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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Dec 1915, p. 11

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LAKE COtTNTYINDE]ýW .~~& ' ~FMRR-17.1915. With C~eto fSetd Townshp =A La~Cbdt Is Now FreeTerritory. Or. Kaspor Maks Annwoe- inent Which Ail Lake Coun- ty Has Reeni Waiting For Effective Satumday, D)eceMier 11 aIl 0f Laka county le 'free 'teriltory" In the malter of tbe footad mamtf diseasa. wilb the exception of Shields 1tAlvnaip. In other vords, heliag tSaturday, vith the exception of Shields, stock oWiars cao slp or receive eatte lait au tbay did before the epidemic bruits out 1ln1Lake county. T'h. falure to Inelude Shildi la due ta the Durand camea, aoordlng to Dr. Kaspar, goverameidt vterIuaijau lu charge. Ha said ibtht the mtUatéù vculd not clear lu l ,4beottWa or tbre eeks benne, addMglbat the refusai of Mrs. Durand ta eMIplrvîli the reqiremnîs of tata a"d gbivý- ment agents mrnome rsagp bai de- layed lifting the han 1h.. wberme it migbt have beau lifft.d iqbt nav vièn the remaner' of lb. ûouuty l0 dfflared "free errltory." "By daciaring Ibm.eounty gme th' rttary, you meain bat ýbIilp @AStisDe. casher Il yl ha l ust as titmy vota béfore -the epidemic brokm out?' vas albed Dr. Kamper. "Thats elactly wbat I moto," saad lb. vterlearian. NONE IN WAUIÇ"AN. Ie connectlon villi lb.d4atIid fig- unet as prinîed i ?bZdayl'paper. Dr. Kaspar af Lihartyville Ikés an llàotant correction, showbg that the records at Springfla re smre. wbat ln arror. Four casvera mntloned as bay. Ing axlstad ln Wautcegae township. De. Kaspar statem that tbeme four, tboea of Mr. blyau. Sage, Sebreck. aAd Y'ora vare le UÀberyvllle leva slip aud nualin WaukegaL. The f4. ww* prluted Thumaday ver. front 90,04gfield recorda, but il seelua Uiey arr. Dr. Kaspar stalom tuaI aI no t» vas there any fout aud sMilih diieame lu Waukegsu tcwnahlp a.nd ne iiaigbterlng tbah pace ibis fi'lf a ia township in question. SUE REFUSED SETTLEMENT. lu îLe total lala 51t* Id lâke couiftly during te faot-rnoulb epîdent- le, the appralaadl value of vhlch vas givan isat vaek as $149,..il vas uoticed Ibat te nim* o! Mrs. BeotIt)Duraud sud bar Joamavas Dot Mentioned. Thas. viîh Mrs. Durand having lait 63 baad of caItll, a fev avina. etc. tbe total of 1,893 easd muat be in. creasad la 1.956. The reasan 1Mrs. Durande nome dit neot îpear li<the liaI sud Ibe reagsdn Iliat no appraisemeuî of ber loin ap- paàrad lu the dtaiied figursas furý ulsbad by thb, ate orntials, la this: Wban tbe Duraud bor-d vas saagb- teîied, the savamnment moda no ôtfer t0 her for bar taccî; tht aat. agents, lUovever. on that evaulful day. leu- dited ber 16,000 as ball the total v*îlch cauid bhalaloved under the lav. V64. Durand spumnad te sunt and laid sha vauld flot accapt &nythlng "Tbal's MIlyouli aven gel." sald Dr. Stockinger, 'W.li, va'li oae about l," sld 'Mrs. Dumnd-asnd ah, later started bar $tOQ,000 damage suit. Thun, aa no seaîbameut va. made vîit Mrs. Dunand sud no real ap- pl1Aiseiunt made on ber stock, the niote lu cornplling Itsls m1of lbses lu lie county did not includa bar bard. Plans Keeplnq l4oýii. Asked about temort that -ai, la planning wdmeitlî"6é 1jleeýuil ,t1fen, bere tracts àai '841 fai,~. "but- raaid denîiie lê'îe d1ta il . q te ishe vllb 1,600 fent, as bar ota home. Sha yull kaep taI for hksifsu tgiirand' utii sell thé 1)utga bt I l olla I . Dl~efot le ammmiitranto. MS. Dui Mibd atitess aS as x ettied 18,000 an k6fe for'bar entre'280 acres, but ihe #eaid nol 'accept Ibm ltimbe. sadde' Î*ed pirtlbularri ta raiin thé lake tt'btage metMaa lor' bei' o#u u4 1ýhli tact - weld, Indlste that - Mr.. irand afler aU- isn'I te boy. tron XtBe fat, for. mli »M:, "I vant t' keep a hameauolte lia. aliore." mi11noiàs .beau free-tf"fot and Mout disem.- for 12 deys andlotata, làd tederai odicilbaare begluinrt tbbait Im té?t Vfs mld'&t*à*yet ore. hfIe otite1boar f v b ck ommiabonar litUrlglai *UQm au~a4tahope elida.a hr ~éta'~as~aasias~ma'a iamn UgPlITli A-IIN CORL IS UNf M 0E~ Cae, Where 1Marjorme Pitt -Is Taken Sicèk Atter Kavtng Had Anti-.Toxa. IS FIRST CASÇ IN TH1E CITY. In connection with the diacovery Tueaday that Marjorie, the 11-year.old daughtef of Dr. and 1frs. W. A. Pit, biii dipbtheria at their home on Cory avenue, it developa that Ibis ia the firet lime wlthtn thea mamènry of lperadn wbo was given anti-taxin In Connectiou with exposure to a pre- vlous case of the disease. bas been talien 111 wlth dipbtharia. lt 'vas il weeks ago that avery member of the Pitt famiiy vas aiven inti-toxin as a resuIt of Eleanor,Zgt aldeat daughter to liarjorie, baêtW talée sitk with diphtberia. Marjoi WM amnnsthose whè vas given tbe alili-toiu. Eleanor recovared, aud atm weeka ago tbe house was tborouul*7 famigated, ln tact. the fumigator de. clared he neyer had-sean people es, partîcular ln fumigation of a' place au the Pitte. Even tbya uned by thé children were humaid, lu faët, nolli- lng was lett uitdona ta pr6tect the family and prevant a returu of thte tIboat trouble. Sînce than the two eldert chiidren have been ln achool aud it vas thougbt tbey were ail ribliti Sunday Marjorie feit pain ln bhW throat and thair Lýake Forest physlý clan took a culture le datamne if thora vet-e aigus of dlpbtheria. The report came back Tuasday and l vas deelared 10 show diPhtberia. The houae therefo-. vas quarantined. It la bard tb tell bow long thte famiiy wiii have te remain in quarantina. Il will al ljasIbe gmre veeks. Unueual Cae». Aakad b a scounled for the tact that here la a child taktV sI6k with dipbtheria wbo haM beau givan antI-oru, Dr. Foley. bealth physician. sid: "I can't imagine. It la tbe tirat timeasuch a tbiug bas happened lrt Wsukegan in aillthe Years that anti- taniuas..been used. 1 mîgit bhaue to a dafactive tube of serum. It's one of those inexplaluable tbings." it la aima fait that poaslbIy Smrn litt1e portion of tbe thl'oat of lb. cbtld bld smre of the diphtherla germe wbick vere not toucbed by thea sali toxin and that th8y dtd not show lbeaa.lveg untit rigbt noW. The Pitt children attend the Cen- tral sehool. 1400RE WOULD MOT PROW PROQSECUTION FOR'A SffTLEMENT11 Marn Whose Home s Alteged to Guilty- Must Suf fer. WIFE IS TO BE PITTIED. Fie Says He Has Hud From Payne's Own LUps Accounts of -HisCruelty to Wife. J. Hovard Payne, alaegad diamond thiat, la plnning bis faith bn is vealtby ftîer', paver ta obtain bis relesaefrointhe jail vhema ha la be- ing hald an a charge, wbich, if prov- an, mighî aend hlm to the panitan- tlary for train ana ta 20 years. lia blliavas thal bis fthars a alth viii go a long ways totards provins bis innocence. Ha bas hlrad, or la tying la hire dabectives, to round up the evidenca vbicb viii tanmtnale iu bis being raiaased trou cstidy. M. Moore, tbe man vbosa home vas iooted In his absence. sasya th guilty msan must sufer. Ha saya that ba vill ual drop prosecution of Psyni or the guily parîy for a cash sattia- ment, Ha laya that ha helieves Ibat Ber liUsRAC1R. WITM DEAT FINDS mis R DEA D Arrivefs, tere I1;lf Hour Mtér Father, James Hollinrake, Kad Passed Away. DECEASEQ WELL KUtOWM. Mr. Hoftlnraloe Had-Been ill a Year-Had Been Unoonsci- ouseSiceSsday. Waux(egan. lIec. 15. James Hollinrake, 80 years aid pamsad away at bie borne, 175 Nortl Bisttrlck street, Tuaaday afteruodu. a, 4 ocloçk. Death la attributed t( Brl*bt'g disease of vhlch he haîd beai làè victim last year. Hie wu,. George cf Kilîbaburg, Il., racing vitb deabt arrt in luWaukagan leis than baill an hM 'after bie fabber'a deatb. Thq Ng~Ma-n had been unconaclons mince lam 8%sday. 1 Mr. ifôlinrake vas born la Eng làn4i 1go'c5Uia ta tbe United Statee *ken but eight yaars 0id& He had resaded bIIlinmois 59 years. Durlug the bast 14 y«masha bcd made bis bomea In Waulean, bavlng corne bore f rom Ketthblurg, 111. DurlIng lb. greatar part of bisIlite Mr. Hollinralte bad foiioved bte Oc élipation et fariner. He ovued me- ersi large farmeinasdhadl been retired for a numbar of years. PJtougb bis heatb waa non@ tac good aitIhe lima, Mr. HollInrake veut ta Made, Kan., last Jane ta oversee ana af bis tarme. Ha vas taken mari. oualy ili vbile thare and was braugbt back ta Waukagan. Hils condition had bean grawing varse evar ince. At one lima bavwas trmated la a Cl- cago boapital, but Ibis dld nat searn te cause anuinprovernent. His friands and relatives reaiizad 1ha1 recavary was ant of tbe question. A tebagrâa vas sent ta hle sou on Monday nîght. The mon hurriai beiv as fast as steel and steain ouid brlug hlm but ha artved toclite. The vidov, berfore ber marrlage, Vas Nalila JeukInson. lFuneal Tburgday afternoon at 2 o'clok at tbe Methodiat churcli of whiet, Mr. Holinrake was a devont mambar. Rav. Funaton wiil pramide. leterment Iu Oakwood cemetery. SAY McMILLAN 601' ABOUT $400AS SALE ARY FOR THE 'wE.EK Some Regret Is ExpreUsed That County Derives Né Benefit From This Source. ME WAS A SPECIAL BAILIFF.1 WaAppointd $ tpe jPosition Alter t* 0 oe t Iloved Dute Friwi S#tfêt. Last veeks vomk vas ater profit- able for AI NicMllan, marahal of Grayslake, Il la balng pointed out for the consensus o! opinion oseeras ta ha thal M. ,IicM1Illan nmade lu lb. 0.1gh- lsarhaod of $400 for bis veak's vorL Nal bad for a few daja' work, la iUT Mm. MeMilian vas appointad spa-I cial baiiiff vhen Sheriff Geiflu vaa renovai frein thal position by cott ordér aftar attarneys for the me on triai for murdar had pointed out thal Piterift Grifflin vs a wvttnass for tb. srtate sud shoDuldt uaehaaboved la take aby part ln selecting thb.jlry., Mr. M1eMWilian acceptai tb. position. 1Pôé eacb Juror ha aumnmoned ha e- celvthIe sain of 30 cents. Iu addi- tion b. ecetved 10 cents par mil. fer traval tram bIs home la Waukegsn. 'rite arnoanl ha recelved la aaid 1o haves .,',...,.+.tei $0 .1. 4WU'J mi-'- *NORE HICAGO.I SkYtB'OFERS TO li'UtïPÈLÀg<TQ; q6T 1MT0RIUM, The Auditorium must be e9aved! Thatas hverdict of the enterpula5 lng citîzens of North Chcago. An~ opportunity ià nov open. C. E. Say- er, wbo boif a note against tbe builà- lng, show$ a fine publie spirit in et. ferinig ta ItroffoIS1,000 on the no1eý providing t 'im takan over new foir llbrary ,paLrposei. Ex-Mayor Chgi tansen maadMonday evening ha voeul giadiy donate bis &baremaIb the bulild lng; for 1'thât perposa. Mayor Jolley, wko aiRobhoUs 'a nunber of shares, offered to gîve bis also. Aldermali lKaphelun tated the saine and ao doubt ailthe' other slockhoidera viii ba juit as pýxbic-prIted vbln aives an ovPPrtutY te s eak.Attorney Decker statad Mond.sy avening: 11f ve sbouid bse tibis fiua public meel' Ing place nowî- i nght be mny yesrs before auy pglvale parties wouid al: temlipt te erUCI as fine a buildine'- lt la f411 Ibat the spirit shown b? the Ladieae Ubrary Club, ltee toi counelli and car publlc-spiritied rneg'! wiii masure lbe savlng of tbhe'buildliabu for the City. The clty fatiars voted $35a for the maintenance of the public libs-ary fer the coming year. The foiiowing, figuras show in a Most anPhtir Way the grawiiig popu- larity of our clty library. The filgur?" are la, Ille usontb ut Naveinhar uf 1914 and 1914. Nuibeýr of Câller, November, 1914, 530; 1915, ,7. Adlit gallers. Navenlber. 19-14, 189: ,November, 1115, 2t5 Ios circula, ed, Novamber, 1914:l76; Novembar, 1915,;SU., The «expeses lor the two mciutha Ivere about the sme. North Chicago s proud ofrlier little library aud the splendid sarvicie Il la doing for our community, BY the aboya fig- tires it s seen that tlw xbxildren are making the Most use oft he llbrary. The library s s sdi itted ta serve tho chlldren lesause a large per cent ýf the bok.s are isîvenhle. The sx buol chihiren or the city are using it this year more than ever belore. The cblîdren ofthie Presl)ý terlan Sunday scbool wili meet for prautI%ô Tuesday afternoon aI 4 o'clock. T I- Presbytertans are planning thèIr I ercises for Thursday evening, D«eedu ber j"'. Rev. Newlin expects bis farnlly ti return from MIssouri Satu?*day' of thls sseek, They have been at the bomne of Mn. Nwllu's parents for an'rt' Iý tended . mit. if eMr. Peter Sullivan. who accapied I Ion@ of Mrt. Sti'ab' bouses on Mot% I Irow avenue, died lu.,a Chicago bospi- tai on Suûday. Tha fanerai vas heM lu Chicago. Mrm.. Knoael Pinaire, wba bas beau I the guest of her aister, Mrs. IX J. Sa3, ler for'*asenvier -of f ei, laftibfr bar hbmrnl Cleveland, Sunday. 1 Geo. Nbloe Jr. wus cagftn4d ta tha' bouse vith.illuena yeiterday. 1 Mns. W. DX Eudde, vbo bas beau lu poor belb for nme lime, la in. proving. FTe Presbyterlan Aid Society wlU 2meel tornorrow afternoon vitb Mr@ý fChas. G&rtleY. It la expacted that at Ibtis lime a a l reparto! ltae New England alzpper snd bazaar viiillih giveb anaiimlre attendance la de.j sired. T. A. Mcllluney bas Juat purcbased the Gallagher bhen fbaok of lhe Charles Oartley bornhehlcbha ii use for a wat*bouse. Tbe building la nov baiug fltted over fer that pu'. pesa. Ha VUiii liQvacata bis store. rran tBrladway. Many Christmas programs are be- Ing prapgai by lbe churchas and schoola ofî.he ctty. Aplan 13 ou toot ta muve the Audi- tenluin for lbe people of North Chi- cago. The city canuol purchase the building for a thiater, but It cao ha asad for llbratry purPomes. and 1htwi plan la being tousldpred by the dity couacil. A apeclal meeting of lte Ladies' LUbrary 5Ciub viili ha bld F*fi day aflemnoon etthlbiibrary roorni ta dîscusa the plan.' Attorney M. tIi. Decker, wbo startad lthe agitation, wIll prasent the question ta the ladieW at thà1 limeansd If tbey ara lavor#- bia ta Il, il vilI ha pmemented ta th" clty cauncl Monday night. Il yUl than mean a vote by the city, but ad the need o! saýIng the building top the clty la ao urgent, It la n01 Ihoughii that thare yull heanay doubt of lié paUSIng. North Chiago needa luut such a building. Joseph F'iucutter bas acceptad a, poitioin wlit ShIppars of Lake Famesti vho la luat starling in the Meat anà grocary businuess ltera. Mr$. Joziaph ]i"neutter. via ban beau iii vitit typhoisi fever. la inuh lrnproved. I 1Mina Marlon Nelson met wlth quit* a palnuulaccident 1maI eveuing vbé* abe fell, lu the dark, ovar -'a le plie of dirt covaring lte aawer il t4 In ber yard. She received paIntal à> Jurien on the arn sud bead. The Modern Woodwea met ba Hovard Payne stoie bis motheila dis- "" " evnligforthirAltui *lu".a i mod in.an te l amnvi- Had Shariff Griffin umaned thlie ékt ilI ort lr iLt fdbhileingra moudrin, ad lerela o mn, om-Jurors as usueilb.h $400 vouid hare bgeswt h élwn ibl« an, or child ln the vorid vho could b lamaine over te lb.hecÔbfty'aud Oounaei, H. 0. Thompson; Ad#liw convinca Mr. Moore that thIb neul ae been sdthepefa ChKs Jensen; Banker, Chas. Gartiee, vite of tha alegedi thiaf bcd a vpa uidhe aaeauofthusd1heip adefbis'Clèrk, William 'Waters; Encart, Cl4m lu tbe robbary. Mr'. Moore baleras dpte.l h rnn aeteec ae; ff&ýFe egf thatthe ounr w6an ay bavemouay gees ta!br.-.,Mob Man ,vitîla Walcbm*n, Oaus. .Stia"erg; PyV srved as au accomplie. ta the real h hrisslryme epl n-clan. .1*.b. B. Joiiyýý4bèèger, Wift tIblf, balth blves tbkt the did en way. hunrin aasry ut tha a thaey-ter Muid.! The meuoia iérved à fr¶tear of ber lifvay. Thua 1118erpftetedloul*tial the ~4'fy Haan Pynehg lad e$400 la lost. Thia addm besvily teoa~épta flrtUe*ltàA onai vilt bis owu lips Ihal b. mitreated wtue axpeus e 0 b. panYRimet ril soip,1asIeIi~Abr ise vile. He seeSiai 10 gkry lu the wibvi a lbays.NoIth. 0~igo al" er. JaiS. tact liaI ha oîts c s boldt aslent toai. Whou.l*Ï;anouncemeist bis héàrt villed," midl Mt. M6ora 1a vaut 1fétu t liai dewé. ev liqult SSun reporter. At a, tandstUî. chIenine pan't'béreeu pot bta op4 A Chicago deolcive, said la ha a Mr. H.url CIày pisetaay, su Afto' eration. Il vai .nstlUa sud open% Plitkerlan, camée le Wbukgi yJedtOr- AMOMica of! ddati bbt luef 153' hy C. J. Jennings o!f<Chicago, iaadi4* day aÏd consultad vlhlPhita.,'The vry ilii. Th uuibola o! tb*PiastacheinisCthlb.UiOn mue'yardm a*& 46tctv, vas stilb ln Waukega ou e îlotcaied ta aucertalu bs condiamthenanon.gtUdtk ypc "How la yoar huabandis mi. a IbmmSvi ntliêlehyohé Wednesday. Payne exPeeta bis fa- MarMida?' mlii aibedý"Mjât* a.dy ite. of lime plant la Wéiii.egan. Thé tâer antd1.,000 10 af$va' le Waake- balu'l no i5Ip-evenhateoem iw"os'de North Oilcaib' plant lit sud ta batte gau, laiorro* orýPnlUei leblievem yuddar." cat about $400. #Sat hfifaîber tilfit u p a caiâ bond _______IorlI, Obento's vatér ie nov 1*. 1taob"in is tredÈI4 , ahý il élvaa ocai- ,.awe,. lng lreated vîtIt llquld chborine at Ibat bis taîbet wilii . sp*aftbls lasI. -1 don't thb2;MkYs!e1»te5efl~bmtcah bésdrihlewk'vltit~reof tYPho cout 1a prove bIM btiy.innotent of the viilgt a lob thieufli Ibm recommu TIitg -é thaern'tslip' 0,5,9pure Mé crime cbarged. . datlod i-*g'aVéhlÉh. '] Xid't'ytIb gIVa trferoiNbrtfhassé i gai vieI li é Paya, bas roesa 10 h alewaed hlm a scadi' aner "T«Ieéýbut bb-took eoinplate vben vi gel ýournew fitlla4 bi reporters mInl b. he ù fai o! lheite dove sud .teped il btsmeiL AndI 5l ion'plant.. delactive l lnbh , 1va. f encRa." HaveIou taÉstai lte eblan i M -rie bas mbved from ber MUii To«%t yur WUWN'Yet? OSa man tsal l ai eooit raîldence as bave the young OIi'bC L8 oitaI tht he eÔuIM atet in hW1 coupleabo eaaed Ibm apartmants. PhiabOOIrîa0. viCwdb * autes. Anoîber callie Up lte mayor sat Tb.yougcopl vIb hoi deae5wl tns, a man brave la nuoee 5<>j4 h.ova. gtInbg tOo mu lte BliumRidge Mountains la Virgiela.' the .Casa Imcity bad starîite bput lu iaur. ___________ tme sgod tlimesl* la orth ObIcago, A Dree8er wxil1 make a Library Tabkes-Of ail lisei gif t; ot er 50 woods and Styles; a furi- styles to, select frein; cd oak table; ail solid priced up ioak wt frofl.....15. V' drawer; oly '949 Gbiftoni.rs for Mon 4Eoxbnation coai-and gas. s t-o v e 'til prove one of the n'tist ac- ceptable and usefRi gifts of alL C'lÀldren's Roekers CMIldes Baby Clarriages »sàvenpoits &, Rokere e1obe'ýernieke Book- M mefte Racks Electric Itffle et $495 Ovartuffed Eockus- A large seleetionm-a big, fireside rocker,,like thêI above eut, .lu genu Spanush l1te; .*l rocker at . . . . . -bt and- Wý ,made brÙ,s and rOom t best mtr ial and wekx See thése ho-, fore buying.' Hand Bags Oit Heaters Brass Jardineers Shirt-Waist Boxes Pedestals Minors and Picturea Siuokce Stands Dressing Tables costuniers Music Cabinets Ladis' 'ésksPortiers Rugs and Carpets Tuk r»E igi '~ COUN'1Y A $2.00 Foot Stool; Oxly- TI'HJIS big sum of money will be distributed ,todayamopg hundreds of men, women and children in this city. It represents- the accumulated savings of these thrifty people àd* i:teyanth THRIFT CFIRIS'1*AS- CLUB The folks who receivfe this money will be looking-forward to Christmas Day with more , 1pine s than ustiff. T.e reward-ofThrift is no'wthe>irs. TheLyare prepared tomeet the Ghris'tmas spending money prob1eïn. Dia' J/u Gel a S/tare o/ftMis Clristmas Fund? Ifý pot you c an be certain of doing' so, next' year. The, supplies for the New Christri"as Club are hère, and you, are invited to beconrýe a mfember atý once. Everybody is welconie. No cost to join "The bank behind the Thrift Movemet." A?~~~OUWY'LàiEGU&Tý OLDUSiT NOW LOOAT]à D ONK M ....,.. wwmmmmý ý - - -li ý ý Il -1 , - - - Rapb 'Pft£Faif bt d, 28 3t to ln 0, h. it le 9- 5ma à ýg d 1

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