-t st~'~«v~~ "~ r..q,%su5,*'. ** .*. t - ENT, PI~JDAYOCTQBER 22, 1015. -f g, 2 I - ~1'~ t'J- W, to eul.in )wMgcazs Ats F. stlomo The pietun e rnwrked "slehool"' is thei building wich is, 110W befig W1OU,,O the Sheldon University Preas, tbe prt of the 0l4 utfit whichi gets out t4ie"Buauqss 14o acoQiitzeif, which'is now J&u~ repçrted to have bouglit sbeldon'ai WÊneresit he bas in t. pîc~iw>4 "Donitory" iii the huildingput apfor.t 1 açboo .z 4 piu rivate ]priuting plant, but hi1he astearhu;,antuned into dormitories by r. Si4eldo ,o ia 9gta open a large boys' school of busi, nena teçhlog the hardlware Imore or T .L me. Kianer a" son -wua brohan Intq Teuday evéalg sd Jl tila f0117Ilit the euhb drwe W" Umted to heom 80te sa, sud a *B0pber 0fr50 cent iock«etkg>"n, tÇir, wlti, a tew allier atcww9fh. Mir. neKUWW thi Intbey got la tiirough . thiefrot dorsi ltheb mr 'wilch o.s u i u.bo *w boiteSsud coul4 o <p"i bratethé. ortl6 *fthÔ Wàliqti b11ud or to avol4 det"t4pu. The. bw*i paft of the store opeu ap to the. electria line sud- thts would rmake It esy for theai to im aws7. il nla liguait to bc the. wen 0f'amateurs, me 1eucae frein whlciih iey took the kldy..h"115ini sb le revolver# ta' ILt. T#e tiquçe uVno clue tlu maeor JoUler anduzoe the aP- gap Tjhe t t;gV a P sél, ubect&t ' Mitibe e aUgqtLff. ed tu74 I wotSlek leaa ipvolan uaji lotau AUtrl.n. aos Thé taaciienu:of t 4 m4tais "yth iiiiia ~ d~ U 'aoluenoord, Mi uth Jýohn. $0,È thé. achoor aiPèOI;4»w' P Mwm J'ie e Etpson. Omug A Ânumber vbita the - éqllols 4pgil"a4 P*rk sud j r wefl-of fha1, itii -re 'ipastors anS e4n4gy ecbool su- UdP tternoo lu sfi S ePtifon o4oyde-cfôzc'b 3 %ýy.hool ' W . p IMentqhout" 0 hq«te ave the otwo eSenta an sews S8.s m. ui4'O4ctder -8st lim Ob v Blâa y Thorne DOOW;uI HeId la- Bonds Of Si,000foraliat 4ekt' 15 STUDENT- AT YALE. Auto 4q Was ervi'$ truck a' Farmer'Wagon hrwing TIori*DiotiFem iSeàt.- ThrsI*elW'.son of Rub~en H. Donnelly.of Llee Forest, who wet Euit to enter the. frealiman cdans at Yale lisi. aU. wauheld cimIer 81.o00 bond fer trial at the nez t term cof th. superlor court la ConnecUqÇut. 1He la ciargedwltielleýaused Itbe detii et John Francis Crowe Mf New Haven, wiiom ho. baS taken f4r a ri de la bi automobile.Ti. n a- fhn ht a rmqr'a wagon, t"rw- lu; Crçpwqo ut anSklllIn hlMiYoung JDonneffr ýasserta l the elident s eausad by the. burstlng of one of bisa automobile tir«.. JJuge Bryant of the Orange court »Mali11* ha regretUed. bong coin- Pelle l l bolS Donnelly under bande, sa #iefeit ' confident tif t th. Young jman diS net latend tu drive reck- lessly. Donnel1i"a mother la .1111 ai fier enfumer bhume 1"n'L&e Forest, ;ud hie fatlier t. Jn Chicago where 1he maIe- tain, an aia. tMr. Donnelly returus tg bils a4e Forest ho= severy Bnicht. ANNOIJ#8r~. Fuïu~reC. Pianos an4 1yriao CI.Like the humýan voie. lu aweetness and, p¼ftone is te' bad Piano." ILWhothar ypn had figuredon buying a new Iiola~Qtyou rnay copQie indgv 'Ith&$..ue of demonstrating. the Pl- aýcore in and Me what ex v ar6e .pe.eiafy uQticeable in th' pýmaýe even. an attempt, 4LOrsao I& iDdeed onçý woxthy of QQ ion and we,,will,be only too me upon requiest. Their. s IÇt4i«Like !iùuio to Livoîa 2eX, Off Op: Èý , re rapdDakt - w. Stand y,,' p.- ~ - Soh. blese$ Oogfeereps, crepe de chines, and tb silks in. I wvhite, fiesh anddmai clega4t stées; values, p at. T--------------- -~ 'r'~ CAL- Phuele. Wu weiI-mm roory;, istriped This is avcry uncommon suit barg&in and will receive tlç in- stant*ttention of woincn who aI)preciate ccouowon.yin, connection with style and 'quality. Made in the nciv belted off ects, they express fashion's lat- est arnd elcverest ideas ini demigning. Material is excellent quai- ity al;-wool, poplin, in black and, the leading auturn shadee. %he eoats are beautifully lined with silk; shirts thc sxw4p"tçit,-wed uoeS. Nt t h duplicated for less than. $16.50 o2.O.'ey sPeu . Nat b... Axlloo swepters such a&- usually seli for $a.50 and $4.00. Corne 'in grey, red, navy, tan s&d wbite;, specially priced at $2.98. Children's Swea:mrs.19. Boys' iind girls' sweaters of fine all 1-wool yarns; grey, red and white; exellent v'al- hisî9*gt $1.98. 7 na& 960Ç MetS Perfect llttlflg; il bai Regular loe pacàte 'èinltug on. dosen. anap-on Factaul,7c Black or whmie; doaq5 OP'lard; reg- uiar Iôc value. 2 Cards Pearl.Ei*t<0ns, 5C -Vih-eye peari; 2 dooma fi card; lie vau;2 cards fo«'c. ZbeRubea r .slne Comer..-19c 75c Keep-Cican Haa ruInahes.... 49 25e Hose SuppoirtM. 19e Womnen's pad Image eupbot4er; Ithé26c soart.1 1 Coat's Cr*fiet »Oto4 c S11k ilnfrhed; a i coloraL. I,- -5a.Hair Pins, Pe4gef, 3c Melba Face P ~ 8 Whitte only; tiie re M.veu -~ ~ ~~m t<ebs~akja 9 mde; an d extra spleiclid qual4ty Tho newést piated .and#birred modM1a ý an excelleut grade of rnercerimed matei i sasuine pettiebata fo~riy prieç at Q ad5~ugreeiwbluebzu Tbe Ne These uew "Ameriean Lady'tcorseta we. are showing, coînply, ip a perfetly c1ierring unanner, to the latest fashion requirenints They are designed to givethe figure the slightlv curved waistline, a.shorter hip9effect and a sorncwhat, higher bust. lier figure, wvil1 be surprised at the wonderful uniprovement lu lie.a ernce,for alender,' ~remi1t. XVliWis oretid. in the erset uýma, t4.eury ni.c t'quirs., and how to fit aîid adjust it s0 that you will enjoy both style anîd éomfort. Prices-$1.00 to $5.00 ty9f~God The ie laesflrm' ,f M-ti NèedIle Work is iu workitig *out, the new desigzqs ias soun aïs they are in$roduccd. n oyal Society Package (ioods c.ontain many useful alticles for the h6ffi, as well as fIne Jingerie lor wo men and children. Tçy ar-c stamnped tu vexy attract ive and faseinating qesigus. 2 w $ 9 >' Pried a '-----------------..Mr-t Btaamped EuckTwI, Samg'W'4 Pillow Oiý"S "Làrge sz, pdi. -4x6-inci sîze, good ~ x~&r~1~q;L de of nujusllu, ~ 130 3CeWa, Twist The b aiit!l r Ikfreboderuxn " 5shaea i TaISociety '~.Ls,îw 'à ' Our sto k is not onlyoa xt ely largeand varied inatie. but it is in e reo n ho1 hr oughly experiexîced iu drapery designing anîd the art,1 of hoine decorating. Her, îxperiece and ideasa- ' ait your disposai. File;, Scotch ai4ê Novelty Nt Many choice new patter7ps are 1eing showuLln àUt extecive collection o! thesq flue dragpery u.'it.. ivory and. ecru; 45 hches wide; yard 19c- to*1l-' IulpGrted and Domestic . CJ-esw" Cretonnes are mot onlv th e poptîlar matar1al for oN-erdrapeg, but.are heing used extensively fox- bed- roornsets, ýl*uudry bags, dreffler aèvars, eba.ir.ov-, ers, piilow tops, doillies, bcdsprePA1$MDIpp Wde8, etc. A spleiididlihue priced1atyard;iSe t.Ïoê1450t B11olines-36-imeh, comiforer si¶ô*mes ii an0M tractive assortmnent of patterns and; co1orui *5 ~ t-. * ~L-~ L~t I~ ~,s Frea i