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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Oct 1915, p. 2

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FWYOCTOBER 22, 1915. a WANS POSTASTs IL C Buruidge & Son- Nursery Stock C ALL INDSON f E~T~JON WATCII Have Been at Work in Certain lat un ns t h otfo uunpfl Parts of llInois Duning the DLua.ei e Union tho captIomi"Tour Office May' 1,B. Next" James E. Buartt nspetor in charge, bas vrittn.Le .ocount>' 1 stu die iipolice chiefs tlii Theoe. W. Coest. preems. . W ~~Il sec SECLJRITY TIT ÂMSIAMCi 0F T = Caupital $i WAUKEGAN - Big Vaues in Stoves No mnter what price you want to pay, we cnarifee yow! requiremnts with a heater or range that will give ymu spenM doi isa- tion and btg valueor the xoy. Step in and ses us-lit wifl be a pleasur to helpyou maiyourchokce 8BOST4JNÂIANINTER- ESTEIN J~FOOT AND MOUTIISITUATION: J. L. Hammett Writes From Eastem CIlty Telling How He Handled the Disease. Thît titi papet' la flot ubldlsed and la fot afra.id 10 give lboth aides" o! any issue a fair deal, laeeident from lie fact that clear !rom Bouton -----n-lnceu comas a personal lettar fromt a mua W. 8. Smith,. Vice Presîdent. *'Look out for posto2fce roubera andi wbo apjarently knows aomethlngt bs"r eand Mans or safeblower,. Tiey have beau at work about treatmeul of caitle. Hie 005-1 f lu charge, has writtsn Lake county. tibution foiiOws: i 0N 81pont season; and viii the approach Boston, Mass.. Oct, 13, 1915. IOofEw8nter mneihj il -no doubt re- 1îosee iy your publiîsing Mns. Du- ume Iheir efforts. Every possible et- randa excellent ltter that you date & TR ST M fortabould ha made by postmaaters 10 pint facts, even if tbey do uot ex. to afeguard ail fondsanad atampa actly agras vllh Dr. Melvln and the TMILE GUARANTEED necessartly let tanhe offie." Illnois abats caille inspector. Two *The Inspector of the Chicago dis: agricultural journals of the Mddle 125oooootrlct even auggesta vay: of detectiug West admît they do flot dare publiab the obbrs n avane o thir ork myarticles. Âltbough 1 have never t - ILLINOIS aud talla them bow to hluina posi- given for publication any tbeory or lion to furuiab officiais vith Import- opinion, but simpîr tacts vhich have ant Information aftér aucb offenses. actually oocurrad 1 enclose an an- Ha saya: ticle vhich 1 hopd you vill Insert. I"These men usually travel lu lhe I also enclose a typewrltteu copy ~E grb of tramps. ride ou !relgbt traina, o! an article 1 offered 10 five dally COL camp aioug railron.d lracks, cook their papene leat November. Ail refusi. P" 154.R~ meala over camp tires, or stop ml it and of ailtlime agriculturai papoe cbeap lodging bousses.and traquent yeî approicesitlie New Englauf saloons o! quasliouabla repulation. Homastead stands by me. The Amer- They !requently aleep lu the same Ican Cultivation published tvo Of MY room lu cheap iodgiug bouses or in articles, but the veterinariaus vho \\\iIIs/I// a box car. Tbey posa as cbaap Jew- were afraid ot loslng their jobs, 1 I/ery and siioe string peidlars, um- Imagine vere liemaemtss of thaîr brella menders, vira workerstandt iwimîdrawIug trom the content. .- pan tinkers, and also soIlcIt aid on Mont respactuiiy yours, - the pretext ot belua deat and dumb, J. 1. HAMMETT. at wiclc imes they may use regular Foot and Mouth Disease ln Cattie, printai chris or a Ilst especiaiiy pre- Shoop and Hoge. pared for signatures. Wieu 1fina. 1. In 1843 the writcr was 12 yeara > t10 bouse. W hen any oua o! timse men caIlle aud iog , unier te direction f ls sean vorklng a towu, or buyiug A- bis faîher and mother, and l-tyar quor ln saloons, mverai of their part- vas bis firot observation of a csero .1 nuets viii usuaiiy hae tonnd lu seclu- foot rot lu a naighbors bahrd o! cal- sion. near the lowu, bacause thair tie. This naigimbor washed the teet OUR TIRE8 8HINI OUT idenblhy la Ilkely 10 hae baller known with warm soap amds, sud applled a and ris. above ail others iu qoality to the oilcars. Tiey are frequetliy solution ot blue vitriol 10 thair teet and durability. If you *ould have accompaniai by Oo or rei boYsani gave a great spoontul of suiphur tire mnleage, thonu you are losing 'wio are usually ciiosan Ml any soluci- and thea same of powderei charcoal talion of alms. eacb day lu limai teei. lu lama than mnen if vou are Dot anineAwii.h L . ---_ _.- --1---- --_- - - - have 1I known of auy spreading to other bords. 1 will Put It strouger thon tiat I KNOW Ibal THERE HAS BIEN NO SPREAD in aIl the cases Of whlch 1 have bad cognizance. If auY of tie catle breeders or dairy men wisb for further Inmation, 1 shahI b. pleased to0 answer any lu- quile. lu regard 10 caIlle, sbeep or hoga. J. L. HAMMLETT, Box 1926, Boston, Marna. Hle Cure A certain Cure for foot and mouti disset il s early stages ......... NO need of teolation front lhe reot of the bord, no need of, killllug éw. la 1902, when the diseuse was prevalant ln New England. many valuable horde were destroyed. I haed a herd of 80 milch cows and was sanding 30 cmi of mllk a day to the market. Oue morning my partuer lu the enterprise reported only 18 cana wlthi 12 cours aick. 1 ordared hlm t maite lhe sa- bie iloors as dry as possible, oprinkle witb a ItItle air-siacked lime, wash the cowa' leet dean wilb warm waler and apply blue vitriol treely and give a tablesoonful of flour o! sulphur and the saie of powdered charcoal once a day lu their feed. Keep tham warm and drY. Not a cow l ber milk, every one gol well and none of the remI o! the berd were affected wlIth the disease. 1 vas a farmer boy and learued of this treatment wben only 12 years of age and during aIl of the 72 years whlch have since passe.1 1 have neyer known a single animal te die wben thus trealed. J. L. HAMMETT, Boston, Mass. ELECTION CONDUCT- EU DLSIiONESTLY- ARCII. B. WYNKOOP <Cotlnued Fromt Page One.) appear to, have faIt called 10 abats the local zeal o! hlm deputy. Tie cul- miuation of the fend came aitheb spa- claléterm of court, called for lhe pur- pose o! Conmmissioner Landon In Au- guet, 1841. The commIaionera vot- mone II ou re DL eqippu WIII wusn toundn ucamps near a îown Ivo weeks ail vere vel and 11141 ellai btedisciange Laudon as neglgeut, Our tire@. cone in and lai us ex- or aiong lia railromi lgiil-of-wiY lie succeeing sommer. Tiere vas andIiitcompetent, and because ha ne- plain 10o you iu what r,,opedt thay tbey siiould ha carafully icoofd over no spread 10 other berds although sidad aI a distance, diii flt serve limet are supeior and chesper for )ou and acnamhtuzd vitb a viaw taeIter our han emai timea others were vth- county persoually, and employdai a to buy.positive Identification. lu casa them lun 100 rodý o! thiose caIlle. Thena deputy vimo iisobeyed the Instruc-t bu. aving aur grips or bondIes tbosa vera ne othar cases in time lowti and lions of!tha court. Time deputy. Wyn- hQsould ha carefulîr oveniaulai and ex- weasttrlbuled Our neigbbors mistor- koop, van fluai $10 for cOutempl O! amined. as fraquentiy lbey are founi lune t0 poor teed sud bai bouslug. court, and auâAiditionai $E for ne- ho contalu lolen postage sampa or 2.lu tbe vinter ot 1870-71 touripaatiug tha offense. Ha vasdis- RIE 8-181 oibar criminalel v1ý,nce by vay O! beris lu Nevburyport, Mass., cama chargei aud anetimar Little Fort man Phone 8 bunglan bools, etc. down wlth Lie disease at about lbelusmed lu bis stead. ILMBRTY VILLE, ILI0 & oeo i tagr oigit hl n fblne vitriol tor tbe feet aud te ancimor the count>' seat lu Little "Catils are uecesearlly maie at lbeivas iireetly acrose the rosi. whera laI a cotracltfor $3,800 te Beni. P. office by some oue or mure o! lhe lu a barn 2S ont ot 30 milcb cowslICoioon, o! Racine, te buili a court gang ho note the location Oft ha listebilime disease but not due o! bIs bouse, aud a contract for 1,000 ta generai arrangement o! tbe postoffica vere affectai lIcleaaso sai Ibere was Moses P. Hoyl o! Lake countîrt lu Eomntsuad customs oft tîose connectai so spreading front any of these bardg. buill a Jlli. T H E A T R E witb the office by wsy of protection 3 1 90 1552I ai a 11ani utf10 cow,3 Archimedes B, Wyukoop eervei ase P. EINN R p of fonsud smps aht nigiit. Auy- sud was seniling 30 cans OftgmlIk clark of the circuit court ln tlima r P. . HiN. uoi. tbiug of liaI ciaractr attractiné tha,lîaîîy to market. One morning mYi1838, aud as recorder ln 1839. He STOVU $L&N ES LBERTYVILLE. - ILLINOIS attention ofthIe postmasian shouli ha partner reported -onîy 18 ,canesu d conucted sa dry goode cltora ou the USUAL PRICES lrmtî omnclih oeri-1 cows sich, s lb foot rot.' 1ta South Sida ofthlie river ln 1850. Trhese cleanfly, cozvenent, fine- ____aaeofficer, sud ha lu turn sbouid use o0f repîorting to thie autimoriies, 1I bld Il le sali Ibat ha lerI Waukegaîi Iooking stoves score big succes ( N caution sud cane t0 icaru wbere au>' bmn teto ick out ail the sick ne and ýsoon aller 1850 aud weut 10 Cati-' wherever uaed. They are built suspect mai retira or joîn otiiensfo 1ulae n1 ai une end o!fte tic up!fri edggl.H dI ai by aaoeikrwt repu- the nigbt. sutd treat 1hotu as those ware treatci fornia. According te oua pioncer tatiçvi and will outlas othens FI122, >1 Aur peculiar marks or physical de- lin 1541ý, lu rilde thme flinon wît air-. resiient of Waukegan Wyn'ioop butilt Easy to ruai and raguile and - ormaities of suspects abouli ha asile- saiîi iîîati eptc a imperaLile otsdla rs very saving of Juel.* Now is Clev Madison in ciali> notai. <riptles of varlous ne- lsud drr,'sot a cow telt ber milk sud 'schooners wcre unloadai from bbc, the tirne 10 pick yours out. A FIERY INTRODUCTION turcs arc as esqPcollitethe este- iri a 'unI li l 1were veli sud liter wbichbchaercctcd. O!course, 2 Parts bhon ens as the sida shows are the lim îo1hriîiî r lii îai, affectai, nor dliischooners uîîloadcd dtier, etc., at SCANDAL IN THE FAMILY regulan circus." 'the-1lý sîtniniîg sithin six etcth Lit tl11e Fort pîrier lu that time, but S c1ak,.K (),iîui, iii2 Pr. iaih î iî' le'show any signe f ail pionecra rof thCit iy agre htbl 1ST E B R .U Lthe diseasc.eet' adowuaibbth iret pier lit 1fardivare SA 2 I1ERAERT G.oLILLu t Oaer ivo inseictorspro:ncted t limte lake off Ibis Port. flard ware c un.i, an oitl and sai, 'You have bbc oqp nyTEJase Covlin FORMER KtSIDENT il lmaiwt tirii,rdNv ave seau tor miles. LIERYVLL, ILIOI A THr oa Fsou G ARDEN OFtLIEiMy ii. i'ii dthevitriol powereJASKS INJUNCTION 0F LIS ILuCAL elu' b luitrouble seemai .10výý ______________________n_________ lt iiiiiAsni>' Mem se ENIaININCi À TOlWN SUNDiAY, OC 4 Member of Large Chicago Coal oie t daNI1-botild sa>' the fetct e mol w,,11in turrtii ut lbcm butere ta SERT Concern-Telegram Shows aImWoti iofsonreorfisc days, b eý RONENTERING LOT TME CHIMINEYS SCE Death Was Sudden. obsttiate, but tinîalir yicldcd te__the_ L B RY THE UITTLE WHITE VIOLET, Word bas just beau recaîvai o!flime sulputr iandl lusderai ciarcsVakgnOt1 Li2 Act@ dpatît ini (aifornia o! Herbent George 4. Iu Nosvilier, 1914. OliveJ onblaff bis client, R. C. Harper t H E A R ~E ______junior__________oftheGeorge_____ ('ohirnitiinîlier utfotîr legisiatura iof Chicaago, Attorneyv James G. ec - olt, uorpanneo! bhcgorgd a IIaniront i)rcuti.Nlass, bai a fine iterd lis plaiaîteb go before Circuit Judge 7. A. SUYDA.I. Prop. wbo livadinl Lake couoîy ai ona lima witb s fais affecti cowe. tieCcoin- 1 ('tii 17,C Eiwîriis sud maire appl- FourRees o thesoivasvetitiuwu u Wakegn nencîl i reiuiîg them usiug 'sait- Catiotn for ani njonction enjoiuiug bbe Bea LceaedPjtura.su luoter arsf.laconi>' paIre. cailtiir. borax snd sullîhur roni couissionare of te townsipi Bes Liened icure. r.111ll' irst site, wbose malien lu vanyiîîg icomîbîion as time cases lof Warren front anlcning the grounds nana was Jas-i' L. Roîuse, was boru secned iii ilatuani." I arn copylngof lte Vsaolegau Likesida Club et FR1 DAY, OCT 22. oui rearadin Luake couuîY sud vas a o i ltîsîov lbob a 1tiabte WHO PAYS? - - . anou Mr,. J. T. Manut Wauke- sa lonîg t iriiiiil interview. 'The first1 lb wsb Icaruci laher lu the day A speial Patine Fantura linl3pante. gan. 'hpir qeatitîon ani divorce syniutoflis werp a ver>'bigim feverthaltithe rond aomitsoters are cut- Faaturiug Riuth Ritlaud sud lIonne King. u ctîuscîîquite s sensation at tae limasud te shoiw ut the disease apîîcared ing dowu tnaci ln front of lima Lake- BRONCHO SIJ.Y WELL REPAID nIr1,111 bai spant consiierable o! bis firet lu the ic nîo lntb l ie[er*la cicubbouqesud are maklng ar- - - lanaay-We@tten Drama lrme ln Lakea coont>' soi bbc nawe o! finit cow talait vas a vcry serioss rangements te viien ltha rosi te 60 A DAY ON THE FORCE 'iset hi came as a* sitock 10 bis man>' casa, but h>' usiîig preveutativas, aach tact. Mn. Harper claimes that lime rond atnig11hLublu-Comaiedrans succeaîing case vas miiter unitil timo commissionans are cubing dowu a Fetrn i eaves ArI bcliao!bs el a a a-last one couli iardi>'lha ietecleil,,umber ot large Oak Incas tint stand 23 HEP LCY WE SU gagei lu selîîug solo acceseories lu Thene wss but 11111e trouble wibh lime on iebi propant>' and nut lu bbe rosi- 8S&TURDAY, OM~. 2. TR OL'ti SS E Clitonnia. Detlate thlie cause teet, but I usai Dit or creote, atc., vs>'. Ilb1leaxpaclaithat If bbc in- I4ONOR THY FATHER ' - - le in oua of the vcry trongest cona o! bis icstb bave not yet beaun ecelv- on liem. Ail she velliasud ei lijonction ie granlai b>' the circuit .- - 8 3resi Kalcm-Drama paries. have us maka one te onOl a, the taîagrsm sîmpîr gt-ing lhe aflen tima>'were curai. And rat oun judge, or Iu bis absence frontlime City', Festurng Miss Ailie ollistar mad you nacd have riu funîhtar vorny information Ibal ha bas passei avay'. xpounidars sud executors o! lie 1ev hy Mashaer lu Ciancar>' Peuh MacC.ýut- HUE CItOICE - bi - mey boutt fine lues. Our companies Another Man Dies. ordenai ail timîs han vwiîi a lot o! in, tint Simanlf Griffilu yul ha sent Lui Coeyhave plenty of mouey *te payany Fnadanick AlbrecIt, 75 y rmis aion. ioge ual affecti, aIl is lieus manda aonce bu Drue Latetae0sêea that lima SUIIDAY, 001. 24 lgeasnd our record for prompt and i otl tanîsd beat knovn res id nut ile iog vortm 2Q0 lad Itoatosinjonction isa nforeai, 9libenal setîlemaule la uuaxcelled. of Lake cOUh fled-asê m uron Bat- trench. sabot i;ndcovene<i vitm quicit Tihsis bichefirst l t he bc ielon .SAIS OF TME -- . nirdait 11à..at la t a p t,, Wa.lmeand buri. aoflime couuty tai rond cammissioners 4, 8-rmI DOimoni Il Spcal iFeaturs 1uam4, fHavillaud & I>mrad jýbt 1cudgy alTOhrcssaealgdt aé nee h r THau RY MaiEN lv*ej iaPill.l9s <il. h as~ ene imedîease hau heen cured api erh>' o! a privaIs citizen and deatnayed Fesaburia lPha. «II -Sud tj o have bemi senfilty. ' fot a ingl. cas, la ail these 72 yaars on cul dovu treas. MARRE»FRAUDU- LENTLY 15 CIR6fE; ASKS ANNILLMENT Helen Sarabaika Says She Did Not Know That Ceremony Was Taking Place. ýnJuly 23, 1916, Melon Sarabalka, aise kuowu as Helena Oarabaibja. 20 yeara old, accepteii an Itataion te at- tenld a motion picture ahow with Wal- ter Jiehiman. 26 years old. Wben ah. returned te ber home lu North Ci-i caag Jachiman told ber that lhey bad been marrisd and wauted ber te go te bousekeaplng vitil hlm. Sha le now seeklug an annulment o! the mar- n1age on tha rather uniquie grounds that tha ceremour tock place without bar "consent or knowladge." Her bill of complaint vas filsi lu circuit court Oct. 4 hi tth.young voman'a counsel. Attorney Mai Przyborski. lu the bill the voman charges the marriage vas cousummaled tbrougb deceit, minrepresenlation and fradu- lent rapresentation. Sie sets forth Ihat aie hau net livai wllh Jaehiman. The fs.cls lu the case as told by the plaintif! are as foliova: On the vay to the picture theater Jscbiman uggatai they step Inside a large building for a few moments, She now beliave sîbîs must baye beau the court bouse, for ahe aysa ho s- curai the marriage ieunse tiiere. Then, againet ber vilI she sysBe in- duced ber te go up stairs viti a third party. This "third party" ln aupposai to hiave beau Justice Meson who par- for-med the ceremony. The young vom- an sys no questions vere asked ber. at lamet abesys site dosas flt apeak or underatand the Englisb language and couli flot have answared tham. Wbhen ebe objected te going upetains lu the court bouse she aya Jachiman reasaurai bar, telliig her il vas aU rigbt sud liaI lbey vould leave short- ly. She Baye she vas astoniabai viman lime>' nturned borneand ber co1mpia- ion holi 1aibe>' by ai beau marni. il vas bar firat visil te Waukegao, @h@ sire, and she did flot Imov it vas the court bouse tbey vers enlering. Under the circunistances ase iahes lime court ta annui lie minniage. Tii. casa vil be ieard ah the DeCember terni o! court. SIIELDONIIURST BROKEN IN -BEALTI0 (Continuai Prom page one.) Press, a amaîl pnutiug siiop vbêe ha printai Pamphliets regadilgg busi- neans aud ashablilibis foundatiou ton the achéol viici ultimatlîrex- panisi until lieInfluence viastait ail over tha verld. Il gave promnise aI oua tima of being a var important rivail1 tiite International Correspond- ance Ilcbool. being aomevbat simihar to that latter lu a !ev respects.' Finalir the quarlars ai Liberbyvilla grev too ornaih for the plana Sholdon bai lu mini, 80 be dickanai sud pur- ,chasai the land at Rockefellhrrvici lahan cama ho ha kuovu as Obeidan- bun el Iannouncai aliborate plans sud upon estaIlishIîg hie buildings ai Rocktefeller ha managai ho gel lime postal daparimeut te change thictrame of! Rockefelar lu Ares, ase liaI as lime usma ha appied le hie inelitu- ional home. Tiis chiange vas maie on lha promise liaI alilo!hils mail vouli ha sent froma Ares. liane, since limat lima, Rockefellen bas ceassai 10 xiel vhimla Areasbas bamen Ils place. viIh Slions coigmnifty neanhy as the shov place o! li* cotn- mmli. Nov Shlion bas gene andi the ultjmste dlpoBitioa o! the big propert>' cannot ha toretoli husl nov. Wili Sali ii Off. The aIder litrand wes net availabla vian efforts vare made ho icianmîna vimal ile lans were for lmthfuture o! lime propani>' vblch ha bas acclinci. Hia son. bowver, seailtaha ha- haevai bis fabimar plannai le sali Off lima propant> ais fast as possible, for ils location le sbzîi tirat lb s-lit ha ieirabie for ban>' purposce. For smnetlIma bibtI as beau a re- port tiret ltae rlcilarniers near Lib- erlyvible basa beau igiiring ou as- lablisIlug a golf course ucar liaI vit- lageansd ltae report now is thal lie>' may considar lime Siielion tract as a fine place for suci a club, Mn Shalilon le ret-uverlnIt rombis lîbeces s'ery raIii B! Haninkes, dicatilone to lus lînîvots sîanûgnaper rdaillent flb' niultariuandl It wvOl eOnhyaqiîetlon of a lew inyocompieba rest ahen ho s-ill ha as s-ail as ever. Cimanles Soloinon whto vas indictai ou a charge of rtcelvig istolan prop- art>', 'wAs raigiai lu circuit court te- day. He 41eaio4 flot guhil>'10ulime charge ani vas raieseai on $300 bond. E. F'olusicln 'as tia suret>' on lime boa&. SOdomoa la neprmentéd b>' At- torney' Ml l ejtter. DR. 1. L. TAYLOR Office ie Ffrot Natioi fs a Is#î asuua:-1 to3'sud 7b o p Seetl,a@ý1-u Broadway. OPoh1~ tiosurtyvlns. &itlof' DR, GOLDIN Hours8t4à"& .-Êt54 Ovar altai nan offic Phone 'M. -JM- timi*ill. MIhii ý 1 DR. E .SUH aY5t LM oburtwwl¶ urnts-8 tu i1ý a..*4*lo CHAS. N. 'StPttIES. M. Q Plian, 900 Oftlcs 9v« x 9 k Libertyvilia,. 111. J. L. RVDD1N1DV Office a iMidt Ave. Phono 1114-W Closcat attentionbi d > andIne ialets ud hast reem*M Ing sainie Ail kiuds ut boswaon iarnem for sale or exebx uu HERY ilkt Phases 148 s48 1 #FY 9 PHONE 1140-M LAKE fORESTAL ESTA'JI mÂN tdwaffd H. PNte eof Dqwpail Inn Arrestdby Ordeof the Cook County Slsrff Ecdward U. Petmet OfLe". J1% was arreeted luit ight la Nx» 10* City on £a ham0f gurandM mm 'The &rreat wua aie At tueroue of Shertiff S. Tir 0 f (Ctaaslbu. cause of an indictmnt heM Ila ra Ported <rom New YS,'£. u area.l ttle offiee at 29bO*kT4 Sle street C~kg. Tihe*OUlM said that lier iiidno iaformaUoa deallng on the 5a. NiM. Pt waa indicted Iu 1918 beemm eo~ta real estate deal. . ReclanejblasoN, on that charge, il la repeorte&d The famlly reside at Doerpgo bun. Lake F'orent, whpre, It la reprte&o M.' Peter, s la ll. Oe wus omerir Mine Nelle E . Mullly, daWgtp er o lhe laIe Major John m. MulMiy. ui, Mullaly'a xnother.in-la allé, dm~ flot know what the =troUuble tu a bout, Ihougi the aays MNul Pte bas beeu hounded hi enoei. aid6e la convinced, she maya, that it lea malter of spite work. THE HIOU"E OF K IRCHBERw POUNVRO 1047 48 veas ofeione@% Memebadishia sd 0OMM Rule ServIelà yen. GogrUstU. 104 N. Sit lii d»Kof..eWasiuiauJespa PHYSICI«A M A>suarG im 8pecisilsi for disesseof vomm. ID jeanex. to M iolo.i 14a5 w. MDON 8T. nIAd.li. 1DYY4OND LAUSMI Loans, lawraae, bdi Esto Md Hoyau R"60&a or-&l~ n iCale, SOoeil LIBERTYVILLE, itmmis.lN BflHANN V. cOLý 9Office at Hom.. Cook Ave. Pboaee1*f LIMMRTYViLLE, iLNOS Libertyvili. . liline aes. Phone ISMm. Otae Phas lS MARTI C. DSCMCE Office Opp. iOta et. uD et&" lo ,>ffice Phone 88 Bo. Phoeo UO4g N%)3TH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUIWL rDR. N. W. SIILLENSRE OBTEOPArBIc PRH'! N Oid Triggo Bidfr. Libartyvlo, DL Office EBourg 10Quil 5 Tnesdaysanmd Fridays oilly ti i(

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