L s j.. Sm iesCoc.)'Q.!ity ir uai Fst Corner Genesee St. and rand Ave. Distributors fbr The World's Besi Automobiles. Eaeh in a class by itself TheMaron The Çhalmaers! -Th-o Saxon! f In announcitig these thee "Best Buys" for t'a, 1916 trade we, confid tly believe we have chosen the uines -best ad 'ted for ail classes. * Màrmon e. $600 toi $3500 Chalmers -'$W50 to $2175 Saxon *$,,à95 to $935 This week ie "Chalmer's Week." Ail new models on displgay in our new ShtOw Rooms at the Corielr Gene se. and Gmn.d Ave. Waulkegau, 11 Corne in and'arra1ùge éfôr a derncnst ration. Open Evenings. Telephone 251 4 1" *'..,~ * s g ,-4 h y*j~ ( 'j e, rie tif' ~kY ~ .t~. "7, .t~4. ~ ~d* ,~. y r * i g j, e e e. I F 7- 14 iii > j4- . * g f. q. y - a r 1' 1*