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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Dec 1915, p. 3

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LAKE COUNTY. INI)EPENDENT, FRffiDY, DECEMBER 3, 1915. LakeCounty Independent' 'Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Telephono Number i, Libr~x~ne tInterpd as the Potoile st LlbertYvileP. Ill, am Second Cinop Mail Matter - officiai Paper for Lake County. 3moued EFvorv Frlday. AdIvertimlng Rate@ Madt, Known on Application. 5UBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE m.i1 SMITM.................**** .....................dt F. 0. SMITH4'-..**>**««*..*-........... .......-......................... Manager M. J WEBER ................................. ....Rosidient Manager. Phono 109-J TO INDEX ALL MAR- LOANS TAXE A RIAGE LICENSES BE7 DROP; IN WEEK'S -(tINNINfiON DEC.f TOTAL WAS $29,850 County Clerk'Herldee Announc- Sixty-Three Transmfers Are ed a New Rule That WiII Recorded and in Ail Thirteen Facilitate the Work. i Loans Were Made. Beg lnniýg December 1, lindfr In-1 Business of the reî ordrïoffice for structions trom Couniy Ceik Lew A. the week endIng Noini',,.r i2o. 191.7, Hendee. dellutîeluin he office of Ihe Nme !taîe-1 M YOUR IEYB OX UI5 RTYVILE. --counity cîerk saîli begin ne1 I usbrtfbn.1 The Libertyville Commercial Club has sarlda. cami- maIl licencese that are talleu. Totaý number of înýrimîîntq ld, .pagn f pbliitywbih l sue t hep ci ttetio ~ Mr. Hendee aya this will facilitate 76. thpanyavge of oulct wihi urne ttihelpvillaeteinesothei c1eckiflg ip on marriages. Total amount of naît., $21s,50 bhet any d vprettîestovillage inke coty. laide teMies, Th roubede encoiter now.; IBusinesbas been rallier 'q'uiet'dur-I bestandpretiet vllae inLak conty sait r. Fende, le lia, mnv inIg the week and iîî,nîibeloa the The association, bult recently organized, has started ou t lsters neglert lu ritljfloo us'-the Il 'average. ln a manner that insures much for the coiumunity, for, cenisesalater lbey have îîerformvid The more Importaî nt inalý of thei with the co-operative spirit among the business men ai-ml lgn.Ene llceln la 1 kben sflîa lisprevalled here.tibe mari ages are In Llberiyvillic. riIEdrl ready displayed, developed to even a greater extentth ýaIneAuilhllcns rr-bogt the Br rjlrya onro community is sure to feel the effects in innumerable-ways u. ied Ofn n beriaeare nqunîreiliburch treet and Ir, eavenue, The purpose juat .now in the present publlcity cam- le0 look lii ihe issînance otfnonie le- for $11.000. paign is to'èall attention-to the fact principafly that: r n'we fInditil ac mot tiecn returnieil n Highland Park. Willii T. LibrtvileIsa mghy oo paceinwhchto by tlicniinister performiugthIe cene- W2oodley bought 22 l0f, ion shFridI, Lie vlei ihygodpaei hc o niofii. hen we bave ro pag-e trougb road, tedar avenue m.anLinciolniC., ile;te entîire record iîî mans' canes lie-nue. from Fred'M l. -i i $75, lii That Lîbertyville busineqs places have every- fore a-ofinit tnî- deirpnl infurmion. Charles H. Arnoflid InîO~n a lot ou! thing that one nuay wish to purcha-se, froin a pin Il i!ni21ni rmnînire muihI ,.ir irnnai 1.ndi-n avenue troniPiiin l.nivi-inrueî to the biggest kind of machinery for far» or gen- tu kI.indx e ii i,î- th- lent- for $1.000. eral use; -l n taI-. isnin O i aiînIi sijl n . n E. 1'. and (aro wIiiîîî i J'tu bnn gui Trhat our business houses offer bargains in al hm ib. ve r, il n n nn ne Iinn a lut . onkor n.,'Uina n Uines, nnexcelled by business houses of larger il i4ar'r!,-il rmn.1 liifn.n n . u- lnLake Bluff. I r l . IM 'n in places; i- ti Io i,- iinnr.,- fnyn t iigh~li ni. ,rn,ni n Î .: i n 'i Tliat its busincF-r. men solicit the patronage of i 'nni rre"nrIiI;,g "t-nin iiti i rl d nlSln-rdan rînn i i,,, inn ,r.i c :. residents from ail parts of the county, and that ns ira9e i itisie-. r -l in, ..-il,e Michell for $2,Slin they assure themt of courteous and considerate ii nucIelnili"n-n' luBtnTOnspnr,înii- att ntin;- u.ielnf Irs i!lsin lb tu I l mii u rt n A- 2Trust 'omranc I.,.i- l,, v ias attention; îîcn~~h use iire nfin.n lhii i ni-s a lrinr ofniland Iln nortîsli.' i -niln ,, That it is ideall-v situated for factory pur - ,o iiîie inlin liWin .nîioii i nf9 throp i ilr r. m, l1ne poses. Ioi rî-îrn tli- n 'înes pirompt] * - Alfre~d Pearson and 1 iiii r FI ',9ll Libertyville always has been pointed out even by Somne ot Ihe mii)ilîtIn-m it ix eidt. In Aritioch Townshxip. Rl n-r[ as oe 0fh fieat .tl illaes tat ay contyare equally prompt about reîunnincI-Wilson boughi the Jnnt lini e Inrus strangers a ne fthe fns ite vlags.htan Iut he lýcnsFssanu ian t-emarriages ut 72.78 acres lu we.ii haîf section 4r can produce, and the Commercial Club intends to impress mîy he rocorîleil, but Ihere a"e oui for a nominal consýirleiraIîou.ý that fact on people of the county. No tpwn has prettier ers wlîî are f101 50 lrrmpi. Souno of ln Lake Villa. lienrs Foi sica andi homes, no town has better advant.ages in the matter of ntitern let the malter mun alo.ntg for a Andrew DeBoer bon ' g in le DoranI transportatioui facilities. It is a quiet, orderly and reat- few menthe and then turn nier wbîî prolnerty ou Fox .akle riail for $ 1.0 f~jJ 4..1.4,h +~ ~ Is~a+nA. lceuses they baie ln their possession. n ln Avon Township. LîlR. Wag-n flplace inwhc t iv-adth ted increase in popu- There are few divlues. il s caid. whoi ner bought s 50-100t1lo on Roundi lation shows that people are so regarding it. Its indus- let flic malter run along for one,. wo Lýake lu Maple lrnnîn.' tSuîbdivision tries operate the year around and prosperity has been evi- and even lise ears- Then i bey binrlg from Erick Erlekson fic a nomn1i denced in this comxnunity when in others it bas been lack- lu a big bai ch of the- licences. consideration.no t ing-that shows a healthy state of business affairs.luteat hshsaud somei Emma Mayer bouglit a haIt interest No village in the county h-a more progressive, alert inconvenience lu the couinty clerk's inu I.twler's Subdiisioînli Round, office, but under the new plan opera-' Lake trom.Oeo. A. ScIliar,, for s noum. and more hontest business men than Libertyville. As a t ive here December 1,l will makeli mal cnierain rule the Laibertyville business m.a's word la as good as Iitie difenence if reome of the Il- lu Wauconda. Anîbouy Pauly gold. In the inatter o! talklng about their town or adver- cenises are ni returued so promptly, bought a lot lu 'At i home' ubdlvl- tising their own goods, Libertyville merchants do not Mis- alîhougli %Ir. Hendee la anxlous 10 cilou sud two lots lu Kimbalî's Subdl.i reprsen. Wen ou ee hem dvetis cetai maenshave them lurued over id hlm as coon vision frein August Nagel fer a nom. Roet nas poss ible.niaI couideration. you mal rely on what they dlaim a& the fact. Hoety e_____I__n Waukega.n. Edward W.tllurkiij dealing with the public bas permitted them to advance and bought tbe Connero jtroperîy on lck- gain the confidence o! ail with whom they have had deal- PRISONERS IN COe on> streel, near Grand avnuie. for ings. Morri K.'AIbro bUUliT a24t2n The Independent is elated to see the Commercial Club JAIL 311 3VIT orn KRnirohugnin nl i launched because it will mark a new era in many limesTO W aehingtonn Park froi D. T. Weobb, Onie cannot tell on the start how many angles the coin' A SUMPTUOUS MEAL for North Chicago. Jozef Toniasze- ipercial club a work on. The scope o what t may do is _____wlcz I oîigblteFrmnpoer n best illustrated in the work done by the Waukega4 Com- Sherif f and Mrs. Griffon Re- South Victoria sîreet for $l1,350. mencial Club, a club which bas aided other conimunities membered the Twenty-Six o! the county lu getting together lu these hoxne-boosting Prisoners in Their Care. EXECUTOR SUIN(i movements. Bo it will be with the Libertyville associa- Whierthen edeuts oft 1e dlv tion--it wlll work ou n any problenis whlch hithertov wee iiting dowu to TOumptÀuousLE could not be.bandld because o! the absence of a formal or- Thanksgti.lg dinners Thursday theTASE T E ganization to take them. up.n wereunot forgotten. They siere given E T0 5O 0O Uod ~ n drlaeme baebe sectds that they apprecated the efforts of officers and tatheir bands the work la. sure to be carried Sherlf sund Mrs. Griffin was shown BeradPtrotIyhre aloug in a manner that wilU help Libertyville sud incident- the avidity wth whic tey "tell o With Holding Ouo t lMonare Iy a id thie entire county. The men.-. was as follows:Fom ate'Esa . The Independent ila in entire svnuuathy with the iiew Rosat Pork with Dressing F ______rl Eta Apple Sauce Louis H. Uttelid. executor o! thse movement, aud anytblng wO cn o ou d aaat the officeiS Celery Sweet Corn lest wl!! sud testament ot Joseph ln advaziclng their plus wMi be doue wit h herU«et ap- Pumpkln Pie Peterkort, decel aet.. Bemran Pe- preclation of the favor exteuded to us lu permtting us to Up to a few days ago Sheriff GrifIn amte le i circuiît cour.*; dlogo. ihoughi hiewould ha cslled upon ta.1- à- - -1 EE9DUCING A MENACE. The hicgo erm~ lalatrNMy saw fit to ink edi- tonlal mentloio Oh actiO"n -o 44Persona and iLakeo county in beluig fIrt -to avaito! the 'use o! the new l*,w reatlng to ddeel"; "asfo1IouvW -, Judge Pensonisini the Lake eounty court at Waukegaxs on Thunsday took the firet action unden the neiv state Iaw for the commitment te institutional custody o! those men- tal defectives who, tolerated as"'harmlèsa," often becomoi e~ menace to public safety, and te womeèn and, children es- pecially. While it has long been possible te have such personb given at Lincoln al nemedial treatment if was not possi- ble to keep theni there if their relatives choose to takt thfein away and virtually turn them loose, until they had coxnmitted crimes justifying their eonmiitxnent to the hos- pital for the crinnnal insane._' In Chicago alone durntu the last tw'o years supposedly "1harxnless" defectives have comn;nitted nearly a dozeri senious crimes, largely brutal assaults upon chidren, and -at lcast tWo nvurders. The Waukegan cale, a boy o! 16 years, had long been a kno'wn danger to clu dren. He had been sent to St. Charles, and came back Worse. The law, drafted by Chicago physicians and social workers, meets- an evident need. It 4hould help to reduce the social menace of the mental defective, often develop- ing into a moral pervent, and thus lessen the number of sbicking crimes. Wth a, suit againat the townsbip o! Beuton and Lake tounty wheret amn are to be asked because a mn was hurt on wbat hé la i a de! ective road, the mucli- lioot. questio n to b. imade a court isse. There always - ù been a oonmettion ou the part o! good roads boosters serve a ThAnksglving dinner for ove# 40 prisouera. but s number of tha.. ware releazed troMM ji! -efore tisai date. If thay hsd known the feau' that awalted thenathe. chancesaren they would have been raiber becb. yard about golng. "The men amured me the dînner vas AlI--Md More-tisaatisy hadde& etreti d looked for. ThoF$% eaI s muacisbettar tisa theywoMls.4 butolelpof J&il, Shei Whoe sueuRi laa re ihdat'reJ membertng the prisoners on bouda" Of Lista nature. Tisere le ne Juil in tihe stete wber tise prieontrs are giveS bette, food. oy Attoarney aELM. htunyarl. Accord- lng to tisa attorney, the suit vue start- ad by thae eecutor ln an effort to gat tise asate mb to aqi ahape that IL can be divided beiveen thse Lis,. heins o» tiserlaie Joosph ?etenkort. Bern. ard Paterisort la allegedti 1bcho vth. holding $50001and àinladesireti that this should ho turued over. Ris one- tff loitrea n t u t m e ld t L anlunt tq about tbî ýmuch.- Morely, th* vreciVsa of theîsath iraled 80 aith - iedeteila are. ufr b.wai 1thîs ime. Indepeaueniresmhe, aulpot, lui lAise Couaty. REALESTAE TRNSFES '.lle, JLU; and Kathryn M. Fltzgerald, Furnished by.- Franklyn F. Bradley Jr., 23, LuS- LAKE COUNTY TITLE &TRUST1-Co. nitOn. MO-h., and Roseline E. . Abtracts of Titi,. oles Guaa,,terni. i îlling, ".,, came. M.tsdruc Toî i go.Wluiegao i-Sro n MI-ýer, '17. 1iwnl-,SV, 'aind Ficîjore Otto.-2, sanie. ŽNOv I1, 191-r-Ada B. (Mni rs andî foswidi Il.Pester. 2:,,(7rayslake, ill., Ou.Amnd r n E \V Duchin, sou1h 4">and(Caroline H. Whitmore, 20, same. fl-0 loi ", block 13. North Wesf add,-1i rý .Moe .,Algn lion, W.îuki-gan. W 'D $2,400. iislsi Mor.2,4egn Anfion Vu ririim and 1wife f0 o e handl.Juilie Del3oc, 19, North Tiiinni-î îî<Zhotn131 and 14. hlo,-k, hicago, II. 11, lirpe orsudinvision, North h <i John Tiirp. 21;, ('lîlcago, and Hil- cazo. W. 1i.$1.250.MrNaniiai 1,HgldPrk Sophlie P, Chase, et ai., îo W. F na alniai 5 iln ak Hogan. pari loi 54. 1Iighwooîl. W. D. $1. Pafrick A. Plunkeil. 21, Evanston. A. F.liii.iî and wife f0 William Ill., and Ruth Mann, 19, lame., Ziipkus, loi 7, block 10, Washburn liarry J. Gladlch. 24, F.sanston, Ill., Springe. 29 .niîkEzaii. Q. C. $10. WV. A. ttlk ii, Fred Enderlîn. easl fand Olive %-anson, 2?.Gladstone, 99 2 10 (coi norih 124 15-100< feet on Mich. ,1ouihwes c orni ýr ('lnrch sinonp and' Frank Roslng, 27, Town ot Grant !Milafikoe li i-fle lihrt1'till(e W. ':1. ndMr ren,2-same. D. 5t0i 0, a. Mr Feud12 Nov. 11) 1915. Marila E.tionnîn fnl Richard Schmidt, 22, 'Milwaukee, Johnfi o tian i V. t l.otsc75andilS. Wls., and h)orothy Genake, 20, same. lilok 2l'), ioi' addition lo L.ake, John M. Rodermund, 28, Mihlwaukee, Villa. W ) 9.1101 and >huna E. Vierbicher, 20, Johfn Rhlm i nm ife 10 lTinvKoel- 1mmne cra aî'd 9îidreîî PeBoor. loi- 7 and' 8 bilockn 2. lliriîef'n adition tb î.j>ke LoîîîReam, 2?, Libert-ville. ]IL, Villa. WV hi $1.000. i ad Marlie Plateau, 26, same. D, T W. h afnd a if.' 10 M. K.Roi]!-Maltes P. 2delander, 37. Hlighland lire, !oi1i 40. W-i.ýIil'-glof Parkn oilii iin Park, Ill., and Jennie E. Johnson, 2!), ion. , ii.i'n W . F)9425. Alfred AXsms ond wa ote iiJa~cob aue alîil"irind a i le. lotii 2 i mi mi Ihoqepll Geioy-, 21. W'esl AIlis. W1.9., i i lo i îiîî i 591 Niorthi (11 i \V19anîd Audrey llowers, 13, came. "-' '10rIl l- rIn-ii n , o iIiiý i i- n .in ~I e ,i \Vý,iliçr lji-i ili 7. hlicghli d iP-ici t - iii I 1 l in îr- n i '. le- nu 7, mii 9hIiîinIl a ni--i intoxirfiI$f:i - ,n- - n I l inu- rA. lîi l nî lo 1ii Il 1 iliort ,ii i h o.rx W.r l. Otto Fncfiea-. 2:',,East Trov, Wis., il Enna I1îcjlz, 1<1, came. Adam Miller, 24, Racine, Wis., and Sopnhia Spenicer, 21, sanie. 'nîberl Cornînsoil. ". Wau.î-gan. rîlînl hne flaedsoîî.-21, sami- Ottoi Ti-dliiller. 17, Watertown, Wj. -andl 9arti.i lenocîn -il,- ame. Minier 1I).lâinuoti. 22, Chiiago, aud lic n A-e Iiinienbinlz, 11, W99lIow rînrinige. III Joat-pl E Hlorton. 25ý, J.uke Villa. ill- an soly2rlln , CMartit, 11., Aulloch, sio Giecrge A. Crosby, 29, Brunswick, nI hd iiiii .ndi îe 10o lleN ,An. Micb .,and ?Marie Oeizel. 21, lHighland 1,r 1-iîIi lI 2 nnd .2. in mddlfliou Payf1. iii 'I ilnî-ni orlielîi and lot 1., 1e- Charles E. Hoover, 45, Zion City, 'lilil -uîdi aln heerleli < eIll., and Besale Wiuu., 26, ame. $1 Henry W. Hunt 43. Lakte Bluff. Ill., blulnliloaefinie r au s 0andjp r d Wluifred Nt. Press, 21, sanas. E. J. Scfi.ifnr and aifo 10. lot 22, lîlockI George A. Weis, 29, Haupstatit, 73, Ilighlnnd Park. W. 12$1. tmId.. sud Mary Hîtzler 30, lame. Nov. 21. 1915 <'allie Woolridgp C <larence NMudway, 36. 'Milwaukee, E . O%-erson and alfe. lOf 6. block 1 Wils , aud Anus Alexander, 46, same. 13. riLhî. addiion 'ta Liberlyville. A Rn. lots 6 and 7, block 1. Roc. I ng Brotiîeru' isubdivision, Round LakteN SA W- 12.$400. AUM N oA E Mý R. F1i-h and wife to - Halle A.0 - hlojnt, loi 29,. Lvons dsubdivisiou or Ail auction salas published in the Pair Groundu. Waukegau. 9V. 1) $1. Idpnetaecagdfre h t'hlcago Tille & Trust Company (o rate of 5 ent arearweu anorer h S. F Richards and wite, lot 13, Wl! aeO 'et io hna re cons econd subdivliIOn aI Long for auction bllsa accompanios the Lauko e e-d. $376. notice, otherwisq the regular rate Nos' 2411. aIeCouoty 10 j. Of 10 cents par fine will be charged. T Kowoî eke. ctip hetween Sheri- 1 dan road a1 lI 8 hrean1s Subl'ii. Havlnitrentpd my larm.i, 1will oeil et suion. Waîîkeganu Deed $.-puli auction i L.ake ('otinîs- 10Marcebla Godonle. AIJI.>E'IiER.li L î8rip tlitePcuSheridan roani sud lot et 12:30 oSarnt ,y iifarm, 2bý rmi" 10,. lrearis 'Subdivision. Wankegsu. nortbwest out Llbirtyville audj: mlet@ D"ied $1 itîmtheast iof 'rea(F(o-ruîerlv kfiîtwt as Il. . Nelson and wite to E. T. Shep- titiJonuLi ucli liai i the flîtîwing ardson anîl aife. lot lu Village o! Lake d,.serîbttd pruperty. tu-wit. 18 Head of Villa. W. D. $1000.liraîl Sbmorti Hhrticattle as Iulluw8r WV M Aillon sud wlte et ai. to -2 yug euesw ith ealu by @ide. 8 young 1, H Williams, lot 1 (except south cuws dit 10 reahten luntiecember aud 27 feohi. (ory's Addition ho 9VauIe- Jaury, 4 yearling balter@, 4 ~yearling gau. Q. C. s1. oteers, 1 full bluod @hoit liora bull, 1 Beuj1m. howenmneyer sud wire to yearling colt, 150 buohels Marquis epring K. D2. King sud wife, lot 23, block 73, wbeat, 400 bushels wbite Oas, 14 tieres Highland Park. W. 12. $1.oftoed @bock corn, 20 tous clover bey J. .Hse n ietE .Yn lu sock, .laaesville sulky caltivetor maua, loi 9. T. J. Yeomaus' Addition th Wankegan. W. D. $1. J. E. Huîaey sud vife te A. F. Besuhien, lots 18, 25, 26, 38, uorth halt of lot t1 sud soutb haIt of lot 4, block 2, lu Orvia' Subdivision, Watrcetgau. W. 1.1L KÂRIÂAGICLICMBNER. Champ K, Brown, 26. Milwaukee, Wls., sud Esther L. Schube.rt, 3 lame, Joqeph B2. Buchanan, 26, Milwaukee, Wig., sud Irene Klstly, 21, Maultowoc, Wls. Otto Rrause, 23, Milwaukee, Win, sud Gertrude Wiskow. 20, maine. William G. Dilon, 25, Minneapolis, Mînu., sud Minnie U Noble, 22, Newr Holstein, Ws.. John Madruh, 27, North Chicago, Ill., and Josepisine Gehut, 19, Wauke. Nana Peterson, 24. Maddock, N. D.. 1Lat loMe fine day oine vlctlr of!'an auto aGCideuk oOU a and MyrtIe Oondert, 19, Racine, Win. Uoor tre4 t ! . n4t d=MadredrMa ritMMtàCO=i- Clifford H. Daughertr, 24, L6Porte, WOYlOWNht Ii WDO4IIt~QCGý- . Amd iCqe.rtffleaMs md., and Olive Marshall, 27, Pîl'- àuil Julai aul -/t'b. a ugt utuintk-out. i bave a tendency o basten t bera 4Ipoené tMKenneth G. Bill, 22, itichland Con- may hVe a enden y atnterd 'A Juigmenta ter, Wis., and Florence A. Mats, 21, seveiLýItbwuha"d; action would go a.long, William R. Dalton, 48, PJiadelvhla, way to Mne neded road IniproveMeits ini Spots where Pa., and Martha Sturtevant, 46, Wau. therd are bad pinces of hlghwaY8. kegan. Valentino Bell, 38, Racine, Wli-., ard The Waukegan pastor who on Tbanksgiinepointeà Mulla Gamnmelgaard, 29, arne. out that the United States la to be the prise n=#on Of the Hazel OHara. 24,s. world and will tiieref ore b. rnucb coveted by tbe European Walter Porter, 2E, Geneva. IHL, and conriswhc are being mnade bankrupt by the great Anna Roba, 21,. Racine, Wis* confict din'tstretch his imagination any too far. The Peter Murdock, 41, Hlghwnod, Ilii, world toda.y isn't as compatible as we had presuimed it to,,,d Frances BatilI, 39, ae Frn D rummrel, 25, Milwaukee, be; the brothe.rly feeling bas been overestlmated. That's wls.. and Eleanor Nachtaheim. 20, why with thé United States unprepared for emergencles, lamne. when the big war abroad is over, the United States imst Henry l2ebates, 25, Prankoville, look out for troublemore than ever before. As the preac ils. m aoîeJne,2.Cr er saidl. "Borne o! those nations will mast be lookring for an Walter Cradle, 36, Chicago, and excsea cross swords wlth our country; and we muat be Bertha Stark. 34, sarne. prpaedtostndfliny John P. Welcb, legal age, Liberty. barrowe. walkiag plow, single eull- valoir, wagon wtb double box. milk wagon, uts domp board@, double harnees, single barneesbey rack, @et bob siede, single buggy, gels aulsed steel tank, grain baga, amaiI soolend otberarticluc foc aunerons tLe mentIon. À rlght tobld stsald salelinexpreeely roeerved by the underelgued. A permit to bold this tlé heu been caured trous propor autb*lLlee. i Teripe of Sal: ÀAIleaume of $100or under cah. On uso of$10,00 a crédit ofG 6 ontbe *111 ho given on approveti bmntabl< ot«ebisilg 6% ltereeL No' prover& té be revabwed auIl uttladfor.' B. B. Milier. Proprisior. Fred Orabbe, Aactibueerit PUBLIC AUCTION WiI $te hold u the Sbeld.. faim, Ares, Tmedey, Dec. nis: tart st 10 o'cloek. RoM by spécial permit Iros Ibtheétat* au$5o*IéeW 4 headil ke iock, noté mlUi"" epciagèIrQ -dd ognug' ek; ' regi"tred'Koîctin 'cow sadbbfl mand cal! 8 moe. old. 18 bêtd otgoud hopuos. llgbt end heavy velght. young sud bouad. Paie bied Polaad Oies bôisr brocj ove andi hoata. 40 bond lu ail. This le e large tara and t boaeutais mach maaiinsry 10 operate It, aIl of I l practlcelly noir andi every article viii ho solti. TOle la thse blggesl cae tisaI bas tieen belti lu Lais coanty for scos ilma. Lunch et aoon. Usouel terme. sîlvester fichieo, .Prop. F. Grabbe, Auct. 10c2 WM. C. WEDGE BUYS A FORTY-ACRE, FARM. The in-acre tract or landi lyng Just outalde thse cityllmita on Grand ave- nue, bas been sold by MIss Mines to Wtilliam C. Wedge. The deal vas ne. gotiateti by T. J. Stabl. Itlah saiti thai Mr. Wedge intenda 10 remodel the bouse and buildings on tise place. puttlng Lbem l InitcIa..condition for bis owa residence. RN nteuds also to place woven vire enclng about the place. Thou iinprovements vIll vork wondars l In sapparance. TRIPLINO T ROU or a general break down are il smre 10 pa inlOur auto, - ý ahility. It is Our busines 1 cars back into condition and wire it Coli @Cie ntioubrly. IVe give ju4 as good attention to âmall jobs 'ý we do to larger demande. Thorou'1io ness in everything 'ta our raie hW" reîîairing. Phîone 8 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOM,2ý THE MOUSEO K IRCH BERG"N ])i>AM.ý,ONDS % Uile Seoi e otîr aiîlfor your Dtrouff. 104N. Stiit t f dom N. of astdng!on. Chlje D&. HÂSENt,%EVER. PHi'SICIAN ANb SURGEON ilel.hlfor i fnes -,e ne, .2 yi sea x verimn Ti 01,ail]îrliai.1,u d osrfea i Il". W ADIsoI\ ir. HICAnOfl j. DYMOND L AUSTIN Loano, Inaurance, Real Estae amd Hom eRening. Office in Kaiser Blocki. LIBERTYVILLE. - ILLINOI*.-ý ELHANAN W. COLDY Attorney-at-Law' Office at Home, Cook Ave. Phom.1084 LIBERTYVILLE, - ILUNOIS, LYELL a.MORRS" ATTODEY.AT-L&W Libertyville J Illinois Lace Building. Reg. Phiono13&-M. OEe phone à MARMMN C. DDCKE Utilise Opp. l8ta St. rlo1« ts *t affice Phone 848 Rem. Phonoeila" NOZ8TH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUPPI. ATTORNEY AT LÂW. I.bortyrtUe, Ilnl paus se DR. 0. P. BUTI[ERREAD. VETERINARY SURGEON. 40818TANT ISTATS VT*rUîuum. Ubertyville. Illinois. DR. N. W. SUELLENBERO OSTEOPATOIC PHYSICIAN Old Trigge Bldg. LiberlyvMoe, ILs Office Bloure 10 until 5 Tueadayo nad Fidayje oni7 DR. 1. L TAYLOR office in Fiaa Naional nUs umsl deddoha.3'buu fioadw»r. opo0 Pk DIL OOLPR4G DEUTIST Houm. a 9e1» am.-1 toIp4 Ove r PhetiNml u = ï OMMic Phoàobe 4 e. dmPhooe 167. DLR. LIL USMI cou IL!."34 A J A S . N .D . P HBU M...ag athe»W deaimt le Ne l b1umfo mâlpe o peakyat b.dytakeW C"

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