go te waVt0e. A OY *8 Oe, l ptO bsO tb P= !.IbhL% tod1ft h feStal IlbiedtinWa. ia b or*rofth court ee a* four" r)u$9ht» boar dt duO«011.1 Sthe mgto I$fli 1e1*e *waffl tis. Mr, And teira olride, r L fDvo *fOf 1L*,tmwa eUA0d» tt ZadM1r ( IZR" *t.ld hd Mr, I tr-#n%-. bëa xffl te OL le au MM giV&Ub. »Me 14ad urs É ,u ed M .»eurg Hit IrItin th MtrUe o 0"ï3oor, U4 «thttu&.YO oMan,ta sltook *unoailt t4p toWoodstoc on»ay dom hs benme ý he efn"Ds D te unday to vI*tïbre.-1).a .1.er *FuMe, wu .lected uto. ilttation. . E.M. yw> l at. f rou M- bN t etthe al @A»ý~pstemib bav t..1f lue" to Sher. ha, Neb, .on l ttat. ads. irn< Atol&Iob t t15coen-man W ~~a.o W.1IB o-S llm11iIiI> Mr*. Par Ife#êl'IY ,t E.leÀOft ité ltrlt Of t@ limer -~ OtaÙ htcbIgo Hardwae lw t tVd g"WA im W-03ffl11 ÇM The LUUMÉi tUffla, ilbd roter suà«*1 ,'Wers , 7.MrL.eI. h&llt I a 0"ôt ie 'St101A0of'wo *bt4ks4 day morula& U if" wtUa BiW p it t POcùVO otnt 10 Inetifflor WUetlMW7Young mnWho the t# oh hoe 1hl& eettID41, Ie uidoe& have adhleveOA *ucceu tu Fpewoper Labéy. 01ftete, Nr bareu Wqtd -oa reegld laWaugogento- O1 hOhi4i éU 1~tacu m Ilytg nt hl* W4 bo<'tu dey orthelJi. th Of 0e'>tk1We, mouemlo hu as .1 hoiialade ne 11L, we he *a# bat$ t I rnSer resutof aiWaufOIi.4*ho e a3liet ht be is oei WlOe. KM J. >:L y'4 WIt 4$* M4>4rirtar aIbt et b4 bnela 1>dî,4%xer or e l t& ad 1)4M J . I WISff i1S* P&fue I t" f"U-Omn. T. he retendus W gr Igypl et Wakeau soo»la Wte i >3 t4v it Wue<a ~o 14O t%&V x Ome4ta0w1illa w~ew 0frWa3 Wç n0w ob*frII4 11* A.W. Luneml aervice yul b iA bd lags. 71 C.onofai "v. WWiluai 18110w3 ObrOI Aod S %l ~Biîr W former î putor 'of Epl6ct ppl cpti ffir àc cwJoI43L PSa hua - n nI*W erthat Etteit îe«SVagencY, -W. ESar craupnogeîbetje.D- bap«, 04- ý l $i.10con. vo'> a 35*saper *ditor bhi wofessloa- 51Çfti500*4VdI Ai hér'oca totb*wùtO@ tter w h'Ilaje 4ivgawç3 v nll- r Ztistd 4651* vu ty Ie&r oto Se e te in jthe 11>0»O ptaaa'tt >Id ebxobe SiPoià io, ling Et siaidal. budai b tat le. He 5é1 =SY Manda baie brouet bac1 10 th*,Labe o 00W117 33 a <fui adte' W*lSeohim. et Wlu gan Textradition-ler' GIory. 11*501 bUté *01544 kou. a etLewr .a no~ u V1te4 510MB un, ti. enda bu u1ortn* S 101ho rice oft I r Compay, a conlet'> uk T. FOIOf a" D l- y by wankOtt 5-«. ruTpttî» lkuoWllAsa 8 Devîcea Compay, 1,by ao aiitioulE rote ar, at ametinfg . ic iso N. Marbt lut Dlm VO5Bti. lu fu. th b.e ¶*4 oou*0. lb Ja rn14 yu retài. lb. enturo Claloeso ta on4 or t> t « Ill~at.t The 'oulput <of lb. faetoey la 10 le lnore*I0d t4ily ii I02 -,&il&» e e £1~t ot au the* pu' ,be eomp=t5 Other VUWtt' »n Ibair t *ge tmett. , ' , it 1*t àbsowutut w»tub u 1 e ojt, -.-fr.oîntoight Qn, until ,Our tosg 1 co-operate with us in aintainu r'laingu ýý NOTE-PWtiveIY xohliny 1. bt a's wnr, wiJI be .ÔUdà* ajdidonal ,imilêTU*7til Pioas y .Ch, wik. We considered this regretable Ïtep ouly alter the eodunitte et the Waukegan Comm.ercial Assocation, appelnted plhrpO!o. ly te investigate and bring about better houre of builniçe4 reporte4 that deslred resuits were imposible. Our IICw patrocs 4exnau&d ed the boure others kept,- coxlsequently' we have tdeckdttd b eoni ply with thleyfr r %et U 1 l other Waukegan stores Ior men rme fit tom eriehfuvU ti O//en IZlapp ,z-A Sa/ie Like Titis pt,$30 Overcoats /ro m $10 UP tb $40 V","AKE foi' Thei zmt tremarki of ÂUIoeOa's best values ôt the seat Tbetire suite w4at t e efo ,wayto 25 ye, wrorth $3, $à gabr&ùes, lus and braid trio uoys, mi.+ ' purchase we hu remft brin» n vt ýe made i years from two tWê greatest suit and coat and even more. hfowid, give you a very good idea of ut »aie. 8tarting. at $9.75aind a1Ithe iery newe8t ai-beit styles that >are nore tui we asic. liére are SeÏ'ges, ýtures,i ail colone with beautiNfur *iiie m'O suseh attractive prices elioose fron, lu lx-- ibelipes inew. celer- immed,* belted, deep Mr. Jx or boys and girl 8 is the lagest i nsPo ,at $1.39 arc of fine wWte "rges- Z h e. U(p to 14 <lace. The $398 eOatt CO fa1brlesandi colora Blaesa upte 14 , wéarables êlsé m towr A atCollection. un-' in cea ng w tinug the Ètore.Prettynew ets are the lateàt i soft ibrThe firet lip Of ~pwintr is on its d under'wear are selliug "e wonu t' hing te bo fusay about. take Dal'tcula painl mykiiClothing Mgr. 't APe clavn o tt e tie on lip' wjtý. & cbillee ée y e coal AO. 1 14.1,.D4