rffl- rym Î-. $Foi M s aP . VESIPER SERVICE aT .3. 1'ICE JAM CUTS CHURCilSUNDAYAÀFTERN00N Churoh 7jer Of s F Next Bunday afternoon at 8 o'clocký the Veme srvie will be held at the FROM • LOCAL • CHURCHES S P L fW T R M. E c ureh The program bas mnany .ll l featutes of Inspiration and will be Methodist-Episcop)al. ReinsofWatySd b espec.ially profitable for all who attend. eintofWahy " The large attendane at these servie"s services next sunrdav, Jan 2nd will b Suffer the HaPdshpof a by the people of Libertyville and from held am follows: At 10 o clock the SUD- Waterless Breakfast. t he surro)undfog communtia ttlsa§cho esin a 1o'clock uiorn. iheir appreciation of the same.' The ing preachi ng sr vie when the Rev. T. Lake Forest, the wealthieitOUFofr programn for next Sunday follows. ýRamwl pfc n the out ipr ts size in the United Trio-Barcarolle ...................... Offen)bach "tdologtgBat" A 'l without water for nearly Mdi8@Taylor, harp Mr. Taylor, violin, a iewi ehe moandth30lnv Tuesday morn ag. The w 1anch[p "sear Ys" from hah. ......Mendelssohn evening the Rev Jt A.kf rd D th ae nth na pie h a r P ll r R¡ing Ingraban) a orano preach, special imusic a& both morning crowdedater m nihofthend T e W iand evelnitg servie" . mrin.h.eidnso tesbr b "BridalSong" The WeddingSy mphony heladwees Arid so ucit w l od asu fferego the hardships of a waf ................................. ........Goldmark Treu ar meean.r 4th et be : r0 hpniAl breakfast, Mrs. Fior& Durand, Organ member@suad friends of Iho society are 1 The superintendent of the wate Laro ............................. aneturged to atrtend and Penjoy a social after- wOrers i It rvewa th aS Reading of scripture, prayer.......... kr e bu 'lc n htteiae Ofetry, rae a tmocs ...... e mains were filled withIn a -few "da offrtoy, rae ad ies ons e.. T bM Watch", will be the sub. utes after the jam had been brok. Mr@ -,jaij(,oràn ect of the Epworth IUague lesson vnext Lk orestifr fiere inashmsh Teno, oo&1ý ýd.......... . suliday even og at 6:45. This meeting vas atheatmercy fam . donotconem d Mr D l i Thiompon w be a service of cital inter-o fr awithethoseatrHmindoParorcent eReading-The lGreat thamt te Comeito aNwYa. ) h hs tHihadPrko ý ýoii il I ad th. meetin gýBluff. .. 1 for the day had family gZatherings. Aill of the five chures ei tber had Christmas trees the night before Christmas or had elaborate church services on Christmas or sunday, the service@s being very largely ah igt ir1 of snow, which @et in duigteena nomon, made heC imam grveting "Merry Christmam" so often repeated seemed to spread Joy every- wher..', it the M. E churchi on Friday night the sunday chool gave a Christmas progeramof sonigs, drille, rliations sud santa Claus was on hand to distribute gifte. Besideo the specai mornims er- vie@ on suuday the clicir gave the cantaita "Thbe Christmwas Ring" which wa. very joyously rendered. W. E Davi., as "Sanita" presented the Rev T. E Ream with beautiful bound volume@ of books, as the gift from bis Sunday school class. To Mdrs. Jas.T .__ _ Xmas with Mr. and Mrsg. F. P. i fo W .J SM I T H ...................................................... . ................... -............-..... E ditor Dy m ond. o Pr.a . SM ITH ........................................... ................................................ Manager Mr and M re. A. W . M cKenzie of Aren&., a. . E E .................................................. Resident Manager, Phone. 169-d -tq, am visitinig with their daughter, el -----.-Mrs RH H Cole and faimily. 0 IISTERS-IFORUERLY AND NOW, Mr. and Mrs .J C, Aneman of Mil- a Undey the caption "The YoungMan and the Minis- waubee' ior R entCriasd amith «7Ithé Chicago Examingr gaturdy printed this rather Dr E. C Dymond of DesMoines, Iowa, g ognißcant and interesting editorial: Iisvisitlg at the he of his parentm, r The latest report from the Protestant Episcopal church Mr and M r@ F. P. Dy mond, until after % indieates a growth in church membership, but shows prac- New Year's, tieally no increase in the number of its ministels and also Mr and Uire E A. Bishop and daugh. t màoWs a dearth of candidates for the ministry. ter Miss Frances, reiurned We remdv What is the reason that the profession once counted the ""'Frn a8uki , noblest of all should be so shunned i We think the answer .ie . rnkot Id in found in the changed relation of pastor and people. A Tb@ M'rry Makers have issued invita- v . .tions for a sqow party to be held at the c few generations ago the mmnister was looked upon as a Auditorium next Tuesday night. The v superior being, a man "called to God." His word was held o, . a. atch orchestra, of Janesville to be the expression of the divine law. He was the supreme has, been engaged to furnish the mu.ic authorityon morals. He eXerted a vast influence on poli- "Dick" McMahon istaking treatments tical thought. His office was venerated. at the Presby terian hos@pital In Chicago. The same gospel is being preached today--or substan- Mr McM4ahonis snferingfrom theeffect. ,ffy te sme.The asorloffic is till rseted. But or' broken boue in hig leg whIchlhe r Ain1y th sae. epasora ce 3 s espc e 1 inurred last oummer. siortly after the tlhe clergyman no longer holds the same position of author- acien, eweto terccrut, ity- making big records, continually adding The widespread int'ellectual awakening has put the more lau.-els and big stakes to hi@ credit ëlergyr on the defensive. No longer are their ex-cathedra until the close of the racS. atterances accepted at the1r face value. With the high Tup.day afternoon the viec-president5 note of nuthority gone, much of the glamour and attract1- of the Lake Cunty a n er ne u u ---- -9 4-b- 1.. 1.- Wný congn fromteOeriowsp@n . ............... . ............. M r Aam W a ch N- ttsocial Wi i be heklld by N rh C iag los1frd s ie Mr,. MarJluit mebers and frienals of1he pworth what from the anchor lice last all Patrouille...... ..... . .. Hla-elman egu nFrida i htof this week and Tuesday ImornIng. -r%0 .PPby Miss Mt arion......T aylri arot BndW- est o doar ame. athietic. and of water on hand did not rn out. but "Pefet ay........ariaosBn a hot luncheon will be somes of the no extra work. such as sprlakttar the Mrs. bIgor.an i features of the evenjing. All are invited., new atinlg rink, etc, was attelapte. veeleion ob..........t...,.......r .StTLwrnc Eisopl. waukegan experienced no trouble. eneition............................:s . L wre ceEpicop,. This city now has the'sub.intake pipe Poslud, Mrchin o so......arrtt-At St. Lawrence's church ou Sunday to fall back on in case the big intak Mrs. Durand, Orrgan there wlil be a celebration of th. no'y pipe be-omes clogged with gnehdr Or Commrunion ab 11 o'clock, the celebrant needle ýce. en no alarm wu aiet ,'ta .6. - u im h. Wm r _.. - .__ - - __ r ý Davis,-church chorister, hoa ro. churc% rce; t ieFlr tplecue treasurer, ho gave- a cedar chest; to Geo B. Follett, supermntendent of the sunday school, he gave a rocker, all reciving their g it. lu the nome of the congregation. Quiteanumberofchildren alsao received gi s rom "at'"pac. A Christma. entertairiment was give" by the Presbyterian sunday school at the ebure on Frd y eeig h veness of the preaching office has been swept away. t.oU I.riy th cuatt mot at the First National pr neip e parts bein ktaen bythgeoia le Diakens' opportunities. -being teRvM eo h etr th ct-we etsWsIgcre It eMnoi he charged agamnst the young men of today Bank building and arranged to hold one children. Those taking part ln the pro. Vietverritler knows how limiting the Theological S, minary of Cicago.e h.n that Lake Forest was without Voter tht geig of their own ideas is keeping them from day meeting@ in the following towns, gram were: MiseDorothy schanck, who mors deire for popularity can be to C untalio on a Merdat 7:30 a m. uI because of ice in Its intake ogipe. Vh LnoriR fatote the plaee of the meig hc played the Voluntary; Bymn "Bail to ereatve work. By having contnl But rather the discovery that their own ideals of serv...wero - .hduled to eeing heryile teLodsAone" ytecor Teto keep lndnathe mpoti r anPebteins- eeru n1rie ice could find expression in othe ietintaptegetads whic haorve a ca -s Seory oftedCh;rst C hi"read by thepopular tante, Dickens was continually 1 0:00am)ona sho There are occasions when speec1h JO taksofth dy-uc a samin ot etilene, ek place. h, aele or te ee og r ueitne ryrkbyBthne . .kept bock. If he could have worked Morning Service I1 'clock golden, rather than silence, and lwhen innkR f the ay-suc as stmping ut pesencessee AniochGrassike.Guree, Yo M Hous M Aliurt; "elcome bybMryaGay for wrk'sor e, hemight ave pr.oChritianhadeavPro-4 . "" a encouaging ord wold h). nir ing tQ, solve the differences of capital and labor, render- and DeertIs-d. Tbere were a large Dnm. tGalloway;, a @éelectLion by the priaydcdfrgetrmsepee hn Eeigsrie7 leta gn therchest m fateiagf. ingonst4.curaeos pblc ervce demndthehih- erofdelgaes ro th twnhips¡orchestre';'"Our Mothers" by four those now associated with his fame. Bomne persons are far too mue band d b tifrtprset ndevryneofthm hoedPrimary children; Chorus 've seen In this way ho might have belped to 1of the effect of a little generum Mds Ifsthen n str st atatstogy.n mn ai Much interest in the proposed meeting@. Good" bIlytbe Primary Deparment; '"A bring popular taste to a higher llet g Telling Fresh Eggs. well-timed praise. They would Ikee ]igfftahe mnst r is nto tc t tonyume, "a lldoe W ' ,,,,yo usei ii rwi ,olie juentn; so10swetly ...Tosascertain the freshness of au aili heir flowers in an icehoqgse lAt. sigifcacemus b radino te ettin,"Th wlldoe anconida and Lake Zurich are plannn le" 'ee ste r t;"itegg without breaking, hold It befor ting a little sEunshine upon them a ." S.p b,, , che le iterWih; 3t Cause of ocean Tides a strong light and look directly times would not be amiss.-De A. ON ERTH s itis i heaen. ressm-fo ther netins ws are In y nk tr yle iread The chief cause of cean tidiez ie through the shell. If the yolk aps Thomson. T h F r p ac ar y e ai ds u o iiie o d aii ' o- ,Li .,y I m re. t. m c nw nton in.a idd eu eChorus co upsed of Mime the attraction of the mono n which a f. pears round, and th e white surround . The Fod peae pary remnds usof sn old aids'con- uar.g ertmamnBlanceeTrigg's clamm; ebo)rue3 "The fecting Most strongly the side of the Ing it clear, the chances are that the TeNtelns vention whose delegates take formal action telling mothers has, been rosed for the coming, met- Chrimt.ma o lut Carde" by Junior Girl.; earth nearest to the miooni draws or egg le fresh. Or drop It fit water; Thkngo ofteNhrsB kow theyabould cre for heir chidren.ings. The committee ae 4nae dialogue "Doers of the Word" and a heaps up the waters in the parts of If the egg sinks quickly and remaines hskndmofteNMrbf hO hyshudcr frterchlrn peakërs with pronouied lability to) , ,.tu@ -w bat Makes a Salita Clans', by the earth successivtly tiirned toward at the sottom it is in all probability date bca an86,wnteessnagrSll That Dorf-White handlenaautomubjlets.wbich are to lbe the suior bo3s; "A ( briettias Carol" the moon The attraction of the earth fresh, but If It stands on end It It p enne unrtele of nth ongl That Drf-M ase, a autoobileaction is oe of iscuÊtedlat the-e meetings. by Edward Casey. The proga cm or the Nwater on tts surface is strong doubtful, and quite badi f It floats.ofOag:Athttmthpr- thelse court actions which never will down. It's bobbed- to a close with the Hy mnu"oytohe ugh on and oract theattractionc ee, hl a ehegtok l of ince Anown aieAutia e LO ap uwfthetidtm.Prasitwl.e"he ie DO YOU KNOW GRAND= o but It responds to the attraction of lnds were ite pthof ado ABdout,,The children of St. Johin' Evagicalthe Dmoon by considerable inovement. ty relwiin or rmaciliheri otnc þe 14O1Il F MARY UCilE? ,uf heran chu, chaa.avery ,ap,Ppa,,, __leasant Prospectwet n treltig eionsor ofil he ..wne Dowie predicted that the world would come to an end a nd hita re tt why They Fire 101 Gunr yalsa- aeroc was fi d of hleis unc ormwedngd tom.cin f h e lin 1914-and we checked up on him and found he was In theULibertyville postfIce hangs a pastr. lnlriyev.Beigeaif ¼nuk gl ewhc osst f11gns, o x-mc dstrsse whn h lerne th vru.Now Voliva declares that 1925 is the time the Ki&rns whichread@tlhuP "no'"mand- as-td The c itren tiooakvar lte , lainedasons s o 'ignas, i d- ogewil dhve ted ebclead he, rugt e elEog oe vord n o cmeto a udenterintin. e ut th dteImother of Mary 1,ueile, Rome, N. Yq s ,t Tev , ý okp'tllied sflos lwsoinldog he habten the butii-zébchr Bbby -ile inc Le el E opugete.h as fordrs ocmetoakuddngerinaio.ne(utsth dterec titaiisonm and sanw IChrismas um arolm decreed that fithlei9 ashu D .e iai , bive T ( e id oby and iý il, ( ,doelyt inbs-e 0ffquite a distance 4o be safe-1925-and he knows we'U aasastr of a Chri'tmnas glit Dot il"il'hýy vee ail rnm-e iin a saluteild i 0 us adtvn amw whenId thldoitcher came lige di "' bMa n iA. air o'®d Th1'oth -d t yy"sthaeCaue hritmalthemet im iiait te door. fno mas very much symicn m inde siSLahs and hav towai qute tie t chck n hm. re n de veet enng t i ans eckspiaoeie mvwakbeig gee d b th teutie.1n0r3an EBd s th buCie ivO wn co unS flk ogr-d ing like playing safe-and Voliva usually tries to do so. wtilheptinge aslalpar ox, acfwere b-id. ailv. liuerger Ielieriig a Offilee's l i" ea 1-L counit and o s o me hereand ad s e i his teet-r ders d g aad,-In mbh mi attep -tfieasm l ae b x ftautlulm serrn>n onI til" "Birth of Ille dered anothier round to be Iire L i l2 ot oh eearks.' fNo tcL ý er lave1h I> et da r ,M l m The prevalence of the grip in Waukegan right now is thle kind thle ivvilers us e e"out"l the tuae su.nete marke."surer assumin a mostseriousnature Many prsons ae realfloor. The box was not wrapped. exceptSev,-. tLwnes assnmag a mOt serious nture. Many ersons are elt1at a rubber aana held a tin, ChiristmassreofsLaece isa- sick as a result of this, the latest epiidemic. In the whole rd iiion h ael@ cIýlead writt,, 'Ire Ch Chri tma dra e land the epidemic has been spreading until even the gov- i ,for a teet. The box co"u- ice atComvunaochu. kiteImeen ernment has urged that steps be taken to check its expan- tiledil .1r usdtrsaruto a Romeseilmscwsredrdb l h, sion. Parents willdo well to observe the rules laid down N.ae a ýe d een videnityi oin at the1veie re erviedat 7:30lin he by doctors to prevent the conditions that follow careless- pcaehdbenpr facleto fa i e r ehrci",ait7:30 risms the(€ 0¢ . lieu s in attire s etc. A nd adult s w ill do well to read those p a ne m i a l a v cin b eme op e "rec ur h a f.ý' riue, 4(E %ow" o c n r=les themselves and heed the warngs. in shippin througa the.ama,o oda vnn with a acad ad ra isaf We are delighted to see that residents of Gurnee again loving grandchi d, no doubt ls wonder.e h ls fteporm faLf nuac aora have talkon up with the utilities board of' the state the mat- ig haele wa Dot e ""bere yte nthe eienteceftaiet ras con. O ----fugrace - terOfhain te t.Pal cosin a Grne rd n a nice little golden brooch Is waiting for ciuded w ifth dancing. Chri.tmas bhve-and 1 mit by my fie of woodi, ord« o petect lives there. This is the spot w9 e a u randma to ease that feeling of having tservices at 8t. Josepih'mCatholic church And there in its ulowf Dg 1 tn, ,»Ordgrol e u too tl rnohnye h i. ogte o h a alOron Christmias day were asi follows: Contentment and peace, in the visions of Igood. mmfyhas refused to notice requests and appeasthat grandimalerejoie in the knowledge that 6.te or7, 45and ichthe0 ochoir . . wr asbotwdonmti it &é heimpovmen; te omp yhas insistedl that their grandchildren are rememberinglatenODg twiethcor The flames bring me pictures of children at play, it Diake the imprOvement; the companythgem with a itakien of love, promlpts Us3 rendered sppeial musIc. The 10 o'clockSuryimehpyfedflloge- it vould COst t0ol muCh money. The result in that this, the te gie this little Incident as much mas was followed by benpdiction agir- who've nbe am ppy aieled f lofwntnddisay Mest dangero0us cr0sging in the Counity, stll continues to publicity saspossible. vrcet ather Luttrell wu@as asi ed b.v a hough eeaPicie w riteoyme.at njdimy m n a e trav e le rs .B u t, resid en ts n 0w h av e a sk ed th e state I f ou .boula appen t o know the p e aningr o f The bn caw h rna ofCh ri.d"onseTh r ese c ion of o me e in tacte board t0 Cmpel the installtion of gates there and have grandmlot eof MaryLucl tingRoe e gte"nantoo hit"1sethough father's protectioberefntat, agga lltetm t 0etth ulc Tehra the Libertyville pootoffice. Notice of Annual Stockholders Meeting And widow. and orphans made safe by the fact, Caee gn«ot avoid ths demanOf the state board. Tbmbe u Maher Manufacturing Co. - Of insurance their fathers hadleft n0 Out n fr hee in' a arumntBASKET BALL Dcme 0 95 And to pondier that 1, by my efforts alone, âp M oz. BUT, in ears t0 come the pay of that gate- Nsotice la hereby given that the annmalHaebogtadischpauresne, frtesbwav that could be in- Wedneday eeinDec. 29th, the meeting of the stockholders of the Maher BinHasteabogt &iauc esulesnaeeko, miore thanpay asOiftheesu y should do mn eete h L . ta tManufacturing Co will be held at the Wihi aecmesto ned ge-sa fteCm yth onHl 8t 2 The game was office of the companlylat Libertyville,. à: àOn coldýrathe!' than COmp wtih the de- fant anda inteeting but the Alumni Ili., on the 10th day of January 1916 at Though Much wordly wealth my life's labor has broughgt, ,, staeBte board. B0wevergates wil be weigbfi a.d experience were flou big a O ,clock P. M. for the election ufAtyefot hspssi eiw handicap for helecrappy lttle orange Directors and the transaction of such Yet greater than all, le the comforting thought th'Oenad lak em.colia.Beh.adother business an may properly caume That others have profitd too. ----- ---- Mou igwere the shootIng stars for the1 »Wt t atâtte iin t - nécrnofLon Ao. Alumni, while Morris and Engelbrer.ht beor t e W. Maher, Beeretary. Oh, work is a drudge, if we figure the gain, tee htht hechldisfa MnywasOf eOOking ogrna re did thebest work fortheechool Line..up: In terme of mers dollars and cents, i. th8i l e oi, whemMneverIdha , an know ne thegsimlier aethroe eter.ilumantL. B. 8. But re koned by what I have helped others attain, a aufo nsane and beilA#turyra o peine anthroaonColline.................. L F ......... ....... Davies - Need of Educ&Oon. MY work is a vast recompense. & o e gast how powerfuladi-muhadmli dcr oandndholBesse MrrsEducation la one of the greates 00q-ho la in the community, if nt cake. Civilization and luxury have led Bem .-...".....""" ........ ' Mri barriers to crime and poverty. ltIII, apIltsi, M thnation and the world at the children of thageePoneeirs to look MOs. ........... ........ C ..... ... Engelbrecht therefore, essentil that our children h GNso h 1 ear «WMMUMry goM back ta the with disdain on corn, and to prefer to Warren ................ L,0 ..................... Allen the coming generation, ahould be wel TMetGEalSLifeh 4Wet 4Wlottnt" childhood whbens$core its great health-giving prop- Protine ................ R 0 .............. Deithorn educated, and that bad eyes, or any Old Michigan MutualL VO bfflmd to «asOSur naotheri et-ties through othier mediums. We Basikets, Colline 9, Boehmu 7, Moon 5, other physical or mental defectsl, sn hi Ib g, at akata andmaybe Mn have beena taking our corn by way of Morets 8, Engelbrecht 3. Deithorn 2.' should be detected and corrected, ln G "REdET oI NG 1diMe, though really twe pork and beef.-Maysville (Ky.) Bons- Protine 2, Warren 1, Davies 1. Free order that the acquirement of an edu. R E I G Lasoe-Colmula (Ohmo) Jour.-Un. thgrows, Morris 8, Davies 1. cation may become as easy, as agre" with bet wishes for able as possible.-Exchange.HapnseltadSucs Recognize Superiority. Hpics e-t n ucs Otlr.a Yellowstone park, the brown R EWA RD-825 offered for Information Olntte to you and ait yours throughout the coming year n lrow la a wee-bese retreat hastily fromt the hotel leadinigto the conviction of the persion "Does , iuband ever lie toe.H i OUd beg a rbfge piles when black bears hsev who robbed the residence of B. L. Hall, you?" er." How do you knowr JTH to es tht a igh. ndthe latter, nta Urn, northg of Libertyville, on or at.out Ho telle me that 1 do not look a dar MU>' sa qproptly gtteO.eve geat the Thanksgiving. 15c8 older thtan 1 did when ho marril e. «à bave a &mm&* «eb e he s,11ertps. t itaam ta, and If ho does't Hie about that1 a de a uttbin«Wspel itm tb t hdon't think he wold labout hms12 a ese es the1selspergi l.basau et assl, portant mte Lconcilet. K F (WN71 4DPEND 'NT PRTD A . DECEMBER 31, 1915. LaLk e Counity independent Xdditona/ 7/ows CllSAS ITES Waukegan Weekly Sun CRSN 'Kf lIE Offt 'lelohoneNumer . Liertlvile Echage.Christmas was unusually ùobserved inu Obtceai eep one umet1qr ti, L. s ertvi Ech age. il .. eLibertyýville by old and young, practi- a r a a t t e o t o B e t i e r y u l , I l . s e on-l a s M a l M a t r D r . L . E G o l d i n g a ns d f a m l y @ p e t c a l l y v e r y o n e t k In g p a r t i nu o m o c h u r c h , alPubication for Lake County Board of Supervisors' Pro edings Xa irltvs in aucoda. mwor home c1pbration. à ny lm very Friday .Advertisihu Rates Ma"dl K. bW n on l ication.atvsl w uoda oe@wr ecrtd ihChit SU RPTION PRICE, Ot.60 PER YEAR sTRICT LY IN ADVANCE Mrs B S Morrill of Blue Island, spent troee, and those who did not go away