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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Oct 1915, p. 7

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VICTIE 0FAN AS SULT ON SUNDY? Found IJnoonscious and Bleed- in, Froft'3evere Wotind lni * the Back of His Head. LATER DEVIELOPRMENTS. waukegan, Oct. 18. Dr. Ka owsky alter a s.archlng examnati:on today discovered that O'Connor was suffering of a frac- ture ai the base of the aculi. Tis, ~together with the fact that the victim had several brulse» on hiie lega, causes the physicien te be- Slhave that OConnor was the vic- tint ef a viclous attack. Ourlng one of hie few lucld moments O'Connor tiummorning conversed wlth Or. Kalowsky but wss able. to shed ne light on the mystery. Me could remember ne Incidents of the attack and ceuld nt telli khov ho rfcved hie Injuries. Or. Gsiewsky says thé vlctim's con. dition wsss àlittie better today and lie hia@ hopes of belng able te savo hie lif.. Eddie OConnor Ile et thieJUne Mc- lister HoBptal ln what ln regarded la a crîtical condition as the. resuit of i8em eutci on the bsSk of bis head. Me lma picked up ln anu nconaciona M"iitlet the aide of tthe E., J. & E. oaaka et a point ln-le r«ofeti IK T. Webb ceai yard. whether he Ma beaten by thugs or whether he tambIed and feule a question the. Millces have not been able au yet te Ietinne. aitbaugh the natuarseofthte 4jurlea weuid Indicats that the yaung 6»' Wa» tihe victim or an asaault. 0'Cennors pight waa dlaerered by ~loman Walie Bunderlin, who w, Bteig the raliroad tracka et th@ hi.Heaund the vtctim ling un- oeiacloux and bleedlng tram the. eut B 'the bock ot bis head- The police . ninc wseummenet.dandhe d=n 'asa u-emo ed a th'p- ILHo becammee80violent ln is dI Iýtm that It wam tound neceàsary te etran hm n a at1raigbt jacket se 17ht .Ie'ud'n.t Injure bimseît. Dr. riwtky-was aummoned te dreshi. Iirie". I1n addition tn thee .nund on the back Shie head OConnor was ond te e Reral britîcea ani cute on is bias Itb. lied been klcking. ai- ~gh It ies dmltted lie Iglit have sn truck by a train. Se tew traîne sa over thie swiîch trpck niear whlch ~body waa teund thst the latter bry la8flot given mucli credeoce. ~IY at Intrequent Intervals doees levlctin becomne ooneclous at ail and soon lapses back loto lila deliriumn. 'as becau9e ot thîs condition that 1, teared is Injuriés are seriona. The ~lce are malclng an effort te ifind etIîer or not O'Connor was atteck-ý Take Cotered Women. Peur celoreti womcn wio claimeti W; were solictlng fonds fer an on- aneage IntItutIon ln Chicago wene ken mine csteti; b; lie police Bun- iy anti werc iequiredti t give an ac- Rni ef themselves. The; were in- mUcteti te give op their alcitatlo r the day but assertcd lliey wouloi lrn wth credentutals te show titat B>' are carrying on a beone fde work. OLL0WNGYEAR'S SICKNESS AT HOME Wsukegan, oct.18. ,horti; afler 12 o'clock on Satun- occurredth te teath of John Dolen h is home, 305 North Hickory Syeen or s0 ege Mn. Doien sut- ad paralytte etroke whie en- ed u lils wonk sa Janiter et the htney-Foley building, and mince hi hur lie bas falleti ln iealtliý He evs besîdes its wlt.' two daugli- M, Ins. Rate Dlen GaLlaghr, wile e fermer Paster oethte Cliape] ~t Christian ciurcb, anti Miss iChe Doe, who iolds a neapen-. lePosition lunlise offices et the ~ego Dal News. Miss Blanche nL had worked as cashier et The up anti util e ew ;eers ago ,.lie resigneti len position te ac- 'one wi tue Jeffen>' Auto Corn- et Kenosaa Dlen came te, Waukegan yesrs , ars ago trÔm lihe Dakolas. H. breulier et Wm. Delen et the firm Ion & Breecher. The. tuneuji ~held tram uthe.,taril>'- iesIdénce ;Wclock Monda;_aftrgwo. tramway or trom a îeiank wlhcn MET lIS DEATI IN j necta the two tramway%" c OMMISSIONERS Henry Haleoweil was the next witt PLUNiE FROM A 12 1 li crrboatd O F IiWAYS 0F N. a nIN PL NIA D CK -Ite hat Borne of the raîlingsaia MfI th edge of the tramnways wcre bult E. ILLINISL IN CITY' SCorones Jury Returns Verdict Batrstow told a Sun reporter that the, Held Their Regular Meeting at, Wuhmaures the Widow a mring by w sere ear o eed the a Court House, Followed by LITI BR A $34I R IS DClaim to Darnages. men te build the tramways no flint Lunch at Washburn. 0 . o 0 0 o0 o0 o0 o oter eapoyewould mn nuy Tereguier meeting oethIle conty DEATI MESSENfiER IERE RESULT 0F 0: C 0JCvn0e 1 thej ll mnDer . I d n'cuv r de norieatcnern o M. rrntendcame tet ieigbwtys et. AT BMNT N HOME TA6 D A Y EVENT: o bove the gfr of a th ankOe o Mr.La.Mbon and George D. S'iene sa,,i0~ 0___ienganrFuel Company plant, white wers e nxtwltne@sea called. Mr. e- b WukegfIllnMonda; o niogwa Smafl Songater Visite Brenton Ail of This Monev Goes Direct- 0 owsi h fiIYc u amo ASnttle eM.Be-Superlntendent Russell o e e con. Honebu Fw om B- y o h Mthdit o- 0Company. Furthormore, we, 0 ton.during the test heur et bis lite, ty la the man te whem credit muât b. Hom bt Fw otu e- ly o heMefllit ea othé Jury, flnd that sma pu"* ,but Geerge Skene aald fit h liit id ven tor tbe holding of the lmport- fore 'Angel of Death.' ooness'Orphanage. 0 of he walke sboe mentioned conversed wlth Mr. Brenton a tew I at eein l tii ct; Waukegan, Oct. 14. Thiat Waukegan peeple realize the 0 wae net pretbeted by railînge. Jo utabfre ocok. "He wae s ueitneu e tti Tidveteworld ever ta know.1 splendid work being don. by the. Lake ' 8go)AlcWaFrea.odw n il o ý"tesemhlp cort lieuse andIn tlie commercia as the "mensonger et peace";teBufrpagellnctdb; the 0 Cna oiaon directlog the work tiiere. 1 had association roosdrn red-breasted robin ase "the henbingtir tact that $13415 wae netted Inin * Nicitilas Reardoti. c werked In the scale bouse ai] day a-id ieomseusa duwre nting l b y eo et sprtng," and the littîs sparrow on. clty Monda; trom the Tag day cn ila iîgr a eesoe htihdclet addresses hy several of their best 0 Lawrence A. DOcc1i tlle . 0 ed. - 1 offered Mr. Brenton thee mon.;eere eme heurt saddened Waukegan weman re- ducted boe.. lastyear tbe ameunit PlipUad udletl et k-%i nî le Tl* e eiuer s cuso.ee garde s *' the messenger et deth' netted boert the Tag day was'oPllpBad n otl et epl ni h b M. Bento, whee had $06. h0 aou0tr0l0d t 0yee e0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~next day., I left thedock sein ia ter * Ralroat? Credsssion Elimna Mr&. James M.andtodid net bear0. uentilt r sel tis ein1. Grad Cros sng Mr. mint tbia day la bowed In aorrow, hasv- ta net oni; larger tliao tant year. but an I e ea ni :i that Mr. GaeCosn, M.Sih er eao n h "'jt rgr ti siblbe ewrcrd cg i. According te the evîdence minro- Brenton baât ailen te fis death.' "nPýin rd rsig, eryreaonla he eý-!. toreardtheèsablobe anewrecrd beng heduced et the inqueat ever tbe rernains Alec Whan, wbo sert cd as foreman (,te: Safety Devises or Signal,' 8parnew as the "mensoenger et deatli." moat ever colected here on as smi- efthtle late James i. Brenton. ilîr. late ofthte Jury, asked qeto fe tr upry evn. t-ul h sfotssprtte Ther casonsuperinîcodent ef the Waukeg.eîî l'rel jquestion te hrlng eut the tacts that fod ,.- oe~us wes.s TeChicago Children's Beneit -Ra raluage -«Ditches for riI-t - liyiUthirtn;s Bu fwbur efr he"Ine Company met deatb In s pîungt îfrom lite tramways were not protected bý" E arth Reads," Mr. Stine; 'Co-pera meIti lu oî But ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t a8e er'atr u sge ege oerwibasicstel-~ 12-loch plank whlcli connecied the r.lg n I pt, u ht there ionwlh Land Ownera," Mr. Tryon; light, fiuffy, tender et deatli" appeared et ber home a tew cal Tag day was conducted. sold tg ! two tramways in the ceaI sheds. 1waane. main BwitchlI n thie main shed _Draitxagt. for Surfaced Roads," %fr. cakes, biscuits a n il years ago and closed the eycs ot her ail oer Chicago and suburhs. Over The coroners Jury labored long building by whlch Nfr. lirenion ceuld luhnell. doughnuts that just y8ungest son ln deeth, a lîttie spar- 3,01,0 womeni donaled thein services adlbroayI eunn hi aetre f h ihs now entered the room In whlch bhefor tic day. There are a number of n aotul 0reunn-urhs ure f h ilt.3. Rcd et o Contracte-,'Book keep yen hanging was aeated. The hoy, wbo le; on a charities' wilch will beneit from the 1inding. lu was quit.e . ident that Mr. Whan fermeriy had an inter- Forema led,' Mr. Miller; "Machiner; mroud thCaluty---i tever-tosed bed, died wthln 24 houri, tag day receipta, the mone; being d- di th w eousetnet turoitegw a sero west andmali e ds hl.erohnPurchases -How Recorded," Mr. the safesàcrpuest, most On unday lait a liti.le spsrrow flit. '.ided among lhem. Tii. orpucng ltta ol e rhti .lwo we anagenae y th onChas. E. iRussell; "Bridge and Road e cmclBknPw Ond ltth omweeMs rnlaone o? heinstitutions inthe lîst. her rigbt te damages. The; returned Gourley Company.,nnct -Hw eodd, r eor. ril-driva ow ted~~~Cnrat lotothe oomwher Mrs Brn laheder.' MrW hn aio as cdwltnss tnwsabe okThsmnylInadto tet a averdict.which showed that the lete Mr hnas ake w1esl Quinlan. bae-d.3' flurs.. Jo mes Mat ber wmerkeatT whtemone; is homaddition ptek that Wthin 29 bours death blitd retbed ralentd In Waukegan and North Chl- JmsM rnenmtdsl hl iit hadecom te to? l.rpanwc. 4. Trafic Cenaus- "Value ot Trat- ftoefrsd icehoseAwa, berofbe @uimat. erhubad ago at f hih oezteth ophn-engaged in bis labors as soPerintend- letinctdteto rmas c Ceosus," *Mr. John D. Russell; CWr liad mou a mesi tragle deatli when at age. Of the mon.; riaed hors, ver>' ttnto te ockl. wrl' t lyage llthe W II"HowEDSTTrfi ecrd," Mr n. Cart e t the. end ot bis deya toit heolied falion little, If- an;, came from North Ci.i atet lio~ntat h verli.a d lark the I-UM8LU fl Tji1230eorp. Mr.- Cbatrte from a tramway et theo Bairatow cage, due to the. tact that lt was ai- tat- at fte vredwlsR T1:3 .m-uc tteWash- docks, and 111. had bean snuffed eut. mosti mpossible te secure taggera In were flot protocted b; railîngs. 0- U humbonihtel.. AIl Waukega' hoeartopens o» te- that cty. A rePresentative etfithe Insurance È IUII.S UAIUEr :0P.m-rp fisecint day touFIrs. Bronten, Who &In~cethe Mms. Thomas E. Chriattan et North compan; attended theinquest and the aeuausyPointset Iinterest, showtng. recent tt seaond that wePi et ber huiband'& St . James street was ceptain o et i orly questions he ffrsd at wltnessm TER IES S UI)UA rond work.ln Lake counny. dsath waS received, bua beau pros- Waukegao band et tagger-s and tobe were along the fin.et the general Short Teika Given. tnat.d 'by grief. must go a large chersetftheei. helt of the. dsceased prier te the Followlng the dinnor at the. Wa.ah. Thie funeral et the Iota James iM. for th aucthe etccidevnn. FtShe pe 0-boni, short tallktswere made wiiich ftotathepeted thetofs.tJamesei.tcraticParty in State-e prai t i Brenton wai held trem the - famtly wr'ed lndefatigebly trom eerly on-iIa xetdttMr.Jms . cat nSae- Ptie oth Importance et flod residence on Noth aeu u2tilt n npndbrc-ekr Brenton wiil receive a deatli daim mui ia ie 1 ~ ~ rade mevements. o'clock. The comtortabie home was wlth a persîstencaet purpose tht ot'pnxmtl 320 steIar ____M.Qilne okcot net large enougu te accommodate breugit the deàired reat t. Tee anc. compan; hap uaranteed the~ Word waa n.celved In Wlakegan Mon bow Cook couty ta bnilitng gond thoe desirous et paying their lat mocli credit. cannot tegivn tosepaYmet O ens-haifthe 88,sal,1-Y that day et the doath et Mns. Ada Dalten, raids unto Lake couaty fines, aud ex- respect& to James M. Brenton, whe womn whe volunteened tlieir sero Mr. Brenton would bave eanned dur- danghter eortth. fote Archimedes B. Pects Lake ceuni; tu continue tbom. in itswasnetpat t. tibu. d- ies ona cusetie knw t t olg tbe Oeilt elgut years. inrs. Bren-. Wynkoop, wholave Lake countylits He nid the thnee and a bait miles seeving because of deeda et unseif- tii;. ton wtll recelvo a check ach montu firat newapaper. The body etftthe de- On tram hie river nser DesP>laines' linti and devoUtlo t mankind antd'1 tolowlng te a list of Nf. Chia-fer oe-hait 0f the 30-de; wage thet caaid, whe was tormeri; a renfldent willl. ho finisheti nexi sx>ing. Tiie bisnt performod. tiensa assistants: weuld have been earned b; her hua- of Waukogan, Witt be bnongiit te seven-mile atretch of concrets was Six nepheofhett, deceaed oflS- lra. William Uintz. band. Wanksgan ai 2 e'cleck Tuesday ton Put ito service getorda;. claed s pluearrs.Thesi ns lia. IlIamDavs.Charles Balretow, part owner etftthe hurlai. Interment I Oakwood corn. Mr. Buahnell, division stte engi- ,pews eccupled a place In the de& Mns. Wm. L. Farmer. docks, was the firet wltness te tek.e etery. neer, gae a shornt talk telling otftthe ceesede heent mucli simnalrte the Misa Jessle Bennett. tie stand. Mir. Biratow nild In part: lier fatiier on' the fourth day or plans of the iiighway commission. Hie on. occupied b; bis old chidren anti Mrs. David Adamsa. "I îsw Mr. Brenton about liv, min- Marcb, 1845, lagued tue firet number urged tbe Importence et bond isus Che«p adbig eaàelnPewdoeadeo when the suiject et palbearers wam Mrs. Chiarles Macolm. Oe te iW a tlesereo ekv ait "'.Lti Fn samase et n od =d:e s finally discussed wltl the widow sue Mrs. W. i. Rîce. plans tonthie next day and when uo Percupine andi DemocratecBanner" qulckly. snd ft u s.nior te saur sli ufi:ed oc"s naid: "Jirn ioved hie nephews, an-1 "1 wlsli te express my pers-naI departed ue said that be wes goink OP N. W. Fuller was bis putuiiier. r M. McArdl, nidalitbi counnu;, VN l'm aune thet lie would have wiletitlianks te those who wonked wîth me hI. th e siieds t6 -thnew off the switcli W;nkoop was fromt Libetitl 1-~ million, ette5 ,ts o iis u . il fi COU" INEPENENT FRIAYOCTOER 22, 9t- LAK~ ~OUNTY INDEPENDENT. F'RmÀY. OCTOBEI? 22 l~1~ liat the; carry hies remains, ta their anti ieiped te make the affair scci last restlng place. The yeung meye. a success," Mrs. Christian seiti today. whli officiateti as plibeeners wer,:- Tiey are entîtieti te moci credlt.'" WtALTER BRENTON, Incompiete retures tnom Cliicego lAMES BRENTON. a nd scbui-bs Indicete that apprei- BERT BRENTON, . atel; $43.000 was raised tuer.. The. Sens ot John Bmnlon. Lake Bluff orpiianage will receive Its FRANK LAMSON, portion efthIis ameunt. Sion etflns. Frank G ,Lamsen, a a& ter eft he deceaed I ERB LÂMBON, 'WIRE MILL RUN- EitWARI) LAMSON, Sons of Charles lAotien et Chicago. 'NI i AT FULLEST Te show the love anti respect ln! Â1~ wici the; helti their deceaseti er-, pleye the Bairatow tro tiers closeti CAPACITY_ÀA6 ÀA1N themr docks, their calces anti thei -____ ya rds at .neon tIoda;. Prea1isteuI R*eoI (Vrnri+nn Suci foraI tributes &as were recelveti au the Brenten home have neyer ie. fore heen wttesseti ln Wau'egan. i On.e lits-long tiend te iedeceeseti sald: 'James Brenton n'as a berne' man. lie leveti lits home, andti li, mers thougit tiist tue Ishor et hils lents meant comtont andt lnecessities et, live te thoee le lovedi mbeddeti tn bite hr.rt thte ,.ei ma,,., Mh ri MULC ZttCt to5V1 5U* UnI Wili Earn at Rate of 30 Per Cent in Next 3 Months. lu tis saiti that for tic flraI time In ls histor; ticeVtnited States Steç1 Corpoeration ih geullng benefla In Ilie wey et earnings frem ils eulai-ged cepacit;.Itt Is predicteti that within tic next thi-ce mentis lie corporation wlll be earnlngs et tic rate et $325,. work. Ife levet ishahorses.a. 000 îe,000 s year. This nould mean nyclose te 30 per cent for tie common. n'as tic lght uliat Jim set Up night E-en If the steel corporation takes alter niglit te adminleter te a slck n cino i omndvtet bei-se, snd Jim weldn't emple; a n cino h ono iiin teamter wlie diti net love herse iiesli. at ieetmeinlaeodswl Jini was s conaclentîeus werker, aihave thelr equit; ln ail tbis cash. model huebanti anti fatber, anti a manie hi vlal orete iied whos frendswer nubere bytheor new construction. teeus. rnis wn irtib i The E,, J. & E. railroati, centrolleti Tes ain s ee ad rsi."nb; ticL'tuteti States Steel Corpora- the maoemn Gre ad aineet butien), siows e net incoeefet$1,121,760 lie mVauealun o rn veuwa for the fisala year endeti June 30, an 't Veaeikgan.Incr(-ese et $980.132, cempaneti witi i. îtpreceding yeans. Eariutgs were Toi thli raie et 11.2 per cent, on the POULTRY SHO'W TO cempanys stocks, as cempere i wtli 1.41 per teut, lhe yesr betore. EIItLD DEC. 1iTO é! A, numlber efthle local wine mil] ernpleyesbelti suai-es ef stock ln ithe ig corperation anti the; are deliglit- The Iliînois Peultry Pahlcers' As- !et at the prospects et reaping sucli sociation have fixeti thein dates ten large dividende. Tliene te stîi an- helding tieli- annuel peultr; show lu cilber ceose for satisfaction, wbich la Wsukegan. XI wlil be belti December that the. local wire mihi le running at 1 te 6. Wio place fer holding the! lis fitîet capaclty andtI ts mens shew bas net yet been decideti upon fle thle man; linedretis et employes but the. varions- oiScers o et iiaseo- ans drawiégtulli psy checks. Tus;] ciation are working bard getttng pro- ican bu; more eft he nmpchant anti lîminan>' detilîs reati;. - proaverbu; la Inevtable. The tact Tii.; delans the. show thiîs year, that thes E., J. & E. tn dons se much wll ho evon iiseter t3an lesnt yeai an,, F ileaesIndeetes 1a neturn oetsoed gi-t plans are bsing madie te bave lc. 'the exhibits excel previons efforts If Possible. - otinueidenî reader? dIrÔNE. wbich OPerates lie moterorfthtle con- veyer. Tbe metor wes net ruoning whcn lie enteneti the sht-ds, because 1 liadt lrewn the main switeli te put in nen' tusePluga. It n'ai essentiai that Rome one enter the shedi and throw the switcb, because if ,eome on. eti hirewn In tic mn switch lu tise mornlng lie mtor generator wouid liave been burned tqiL TuaI metor Ia openated by ant 011 swltch, sud cempsning il wili a transmission On s ges auto. the moter would have been stenleti in hlgh speeti iad semee one tinown In the mainu îailci In the moru.lng. Wlien ocît 1 saw Mr. Bren- ton lie le; dead on the floor efthle shedi. A few minutes atter i. lett lie melonreom where io and t had tiiscussed plans for tic nexl day, 1 ehouted, 'AIl rgit. i,' anti be an- swered, 'Yes'-liaI meant that 1 euldti trow Iu the main switci. "I left lie casl end of the dock sootI atter andi drove in ni; car arounti te the office on Sand street. Jinu wae01tiere. 1 gelt n y car and drove around telite east end andi lie was net there. I mcl Henry>Hla lon'el ndOtiOto Miler aned lie; sgreed wili me that Jeu probably hati gene home. llon'ever, wlîen Henry 'Halle- well enleredth ie office be saw ' Jus coat anti hat hanging on a naît. "5Jim diint go hoette, hie coat and bat are ber.,' said Hlalowell. t teok eue ofthte kerosene lampa èff nu; machine and we entered the shed. We had walked abtout 30 teel when I atumbleti oven tieitody. We Called an ambulance, but Jinu lad met bis deat I lithe lunge." W'len askeoi te describe tise Interlon of the shedis, Nr. Bairslow satti: "Wlin Jini left me be ne douht went te thie stairwa; which ]eails te, the iiistlng plattornu. Tien he weuld b. torceti te go down a flIgit et suaire to anether platterm wiici weuld lsd lilm te the tramway or con veyer plat- torIn wbicli nons te the rear endi et t4ç building. There Is a twe-toot walk on eithen aide et the conve;nn belt, and this wslk la pretected b; railings. Jim, ne doubt, traverseti thîs' walk te the end, and tlien sini Off the mter Wbat h. tild atter Ihat 1 'do net know, but I presume that h. crOsmedt ront the elevator tramway te another traemway whicii was s es Years mgo lau nloadtng the hand- Pugizeticars. H.eltiier bell tnorn that Inal;, and beti neyer approved of what he consîdereti the leg-rolling metbods b; whlch tiie ceuni; seat wae loceted ai Litte Font. altheugh hle diti approve efthtie choice. Hie was the recalcitrant depul; clerk irbo ln 1841 lied assistetiln remeving the. clenk's office back te the grave snd had been iined for reiterateti con- tempi et court. Tbe frnt number et bis 'paper satd: Teda;, March 4, le notable for twee ihings. It ls the ln. auguration et President Polk andi Vice President S. Dallas as wel las et the Little Fort Porrupine. We have ad,. opted for our paper a name oni; et lseit singular ln' Import, but on. Ihat our patrons may b. considered omin- eus et our Intentions, net to b. daný dled without leavIng our mark, anti peniaps lie pressure et oui- qulis ma; create a ruptuere ntoas we be ligitl; touched Otur PoýcupJne will, ioweNer, hurt ne eue If utot moiested. He will alih the aid of lig quIlle speak se as te bt- heard audubi; andi dtstlnctly wltieuet shoa ing auything 1ke veetemencu' of chaiacter.' The Port-opine was the organ ot the Democratle Party, but tgeshiet ight and left mercilessi; in local malIers antd proiabi; dietiofetote muchclatid ln the syatemt. [lie also operated a dry gootis alors bei-e, and beld man; efthte big po- lit-eal offleers whldb were et steke aite teimte. Act-ording te reports, lhe fatier eoflira. Dalton but the ii-st pier wiicit projectet i nto Laie Michigan off the shores or Little Fort. tinw Waukegan. STARVATION AND EXPOSURE BFiING ON PNEUMONIA? Miss Strobel, lb. woman wiio put up sucle a figit tb prevent eviction from the Rav-ie Park piopery west ot the park, O j. 18, was brougit te La ie coitnty ho4pltal suffertng wltii pneitmorbla. 5h. Io the on. whom tii. Bheriff. ou orders front parff officiais ast we-ek. evicted wllli force ant isne moveti her te Highlandi Park. It la admitted at lie luspital that ber con- dition speemt tobave been treceable te Jack ef nourlsbment and expoznre. 'In olicer words. itlel apparent that the wenutn bas net been getting onoul food. Thte Indepondent le th. ceunty'seon- ly 12psge weky-thèt'e why .v.ry- body tae.,il. _ gooti noads Insîde o? two yeera, ha,- lng carried s million anti liait dollar bond issue* Isuyear. "Lake cOnt; ought te Set bus; and Put over a bond Issue.' snid lie. Xit Io important liat w. have good roas i-unubng from Our cont; te yours, s0 our peole can cornelier. anti see your fine lakes, etc. Yôu will get your moue; bsck ln a tew emrsI? a complete system of gotirmade lis made. Mr. Russell welcerned the guesta atnd Chairnuan George Bai-slow et the Lake ceunty board roads committe. aIso exlended s welcome,,cemmentlng on lie way lie commercial club bas recelved lie guesta tode;. .Nir. Bairstow explineti iiw lthe ('edar Rapids people hati put over the good roada mevemenu ln Iowa, lie and others iaving returneti but lasi week ti-om lier.. H.ecliowed iow tic; wnt after iluin a s;slematic manner te gel first eue certain tefe4t-ylnter- ested, Ihen e littie mnore until fonali; tic wboie cont willi hase been caredt for. Itesasys the; teel hhere Iliat btusiness te Cedar Rapids will be ln- creaseti 100 per cent tirougli the gond roeds Plan anti everybody else feels ticat great resuits wili be brongilte tiat cIt;. Commissioners Present. Tie cont; aupeintendents et lies. conties were le attentiance aI lie mneeting: [lupage-Mn. Gales. Cook--Mr. QoIian. Vermillion-\hir.McArdle. WiIIllir. Smith. Boone-Mr. Humpireys. KendallJ. D. Rtussell. Lake-Charles Russell. At lie conclusion ofthle tal'îs, the 1h. herber, the refuner>', then te- tbe sslraelg statien, soutb te Lake Foi-cal. Fort Sheridan ant i Hghland Park.,ttspectlng the Tarioua rosai t-onstruction along the route. 1 Mr-. Russell oticlaleti as the guide for tie day, anti le rode ln lie fi-st autounerilie te leave lie NWlksbuii ho- tel afler luch. Fuil; 50 meIn. all men of meaus ant iInfluence lenertieast- eret Illinois, Stientietithe exercises ln lie mornlng, anti toek in the suie' trip te points of Interest ln the con- t;- 'Wsut, For Sale, etc &du In thé IN. DEPbY'DEN1' reacir 15,000 perees VOLIVA BIDS AU 6. 0. P. TOI UNITE AND QUIT FOOINfi Overseer Assera ZMon Will Do Ali lt Can to Return 6. 0. P. to Power at Washington. thie Republican parties and mû.e them s pewer ini the Unitod States,- nid Voliva at Zian: tabernacie, In Michigan avenue, *Chicago, Sunday. "If tbeyd quit thoir taaiing and get down te business they'd glot mre- where . With enset the finoat cro». thus country bas ever sean and overy- tlIlng in our tavor, why tuis financlal atringencyl «In Mion we are gofng te do ail we can te send the. Republican Party back te Washiington, se that they can. put through policies that are abse- iuteiy necessary for this countçr'a weitare. I amn absoiutely apposed te. tree trade. In my experioiice In Aus- tralla I learned that witheut protec- tive tarifa Industries wiii go te the wall. "There are men la Springfield now who are there througli Zionea vote, and there'are mon In office In Lake county through the. polîtîcal power ot Zion, and w. hope te asaist the R. publican party In the tarthcomlng election If they will only unite. What this country needa mast now la t statesman witb a backboe." The. Independent Iade aIL. MANUFACTURE* or Marbre and Grqnite Monumentis Cemetery Work of Every Déacription Correspondence 5olcit.d 11WenèseeSt

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