LAKE * 1\ N DEPENDENT, 0NOVEMBEII26, 1915. B-- ~Uaukeg ci n JOE SEXTON 15 21 MAJOR SMtITH WIA MRS. IJUSSEY IS NOW; DE13WILL iI3T RMSD $775.00 FOR TO FIillT DECREE; $25,OO PER YEAR NEEDEDEQUIPMENT W À N T S ALJMONY WAUKGAN YOUG MA MaorSmitht of Waukegau vito bas Wife of Waukegan Young Man REACHES HIS MAJORITY beau aI vo.'brlp fo Vit teîlfav nyaks Denies Most of the Allega- AND ' UNDER FATHER'S ion of purtasing four horsa , j tions Made in His Bill. WILL, HE NOW WILL RE- used lu drilIlng tae membars of lhieNet itcause site objecte te gobng CEIVE A 8I16 'SUM EACH eduabr ali iictl thIrougit lite minus John Eari Huscuay, tiouad at Wat*agan. Witan ha atarI- but hecausa site balieves a divorce VEAR UNTIL HE 15' 24, ed eut. Major Smith àlanuounced Ilvîit alimonlul posilbilitlas vnuud lha WHEN HE GETS A MILLION vouid ha necassary tao spend $800 ta a thing more ta lbe dasired titan an DOLLAR ESTATE - EN. purcitase te deslrad ibornes. Teday aunulmeul rs als , ye TERS BUSINESS ON HIS titausnpbu bv eca 0' Husaay Wadnaaday retalnad an attor- BRH A .tai et $775 and jhe Major azoacîs 10 ney sud said asite veuld engage lu a thear fte.llt aItesl85l egal combat vîit ber moîher-mn-av, lita near future,. 1 Mrs. M(chaal H. Hussay of Wauka- Wauega, N". . Aititougit Baltary C of Waukagan Ian Tventy-one years aga today, NO- wv a uteradt out, Major Smilt and Mrs. Hussay, vito bu sbuying at 4217 vember 22. 1894, near te corner of klst hitaaotenasîlil ara 'statloned Indiana avenue, Chictago, denierite Michigan avenue sud Fourteanîth bore. The goverumaunt stili reaalscharges made lunte ptition for an street. Chicago, P. J. Sexton, te big a lepa ounltae armery, nalug Il for aunulant flIedit y te ider Mt-e, conîractor vito bubîtlite Cook t-euoby drill purposes, A tev veeks ago Huusay ln Waukagan ou Tuasday. 700rt bouse. passed tae cgars among Major Smiîthtvas luformed titat tae Moîher Signed Certificate. inb friands, for a nev son itad arriva-I goveruimaut vould furnisit al nec- "Thea only tintlu bat la igitt h filet a bis home. Titey calied hlma Joe, essary elllipment aud npkeep If haerny husband lo not yat of age," said aifter a relative. voulr soeureste uecessary bot-es. Mt-. Husuay. "But tis parants saut-- Today, jot2l yeasrs lalar, Joie, as Ha staried out le get suhaciptlio nîndlt adu.Wy aebt bis relatives vere vont bta ail bhlm, sud te msufta la data show boy sut-. waddiog cerîiicale vitit Mrs. Hus- saatted mbt business for iimseîf, cesaful hae bas haao. scy's usme sigoari as a wituess ate t viten lhe fetmaily oeneri au offllce in *Thea baadqrîarîens detail meealn caremony, Wa vaut ta Waukeaita, tae Peopies OGag building vitere bu vweakiy for drill purposes, pèamItltlng Wis., andi founri va couid't lha mur- la te sailiail kinda of lubricating 0114. te members it ectornaproiclentlin riaritunlit va had stayed lterasoir- i BultJoie oaint minc if te cil huai lield tllpitoniug, samaphore signais,.et-ai daya. Witan' %e raturued ta *oe doso't pan ont aoy oa vali, for, etce. Whe ltthhorses have bleau add. Waukagau Mnr.'and Mt-s, Iussay wval- asa ha cama mb is maj6rlty today, ad teate equipment il viii enabla al 'c.,d us with open at-m'a,. but Mrs lira liuIddntally, under t' termis er mertanirof tae beariquatbrs Vota b- Fusuay Insisate.itat wvulha remart-ied bis fatiers viii, carne tintarnanu'lt-re expert horseman, and atcordlng ty a Caîbolit-pt-lest sud se va ait l nuai lt-orna of $25.000> a yeut-. Su 10 Major Su'tth, thistIg avary Import- vent bat-k te Waukeaita, vitere a 'd vitetiter John D. Rockefeller levers aut. rlt eîarfoi'mad the ceremouy." e oit taises tte prit-a of lubieants, iJ') Follrxs ing 15 a liai of iliose v'ru Mr*. Hussey's Staterneni, to voo't baie to vnt-ry a great des! ai havre donated arnounts 'rts. M. Ilt hius'.ry was caliad on t te whathpr bis proits frr bis sales E hS. Kallpy, vie,, ,req'r.C M.&st.p.$ 2-lte tlepbona îy The Sr6nibsmr-d vîi nucal bis rani or not-aud te i 'At-mont' & (Company ........' 'ning. Ttrere'dortîatrear Ib ier monot liaive sutb?îient bt-oruis big ser. 1, %V.tarval ........ tat-lat bSur suis vite l craditeri passenget- auto as welil. 1 Sagvick, N. Cbgo. liard- viflu baiing fnIe in Chicago. And ltaîîougîî bts anuitai int-oute 'ut-e Fdy. Ce ......... 27 "I kua vnotblug atout the/ irt- frurm li sitarr' et bis fatr'r's astsae W. S. KeIt ............... lu at-t-ag'ae.-sr. Ilirssay salit. "Whan Y bngittrîîig îoîlay vii l e $25,000. h. C. BêasiCoul Co........., 2i n sort sud bis 'site raturnad to Wau- C wilI nîer y buavt- e keout is living National Envalope Ce ......2 ' ,agan att> rtai. bis 'sife bld me i ou taI surtfor titrea years ionge.j', Loufa F. Svift ....- ' ».*' ' 5 ltailier gtandintotbt- i wo sitesalit G for vitan habat-ornas 24 years of age. Public Set-vit-e ( ....... lived lu('bit-ago, would net havierer lie wili Coma m t it ubk of Mr. Su-- Mut-et W. W. Peut-e ......... if)binte boue because ste bai nul beau tou' s ateana sd acrtdlng te il.j '0it-an Louisville Smlting Co... lq mrtt-ed by a Cathit- pt-lest. Sit,- motter, If silI ha somnetbing ovar ;L W. A. Gardner, pt-es. C.&N.W.Ry. 27 baggad me te uccomîuany bat- andi My million dollars. Seatuitlaiv u-lts ank........ 1-5 son ta Waukesba, Wis., se titat s But Joe l is atislied te coullunie A. P. Ranis, pt-as, E .1&ER.R.. . . p 23 oti efr scn e aitamobillng as a daily divei.slou anduri s. Rit-bard Seauts .......... - mony. Iuji as requauted and signeri tha's vity, as hae came near bis mu- Nort Shore Gas Ce......... - tae tournage cetlct-ut. Mmnd you, Joriiy, haet-as t about sud decideri lîat Wilder-Ianlng Tanning Co . .. 2 Ibis vas te second eue, net te ire vonîri engage lunta he lbusiness. CyclonDe Ftee O.........275 brui." Haut-eis Chicago office vitene, fror-i Samuiel tusuli ............ .. J WsWywrBoay Wi. now on, ite'u 10 ha fourni daily sud Davis Mur Mat-iinery C .......27 Couiuun utitrd o, uSa y ongar tae promise te Young raunitas made Citarles Gorham ............ li Mrs. Hiîsaay saldt bnCiicago Wadnes- Mi le bis mailler, vito lives au Nortir Paul Mt-Guffin ......,......... 10 day nlgtl: Dl, Sher-idan toad. Waukagan, hli taiha A. A. Iprague .................. 25 "~r Hussay vas Juit a vsyvard a' yull net neglect îî in any vay aven C. W. Sager ...........20 kid and I vantari tu reform itim. Ha te tougitlha bas sncb a arge butorne Prentiss L. Cooniey .. .......... 10 vas ail rigitl as long as ha vasu't fri ,cr from bis 21al irtitday. Tite buik Ambrose Cramer .............. 10 d-nig ofth liaestatela l bi r ust for e- A B. Dit-k ............10 Titkis lg aou.eba l Habtd ton util ha la trea yeaas ln huai- <G. G. Woodln .............. . IoJl"TyiRsu Vibot m it ail lasse for bbmalf. R. W. Lealtaeritea.... ....... 25Jim ythclrvanaal IP. . Sxto, ro yers ne o Ch- - bunk, Wby, my iushand Introducarithl 1',J. extn, er aan ou oCi'-ne te Rysu vitanlha as iteitae- co cago's leaasllg contrat-tors. digi jst Total ...............$7 s tt-caî business. t-r 2 Years ago Octber 28 lait. Thte "My hushauri offereri me $650 lu a Ho smity moeta1 Waukegan viten Joa r eJy lump bo let tir gel au autrulmaut. Mi was a yeau eld, haut-e ha vas ralsari M. 1NEIL DIES but I vouidul agt-aa, Ha bbraabeued wv ln this cily vitere ha bas beau kuovomwose-tms iaavb lbIp s ou lita omoaunituaisHe bas oe ÇIIbIIIN'JVIN CIsi witha a ptata maser atdr my pl- ovq sus~A6 lu it crnuul a asou hloy Tite disiturbance thay talk buh o, t îrotaer. Thoras, vite lites ln Et-ang- A flS TA IE me raising vas vian I trev a bot- hir to andi is lu business ib Chicago, lu 1I, tI~U J i1e 0f wisiky lbrougt a vIudov 10 l th crushe ton Bee lina, and Io alsoWakga, o. 2 kaep my buubaod frorn drinking an','Ho reiat0 ie Lake Villa àtate tankt-aire Villa, Lake county, nos. vhicbhaobas s sommer home. The eaider son, Tom, raceivari but s modet-ste bequaslt ram bis fathr'î astate, but It la sairi hy relatives and friands taha t as marie rapiri strida'> hlrnsalf sud nov la Couulierer vealbhy ln i ovu name anri au a t- suit et bis ovn efforts. I Atcet-ding 10ouan report, Tom, as ha la kuewu by bis Wsukegan friands, la sairi te have made a hait mllion dollars e o eabig deai doring tae jasaI six mootits, Hia motter ledsy admilled site hari eard aucit a report, but had board notbing from tan son '&bout IL .Tom Sexton marrieri Helen Carter or Waukagau, daugiter of Dr. J, M. G. Carter, Joe Saxten, tae yonngeat son, $ taniri 10pesass au excepblouaily ean business beari and bis friands sud rai- atfvea datlare ha le hounri te maie a sut-teslu business nov taI ha bas taken up te relus. fl a a Waukagan producl Virou-,h ýhlm 20 year' residauce. benca al "Waukagàn le greasty coucaruedansd lntaresled Iluhieiacomlng mb lth ig 1 nDubtY asaien to bear titat ha bu to engage la business for timaalf. Wlth BState, H'& sWoolthlesi. ;WI titanles Steele, Elaiton l19tae t'lssbYoung Mau titis City bas ~VOr Prducer. lu fact t iese bye po n moubave coma mb lte blgesV ites even ow'uad by Waukegan res-- "r'illam ONeil, 18 yeara old, âon ni Mrs, John ONili et 320 Powell ave. nue, dieri suddauiy Sundsy at 1:10 a. m.bln tlChicago Municipal Tuber.ý culosis saultalum, vitere heha tribeau uudergoiug reabrent for te lasItfour mon tis. Deat cama vary uuaxpatedly. for vile It vas halievar te patient t-ould net recovar bis condition, Seameri te ha suct-hVialt e oulri livo for Bomle ime. Iu fat-t, bis moter vto tar i vsiter i hm on Weduasduy founr i hlnb good condition aud quita citeertul, Sitehtr marie arrnnge- meuls 10 hava tir brougt bat-k to W-ikagan go taIite migitt eut Tbanksglvlug-uilnrai t home. Ou Suoday ai 11:30 o'clock tae Young man suffareri a savaeeitemor. ritage andi died suddenly, seoaulckly, In tact, taI an uncie vbO liveri near- bY coulri nolt-ast-b h l n ima, Thea deceasari as a son o eilae John O'Nail, vto rleri oft ubarculogss lait Mat-th. Thea son is soppesed tb hava contrat-ted tae rileasa from bis fathee Prt-o the lta irate father coIraclad te *disesse, flloving a bard cold, cOnsumPlîan itsd no béeau kuovu blnte famlly. Witef lte son bea-ie affiictgd of te disease It vas decidari lp aend hlm ta a aauitanbum se tht alter cbmîreu la the famlly might nfot contratthlie aliment. The deatit ot ber son., Mlluggo eclasely1 ou te deast afber busaai liba proveri a savane blev -bliMn. O'Naii. The Iudéeandent Is a&IL. - tmore." ThlArt-est ln the Loup. Mrs. Hussey boîiofethbie Incident a veek et- se ago viten site sud bar bus- hubnri vere utraestad foiioving as ut-na ln a loop t-a. "Ha InsistariithaI ha earresi-rd, bo," aire salit, "sud ihao ha vouldo't furniait auy bonds for ina. Ha got bonds for himsaif auri if sorne of my friands tadu't coma along i vouiri bave hite,0sty In Julil," Atbornay J. M. Lavantitai, Mra, Hu-. ses ctoynsal, airi bb as te braI case aven brorugit to10 bs' notice lnu vbmchs moter t-lad t bave ber' sons mat-t-lge annulleri vitn barà nurse vas on tae mat-t-lge carliicate. BANK WRECKER CONVICTED 3 SV MOFRRIS JURtY.' Morris, Eli., Nov. 19.-Ctarlas 13.1 Munduy la giultY of t-nminal conspir- st-yl4 muO rsI sert-erive years lante panllentisry, Titis luotae pusitnt8 dat-teau! benigitlfor te Part Muuday plsyad ln vrecklng the 1LaSalle lStreat tank of Chicago aud allaIe hank anduri entarprisea 01 the so-calieri Lot-mer. i Muudsy imant-luI structure. vichit Thte verditI as hroughtlin theo circuit court of Gt-undy county 51 10:30 oclocir p. M. by te Jury viticit bas beau lialantrinb vîdeuce for t siX veaues. Tha Jury itaribeau out i itaraly six btourg. TÀ&k. 'amuIrtmg he.waky-Me Da PENDENT 'Waukean, Nov. 20. Il vuaga utrikiug ceocidaul bitu Uns. Je Hohan, formaa'ly "«Dotsv, iebraye- ubouiri dia titis mo-nbn It 1 at-lot-k, ot- a fav bout-i praviou! ta hefunet-ul 0f OeeOfitar t-louer 'lauda. Mrs. Pangituru, nea Margare whion iosa datit ocut-t-d Tues l5y. Titesa ive youog voman, prier t ue lima lit-. Hohan vient ite tIr ýUuntY itospital suffet-ing viithtbier uiosis, vara besoin ft-entos, mrt ehban lived on Wasington Street lass Harrison on Edianutb. Titu ara tconstantiy lu eut-h Othar's t-ors 1&1Y sud noue vas mot-a concerned 'or Mits. Hobana t-e8idiion ttann vu tr neigitio- and friand, Mrs. Psog. Witan 'rs. Psngturn died. Mtr. lohana t-onditle0 vas suct-h btat sh rs not infot-unarOfethlitatt, the faui eing ltaI Il vouid cause a aeriouu etiacir, Atcet-dinghy, Mrs. Hoban aser avay vititout te ralizaîîeî ut bar friand, vho, vian site IMrs. Shban) veut la lite bospital aven s ear ago, vas apparenbly ln govi, eallth, itarialreadyPassed ltotuthe teat hayonri, MR$. HOBANIS DEMISE. Mrts, Georgians alrnatyer Woas bori 1Wau'Àtagan sud ruise iea, hebng 1Years old. Hem itusitand, Joe Ho- a, dlad tout- yaars ago and btae ung sud dutiful vite contrated th, hIta Piague from irI thorougi dliii rtîy iooklng afltertir for 15 lit ad aibeau iii Ivo and a haIr irsand fot- a long lima vas a i the tka counîy busapital for trament Lr deabth oct-ut--d ltereaai 1:15 Sat- ay mornlng. Sha leaves tva cihdren, joseph, ed 11, sud iffdwst-d, ged set-en. te ieavas tese brotitats andii 0: Hat-ry, Chat-las, Pt-ad d Mrs rlMartin sud Mrs. George Labey, et Waukegan, cucepting bte, lut- vite livas ln Chicago. ira, Holban vsa at-tartan memUe;. dthea liraI mamber etfbita local FE Il. to Paso away. un'oral at 2 O'-urkaonday fror t-hurt-baiflte immaculate Cou- ion. ha àse Pa li ye ha gni 36 bai yor gaz yas Lai Ha: uni age tef Car ail ter, sud thte rapt - -Ile L O h,, fO U n It e d S t av a s n otsn oln î18 7 2 ,. cn'iug drecîiY 10 Wukgan, vitre ha iau lit-ad ahi bIs lite. Besldts lui ifc- te leves s brother, Carl, et 817 Grand avenue. Waokagau,sand tae fuuîowng cldren: Mr. E, fel- m a it, r it- s S . P . H u c h i t i s o u a u d R , C . ,,,hler, aiof Dearliair. Mn, Hut-b- Iuson la a justice ofrlte peace at Dearliairi. Titera are aigitt grand- Wlint Foi' 8810, sIc «de In the IN. The Independent la the county$s on- DEPENDIENT- mach 15.000 prsna y 12-page weeicy-thars why- every. ia*ly. 1hody Iskeg Il. sa'Y's mat-t-lge bîibbia shoulri horst vwilb au explosion tt rAnI thitairt balveen Waukagau andi Chicago, Itr O o Op et Ilail ha baritb haoltae vin- lin et a Chicago holdup. liere a is vtltaeCiicago Examine. sairi on Tturarjgy lu a ljesadition:1 "John Eut- I ussaY vas patroillng lte cabarets lest nigitt ioeking fon bis vite, Hussay vanta te Sud bis1 vufe lu orden ta gel riri of ber, John »earciter ln vain for bis vife. At Caseastreet sud Grand avenue ho met bye men vîit guns. >i'hay got bis& vatch sud $85, ha bold lte polim. MANUPACTUNR OP Marble'andGr it Moniumenis Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence 'solicit" fi b fi ti p pý4 AUTO TURNS OVER A CULVERT NEAR FERRYS'; 1 MAY Di Machine Skid-s on Wet Turi Pike and Turns Many Somn ersaults BeforeStopping ULLETIN Waukgan, Nov. I1! IUPOn examination, Dr. F. L. Got ley faund that Wm. Spidel was et taring trom two fractured ribse, brOken jaw, an njured ack, and1 fearts thet ne of the broken ribe pun tuethe ibrght lung. Ha is a ma ried man and lives at 3746 Diverse boulevard, Chicago. Oua man vith injuris e ilt-bme resuit iu is death. wbil the othero cupant et an autooile whch sorti saulted oser lthe cuivt-at-nluStandd road two sud ona-haif miles Southt Mon City at 3 o'clock iis afernon vas uoscaýhad. The occupants ofthtie car were: WILLIAM SPIDELL-Sell5 stock fo tae United Cigars C'ompany. Hi jav boute was brokan, t-its broker May dia of Internai inJurias. Di F. L. Gourlay orderer lt4at bha.pu undar an auaestheîic viten ha wa t-atldinto ltae bospilal. War a B. P. 0. E. bulton. GEORGE NM. MATSON Resideucea Geueseo. IM., owuer ot car, viir ha was drlving. Wals not burt. Accondiog 10ttae story tbld by,Mat Sou, ha, In company wlîb Spidail, laf Geneseo early Tursday motnng fol Kenoha, Wis., vitara lia luleuda Il bave bis Ramitier cross country luriré car overbaffled. Tbey reaeed Wauke gau shortiy after 2 o'clock but stoppeÉ a fav minutes onlY, baing anxlouu t( reat- Kenouha hefore dat-k."t vsf Ariving t-aty siovly ou Staridan road, raid Matson, "viten suddeulv tae ma chine avarveri te the rîglîl sud vent dovo ovar ltae cuivat-t. Il SoMpat tri t least tn lims tu-ora it ars eo a stop. But tonrlthefat-t that wa had thaeb roip va3 bolb woutld hava ret dest. 1 vas net dt'lving faut but ha machine fell a distfant-a orabot eO fTet Spidail salis stock forrtlb 'tilt> d ('Igat- Company. Spidati's vif, s9 a SWeir of my brt-el s ite anda 'at ago we bal a fatuflv reulon in Gunesco and Il vus tbean litI1 made his acquuaintan ce. 1 Mila fat-ner at ;enaaao. tbut viilsfaY Iliera Pandinu MRS. IIOBAN'S PASS= ING ON SAME DAY',& A6iED UXPRESSMAN ýBARN RAZED BUT MISS LINCOLN PASS- 1 DROPS DEAD-SUD= TOTTERDALE HIOME ED AT SPRINGFIELD,- dE DENLYSATURDAYý IS SAVED; BILOSS HURE ALLHlER LIF rn- HieronymnusZoehler Fou ndLy - Fire of Mysterjous Origin Broke Miss Florence Lincoln, A i- ing Dead Beside His H orse O ut in Barn Two Blocks Out- About Sixty, Last of LiXO~ Near Old Gas Plant. sde West City Limits. Family of Waukegan. A light burned brightly li the win- Waukegal "'O. _ lo.I~ ~oieshaîeen receeved bY friends d o w o f th e Il ie ro n y n iu s Z o e h le r h o m e E le o r a m f ' tr îou s o !g n e t a 1 s P o e c e C i c l O u ' - t 2 2 4 C h a p e l S t ., W a u k e g a n , P t u r d a y s t r o y e d p r o l e r t v v aî l li e d a î , r att u d 'a ys mo r n l g a t t h e o m en c f h e s au avnug rs7oebler busied her- of $1.500 ett hî' Hlarry Totterdale niece, tlrs. E. iR- Cogswell. ini Spriw aosef about the 'ditchen, preîîaring the bomne or, W*'st WUasbîngton street field, fil. Tire romaine viii b@ ha evenlng meal. A chair Slood near Wednesday night while 2i)o meil stood brought toWakgan and services ,a,, th oroe h kOr It Mr. with iheir bands In their Poci,'îs b' wIII ho beld In the chapel at 0&%. rrZoeblier's bouse coat hadl been laid. mnoanirig the tact that there w-as flot wood cemetery Sunday afternoun at sel Boitillefi were his slippars and warmn enougb lire hose Ilu Waukegan to 2:.?0 o'clock. socks. These articles of wearing ap. reacit the neatregt lire plug. Cbemil- 1 la Last of FamIIy. ay paroi were in the samp place every tanks and welulu the viciîrity har! %ies Lincoln l8 the last otm o Oc- euening se tirat Mr. Zoehler might beau exhausted, and there was oniy S. inicoln family, for years on.a oft'a, et'- change clothlug as soon as he entered one thlng for the Ilremen to do, and prominent familles of the City. Bier fan thebouse fromt a hard day's work. they dld ibat. They stood by ready home for many years vas on Wee* Of The Ilgbt servtng as a beacon, ai- to give assistance In carrylng furai- treet, mast uorth o? Grand avenu&. )o ways vas placeld Jo the window wben ture, ciothlng and beddiug fromt the Three years ago eevent to Spring.- It vas tima for hlm te return bhome rasidence_ lu case the vlod should field te lîve vitithber lanese, Mrs. Cote. fro mt ork. This a s do ues 50s e o s ift and net te ouse on tire. el. for maigbt sea ta drive loto te yard. The barn was razed, two umaîl Miss Lincoln vas about 'l) ysars, -ils "I vooder what ls kaeping hlm," sheds aud a large oil bouse wera gut- old and had aivays lved lu Wanke. n. te fte muser! to hersaif. "lie koew ted. andi bols aud -a heatiog e'qulp- gan. Her friend8 vere unavare that Dr. ve vere golng te have Dutrit apple meut plant valued at mauy hundradashsie was criticalli11i, hance vord of tut cake for supper." Dutch appie cake of dollars vere destroyad. ber death came as a sitock te them. ,as vas Mr. Zaahler's favorite dish and The ira startad on the lower floor Mise Llncoln's clos-At relatives are rs is vite always prepared it when selle0f the barn. One report bas Itltai ber nleces, Mrs. Cogswail and Mrs. wlshed to give hlmt a ro ad ret. tha tire started In a Ford touring car Earl farker of Evan ton, and ber ne. ut A stp souded on the porci. vitci t stod Jn the trmnes roor. it P e, Clarence Wail of Minneapolis. h "I gnue thats hlm 00ow." '%ra. vas reporlpd Weduesday night thrai: 31180Uncoln vas raPuted ta ber Zoehler sald as shle vent to open thc one member ot the Totterdale faml quite wealthy snd ltehe llef (S ibat t- door.ihall attem te t o start the engle and ber estate wiiihobe equally divded bp ft But ell as m îtakn. DeîotY that Il had back-flred, sedng fla Ivteen the ueces and nephev. or Coroner Edward Corad stood tere. lto the carbureter. Tis report as Friend of Mi"sa humw9y. oe Ie did nt inow just oy te break dnied by otier members of the tant- Miss Ltcon's deatit recls the g te news. y. fact that ell as a vry close frftnd l- " Wbhy, how do ýýou do, )fr. Conrad?" bn'hrS uh 0f ie ear- e Miss Emma Shum ay vio nov e- WheutheZouli Sidrliraiep].-lies very sîck In a Cthicago hospituL. o " G o d '.e ln g M r . Z e hl r," m e t a rriv e d t tae h o m e . se ten M in - T h se vo m e n fo r y e a rs ve r, o c slte "Gndepnl"l Mr. Zoelerome?' u tes attar the alarm itad souuded, companlons and Miss Phumvay'«safew "sNohe but te "aiMr. behtaraanymin- tbey fourni taeauto lu flames. and yssaoprhsdteLnonhm he ugt bbae benber sl-latar AssistantPieCetuto and tromn Miss Lincoln. ia uteh h t e Feienhresv raman Bain vent mbIb te hayloft nl erai minutes ugo," was tha reply. sud raportad tiet the second loor of it "nho are Your next ufoor neigit- the haro vas ahiaze. le hors?" Mr. Conrad askad. id "Wy, Cks lv o that ide Of The Totterdae ho me lu narly Io T K NF O E t s sd L u ttera on th e o th r sid a. bu t b lo ck 3 ves t o f th e C ity lim ite, an d ael-U A ~ S Y j U t tell me," sile pleaded au a caugt though 0er 500 eet o? hoe ls car. TO TUlE NM I<RU(£I ut field of bis leeve, "bas anything ha Prlad hY tire department fil 'as of no le lund?" use inauiucb as it would have taken ALTAR BY POUICE te Thp, dputy coroner could n ul um- 2,f00 feet of ose te rach the tire. a mon (,onrage to break thea ew 10t e orlonrately a 60 gallon taonk of gas. in te aced wma.Ha avaded the olline ho a umaîl ohl bouse te tbe veut Maft Foreil and Margaret Kap. 1e question. Then bc auet to the Lut- of lhe'barni did net explode. Whon pjfljf Married iA the Police !I ter om e and together t ey re lefned lire atta k d te building t e gasoline S a i n b a i t a e rg to tae Zo aler omne. Mrs. o aler burned, eding a direct off lame high S a in b a ita e collapsed wben Informed tbret ber bus- ]nietire sky. Ilad tbe tank exploded WueaNv 0 hand bad died suddauly. thera ie no question but wbat firemen WakeathNv. e0 -l ad felin tht smetingwaandothrs oul hae mt ijur Niait Fore]]. an empioye oeth "I ad felin tbt smeltin va su oterswoud bve et ojuy. American Steel & WIre Company, l'e- wrong wberî 1 saw you ohitlitaelorcit," A cow vas rescued from the haro, lired at 8 o'clock ibis usornlng site moaned to NIr. Conrad. and tbe itramen did succeed In sav- after a bard night's vork in the steel Died Sudderily. Ing Borne tbols viticit bad heen store I mille. .Nir Zoabler, vho tad drivan an ex- tbere. At 8:30 ha was taken fromt his e ff kpreus wagon for a number of years, Fully 500 people gathered at te at a rooming bouse, 769 May street4 Fwas stricken suddanly vibb heart Totterdale bomne during the lire, sud vas led te the marriage sitar >71 trouble shortly af 1er 5 o'clock Salut-- wbich vas one of the Most spectacu- Assistant Police Chief Thos. TyrreIL. day evenIng. He ls titought tel have far hlazes seeo here In menthes. Two Foreii vas vas arrasted on com- dled lostanlly. Hia donsd body vas tonsirfnt ay hall beau storad In tbe plaint of hie bride-to-be-Miss Mar- fouod lyiog baside bis horse and barn but last veek, and Mr. Totter- garaI Kappinin. gwagon et a Point uat veut of Vthe old dale hadt purcbased a itaatiug plant VrTita arrested Foreli vas gîven bis 9fgsi;plant. viicit as destroyad. He hadl choice of-- ît He hadt Just ioaded bis wagon with pîanned te Instalthe heating plant la FIRST-Maklug Miss Kappininaa a shipment of goods for a local gro- bis home next veak. prelsent ci $50. cary firtu. Tite ioad vas a heavy one The vlod vas in the southeasb, sd SECOND-Servlug a six mofths., and ha got off the wagon tb laad bis iremen credit the saving of the home sentence lunlte counby jaili hersa over a had stretch of road . fromn destruction te that fact. THIRD-Marrylug tse girl. -Jamtes McM.Nartin and Clarence Shultis. Pire fromt the haro and sparks Ha chtose tae latter. emprloyas of the gas plant. itad sean vera. swepbto the vest of the buld- They vare marriad by Police lie bis pradicament aud hall gooe ontteb Ing hy the viud. gistrata, Walter A. Taylor at 9 O'ci04ck, gohn ovar Ilita roupIgh teroad. he, Last uigitt vas thaeitusipat nighî Assistant Police Chief Tyrreil aêeom-' wago ove th rouir rad. for Waukegan iraman in years. panied tae youug man te Use Court. Lens Iban ilve minutes latar M'a)- Shorbiy hefore 6 o'clock they received bouse, vitere ha procured lte mas'- te r N ae ly , w h o v a s d r lv in g a w a g o n a c a îî ot , o x 6 , a th f ot f t e narbhuridloo h ofiewere rmr 4,a h oo flt age'l"conse.After tey ere *aý n e a r y , h r ri d I n e t e o f i c e W a t p r s t r e e l b ih . T h e y v e r e a t v o r k r i d F o r a l l a le f I lt he P o lic e s t a t io n o i ' MrMarîlu vas vorkiog. etngushin a cbimney ire vheu te the rtbn, Ha vas givesu te undergtand- "Titares a man lying ln tte roari alarm of lire ut Box 4.1 sounded. Thete at ha muet love, honor. proteet ad out tbere," ha criad. MeMarîlo hurt-led South Sida department was ordered provide for bis vife, Ha promjsed, oui, fait the victim's pulse andi heurt, to respond, andi made a record mun but the police fear titat they vili ha but couid detect nooaigu of lite. Than fromt station NO. 2 t0 tbe Totterdale called open te auforce the marslsge be called for the Conradi & Wetzoi home In sevan minutas. eiea ambulance and a physician. Dr. C. Wiîî they vare ut the Totterdala promis, teplietatMt F. Daîiels arriveri on the sceana about borne the ala-m 0ftflre et the old courted ber a yaar, sud ltat his lova tbel same time as tb, ambulance. Thte sga refioery vas bard. Fit- citiefs grow coid viien site aunounced th&% Phtysician rmade only a cnt-sot-y ex- and cali men raupooderi from the Tot- she vas soon te ha the motter of a aminaton and then oret-dt hie vit- lardala borna, and company Nb. 1 t-ild. til plce! tr te mbuance l wllwas calieri oui, UPon their arrivai maire antohar axamination wben va titay fourni two chimneyu on lire. A latter fromt O. G. Havkins, for. reacb te top of the bill," ha Bal i. Ha Adam Vogal, nigbt watchman, in- mrly or Gurneea is tsUsI& ,a did e sd ten Pooooce Mnformed the lit-e t-bets that the roof Mrs. Havkins are nov ai Uas Angeles,ý Zoablar daad. Thte rmans vere vus covarar i wtb spat-kuviten ha Cal., sud tirat ou lent Sunday ther lasaen 10 the Conradi & Wetzel un- tu rued In the alarm, Thete ira vas beard Mr. Laughiîl, formeriy a Wanl».. derakig romavitre itec0tOOe'son te roof efwt au known amoug kegan vocalise, slug a solo In the bis laquait vas helli Sîrnday aflet-noon. thte old employas of lte sugar rab-. churcit viera ha la soielut. Tbey .rIr. Z o a l ar 's d e a tit la a ltrîb u te d eY a s t e l b o a bb u l i g heurt t«rouble aitheugithaobad navet- wenstie aortrybiligvst InOctoher sud pla n lir. ari ay ar spellb, f laie, o ever, main until Ja uary 1. They are ha hai hari a shorloas o eathbu guasta aetlite home uf a former e.n-. nvet- complaled. b-ah.itEARL 1IUSSEY IS ploya f Mr. Hawkins, ho ilanov a Born n Gerany.thrlvlng business man la the Wub. Barn n GeCity. Mr. Zoahier vas bot-oIn Saxony, ROBBED IN êIJICA4O anciy Germaoy, Decambar 16, 1848. Ha vas mat-t-ld te Batlia Frtitsch lu 1869'"T obte Neyer CorneaiSngly.r- j ~ i< il Wtith bis ie sd oua daugter ha Il Wsnt - uhthtEr 1n- f-BI S O