LA1ç~ç~T!. LJake County, Independent Waukegan Weekly Sun ____ office Telephom e nmber 1. L.ibertyviiii Exchange- ýjtere4 aIb. hePosto" eat Ubertyville. Ii , &eood cIao. MailMttv OafciaI Payer for Làtke Oouty. touw ue ry rday. Adtartielng Rate Mae Knowv u nppllcation. *U@»RIPTION PRiCE, 01.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVPJ40E Z. T aI . ........ ....... ............ ............ *............... *. Editoi 0.l .......... ................................ MÎanager M.J WSIER ...... ...........................Realdéit Manager, Phonre 169-J BOXE 'LITTLE PlRO a. 'Defeated candi dates for the Woodstock postoffice who received letters of endorsement froni Representative Thomas E. Grahamn and it is said that they bave decided to bave* them framed and hung in conspicuous, places so that Tem'a constituents may have access te them more "aiy than if the letters rernained i the possession of the mnes for whom they were written. Grahamn is said to have gIveu bis heartiest approval te the candidacies of J. C3. imneil, John Bolger, John McGee and Will Fraine. Standing 0yfv esodn chance te lose out iii the final round-up. -HarvaRd H d. ou. of the rost farm am recorded in Lake coun- in TbigmoO,"the.propçl7 of 7, L Capter of toete o»«e to atth is pLo as a gentie remindor to bb.i.f, but woulnt b. imich of an advertlament If b. dured to MUolit. Tii. angounemout from Dr. Kasper tbat no more case of foot-niuth dises.. st in Lake coin m m r sig .1 relef Imom the fumera wlio bv o 't-great oomceu and gret inconvenlence th. situation iu Ibis coun- ty. Tii.manoument furtiier thaI all tovuosemcpt.. tmg Defolhl 111dmLbetrvill and Veruon, nov are in ltbtjrcwtpa" not diclosed" territury also la a sourc of à*Osactou. For, in ail tovns but those, farmmr nov M~u asie their stock rallier Preelyand they cau liold aaction -sa ta"i~ested nov- Tho cIearing away of the situation thus bring achi reomeftp>the. femera *ho for so long a yextod bave been restricted to an extenit bt bas costtie -mcimouey Iu the. total. Tiie comlng of cold veathe ahould also as" inl clearing the. situation Pormanently. Xddgùona/ ?fews~ of .tiber<yviWd Il OTEER LIIEITYVILLE, NEWS ON PAOE 5 The play -Anu Ulnvtetd Member" and the. furme "8h.Camne RBac -hi wlber. gitan aI lthe M. M. Cburcb gymonaelum on Tueds 1y evenipg. made a declded bit vltbthe vb try large çravd uat ai- tended. Tii. attendobcéva' as cgrest tiiat mauy extrauaubU ta b. pro- tlded. Everyone iakng jpart ln tiie Pet- frmanca dld thier vork remorkabuy won. The litti e bldren taklug part la ah. dril aIBO di verY fâne ead voTe greatly applaudmi. Tiibemoud number 0f lie Lincolu Chatauqu Aumoclalon' LYceun courue vil h. giten st tii. Auditorium on Monday nlgit by Dr. Ramllton Loit. Hia wbJut vil h. "Tii.Fédération o1 tii. Word.Y Dr, Boitla letiierauulib phy of tb* pmeumotement, wvich lu becoming a practical polt"cal 1a. I I% brougii au arrangement vità lii Caal*Ebdovmout for International pueh. staI le . auciatlon la pritiligai Io omar i lecteur. 51 lbt lb as i O' fi pi ce n.. Durand's suit agains the b gb officials in really si a naUouwid. lmenithet .scopeof ita lutereit. Ilta sthe luiitUnte vithix recollectlon lIat 4 gotamro f. minois b" b eaumamed ilu mciian acton sud&together vith butic g»e setry ofAgriculture also la made a defeudaut. If ni lt<Im il, ~. umhu.(mt Iab ou tatsm n~lde4 Vhkbethe Ilsâc rcu it orthjunctinludebg va My dod îe mer lad alusdbs1y no rWgt 1e, OUR lm !Sgsime , Ibmy Pouffly vlb o~ §b u .mg. Tetatumfs'mce Ma gsVUno« IRa O110 Ou$ -ft ii. asalae bolt li.fa b Ubbf fe vmgirototaEesuciadrm- iiuphDhfEdIILtIfs.vilprove a mghty luberest- bg sa" haprtaitlugaii laonko ouat-jwrlesunait aeooosed of mon of dif-h 0 -pints of vv. KRiue le l&,case vaswu in Instance cf wvite .evidmos vasureyncra- but tueof the 12 mm aly stood for a for g t- - and ailI ith e«M d stly and Omeulg mcM blon- b utl17, dmiled MWi gulty actions. Yet lu the. cas of the i Northl bea huv ave bis 1 year oldscou gtting uponM .Oviteis and ddhlin iwle sud is atiier Ma commited thefis of vie; vshave the. chef of police aud lun ofcer of Nort h licago beling tii. jur ythat the de- tendant confesed b hem the sme faca istaI lthe son tes- Uffled 1-ye.1the jury dimcarged the. defendaultimside oft te« minutes. C.a you buest i? We vouder wvItltlb.ver- dict vould have been if the. ame 12 moen vho Iteard the Northi Obcago case lad sat on te Westerfield malter and ire vonder wbat thb. Westerfield jury vould have dons vwibli the.NorthiChicago nmt.Wlb> can tell? The nov rule of the Jane McAlister Itospilal, providlngi Uiat after January lot ail patients eitiier.vil lhave to pay lu advance or have smm responsible poison guarante. their account, may mmern ard at f&as but viieuneu stops tblnkmI that thore in $l8,WOO on te hospit-al books fori services rondered duiug tiie pash six years, il ueema vory apparent that toeItoapitai peope just bad to, adopt some sor of arule iiereby tiey could be amured of gettlng pay for the food, heat sud liglit, bo sy notblng of te modicino and services provided thora. JusI vliy anybody siiould expect the e omon vho mainhain the liospital tb go ouI au&d1 vork their nafla off"1b ,keep it golug sud b4en not /pay tItir shar ien services lave been rendrd, in bard ho understaud. And, the vomen apparetyare tired of MI Oau you blame them? There vas a lime viien mucli ouI- aideohlop vas given the lospital because of the great work il doma. TInt lime is. pat-Ibe public mem oens1have come 101the point viiere ilta v wllhlng to permit the Itospital la- dies tb silft for themselves and gelt as best'tlieycn Tàt'a vhy thoy have lad t10 adopltIf soensugi rule. TItey have doue it because they bave beu E ÂTEN on no rnany aCCOUaIs viiore people lave been able but un- vlllng to psy. Doctera 10 a certain exteul lave also boen té blame bybaklng patients 1011te hospital vithout amy t4p a tey ever vould pay thoir liospital bis; lu norne w.lgtoir phyician'a eesevemtiioug thle hopiw I4't gel its psy, aud they were villing todo Ibis ratber In lfornu t1epatient lIaI, under the clrcumstacea1 il ium»gho lest fer ltont 10go t101te couty Itospital viiere «m e furnlbd home vithout meas 10 pay vàr ay lu tii. UcAilMIer ospitaL. Lais Uaturday niii éfour mon ced a in i bai an automobile draora into tii. en hert*Ili. Garage ta tve a tinre ro N airei, sud after the. repair vau maie N ber id mot bateenougb monoy betwoon tl heiuto a yl i. arAo. Afler a con- cc itaian tii.y dec.ded ta bate Mr. Ber- tl ad tabe thean ta Late Bluff, viier. ce be boirded a tral for Chicago. On ln jonday a detoctive frain Cicago camePi al bore ta taies thé auto back ta liaI o1 1y a. h. expleinel liai libad! been e tolu about a v.* h.for.. Ou. of tii D cn ha. ohmsb.oal arneiied lu Chicago la or atmllg th@ machine. ,ri Bey l ai home tile Christmas. Koep 01 aiopsnitz la tiie tavu. Wbat botter tl nga could ve bat. for a progressive 9 mmunlty ipirt? Eterybodywvat. ta e tlisi. ova pro.p.r, a»d vi ail wu$ ,o sare la 1h. truiti of liaI prooperty. Cva the f.llow viio iiabltnaiy ouie 1 >ut 0f tovu for fîle ovu gouda vants his. il quota ai th. rice. libat an accumu- P ,ed tuerougii thé ut and iiuébaadry b hf ig elo fsi eliffiles. Koupini aura nuvey at hume by *buing front home0 saiilie. il adi nef, tioumaeioaiP nIo" s theii.uewla ecisltion la i'aity. Itle theesors weY of .tstln poogieiy vitb opeamema»d alh.rig la Our ubare aMd a 1finismom for goadl luctL otber commuaMau nir duiy aarstii1. 1.'a ktp noqmi e mm Ibs ova. Mn. Duas» A. Tauna pemd avay at1 ber home on Park PUmaoeiday etemlag at 10:30 o'clock ale. a loug lia Ir. Young idmubmltted ta utveralt oerilaionsla the bop. Ibat ber lineais onild i. overcome, but altiiongl lhej betl medical atteion va.git» er a for a Isar ougmore thé chanco. for ber rootvery grov leis. Ber condition h. inme very l10v uveral lime. duning ber =uaisamd ol»a.lii.criele va. reacbed ii.vuiraily a»dImprore slightly. The d ie.d iiaqbun a long resldent1 of tuie plce.ever ih a. mny rela- Ito.e amidclaie f,,,d,. ardent worker ln the M. E. cburcb ced wa. a member of tii. Èpvortii League sui the. church choirr 8he leates ta nionrn ber death ber hosbaud, tvo smà1l souo, alia ber parente vho reelde lu Colorado. Th.luerai serticee vîll h. h.Id aIt the Md. B. cbuncb Thuruday aitarnoon at hiiree o'ciock, the. Bat. T. E. Ilaam offici- ating. MW uCarrlo Obari of Liberty villa sud Mies Dorothy Donne of Sycomnore, vUil laf. Th. romaine viii h. tabiou to bar former home lu Colorado for burial. OUR BOYS There*u au army of aur voungelens liai are vonhlng vigit ced day For the "CurtiliPubliltons" a. Agents you May say. Ami among th. eny mauy, hla alad Dn"aiNoum. Lana Be'. a vorker, ani a instier, a leader lu la lie gang. lu Libertytille the. lai lire. u li e State of Illinois, Be do* the work af &Dy mau, although ii.'e but a boy. ki.o home li muni an BSond St. Hi piione le 207-M If you vaut lieu Publications, jul telepione ta hlm. Or Il you kuov of auyone sct a guit 1 ou I 1k. tu gite, 'Twilll aé a muci more bappinai. ta thiefîle vi ailJOlaite. Any andirntnI luNormnan, recaîres hlm pperonal touch Wth promptumea bey're delivered, uuaking vaine twlq( a muci. Nov ln mabinlg up yonn l ietofgilf on th. comiug Xma. tîde Don'I los e heagil a ti hImy lriend', 1'twill belp ta deide The "Curtio Pub"Ionel are greal fon gi rlsonboys Aud tieres sobinlu l.ach ne of Iboin, th&% th. aIder oue enjoys. Il Want, For mata eft.&% Ien the IN. DEPENDENT rnMIe 15000pereme R~OY S. KELLNER IhJIIED lm CnËàASONx ONDÂT Roy 8. Kellnar Mi". Mary Welch of Waukegaa wore unitai lu marriagluinChicago Monday alte8. nounast the. Boit Namne Catiiedral, t1à ceremony belug periorinsi by tii. Br. Danne. Aller a'short honeymoon the youug couple came to Llbertyvllle,vbore tii, viii redde. Mr. Keliner lu a son of Mns. Auna Keli. uer of tlii place and la employed lu tii. marbit and grocey of Wm. Walrond. Tho bride le a daugitor of MWl James Woebof Waukegc. Tb@. marriage camne se surpri.. ta Mir. Kelinr'a friends. FRM-LOCAL. ROE Sonday ecool and preacblaitlIntthe Mninlg Mdd Mpvoruii Longu lu ete- lng nouai rUme. St. Lawrence £198COP*l. Holy Communion 7:80 a. iM. r unday achool 9:80 a. mn. f Ioralng Prayer Il a. lu. Tii. Independeal l e o1eeu~@ iOn, iy ibPffl wft*iy-het% why m ody lakee IL.. . 1 THE - 1 AD th LOCL IEPROye MENTS Te BAVE IEARINQ ON PAVIN§ NATTER The Board of Local limprovemflotes a iThuraday etenlng, Deomber 2ud the date for tho hearlng on the matter pavlng lwaukee Avenue tbrough 29 businessdiatriot. The hearilig mlii ait lhe village hall endi yul bc pensif at 7 o'ciocb. Tb l. le rual ythe fBrut stop the. board 1Local Improvementa ba taken ta @termine the uluhai of the. iroporti wuer. on the avenue. altiiougb the. iatter bai buenup for dleceioii mui,- nie among tii. memberi of liaI board ad th. tillage board a. a miiolo. As re iaud luthones columus bofore. the. ilage board buaboen l avor of tii. xaller for eo.e lita. but lh&$ body dld »t cale lgo abeai and order lthe mpro4SlnaImade mithout Or@% cou- itint the. peopeety ownere. The ii.ata.<on Deomber second vill la public pue aMd etery persan la wt. ted la th. pavln proposIiin uhould t aU l te ed.&This Mattar lea o talI mporta"c.*to the.peopw ruinau iu# 0»1«n prop.rty on that etrut Mdi materes a icouru nt acerdleg ï tiier wid"th"y ilibavenix hema- *Ivt talhmaeformnet boina pressaiM The. officiai naïl for the beannappecire In anohier columu of liii. lieus. TbW mu~ statu liai lthe propoitioa of patint Ilvaubu tenue fImm the Chicago. Milwaukee & tla liroad ionti, ta ie Cicago & Milwaukeu tracke, vili b. eoud.ed. Aitlough Dot ip.clfled la te mil. it le sak iaIli te propoition erd«tiu S v thi. couIlderaion qI pat. lg the etreel beivun Labo etut an cd Park &tenus Irois corbta curb, caddlii. liber liortione of tie ilveet tiirty fuW ore. Itlale rged liaI hiirougb he .bueI "u section il voald ho nocoouirltapub ilai thvide pavie, viii. tirough lthe r oes uied -bu .parkvali could h. extaaded mâao the itreet coniderabl., tbereby matlug tii. cSoofc patlug1 really à vr. Tii. patDg oalliuwanu seatenue le endorevi by practlcaly overy merciicl dois« buei n uthat sunit. Wlti the utr.l pated lthe lava vilil abo on a noyo prosperon. aMd bnineilk. ap. ,oareac. *0. uit ulmvinulbave boue do.e avay vittIL .Wii nommeir- ablyllikmailor a DitiI. vater the ot ean h. hept laj better uiiape han le eoedihbe nOW, l th. pavina, attr oses ,u1ln,vlDmo.bP.o poutiauou e spe... tethe lla-~ sp It lnlarepulr seIRb âeoee.l* ~If ronad. On Tiiuruday,N6<otb tiWaubeae ocm rdthe. marlffe ai UlmCarde Witmom.aed' ZouepiiPoserRue. 'Watenbury offcisahd. Tiie ver. attes, Wbltmor. sad, a frid of the groom, Uha.. Kuobtr. Jr. 1 Alter lie corema» hiioy rolurued tu .b ieb " s b a i n L b e rt y il . v ie r e they ver. uerted a four coure. vedin dluner la the preeurseof lilty gueite. L The. houmo vaipretly doa!ted lu vellow sud wile. The. doyen being rellOor and vite ciinyiatbonumi. ThoI gauise eo srvie iiy four gWIir neadQ of 1h. bride, dreaud lnyeilow.ami ville. The brido le lii. *Me dau+ter of àW. and lire. A. W. Whitmore% pnd ha. eh. iiaeva boat of relatlvoe ced frieuds. Th. groom le one of Omyoejrela opro. ruinent builui men oriere ho bai, reidod for tii puet Ove yoari, and whore the. couple viii make tîhelr home. Alter the. vedding dinner lh.y departed for a short trip hhrough Wlecouiu. Merchanits -of Ubertyve ( Specil -~--ndueet to the public, from' now until the Ilolidags, to do their g In Libertyville c.,', Watch next week's paper for the double page - fonouncements of the biggest sales combination the- Ewr The Old Michigan Mutual Life Insur- ance Company, possessing surplus that may, neyer be needed and the "Henry-Ford spirit", have adopted a new Rate Book in which the new rateiu are the lowest'and the values the highest ever. If yen wish to take a look at the best thore is in Life lîîsurance-fox the prospect- iye purchaser, the broker, and the agent- please write and arrangements wili be made for an early interview whon you may se - 1b4 yen c4nnot afford te ignore the op- portunity offeréd. There ar&-* number of good companies, but for the best there le in Lufe Ineurance yen need look ne further than the Old Michigan Mutual. Seo the,»Torty-t3eventh Annual State- ment-yeu will say it is some report. John Ulodge, District. Manager a i j CerntnerdêlChib bas mode arrangements with the Tr' M, -'l,