1915. - i ,ui fiseoni Cise. taIt us.s., kpn.*s t~ita £dgepilglag Eate.Nud. Kitova cm Apuihaies- SU PSU VIAR 8TRiCTLY IN AOVM$O .4 .... q... .....,.,Aleeldput Manager, Plwm# ~, - s Witch iorbate and Ua couue earIy mt t0 the. u mSo1 it place north of,'Kiectric Depot, lbertiville *ÂW7MIN bit5 e-t repe IMe.boil en hs am tisas ut taIcln> ber uiv=.car etcft apwadnons Briet pctfega :M«= . . - - *u-s ~ emm.- Secbanck Flardwa .re Co, IF' IN THE. Presents dm. pesese t.t wdyd Wb a m prarkal s d"alay el,"'i a" "lwys xact. yo.I bdi the osesisth ElecWrcal Appliances lamps-they mka'em a" .Javels - cooking tjtamu of manydaaoip-. tiona, Ârtlclps for the Toilat Table, Elfectricai ToyÀ'and Trimmaingu, armlua Whmcr orbt sam lssee.se conailaet appilance t lia do aiidi"cofqueur hmimil the - c f lbo. fiim th*f Mn'i lIlgot= ami am aI bow pdis at on nrI d dhlay ro.nu. Public Semicé Ce. elerk amI a oot ar eomployel. Ail goals deivered et the boapital rifthichare given b>' the iiead Duse to the superintendent. Theee bis are D11 #~ERY UNFIT mns rsne otl.IeLm <Cont~uedI~om age n.) lled ln the. suPerintendnt'. oOfce. bO UNclntY e9tonsie to maiitdè Detailed atatementa t fainexpendi. lnanDe Msayl & I gome for human be- tures are ln the. superlntendentg cf-ý hIgi. Thie répii on the main builî-' lice. 1129 Woul oel ýa large sum. The, èqulPmeUtothe ti. oapitai la cf - 1qkeO Oftty baa r.centiY ut a the flunet. The building reprunant, bcOIiW lbat Wlm o0f the.fiDet in the Mont modern Ideau nhopîtal 00111lI*1ittula pMois. The bOapitai architecture. The. equlpment i1,lte vu béIt dit a taSsnabie coot. It vas bout that mone>' and car@ cmi pro- biOt fer te «» of the slck poor of vide. the. coucty. lb contrast stands thei On the. tiret f10cr are the. offices. istittion for fte car. of the. agol drug r-ous, two varda, one for mon and lnftm of th. coutt'. a building and one for women andud erajpi-i. cf horrors. -veto roc.,- On the, second 10r re Tii.,. vne t2 voinen and 44 mm nlteobstotricaii-roc..and private in thie aliaiub aIetith time cf fln- rom»a. la the baqenent are the. kit. sJton. Tm comnt>' employa on. choun. dining roc, amI torei-ooc.. man and fourwOnien to cars for the The. operatin rom la equlpp.d for n-ca-eary remln*r ofwhat Illinois la every ini 09 oralion. tryrie t pté Tbroceugbtltbuilbodi«gthiie zpMn The. sepa oént Of th4 mlla. uit aive ad iful equipaiet bas b.en linde.rwi UtlmiaIcomanda- oarri ala ti a tthet e ledetasl. itu foirbin U.10mako lhe bol- T-@ dm wu f a lb.mmalperfec uns, ov t b haitle. The r OM crder. TU . cqulsit. neatitesa cr the are as gleon ui à tepossible for rooms amins bouding wu mataine llua&II 12 tbees 1>11l" 10 be..NO eItWdm ~ b ings. Theii.lta bad lte. cf4b mhiephli4ïàm.t la intemad, but me or c»vIl Cam$ or arivate aaloute ooleticn of the. bull- pat et a voltty institution iath.- tais le intsoda. NO repailres cuid e, tiath"àl.of county charge, la a inmi'es, - countinflot Tiiere anr114 aseis of land la lte Titere veesix and oo.-half acre. far.. Theoe la no cauh return. The. cf guea froua vhilà ci oc supplie. MoM et te nàtititcifor thei laut off teu egolabie. vire avallable ail Year vau 818.If.Smimer. A nov vineYaribui bien Extensive repaire have beon ma, plsnted te protide grape Jule. forthte lq th;~ besement cf the. main bufll- hoapitl. lng. Concre edocr have been laid The. aparqtlon of tuberculcels pa- in nomseoft1Wtne'so..The. kitchin la tients froin otte,. la comploe.. 11 the buet part 0ftlite house. tubirceis apatienta Uv. la lte pasil- There la a fine caille bai-n,.wvtttosm »d cottagm .Theur tend la pr-- bulit, modern snd aanltary. Pau" la tba Mals kitone..but il la- The. groundeanar attractivd and veUl servol thirough a diffent s.rslng kept. lzro. No articles ua.d la the. Iniir- Tiier. la proikdY ne county in lhe lInuci departinent am. brouget into state more gristir la need cf a nuv the. rooms used for the. ben.i f t her almsiioua thita lAite county. WIth patienta. lhe sick coued for ln the couaty bon- tLAKE COUNTY JAIL. pital and th.e sse cared for b>' the Inspectai! Nov. 16, 19M6 state. tiie almahouse need not bu a Sherlff-B. .. Griffin. large or costly one. The, prenant In- The. Lai. count>'pluh e ex- stitution ia an exponplve o,,e. 14k. terior appearance of a medloval cas- ail old. tasantqY bIdings, the coat île. It la a tino-star>' atono butid- et operation la bigi. The annuel ex- int vith tovers at the, corners. Tiie penditure for repaire is necessaril>'sieriff's fainlly occuplo. the. front of great snl the. mono>' expended for re, the building. pairs on buildings lîke these la moeye On theiiretfir1cr lu thei, l portion to stop leaks. Dot moDe>' for Improved are an offie., a trujqty's bedrooni and equlpment. Iu the. long M-n tiiae- a laîl rocm. penditure viii prove a lea lotsa. %At lthe lime of Inspectionlthe trus- The. mont tremendous amount 0f ty's i-oc. vas occuplel b>' a promin- labor i. requireèol- keep the. place In eut Canadian istateamau avalilng ex- ls ,present cleanl>' condition. In lieS tradition. Thia man la a fedral pria, energetie a efficient bande titan cner. Ho vas takonfrcm the »Jack- tiioae cf tie prisent manager the. atone botel ln Chicagoto Lalt. Apunty buildings. éould qi4kly becoeoen- and vs. a guent unIe, gdthie tiiel>'=nhnabitable. Woei la W$6uitagafor Tii. ceunI>' oxpended $12,5W0 sud crIer tron ie. "g as i the e c f 150&am et cla"i lant Yser the. abore i;70that tite Iwbe to 1aupport an average of 4811411110. committ.d 1tii.hecouat>'- Jai tom&"lt i&ii u ,&ashlaro ixpnlur fm .-Y in thei.mu'.remosul foui tbe itotelto for.a pitifly smaD ratura. Pobd mI .taO."Wtetr@«% oê amb" bai oWeter la a ocu1111lMÉeMO sylilinma". oo.fortabl. for the. prisS. tidlag ver. protiled at a lis">The froéic. cf' tii boueanadIgrena cmi. Thp ismôr requt«l t flt e alCve& te ina. On. guani. about place habitable repreant»a a'pie. A lieehbogbt cf Um. Pu1ple mashoalder, modern building, minus thei. *A " a la in cha-p. 4A ag.tim tht lt.e the lumae, cculd bue Pt*2de t lSesmm gbo tr"Wta» s *I prionerti * agpena.. viit f -ar leu labor aM i 'tii r.ceved viti martel dilafvorb>' the inftitl>'btter romulla. offiie.. T'h, laut tventor>' of peracam pacp- Déx e t ruatys roc.la the. *nt ortj shiowa the.value Cf agnicltuam Jan r-om. This roc.' 'aminldovs impinnta ta bu 82,09VI56 Md Il.- on titre.aides. Tii. roc. containaa N.Ob reprisonts the e ccOf cfola.- iarred cage vitii Ove colla on ecii boll fuinture. Tii. farin1iaDot & aide ef a corrilor. On. celil l a bath aOUree cf large InCOMM O te ii.tt>. roc.. Thai-eal tvo ditacitil cele »nei almubousein a ahiime fýrsud And aithle cornera cflthe ron.. inSi-.. But tieie tamtt f*fer- Tiie scciti andItiird Scoreare like Implemnuts la greator tiian that for the. tirst. Tii. tiirdI 80cr la mucit lb, oquipanont of the. tvo buildings lU llgbàer, betUer ventlted and cleaner viiteI.lnmatee live. tiian the. oier tvc Score. LAKCE COU NTV HOSPITAL. Boîvoon the. second and titird flora Inap.ced NOV. 1, 1qý are the, lepartaments for vomen andI Uuertntendent-DtW. A. B Brown. boys. Tii. boys' Iepartmnt la four Bnda Nure-lis 0164>3 laCune. cela opening on a coridor. Thiorn la The Laitsebcunkty 1hPSpitawvalOpen- a bathi rocm. The. only air titat et.,. .ed for patienlats lobrnsry, 1915. It comes frona a vindov atlthe SdI ef te a siiort distance cutaido Iti. city lthe corridor. Tiere veto eemboys' limita cf Waukegsn. ln tiie IegrtmeInt at th. time cf la- Tiie institution la ovned abin ope:- ap.ction. Tiioro ver. tvo bunieta ip aloI by the. couni>. . aci icli. On. boy wua apparen!>'a Tii. main building la a tvo-atery mental defecito. Hoevws unable to Concret, structure vithie buei- tel ile correct age..He iba anA ment- lu addition te thte main butid record and iiad boen one@ te St. Char4 hm lteora are tvo luberculcela pavl. les..He bal beau orderel lté. s lions, several tuberculoala cottages second time but balD ot yet benu ta- and a nurses' home. ken. Tii. county ciflol , . ve un- Tiiere are 15 acres of landinlathoecertain what ta, do vit he .-boy, as granul. - jhia en1talendtion mule hiecom- Tii. main building bas a capacil>' of milment te St. Charles a doubtftl mat- 35 iieds. Thirty-tive tubercular Ps- ter. Count>' JuIgo Persons sud State's tients can b. cared for, making a total Attýorne>' Dady. Icidll o le nI tic capacll>' of 70. boy t10 U cuit ipderthie provisions Thi eai cs f tiheldwth cl build- nhti."evaog tecomîtment of lnge was $76500. Tiie cet of thi e bl-nn a de ptire days biuilding vas $14600. Tiie appropria-laert"àbltmntted. tien fer the, current year la $20.000. Mor e e* tt u' o ounthlttI case The cost ef operation la betveen $800 lhas been . de latter t. the tate sod $900 a ntit.The amount left ln charitie.s commlaaion. the, appropriatcd fund ie te i. used The. womdna department la similar for- equlpment. te the boys'. Tii. superintendent recelve. a gai The prisoners ln aIl sections were arv of $1,000 a year. There la a head unususîl>' enthuslastle ln their priases nurse wltii ive assistants. The iiead of tthe foel snd kindl>' treatment given nurse, Miss McCune, la a graduate 0 th"rn. Il selle that even ln the rieafesij Isoins. complaittaare the, Illinois Training School for Nurses lnot madie but In ttils laU net one comn- sud ber assistants 'are- graluate plaint or an>' sort ,vas'recelvel. nurse.. Tire. men, lire. maIls, s Prisoners ai-e given separate hovels but ane required tu vaaii thiér cvn. ' A man la given a towel viien b. en-j ter, and he use. thé, iamo one untlil h. leaves. The men do tiiei- ev Tiie sherili- receiveB a per diem fe. of 50 cents for the. foodi of eacii pris- onpr. "b'ers vers 36 inmates on the day of ber vlsit), LAKE COUNTv O40 DORRELIEF. Tii. 27 supervisors of Laire count>' are pait b>' the tovnships for their services as overseers of tiie pccr- Claims for out-door relief are llsted seParatel>' by tovnshiipesud nanme ofHOW J moichaftse and amounta and chai-acter of aid are staf.1. Name. of pocr r.y upo Ileted are neot publisiied. Orders forycpr relief are sametime. verbaI, but Item. mi Isi bUIs omuaI bu pr..nted. trin foi No motiters' pensions are given. Tii. oserbaul blind bat, mot beau peniioneti. The. shape.1 board ma. an appropriation at th repairing Septomber me.tlngcf 86,000for moth-t atib foi en' pecalocsAMaD$38.000 for tii. iere of the, binI. The approprilon for vWaYe. out4oor relief and alq.bpie la mI s n.Thei. .ubt la $M.Tiiei acc±nte for tte tva pb euiareke separate. Drlîî ~tysrhU or I"isappecuirlatls. via tuai for l*. aishoua. Tii. appropriatiom for 1 theoflv L49,- M hoofitl for lte correct year te M- M,. M00 DegMioa nt « esft ii. 00« ty arm carel for b>'tiltttIlel &bMDefmp~ onn.ouOrpbanage at à~E The couty r*eosniý prulae I, SU0 for lthe orpluauap. There are09 uuall]y front 1U te w Laieous> ehken ln th. mopuege. mias Ida RiMmeircilmU iaa Mary Polmateer aretle probullon. oRlns for the. Juvénile cout W. F. WIn" le officer for lte circuit cout.The * 0u 0 Juvenile coburl ceas are iper pa icea and the. circuit court o" e. ». ceive f00 a Yser. Ni-. Welaebas bean recentl pons POIVAit lRau '. Lmi Thie Hattie Barvell setlemenî vas r.oently e.tabllaiil as a m.cWte lira Hatti, BarveIt. A boune vtit n. IUE usually attractivetgArni, vu.Bison by Mfr. Bai-vil. Il la' b«arUtUll>fur,- manage. the. voit, lirae., .rptT. LIBERT Goul, formerl>' eupertntenlent cf the Park Rtidge Sciimi for hrl, la su. perintelldent. Tbe vork acludesaa day nursery. an implcySmt lbureau% Yb the cars of depeuna holîdren, sv-1 _ ing and cocking cloas.. Rot oUp Ila provIdol for .udeh&m fetnear-by achool. At l.tipU.eof inspection tiere ver. six ecildrnIlaite bouse. Tii. lm4titutios la a n.vw on., but Il pomlaeate bo acet euo.eautuu goal voit and au impytant ag"»oy go" soia rvicé voit. MRS. FUI4RER XEKS SOU. mauie. e. . t>' court los>'bu t fitlit.maiâ* -te* January MIl. vbicol hG.et m l urla' ar uJ$&Uay. Rusam a oî : * Pe* diretdy M c.% lute 'vOb t a boxifyeer c14w%»t«ý j"411- T-e mcae N V Nwp # e t~c Laite Puisa su t a vas owùtipel ustàIst7ar' =M:Ia vu' siiova liaitw yeup, m a u bealmen bay>'te Ian Ywaeuceo am bho& on Iv» ditfemtot olé&, U Parent,, fiinlaciargil. are uable te coutrol hlm. Thue o f DmanCramner,ail 18, et al., obarged vith beins dpeudem* chilI-en.vaa cotinuel 1*jami Sth. An effort Io boiugmset at the, cbildi-on fi-gm hiir- te *andm htave themn ouotote osome sMate school. Thte camé cf VIolet Bayer of lIge-G Chtto. allegu te bi a f.lli ed cýild. v'eu otiue. Th gM l.i reaIeý bai ben ai the Unqib4 II. 1400- for ve5-Mlbel. Mal t la bo- Ilieel bhoviiiha retumnel. Meoreca- dil"op as examiaagi 1>'»M. ileab almnt< fséinlte M I&omtl s lins. Mitael Purer appeare lta court sud ukel tbal lthe court ie fls Influence te neetiia" ber son la r. loaso f rom lte aciiool aI St- Chalus. Ohe'assui-eI lthecourt sitevoul Boe, the. chIld go gool cmr. Michaelpui- rer, vho la bolng oued for divorce b>'l lii ite, appearelitacourt Iou Ici-e a pi-choit te M15 lrocoejg.. thought th. boy aboul bihoifI ID lieo state schooi for hie own goal. Tie case watt votinuel te ,lanuary BIh. NÂRMIÂGULICfflsES. John A. flaIr. 21, Peorta, Ill., end .Frances C. Beyei-. 25, sme. 1 John Weyi, 22, Portage, Win., and Erna Kleist, 19, same. Thomas J. O'Nell, 41, Chicago, Ill., and Josephine Kelly,, SI. s. J-tair>' G. Deterdlng. 36, Mlwamkee. Wis. and Mai-ta Ebner. 33,same. Elmer W. ileti. 22, Racine, Wl,., sud Evangeline Gi-atz,.28,,zme. Nrilt P. Janson, 37, Waukegan. Ill., and Anna A. Soble.m, 31, Bau.6. - Percival E. Allen, 28, Chicago, I111.1 andi Cora E. Oison, 27, Uaie Foi-oit, Ml. AI. Esc *0 oum. cmised yoursoli for CI ls yosr machine &jik or i? Suappos e you 1* alit sud puatltla îLui W. haw ve.ry lfuIyp ig cf aoil kiad s mila, si cr doing Sirut clu.vomis tîvyu 15MI'St. 1 cuo»o 'YVIUL., 5M La~ W . C*OW8 rvviLLK. --fâ4 K-W. pou. QL. no~mA U over faWb" sima 0"s Pics. lej. i.Pl 355 .a. 0 MW *aao . 1 U*iIa&EOlm*XIIIC CUL ff eu imisie pisymi 01m vsGe~ Clel tbIdeon bore.., v bai-ne. for-salaor exe0a1 HENRY SMN PHONE 1140-M VoInist, Planiat a0 Ilî 308 CORY Ave. WAURGAit - DR. S. F. GQomP EVERY WEDS D1AY- ofeOVER LV, body lae IL i f An U.pce You'il discor a flavor you arm un- acquaintcd wih in coern Lakem, the first âmes you meai the kind made bt the Dr. Prieprocefh. Ordinary corn, ordinary pocSmc and cars in imufaduré would flot do for 2BsftMerul'aproduct bearinag dis Dr. Pries name. Thcy had to bcLetcter to live up to the Dr. Price stndard. The resuli you wi91 perceive the firi 77ia eaclusve Dr. Pi-ice Pure Foo4 Store in your town <s TRGG &TAYLOR -t'g -Talephone 25 LIBERTYVILLLE ILLINOLS l"-