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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Nov 1915, p. 6

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LÂK9 OOUIqT! INDE 7tpenin~s tri 13y T. F. SWAN orr-espondefll and Agent Xmae Photo.%. have tht-m made at ooyS'.a Studio, Libertyville. 6c8 Boyd's eitudia. 15%j di-seonauXnae Pbo" d urn*e Norember. 6v7, Etbal McBride vas a Chicago visitor Wedneeda. Mrs. j. B. Ar ijevieiting witb frit-ndp lu h. viiity oft-icaga. ClauSe Kuigyt- aiEvtrett, FspentSunday vilh hbis un, tMrs. Bernian Kubank. lirs. Barrie letlt Iis veci for Miigan Cit, lad. lian sd HanolS Wells made a bueiness trip ta Chicago Tuesday. Mr. Auna Lathrop le epending tht- 4voek vitb ber Saugbter Florence ln Chicago. Fred Stuciel le wavklug lu Chicago ibis vook. Boery" auto Joad@ train bore vent ta Waucouda FridaY evenlng ta attend tbo meeting o1 th@ counly Od icîlove AssOcation. tirs. J. B. Aynolcy bas returned ri ra Chebicaga vre se.spen1 îLe Pust veei vlth iGeorge Boss anS fanilY. Hjalmar JltIis let Monday evenIng for MlnuosPalluvbere ho ha. etcureS emplinouet vilh a land coniPanY. The res Orbeéta wet to Wsucouda FrlSayevening tto un ugebieicfor the Odd Fllave meting. Mr. sud Mr@. John B-oooattlelth cliver vodding anulvemuarY 0i a relative lu Chicago Saturday eveing. -John Holcomb o! Hope, N. Dlai., caiied ou blionds hors Tumedy oroute fIran Peoia ta is home. Mr. Mualmani, s native af Madura Ia4b. vIii proacb for nne i Susdai mbalg %ad lu theosveanug viiiiler wftlb *9 ts faid Ietersotca. An OSfer- t l'e». tks.for hlm. EzI%,Mvs pbuaSe atioigmade for the Dq ssg et Maldea bail la -o sia b&vs bon o mmuI.d da MçIuates viii h. basiha hi' lh@ Ais ouAs~sa bbivoalbosa. ASSOLUTION Wbst,a, il bas plased bis AU Wlso Vaw toesotrion »moui boovud wwbbe, Wira"aLeu*. ad ,b41 V*0as W.eideeply the ons 0f un -esi " dimd mdsudnegibor, iborsir be à OmeivsS, lb.,stis Ivaubos Camp No. J15 U. W. oA. Sa borebi' stend 'e ai so f 4agvpa*by 040 tis flWtbld. liaIàa opy a! Ibée sreolu- iliplol tét tl amlly af oui dopait- ý&l*~ a eopy pubisied lun1the L. A. murrie, W. D. Portsous, T. F. Bvaa. ommlllee. leposetsiv Ofa the 115 Cook e cmUmy lodges ar Odd Felova are lire mIsesftr bg lire voris at the an uMpend lodge oncanipmnuof 1111- mfe 5- *0as st thb«id, Nevembe' ite o19. lslmtioa forI llinois haesfor theo onqmlna ear ls the Pnosmofo the encaopinent, accord- lng tl Ir. W. Jacksn. gonral secrea tary'. Aut asseublj of lie Rebekah lo vililta» splace aI t amm tims. A monster nigîl. eectrlc pa. r"S@ Ibrugh the principal sht t tliemcptal Wednuday, November 17 la wannced sano!lifte enlrall méat teatuires. Immedltely.'aflortbl f parade Segreec van viliihoe eempl led ai lie armory. Làie Couaty*s hig veekly-INDI s s r e a M boog te aw'Zrih oichr- i WM. a. Ejehmn, Jr, iste severai dojo lu Chicago. E cisi mnf sonS,5 the meeting a& Liberty- MiaEzbehKckroer0 9 ville Monday. Tht- subject diecuosed ýt g to Eiam thKwe kerbaen of ihica tbe meeting vas gond ronds. WSao thMeyeekedr.s iMs iiseEnima schneider. Annp Frank The Critian Endeavor 0o! Iho&eey- eud Roe Prebm spent Suuday at lerlan chumch gavesa social St the home Palatine.11 of Dr. T. L, Knaak Saturday eveulig. Mr@. Fred Halvorson ai Crysai Laie. tycM.sdMe oau speut A.aturdal sudM.SandaMrbers vitb gpen BaurdF sd Snda boe, i ,Stryker o! Chicago, Mr. sud Mm@. B. 1 ber parente. Fabry of Ersuan, Miss Editb Strykor1 W. p. piagge recentiy pureaed ~aiofCak Park, E..H9, Willman. tMrs T. L- fO¶t auto. Kuai, Mises Emiiy and Ida aud Thonm The Ladies' Aid societY (o! St. Peter. Kasi visiteS Mr. Strylîer'tt brothert cbucb viii gît-e a bazaar Saturday Irwin of Taies, Win., Who le Mi. ,venng, Nov. 2(), at the village bail, for Fifleen relatives sud frends surpriseS ne benoil of the- church. i1ats wiii tir, sud tirs. n. Scblieht-r. Sunday i.,izin ta be sert-d t-SIC ocloci. Every- aI a bouse warmning.1 .,ody velcome. ' The tiisiomîary socie-ty of tht- Prest)l- I liten Rose îeihmnautpet Saturday lerian chnmch wili be entertaint-d Lt tirs.i aud Sunday vith hem pareille. d Fred tBatii Thumaday atteriloon. Miss Grtrude Éiru apet evrl ae Mr. anSdtirs. IR. M. Vart vited at 'Îhe vaiting friends la Chicago. su home o! Me. Wilinat ai Waukegan, Sunday lu Arlinglail Heigbts. Miss Minut- Sebvingie cf Chicago, vas - lhe week-end guet ofa ber nt-kv, NMiss In Kfemnoriani Liliîx Scbile.Chcg atewek Hilman, iltihue-lu tfond remerubrauce .Ear ni mtb !Cicg aottfv-k of aur St-ar mo ther aind gratidrnather enS guest ai tht- home ai W. A. Whiiting9. Who paased away Nov. 15, 1915. Dy vintdeiof aestom oi aid th. next We often oit and tiink ai you wheu vo SundaY lu tht- Evaugelicai St. Paule9 are ail alone, congregatiaf wiliIhobevS-rteS ta tht- For nienory ie tht- anly tbing thal grief cammemauration ofthîon.e that havo can aitl is own. passeS away duing the isot jean. Tht- Lii. lt-y ou tht- wlthered uak ctheu aIl putar wilI speakinlubath languages. thinge else decav. Lant Sunda t tva blidren wve.chria- ÇOur love tor you viii stili b. greep anS teneS by Rt-v. Lut-don: 1,d]Yu Mary ut-ever fade say. Landau, Saughter o! Edvamd Landau Fron sou, Saugbter-in.15v sud grand. sud bis wif. Aile., ne. Ott, aud Richard i aughter. AlfreS Btckintlnf, sou of George Beck- ________________ mann anS bis vile Lucy, 0oeeOtt. WEST FREMONT Mîso tisyme Majer of Chicaga, @Pout Batunday sud Sunday vilbht-ýr parent@ bore.i Mn. and Mm, Henry Cooley lt-fi tiSe day for Wiscousin. Un. and Mm reoo. Emmins sud famU;Y are maving on th. Munnay tarin. Mrad Misr. Burrïtl.tbe lattsr former. ly M1 a le EU3miast- roin Chiffag litre ovod cil *6D9uer tam. r TIIEF TRÀPPED IN BÀRN; PÀROLUD ION LAST SATURfAY Waukogafl, Nov. 12. 11VU One of the most daring robbers lte for 0 mlico or North Chlcaqo bave over Thsi id til baude on2,vas caPt4rOd ait- th Sa shor't fight lu a barnmi n O' o- rnth Street ysstarday. aflernoon. Whou the. police entsrod tho boru ho tbief-pyrslk Morina, vas iddSeu lia way ln the bay on lteScodA«Sur W )fite barn. Wbo. ho Wvas Sevoda" » put np a fit, but Police Obw Ou i soon liait the bandeuffa ground Cr lis vrlats. . gel9 Prank Mozina, since his anwet, bau W@ aossiS tea aliaI et buarle a. àbS tusau asour srm. The hurilutis, wre al committedsMue ga±urday at. At 2 o'clock gaturdaT atarnoca Paroleo fie wm. W. Weisparole Ses th huralar tesa North Obloago rOe t ent. Tit msmonight Nomma îobhsd 0à vwo saloons lu North -,Chicago. The. aloons ho rol)hed on SaturdaY voe: mi W. ZÂGAX SALOON, 1048s tate Tbt treet, Norlt Chicago. m0 MEN BACHNICK SALOON. loisPe aat Street, North Çhieaae. saoen vreeba sa»he robbebd the v" Machnich maloon and vas caught bY ul the -police. He vas bo<mnd over to, fr0 tho grand jury sud'vas Indicted on a big burglary charge. Baturday ho WUM parolied. lmme&.ateli siter roblng the. 1,0 aI abovre mentioned places. Mosina dei mugittfre1511 train and vent to, of Chicago viiere be pawned bis 1001. «I On WednesdaS' be retuvued tu Northt Chicago, snd ubat nia*h e robbed tie a MatI Bleuas, aiooe ucemth Street. ce Lu& searciied leveoé! arns boere loi ho found, th, 1110. Whou ho looh Ti bisa J th ie police station Mozilua dW e nieit 11$ gutit, but atter a tvc4iour "sveating" aIt te ban«a of the chiot5 ho brolke dovu sud siqed s copint- TI «Wbere ia theo vitaaIyou stole aI th.e Micl i loan?" asie-i the el police ciiief. Pl ,It!s downstairs lu my cell.' v&-N plied the hurglar. The vatch va.il fouud la the toilet 01 the ceolt. V FARM AT PUBLIC AUCTION Wii bo blS Saturday, Novembe.r 20, t1915, et 1 o'clack P. in., 0f1vixat lea tkno wu as Ibe old William Brooks' tartnue on Blocum's Laie, lu the tavu of Wap-1 couda. Lake Oounty, III., consisting of 420 acres of land and situat-S tvaimiles veet ofthe village of Waucouda. The above describd ftai will be sold at auction ta, the bigbeet biddAr. on ternmse eutabie la reopousibie purchaser. The saiS tarin consiste of lands tbrougi part of vhicb a drainage Sltcb te beibg put through at the prescut lune. Part of tho land le gond black @olt, the balance ia adaptod for auj klnd of crop. There aie now about '25 acres of allait&and ciover. A fine hickory grave adoa@o tbe uortib end oftbthîs ari n d fronts ou filocuin lake, au vhicb It bas a. frotage o! 160 raSls, aud la suitable for a sub- division. This lakes l one ot the most popular fn Lake coutv. This land la ail fonceS anS the buildings are lu pro- portion to the sire of the tarta, wblch la vellI inproved lu overy vay sud vill maie ane of the beet stock sud dalry tarins lu 1h11 vllulty. For turthor partlèuars, caolt or write. ta Willlsnt E. Brooks. Mcfienry.Illinois, R. D. No. 2. Do ual mies the chance of acquirina ans of tho beat bargains evor oflered to0 opuic pin. E. Brooks, Owuor, Waueonds. Illinois. Ibis dsy. l John P Blani, Auctlonoer. The Indepondont leadu &IL. Ilai Ds Iobaev umCaiy s*Mt SuuSsY or pr»k s. siDolas Mdd Saffb- the Ur qks apms euday vlth rmwai a o tt'« ý»qKl0 Or". h p«T SETSm aSteàiDE L 0 JtIa ÇTiNAÇé fftau- h &Wounht euge . cProl bsse said li vedic' l hocal aglns LouI Rotiorso! Gass aie.v Pa toun Halliegpl. lonoyasMlit ason aS rue ttle verdict, nthwSea a.n dien g ondiga lie ve i ad Pl saldejgt ho i.TeJTa »D MaSg» ta the verdibeenst a.wu olieare outeld baevencubjectIl ra fine ranging train 20,to 1$100.1 Tihecase vas co viioreiathle de- Suîy gaine varden "chargeS that ho demandeS of Rothers to 500 bie nliut- 'eu I c n s e . H e ,l sîfie d R a lle r . evog r aIblmasd aodered inevay1 ,e at lits pot a! bis gun. Rotiierspt s number of prainennt iharater iteses an the stand vlxo lenseS .tl ensnver itd useS the- Igagasribed to hlm. It vas fet aI... o Lethal he state liaS ual Sput up a very strong case and the ver-j dim1 of gulty as demandeS by lb. sate's attorney case as a surprise ta M_. _________ laditolent isader? de (M. $2uOO -A YEAR je a verg smsIl price to psy lor absoliste Semrito for gour imusreooe poiciemo»tes. deeis, Securities. jeweiry amd valuabies of ail kisdls. Voa casst allord to gel alossg wuthout a sale deposit box in our ig steel vaults COKE IN A"D REIýT ONE " THE CITIZENS' BANK "KAKI TRISBANK TOUE BUSINESS ÈOMIW Sgfo Dipoit Boxes for vent Are84 lUinoiS 1 L~T ont 1 MR mmO OOIhON RÀT.j board 8at'a 2erraiu usar Bairton, Oct. 28, 1915. iriends: avontaubytbing else ta do @U-sm ta try sud write a litie 1 juît e dropplng yesterdaY's tnp sund writing about tadsys' miserable C I aivaji fat-I more 111e wrtlug ýthe thinge 1 don'$ liue than the 1do. Bell1 viii go back ta TnoodsY foa sminute. We baît au bouk nt quorquo for eupiVr.ý We began îg around Ithtvn cf 20,900 litant, tob a restaurant. Ats aliteo1 a ta 1could hold sud uearlî dieS s varde. The tovil vos feull 1cow-1 ýMeicans and 1udias..A sadS binent ai tbe saivatiol Army w55 ig a drm ansu dgme EvemYthing a lorelgu thau 1 didn'tl t I l at the mornlng we woeein Arizons the train etopped 25 minutes ac @ton for breakfast. le countéy lu Arizons was mole n than ever. We Sav sanie cattie a eo sep. but thore wa.u't iuch mytbiug tor thot-ntaivooUn. W. Sd aver the Canyon Diablo. 225 f..t sud 550 test wide. Tht-n vo came the Sau Francisco National Forest 'vo. The ea@Wem side vas pretty 4by sud looked about lîko tbe rpt-a l country but wvben vO ga0t arther t, the- tre e tcame larger. Th-me greal straigbt Yellow Pin. trocs as &@ vo could ete, sud at thé twa rest towus, Clifi aud Flagota!, <lt-re largesw mille sud great Piles ai bem. We saiat gave UP goîng ta Grand Canyon an accunt ai tb@ rconnections, but 1 tixought w. hotalgo paît, 80avostoppeS onf at smo about 11:00 a. mn.COur train th Canyon didu't 15ve util about )sa vo bogan looking for.a restau- t.This vas a amai l pSceOai150() ilation, sudwv o galoto sa mali urant. Hlowardjustreinarisd thai vonldn't go luta a Chinamsn's place en vo Slscovered that vs eeeluanc. mejr dinner vo gat ou the train ta go, ho Canyon. l tbai us over tva lmIt' gel thore on a sloW train, l awinlly bot. bath blamed lbe Othor going, sud vo baS a misenable limel. ir vasD n so&long M*9 trasi sud ,iS "ut %ha limai vas sevu v ill un anS deilScave. Osemms»sid b. etrais baS killsd m aul a" k i liors la aavm.waons boryisgthos. às vsw kn boy moeh lit vonid 110 ta-a 0or igil, va aatedIoc b a a ontbe7M Otrain les6 Nght b r.med, p toe abil tce<ftOi> of the and hebodeN lsCaayoellfrs u-.1 idumfoossd, . U'voWoon descelle le wderhgJ place. !F. inquir e1 if tberss, au&jr trip that vs -nid u lust nlghls«d tou"atstliaI vcould la, abuggyride elona thserdmifor fout au at sunse, au vsbouit ticets. su vs vont out beaiSthe CearOI i laokod st It, Ivysmiles vide. se iopis sald, ans mils oP. I dIS nul isé ts eptbutil somsoas siao(e sinsmepme onoudouisys cOmIug uj m 1h. bottoin. Tbey iooked jusita « au &nIs, aud bardlyissueS ta b îving. W. valkod &oud nd dlook tIbis vooadtuthli. oucutoé.ml sp, lotothe platsnztbrogb aiU colos rock, anS lu 6a fl o,nnIMMI5aOclOCI rion Our carnage Cam for un.e. ehI. , onderli Iride ÏaiohgSb$lisovl1 aili "nYOn, 7,000 ltw 8.500 foot aboys Is i su ans uemils abooietse river bbs hs, river vbihbooS Iii. a &1111 tranto us, vwu 800 10400 foot vM id flowing about 18.molles su holà rh driver 8a0Ovd Ustpme intersoll unIas lu th. Cex<of-iocS shaped lI maes, lians, aui*tors. oic.,'su5 a' lace au the rod rock la a vory dîstig o. 7. Hoshowod us soiens a.luUta wbich vers 120 mile sWavY. Altertt mon had sot e e nt baci ta lbe bol boers vas a rogular Indien pnel thre, with Indiana lu it anS full Indien thinga for salo. Wo decidod Lsd ften the boit of th. Canyon so aught tb. 7:30 train aud veut ta b ve er. .111lu inArisona Ibis moral and lu vores country tlINDeve9r-ioa tbatr w bat It la sud vo bave been lu ail day. Nothlug but hua ils. eigPIS auS @and. doms litllabshubb lu plaine sud l ine places catus. S& cactus have been as big as mail in Since 10 o'cloci vs iaven't elven s cactus, juCit sn ansd hoat. his aterr bot sud the dous e othbg tiercs. oîopped Ibis moruibX nt Neodlos, There vers iota of ludiausaItlb.he d selling bosSe. 1 boulât a couple Il thingo sud lrieo tko alpicturs saine atthoin. 'I'.y balete obavo t plcturco takon sud vo't Sad ta2 j as ai raid tbat the vhole tribe vc ho alter us. Wb craoed th. Coiorado river, the frain tbhe(IrnS Canyon. jui l trs caile intoNeed1es. sihhsnvbal on any valer. Naooélives hors tbo sesctianbande ailong the rl lse tieras sud aoms as If vo ove, gel tbrougbfi. Thon. are auiy six Pooplo lu oui c tva ladies sud tva otbor roll.1 wbo are gaing %0 1hé. Fatal o p rivale, y ou se. WO four played c kd .- N Grand Concert! IIOLDS ASSSSENT ORDIxNNcI3 INVALIU SeveraI Residents of Grayslakw Excused From Paylng As- sessments for SI wes. Wedne.sday Judge Perry U Persona; of the county court held the OraYs- iake ase sment ordinance Invalld,' and as a result or hi. decision sel- raI residents of the village vill ho îîcused front paying their auseas- mentse The village tarted the special s- sessient proceedings for a systein of sewers to cost ln the nelghborhood if 135,000 and the Hohenadel estate sud twn or tbree other residents o! the village flled objections as to the le- gality o! the ordinance. The case ha. been an bearlng in the county court for the past three veeks, and yetrday Judge Persons held vith the objecters aud excuaed tht-m f ront paytyng their assesaments, The objectera stated that the esti- mate vas -et sufficiently itemlzed as te the gale valves and connections of the settling tank. and they alsO filed several other miner obJectiofls. No investment in houschoid equipment brings in so wide a rafe of uses s Electric Service Considers It givesý you the fiaest artiicial light, and properiy handled. the most econorMcal and aàsMent tire- lass servant, ready at thse twitds of a switch to operate awiances that 'take oves ti sard labos andmm ss comlot--aad ail at llght cedt !vUYss yOisn 05* obs Wired for Jlectric Séývice The mm le lew. Wse d*0ske PulcService Ce. ofublic D L o o * o o o o o o * TWU' * au~.O1 * .-u.uRI * J....I o o o o o Il, i -I eilk Jirmes is BACK IN THIE NI WAUKEGAN A'. AQUARTER.1 lmdenlecausiCb rid Ae& Peu. Akamurfdeu Cbe Mofflg Qurtz tlc L BmtbhabMe 1907 Inoorporatsd 1915 The $10.00 SharesOf Capital Stock arebeing taken uprpdy i gody slzed blocks, and options ar en aen un more o trhtaong. There are some who, we feel, willi eventuaUly corne in but who have not as yet definitely siguified their intentions because they want to investigitte. To say that we are glad to have them take this course ie pnttlng it mildly because ours le a proposition that will bear Investigation. Look into it as deeply as you wieh for the farther yon go thp botter it will look to you; BUTr don't make the mistake of spending too mnch time looking while the other fellow ie grasplng the opportunity you are in- vestigating. The factory je working every day with orders coming lu steadiiy. A visit to the factory wiUl show you what we are dolng and. give you an ides, ot wbat, cau be done on a largr scale. The Shares are $10.00 Each orric!.R H. A. WATSON, Treas. B. B. L4t!MENS, S. L. TRIPP DIRECTORS H. L FISHER oy WILL KNIGGE GEO. W. DE SMET .. -I AT IVANtIOE, ILLINOIS Friday, Nov. 26, '15 Given bg Use 1. P. S. et tis Church A good program je s aured. Thore wili be Some good talent "om Waukegan aa well as home talent EFVERY BODY COKE! L-AKE ZURICH'S NEW SIiOE STORE!1 i ave opened an up-to-date shoe stor, oarryiug complete line of Mons, ornen's sd ublddren's sh es. . , You cannot siford to overook my st<ok in selcting your winter weqr, prie right-goodit guaranteed the best. . G. 1IARTMAN (next to Prehre)' 1 maie a sp.cwaty of 1gb ciam r.psring of boots sahee nommonomm Tt. tawu se' dru Tha of! H suit Toc ber i aft-r a rus and parez mnot varni Th but Il fixes urb a the ment ahouli rangir Sali they coruci tlu est as for vi star-te cafets. Sotf quarrt *store -ber h lions Thei -restin> An( vWome- le ot loftIhi trou. eto a n -arouse bon ralgne Suctia tIl1 ne, ~'And the 0 Sber o' the v Spapers Eut told U 04.1l' 1 m m m Hý9lon- boitl 1

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