Y.1 Î,UE B 15l. Pagt * * *~w14ds t4otdav. Tonifm"kt fori ofthe mi!mwl o% 11.1 'a tht lii i vie married bhi * W'uk.gît~ OCaI '~witlil* a year atter she scured a dl- *vaice froin ler fiat huaband. . The marriage of Will" 'nd m= ten«ù or.ti liasCbkovCty scbo'mdur evening at 6:30 o'clock at the Weiuomday vice mia lagg .toung, Idetiodlnt Parsnage. 1ev. J. W. Puni- wbo hel dithe position mani yOas.W iGÉ08kating. Aler a short wmddine Mr. guthoop lua evhnt aog.anted.- t:lrlb the couple wtlmake their home, Wsuàeg&n thr6ugh oeeùfial vWig latht, city. tubi hl ns .uin" Jme lotrov, M 1r. and i.. Louis Oonyo are Lir ti. e*f tutb ideIe ltàibhenti e-t"iOa i Pt of pî aa tter îîom their soln lng.Oandatà for tbb;îmiortantaote CIII'nce. tellng of bis acblevuinemt for a 1011< tIOle sud va, elected 'i;1. hi 'hllti WadW irevogblng 260 on liii mont uitat'fauslY.ý ai lnIO'.U N oclaimathat thé Jàffli .Hrov~n. agui 44. living. at de* ~rua 1h10 hbislidine at ail hourg 1016 lilioli avates, dii tti uera.ý 0flh. day. ltg aI 9'.30 a'cloci. Ho- bi-baéff lt eorÊ#?i Prado" h»returned le Chi- for $moneUnie. ,Heé 1«7",a 5160 ëw g> lsese hopes to get work. He and foui chldren. Püunral Mamdmy ate that he vili furniali a fiait and afUnmon. Intiti bis vire and ftve chldren to res 'Wotd lai bien recmtved of the ifS to bisi home and board. The d"iiior Henry eukm»n 0olhtTas huIdren iam nov lemate, of the Lake baimion, N. Y., friOiSlto ,ýààijB,* -aiphanage. Sau. He caus boesVU4 thélrmtl se Comipany tli thes i'OMOdlym. ,n.About 40 Woadmen vent ta Kano Beg$Pç,mrnnnas a brother o? muani mh* Saturday evealg la a spatial car Bemaénnand lrotbsnlav of lins. tW k guants of the Kanoha camp. lI..* Boni, Mr. MMU laBaner. lin. Orai oMfforathe alt»,tevers pres. sel 'sf, t DiltiMnasOa n nd tley gave 1*1ks. A «Dig iup- Ooupletely nsoov.red froua lieoppe Ol' vas 'uird and the me reternsi eralisè perrorm&ai--u ber - dpring the bohisabout 2 oclocis ln the môrunln mdMliofi eptorie, liMas UMia The affair proved a very dellitul abvawY. pre uI,01S ofte e c- brwm bomern hmte PuAdzs Bivards Loday granted a de Niw <hqfl* t ff.w b)M.creet4MW* t~5Id thé case ai Rermn gh4d bM-tnir i .m 1 yly'kUthéisri. Oek Sylitandy veoff. lXift OM su.par on a dbW'f rëy-addsr Intendant af*thm ,Jn MAii UWV boa- 4fgOciataddemto ptla iiWaiiegn, vent W oChcago Stbrniid hthe mw wkovas ha$ed tht ne~iugsèi woli~ll iL biDcountv.Ourt a fevw data ago on ShoeWVehO5.~ . ~ gounufi that lis vas mot contnibut- I* Inifant hid of Mr. ad M t ii 4t is upport of bis daugliten. gd*gWrd Thl4n..e107 Leve i _me:.____ aftms luth aqe W» s rfflSqlq'da moain lai St. 1MaryB ceuâme*.. Aý dent s. ia sleW4«-lui'. 1 Judo MlAande ln theii wewhtoé eada The P 12 k é . itifto4oS Vy -Ti1 Deéertton vas cliared. The eïvidentis vat put. lu several daym gaoT GeorgeBrogea. fwmemly ofre arTY q1D qnoIJ9 ai electictan and vlia lîfi bars. av oralmonho, a or ý t le in i m MloiWjept.ofNa4ot «ea" bis lid postion ,. at WOS ytCup«, HeMm l wi lmde a£I11> Vaisi qrat.5'fh1 H., W. Sentauihn. 4"60 q Wauiegan. etduud U i'd trou PblaelphWlâ.ne yy 1ir wem *100,000 A YEAL ho tWoiehel@ lati npataant ta t t U. S.navy. eno*v60 themservice, banngbebIn fr sut Ipjgafafg CM Omy zat Cm- mabbÈg ln-Waukegau for th. premeet les& .,ayhotse U HlMbud Park yettiw came 66 Wau. Wltli one ma on the joli at North kmisi PrUidnUtoW ses thoweitats.Chicago, arst lais. itaUsen W tolie TlhW pent every cent tiey liai vftb ChuS, of-lacOthe etif ipmilt; vith, tlib. and'tdieu ient Wto te!oUo@Pe pt cf111 equlPment aready pacissi st&Uk n ver tliey ased aid.. The riiyformhIpismut aRa i tI ail thin'gi de*mhergouit tolephoned t. th* polisalueiSttfie tstt tic pahîlciti oIahei at Ulaai- )a&goailVItii difStmeiiiiit he1navy depe.tnieh a » uhouri 1b* Muer of one ef the vif la. himoffld.froni ndlahàpllie t bofiblcmm bas ta faisithon, lacis Nth' lOUgOW tatIon, thse plans havé bo". beau hultl tu a moit' indien and Te Bunopean va, bai bea&blamned SixLaY uanen. for dgearty evs7tbtng tht has liap 'h. act'tht Indianapoli vas to peâid wblch' ould :est ho att,4ibuted lame a $100,MO a yea' proposit"o W ,atythlng aime. but aitil isaother viticli vouli lie added to Northa Clii Itend'muit be added to the long lit cag and Wuiegnis exendittung, -"w he *p 1y be repoubblecaliedi th Chaxaber of Commerce ln -udvthem'amailie'reeoamlle almnapoIIt to, mtbapaIWihn for tie aliaionanenl.of thse bisa ton and, cat a hait ta the steps ta trotient o? vale i Waukegan and mave tablitg departmmnt, TEs. ag tliVihhetltutton'0f thé ltquid echarIne Oai a 3ildélftise plan e vee alteil tmtmeut. Tis- fact, m'oa .mktii msud are nov beng. ba)diWp~pendiuj finai roltngirernWaahltun todo y b'W. J. Alida, <IR iidleer . î amtre Wukgom ait the local pumintngstation. North Chîcago, il «they- wlila thie &ad. «I just couldn't b4lhutse that the et, Indutry ta the localty. for that ià atoll of tlie bitgtalanery plut lat- lni tiers vas nmi. andI i mae it a pinit ta go tliens anM mai e a person- alil Wt~iatiom'tO>'." a veilI nownl loca* nstixa~0sitodai. "Wdu. kieus lia hà*-tise veffofe ma>'goo4 *'g, le cb"aui "aitiw theun 4àoo thern o 14lP. niai n,: ~W m~I*tos.àlabt We vatchn S~'lf*imai vsp riatt I:t vàto I beng w.i Capt. I Interete toland ti f«? thee body ecIa titi-n ofà rsmoving A Chiio frein the Chicago4 gewumaic The contract "rtu,ý%iding ma- iwwb tsflihs W lie uéed ta"à 'Contruction cUlon fic lieea avrdl bd tbEe WO4er ýT-a u engr nConi u flslm'à) «mdëoma- Itclsnî pric la ýîW -bave, blico vdei thse cea, "Ose t" traie. i I.tg bil> lisa.bt» ii thj; Bgfflejtwî uoIàéi bas-lesu aibrded the cantract foec Mk STI bilidinas rocised an thir founda- Jde tidia a<pestr18 oi ,te tuut ratta Oicago. * -repr saSiéion of sever ggi'.4ta manliofa, Iak#.g oie Obuili Gense B*explodéd, godrm sonuing aaboot niofiOIÀ4niftv eet lnaia B& Mi.. LtlI tbè Sta. The meet>ninlluhe cover wItion1 vw.à uthroa;td e * jilyi 80 feetestsld alanidmalty ieett?*gýa thet»p of bVyher & tie manhole. dbi lot Jll nle plat of bbh4tns-'a p*b»-Yule- tioil vi ttIelmbitl1i.bi tbi~tropPd il AÏ lie rogulirwl#*ly mettug ai the ihmà CclairA5aeét Pb%» ufflatlbe- çi mwliêt-th eZ um Oum& h 0'~ I tb8SeetV~'a* ~ bu I »,t#«,l- tuataia nuIchikNeeê ut llsot1f t*vaW.d.g si8hihhSIâ~ Ît * it d W#T KUM ET -mean a joy for the whole household. PRESENT the instrument to any member of the family -and it means pleasure fQr everyone ýat ho me as well as anyone who cornes to the home. "MU, stc ia tA Cha-rrns" no one will deny, so why deny your family of the'greatest "i the year charm ?" Whetler it Is .~ no, Player Piano, Victrola4 Mlanks dol'n, G-ultar, Vte n, Banjo, Cornet, -Clarionçt, or aiwy ottier musical instrument We 4âinds-incude-ome ot4 ithe -,wost, tgmous istruments on-, the market suc~h-'as the Apollo Player Piano, the CQmbinola Player Pliàn, the Lauter Hu- maàTtohe Ilayer Ri- ano laiùd:othi new Pi'àyers asIiow as 9. te l. in atiegni. they bettêr gel busy la cou etenget IbhInMlences *il<ed dAlmiUpIL iiegétt. ever vonkhm g for tlam 3i othe community starrun. ladli tUon. las rk*êtth this bitg dsparbnt at ai ewti change iHe se a m&i"àKu> se la iurprlsed-at the audden affaire vbenbi. the plan for kthe plant liai ban ballait. If petty oaierliai comfe on ai t -andi arniemi atNorth B ; sev day; mo t to natei il qf the Oublclty iepatmet- éln es t ather le' ions-,' nto & oWh uicity-, depettMust includes rving plant< and hlghli eff- ntin'gi tab"bMIent. Ail th# Wé Woru4d. ' fl ewhlch a'r" & a oe"iyltgSarprintid atj je"' pliai nùw rEARNS L.D<S FIGHT. tKffleatu nil th telt Court, >toiay denled a motion pré- nsaentiUag ArthurAL Steamne r-9m« ta rffligo, irJ:iuIaw agnate vwbw4leiLlt Uafl n I Barbara,. d.., a*+ tcànly' illan BroM, toeeubIwec te a fil.d last P1Mdlay selisa 10 to, a md dues..dve~i ue4 nomDmuil-hat*e ew"(6 dage 1cmra, = n1igC- a that the petitian vai not lhn te pahnted Urne. as "aio. Mirez uallji&lhe piano A,$yhicg yon desire ini the ri«fld liàs-awe have. We Hand4e the Cetebrated VIcter 1-4ctr61'a and the Ed- Ison Amberola, ranglng ln price tram - $400 to $15.00. pur stock ofrecords in- eludes over 5.000 selections to choose frorn. Grand op - era at your own home. The Whole Family Wanti a Victrola I -..--Santa Claus is the fel- Iow to bring cheer. Let him brin g a Piano 'j' too. Its easy here. Small Amount and Sm al Monthly Pay- ments * The Baby Grand' isithe greatest and best instru- ment made. We want you to lookat it Corne in-.See and Hea r The Ukulele The national musical instrument of sunny Hlawaii. Thie le the musicatl fd of the yern and ia a fasai- nhting string ijîstru- ment and vcny easy ,0 play. You and the Chii dien Want a Playerp. iàno ~AT MM HE~Y FUË*XTU WAU=KG"1 A E of, Your GOunty~ LV d'î~ q6ffl 'ND ' -