers. Caîl anu n-Vaut & Bull, Waukega.1: RULINfi IN COM- P1FN-ÇÀTJflN CAÀ N

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