- i.. WAUKEGAN WEEKLV SUN -PUT TWG am tlWaIIed From en Tunsly Atternoon. SINDICTMENTS RETURNBD 1From ltheIfliotments . Reorots te tue offet that tue r.. un of tb. ludictimenla hi the grand i7 uIRIit revomI e sensation faileu w matonllse, for th. injR orli Stue Me blli e er tfhei.stock order. A ~windiment vas issiUM for John numac, Albert Comnan and J&mes enhargeul Ithitie. wueWc Seules Mloruson. e rairs dte, We et Rendbut on tue nlgit o01KaEr. Iluti 'I... tirfe. nu.togeuw~ itu cogme erala.. sera tudicteul fiMai iii.. Oaan sd Cuassa Ais. been taben loto custody aid Perd tronu Chicgo làt. Wtue offect )urne*, Wauke- lid, 23, a, Win., ni and oi,IIL ~ 1, Wl., ici, 34, i., and Lni, aud re Laboe $650. te, Bila- Vlimlng- hoe. W. exandet arter of ton 13, 0- Lad vif. xorth 35 6. Lake vite *0 18 and W. b. ai al te section to W. A. <otheest 8, Grant loaB. J. ;. lent 0f i aubregan. belons 4 VI. D. 81. S. 46; Bm- ago. 47; îlch, 24; 21; Der- Ilvauke. 24, Baee Lnd Park, 26, sain. cago. and and Bea- Chicago. Mne. Laire, ]IL,. Ingleaide, -a. Micu., [Ilauke. Coumnl Brson, 3E, ,sad Neli [ivauke, rgor, 19. tee, Win. ;opiiensoV, Iillwukee. saine. , iilvwaukee. 24, PL Me. clu., Win., ,saine. Labo Zu- 18. saine. L Chicago, saine. Hartf ord, saine. tcago, au iliwauk.e@ lie sech tlit more Ventilation anid n tural 11gb: vIii b. afordéci. The jury rejortod ah. ti at the bad invetlgated the condition Of th joi thoroughly Mnd fonnde evryhu la the bout pussiblecondition Tho founi the. quaem. cleatiaui the pi oflers beins 91ven gSood food. 11941j GrIdii Al onMend dfor ti6 OXO& 1lent ahannor lu vhic hetii i*soxe ame bolus cared for. AU PLERD NOT GUILTY Thm Youn uAePrj Wauk.gan, W OF. Ig i. Prisonor. ver. arralsnedlae, court tht. aiternoon et 2 olebI Tlireeyoung mon vholbà b@War rosted for thoue t "0neIntheir iqF ever. paroled te Attorney W. P. IVOlSU thie nov probation on-cer. Tvo etftUmm W. N«»= a loVtol 'soi 19. an i Emer sl. 8084 17 They vore 1chayged ,it-R b' l= ver*.suroled. Ieuam-wlnke s 34. ausctsd- la oempour ywu it lou ipiISade4 8uiand wéss uetnm* j erve 70 dffl ln the o.atY lai. .11 tIi?. men are alieged to bave »eos î oodi te, the.vaine Of $25 troni thefIlt Pau! réllroud. Flic defeidants ypIrO repreeeabted by Attorney J. G. Wfot. Inige Rivaruls gavethe yocug , etroptal ceongood behaviOr. AMi ggod eWsenahlP. iaaov and Relus, cluarged .ylUt iareny, pieded flot gulltY. A#So »eY A. V. Sailihvas appointe u> d ftend tbam. Hie entereul a me"ou qoualthe indlctm«Lt John Poisclekl* J"Ddnot splmt. to forgery'. 4ttot;er Po'"1r e pointeul t -sé6 éhlm. y-rsidige-uWapladed '"'»t'glt ta burtery larceny. plued 1o to a OiAi f boailng bça*en bof Heg elý. e m etàWned Mry XsOIXM Levis Brou. oored. c1urged ~t IuIoer, tiltougl Attorney eqa pléel- "ot SUlltY.' -Jolila huoberg aied*d"etpl ty- to assagit and jbat$M. -)&rucn Ketmen pleadeul"etgl W'- t. iarceny. - H&arr tout, charged vlth Ag 4 utory offense ln coneon yl* 4 youms£MWgir t fret pleafeflI~,b lattér MaW lie vocuId rei aa w H$. taelbis aileged action by-au lng hlUe asetntisd to m-n7ythliq4110 lu question. L.ouIs Papa, cliargeul vltl vas paroled te the probation oSer.,*' ROOKIESAkWRE. a COMMANDERS TO REVIÈW 10 e otbt as to Wheth.r*h* Rooke t Fort Cao Stmnut the Moard Grlnd. Accordlng la* prograinutiat le b.- lng wragdbbeen CoL i.Ncbho 0f P ult and - lulCo»mmdor W. A. Moret of th. naval stallon, a merles' 0f bikbe heteeio tes- orvatious are la b. t.rted la the un, The Plan là te bave lie reo t the naval station mabo a practlo blli te, Port Sherl#anonq day. site lit roobtos aeat 1S9siaivii M a a 'bike. t i T ailetaios 'a day gr so liter. ~ MRue naval M Wtain lrevlw the-ul. froin 'ýtue fr-aid CLIi~e~ Fort Obeid-id*ill revlev 4he1 p Its from the. statIon. The distance betv,î th# . point. 1, about labit the -round tnp '16 $es Tles tics ace ii ~a et..h durauce oS the lai aid niv51 culs. The naval at o ahiy vilI b. ahi. t.1s tue botter ai the asaiL a cerne acOuterned la likes about lie Country,f tukhis at Port ifi a~qpt EPENI)EN t manu *4 4st Albert Coleman has nov heen inrcsi n uChilcago and i viihb bough lir. for trial. V The siate. l 18 mi, lia, discovereul àbat Il bai a. case aIGahaOman. li is sai liehas cAv*Inceultue ausa Wterner ibat lie poeeees sanucel- est afibL. As a réauit, thc states Méernoir appOed Inlucourt on Mol- Mr sudnoite prosed tue csse Nglnt itie tour men. ThitPormait- *4 Grahami1tu, selu.hie liberty aid hol the e C~i mwaouely. A nev warranttwuas milcon Cul nheb lenti Jan - byvit» .fethte nww la %é. eoiMab« cort In' November. poumavng Asa ilisi 0f tic indici ,JeI* NLeov Lni Joseli ~I .arcen-rlwo tadictrnctese. Joeph liolauaNicosmis. Jola Poiahe-rorgey. rsn MaIsa allas Moiu-Burg. àUt aid larceny.1 Praab Gireus sud lFrank Ashton -ug a" midlarcéni-.-Two muet. lests' Lé"iuBrovi-Murder. John Rioinbe,-Assault aud bat. Manuin Koiemen and Mary itievbo -tatutory charge. John Jonos--Maàlilou mischiet. Charte.s oloaon-Eeceiving stolon Jemopli andl John* ahyLroy wU viimat t l IL aSioetatuDtoj bae. LvSPba-4Iarcey. John Choeman. Albert Coeman and se. Cuiseo-Murier. 'Water Luâdlov-gmbeaaiement. la the case et George Wallace, liantes Smith Sud Ro Wagner, êtmge vitu utrinasultsa hait. qdboy livIU n Nu aukegan, ths .94 jury ýevidenti tot tue evîdeuce _Ynot siing ecouland r.turued tiltbuil.~ T e fegidtluts ver. lusgrei todYI mm4biatelY.c MaoovsudRes re tie, tvo mn À rho vor. .çuag by ,eiplp~Faof tueà %icao Telep iIe Copm nsd vîoe kbs found u lâ ve voui st=el cp.t e- zvire arouni thelu boil tnan cort to conceal It.L I.soBe le 1t ho coiored.man vbho t. ail61W tu *y,, sIo flios. state mittimau tboiarnp Loga- rifle ranae dur- g tie' suunW.r* Marin Klemena e 'Mari' SBoohave beou toigeu l I ie coucti Joil nome Urne. Thor rega arrertei tu NotiChcago some1 Seago vien parente of the irl igld -icomplatat. 'Tie SUluiai- Iýhd la havaeluug tu o Kemen eVeni " s te bai aopportutti la re-t im ta ber hoo. Kelnlnt. a»dLi ô ho a marnieul mai. iiaruy 1toned ne mrffte u lon tlia co4iant ofc y«.nv gir> UlngonsiIeh arosi» »Msu t. biost'oid euýùgli labothq i radraaier. Tbeàe t. uotblng orinla ie rogtlngabout lioe Jury s' la ,Meir rouait -.5 I. @Èý rnyvu~uILL.. FRID*T. OCTOBER-8,191. OPAEL5P8XA DÂTV* TWO MEN'* 0 ORkCEIVEO «RYL USI sa~itlat a1l attorneys vWho bave 53E11 ~ AW~ PUM L USTN bamn7Ccrases lbe presont li the APPOI 8 COURT. court rooM vien the cases are calied. ~ COSMON IÂW #IFE BACKÏFROMNATIONS nieyanoupe Immeullateiy viutier INi',log E LY 'z (bey *are ready for triai. if go the, Iftcq~eI~AL (uanu IMy casego., on the cai for Immedl Ct*-U 5 L rnjiwiR q MAL A UesÉtéEII atrial..If the. attorneys are flot I W IJ if ~~ready for trial they give their ree-_____ r* îWonders Now if Civilizaion Is Met H. S. BaIIou, an 0W COM- na. f hecourt tiubati.1reeosSvrl0fteLw ar ulcetho glvos mor enm-riSvea o he' Nota eluio ai Crit-rade, Whom He Hadi Not z«, lie trfci the case from the Revséd-HuntW8 ianity le a Eraud.. Seen for Years. dckLWeIl ta eCrefI -' Cge aàl0an he i.plan* la thatBec IN EASTERN PENITENTIAIRY. G. W. HUNT WENT ALSO. about Preparing thmeues trW.~Z'FERRETS CANMOT BE U0. IfAtieyr face the. alternatve of harlea ilhttand -KilIêl ZionCIty Wo- .Trip laDeolared by Lake Coun. bli> esvien frous thi. dock«f fies.Who Are KfHugâu Mn Who Nad Uived as Hia ty Veterans ta Have Been tb~ye fO 0Crli bu o. Now 'fI Fmid the Sessb Common-Law Wlfe. One of Best. Possible. tin# -e "ilO along. teOeso eisr 5 - - - he, tiw orli of' alllnt h pninFbay 5 George Marlon.,efC ese u. PAUL. MAtiat. dOclet blias bleucompioteu l t i Z.lvlscd coPY 0f h siau bef.onese mr-lIFI erry L . Austin of Waulcegan r.eapsted tbat many of ti ldf cases.n gasi 4orer oS hii. commn-l vtvi e New Mse o hney turned homo Tuesday nig)Lt frorg e, t4t slould bave limon dispoeed of .or.l#o h tt S tnl isbe W ow servlng a Ite sentence ln tii.' t.Iiding the. ton-day national enctm. soloef long 'go vil! b. stuIcken froa nt ouhaved-ecelaninopis C Oue et I iastern ýpenltontlary et Piadeiplila, mont aud grand revlew of the GTaai lte dOCIet tii-bve -rehava e po sua»etrbe.f. Ps.sai ocomgniAriy t Washington, D. C. Mr. Aqs- t uc'us ho bvie bOno sad Inlibrt. 1 lit$ Of lvO s1baebe oýcago., G. W. Huntoon of Lakoe9O.s, è'l» WFt~UY 1 . Aatbor tblagtbat é*W, py a deed cOmmlttedeM a ti"quenlan ,. Commander ot Wanulign Pott. Alio ,.~ u~i m .-__is s t f.eIs le tuiot si 0R vW" uuusdted 1 Caoi but tee attended *'theii enument au t . ~ ~ iee ae 11 and sblnk that civilizatIonla a dolus. tumld homie ln Company vltii Mr.v F RC ut - oc. ,th. e- 0 siOR and Cbrlstlanlty a frani.Austi.*7 Bob ht » iIlvmnri.t f George IMarin kled hl.'m mo."The.ttip did me a vorid of g" - I.eeb we 9 tanIr liait il ; ciai vTe un oliesan bun Penn-i. ,Austin ald. 'Ther. vore 3,0M W Ilin ECicizenSiate 'andJ PrairIe cihn..Octobor 1 to 0. Oeu liaoit vay acro., the._Country to of the old boys thore. Ton thonsa< f IIS in Commis'. tober 15ill lfut8 *attempi a reconcillation viii hlm - etthenu vere. l Une. Tiiore 1usd liee fln ti>The Sun. *quit?,I, Augusi 1 la JaaU" y31. 4fter h.oliai gion lier op as an un-. sonie talk of rnaklng tis ithe lait M- trevt.osnpmenî. -I1gue"s ther bgt tue Nq-D FOiR the "dPlovera. Soptesibor .1te A àPolice c&Ptain ln OnW of the ai - -1 " dlyM- 0- t 11r:of ennsylvaie Z<o theYug os y l otoco oid by oit Mreg; *W4o5';Augui là, to Av*- 1161i<aalodtois i .b ezntted tout- awouapnt e t awh r t Kan liveuCtie glisaitle i. tuoi laeas a**do*fpeace.1- Ma- vere ibis rear tuey decidoul t. lioid -fy ,~Curd 0" ball àkpeeat.Qtbr r"<ued "he-'e Pemittd tw au CCOMmentnextyearat Kut lhmt eb0rU4, dé iaint a. spdat viii bis commo-îav vt. iiei- WM. F.'ýWEIS$ Cty...Duoka.bur 15làateMarnai81 Oit vtn-eUeclina preseuui. The NePO-aio Ofce. One.of the greatest Plaiof: i oivn om to d >ilimtl > 1 4c. caba(dn stepped. from the. room Mr. AuPtlp's. trip.van he meigl.dpet u uloro o e*té., Y*tl jumbPl8;I . ad as iiMdid aso. Maron --pulida -- - - ieen huisofau ad H. &i. Bilou e 0f W g-. efiw revolver'from lis coai pocketaid aU bvq Q eo aile vo i o or s Bat,'Speme .icet . 00 liii item sOf cold l ad Into the OCT. LÀWT.E M aI aid su otl ooirdeo0f Mr. W e44ltatol Oov ~~6 yoMWg véiturabroUet. ;She îied la'- 1 tli.'VIo'. . tse« > Meob to.î e"b âs. t 100,0 ot. lAusOIN YCO R t in. Irkes. bhi.ootaiio w - 1. 4- - . a, 10bo.* l-was trieo a i. - .-Iiiii *~e lite ta" M..o .Bva luloq eit*t Marions onir son mnta amont ireglc ' uaet, osoieuofroniWawu git ~ n 41.î duub a ater bihie îbr had hlouryU i Which Waslto Havie.S*oV. leo«Change lbadges, vltlii? Mka és UOl. »eckelaluthe PeWtnli.tl7 dungedu. ed Herè Lait Summer 1No1li- do. doud s em(kdlt.,e.IUavnoe à 'br bauImped troin the thlrd.t.r f pe c.1. Theilti New.York cavarr t vladov of a burann. builing, and _____Commainid r. Austin b&bièged., h:hop:ud~ âkull wo crubhos tuto&eesh The iecilt M bISIL shul vascnnhbd urÉiece ru a reunicon ntheir olul camp sadd dM C ae, I o mot giteor ofThe B. un reuSo:vouathe foi. WL ASaWtEÉS rund ..waaiington. out of iiuytGuiho reine iv'~ Wid. e a mnt bt. 80. are. s.e* liing. we lis r or e * Wdnsda nght - Among the Cases Up W, Bamnibt 80a.1t ,lvig.011!i6 * iae liW vt, ,tour se *- Biateru Penitentiary. Few Ifmaisild î er. .Pce»nft at the reunlon. Thoe~irlraot ii s aôg Philadelphia. Pa., H ioward .uWvenulty, a coloreul sc«bond, utopl Ocoe ,11. the StatesAtrny s is Opnio-4m, Mre Octber5, 911 Mtorfey. las nov locateul. on the. old> sip » do 00 pi'mptsfi BÇitter Delly Sun. Te Otbrgroui.. Doriogtie .reunlon ,tuwe. Od M'y Oinion h la , th è. býar Sir and flend: heOcobrlawterm, viilbe tue studenta entertalned tue old bol. asigi e lIas. g ilaà I foei tue biuuh of genulue iamo opeued ln County court by Juige Per- <ien vitu.-songe. . Ater, tue reunl C"010 1ovlngte tu pauclty of My pecu- sOns, non Monday mornlng anul.et tue old.vots ver. lnvlted lusîde 1n-0acacel tyad gSIfott i u e)to write you and sug- that -time .the cases Ltt are t4o,4, vid . i.leiliîu ~ ~ i ii btcoa~ Gf t W mm tïï yudcotnue sendtng me the up ai tuis. teor ourt wlti 4 net tiieyever.sat dosui te. IFf s# ,gr.tudseeca J*ebily luu4spndent"ountil sucb Urne for trial. . rom ureseni lndlcati?us.e Tiiore ver.ousothe dr olul v ~hTmfi8nfflly able la remiît. th9-Octorrm wil lie a railier bâÏsy prisait lu. .Waahlngtn tuai Frrt I arnforced to i,, one. althoug t i'0flot kuOou s yi tImpiossible. t.. eUIbgs- »Y fêazvosietFIS ME A Y BA*' ' pe o-Jusi loy. mauiy cases nulli be ard. pwi~~0 utusnunbi 1.bidn s. i11M T i - l t *t, Éi Mve each -,veàJr.awaens Ainong ub cases thet vlWlie set ouîsiies. oodlg. aMrAe, eubas Aasi Metcs Wsipe.Ot.~-redm -tndr i ~ruim fier ta réal aae 1w nformatIonsled tlwcretrciedr'u$'a.y. lP»~t onid Waukegad my maüy bhi Juqasitesaattorney. L.lquor-vIola- Umbs moeetigs. verDot bighM tg cl-a snl naa ubriM OW l 114# e tu r..t i» . are con picuous h' > iiý i u ' dvtehe'a .roeiu.dtu î ,s- or b qt - ff <a . * m o , è 'ýt e m a - Vuit uer s1oab te. lliases, cmd or. resusila te pc. ~ 1v Nrm ck hy oma Coleto eesalcool satheo state'sattuorney, has Ci aktug lu tue sights.iug4.esriib.T m vononnttii ffc se1ud meW and. glvo 'me j$ie aveet fil"uonsteored, clear of theni since bis liai . ___unes._This_____ i tbat I am agalo back iron'Genèsee of llquot cases "iew up" lait 'sum- -;,S n es. cl i n li lie si 8 o'éc olnight~fros. tbe'Wblta WML Th scens oflIde are s mer.rash leo0f the ,te offIiisluho Honne. f4band dear to me as-itlt iUe.a At the, tinie the. lirjuor cases ver. - ýR CAS h*tr nPr h aeo h ed« uo gir tînin o iailoe. belug.trled a panel of jurons had beln- Ttei»fflens kilt your ixed, but h t.nbeng Imet a aCes se- fysl 1er .. 1î t o ~. ~ ~ istse, ie W REL C D ON .týqp4ubput aakung'pp!mIason. and crgt. 'lh. 'Whîte IlOouesae h te, 'rèpalr ackfioviedged delciences, Proseution vas dropan emhPl-Io ou rour Puni- zm-u-iage ceremour vill ho po#rouel adIea poor Ïusinosa i. ataâd 41n, servicesa of the additional ei auoîTHE TRIAI.i pttostY utilog-boi4t 'plaClng tue wituntie uext tes months'and "vil the $hmof 0litfeslg etgaithe yru- fot.neouled. The .individual',Jpuurs CULStilu u i!itne. The> hi<vea lot lie Prilvatc. sPecy of abdiseul-!and aquandereuler. lustructed tb appear in ourti *Ilaou ueillni0 ctieb t W asubi ed.toniglut Ih ouli net tim, utwhune'ha beuCo- otoe','19toere coura1t. lIie, or. , oibiug about pariug for hb.latu tiWbte BOUMp une bu sin oeas eou co- ct.ber1P . srv atlia tio.A Number of the -CasesAre Bell T he~ le alate aud goverumeut of- e.i iesauaetgvnt b sigued to a lite of oblivion as I have Tiiey, ave..ben given no furuber no>- fc!os. donotthévid for he frinerprou r . Wen for a deei commîtieul ai a tîme tificati and, court officiais are avait- ing Set for Tral-Lawyeft out ro Sfrte emrpo e 'eas y TurmiltY: p l pbarenaon sunseteu 1 canot' log wviii some intelest to 4 seeba Ail in Court Today. 'ÏaiU4 tfemlly vile bis Place l'ou-"Tné ",t .. but tell and tub i hai civilisation la good the memories of the jurors viitlji ylseot tue OfficiaIs do ot diey of c emouit et ca. N a delualon sud Chratiauity a f provot e.t LNDfUll~Abqtte te quarantine ithe place and mua Sait 9ethUis oity and Precie Soin. eu do?4aW.tPLANv"PRîwVIND A SUCCESS. Iucepau 4anembargo on thp pro<iucts. Wecirow Wî'Ie.'- Bonnemen o ela tho er ey. Accordlug tb present , Indications eboit andl cherish tue muet. 4tue t4rum,,ii lot last over tvo wWébs - Pser are uit ail rici. Wasblugum society va, wu eaçI Gratefllysud ipae of jurors should po- Waukegau. Oct . 6. -I*ougld lie ta sectthe farinera of h s urprisci hy tht.iuonc GEratfliCyMARIO.. o slpaetiu >e.Tsrnrlga 0ocic uléUa u adi~ther and stadI hlu ibe naturel deveiommtuesut a. GEORGU .~. MARON. te o aufflclout.cirtuit couni.room Judge iClaire . Q.pfor tueir rigits. , Tiiey bave benu hcbbsatafe I iP. 3.-I am reilided min iitue- - Lllarda begau.,,a trial oei lie # bj@otod to harduuuIs for yrss yroac ihbis&UC airicai engagement WI&u.'buce uan n ta-Amricn. simPauti Ue'Ierneti of tue -«Mf a î mainer Stieý caat of "l'lThe Indasa bave the hout t caoeintu .bcey ochet.'Pie. . u tate' anigouereet fcapital. The Proieot bbuk- * 4unvcis augior. sudlu i. this, nine "real Amricns' Lne yare 328 ciancery.cases lu tue dobet fICigi, aid surely tuer bave a rlght nalve in bis ourtemhi se.éI nscene lln h Ii. tui1ac Voe ierlsin hu-rai-m ite but it lu .eipectod.tuer viii ai! -bê ' tëproboci ubemosives.Aitboghyatt«ted l hte chamng vMév.; &cm l< rontue nid World erriveul on thèse caiied before.tue close o! tue day. 'TIe lie elt.nov lu Chicago I1aswon-M ti. lu a cy ~expecteu l . sel e' te~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tn ftecuii usite.1i ,Tetatta uy<i.jcoitmron las caies lu tue doeket vcri $Md rat.qd, la Labeo ounty-Ver'g': Pead.as lira. Gait lusbosSb fle did 1 ireïain tib1 n I 0 wsoson dgmans ina> u ave corne ber rucalled on Mondai. toulpedIBlbaeiinr-4ua neeschaee. be taansported f rom tue infinie vorid ê0rne:ther Continent do.. not' Iot Tii. plau' t.. provlng to lie a grao t 'lier.. tote errgest itagein rail lite, thâIte argument. luccess. Were, lt not for some at ~ Mi! AVDSiAS i over appoaroul upon. Pli. terDAVreinDr caos hi, Wiuat au inspiration I vouid experi- Alumlnum la Surgir>. ight remain lu a deomtetate' ou ao ence coud I once me ie bcpermItteul Aluminum shapes to lit aIl parts et ocm tfr n",toreer.Ip Br.FrdA.Busle dvo0t te~d, aperthr auea n le hmap liod). pterced yl ha- uep theit for bbote or cou vau t i..ua te redure revived hi Judgelaitêe Chi"agomayor, ~ied abeerily Tlir.s~epeson-tlug aulbavebén nented liy a Vienuce o4w d.al ti aeso edockot a» $%peMsda i biaover au order la-lsiefe IW.~ g..îe-Iu ear lul aukegn. gon fr us as urgi<àal cmui&eses. vivouda sce t etrin of court aid t1h. sae linJude ornep I~~cSo forin S'uneepeala asîrn a r rtieu o ie e Rqt a5U oigls aw"sm se.a teeing ai ti mau oe -sbsatr ,esie#acopamo à&' c-l.àuac e "Pboug Ililveula lu iCty sihu rodos ta thc bora lut BucksW Meaitue'srtht. ue dockmet rtsftia .t lit eat muhelb, the etf tha rami stter m mletuical sma- 1Narbet. roea.. ily flue po - 1m s al-use *tbu a b sam ced. Is"Mt mootr MY a*%., - GEORGU M:&EON. woumj Iragais aSasll. 'is noël, ullu my faier, a~a. ~