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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Dec 1915, p. 9

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FRIENDS BUDA À E X T IR A NEEDOf PERMAN. -EK RW TlSOTI0 HO0ME FOR DUYCK NWOTRÀOf ENT llME FOR DE-SP CL UP FOR CLAIMS0O EV IE N PER DAY TO CARE FAMILY IN A DAY PENDENTS IS FELTý BULLETIN. F. AND M. DISEASE ,RC' DNSE FOR C0. PATIENTS F. AND M. DISEASE; .-.-admes cussens ,s a,,.ee man' PRCHeB N S E As ifby Maic aLittl om -1 C0WS ARE TO DIE M n ThkanAdition to the gal"ed hi'berty 'ate W.ded* -f Farmers of Lake County to, Bel T A P S T ui o mte fSpri for.the~~~~ StiknDykFmony Hospta Wod Fill. *'"°°" gra*"e ""thde eai n e ofc. Reimbursed for Loss in Kill- sors Gives Comprehensive ily~ats Wasrea Built Sunday. aLn FetNe Hee oey'h',,' 'hnminaeigof Their Cattle. Report on Hospital. sa LaTes Oubra Dicvrdo case of Cuss.ne from the juy. The' A tty. General Lucey Sends For- FRIENDS DONATED MONEY. Teday Afternoon South COMMITTEE INVESTIGTS state had failed to, connect Cussens XMAS PRESENT FOR CO. mal Demand for Each to Pay TOTAL INVESTED, $40,656. of Libetyville as à principal or accessory to the kill 2, 111W $150 Donated From Pay Offer of the Humane Society ing of Thomas Morrison, a railroad de- Close to $74,000 Will Be Dis- Cost for Operating Hospital for Checks Saturday-Fine Although the quarantine was liftedl to Care for Children Is Also ***'"°*"°" * °"'t3° ' tributed in Lake County Bc- TO MEET AT LIBERTYVlLLE. the Past Month Was a Lit- weXmas Spinit Shown. but a few weeks ago a new outbreak toBC ' This action on the part of the court, of the miuch dreaded foot and mnouthi •oB osdrd was taken immediately after Cússens for Chita a9 leO 1000. > ~ ~ mdmrysot n h disease has been reported fraim Lib- had given hie evidence on the stand. Bonosmen Will- Consider the Oeo h neetn hnsta ness-lik er ausa n th usi- 1ryil n codn blts d As the result of the discussion be- HIs story did not deviate from what 1Foot and mouth disease cliste Question Monday Evening- Onme beo the bnter stirtisethat ppingll ofd manydn hameh aaet d fore the board of supervisors on he has contended ail the way along. money due Illinois farmers fromý the camel before theboad o urv cosytle otaIge ose Buan aym a VI em a er e i in othe evicint Wensa 0t sblee that the Headmitted being nome 50 rofeet y state for Infected and exposed herds PuZeA e Odmn Tuesday was the report covern tg é by magic. A .desecrailon of the Bal). herd. cm teeowhm hematter Of was fired, but he denied having taken slaughteredf inil then war on the liv Lakerount G eer hopitanoas mad l tbath day? Perhaps, but In a noble Late Tuesday afternoojn Dr. Butter- Iproviding a place for dependents was any part. This was no different than stocki plague, will be paid next week. to collecetail the ba k Inheran t ra ySprio aehro e-o.I rported with the request that they the evidence given by several wit- Word was received in Waukegan to- ne xshowed Interesting features of the cause. field, a veterinarian, was called to the rnetgt n eotbc te nees. cussen had beeon locked up day that checks aggregating $74,000 fees fromi previous coun(y treasurers work of the fine new institution th A fw aysag fre esroyd he A. Hlecht Tarmn, under lease to A. H. MacIn the Lake county jalil for the last would be distributed among the farma-ofLkcunybasefterunggoth c~~~Per to examinea sick tioe Thtrye teh meeting, will makeo a recom- few months. He was a mighti:y ers of Lake county who Tost cattle as nanceti feature of the report being herude little house in which Alphon Hech arm s buxaminea eic ouThe meondation that will make 1 t PossIble pleased young man when he was per. a result of the killing of their cows, of the supreme court recently that especially interesting.to members au Duyck a North Chicago laborer, Libe fyille. The doctor- diagnosed orLkcunytpovdisefw t r m tdbi tom ac Chiutcaose and r e. i ian erb tteadntoa thefs are A n the retfte a whle a s hwn asthyeintatt housed his little family. The house the alckness as Toot and mouth di«à this very necessary Institution. trtohsominCca.Hewsverarntesur.Acrdgytesaehahscstthe county on sin average l'uwas located Juit west of the naval and then called In State Vete iarin Whether the children are housed at acompaone byhsatreM.liver nst hek comcsOe of thatopring former Treasnotee onC bondseth kep 09t pher dia. for echpatent training station. Duyck's little son, Dr. Casper to examine the hord. This the quarters which will be furnishied - ----field were busy Tuesday and Wednes- hyms a otesaeIreit-pasdtegn imh omte Syral did n te laes ftr hs oringitwasfondtha svenoterby the Humane Society o:- whether IdaY making out the vouchers. There ly the fees which the state claimas. the hosPital under County Physician motrr hd red I an t penetratr h ead mofn cTte ad ountrat ede ther i they are kept at the county hospital, ls available $200.000 for this purpose. In each case of the bondsmen of Brown and said that "there la nothig the sollid wall «f Are that made an diase duinte akes little difference--he fact re "The state owes the sum of 11300,- Price Tt amounts to $28 each. There Teft undone and everything la ope limpenetrable barrier between her and Jans met to work to app aie tveete ar iainthatothe Institutionb os n aAR FOR DEP ND °sal hoenmn as pa Liberty" e'e sig°e en"- -g-°"Del * "The epor't"rlos teInfant. aran netm hud ncs À EF RD P N.herd. Laborers were employed to dig taking the required action.bTetI out this much money and the state Amen, W. It Davis, H. C. W. Meyers, Your committee on hospItal audit "I'd rathier have ]omt a dozen houses trenches and It ls stated that the cat- The fact that the Lýa'( Bluff or. ENT 10 C8ID E expe°x d bysaeocers fithtCR.Ae.mtnteofeofheosta - than have the Ilttle fellow die," dle will be slaughtered before sundown phanage is overerowded a large part ithe addtsna H1000wlb pr- Pi e, as treas priortoreld pferntnen on Deeberk 8, 191l5,and moaned the fathier as he stood about and an attempt made to bury their of he timsea otnmksi ndia priated at the next session of the leg- ames He, ikede Ameos, esdtef- ield a tro Y o ing overt e bokso th e fo ors br let ed these dependent children i Teta e hean all preesos, etaeined the n-ita th oouighy egrt eae on mae fo er, sombery watching the carcasses before sunrise Thursday. Ithere.' There ls no other Institution Humnan Society Officr Pres Lare .U.ysfee oea h eriittxfes, bfteevng tem Tohe ollw Ing iyret we foundithon ruina of what had once been his hap. T'he doctors are doing all In their where they may be sent. County' e Ce Ier e- ltk onty saufemoe asa an rehe prustso the o flmTe aboo'in stit frth class coditon py bittle home. .Power to stay a mpread of the disease Judge Persons has faced this situa- ent a onty Board Meeting uto paueta n te point was carrted toa h urm n aace ihteboso h Neermid, hs rind asued an frmersintht eihbrh dar tononmay scasions and often he Åggf hconurtat1inslosasa court this year and the ruling there treasurer. We found nothing Teft un. hi"e cannot bring back the lfueof iraying tat their places will jet be, has beene atr a Costhpoieanlcebghepauewse3000.n h was that such fees go to the state dons and everything open and above lae under quarantine againtoeheedpndnst.sa hl and not to the county and not to the .aorad ret h inspection of your little boy, but we will see that theorr case is eingdisptosdy ofOMMTTE ISn NA E. rs'a"'eta"ted b Lake cout a". >eem- treasurer. Mr. westerfield, imme- anY one and your committee, have you have another home better thari .Lake county farmers view with gen- Thr r eea h hn h that n-orho h atekle in diately after the ruling, turned the n hetaIin giving their hearty the old one." uine regard the new outbreak of the conyhsia stelgclpaeall the counities of the state were fe ehdrtie edn h u.apoa otemto o neit "WeBegias illtae creof the fot and mnouth disease on the A. H, for these children. tis poite IoAction in Definite Manner Notý ondbLaecutme.Ing' over to the state.eceo epntebok ada- Duyc faily" oe mn dclaed rtyillwhere her are 79 catlefor tuton in thre and that t woul d n;toB Tae Beor Mr h fnar*merss rh en ere nherd°sW b e tia a d e n urnl y ere Th o o i the Lake Countyn eral a Um We appreciate the sympathy that some af them fear the Vicinity around but little more to make an addition Meeting, Says Board . the plague today when they learned caueto a d metheg aorNgly ave Thme flon:ste nnia . W» ~~prompt* the offering of outside as. Libertyville and perhaps an even wid- for the children. If the plan works that their Christmas present fromn the called a mIeetying for .\ondyeenin metTo nt.tet84,5. g sis~~jtane, but we will see that the er area MY agin bie placed under out well temporarily Tt would not beWuegn ec 5 state would be a check in part pay eta ietyil ocnlerwa oa nesmn 4,5.9 Ducs ono oe owat, arrIgId quarantine froin which it has hard to make a permanent arrange- Wa'eaDc 5 et of the Ioss sustained by themý action they shall take. -Buildings and grounds, $27,092.4; 00ck dntcaet nt just emerged- ment. Then children could be cared The supervisera this morning lis. when state anid national veterinarians Nothing 'Buck of prie, Equipment, $13,5S3.15. The lire took place Friday after- NO one seems to know how the cat- for there Instead of taxing the capae- tee oeretpesta oehn vis.ited their homes and ordered the e netanffcie a plwitr ls stt- ee ra expns to13.5 dat (Dcme noon. On Saturday when emploe of tie Orr-te Prear plac e oWtra"tèd the ity of-MWe Take Bluff orphahage, for ie doneh t ore fo suitablet plc kilngot.he ctte. oth a ed, a o ietv ro ote1,$,4.5 the Cblcago Hardware foundry disease. It is.elaIMed tbpy soqld net while the latte Institution always isl hcat aefr eedn chl AntelubekoihsreddPieamnsrton ec h tt eat si , $3,87.1 stpe.p1otepa6lr'swno have been exposed to any of the cat. more than wUling to do fits part, the ,dren of the county and the outcome disease was reported un Wednesday, han nothing coming tromn treasurers ea, 196 .. w fle whIch were slain several weeks county could relieve a big load fromnof the matter was thatote achirn and 79 cows wer pute toa det by or rirtohs ie and $1,e ,21. 3meth) to get their weekly wage, many of ago, because the dIsease would have the women who are making the or- wsatozetonm acmmittee der of thé veterinarians. The dead Bu$h3fc98realdthtafw -ih6 adpwr2fr2.mnh) Mg them, principally BeIlans, laid solde shown up mnuch sooner. The only pbanage as near self-supporting as toivsiaetemte n eotcattle were buried in six-foot trench-dasgontcsamfrmhette 38.2 10a part which was put Into a pool. other tenable theory in that nome par- ilpossible. aot the March meeting- esan great quantities of lime was ofiers at Springfield to bondemen Milk, $854.2E. 25 Wen tis ws contedit ws fond lion of the ground where diseased ,Dr. Brown, Tt ls said, has assured Judge Persons made an appeal to spreadivrtegondtlrvn who hiadt signed Fed Ames' bond de. Nurse wageb, II,659.49. canti a onedT a on ,ttle were pastured muet have es- Judge Persons that he ls more than the board to take somne action where- spread of the diseaBe mnigta hystl o tei- rvsos 4 ,9 ... 0 that 150 haed been subscribed, suf- caPed the disinfection which veteri- willing to co-operate. by the dependent children may be heritance tax fees which Amen hiad Cash on band, &,1,242.92. f7 cient to purchase lumber for a lit- narians sought to make quite thor- cared for on fromn the time the petil- retained., In the case of Amnes, AttOr- Received fromn county and pay lie. .... tle home. Ail day Saturday the car. ough. Somne four-footed animale or tions are flied to makre themn depend. ney General Lucey declared In his tfents $23,767.31 (service), 10 penter shop attehrwr l n ome bird may have carried the gemo C N E T O nt, up to the time the court has tak. noieAhtAeDa ean4 Reevdfo prtn omt of the diseasee toan th0ra lc nte cinsnigte osm $583.92, which will have to be paid by. date, $230. .10 was busy doing the mill work on the Lake county farmers are just re. hOC IA O mein. He felt Tt was not proper to ' 2 men who.signed Ames' bonn. Of After deducting our cash receipts .10lumer Asistnc wa redeed y oveingfrm te srit qaratie § Q keep them in jail, but he didn't urge i these signers, somne have since died monthly, fromn %he average running .3 te . or stblshen.under which they were held for many H0ES that the county hospital be designated but their henirs wIll have to settle. expense stated above, Tt leaves s a. .10 tunda m.orningtabiht.adeal weeks. Many of them have disposed as a place for holding them. W. 2. Westlake, one of the chief tual cost to the county monthly fer *e oudymrigbrgtadery f remaining cattle, sending them to W. P. Weiss, probation offieer o'f TH YA E UR E bondsmen for Ames, died this week, the past nine monthe $1,059.14. ..... a force of nome 25 men, several being th0 tc yrsi Chiao or Washington, D.CDc14-Ci h ont orfl htdpnet the very week notice came from the If the county haed t a o l .members of the North Chicago fire de- were preparing to follow the samne cago won the Republican national should be cared for by the county be.. state demanding settlement for the these patients at some other hospitai partmnent, made their way to the site course. Many farmers use their cat. convention on the first ballot. The fore and after the petitions are filed, gAmnes' tees. at the price of $1.50 per day, fit would of the new home for the Duye'i fam.- le for milk producing. What they date ls Wednesday, June 7, one week In other words, he felt Tt would be a PioBresadM s u Theseamen received notiee on the have cost the county the Oum Of $2e fear now is that If more cases of the before the Democratic national con- fine thing to look after themn In a Drury Declare They Are Not Ames fiater as signers of the bond: 800.82 more than it has. Illy. ~~~disease occur they may be prevented vention assembles In St. Louis. more and general way than 1s now Mrid s e.E. H. Antes, T. Jeff Smith, W. S. West. Total number of days of service gTimbers were laid, supports rafeed fromn receiving any profits fromn their! The vote was decisive on a roll done. •lake, Herman Bock, Wallace Drom, J. rendered by the hospital, 7,962. and soion the boards were being nalled herd for the better part of the win. call where each member of the na. Mrs. F. M., Barker, president of the R, Cribb, Richard Kaye, D, A. Wil- After deducting the cash receipts ··... .it lc.Wlig ersmd ih ter and this in a rather serious prop. tional committee rose and announced Humane Society, appealed to the R ELATIVES ARE POSITIVE. )tams, E. B. williams%, J. B. williams, from the actual running expenses, it ...,pl. ..lin osrsmdelgt Ition for somne of thema. When the his preference. The result was: board to take such action even if it J. B. Burnett, L. B. Burnett, la B. leaves aB IL euft to the coanty for the .....work. The men all worked with a quaratnewslfditasupod Chicago, 30. were but temperary, pending the final Grice, G. D. Paddock, G. E. Webb, care of your county patients the SUM seal born of a desire to be of asist- that the last vestige of the disease Sn Francisco, 13. disposition of the question. She sug. Relatives and friends of Philo Bur. W. F. Zeigler, John Engman, Williamof10% erdy &nce to the saddened family. In an which dealt Lake county farer suc St. Iouis, 7. gested that If the board would agree gens and Miss Aura Drury, who has Kelly, George Brown, J. M. Isbester, The followIng ls the report gince and incredibly short timse, due to the large a terrific blow had bee erdiatd PhIladelphia, 2. to pay Into the Humane Society the made her home with Mrs. W. C. J. M. Hucker, B. W. Amnes, Sol Lap- OuIr Tant audit March 1, 1915, to*De- .but apparently such was not the case. 1board amounts which the law permits Wedge for years, declare the more la laon, Gideon Thayer. cember 1, 1915 (nine monthe). ....... tforc of men, the little house was un- At anyr rate, farmers in the vicinity 'VTEA TF CVL W R to be paid for dependents ($T10 a suance of a marriage license ln Chf- The &ave men are the.ones wnlo .Provisions $2,120.07; average per der cover and the Anishing touches of Libertyville as well as all parts of I •month for boy@ and $15 for girls) the cage Monday wasn't suffncient grounds allso were included In the county bond month, $235.56. were being put on. lit was not what the county will endeavor In every way society would assume the responsl- ta base the statement that they were which Amen defaulted In and they Nurse wages, $2,866.15; average pur mnight be termed a pretentious cût. possible to prevent a spread of the '"b " "i"--l '"ity °f pr°viding saime home for actually married. • badl to Pay up the 127,000 shortage, mentht, $318.46. disease, for it would be disastrous f !While ne nad niot Been vvell them during the comilng four months Mrs. Wedge, speaking for Miss whIch, when his assets were seized Genuerai wages, $1,900.58; averfgl tagre, but it was better than the old an epidemic like the last one should SvrlDyCnionW s while the final matter is being con- Drury, said: "They went to the city by the bondsmen, were realized on, Per month, $211.13, one. Duyck watched the entire break out now. Notra Ths hotio . sidered. Monday and got the license, their Teft about $600 each for the bondamen General expense, $1,314.09; average process. A little smile played about ON FAR MNUMBER 3, Not Thuh Seious" Tt was finallyr suggested that the plan, however, being to be married to pay up, per month, $146.01. the corners of his mouth, but It was The new outbreak ls on the Hecht special committee confer with the so- later. They are not married yet but HI1-eat, $893.50; average Per month, tged with sorrow. Occasional atfrmi known as No. 3. It lies just Wau'kegan, Dec. 15. clety offncers and takie care of the have the lleense and will return ta 99.28. n&yaacross Milwaukee avenue, west of the Edward Booth, aged 78, died rather temporary matters as they see fit. Chicago later to have the ceremony ,Milk, $320.50; average per month, Trongh hand brushed away a tear that John R. Thompson place. In l there suddenly at his home, 219 Williams Judge Persons In his talk also read." R EÀ SOf$35.61. ....... would start to trickle down hie face. are somne 800 acres In the three Hecht 'tet ,hsmrige . touched on the mothers' pension law, Mrs. Burgess, mother of the young TUI-undry, 1640.48; average par He Was too full for utterance, but he farmse, being one of the several large trehsmongat2occkfoi- but urged no special line aif action. man who has charge of the county month, $71.16. ....... &howed that he appreciated all that farmse In that locality, Ilowing a stroke of apoplexy he suf- Supervisor Conrad urged the board road outfit and who now is working E D Y A L KELight aný power, $193.19; average . .... Workmen toiled a greater part )f fered Tast night at 10:30 o'clock. AI. that some sort of an arrangement at Libertyyillie, salid: "Philo hadt busi- Per month, $21.46. ....... as being done for him and his tamn- Wednesday night digging the trenches though Mr. Booth haed not been in should be made to take care of the ness in Chicago and he took Mise Total running expenses, $10,248.56 Ily. and at noon Thursday fit was an- the best of health offlate the stro'ce many cases, adding that the facilities Drury down for the day, Monday. CO N YP O A A average per month, 81,138.73. Duyck ls emplqyed at the hardware nounced at the farm that every one of apoplexy was entirely unexpected. at the orphanage and other places are They had planned all along being _. _Average cost Per patient per day, ..... lat He was at work there when of the 97 head would be under ground Mr. Booth had retired but a short rapidly being outgrown and that fre- married before Christmas and got the 1.9. todthtbi ouewa ndie Sinc and covered Writh lime by sundown. timie before he was stricken. He was quently he and other poormasters do license Mlonday, but were not married. Firemen on the Poor Farm at Cash reevdfo*atet nnn 1d hathi hose ason e. ceThe trench being dug in 60 feet long rendered unconscious and remainied not know which way to turn or where They plan going to the city saime time Li tvleHdHr a- months, $1,E35.41. the destruction of his home his tam-, and 10 feet wide. All the available In that condition durin a geate art to place children. later and having the wedding per- LietvleHa 0dBt Paid to doctors giving anaesthetics, ily have been cared for at the home meTrOenIutt okdgig. o h ieu to his d eatatg Supervisor King felt the question formed." -la ingt $,s1. oof neighbors. The Christmas spirit Up to Thursday noon Milwauhee there were a few lucid moments when was one which must not be hastily The reporter added: Many times Received for same, $80, manfesedby heman frens -etavenue hadt not been barricaded south he seemed to recognize those who disposed of for the reason that once have Waukegan couples procured 1l- Number of patients recelved (aine snniete b hemayfrens Oof Libertyville- were around him. the county gets started handlIng the censes and got wedded In Chicago ex- Inmnates of the county poor farmn at monthe), 213. the Duyck, including fellow em- AUCTION 18 CALL.ED OPP. The deceased was born In Potts- dependent children, it will be found pecting not to have the matter be. Libertyville foungh a two-hour battle Children born at hospItal, 18. pyes, the fire department the heads James Callahan of Waukegan and dam, N. Y. He enlisted In the army, to be a bigger one than 1s now real- come public; then when friends with fire Tuesday night and won a Operattions performed, 37. th onr ln n h wners Libertyville hiadt arranged an auction during the civil war and served until lzed. learned of lit, they explained they pro. victory which means munch to the tax- Number of deaths, 19; seven tuber. the ounry lan an thll help sale on the 21st at his farma tn Lib- the close of the conflict. He came Chairman Eger namned these super- cured the lleense but no ceremony payers of Lake county. cilaer, twelve general. Nitte of of the Jorn establishment w p ertyville but the ftact that Wednesday tWakgnbotneorenyrsvisors to Investigate the dependent was performed then but would lbe lat- Shortly after midnight a rire was these were in a dying condition whilan hremove a little of the sadness thast new cases of the foot and mouth dis. ago. A few years aga he married children proposition and report In er; naine out of ten times Tt developed discovered on the roof of the pump entering, and all died within 48 hourm wi pervade the Duyck home at .ease hadl broken out In Libertyville Mrs. Jennie Wilson. March: they were married the day they glothosunetebgwartwratfernergtehspa, Tuletide. township forced an 1ndefinite post- He was of a mechanical turn and Conrad, Goss and Kirchner. the license for seldomt do people both- the farmi. The Inmates were aroused There was but one death from gcute ponement of the sale. His farmi lies attended to the repairing of sewing The county hospital committee er to get a license to wed and thon fromn their beds by the night watch- disease, this was a typhoid that lived fi ~just Instidle Lbertyville township and machines, being an expert In this line. a sked the supervisors to consider the put off the happy event to a future men and the volunteer department of, four days after entering. There wers thewhle f ibrtyile twnhi This took him lnto> many homes and ,matter Of improvIng the county hos- date. It's not the genera rue" teisiuinwsso twr ih1 ypholds, al, of whom recovered 0bas again been placed In quarantine, made him quite widely known In thePital equ1pment by the purchase of In each case the reply was that, water pails and home. They worked except the one above mentioned. of- starting Wednesday night. city. Members of the grand armyla lungmotor and an x.ray machine. surely In this Instance, no marriage fully two hours and Tt was close to Nine cases of pneumonia (no JUM E F OST ISpost were shocked this mornIng The request brought out a discussion ceremony had been performed Tues- o'clock before they returned to their deaths). Muslis en Ald to surgery. when they learned of his death, for as to the cost of running the hospita da but woulId be shortly. beds: Average daily number of patients, HUR B A A TO Cicgosureo fnd tht ugewhile they hadt known he was not 1during the year. Dr. Brown explaine The fTr wa itbborn one and as3 An ho ig uronm of that msi felling well they were not prepared that details of the finances of the hs That the Chicago & Milwaukee soon as Tt was extinguished In one isne tpeating r vo s fagres , for the news of his death. Pital would be shown in the hospital Electric Railroad Company tate lm. section of the pump house it would John J. Halpin la guilty. The one' sisane n utin nrvuspaiets Mr. Booth was a life member of audit committee's report which will mediate steps to place protections On break out In another. It was feared time master of the Qbicago detlective At Rockford Monday Judge Arthur into a calui, peaceful framn* of mind the Kilwinning Masonic lodge of'Chi- be presented to the board Thursday all grade crossings along Tt right of for a timie that the main dwelling bureau and mont powertui police po. F1rost of this circuit slippe and before going under the kiie. While cago and the order of Eastern Starlby Chairman Maether. way was the recommendatIon by a house would catch lire. Rtesident In tentate the city haie known in Blow :itrent of, anl automobile which a pat4ent's favorit -ong 4s buing ut Saugatuck, Mich. He a]ways took coroner's Jury at an inquest heldi over ,'the neighborhood are lead In their years .looked through the oy rhis legs. It was &,MM ou- p1liayed or »3ng, lie Or %hebu, thisO an active Interest In the 0. A. ii. A marriage license was issued in the body of James H. Clifford, Glen. 1Pirats of the work done by those who the court room Tueday C0*J however, and ho was onlY surgeon maye, drift much mone readlil past in Waukegan. BesIdes his widow Chicago Tuesday to William Walk coe, who was killed Sunday when a lieonteiortam Ioi generally saw the gray walls ci of Noll t hý,Iurt. He was toon holding nder the Influence of the anesthetie he leaves one daughter, Mrs. F. B. and Miss Esther Lutz, both fraim In- train struck an automobile he wa believedl the rire was started by an him-convicted of briberyan as uual Hartman of Chicago. gleside, driving, overheated çhimney, spiracy to defeat the end@ of justb* VOL.XXT -NO.13.PAIRT TWO LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., FRIDAYDECEMIBER 17, 1915. EIGHT PAGES irt.x PEFR YEAR IN A])VANCI' A-1 -È ýCOUNTY N-1- EPEý4NJ'lEiNlT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN

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