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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Dec 1915, p. 7

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i '0NTil 1 i IjEPENlIENT, 'RIt>4e, DECEMBER 24, 1915. SAYS POSTMASTER Snles Are Making 4,580 ffFour, Gives ,32r. b NOfJT ENOUGH,_SAYS GRADY. Oee Population Is Over- 20,000-el g Increase in the PostaI Busines. The. population 0f Waîîkegan la ta sxceas of 18, 320. fact vwu learned on Tbursdiy w~~ Itbecineknovn that Uncle =..smthe. epopulation o a- set:in OeCx'sa of1800. le am ob4inefl theze figures bÎ mulUtlyng the number of tops ~y hecarriers of the postal su:»thby four, but Daniel Grady leu U opinion that due ta Wauke. lurge foreigu population the cor- i. tn anot rsached, ihnmch adi thire are over rive or six persons e1rnla'mny Of the familles of for- AItis bour the carriers are mail- 4 M0 stops ea*,h day. There are Ul carriers to do tbis wark, and any *seke thr<-e substitusa have bw euead Two stops are madIe eà.saldee ditricts ecle daY, % In the business liatrtthe .car- ruiae ile I. tops every 24 bouts. ..Xr. Bumomtsad, wbo publilsed the efW drsctory. belleves that the popu- kis n i greatly lu excesa of 20.000. ppte the fact tat the foreigu peë8al business bal faluen off over 50 'WÈ cent during the pat year, due t:: = Krpeau var. Mr. Orady aZ- 1 mue tat the postal rsceipta for Isyar vii exceed tiie receipta of ut preyiaus year. Xe treis tihe parcel pont depart- %flt vwill making up a great portion Jthe sbortage caused b, tbe de- ~s .forulgu business, but ad-, as nra se l finand second ceMg matter. *Wwte i government bugan lun ipii prcesetc., sent by parcels goâ, v bae oted a big increase ln *5. percaes post business. He dlaims e ener a nev ruling of the. de- ent the prion vho lnstres a 0 ,1 h5en loges It In the malse Io v"u» ithin 20 day,' time. O'JO, uneeSm npays the tueur- ee ani conducts bis Invstigation r tIre person wba lnsured is par- receives damnages,.' nid tlespont- 1he annual Yuietide rush started Mi tic office several days ago. and It le eeraily believed that more mail uUi be bandied at tbe local office dtpua tbe neit 20 days tihan lu any m, àb@aW Urne lu tbe bistory of thb.Io 'mloffce. TU BERTILLION SYSTEM MAYDBE ADOPTEDIN CITY fleproducing Outfit Could Be Purohased for the Mere Sum of EighteenDollars. Criminals wiie operate la Wauke- Ma In the future may bu forced te wérginves. Getlemaaiy Raffles the *Id over. It Ios nid, do go. and Il kppg«rs as thougle there viii bc au added ruason wby croo'is should wear Ï.ittIon nWaukegan. kWbun il was iearned Thursday ett tbat a complete Brtillibon finger fot reproduclur outflt couid be lu- salletIai the central station for the mer sum o $17.50, every member of t»il departmuent expressud hlmself as tByorlng tbe expunditure or that 5cm et mny Copies of tbe finger prints of crim- 6lais appruhended here vould bu tak- la triplIcate. One copy could be t to the Cbicago officis, onu to IobeýtderaI prison at ,Leayeuwartb, ûLb third could bu fief t! et e cen- station for furtiier referunce. Tbe r prints of criminals axe said to the.onue lufallIble proof of Ideeli- tion aud hIle exPected that If an vas purcbased sud Inatalle ta I t vould prove ta be of lm- value lu apprebendtng crooks tenl Chicago and Mlwaukese. î .ice chlif the country over bave laborlnsunader the. influence that prouclag ontflt, sucb au la used «*e hie ger systems, vas vorth a *fortune, sud il vas onilyThurs- Ibat local offiean earued that *mttcauld ho purchaud for tbe g<few the Sound. 'Tm net at home t0 that guntie- Jane." deciared the belle. 'Ton esen bis card >et* Nrtested or. YVou dont know Who Il la. but it lent the machine i amn for. Ieu tell by the bonk." MAY NV L W hmne wh v adrate ruhnk sroundfcto nevertbelesa." »Mai Y ý AGiAJNSTTIE LAZY to the quick, trylug te make bath onde BLAN~K; WjJLe yo & eak l Who 0 £Eh'I.t' ~~~~~~~~~~the chatitable organhzatlons wiiintll ( flj D E btb hct e a v i 0F a~W lok iorvard bu an easy exstence M~ VIV l oeif tbe kaise W FAIUEII3 witj ut weir famIle star4 anti ly IILNI1G.Ij J B l- " in ou-if the Discoered That Stt a ht passes tbat eue or more of___ b o en et,. i Provdesare et rouat t lgit.power." continuedi the Zida a Hion e avy f in em brr, oevevr. th c authorities Overseer in Sunday Address If that so nif corce te. gsus, gas LO AL WOXM 'S FRIENDS-FAIL TO 1mriosituo Tem atnve uda iaw wlbcvr b Takes Hat Off to the Kaiser wili bave the literai fulfilug vides that a man wbo refuses ta sup. as aGetLae. rvehaeat b e HUS AN O NERevulattSansd v e madefue IIU BAN O NIER RECONiNIZE WJipwu,,YCAES INTHISCITinpo the amîly a bufort $0 KN F cGoN. nte wthe d'xactstgry. Thae cut atfra year RAPS KN FEGAD Charity Investigators Say That If Wauliean vuru te invoke this law l b al' ltr." UFb uuquustlonabiy voulti bu ge l nertho" Ment peegis 0Fl'LARiEe3ST'MINE DEWITT Le JONES! Many Cases of Destitution verv saîiïsîactory. Voliva Declares He Had to Fal me are evervheretroihs, )ut Are Due to Fathers. i a .qoe sflos Off His Horse in Order to Get rnsltrmakbe C UIwe. Mr. ope RcivsDipac Mn h Ocpied Co. Court PREITV 8ý6ý0Fr _R "[>AD,, guardian or persan havlng the eus- Names in Newspapers. as It ve, in the tIsys Of »Ma, im Tellng of Son-in-Law's Beach for Years Appears on IEverybody woi-ks but father, tedy Of auy dupundeut. nugluctef -or '-ue tcsinîî dom sud Gamarrab, no il le m»W_ He all$a round ait dey; . 1 deiinquuut, chid, sas defined by ties u'e got ta face fat i hu earth la ripe for d.etmucIhm&" Good Fortune in North. Street Clean Shaven. Wilth his eest ln front of the fires tattites aititis state. or any othur European war,' declared Voliva aiet____ YOUGER othr h. ppe t dy;Persan vho sha111kuowiuglY or wiII- thp Zion Tabernacle on Michilgan ave- WILL MINE5,000,000 TONS LOOKS MANY YRS. YONE Mtla kes In waehlng, ul encourage, aid. cause. aat O nue. Chicago Sunday. "b1 amonota ________ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ veo da sia et une; e, necniorat eluc sateof depuudency, pro-t3erman or a Pno-hlntisber, but 1eyaywrcs5 u egfto eluuni rshhko-eaIeytttth asrbs ota AUV* T ROW Uncle Sam Gives His Patent f0 Appearance Is Changed t0 a B ut my old man& - ngiy or villifully do anY act or actae muetl arouef the kierp aan onîeta Am rCUalao Land Where Coal WiIl Be Remarkable Extent-Wore fluat diructly Produce, Promoeor con-stlaroutithyv eye'r beak leaulen'tabi Mlned This Winter. Beard for 20 Years. îhOmn day. leawtver, thesu lazy fa- trtbute ta the conditions viticit tender As a student i taire off My bat te the n i'nt avaerln ta tii. iarethatae ta suce citilti a depeudent, negiected ot kaiser and 1 say bu bas, the greatet Mou n< s i ai n a th tat tht anewortier delilqueut chibti asseof eltueti, or viia, jutululeinthe votif today. lKing iig e s "Biack nuage"t," mined vithin a Judge D. L. Jones lhad somu diffi- ai tbings bas been creatoti. If Wau- laving lte custody of such bchlri. George fou't kuaw auything. He haf fe* hunfred miles ot the famef golf cuitY Itlday evoning lu convincing kegan foiiovs the leati af Aurore lu shah. vitea able te dû se. wiifully te failioff bis herse ta guI hie nael min est0 hia r ont a tbsvf evsntahagt Wbetiis lino the lazy thers viliibu aule- ngleett n t h l i e t ilenewePapens, anti as for tbe czar. Cemetery W@rk ofl Ev1",y Oit Ret faMan vbo married onee hallfialiy admittet i hm tte ubouse jected ta prosecution, fine and lm- tend ta prevent eucb state o!f epun& -eve okov e u s n eie. ef Wauiegan's mont beautful sud tl.i-sho stilI haf some mlsglvings. And priseumen. ency, negleet or delinquoucy, or te The secY ond ruaetinntellel h )SrpIf eas n end mun 1aîsm îoac o-nevnelAccordlng ta Pooneaster Etivard remnaeuthb.conditions wvicb rouder votir odilsnthu qe th e o- I lais l i-al o'y. The Young man Foi- the lutge hmd ieen shern of ConadiHumane Officer Miss Ida;sucb citiltielther a neglecteti.dupouf- d o Ro laevit A us tiaogn Tera orspnec 5I onhe vlomftn e a midIsnCi isueaaa t.Bîebsvan Hlmebrelch, Captai. J. W. Cook o! thb. eut or deinqueut chiid, as aforesaiti, knowiedge ef hietory le coeceruef, bu af Mns. Cooper af Grand avenue. Mn. Sacrificef. No vonder bis vite tif wbose vork caries tbem among the;menor antiluconviction taresDaieafn- Titise ead nd statemeut appealetio stranganiy te 116 b demd uily f msd. qailuAmria. Davis mrrlud Banche ooper veo Coirecognîe hlm.poor familles af thec]cîY. destitution shah buiepuaishef by a fiue et conare. a-asl oiv uine vhasreigareY oune îlaa ui "r o ue !Ietc? h umn ntances le due ta the dis- rection, or vorlelouae, for net moeu "f sppose seaioryouEngilishmen w e s cbariug aung etnainers. Word managIng edilor askcd the reporter Inclination of!the fathere ta vonk. than 12 monîles, on belle iy suce fine ,I vas recelved la Waukegae yeterday viten Uic latter casuali tiropped a and lmprioment." vwon t 1ke my etatepiente, but they're that Mr. Davis aned hie faîber baut remark about It titis monuing._________ been grnteti a Patent on aud ln "Positive," replied the scribe. "I _______________________________ Alaska vbere the goeunument esîl- sav the barber as beeîidut sitears -- . mated over 6.000,000 tonu ai ceai vîhi andi razor." bu mined vithin tue neitt ev yeara. Tie M. E. appearef le bu satisfief. The. holdings ai the company Mr. Fot the lat 20 years Jutige Joues l h i t a i t Davis Organiseit arc saidta wb. th@e ban vote a beard and mustâcbe. t' bient lu îles Alaska coai aulne reglan, tact, ho anti bis beard seemed- au lu-! The dispace fnem Seattle, Waah., separabie as Damen anti Pythies. Theuh i t a it ied sas fobove: inajanty of is monde anti acquaint- e il lu satmated that more titan 5.- anc.. neyer env hlm smooth sbaven. 000,000 tous oi anthracite anti sumi- It vas emal vanter that many of T D I1 anthracite coai bas passed I nta 1h. titum 'paueed im up" vithout a sdue £5sAA t E x p e n s bada hile Alaska Ptrobeum & Ceai oi recognition when lbey sav hlm on r1 CompanY, A Seattle corporation ovuedth ie street. He vas a penfoct atrang-! hi Cita.. Davis anti othere. by tite et so fan as tbey vee n cemnef. Na-f4 terme ai an officlai decls!ou recelve t uraily îhe. jutige la lte subject of(à.i fi-am Washiington ypsîetîay. le wbie-a mucit goof-natunef cleaff, but lie takes 11 Patcrnt ite granled taite lremonl It al] lu gondi part. uns 1.1airn. lu lite Betîng river fild. ('has. Hie decision te part vith hie huard s JU ' Davis eilte buabauf of a fermer 'aed mustache vas nal a sutiden ituret"I Pm C M Wauikegan Young lady, Blanche Coop- of darng-tatiiur I vas a steaf i er Davis, vbose motter le a resiteul grovile et viii paver. For te last' m tà cf Waukegau at Ibs hour. Ivo or fhlee years tbe udtge ha. Coveremeut figures eshovwtai ttis hreatenef ta bave hie heard shaved! claim contains 4,960.000 Ionsof cea.aitf, but neltiten bts filnti or tite This estimate vas r"câ,hed aften ail membiers of is famlitank île. mal- Cm 111 coal legs titan tire. feet len tickneser li-vuny serlouali. But ail this tîme,i vas eliminalt from consîieration. like Macbetht, the lutigu bas itecu - C M atter a E0 pet cent Ionsalu minieg itai 'ecrewlug is cauragu e te stick- been detuctef. sud aiter anter 25 Ing point." The point vas reachetiibcmA Pur ceat of vitat vas huit vas de- Piday eveulng anti as bue seatid hlm' tiuceti for citier vaste, self ln te ceafortabie barbet chair t T i Tite gioued lae of tite 16 Lippi- b, said vitit perfect nonchalance, Devis dlaims. It ia selfteab liete *"dean shave, please-doe't eave aniy beul ou. of tIhe gteup, anti le eganded f 0f ." - * *U u as the key t le tucoal miniug opera- It vas a fatrf ifferent ookleg mîn e- e= Imm, tious lu that district, vit eteppet dovu eut o!te chair. Tite compaey appied for 12 dailms, He appuaref ta bc many yuare Young- t-<YIU I bt the thers ver, dfisalloeetiounte un. Il viiitake bis franedi nom.e grounti that woa-klng Mines bad net timu te rucenstruet ibulr mental pie- tuen opcued on tem. Alilvere tutu of hlm. ceareti of te frauf charges. 1Tite jutge nodticd ptueaunliy le The granting of tise paIent is tý some of hie men anti vomun acqualut- endi cf a battie itegun le 19<02, lie--ances as bu vaikuti dovu teabslof Iveen 1902 anti 1907 te compaey ex. fiee tedai. Samineiolte me notidef lefef $500.000 llte fit. Part of curtly-otitets ddfnaltielge letae- a rald-caf vas construcled. store, spouf, for vby sheuidt lley? He vas venu ereclt at lvst vspa a "perfect er-anger" ltatum. Samu te u aett. of lte vemen gave him thte "lcy "Titis ile t iret tinte that thuie-,steare" as if marvellng eItalttey bave cerne out vayinj seve years,- tlisught vas situer Impudence ounlte M sait Cark Davis, fatlterin-la iav0fls part oi a strangen. Papular Young lady vite vas item la Thte suspicion of a tear appeaned le FODI Waukegan. Heeiode te office oi thte eyu aifte jutige. il vas as if h. R)DC vice prestel ci teibig corporation vere atone ln a large cily. fer froin M DR "'ýomebody must have bluederef. home. Whto sitail say tat h.e dît not Titey gave us t eisl caini lu the, regret hiei-sagt ntof Ftlday nlght? CoEet 40c hunchb.' iteaffed. Cge3 ..At teime lise cont tend vas vits ' -Cfi 5 d rawn ln 1406 sud tise fraud chargesj*ÂVCIIR'C *Cfe 0 filed againsltte Alaska ceai cîaîm .JT;I11NI J UDEI!13 ltceffée 2k k anti. tere were 3,000 personsaIt a-;Ta n op talla. They veru doleg a husileso' euseet &BdA EfD .. 'fL irf more titan $250000 a year vithhSeat- N IV AT- HOMEsUR Lvaporaba d k &jus ý6 -rC'0' - tle. There are les titan 100 vitl Soda g-IzT.!. men. vomen andc ittiren lintaipart on ok on oe 't4 (c r efo f ni Aaska totay. HOLIDAY VACATION (/.smes ice1ess &s~ Theu cempaey viii perfect a plan ______ dIi fot opeung te greuntianefmarketing J"s Ec te ceai Ibis wînter. Colleges Close and Waukegan l1ok Wami eu MAN LS AFRAID Of Be WithFamilies. HIM LF O A KS Tiere are a large :nb::a Wu HIM EL SO AS S Ieg o ungooth people vite are avay buier titan itas ever beun.away be- CELL N ST TION fore le onu yenr. Of course, Chist mas le à large holiday atiali te sebooleandfthie studenîs le os Stranger in C.ity Begs to Be schooîs arc gîven atw-0 veeks' va1 Locked in iaiI-First Stages l e icheae tt'bteir of 'the Snakes.' I nreatiy Sad othrs arteexete- aTd arrive ofay. F'loivng leà-a parîi.] 8n 0 gond My Waukagau, Dec. ile- lit oet eudents vite have relurnel or Mot>Ur mysros.n u c t Afraîf tat bue mtglt kilt hitie-tiare expectef teday. wiie suffering tram delerlum ie Wade Havthorne sud Feuix Sireef rc6 men, Mke end b dWasChici- of t Uhnoinversity. ge as bis borne, appeared ai tle. po- Myra Dubart anti Eizabelt Hack-st rta on e av g P ic l s Pr ftS a rng C u > is lice station at day break Saturd ai and ley of Ciicago University. t n a o ce s v g Pr M I r et0 askef that bue bu lochuetiln a cuit in Marlon Weet aifte Womnaem, cob-rti a ù o p m the sotation. le-ceofAiabama. At 9 'cback b. vas gven A leerlng itRaymondi Moore ef Cornelh coliege. aot> n s. h tLsm w buiore Police Magistrat. Walter Tay- WVillam Schwvartz, George ('ai-leons e " um "th t fl oJ lot, *Jutige l'lu niraiti Of myself, titis jaed Walter Mackey or Wisconsin ut- aiso pay for yow r ifti. la theii. tilime tital Iitave bat n Eýr.fty. 'r.£ s n..,j ,, ,îak ai lbe "Ena'es' anti 1 vent Fborence Durst anefHelen Burke or I O JD Q~aU xcMaV tr o ,- r la ho iocket lu joli vitere I ca't get Sinslnava Mounti, ur p1J<*jve Fo Fo roD r.cta1oma lb. boze." Bertha Steel antiEtna Giaber ô n rofuFolPrdcel Hia case vas centinued tee dais, l<empea- hait, Kenosita. anti he vas lockef ln vîitlte tramps Edna Brovn of Peeria. lu te bisement a! lbe jalb. Doroîty CabarI itemIndiana. lmmetilateiy niter bis henring those Dorolty Dune fraom DePaw. rns0-#£,r OCWtPONrnsrc t*P/ UsU142 flPesrNST I '" ,.TAI I preseel book up the enitiect o! Eleanor Nerbander anti Eeanor r-ÊLr rC'LS RFr/aCerACOO &SRECNEDoNiYmw .'N1A IJ Ja«A l AI. "le a hrifoemno t'%oirman tritnmNormal. GUARAN7'EE0FOOD AOOIC SA ~4774L /SrdS S/e-O 0W00 & TA Y LO R tWe, Iva itrfioe ue u- tdys Watt fritemPeoria. S/DE SE/<DALLCO(e-F0SOVNAI£ OR EXPRES. APREPA/DTOTeeh ie2 erlng from te tremens -towed a boat Francis B'ray, Keneelt Funston and .1re s. He sait-t-tathovs r __-.M__er . Hul _ item Notthvesle25 e tbm thé" me*& e bat tbom ,it n. h., à n 65

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