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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Nov 1915, p. 3

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L.ARE OUNTY !NDEPENDENT, <A'y, NOVEMBER 26, 1915.-T Pau. Report of Conidition of the L*e £ounmty, Datial Bank al Llertycîil l h i 51 090Ililuds. t the v110" ni businless. Novemher II. 1915 RESOURI2KS. i a Le»ssudani Iisuntg............ ........ ............. .(lerdrafts. uneeCund ..... ...... ........ U, M. . bondi. a fu. a. Douato seeurecircuiaclcn (par value)l.......................... 4Boi. .eurittsa, et. là Bonds oatis iiU::$. . bcnds i, tudar10cure Postal sactoga iapOsf................ .....000.00 Ieessues omhr tiai*V.*.bona... -lclul* *tck> « ow» uoidie........d ............ --71.Mmf $02, OM-64 zi4 17 oflt bonds................etc ........................ .....r sg T otalbonds uMpaMl ....s....r .........n.................. 7.W7.8 . ta . ~ M an e @M ra - m.... Bank...... .. . .... ... .. ....... 741110.00 4. ft bmo t uau.ee I Ft&nencmeredBank............. .........001 s7.oma.......... .................. 000»0 Un Bn edra Rse,.bot... ............. .... ... 2.000»0 bN os B reved Rser,. Agens b 645w lYo"ro. t'iecogo ....... ............ -.................. ............ .. 77.4811-03 77.4XA.0 U2. NesuasM doe from hbate0uMd bouers (bIser titan Ineludedin 10 or 11) ... . 1.5 44. OMOsrChUMeIsobountte satmCity ortown os seporting ban% ..... 45.21 cuuW tireiey, nickela and cents................................. 414»0 M y> o ~s RNonal Banks...........................................42.,.00 10.Lsgo'geWeder note, ..1-WfdMnt M" aBn.1.250.00 .19: fdepton ud wis il. .Tressurer 4Dot more tison36per cent on ý... olclto)...................... ........ ..... ... -- .- . 2.500.00 Total ......................................................... .........$74.817.82 LIABILITIRIO '34. capital stok pald ilu................................................ 8 N0.00000 ,5Vg s undti.................................1......... 25,0000 2î 1 : e« mi4.ý.........................ý. me it-Uesefor taxes and Interent........ . 2600 46 18.444.i1 Leu eurrentexpenses, interest and taxe, iald ....... ..1.5f0.7 3119 17. Orcaleoleg notes....................................... ....... ..0 1emossd depost:- 12. indlvlduai depoita sublect tocheet ........... ... .... ...... ........ 140.Ut4 10 33. etfchOdpu due lu leu, thon 30 days ......................... 195.275 34. Certiied a................. ................... . .2 31 X - PeRI te lbj. h epeau -.. ...................................... ...1 6hM34 TOMdMId sed011ts. Iem-. 12. 33, 34 and 37...- .... ...M,181.0 TImedepalt ipschI .0er30 dari. or .uiiect to 30 dàars or more ntice:) 4to.rtfcaeofde.o.i. .................................... r060 42 iRIer inon deposio ... - . .... ...... -....1 . . 2168 Ttilc01lime depuit Items 4', and 42 ................... M7 6 Total. ý....--............ ................... -............... ..... .... 1f,43.vl7 82 ltat.. of Ililuot. ouuty ni Lakbe, .. 1SoIe,,orIfd an,,d r,, or! before ,se tIis 141h 1. 12 F.Wright, cohier nof1the ainte leî cf S t mer 1915. Magner! bank. dotht eiuy mes, tat the abot- I t bRA A.STAPLES. Nto, l'blfr slteren , t ru otl bncI .i My kùo',irex c-re'*tc and i,lirf1. j<5.> IiIT C P Wrght. C-hh, ,r l'AII. IACUUOY1S, D'PIYM(JNI) Neport of Condition of CDe first glational Bank At I leKt lie isth1elitate 0! I l,ilà.at te ci %ftei1,ec ' rc r RESOStR.l( 8 i so an sd F)s051.ttý..... ...... 1.............. ....... . iBosds deltoaitc, I c, aOi ae ,rveîatiort (Pa, value'. f. Bond. , c, <is.e h Bond. cthe' îs M. t'S ondo pietierd te, mcuen P,,taî Saonne dpoitolîs......... .. , 0.0 4ecuriîles tthor h.lhBn V S hult;ti, u,,! inclt tce omnel nopledeetl. , '4f . sce. Srth.01,r tIan em) elRerete Bank tock..... 6 Suissriptlon go-'tck of Fe ers lnsetBlank ....... ..... ....12151 (M . leus. m untllald ... ................-I. ....... 1.1.......13015 r Furniture anti Finlore . . . ...... ... .. 1'Net amount due f rm ielra «-eve k .... a e mudue foM apovtk-erve Ase.u1. tsossdlbcg Net Rd 860008 do. groom baskm and hatkees ,Atîer haiilcledtInlu10 or lIt Il(rier cck.on bankoilu lie bamne cll or tcwn a. reeortioglbatik .. ia c ta de ch-ecasuantille6r euh lts................. 1 rA(0" h Fracuonal crren ickel.,ad ttis t..... ........ 61 41 16 4otsW. .1 illr NScilnci Banks ............ ...... Lawful Monsy resrve in haut: la Colo maicortIBeale ................. -1) Retismplon fund wîth t. S T,'aurr lot moretisas, 6%ont(u do)..**l....... ..... ............ ................. ...... Tool........... ............. ................... ... LIABILITIES 13.8,037 10.0,0ou 2.3M.557 24 04957 57 3, 216.4 ue 0 6.0m i 60500.9 -4 Capital ,ooek paid lu ... ... - .......... . ..00 25. SurplUS iond........................................... 15.000 %.6. uedividod profit................................. $10.542-96 Hmed for taxe, .. ................. ..53D.00 Bs...,.for ahseston Sa.lug. accoun................009m.6 .05.3 1*" een mref vp.,., nteret and taxes paOi--.,.d -... 5. .071.i6 8.9644% Z7. Omlare oi t Dn oe ................ .. ... 10000,W, 30. Du. eohaut and bante ........... .... 7.007 5 -1. 21uded40 ejsts uk,t 0, h-k 6. .... ....109.967.12 .12. (ertifletesofdeposit due. hsýe,.thon 30 day ....................57A.4473 34Certified oeltý.... .............. ...... ............. ....100.00 37. Po"sta fi le s [epouit, ......... .... .....0. .... 78.31 Total dens.ud dapoaha Items 37 36 3M sud 32 ... 1.9.M019 42. Thme de"t..avtngâ aceot.t ........ ................. 104,66893 Total 0f UOie deposlit Item 42 .... .... ........1066m.08 TOtal . ...... .. .......................... f104986055 ITATE (Pit.NlSCOI.NTY OF lAItE. oes fobscrlbeIanti î,,,,ns 10 here U. 10, 5 1,i.. iÎ idley. Cosher. of 1he a.i,.,t, san" ~d&Y cf Noveoher 1915. haut, do .olenctî swear tIsaItue a,,ve LYF.LI . HMORRIS. Notary Public. talement i.xîue Vlte ieso-ttf my knweicec C-,et Altet -BIEHW MIL1.R. and holie wu. WJLRiONit. JSlRiî,.I'.V Uabiter . TAYLOR. [tieýton , Big Values in Stoves No matter what price you want to pay, we can meet your reqwreinents with a heater or range that will give you splendid satisfac- tion and big vakie frn the inoney. Step in and see u&-it wll be a pleasure to .help you make yourcholce. STO VES ssuRANGES Tbese cleanly, convenient, fine. booklng slaves score big aucces wherever uaed. Tlsey are bufit by a alovensaier wth a repu- tation and wiil oullat others. Basy tora ndmale-ulalead very saving of fuel. Now is -the tIme 10 pick yaurs out. Schank Hardware Company> ~UBEÙTYIËËL,, ILLINOIS DEKAV GETS BONDS. lndlcating the. gravity of the ait- uation in which John W. DeKay, former Wauksgan newspapsr man fInde himmetf %@ à resuit of hile r- restothe 4 charge of having de- frauded the Beigium government In ccnnection with the sale cf ries, cornesth. news that DeKay has been iaced under $40,000 bond@. DeKay was renmanded In the London court pendng arrivai fi-rn France of important -evi- dence which la to b. used againat hlm. The. nature of the charges aire so serious that the magistrats fixed DoKay's bonds at $4000, In- dicating furtiier DKày's prent wsarth and position, a laOc cabie f rom London etates that h. was able Oc produce sufficlent socurlty to obtain hie release until the hearlng cornes up ater thie evi- dance arrive* from France. Whet It Spolia. W-o-r-k spolle genlua, mye an «.- change.. it aiso sPelia honeaty Il tla dou e rigit. YOU SHOULD BE Savagois- Attorney Pope, vite vas THANXFUL associaieti viit Ateornes- Morris et Liherls-vIile lente detense. altacked indeed îliat you sîjîl bave an oppoi- te teetimons- et ReushI n coo«ructng îuniîy te preteot your home fi-ou bis cross examinatien. Ho tercel Io@@ by ire. But yen Should take Rousi to1 account foi- bis actions dur- dvantage of your o pportueily aI ing evers- minute etflite lime ho vas ln once. Lset u4 mako yen out a pol. Iberlyilîle. Reusit bore up under icy to-day. Fine is ne respecter of titis grillng ln a remai-kabis- cool maan- ner anti rotusel e to camo ruffled. lime, persons or occasions. Ho ansverel lte majerils- et the ques- Dorani flavilud & Durand ticins precisels-, hing qulle exact as Tr1gfl,1Bldg. -LibertYviUt) Tit such ot tho ovîdence present- Phea. 3,Ub.,t-,t11o I .1toaas-as "questionahie" to put il WITNESS WAS PAID TO SPY ON ACTION OF MRS. M1ACLAGGAN Robert Roush; Star Witness for MacLaggan, Is GriIted by Attorney Pope. W&ukegan. Nov. 18. Thesecnsatbonal MacLaggan ivoi-rcei case vent to trial lu circuit court Ihia uorning wvttbMacLsnggann uing bie vufe for divorce on stalulers- groundls, »ad bis vite euing bine for séparais, maintenance on te grounds et do- serlion andi crueits-. Ilts Iolaimed t ýone are 20 vîtuess o le hoplaced l t h. stand. 0 The MaclAggan tamtly réside ln Uhortyvîlle. MaclI4fflelat he son et a Chicago utaister. Tise family COra came Into the Iimeltght sevoral moeths mgo visen Mms. Maclaggan bal ber hushanti arrested on a charge ot vite ahaulonmenf. Ho vas bouend or ta te grand Jury ant indetel. this In- dicîmnent sf111 standing agaînst hlm. Mact.aggan. l seems, look bis nov- iy born Infant le Clitcago anti placeti i in te caro of a nurse. lie talledl 10 return , accordlug le Mrs. MacLag- gan, andtabcsitit a awarrant ovore out tor- his arreot. Her bill-.letr separate maintenance vas illeti a shoert time liter.This aliegeti noveralIinstances 0f criîeiix o ne. bsing irtailite iad lho coine <o angrv Ihatl iretreke up te dîihes upoI ene occasion and 11,61 on a.it'roccasIon le wae alleged 10 bave <tammeti tht'door i-he liîe lotI te houie one <av last January. ease- log te glass le break anti suhjectlng Mmrs Maci.aggan anti tht'eblitiren le te severe colti Ahandonmenl aiso vas rhai-ged. le bis divorce bihllied a sbort tnme lter, Mackaggaîî ciarged isbluwlte had heorl unduly Iniîlate viit Ivo mon. one etfitorn vas William Se- holdt. A girl vito tormerls- iad hoon a do- uetic lnthie MacLaggan houe vas the firaI vltness calledt lethe stand bs- MacLaggan, vho vas repre.onted by Ateornes-s Hes-lecker mol Jorgonson. The girl tbld et vorkingtem during te lime tise %acLaggans kept boardl- ers anti reomers. Site catI there vere severmi leeping i-coma on the upper fler andt Io rous set soide for Ihis PurPoge on the matn floor. Botb et lteso hotroums, aite sai. openel off the sitting ron On.eofthlie bed- rMons vas occupleti by William Se- boidtf.site aId, and lte otiter its Mr. andi Mrs. Mact.aggan. Te girl test- lied taI during te lime site vonked for te MacLaggan tamiiy MacLag- ganos work kept him la Chicago muet Ofe it ime seotaI hé relurned homo oniv once or Ivice a weeki. A nurse trou Ciicago vas ton 'aiivd le the witlnos stand. Site saId cite ias cali- ledis to care for Mm. MacLaggan i-hon teMacLaggans'- iass child vas bore. Site was question. Pd about te conduct Dr Seitoidt anti Mrq. MacI.aggan, and repfie t lit i-hile Ihey vere friendis-.siteceuld ,cee noting i-i-eg ln f heur relations. On onee occasion, site sali. Sebolît brougitt candy houe for Mrs. Mac- Laggan. but site saiti ho broughtl seme homo fer her also. A sensation was sprung viten Mac- Laggain caused Robent Rousit. an elec- Itrical vorker freuî Chicago, le ho Plsced on te stand. He sas-s ho ne- coi-el a roos ln te MacLaggan home a foi- mentit, ago a i te reque.t et MacLaggan. vite iad net been living vîit hlm for some lime. Reusit sas-s MacLaggan paisi ton bis boarti anti rocom vtIle ho sias-ed thore. MacLaig. gan, ho sai, visita to bave soins one lne liebuse te spy on bis vile. "*I veut te LIhorIs-ville on lbe Cisi- cage. Milvaukee & St. Paul ratiroal." ho leslified. "I had hoen Instructe4. iowtot reaci thte MacLaggan home atter 1 gelttere. i rapped aI Ibe door. Seboldl. ansveredth ie kneck. He iVms alIiel oniy te a batitrobe. Titis was shertîs- after 4 o'clock ln lise afler- 110o12et Seplemhor 6. i asked hlm If Mr$. MadLaggan vas aI home. andi ho told me site vas taking a bath. 1 told hlm 1 vas looklzsg fer verk i Lîhertyville anti vanleot leget i-oum anti board for a i-bile. Ho sitovelne. 10 a i-nom on te upper liber. 1t bol. occasion a short lime laer le visît lte iatitroom and Ihere were no tn- dications ltaIlte bthitluithad been useti recentls." Thee viiness teellfled le havtng seen Mrs. MacLaggan In Seitelots ioom on te day hitenuf E. L. Stemrns, untl recently pro- prietor el a garage ln ZMon Cits-, vas arrostel Wednestias- ught b>' Captain A. A. Waiker, on a grand larceer charge. The varrant for Stearns' ai- i-eit vas procured b>' Dr. G. D. Bil- mes-or.i-ho cisaigel lise gaihge use witb baviug strippet ixbtures andi toilesvaluel aI upvmrds et $100 trou bis car. Dr. .4llimes-er bal alonel bis machine ln lte Stoares garage. one otiter ZIonife, MIr. floohe, preprieor efth hio adlare store tn that cIls-. charges Ihat Bloarns strippel ixlure<o valuel at upymnls of $50 trou bis car. Witbtn the past voek Sleai-es sohl ouf bis Intereats ln the garage. Eleares, if develope, vas a vîctine et ctrcumsatances. He vas net incarcer- aloI, but vas uterafol trou custotis vitn on e as given a chance te tel bis sfory efthlie theft of maIes-ls trou cars bebongteg te Dr. Bilues-er and Mn. Beeho. Bleai-u contessoti thaltishe materinis hal been stolon trou te garage, anti laid lise blame onb Zlý4etofbis employes. The ou- pIes-e, ilaissaI. is8 mlsslug free lte cls-. Stearns 1mmediateis- offered te repas- Dr. Bilimes-er anti Mn. Beeho for lte materiais anti fltures vblcb thes- badlolst, andti iese mon askel Ihat ho ho liberaleti. Steai-es vas arrestedlnbuWaukegan viten Captln Wnlker telophonel the police chiots taI ho hein a varrmut for Stemi-os' an-est on a grand lai-cons- charge. Stearus bas vorked tor a Wauke- gan garrage man vite bas Ihis le sas- osf hlm: "Steai-na bausiteen on te;itn 1 bs squure viit evers- man ho bas bal Clîfforti S. IRaymondi, wviter. tieaiings vitit. Wbs-. ho bas carried John Oliver, retIraI lumiteruan. arounct $200 and $300 for las-s aI a ChreC.Bytn pias. lime, anti ho nover bas benon eecent JoitaLies C. pbos-e.calasf shot l hi acouns. reardhim R. S. Kirchiterger, moi-citant aller. as a tailhtui anti truslvorlbs- em- pioe-.' VTe ite nenovupitollers o etl av i-ci-oappointeti its-Mas-or Hastings Te police, itlet.saiti, ara serching yseoersias-ant iliii hoyre in teIns-. for the man vite bal verketi for Titere are tbree paid policemen le Steai-s ne Zon Cits-. ltelove, but thes- are ceupelleile travel a Ierritory vblcb covers soi-en The Iodependent leadsa mi. square miles. This Is Case in Whioh Womnan Says Husband Forced Her to Move Constantly. Waukdgau. Nov. 20. LATER-Ciark flled a cross bll. ciss-ging desertion. Tie cous-t enter- soi a decres on il. Itlas understood1 that Mr. and Mrs. Clark ldan under.1 standing ouls(de of court ae to howc the property siiouid b. distributeot.( The divorce et Mms. baura J. Clarkc agatust Citailes W. Clark ou a chargei ot desertlon, Is te ho trial Iu court( ibis afIrnoon. Theo bill fiel b>' Mm. Clark. vhoItisreprosonte b>' Ator-( nes-s J. K. Orvia anti A. P. Beaubton,i vas an unusual one In some respects.( Mms. Clark complaisiel Usat Usi-ough- - «tI bier mamiedlilteher hushand cou-1 W1ied ber le ieaî a nomadlc lit,. Bshe1 said tisaI as scon as Ihes- voul gel setlel In a place ber huehand veuldà terce ber le pack up and mono oie.- vhere. Finals- she sait! le deserlel bier. going le Fiorila. Clark vas rep- resontel it-Atornes- E. V. Orvis. Tvo defauiî divorce cases wero trled le court Iodas-. Thes- vere the cases of Hautie Ciauherlin vs. N. Fr. Citamiterlin; anti Mahol Nafe agaiesl Albert Nafe. le hotis cases ltele- tendants defaulleti. Ateorney- Orvis Iodas- matie a motton for a nov triail Ite case etMessrs. Pefraska anti Macklnkus. convletet o assauiî viit a deals- eapon on lte pereon of anolter Norths Chicago man. He vantedth ie evîlence vitlten up heforo ho arguedth ie motion anti io vas glven until te December torin. Attorney- Henry- M. Porter ot Citi- cago came tb Waukegan Iodas-I le argue a motion for a nov triali n te case against Etivarti Cunningham vite was tounti guilis- et bavlug fired sev- oral shols aI 1ev. Venerable. Te laIe for arguing the motion vras con- tinuel to December Il. Tise Intiependent ls deaiL ..4 IN ARMCU RTJ l" d a14 au 1LARCIENY CHIARE mildly, la the bellot of court oDrie us vite ver. ob!iged te itten to ail tha CASE-of ERICKSON TBIEF'S BARiAIN harroving detalis on brought eut t>' this testImeny they said they coui' .ac O'UKKI4I4IT 51 BROE N; CHEF LUX~ 14> net help but pity mrs. Macleggaxt tailing te beliove, as they do, the evs C.iO R O os-R E T fI I dence Drosentei by noue Of th. oit- -___ ____ nesses for the plaintiff. (Contiuued Prrom page on..) Jh aIyo ot hcg MacLaggand took b s ty afil I ,is tur 3lte legr ulghttDe taken. Dr. Free but a Short lime From trheu dtîl aste r u. nblae. Of<Ie&t ltaI flue saidhoe was car. Wf hf hre Oh dtalaroatdIr ulPlIlale ng fer thse child ced veul continue Wf hf hre Suffe 0t10 f"Y that hs charged bis te do se even without compensation. WueaNv 8 alt vih blngunulyintmat viit This morning le court auny raV ic. LATER-Ballay washl oti tomeof ethe boas-dors, but parttcularly tuT. ae s wopnig ia te ganvuy i. after-no o *10 wlcth Willa steab coît. e as sub- ncbtId's leg had been tractured abouti bonde on Ohe charge of steallng byettoneystoe ossexinto i55 lches ahove the knee as h. ns- the gazoline engins; ho was un- b>'Alosne> Ppesuit of tbe fai site ba stalned. in able te escure bail so vies taken 1orna Of le viýnesae. testified exoneraling Dr. Brown ot ans- charge to tie county joli. lise> bal been sont to the home of that tho girl ulîht neot have recolved We onBla a eesll Ni-r a. MaLaga b' mi h s bandne the propeç care, Dr. FoIes- admittel circuit court frem the charge of steal- crIer ~~~~~~that l.'mhts>onbrth It voul have been vers- diffielt ing vire et NOTth Chicago and etart- One Or tvO Offilhou tnstifiol thes- te have discoverol the bre"a aI îee oeo h ble hth a werevorlng os-Ussr bos-e une Il looek Place bocause it irai. scotf froe, he IiInt figure on Chiet dil neot Pairt for IL vas shovu that what 1s kneve as an impact or le- Lux et North Chicag.* oee of ltos. "aptes" vas put outor teniocking fracture. le other vorîls For hetore he gel back home 50sf the houa. *fier h. bait run up a Dili thse force of the tail baldnivon he oto ot hiao u a l o $30 asod r3usaI te pas-it. a ends of th. hOne toether ge that the le an-est and ho new faces, n more Shotis afoe o'loc Mabagacfracture vas net appare94, and coul soitus charge titan thetort f ine- itad bis uitIle laughton Hebon, a lit. Det even ho suspectçV' - dItaibeushe'acoup lie slip et a girl,. aged nine yoars The state's ateornes- asked Dr. TOon vhat ho prevlousis- had admittel call a îu.Alre '. ie iY a îong bypothetIcai question in le tho offleer. objecled te ber teslitying and tue vicit he relatel i] the tacts le the He nov racée lte charge of stoaiieg court sustaînel hies case andi asking visnther or neut ie a gasolîne englue from thte Painehia lc abus ied on cartoentic oulthave susPected tise presence of, machine shops, North Chicago. This ai hagesated [n iruitcorta break, grantlng Ihat thore vas no charge la piaceti against hlm nov ho- Thursday befere Jutige C. (7'. Etivarîls, 1'taise motion" ln the lijes, Dr-.lVo- cause ho Insisteti ho vas not gulits- if le lte racs MacLaggan divorce suit. lev's repiy was "n0," as It vas te t wtt .ire Iheftlwiten piacet on trial, took a lumbie Titursday afternoon o)titor hybotteai questions. Dr. Fo- whereas ho had assured Lux Ibat he viten James MacLaggan, reaiizing, il: ýeY eaid ltat no one coul have to:d vouiti admît tite latter offense viten le saiti. that ho bad tailedte t suhutaît the break exisled untli an x-ray plelte case came up. biats bis claies, asket iat his eault ui-e as taken. Ciero Lui explained the matter bîke be dlemissed. 1 He admittedtb ial viten ho Prst was thie: 'Witen 1 vent afler Ballas- la8t In the fi-st place, Nirs. Mact.aggan , aîed le on thte case ho did net makte Aus-ust ho vas ln thîe net of selling had flied a bill for separate maieten- ans- examinallon ot lte girl's 11mb, lte gasolîne engine te a peddier. i ance agalnst ber hishanti le vhich but proceedeoî ai once f0 have tise 'tok lte engine rou hlm andi took sise charged hies vitit cruelty aned' x ray picture matie. He tesllfied ltaI l it ack te Paimbla. 'Searchffsg the ahaudoumeet. %lacLaggan Immedi- le case of an intýrlotAing fracture harn, t toundth ie sielen vire and atlis iled a divorce bihle whlcb he no "faise motion" wouid ho dîscere vitwen Ballas- vas controntel vtth Use maIe charges of a staluters- nature. ie for from three te sevon days. vo charges, ho vas fois- enougit te clatmtng ht$ vite bad been diacroot Dr. Foieys ald tise chilI vould havell me f bat If 1 veulflot pr-ess thte le te case ot a number of mon,* two te romain ln lte Jane MeAlster hos I englue malter De vould plead guilts- of .who wer naed.pîtal. vitere sbe vas laaten afor l.-,I te the wtme theftt vicis would net te curt Thusda.sevnas re is. lag removoot trou the couets- bospi- senti hlm tbthe penitentiars-, whero- in curtThusda. Hs wtneses Intai. about six weeks. He sald Le as. the ougine thoft, If presseel vould. satd thIrenstnes10 go toed home vewulti âgethat oh. gels lte hest <t 1 agreol te the proposition, but vison et bI trensps te o te.the hone care. At theotiret hearIng tise f--ho -geto up le court and denles the of hs wte ad 5Y o her N&onethon cald ho received a gond snlary thett ot the vire and say-s that1 ot Ihees coul preseel ans- Positive and vaa ampis- able to pas- ter-aI! bockhetmbneup and refused him ans-- pi-ouf of tbe charges smnde iythe is the medical attention neoded b>' the lhieg bteat for 24 heurs an@ vouldn't plaintiff. Even MacLaggan tatiol te obtîti. This act, Il is said, relleves lot hlm 500 ans-bols-, h.'s get tb stand mako a cage against bts vite. lbe ceunty eT ans- responsihilts-.no for the othon caseald 1 have sur- MacIaggan sasmel te realiseo lisafar au the cane of the patient at the 11CIent vitn«Oaso 0prove vithout tact and allter bis evidence bal iseon hospital ls colscerned. question tisat ho bail Ohe engine. Ha presenteil heakod that bte cage ho "The proposition tu vers- saie. viii have bie hearing at. toaas-or limistsel. Mn. MlicLaggan thon tory te me," Dr. Brovn spoke 'ip. touorrov and Use chances are ieIl pra-o legl ot, te nd 'ber separate 's ns ne-etl.h.aes obc eUocuns l gi n maintenance suit. This vas grantedMyol neetlthcaeiagobktte ut al&anu- andi she tumediatois- fiel h. ameul- 1e see that the child geta the boit of lit lb. neîl; torm." ed bill ln bici s he askel fer a li- care. My ove Investigation and ltaI BALLAY DENIES THEFTS. vorc ongrondsqf ruetY.Shepuof Miss Poluatoor prives. I tbluk, The mono tact thathia 16-sear-old vorce n gron teçstandueitsSe put titat she could net gel ibis cane anti son bad Ini-ned state's ovilonce borvilesss o tie eanlimmdi-treatuent at boue. Dr. Foiey and agantteprn nitlibyh atels- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t attesteteltsoorl the McAiiter beepîtal have given as- itasiaidedt btu In stealing vire tram ofhreltiey pon e tofense. Tlie. surance Esther yull gel ibis troal- the telephone poles West ot Northt courlttoreredpte n eene. vnie ment. Wlth iisassurance 1 am at-IChiiage; lte tact f bat Chior Lux et Up and t i i said the decnee viii 10bc ieti." North Chicago andtoeeoetDis officera enteredti Imerrov. speakieg the same language as de- tendant tootifiedti iat Josephs Ballas- GÀM ENAN s bad contessed the theft et saiti vIre, CLÀRK IVORCEdid net prove sulicient for a jury in TÀMKE ON fRAND circuit court te finl Ballay- guily. Fs.- c kçç Ta RE pTIJIIDVàl ýK - __ stead, Insiste of thon minute. alter ANYTHING NEUVE» FOR YOURÂU!O to put i: in ibape for the hu giving trip? Look GYr~0U ment and sce if you .1houldatr a nov born, lampa, tires,'ooi some more lubrjoants. W. bço everything in the auto sopol Mme You'II baie time, trouble &ad0- by coming bore firut for vialf wanted. Phone 8 LIBIERTY VILLE. ILLINOIS THE MOUSE 0F FOUNDCO tee? 49 yeaMs of Honeal Mercisoodiaing O1I4 oIV* iule Service la our argumenlt for Tour patron 104 N. State $i.,l door N. of Washngtoa. CMeegei DR. HÂSENCLEVER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOW Specialist for tlfteaue1 0of tomen. 29veors o«- pereece. Treate an medicl a nd aursfsl -as. Terma moderate. iconsultation Ire.Hlebn t1212.o p.rnm 1443 W. SIADiSON ST. CHICAGO. IL&.,: DYMOND & AUSTIN Loans. Inaurane, Red ELtale Mmd tHoua. Rendu&g Officea inKaiser Stock. LIB3ERTrYVILLE. ILLINOIS. ELMatN ~iW. COLjy Attorney-t-Law Offie at Home, Cook Av,Plie.o 1084 LISERTYVILLE. ILLgNOU*. LYELL H. MORMI t LibetfIo - llinois n. phone mu. One P MqArlNc-D9M unfi.eOpp. iSiho 81. EIsc*1e a âtuoeePhono 148 Sam. floa1" NO)RTH CHICAGO. IILuiOI.S PAUL MAC GuFFmI ATIOINE! AT LAW. Ubertyvillo, llinois DR. . P. BUTTERFIDLD. VETERIN ART 8IIR<EON 055151ANT O TÂTU VUTUUIAES. Libortyvile. fihiois DR. N. W. SHELLENBERGeR r 0TEOPATHIC PRYIRIAI#< Oý' Triggo Bidg. Libsr*pvnl% 13LI oJffice Boure 10 until 5 Tuesdaje snd FrIdaye ouly DIR. 1. L TAYLOR rOffice in Fleot NatiesI Bu*1. Uui1dI1g b mouae-1 to 9:80 end 7 to 8 p z. ts"IdeS Cs o roadwy. ppoul sPma DR. GOLDING DENTIST goure 8*o 12 Sr.-l o ô vi. Office Phone 19-J. les.Poo 1574. lberWlvibe. ins DR. EL HL SMTH. 3 DM AI TUX bST. I " touni 12 ila. là. and 1 tu B 1. DAIL!. CHAS. N. STEPIIENS. M. D. lHonsOPATIIIC Ph... 100 office Gym Gas Ç. Libsetyvil., fL FMEDGRABE Tam a"e.a speewaly Datsarranged PI.... lo1.M-2 Llotyc4fl loti AidasoAIEA.34q. PUBLIC AUC71ONEEVQ (iloast attention plaid tu aI aUý auction maie* and beit resue t a tng ea. Ail klnde of horsos, vagoa a harnees for sale or eiehange a% faffl . HENRY SINL Phonos. 148 or 48 ZION CTIY. ai. PHONE 1140-M W. IB. LIIWALDT Violinist, Pianist and Tesfb j 8 CORY AVE. WAUKEGAM»,..U DR. S. E. GRODINS ' OpirometrittMsWdOpticien orVCICAO EVERY WEI>NESDAY O»ILT' OFFICE OVER LOVIEIJ DRUG 5~ Iy through the Indoeadot. itearieg lte evîience, hes- reburneti a verdict oet "not gullos-.' Witetber il vas hecauseofetthe un- reasenable situaftou eta son lestfs- ing againsf bis fatiter ln an effort te Imprison hlm for fisettanul vhetitor that tact hrought ss-upatbs- for lte faliser, la net keove. but ltI ook but a short ime for the 12 mon to gel a verdict. But te tisnk that the ev- donce efthlie police officers vas also entIrel is îs-gardel seoma a turther sui-prsing ftng. Jutige Elvartis and Ciork Brock- vas-. atter theo ions-retirol. >bougbf ltes-tihuri->'home toi- auppor ael i-o lui-n te gel the verdict If Il vas roacitol later. Tises- balbarels- istî tise court bouse setone lises- vore called back bo recoure Use verdict vbich bail boon securedlin record fUe. Tise son, John, agol 16, ItlaIs i- called. testifted for the atate ln <de- scrislng cer-tain frips bo maIe vtth is faf ber te stoal vire fro lte polos vent of North Chicago. Hia evidence, if seemel. vas aufficlent tle aenl Use father te laul bes-ond ans- question. But the jury toit ethervîso. Boue of lte people about lb. court bouse tait taI the oyo'as ls-lg-dIthe jury teel that vas- about if! L'ITIIEN POLICE WILL PATROL 11Eu1 LAND PAR.K t*Il OW Wben Mas-or Samuel Hastiegs et Highliand Park calis tise i-eu of hiq nov police foi-ce il viii soucI sou'-

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