LAK CONTYE- - 7NT RIAY IOE"ER 9155 LIAKE COUNTY INDEPENI)ENT. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, U~I5, as~ -- 0F EARL IUSSEY AND WIFE ARE PARADED Chicago Papér Prints Sensa- tional Story Telling of Their Arrest in City. Waukegan, Nov. 11. The Chicago Tribune Nov. 11 print ed thia rather juicy neya article per- taining to s Waukegau couple: They eloped. Hii wsslthy fa. 1their dlsapproved. They llved te- gsthsr a ysar and separatsd. He met her on the etreet and tle.y drank together. They quanneiedi. Botis wsn rne ed, and tea vold rsveallng theirnocmes bhey spent a cîglit es prisoners in a police station. Thal la the abloid advance story of Huaaey versus Hussey. a divorce suit that ber attonney says will be Aloi! wîthin a few days. Young John Earl Hoasey la the sohs of the bead of the M. I. Huasey hum- ber Company of Waukegan. Sbotly after hé comPleted bis college course hé "fait madly lu love." There vas a rumor she bad been a show girl aud lu an effort la antîcîpale the parental vratb he bad tbe imarrlage kuot tied hard aud fast without auy warulng o bis Intentions. Tbcy veut to Waukegsu Io live, but the records show Ibeir elephone wss taken out csrly lu October. That fixes tbe lime (butabhe leff the sut- urb sud came lmb ihicago. tefore ahe did so there bcd heeti au agree- meut that Attorney Justin K. Orvia ahould represent theinibath lu ar- ranglut fôr a divorce. WUce acd More Wice. Salurday ho (came la ('bicago sud they met acldentally at a downtowu corner, lie asked lber vo .it dowu sud al lb over with hlm. suad the near- est café avassislted. ls order vas for vine sud more Fine. Then tbey atartéd makiug the rounds of other cote@. Somévhere along theé hue they quarreled sud she veut lmb a drug store sud called the police1 Wben à, patrolman arrived, 'Mei told hlm ber huaband had made false accusa- tions againat ber sud tbreateued ber. The patroiman srnésted hlm. -You osu't arréast me vithout an- restiug ber," protested the busband. Leaves Wife Uc Joli. And no thay were bot talen 10, Ït4e South Clark stréét station sud locked UP. be lu s cel. abs lu the Ivomen'a anuex. Botb décliued per- Mission ta telephone bo frieitds. lb vua not untIl Suuda.y morning that be obalned hie ovu relée, but ho loft hie vitfelu the banda of tse ma- trou. lb vas not until th.e sympathies et a municipal court attache bal been srouaed that arrangements for bet ibond vers made. MAondsy morning tbey vers ar- saigued on chargea of dlaorderly cou- duct sud the cases wére contlnued un- M I next Wédunday. And wheu abe left the court roorn the sougbt out a tieud vho could recommend lo ber a lawyer to bandie ber own divorce suit, lu thal vay the vent to Attorney J. M. Laven- ..hal, sud ho la preparnlg lo file the papers eanbly next veek. But the vhole alony yul nul he toduntil the divorce case la hearà. AWUKE4iN YLSITUD By THE FIRST FALL 0n SNOW S1NDAY Waukegan vas viaiîed on Suuday lt final "really sud truly" suow rin. True, the aunow dld flot fal lu Cdent qUantties to doyen the undi but nevertbeleas It; vas a resI v stonin and 15,usd a varning as vhat may be expected vithin the r future. 4 It esused MauY Mnuto lokai elr coal piles snd vonden vhy il shrunk tu auch an insîgnificant go. Coal dealers vone the final amletbey bave had thîs faîl. Y, declane that orders began to e In Ibis morniug sud thein wagons ve een kept husy ail day. Iu apte Ibis o nseexpress the tsar lisey I not ho able 10 delîven ail ordera. Thé anow saated Suuday monning the forin of a fine miat that cauaed y to think a ralu storin might be led. Iu tact. Il did rain s lit- but thîs accu turned ta a fine vblch lu turn vas followed by ImnO. ooneau reh IUM ,00Pomsons wook- ,$hrsuh thse independent. . ~ WORi< 0F COUNCIL. Waukexn, Nov. le. 1--Recolvel end paced on file coin. munîcation f rom Swedlsh people of City telUing of thelr action ln passing a set of resolutioca depior- ing the propos'sd exécution of Jo- seph Hlliltrom. 2--Aecsived and piaced on file com- munication from, the Illinois In- spection bureau fi in Icurance es timates.,tellilng ci Change" that muet b. mode haosta s»cure ns- duction ln fièe Insurance rate@. 3-Waulcsgen Improvement Company la given back certified check for Butrick Ouesut culvert, which con- stitutes sbondonmont of improve. ment procoedlng. 4-Page ordfnanoe amendîci the or- dînance pasa.d recontly whicii va. cated certain portions of Sheridan road. B--Allow payroil for the fIrat hait ot thse month of November when cer. tified to by civil service commis- Mion. BOARD MEýETING. 1-Return to Wauicegan I mprovement Company check acd bond for re. surfacing Genèses andi othen North- $[de tretta, thersby abacdoning] the Improvement. KELLY, IIELD JI;igEE TO DE RETURNED TO CANADA FOR TRIAL COURT REFUSES TO OPEN OR VIS, CASE- APPEAL IS TAKEN, BUR(ILARS CTIVE; DIES TRYIN(i TO RIFLE'LOCKERS AT SOL VE WAR- PUZZLE 'THE GOLF OROUNDS'Otto Roggan Drops Dead in the Enter One Home and Then' Force Lock at Waukegan Golf Clubhouse Friday. By forcing a Yale lot ý, burgiars gaîned aurance Imb thhe c ubus at the Waukegau golf grounds Sat' urdsy mornlng. then rified the loc- ers, csrrYlng off sucit bot as tbey touud lu wearng apparel, Mrs. J. K. Orvis- lad Sought to iThe sasue bandits galued eutrauce Have Divorce Case Opened oto bhe home of R.' N. Magilîl secre- ary oftite Waukegau Commercial and Decree Set.Aside. Assocation, vho resideson re- Circuit Judge EdviLrda Thursday vood avenue, a quarter of a mile essî déuled the motion to open tbe af thé golf grounds. Ji K. Orvia divorce case sud set aside Worn Sound* Alarmn. bbc decree as petltloued hy Mra. On- Sbortly atter 4 o'cîock Salurday vis. vito made sensalloual clalma moflhlug Mrs.,R. N. Magilh vas avak- agalual Mr. Orvia. vito tonmerîy vas eued troin ber elumben by noiae on engaged lunte Iav business Isere. thé Sirst oor of bar home. Thé malter bas been peu iug & ev- "There la nomd one lunte bous'," erat yodks. Ou Ocloben 8, titrougit sald Mra. Magill, afler awakeulug ber Attorneys Heydecker & Heydecker, busaad. Mrs. Orvia filed a Petillon, asklug "Oh, t guegs not; il's tbe steani Ibat bbc divorce decree be set solde Pipes. Tbere la no one lu the bouse," sud giviug te grounds on wviclit e abs55d bbcsecnetary of bbc Commercial tbogtîgiIbis action ongbt ta iete aken. Association. He vas Boîmudasaleep Tbe court loday dénied Ibis peti. agsltw1 lu a very fev seconds. litonsud tbe attorneys for Mns. Or- Wlibu a minute Mrs. Magili avsk- vis aerved notice of su appeal 10 the eued ber itusband a second time sud appelîste court. bold hlmi that she vas pitiv Iat Mrs. Orvia set forth ln ber peti- sbe beard nome one lu tbe kitcheri of lion tthat on Septeruber 25, 1913, abe (hein home. fied a bill of complaint lu yblcb she "You Imagine you hear aunie one; as'ed for 8elarate maintenance tram you are nervons;.' There is no one 1,1 Mr. Orvta. Sitesasys (lhe case v.îs tbc bouse,' said te man of te left peudiug up 10 October 10, 1911. bouse. At that lime. by consent, sbe aays the In another minute Mr. Magilî vas case vas dismlssed. avskened froni bis Ebumber by the Pior la tbe eutering o!fte finalI taflinq ef somé article 10 thc floor cf order sbe sels forth a6con fenénce va hbb kitchen. He jumped out aI bcd. beld betaseen ber attorneys and thosejpon-darvlesdrcdT h for 1,cr oushanu,, relative to lhe Contrctrame 0on gt rount ofai umony th:tsbe woul 1 Against Extradition as as,'( suit were dropcd sud a auit ad Embezzler. for divorce started. In accordaur'> wiih this arrangement shq says sitî The six veeks' legail latilo oven tii, d th(, billi for divorce on Octoite. the extradition oft 'homa. Ke 1iy , mil loa Ire cotractor o!f'Winnipeg, Can- 11), 114, sud tée decree, aitegasys, ada, wbicb bas been couducted befços ass vuered os the rame day. LessF. Mason o! Waukegan. judce 9'it colitend httesiuain of te Uited States commisson ers' t uds , tctht berebî,uade court, came ta an end 1 iin Ie htveemd Chicago. ib (hi'dc<i'i'i' ere notlthe saine as Mr. Kelly nmuaI go itack ta Canada those made in tbe pres loua contract ta face trial on charges Of »enjury, sudd'he asks permission t0 preacut necela'Iuemonýy kuovu to bave been bbcefMes, recordsansd original con- obtaiued ity fthud aud émbezzleme',t of t'anadiau goverumeut fundsa,_~ tract. cording ta bbc decision itaudedclovn Sitesasys lte <otraci made priai Iîy Commisloner Mason. 1uteetrn ftedce rvd Kelly la te man whovit loe Oclober lte t seriu of Uictdcree prtve b bas iteen lu the cilstody of Sherif e ia b budgltede î;rifiln of Waukegau sud vîmose près- lot 9, block 20, tovu 0f Litle Fort. ence ln bbc city bas excited no litho Site declares (bis conveyauce never Inlerest. Thunee vio bave bad asso- vas made. Sitegasys that lu the de ciatio.ns vt4 hlm declaré hé la a fine crce of divorce Il vas pravided Ibat fellow sud 'ail fee1 confident bevfl extricate bîmacit witb houonsatro, tour papers. preîending 1u be lu au- the pedicament hie la conrontlng lu cordauce vith Ithe prévious cantraci bbc Dominion. H1e la said ta bave gia ei ber sud veré sigued hy her bepetrated s $1,25&W 0f rujd. busbaud. These notés, she s ays, Chicagoan AI&* impiiated. br aeOtbr1,11,ai n The traud by vlalt Kelly la de-hrdae coir1,194su l clared. ta bave cbeteil lits govèrn- (fer tbe ternis of the décree vere meut vas concerped IiÏ-the cOuatnuc- due six mon ta, 18 moutha, 30 moutha lion of a uev net ot palilamnt build- sud 40 montha afler the date of the ings for thé Canadien clty. Mn. lMaaon's opinion, upon.w hicb decnee. Eacb note vas for $50. the extradition order of the fedenal Mrs. Orvîs claira the notes areb goverument yull be eutered, la la part uon-uegotlaibe sud non-asaignabîs U Il la shoul la an n d-sd iecome nuit sud void lu case as posiion, plaeed iteore me taI Mr. makes ber resîdénce lu Lake couty. Kelly r c5arged sud obtaiuéd psy fon Sitegasys thé papérs or notes vers 468 caissons, but that thene wve n uy igued by Mn. Orvis atone snd vith- 369 pub lu. Trou rings sud boîta wero out othér surety. uaed ovér sud'over agalu. Téstlmouy shovs iumnber-flot wortb ta exceod On April 10, 1915, vben thé firs. $20 it housaud vas used luatead of noté tebI due she says abs presenîed $40, ab thé apecificaliona calléd fer, Il 1taMNr. Onvia for psymeaal but vas Crushed Sloce Omitted. refuaed paymeut. "Tt la sbovu Ihat Ibère vas no cruahed atone lu auy of the caissons She represeuts Ibat sas part af tau as requlred by spéclficatloua; ltaI arrangement, shé exécubéd a deed theré vas no steel r-enfoncement lu vhereby site siguéd'over ta ber bus- suy caissons except tva, sud that te baud aib ber lterest lu some prap- change of $4 a yard for steel ré en- et nWsosn forcement vas éutirely vithout Jus- et uWsosu biication. She répreseuls l as her beléet tiat "Iftla sitovu that there could not site vas lnduced ta enter uta the bave heen more tbsu 23,000 cuil arrangement by fraudulent. unfair yards of excavation aud concrote, yeb oersnains h astao Rleiy's company cbangéd sud recelved msersnaiu.Sesî hta psy il, 35,900 yards. Octozer 10, 1915, one yean vibI bave "Reterrng ta thé change of perJurý1 cispsed since the entering of thé de- l knov hy eue statemeut that Kelly cre sud site fears ltatIif abe vaited ltnév hé vas tating that vbicb vas util aller Ihat tumesite mlgbt bave not Irue. '«Oné cotract la for stell n te more dlfficuty lu securlug a setîle- north vng Of te building for the ment vitit ber husband. extra expénse of dhauglng thé super -__________ struicture froin re-entorced concrets ta steel constructien. t appears thatUA I r KebIy'a compauy necelved $196,000 ou'H T HE A L acutof Ibis coutract, sud Ilb IAUIITFA L pears that Ibis vonk bas flot heén perfonmed, There le a contract for O E D L S 6215,000 ton lhe aouth vlng. The evi- L IlE D L S déncé sboya that titis contract vas T padd esioyPoint. Gulîl. C L EÀ fi "TioîsIl a veny briet outîlue of tse tésllmony belon, me. 1 bave flot un- August Bodine, employed at tb. détaken tu revsv testimouy con- Vikings hume, Gurneé, bail a miracu-. nectlug tb. detendauf with thé îeav- louqesccape froin dealb shortly &fier lng o? Canada hy the vituesa Sait or 8 o dlock ltday mornîng, vbeu a tel. auy attempt ta bribe hlm tu coome loy vorîman dropped a hatchelt rous itack sud perjune birnaeîf. or revlév s scaffold oulo bis hesd, The fellov thé varlous stabements of vitness, vonkmn did not throw the batcitet conversations vîit thé respondent lu at Bodine, but l lipped thum bis thé discussions bebeeén the réspand- bauds sud slnnck Badine on ltse top ént snd varions meushens of the cab.- of te kull. mnet ahevlng tbe, ggantîc scbeme to Hé vas uncousciaus vbéu plcked defraud te govérnnient sud tem .- up by employes of the place, aud ite lémpîs bite governinent sudtem 5i- vas cai'léd Imb bbhehome vbsre b. tempts ta bide evIdence trousthelb. liay unlil Dr. A. e. Brawn, sueî-lntenal. vestigations. Ail of these circuin- eut of te Lake Couuly Gêneraiboa- stances point ta tbe gulît of ltse-e pital arrivéd. Dr. Brown found Tl spoudeut and te tsar et prosecution necsssary to ta&e seven stitches ta o! bluselt sud membéra of the cab.- close up tée vaund lu thé meule inet." hesd, He did nol desin l necesaai- Mr. Kelly has been repnesenîed by ta remove Bodine la tbe hospîtai. but Attorney Tohi S. Miler sud Pierce ft la salfi that fit wlflbe vee betore Butler. A. W. Bulkley and Clair L. Bodlué yull b. iabls tuaron ndebs .More.of, the &im of Bubkley, More & voris. He bsd regained couadclous- Talmadge; repreiduted the British nousa ven tse cpuuly doclor airived .Cpnsul lu Oicago. at tbe VWkng home. les"--'. o r ri oue ilý"He found nearly every w lndow .)f nthe bouse open, sud a liglît buruing ln lte kitchen. The puntry windov itsd been jlmmled open. The bîîrg- le lars lîad made their escape. er po 1îou investigation NIr. Iagill fouud that lthe bunglars bcd jimmied êvery vlndov ou the main ftor o! bis home before Ibey auccceîled ln forcing the pantny vlndow.lie con- ducied an investigation, and at noon et Saturday reponted Ihat the burgiara ni escaped empty bsuded. Mlrs. Magll Sass (at notbing of value is mnissiug fron, th~e premtu)ea. Raid. Ail the Lockens.' d- Sitorlly afler tbe Magill ohberv tefour policemen, Officers Coons, Biooth, ..Lérche sud Callaban, were seul 10 *thée Magill home, but tbey round no trace of the nobiters. At 9 o'clock Psturday morulng Les *McDOnougb, couuîy Ineasurer, sud Rlay Wbltueî, a directon of the Golf erAssociation, enbered the police sta- Mn. MeDonougit tbnev a, Yale lbd ou thé deal. I"Roitiera broke loto thte clubitouse at itée golf grouada lasI nlght. Thé robbery sWBsreponbéd o membena of thte club ity Caretakén Martin La MIan. "Ws veut to thé clbihouse sud dis- cevenei Ibat thé roitiens badl galned enînsuce Isto théeibouse ity forcing a Tais psslock," aald Mn, McDou- ougit. "Afler téey eutéred lte place lbey fonnd lte 'master' 'iéy, tse ksy vici nulocks ail thé lockens, aud lbey rlfléd the contente. Sweater jackets sud vearnug apparat vas dumPed onlo lte floor. Evsrytbîng found luntée poclets of sny valus vas confiscaîéd. Aillte Pockéls of the coal tnovsens. etc.. have béen tnnxyed Inside out- The place neéked of te odor o! whisky. We fonnd Baverai empty botîbes ounlte tooo thé lock- ér roani, viicit itd been takeé, tram lokens rénted by memitérs. We do ual knov vitat 0f valué vas takren. "Thé psy station tlepitaus bad béen tbru basé rom ils fasteninga, sud thé coin box itad itéen laken out ~d béén taken out mlote yard and sàtashéd open. Hov mucit monéy vas touud thenelu, ve don't knov." That thé bbefî vas cominitled by1 soan one famîliar vitit thé place, la the bellot 'or memitera of theé club. The mère tact ltaIlite master koy vas found sndudscd lu openlug thq Iao'as, léada thé polilco labelleve taIt thé thefl vas coimlllsed by s caddy on by somé one tamilian vîit thé premlsés. The Police are nul ai vork ou a dlus, viicit may terminaselu the ar- resI of Ivo or treWaukegan mn. MAKES CORRECTION, 0F A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. Kenosha, Wia., Oct. 12, 1916. Edîtan of Thé Wa'egan Dally Sun, Wsukegan, 111.r Dean Sr:--1 1 wouîd ile 10 cal youn attentiont to a mi-prînt ln Tbursdsy's paper lu ltse Orvis vnitoup. Titoaé notes yau ietsr ta nead $500 escit, sud two dit. 'ferent limes vitén you bav' nit il up, you havé prInted Il $50 escit. WiII you plesse carrect Ibis en- oro lu your next Issus o? tii paper? Youra truly, MRS. J. K. ORVIS. FORMER ARTISTS' STATE'S A1TORNIY MODEL DROPS lIER 'WILL ASK EXTRAi* SUIT FOR DIVORCE TION 0f LOCAL TMIE W)au&egan ~e~u4' And thctruompers bbcv Ion siarbln.t, lie valked by my aide. step by stefi." Afler ho bad finisbed lthe aoug.NIr. Roggan sud bis frieud, M r. BIerg. vene discussiug lthe lateat movements c'f lthe Englîitsu ad F'rencht anmîca, viten Mn. Koggan laid bis friend btaI lis, had a van puzzleite aunled te aaork out fdn hlm. Mn. Sboggan itad ruade a] Ithe folds u inthe laper, lten said: "I caul bthink boy te cnt bbc paper." At lthaI moment hé febI déad te bte floon. One of bis dsugbîers In aunIen- vievwviith s Sun reporter Ioday said: 'No, fatiter bad ual becu stck. Hé vonked aIl day Saîurday aI thé vire mîi, vitene hé la employed as a vire draver. H1e abe a bearty dinuér au Suudsy, sud lunbte eveulug veul 10 btée Berg home viteré he dropped déad." "Ves, Il la trué that hé vstnyIng Io vork ont ltée van puzzle viten he died ten minutes bétons ha playéd a selectIon ou bis finIe. 1 playéd tbe piano. Mn, Koggan la one of Wankegau's itést kuovu German realdeuts. He came 10 Wsnkégau froin Genmsuny six years ago, sud aluce that time hé bas béén su employé ot' thé Amenican Steel & Wiré Comptnî, Hé eaves a vile and four citildi-en, Wallen, age 21; Clara, age 20; Sophie, agé 17, and Anus, agé 15 years. Hé bas s sister, bis motter sud step-fatbenIlIv- ing lunttis country. WORKED A CLU VER One of ltée clevereal avindles vanled lu nome lime came 10lgitI lu Wanliegan Tbursday atternoon, A voman vito appears ob ie asatraugen bei-c, put over ber swiudlè lu whsl la negarded asn atter s clever mon- uer, Tvo or ltree dais ago site '115 peared on thé West ide, vsiling gev- énsl homes. One aofltée placés visil-i Pd vas tée Oscar Lindaitl home. 258 Soult Jackson stréét. Sit ensgaged MIrs, Lindahi bu conversation sud tbld ber site vould Ill'îéta ituy ber home, Mrs. Lindabl réplled ltaIlite placé vas nol for gale, bol tili the vom- su penalsted. Flually site lftt sud vlsibéd otiter homes li tée neigition- baod. Another place vigitéd vas ltée Axel Johnuson home, néan te corner of BlvIdére streél sud Gýen Rock ave- nue. Eité lslkéd about differeul suit- Jectsansd lu titis manner dnév troin Mrs. Johnson sevéral facto about )Per1 pénsonal bislory. Among oten IbiRin, site caniided thé facl list7site bad a niece living ai Highland Park. A littie vitilé laler the sîrnge voman tuaI iter departune. Mrs. Johnson thougitt no mon3 about lte Incident until Tbursday ait- ernoon vitén ber nièce came troin Highland Park 10 se ber. One o! lte firslttings tée nièce asked vas vitler Mrg. Johnson had senl a voman 10 barrov $15 from ber. Site sald ltée voman itad come bo hon, bt- lng ber site vas a close frlend uf MI!.' Johnson sud said the later vantéd lu borrov $15 no site conbd conmmit s spectallat. Y. sud lthe telepitone bas iteen takén ouI. Mn. Sneiling bas a new telepitone numiter "vitit fnds."- "Tom" Snelllng laIs knvu as a job- !y good fellov amoug tbc folitearounfi tovu. Titene are titose vito says Ibat Mrs, Sneliug vas thé most iteatîtitul Mrt isls' model ln Chbcago. Site sud b rm oter formerly lived ae t . GreaI Nortiteru itel. Shé vas ma>. rIed in Puelling Novémiter 11, 1914. In béas titan tvo days attér Iter manragé, at 4 o'cbocklnl thé moruing, as said lu ber divorce bill, t4tsy itd Ibein firel trouble. Héeitecame via-. ' bénly angny, site sllégéd, ln an argu- sud tare ber nlgbt dreas. couspelling ber bo cali for itelp trous anoîber ot 1-thé gumesavio salbI emalnsd lunlthe bouse, Ou the day of thibsepars lion, site declaned, viten as treat enéd 10 leave hlm Pénmsueully its aald ta ber: "If ion do, I vîlI disfigure ion top lite 8o that yau von't bok good 1a auyitody élse.? Ntle nsSeiliug said ber bnaband'had $30,000 stock lunlthe Wauksgan prev- lug Company sud su Income of mors Iban $15,000 a yssn, Snelllng's firast vite, froin vbom ho vas divonced Devaral yeare ago, la place. BIGi TOURIN4i CAR TURTLES AS FRONT WlIEL 15 BROI(EN-, Titreé vomén sud Ivo men had a usrrov escape from deat Sunday afberuoon viten a big aevsn-passaeu gér tournu: Car lunviticitthey vers mallug lte trip fhm Milwauke t Chicago tunud turîbé on Greaet Bay road Juat nontit of te Kebbey place viict1l nontit of Lake Forest. Thes accident occurred vitén one of lte viteeba vas crumpled., Accordlug ta lteetaoi-y tld hi lits driver bis home vas lu Chicago, but hé vas taltIug a panty o! friends tram Milvaukee ta Chicago. As ho réscbed ltée Point norbt ofthutsKeiley placé hp luruéd ont to pas@ anolter car. le tiblus one of ite tront viteels caugitt lu a nutand vas tai-n loose, While lte car vas flot golug aI a, napld raté o! speed aI the lime, lte momenuuni caused ilto overturu viten the huit dropped Inta fias rond- vay. Fotîuately al of thé occupants vene ibrovu lean ufthbitémachine viten itlburched tb one aide sud vers out1 o!fltevay vhen it turuied over, Sume of tem voere brubsed sud sitaken np but an exanaination sitovéd taI appanenîiy noue of temhsad sus- taiued any itroken houes, Laks Coutys big vs.kly-NDe- PENDENT. MarbieenadGr.ilte Monument Cemetcry Work of Evey' Description Correspondence t5olictd 1161 PA&A NOAMM . 1 9, t». ew- U- 1 1 i nuir t. a *.i,,u ..,,W rie Was Dscussing the War. Thomas Snelling's Wife Asks Joseph Kucas to Be Rteturind Uslng an oblong Piece of paper; That Divorce Case Se Taken1 to Waukegan From State of tale the lower right hand corner and Off the Court Dotket. Michigan for Trial. turn It to the rlgbtutil bottom edge _____ The followlng artielmaaPepared lu gîates Attorney Ralpis Dady la la even witb the rigbî bond edge of the Chicago JouroisMSonday afîer- 'preparlng to file a demand for?«> paper; then le n r orn and gtnoon tradition papera for Joe Kucas et fode ar be le t ut thlo ndgrlgt Thé mystery attending the divorce Michigan, wsnted lu Waukegan on a edge, then fold 1, it aide of paper un- proceedingsa n i rs. Tholsa W. Snell horse stealiug charge. lng No. 2 agalust ber busband becaml Kucas la now aerving a 70-day sefr tif lb lies even with the right aide. deeper today wben It vas lesrned that tence in the bouse of correttlon At Ib e fl it ide-uii tlies te e hae dismlssed ber bihlu Judge Denis Detroit, Micb., on a petty larceny wlt th lft id (lt trogb beE. SiuJlhvana court and no réconcila. charge. lte vill be ljberated fronttbe middle, aevering ail fold., et paper. lion Las been effected. bouse of correction on the firat day Examine tbe piecea and ynu will Tesce rnrweebusas discover that one resemiîlea tbe ce r e'oersotsae f December, and tbe prosecuitlng at. "Iron cross" given to bis voldiera by ýremains uusolved. Mr. Snelllng, prea- torney 0frfLake county la planning 'f0 Empeor illim fr deds f vlorIdent of the Waukegan flrewing Com-.'seize hlm tbe second he la Ilberatel on the field of baIlle. Panýy, admitled that he knew where from that laul. Eigh picesof pperremin.she la, but refused to diaclose ber Itucas vas arresled at Howeit' These elght pieces of-paper can be Place ut residence. Mich., on the 28th day of Septemaber, su arranged as 10 spell the word rM . Snelliug, wbo before ber mar- wheu caugbt lu the act of stealing ',0 "hell."nage was Myrtle Matthews. a beauti- buoheIs of wbeal. The police and The story la toldt of a man wbo at- ft i . ss'mdl wtde fotn:shériffs at the Milchigan city diacor. er deatb passed on 10 tbe scat of ciety soon atter her separation tram 'ered tbat Kucas vas the man vbo Juâgmeut snd attemPted tn gain ad- aboIsbn at etmbr n I tle a homse valued at $300 thum mnission iâto beaven by sbowiug St.f vas snuounced that shte would re- i the North Chicago Lumber Cosnpany. Peter how t0 work out the Twen tietb main ln secusion unUll ber domestlc Two days afler bis arrest Kucas Century war puzzle. lie folded bis affairs vere adjusted. Mn. Snelllug signed a confession. H1e confm»ad papr ad et t a abvedircte, asid boday that no adjustment had 10the tbeft of a horme IL Crovu, tben banded St. Peter the pie-ce of pa- onefreladepesdhmerPitIdbtb odteatot per represeutiug the "cross." St as douhtful regsrdinig the prospects lies that tihe horse got away frorn Peter, it la aaîd, then made the dis- ln thal direction, 1 hlm, and that he thefi weut to North covry hattheothr pece ofpapr' The bill for divorce vas flted 1.n Chicago wbene he stole a homse trous could lie arrauged ta speil out the the superlor court September 29. AI- la lumber barn. word "bel." most lmmedlately aftevnrd there Geo. N. Powell. commis8loner of were persistent repborts that the suit public heslth aud safety, weSt ta M'akegn, ov.I-) would not be preased 10 a decree. Howell, iceh.. tbree daysalster Ko- Last nlgbt Otto Roge"ai. wbo licesI Mrs. Snellung made cbarges of ex- cas vas anrested, and be bad the etot- aI 811 leiniboiz avenu, ý%th bis wife treme and repeated cruelty. About en horse sblpped back to Waukegan. snd four children, we:it t'a tbe homne aIl "Tom" Snelling would ssY today Kucas bas a siater, Misea Usycaica of bis neighbor and frietto, Oscar Iregatdlng these charges sud the dis- Kucas, living aI 810 Chauau pIlace. Berg, to spéud tbe evening. Mr. MuIssai vas (bat be suspected sbe be- Pittiiburg. Ps. He owus 40 aRem of Roggan vas li) tbe sut of wocking tuie lieved she bsd gone 1on far, ]and near Ludlugton, Mlch, Twentielh Century war puvle v heu l pned Ibat be or bis vife b&d- be tell over dead. taenbaniy stepa toward a reconcilia- Ten minutes before be bcd played lion, but pvould net say that s necon- tbe well known old Gerrnian songi ,, ciliation la out of the question. Mrm. Ilave a Friend," on bis fiste. Hia Snelling's attorney, former State Sen- dauhte paye th ar o th panosaor Joban Wasgq, could net be adaghlae od te i o hepan ound ai his home or 14 bis office. and ang be vrds.Tbe Suelling reaidence at 957 Sber- "base a fric'nd, sud you canuot findt a better one, idan road, Waukegan, la unoccupled