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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Oct 1915, p. 7

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mage, stl"d- ritol!. M' «laAad ti 1119e owpelf r mobeiulerf' ativtly MMf areal11 rady. tt that thvq mu lb. cas, bas.ebw thea ia ta. lis apporat - hb liU. aM4 Ide thse Arm n made gonds. use of Ares mathers plat >wned by 9. fait, of rosé kv~ -oo mam harnee bow )ower bebt' > barm »4 are& barmS. laina a povêr. moetly a1 the et that Ares m lightem the kls cam utia ken aoked whp Belient front a anwer WuI. sud more IntO -tiser. lsn't a .Op tisa: coulé nd every piseI are eau buy."> barmle bsue - a tew peau do a harmem Peuple, ta tise le a iflons: IUSINESS IN< liffereat msalda table and the me tise Stewart nf big aboie, ang and liard- Fe le buit te and strong, go learer binig a thing Une cas art Range on Sig he ustoluers Tisat 10 00* of l'e commercial %d. The bard- oea, le go oeleet- Everytbimg he bw, a plumber ,re Who4 wtsrk 1 thse meler Wep tire faut. o cure of tise of tise Area' Area:, issndliîg ctîîray lu bis ear 8bous an eil al,,ng In thse eas Jack of Oak red Van Zandî .Mr Lockyer, -i and aiee Say visitora ab iý loi vint led at day. )r, Mr. Lockyer, cionferefice year. 1 ainterare vieil- >0, Wl. On an el tended ita, la vilitin ai Waukegau. witis tise Ta} lety mnete fil Mmr. Ahîgrisu. raphera. uil, Waukegan. l et an, mla lb.s gour' trou, toclL..-Jdg& 10S51! LAXE COUNTY JNDEPENDENT. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1915. - - VUau&eganNetv4 -o .pas lE VOL VE IN 10 OTtAND PULLS TDfTRIifiER, Dead Body of Victim Foundi Bed Laie Friday Afternoor by His Landlady. Ottis Rose4ell. 34 years aId, commu ted suicide late Friday atternc Jet tise home ot George Zeller, Zjt, avenue. Waukegan, visere he ha 'beenbuarding for a nuniber cf yean 1308»Ui bailplaced thlise uzzle ot s'evoiver ln bis moulis ansi pulled th dresser, read ias tollo,.. "Tiîs la MY own worlc. No one *là@ sa t blamne. P1leas. notify MY une., W. 9. Grahsam, tels. phone Drexel 9110, 'Ohicage." Rmfelle demi body vas taundb Mia. Zeller ison ise relurned bot about f5 o'clock Frlday atternoan af « bavîng @Peut tis afaternoan down aIv. Tise shaatlng le suppose i ~Ive taken place norne tins evewe A o'clock in the afternoom and tI tlime bMi. Zeller anrivesi home. ltaaaell, visa ield a position ai tit local plant of lise Anteriran Steela NVWIrO Company, had 001 been wr tasg ince Manday. Acqtaintancees» b@ ismi heen driWnug rather heavii during tise veek. A yet nosearaa for bis ras el baa been dîscovered ~Atter ber rturn ombais fre. Zellei ,busied herseif getting supper. 'I "i vess i vili oeil Otto nov." she Uid ta Edward Ryder. anotisa b0rder. Sise vent ta tise font othlis eals .sabd calleil to hlin. Tier. vas «r hpeo se.Be tissu vent up etaird osell'a bedroant doar vas open. 'XM Zeller call again. Stijl no ,*aver. Then te. slpped terosetish ,tlresbisald and eisôok hum gently. H. ,là" lîveil t tiseZeller home n0o many ,70rs ise vas like a meusher of the I$suy. Tise body vas etiff ami there vas Un reepanse. frlsblened, ]Mir. Zelle; 1,1urried dovuataira. 'Itm afraid tera's someting the MiDtter vls Otto," mise sald. Ryder vent uPetalrs. He teil cf beYoung ManWs Pulse. Tisere vag p.Pulsation. 1.Is<sbdyftelt eald.A bYsician vas summtoneil.lie sali Ioel kisd ieen dead tome lime. The bedy vas rerpoved ta tise Conrad and NWetzse undertaking establishsment h'ere the Inqueat viiili e held ts lk1ternioon at 4 o'clock. PoRsseli neyer bai owoci s gun soi lIer. va somsain Pecutatian at tirs Mta visere ise secured tise weapon, rZeller looked ln hie own bunreat 4Mver and Ifound bis revolver ant ox Of siselis vas nllng. Tispo ha ~!cgIzed tise gun as bis avn. lie lM-e-bered tisat about a monts or Sago heciad loanei thse gun ta Ros- 0I ta shot a cal. This sisaved Ras- whî iez-e tise veapon vas kept. RtOO'as uncle bas arrived and bau; e n charge ofthtie tuneral arrange ts. Rosseli vas a very popular ~'ung otan and bis triends are ~,ced et tise nevs ut bis de.ljs T1TENDS TYPlIOII) PATIENTS; 1]SA vice TIM TOITIIRSELÎ Tise first ura. t tise lcAlister boa- ~lita fai a vicllrn ta diseases visicis ~5ebeen treated in tise inatlstan Itc il-as arectes inii1905, vas Ils Bs . Morris. 22-Yeaz.l4 daugiter (;m.orte T. Morris, 2817, Nilmietlt r.ue. Mion City. 'M"Morris diail et tise hogpitai ymaraing at 1 o'ctock, baving ~Vry Pick vitistypisold foyer September 15. TeYoung woMan, vus oliser nmrs s t tise lime aise va takem sick. boom taklng cars of typhola p>- te5 froaXiNorths iscago, bomce. ~lotiere is no vay le trace tis- of tise diseate vils ber, tie ns. conclusion la that tise contr&ct- -Aedises, taieornoinsftise pa- ar Ince sh. vas takren sick, tise isn ad been very filiaanid Bsin.g for tva years snd promiseal stuirned qut. traljY Miss Morris' deatis bas deep arrov to prévail amojag atnd-at t ie isospitai sonong ise vau very popular. MISS fiOROON PRE. DICTS SALON.LESS NATION IN FMV YRS CIIID BURNED IN BONFIRE DIES AT A, LOCAL liOSPITAI in National President Gave Stir- Little Annie Kenelakes, 4 Years 1 ring Address in Closing Ses- Old, Burned Saturday and sion o0f Convention. Died Soon Atter. t- Waukegen, Oct. 2. Annie Keoelakes, tour years aId, >on 'A salooniesa nation isy 1920, and tise pretty lîttie daugiter of Mr. and M, Il a saloonlese world In 1930, tis t aI . M is. Peter Kenelakeg f Narth Chi-1 la vbat it in golng ta h," sucis vere lb. rago, died eithtie Jane McAllsted bas- ra, varda of Miss Auna A. Gordon, ne- pitl Saturday evening et 1 'ciorl !a lional prealdent of tise W. C. T. U. as tise resull t isurns ieceived earller te Tise cloing session of tise convention Inlise day visen ber clothing becaet the vhieb bas Seen conducted lun tiscity igolted train a bonire near visicli tis a eek vas isld Inlise rmory Pri- site vas playing. day avaning. vith a boutse packed ta Wlth everai chisldren af tise saine e ils apaclty. SleGardon vas tise âge, tise utIle virîim was running speaker of tise evening and delivereai about In biigicgle near tise bontire. an addresa that viii long ha reineo- Chililike, tise appearanre 0f tise liy bered isy alvisa beard ber. Bshe tiames poseessei a vondertul tascin- ne brougitt out many excellent pots ation for ber. iPuiienly se erreainci jt- sni sboved tise work tisat lise vamen and iser Ilttie campanlons sav ber rn. are reaiiy ioing in lise Ijie States riotblng vas on Oire. tfor state and national prohibition. la Tise driver for s Greek balcery lo- en i Part se sICd es tollova: rated on tise SouthSide la Wauke- ne "We have bad a vondertul year. gen. ciseced la drive eiong about tisat At tise national heaiquarters lise tels- lime. Be vas attracted by tise he greas@ bave been coming In go fast, srreams and parrelved tise chlds pre- & tlling of the victorien von taI ve dirarnent. Leaping tram bis wagon »k- cauli hardIs' keep track of tiss ial, he z-en up tantise rhild and using bis y Tiselilquor habit le losing test. Big lie bande, sougbt ta tear off tise iybusiness demandselisat national pro- Sburnlng germents. In no doiog ha rt,- an biition Se granted. Bg business le ceived serlous buron hiimselt. sil against saloons, tise medl associa- 1Tise chili vas laken ta ber home 'r dons are agalngt il and tise drug'end Dr. Conneli of Norts Chiscago vas stores are 001 atioved ta seli it un- susomoneil. He sav tise chili'e con- e legsa tiey bave a saloon license. One dition vas seriaus end ise orderei iser r rant talre up a paper, e magazine, remooed t0atise Jane McAlister isoa- ans' kind of a periodical but that you piai vîthout delay. Tiss as done. li fIni an article on tise diecussion of An exambnatlon eithtie isspitl a0 the liquor business, and this discus- savwed tise chli hbad been burned se- -4 sion ls golng ta be settisil by prohsibi- varely about tise bead. risest and legs. Dtion nte United Stalag. We had Tt la tbought aisc muet have svaliaved o0 a vlctory In tiseisouse of representa- tise tiamas. Tise sisock proved ton le tises lest December. lt lenflot a rase! munit for ber and sisedilei a ftew le of visetier cangres a vnts il but hours tates'. ly visether tises'viii anaver tise rail or; Tise iquest vas heldetitise Con- ea appeal af tise people. W, presensi a rad & Wetzel undertaking esiallisi- bill ta rongiesse fat vinler visicis rep- ment an Snndey atternoon -et 4 ea resented six million people. Tt vouli 'o'clock. D;be a greater tiig ta be tise iero of tisibll than ta becte haro Mf tise le Merrimac. IAUTO INflBU> "We bava been tiliing, toiling, taul- )f ing far 40 years, edurating tise boy w ndth gr, orenin heneap- ON COLLISION; 2 *e man tse il lo-eulote nevuu a * oui ceuse. Nov vs have ailtishe par- L C LR N UIIçd c ies ebn us, tise Anî-Uiquor Sari- dety, tecisurcis Ozganizallons, tisa tl vorns clubs and ve are bound ta Big Yelow Roadster Collides sa vin. We bave flot bai a vo!,-e lbit With Ford Machine Driven aur gos ernotent, but ve are vinniat by ere el CI juat tisegarnme. Tiseday vili corne, erenel t tbank Gai, vben tisera vîli bc na- l',%,) achines, ane a Ford. thte otis jtional prohibition. bgYlo odtIclie ed t "17p In Oregon one ofthtie people onSaturdar nîglt and tise soaler car, I sliWiso v ge naionl pohiil-drieri by George Neil ot Wý%aukegan, "tlannlise NV. C. T,, 17.. viiili e out otf aturtled te Ice. spilibng its occupants "Joli.' Oit, no. Then tise work wllt ucs ieacdrt spee ,r ust commence, for ve viii have ta to altiier.e reaiehpeat o iscie tisat tise lava are livei ait tO. Gravslake. Nel'a car ywjs badis' dam- In 1921j ve viii have a saloonlesnsa- e ndh.ferat iili onetm tion and by 1930 it vi li e a salon- beoe ab e faiii liellebcta dr ie E a tees vorli. Tisat la tise vas' t lago-.gan > ln ta o. e ca wel aig, 't'a About 5:30 oclork Saturday ailier- ra short vay ta praohibition,' or 'Gond- noon Neil, visa operates a jltney, vas e y, John Baricycoro.' engaged by a scisoal teariser lis'tise "Borne say tisaI ve neei tise rave- Dame of Miss Smiths ta take ber la nueandoithat prohibition inertereas ier bomeeIn Graysake. It vas Jmat vîtis personal liberties. Russia has dusk visen Nei and bis companion neen tise naeîd of prohibition and In'satdfrhm.A i rselts one s'ear andl tisata ""ar of ver, bisa rtrdostrhe.Aes ot rayalaehi. eeved $9 tra0k0 eos. oftat mayaseeh sav lo9.0but 0,00y ara tise gue fui-turned on bis ligis. He vent about aisisot.y buttgovret. iguesfue- l ahait mile fartiser and sav a large q nibedby hatgovramnt.We uetyeliov car appraaching tran tisa eaat. a elatie v ilS lb. lav. va mut en- Neili nains tse fioved dovo ta aboutt force Il. Where ve bave won terri- 1ise miles an hour and tuz-ned la thIse tory ve bave ot founi ibis bard ta> ightbani ide ofthtie roei. Tise ap-c rule. Prohibition t lis vorel la proaeriig friver miaJuigei tise Cdin- murs beller thanlilquor ati ls buet. tance, Tt la sai, and tise tv a rs lock- c "Ciicago vii go dry. Wben there ed viseels. Thse large crr as 001 are DO "a1o0m tise money-'ges 1.010 darnagai iecause fitdid ual cornet lb. rigisl place. Prom Cana"a vs a stop. Nei's machine turned turtie i iseer Ibat they are to beat lb. Unitedl vice.andsoibth occupants vers tisravn StLesto 10national prohibition. TisIastL. Neil bai lise musclas oaf hIe dominion la test closlng out tIle-. siouiere and hîpe seals' vrancee l loons. lu lb. Unitedatu IsavsMU"I but vas able la ha up aoi araund ta- tc have voles for vomea day. He vas unaisie ta Set liselicence 0i "When tise liberty' bell vansiao nal-ninieroattise machine visicis cllidadilI ed, Tl dld ual mea= that ve veeffvlh hlm Sut clabo t laletise vraperty hl fre.. Wèbhave a hable le vin for of a residient of Waukegan. Ha bas ou- 01 Goi end tisaI battis is thse hines'bat- listei tise police tu the seercis for lise Ils. Wtblise help Of tise vomon lu driver of tise automiobile. c evers'claIe wvecau isvin sd make Iis' _____hi__________ a free nation lndsed. fscso.ikn atdiKts "Let us labos' bard to Suidaec ntk artd - tebetasl structura vorth wviite on the f5,, ivpossible. c to htbasn no Veieen bultand Tise convention vas a lerger SUC- P laI eacb one of us dedicate ournelvea istia aibvn enexetd tn islp tisa youug peoRl ami hlit- jTier. ver. inore delegates prssent h tle ebldencru --'-atfl I from ather cilles and-- et every ose- hi The eening Progam wa p ba ln lise place In vhicb il uasabelug g ise deving's pragriss va openil e as pacica ta tise dors. TtlH, vftis eatonasc ay Mif the Yn vas remarked et Friday nlgbt's meet- il Sever.eLee scrtar oflb.Toug ng that tera vere more presset Inl Peopie's, Brancis. This vas foilovea tise meetings than has ever been et by a cantata as4titled l"Unc]e Sams1aoebfr Agea ato h u-go IMowr Grdén" gvenby te ctl-cess due ta tise local members af ec dren of Waukegan under tise dim-e- 1 W .T ,fr ievyts tIlcu of Vie. Lucile Evans, state sec-itooki part. Evsry violting delegate retais'f etl. Loyal Temperance La-s- poke of the rayai enlartainnient tisaI glon. Tis e ags xo.eiIItgiy gond,. tbey received visile in tiis cily. Di POWELL RECO VERS IIORSE STOLEN AT LUMBER YARD ffERE Waukegan Oct, I CammilSeloner George Powell re- ttsrted haine taday tramt Michigan visere be vent ta arrest Jas Kucaq, cisargei vitis havlng tolen e barse tronm lise Hussey lumber yard. Ku- cas vas arresîsdin1 a littIe tovU neir Grend Rapide. Mr'. JPowýell rrlved attise place ons day to late to bring tise tellov back aSth is isr.as ise vas intormes tisat te bail Just been convlcted an a petit charge tiser. andl hai been sentence-j o serve 60 days In jeu. At the end of bis sentence it viii Se passible for he local police ta go atter hlm and brlng hlm back ta Waukegao for trial on tise horse stealbng charge. Tise bora.evisici vas stolen vas re. tovered by- Mr. Powell and iselied bln ahipped back ta Weukegan. Tise mnimai sisauld arrive isere In lb. aurs of a few days. ACCOs'dlsg ta tise story told the ples Sy Kucas, te isas driven gavera] iundred miles since stealing tise baise ere. He vas pdddllng Intise Michl- Kn lavn visen placei unier arreet. He le sald ta beve cooteseed ta tise olice tisere tisat iese aole tiseisomse ýn WAaukegan. Tise Michigan officiais aIt itlacommunication vils tise la- ýai authorities and lise resuit vas 1e Kucas vas hed. Want, For Sais, etc &dg In thé. IN. DEPENDIENT reacis 15.M00pereone --, - - --iiur nnrrnn purd ivce i innepeg-and Cansaabas aîreanis of kater- on tise tire vitio soi nme lime haines, apparent resunts. Tisey inaliy bail 1 Ail efforts ta abtain Kellys release " tle satisfactiont of getîing tise ire ýon bonis and tisrougis iabeas Corpus cieked before it coli comrmunicaîc roceedings ere futile. Goveroeti ta tise atier tavers uni buildings or agents Salurday outvitted Kelly5 eat- before Il cauld set ire ta tise thson- torneys andl friends, soidviten ha vas i sB nds of tons of soft coal viicis are szragned in tie United States omn d stred on tie east dock. Not until m issioner' ditlit r M s n h 7 oclo>ck tisamaz-ning diiitise tire- vas beld vithout bail. men have te satisfaction of knowlg Wiat Happeneci ta Kelly. I tisat the tast vestige of tire a is leen Since Keiis"s arrivai in Chicago tise extinguisised. It vas one or tise moat fttiiovlng bave been bis experlences:G alubliorn iigs te isetzemen bave isai Azrested ltate Friay at tise Black-E Iin sine time. atone hotel on a charge of isavlng Reports today have It ta isab1ze sinded the Canadin governient e oato ss of o si are n tieir ay ta out of $1,250,000. G lie Rease docks, but that tiey ave A oke Saturay in a chair in lie iseen cornmunîcaedeî ils ndsoi 101 001office of P. D. OBrien, chîif fde-w ta make lite lF1p nov. superinteni. tectivea. F ent M irick said totady tiaI h e ail n al W blked ta tie ederal building anolJ board that hoats vers on tisa vay iidien an tise elisti flor wbiis bis liera. He admittai that liteltire attor-ney's were altenupting taolibtain g vouli tie up tise vark of unîoing bis treedon> an a vriî af habeas cor- t for a sisort time, but tinka affaira pus.h ille siJuste l hortly. A rr elgoci be tre U nited Sta lasg ee Iflai the generl elet tiatishe Coinxisioner Mason for an extrai- ra Raes Coal Company wIll lose no tima tion isearing, ailler faderai agents bai ln rahuiiding tisa three tavers for tisa autylîtai bis cottnsei. extensive improvaotents ta lte docks Spent ive baurs seae eitleen titis summer show tisaItisey consîder Ivo tUnited States mersbals eveiting !M tise local docks emong the rnost lot- a rebearing lntise aflernoon. partant an the greal lakes. Evan Teken taulise Leke counly jeu eat though the isoistIng tovers mlgist Dol Waukegan. he usei murs more tis seasan tises'Tise arrest of Kelly was maede on vouli visis Ihern> t be ln shape visen campiaint slgnei lis Lewis E. Ber- lise season opens oexl spring. neye, Britishs vice consul. Tise cous- Tise cause of tise ire appears tlao lepaint vas liaseil an tlegrama tram a mysters'. Itle repaz-tec tisat no onei J. C. Mcltae, canumissloner of police itas'vislted tise lover visez-e the tire of Winnipeg, and cnalnai tiares spe- liroke ont mallde 0f a veek, soi tisera cMieciarges--titat Kelly alitaîneil le no ire tisez-e wvIscb ight have inones' under taise pretene, tisat ho starîci tise blaze. Likevise lit le sai recelved niones'. valuable securiles tiser. la no elertrie vSres viticis and other properîs' that lie knew to mîglit bave become sisor-circultei. lie stolen, and tisat ise camrmiteil par- CA An Inveestlgation viiilis maie ta, dis- jury. caver tise cause of lise ira If possible, Accordibg ta tise teiegram lit la Sut If tisere isad liasoans' clev Sit is chargedait tKelly, "vitb lotenI la bellevai the Seat iestroyad Il. iletreud, abtaineil troot bis majesty, Kell1y, tiittignervousi1Y at bis short miustach e. d elared he was guiltiess orf any attempt to defraud in connec- tion with the erection of tise new par. lament bouse. SCanadien officias are In Chicago to, dition of Kelly. Police Commissioner MeiRae and R. A. Bannar arrlved Set- xrday night front Winnipeg. G. A. R. ELECTS MONTFORD HEAD. Washington, D. C., Oct. 1.-Capt. Elles R. Montfort of Cincinnati was elected commander-in-chlef of the Grand Army of thse Republlc titis att- ernoon. Two other candidates' names rare presented ta thse convention- 'rank O. Cole of New Jersey and W. JPaterson of Pittsburgh. Ramn lntelered taday with thse pro- gr&m for laying: the cornerstone or the new amphitheater at Arllngton. 'resîdent Wilson was to have spok. en et the exercises. but a tarrential[ rain cauhed lthe cammittee ta poe pone the affair until next week. ladependent reasier? BI ONI. F. BAIRSTOW~ uàANUFIACTUREA 0F MiarbIe and Granite monuineIs Cemetery Vlorkc of Every CorePOndence 5olCIfted 116 eoesee se *MRS JUST> ELECT* DESTRUCTIVE FIRE MILLIONAIRE 15mg mv ED DELEüATE TO A1TACKS TIIE REISS IIELD PRISONER IN NATIONAL MEETING COAL DOCKS JIERE UNIQUERESTRAINT High Honor Is Conferred Upon! Unofficial Estimate Places the Thomais Kelly of WinnePeg, a Waukegan Woman by Dele- Loss at $15,00)- Positive W aty Cnçco, Hl gaesa Cnvnio.Figures Und btainable. Temporarîiy in Lake County Mrs. jennie Just. President of thîej INCENDIARY ORIGIN? Jail as a Federal Prison. Waukegan W. C. T. U. and on. upon Persistent reports sehi becamne whom tise burdeus of thse stati.cnce rn h1afternoon are to the et. The Lake cauity jaoli from Satur- vtien here bave tallen very iseasllv. fect that thse disaatrous fi rtie at the e day evening untitl Tu".day noon f., P4 da core a signal honor st tise1 Relie Coas Companys& docks early had as its guest a rulilionaare î,.îî cuty presidents' demonsîralion 1 thîs mornlng was of lncendiary ori. eral Prisoner-tisat la, he 15 suîpaseî¶ ýSwiich was a part of thse pragram ai glin. This, according to rumor, was tae b ntise Lake county jali but hi the atternoan session Intise liaptist claCvered today sehen tise head offi lent. churcis Frlday atternoan. 'Irs. .just cieof t. comPiny arrtved here Tis coun'y lait as a guest the.'i was elected delegate ta tise nationlajt .nu.anlvetitln ffcas otaristocratie prîsoner it lias ever W. C. T. U. convention a ftlPlof tise companY are flot inctined to enlerlalned in the tierson of Tisoma.i Wash., wlih al railroad expenses paid. cdiscuas the matter at this lime, but, if Kelly Ofr W'lnoiPeg, Canada, a weaitby Mrs. Villa Cale Case, state sulierin, reporta are true, arresta are imminent. contractai h ais een cagdb tendent of franchise, was elected frat Tise tact tisaI no one was sup. tie government Wltbhsving helped ernai detegate fromi the state IV. c. poeed te have been near tise toseer defraud il aut of $1,250,000in con-." h S t T. U. ta tise Illinofs Equal Suffrage wisere tise Orestarted for thse ast tracts an tise new Manitobia parlis- caiet'mal-he Assaciation vitis expensea paid. The week la said tb have been wisat caused ment buildings. want urtme! ahlî's e- Convention menis the last of October. tise suspicion tisatishe blaze was cf in. Kelly was beld witisout bal by cause they're made wîch Cain.. Sîrs ElLeRaot Edwards, vic- pre8li cendlary orIgin. Canîmissioner iL. P. Nlasoni of Wauke- Me-and s/zat's why thay't. dent, vwas Plecteil traternal dîl1egate A destructive tire attacked tise gan after is arrest In Chicago and coraentienstof WiC. T U. agteri, stoRes Coal Company docks Wedtîesý lie picked the Lake county Jail as some-that's why they won't convntIn a!Kin's augbers 10day nlgist and destroyed tbree bolst- the place bc would prefer iseing hietd bur nki" lie held et Murpisysisoro. In tovr betore It was Placed under lin lfltead of Ciicago. r n i. Mrs. Mabel Vitie D. Diveibiss. Blate coto.Atiougis officiais at tise The reanan Kelly receli ed îînusual ..s , s >s.,-deas auperintendent co-peration of mis- dock tisis morning were unab le to i'coucteeles at Waukegan was becaus", sionary societies, vas elected mrater. the amounit of tise damage or even j as lie was a tederailîrisaner, Sheriff na] delegate ta the nortliwc ,eruî make an estimate, It lo reportedl un- riffiîî followed tise suggestions made brancis 3issbonary Society or Evanm. officially chat tise toss viii be aroun by tse tUnited States Commîssioner ton. $15,000. Tise Investigation icisJit Nason and tise Otier federai officers Each of the counly presidenp, bore vas exPected would lie started today wisen tisey tlId iim ta gîve Kelly al a banner sbnwlng tise number of un- may shouw tise loss ta have been- con- te caurtesles lise culd extend con 1 Ions, tise oumber of members. theienluslderably more titan tisat. sistently.MO M crease in meýmhrshlp, dry îerîîury "I co gve aut no statement on tise Accordingty. visen Kelly offered to acquireil, etc. extent ofthtie loss at tis tîme'" Su- psy for special deputies to remaîn Secretary R. N. Magili ofthtie Wau- perlntendent Mlrlck aftie docks, sald wltbhlm in a batel, tise sheriff na- kegan Commercial Association was tbs mornlng. "Tise appralsers have turaliy acquiesced and day and nigisî, introduced and gave a short talk. lie 001 yet errived andud 501hlat lime it every minute tof cacis day and nigist. sald lie couldn'î Imagine any bteter will lie Impassible to give out any tise man visa ardinarlly lias servants war i tan that being dame by tise w. dellnite Information." lail about hlxp in lts palatial home in C. T. U. 'Report isaniltishe lass ntay amount 1 WinnePeg, bas been atlended by dep- Tise banner tran Franklin caunty 10 815,000 or $20000-wbat cau you Uty sieriffs. Wben e leaept, 0ne vas lettered In yelov because votes say about tisat?" Mir. Mlrick wa watcised blm; visen lie ste, ise dboed fo women made It dry and will keep asked by a reporter. with a deputy; wben bie took a bath, fi dry. "Ail I co ay ls tisaI sortie damage lise dePuty stood nearby-no t once Mrs. Huf of Danvilie romotende i vas done-just how murs, 1 do ont sînce be was brouglit la Lake county d lise aldermen of ber city ;or the, good kttow-wisen I bave detilote figures, vas ise out of vie W at a deputy. Sa work tisey are dalng. 1 vill lie gladi to make thein known v hile be was given tise courtesy of Tise president tram LaSalle courity was the seply.flot belng locked lu tise joli îtis tise aeemed surprised visen called uî,î,î Tise tire broke out In one of tise 40 atiser prisoners, lie vas even more and told tise story ufthtie brpdigroom bolsting tovers shartly betore 1 rlosely guarded tisan they. visa vas anked ta make s speech. 'clock Ibis morning. When dlscov- Jail la Fllled. Placlng lis bsand on is brides shoui. ered. tise blaze bail a gond start and Tisere are 40 prisoners In tise"u"- der ite said: "This bas beeu tirust tiames were leaping highis tto tise air. ty Joli et Present, and as tiseboys' CbeoyumoIsa.CMumetd a u ripou me sa suddenly" Bath lire dePartipents respanded, but campartment 110w la being rehuilt, tsyuony a sumedei'P Miss Anna Gardon, tise national owing ta tise tact that tise lire wagtisere Is a sisortage ofi route, hence as iapro asirikaa oa presîdent, vas inlroduced. She is located on tise eat side orthtie rosi Keiiy's space in tise Joli was mare ______ an Illinois woman and se tbat in docks slip, fit as difficuit ta rearis. vaisable than be hlmeei' as s pris, tise king, In tise Province otfNManitoba, coming to titis consventbon badl comae One tliousand teet of hase liadit t lie otter. tise-sum 0of $1,250.000 for bimsetf and la greet her ovo. laid before s stream of vater could Kelly li a rntst gentlemanly tel- otisers. doing business as Kelly Tise Cook county delegaton gave a be lurned on tise tiames. Aithaugh low and Insista lie Is bling Made tisa Sons.', 'dry Chicago" parade, carylîg penu- thei pumping station furoished s pres- vlctim af a big lilitical Plott ot Tsmssoe fpoie .C riants and banners. sure of 1.10 pounds, It did nt ai irst whirleh y lie Tuheyyu corn ira nd gu'.oer of n cnelJhave Neal Dow day, an Marc h 20, vas bave tise desired restits. Later, boyw- wtb tyin g colars. lie bas retainedietWnlgfoCscso ssva made state poster day. ever, lite pressure vas ail tisat rould big lawyers lin CinniegagraCtaagolgbt bisa Tise fallowing were mlade memo. be deslred. Tise iremen were obllged extradition ta Canada and lias other Attorneys Robert Crowe and rial members: Mrs. Ella l.ouise Sisep- ta higtishe blaze from tise nortis anîd1 lawyers an tihe way tram Canada ta Cisarles V. Barcett, wiso represent Kel- aid, Mis. Mary B. Shaw, Mrs. G. Ji. easî of tise ire. ilp lisent. lits wlte vas due ta ar- ly, served writs of habeas corpus, oh- Rend, Mis. Ira C. Reed and Mis. Se- Thse towers anîd tise cannpecîng drun ixe today ta %lait hlm as be walked talned before Judge Brothers, an Cisief lecta Cuppy. ways apPeared la bc. as dry as lin- about under guard of a deputy siseriff. af Paître Healey In Chicago b'atur- Titis mornIng tise delegates left oc- der. Thei.Harmes leaped from one tow- Kelly spent pari at Sundsy ln tiseo day. Tbey were advised that Kelly er tise Nartitvestern rsllroad b for er ta lise next like puffm of powde r court isotse, narîng tite tioors orthtiebail been turned over ta tederal au- Evanston, visere îisey will vsit Rest Tva or three of tise ieavyyclam sIii big court raom. lite Sas given tise tharities. Tbey rusised ta tise federal Cottage, national beadq tarlers. Tisey buckels and thei booms wltlciî sup. liberty or dinlîîg viere lie visbed. blit building and ioto tise marabals at- wiii lie entertained at a luncheon port îiîcm becamne looscned by tise ac itvu a deputy aI is elbow ail tise ire. Tliey were told Kelly bia been served by tise Wlinetle, Iligisiand lion of lise iamnes and dropped lot tinte. tre vrt omsinrMsn Park and Evanisto un ios.s Thts aft-thie slip. Th isflai hinery tram aone af Tisa Kelly la no ordinary "prison- Commîssionier Stason ruied tisat Ornoon memozisi serv ies will lie held tise lovera dropped ail lise vay ta thei er' Is sisawî by tise tact tisat he la unider treaty abligatians tise prisoner ai Miss Wllard's grasve lanRose 1-11! dock. sald tao o tise most beautiful resl- cemet.ery. Iliur after ho,,,.the iee oup ein 71np,>,,,,, 1 - - cutid nat be admlîted to baiIt p.c. Q--

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