,, .MNTît sIN DsiEPEN DENT. PRIPA Y DECEMBER 31,1915. - --~-- - W/a cdcega.n E ffANSTIE1I CO. WALTER GiREIEi AND DIVIDES PROFITS VERNA RAESIDE 610 W I T Bi WORKMEN AWAY AND MARRY htween $3,000 and $4,000 High School Girl and Lake For- toi Be Dstributed When Men est College Student Wind Receive Their Wages. Up Romance Hurriedly. MOMES AS A SURPRISE. A hlgh school romance which start Mmn Do Plot Know of the Good od I the Waukegan chool two Years &oconsummated wilth a sddennesa Fortune in Store for Them Friday that tank the breath away -Is Chrstmas Gift. i from students who heard about It Christmas and Sunday. Waukegan, Dec. 24.1 Misn Verna Raeside. daugter of ,The one haudred and seventy-add Mrs. Ed Ingalse of Madison street, «110OYeS 0f the Ptanstîehi CompanY, vas married ta Walter Grelg. son of iânieacturers ofIigntion speciaities, Mr. and Mns. S. R. Greig, 218 11i.dge- bave ben piaced on a profit-sbartng land avenue. The ceremony took " ivth the ovners of the com- place at Crown Point, mnd., aud hé- 7M. cause the groom vas under age, bis Tosilght vben the employe of the father accompanied the Young pair eÏptymarch up ta the cashiers ta the Indiana dity vheré the cers- de at thé plant ln North Chicago, mony vas performed. Returnin,- ta mech empioye vii] réceive tvo en- Chicago, they spent tva days there. uclpes. One envelope wili contain arriving in Waukegan this morning a hcck in Payment of services ren-, vhere they received congratulations d"BI during the patit 12 months. from their triends. '11fbc ther envelope wiii eantain a Thee vii be a vacant seat in blgb Q@kln paymfnt of the honesty, in- sehool from nov on-Mise Vérna i~u.and good faith éxbibited bY Raeside. who bas occupiéd it as a em ployés ln the performance of senior, vont be théré; sheis laet J"r labors In thé plant during the the réig haine léarnIng thé Initial »" year Thé amoont of thé check< dattes of betng a housékééper. dàpcnmds upon thé .éekly vage 01 Therè viii bé a vacant seat lu Lake t"b man. Thé directors of thé com- F'orest collège tram nov on-for Wal- pâley voiéd réceuîly ta give each em- ter aréîg. a studeni ibère for thé past o$We 2 per cent of thé total suoin f thrée yéars, bas become a benedict t"r vagé for the yéar. and hé just nov le considéning the 'ta a conférence wlth a Sun reporter, more serHous aspect of lite. figuring iii officiai of thé company said: V' 'abat sort of a job hé wvould prefér ta IIoSis to place our employés on a have ln ordér ta support is Young 0#1tharing business. This >ear wé bride. d'e givé eacb employé 2 per cent if "Yes ié.jv quit collège for I've got *9vagé éarnings af thé yéar jusýt ta go ta work nov that l'in marriéd.' pàti In other yards, thé employé said Greig today'as bis face beamAd vili receive 2 per cent af the total lnnsamles as hé tlid of going ta Crown M hé bas receivéd in vages durnn, Polit, whéré hé took thé vows. Illl year. Net year wé May b. able Bath Young people are weil ani te give thém more, but you can sav populariy 'inn nIn thé city. Thé tbat vé bave placéd our employés 0-11 bridé bas been one of the leaders ;n in profit-sharing basts. and we viii high srbool mnattpri and thé groom kiep them on tbat basîs as long as aléa vas consPictuous white hé attend- ili are lit business" éd school hère. At Lake Forest hé b lai said that thé Ptanstiehl Co m-i19 poputar and a good student. Thé pny viildIstrihuté betwéen $3,000 cul have been inséparable for thé Md $4,000 smoug employés tontght tva yéars that they basé 'kePi corn- la addition ta thé big suma paid Out pany- and their tr!end4 knew their la vsges. pans called for a marriage cerémony Thé officers af ihe company, the as soon as thing' shapéd tbémnselveiý men vbo the emptoyes must thank for Iloweivér, everyhody titouthi tii-s tlic courtesiés and aid exléndéd are: wouid h beiýd hak ontit each tioIs-d Cari Pfanstiébl, président. srhéot. lut their dtermination ta T. K. Webster, vice président. gel marriied averrame thé other mi J. M. Troxei, sértary and treas- ohir o)starlfs and they decided ta st:;p useroff to iras i Point and have the knit Mr. Wright, superintî,ndent. tiedi The' fatiîr <f the groom wi Carl Ptanstiehl, founder af thé takén inoa11wé 'irret and be a'rééýl .mpauy. tsaAnerica's seconud gréaIt 10acoipaiiy iliénand givp bis for- eqit éiéclrIral vw:zard. ilé rankos sniailrconsenîtauthu marriage. nerés- ced ta né hp ut Thonmas A. Edison. s3r! bîsaup lts s(ilbail flot attaineid and th(, haridlworl of his braw and hi.i malîriv grvÉ îîuutur oi t.s braun are néspoo- suibe ta a gréaI éxteiui for the- lex, éaed coat aI living lài thé t bliud AUSTRIANS ARE States today.LE Thée t lut emnîloyés had héén CATOC L R plact on a profit-sbarng hasts vaux A L DTOC L R bklovu ta Tht S un eione thé man the campanys umplo0y hadhe.nai- -LLAVE EVERY DAY quaintéd si-t thé faet. News ai thé plans vas vlîhtéid ftram employés sanithreMnLf aiea o 't la viib a 'Menr ri' rstmtas ami TreMnLetW uea o Happy New yecar," that thé chéi-ts Trenches in Europe on Mon- viii hé distrthuted tanight. day Afternogon. Thé Ptsustietl Company' suffered aone tnshap ibis year, and that tut Are Augtriai résidents aof Waîîke- a tee utonts aga vten théir buig gan hiag éncourautéd iy promises ta plant vas thréatéaéd et destruction take up aunis ton the motter esuuu bi' fine, aud vas savéd hi' thé efforts Itny ? of thé men li théin emploi' This nîuch ta kîtovu l vas said aI that timé that the Seldout a veék passes but wtat ailé employés vta nsked lite sud ltib or tva young men respooui ta thé cail ta thé coutianys service vould nesur ai thé motter coun'. -be torgottén hi' Ibir émplayers. Vesterdai' ihree young amen--ahle- ,Thsé big North Chicaga comaOtiiY, bodled. Atîstrians h ii'hrth-léit Waa- suutacturersofaigtnition sPéciaitiès, .éegan for thé treuchea. Théy veré î m. of vhicb Is tisét on everi' Fard esconted ta thé Nort véterridépot Ser manuoacturéd, Is thé firsi cat- hi' relatives, frténds. £ndi' cidréo. pay ni'lLake caunti' b divîdé profits Theré vast mach veeping, aud tés-r intb thé vonkmen. eouid hé séén lu the éyes ai thé mes Wben one stops ta causidér that as thèy cimhed ou board thé trai ussry 50 per cent of thé employés at thé Northvèsteru dépot. le ice vorbers" on men vha are Iti vs sid that Italian résidents of pidA for eacb piécé ai maténlal han- W'aukégan bave béen noiifiéd thai ~4et. thé profit-sharing hasts systéniîhè oyu eîaé Ieîr propérli' rights b-eght ta tucréase thé_ efficleuci' sud lu thé aId countryIf i théy do not né- ttulvrtiuséof eacb man, irout Ob. Janitar to thé tactoni' foreman. Tony Merado, a native ni RacIne, waa arested la North Chicago Christ- <mas mornlng atten hé had set fire ta 'a itint stop owned hi' W. 3. Laser. 1,reRaciné man eontéRssed bat bu' »id cravted Ia thé prInt shop ta eon thé foot thé bultding. Hée safin ed $MO and catis. Thé fine de- pteut vas sumamoned ta éxîlu- jueh the hlaze. k.. idependetut 'doré nueders than ail qmty veekîlés combine&. spoud ta thé cal aif thé moihén coun- tri'. One or tvo Waukegsn résidents bavé sèrvéd lu thé Italian armi', aud la daté théy have ual respondéd. One af tem vald: 'Waukégau lé good enîîigtfor me. t do uot cané If I do lose my properti' rights."' One tman ai faréigu hirîb said Wau- kéésu bas givén uit no lésé than 100 men ta thé gad of van. Séidout a véék Passés but vbat an Ausîisu. a Turk onrtîcofflé ai Poilshb brlh, lests fan thé iront. Hav théy arrange for transportatian is nat kuavu, and tise men leavlng fon thé front i viiiua tell thé point ai destination anrvisere théy gg trout Chîcago. 1150 POUWES 0f 125 PER CENT Of INSANE MAN DIVES DOCTO,~ N etoýS XMASMMI DURINGi STUI)ENTS ABSENT TIIROUGII WINI)OW SEPARATII> nern /~ C~U4SEVEN*DAY PERIOD -TEACliERS SICK IN UNDERCLOTIIING WIFE 'AND CII This Enormous Amount, Break-, Superintendent Knoelk De- Ca. erson Goes Violently Dr. C. L. Mas-on of TeKtalma, ng Ail Records, Was Han- clares Epidemie Most Wide- Ilnssane WhiIeýSleeping in Bed Tenn., Compuled te, Ask CELEBRATED GOLD. dled Week Before Xmas. spread in Recent Years. s With His Wife. Caiyi akp . Neeri téhbtryo WueguDISEASE IS CONTAGIOUS. irtnp rs'2 ~thsor WENT TO BURY FATNR. E N WEDDINÇI ANNI- may rstas preset wee gi~avhen Says Teachers Caught Disease. and industrious employés af thé Amer- Had Money Enough toiSmnd V ERSARY_ ON XM ASanOt only on the statements of locali rm colr-hogt ty iaewhilisé in wt bs Wife t Ci goNo as Mr. and Mrs. George Worth of télclp1t lé eyrbsté Wmu. Waukegan, ite. n rs a. -,;rti tséîi ou Nortlî Waloixgat De. Christmas mail béen so large. C.Knuoek, superinténident avenué shortly aftér midiîîigi tîS'n iéhavya era ueOflé0fthot .5a Waukegan Have Passed anl "Our postal recéipts Ibis y.sr 'aéré thé city and hiéh scbools. dé<laréd day. marads of shoppers. Who. le pahg Important Milestone. 7.1 per cent larger Ihan test year ani Tbursdlay that thé, épidéeri thé Sbortiy aller 1 o'clock thé young ibrough the Nothvestera el a the saine apista théminuttf diseasé now swéeping thé cIty lm the man awakenéd bis vifé tram ber Chtic a ma MW caa eid l rems appIles ment widespread In récent years.ltl oinwt acIdt em H AD A FAMILY REUNION. Cristm&s mail sent aut," PastmaFter lié déclares that fuly 25 lier >cent siombers and Informé.d ber that hée startie as you paseffl hegile. iý -Dan Grady said tIdayoa thé studénts of Waukégan are ont. had sot siépt ln tva days. Thèn he That yonrng vouaw s va. wtWut WeII Known Local Couple Were DurIng thé sèves days précéding fénlng from the diséase. and fotiy 50 jumpéd tram thé lied and racéd Imb friands ta protet ber in the am* Mne tAtohSor" Christmas an average 0fil125 large M cnt of thé téachérs. healay Hsvtgtouofbdpleasure seéuérs sud sholp Ois "Wby. 1got sa sikkthalt 1feared tehlwy fl vegt u fbd as hungry. Mer ChIld, had bous M mi After Civil War Ended. pouchés ni Christmas mail vére ré-I bail diphthéria. 1 vent ta a doctor aud vhén selleiollovéd ber husbînd ouitfood for bours. i t" v e u la _____celved la thé Waultegan postoffcéan] and had my ibroat apraved," solid ou nto bthé balvway. hé jumpéd rigbt thé vealthiest city et ols ba1".-, Christmas day held more than thé practically an laquai amount vas dis- Prof. Knoeiko. Hé déclanéd iltaltéach- through ane ai thé viudows. Then Hér bushmnd havi net deueutcl bh. - noaiamun ý sgnttane orMr ptced acodig a hepotias ers raBovdén, Rogers and Ranne af thé' 1 Hé vas lu Waukegazî tryiag.to Içe usui aoun otsiéifiauc to Mr paéhèi, rcodiig t th potmaîérhigh school staff vére vicîinns Of théeirs. Pearson awalcééd ber host, Mn . rov, or euansivr ta protide ter' ihW aud Mrs. George Worth of 242 PopIr This is an average ai about 250 socks diséasé, aud hé Io of thé opinion filait Motinsén. Who Inurtam colinéd Tbéo. tai y. sîeeét. Waukegan, for If markéd thé a day or a ttaliofi1750 pauchés of thé téachérs eaught thé grip front Warner. Wbo livés lu thé flot thové. ýShortiy aler 10 ofeIock'Iumi 501h year af their weddd lirfé. Their Christmas mail bandléd hy thé local thé scbolars. By thé limé îbey dressévi, thé young maning a vell-iressed yuxagu,, séven sans and daugbiens. together office during the one weèk. This ès- A rat af huipe vas Iniécted. boy- man vas rapping ou thé reate door vearing a diansosd.stjck pb,,ub est, with 16 graudcbildreu aud Ivo gréat tabilshes a bithérto undréaméd ai nec prvent bytedor a thaffleoicti nsd shauting tor admission. Whéu fié t ita ycam a n lkdr. loto heof grandchildnren. vére présent ai thé ord tonrXaukégan but thé posîmaster shart-llved, geuéraily runuing itsilhécénteréd the home hé vas bieedbng Hé preseutèv bie cardto tathl yog golden vedding auniversary vhich says Ihait Ifconditians umpravé as hé otut In frtram Ireta filtredars. badly Tramn tva vounds, one in bis lady of thé affice 5san e te partook of thé nature of a faili ré- thinks they, viii thé ambunt inézi Thé seopé of the epidemnic made If face, thé othér In bis baud. resuiting gîté ilt t Dr.'Tlc.= f owm1 unin.mivasa os joao oca'yér ul ,éévn lngr. geuiniyself known lu thé dépietian otfuit- h avé hiadtan apporteniy tu a xaine unio. I wasa mnt jyou occ- yar wll e evn lrger tedanc lupublic sehooasand lu the,-ftamcontact vith thé gla8s as hée thé card Yeu vauld have fanal lsa élan. "Thereba beýnau nileYdémaralization of thé salés sud mans brovie through bu bis leap. trame: Thémos anud daugiters présent heaithy gravtb In Waukegau." Mr. utacluriug farces of langé stores and Wben MortInsen snd Werner start- Dr. C. L. Malai vene: Grady salod "Il ié perssteatnsd facloriés. e atlishldo er2,h egnOfc er -104 p.u. George V. Worth.,fBeach.shovs ciéarly thal prospenîty existé."."Principal Clarke af the West féd t laké bol o éa son deshé2 bép.am scooi reported ou Wednesday that ta 7g-. hé i8ivép.maiiésn. Mng. ltié Waters, Bruce Lake. Thé posmaitér and thé enlire posi- tram 45 ta 50 per cent ai thé studénts pénale fIght bétveen tva friands Of Teuilmo, TOeusa i3éibert Worth, Waukegan. office force hère are heing commend- ar thé various classes at thé Wesit thé family and a man vba had sud* . aéhedtieosgvle Mn.me uriGrue d fan thé efficient mauner In vblch sebaol véré ab,.u-ut bécaus§e ai thé denly gane Insane. IR vas a figbt auch sloi7. then dvised.-biis tas.2te 111» Fre WotbJr. Wasvolh. thé enormous amount af mai vas dsae.ihliv h l smilar con- office ai Mayan Wtm.fau.onnier c Fie Ye WotJ. aoot.dition éxisted In other schools. and Ia eté vse 0ecane gi.Young man. mbad Yea detp a Mrs. %lamie Banchard, North Chi bandled. Thé pertect systemn made am ai thé opinion filat fully 25 per And vhéu Dr. Nesbitt camé Iot thé la Mayor Pearce. u a"ti tb t= t cage. Il possible ta baudie thé mail in thé cent of thé stuidents ai Waukegau are roam, hé aise vas dravu Jolie, luin "I am a physicllia l&. oa n i& Mr%. Alice Wéhher. Waultegan. shortest, possible leugth af lime and viclims Okthe dîseasé." said thé bead the endéavor ta quiet Pearson vha censed undélr the imvsot lieokWot0 0f thé scffb a on Thursday. Tenuessee. 1 amn ufiyel à« hi. Mn. and Mrs. Worth éach are 7., Isoine Wa'egan people did ual ré- ,Hé saya thal thé epidemic bail n tninited thé ather tvo men veré tri' oue chIld. A weeo e J *lw ,Àd years aoid but déspilé théir raîhén ad' ceivé thein Christmas mail vbén tbey part in thé closiuge of scbools lu mid-. Ing 1tail i hm. Inthé moleta Dr. Ne&'tramn my home aud prstIc iatl 1 vanced age lhéy are as activé as maur tbiuk It ought ta bavé been hèire lvéék. Thot is a caliege ides sud one bitt and Warnen sustaiued a numbér bomna, Tenu., ta MiliilàMko , . 11« people sevérai years youngér. Tbéy vas no tault oi thé local office. Iu vortby of conrslidération In îpublic of sévère smashes sud Marttusen alsoboni' my father. 1 carmicioft ' la- Chcaa t asdîfeeu. heofie acools, sated hé. unther's last requset Aller«ihaMi took a décided intéréét lu thé Import. CiaoHé d ifret heofce lecaims that thé seholans véné got a fév vhaciss. Finally. bavever, vé opened thé vil, Mai fl Ma . aut miiestaine lu their lises and no. Ibère literalli' vas svamruéd sud It ordered ta report ou Wednésday fol- they ovércamé Pearson and hi' using hé hallviléed me a 8fl uxa uqi a are ooaklng forvard tavard their dia vas almoat impossible la mofé Ibère, ioving thé balidays, inéiéad af an Ibrée sheéts. hé vas bound aud béid camiera. 1 dit flot ha4e mon« wMll moud aniversary. due ta thé large quanlities af Christ. f Tbursday sa as ta maké oh ton thé pouding thé arrIvai of policemen. vbich ta boy a raliromil t i *h~ Mn. sud Mro. Worth vere mariét mas packages. Huudréds of pack rdyola tewr loe fiTh oktilette home. 1 have tour celsto a fe. agés cauaignéd ta Waukegan péoi Fia hldy-hr1eéaléi a hey tok hlm eta thé caane of M' ethecld a dl*u a i at Antioch. Christmas day, l186', tleé I. Thé générai consensus of medical veeh retth aac fteraiinoad depat I ln g veNm AisSaoq cerprmouy being periorméed hy Justice vére lied up lu thé Chicago office opinion fixés a véék saga asat Satur- night in a paddéd rail. Hé vas giein Ihein husband au4 fagta toou' le Marvin. Smainflhém did nat réach Wauke- ýday as thé date ai théeétidémi's In- a héariug hetore Jusige Penny L. Par- thoronvith money for food sad liinq- Mn. Worth lé a vtéran of thé civil gan untlilMonday-others did nuaI an- cptian and prédicîs thal thé liraisoni ncut ort-Mna o portation. Wha* i1vaut ta del10 té mouth ai thé Nevw 'éar vIii vitnéss sn ncu outMna'mr-pavu or seli anythima ninae 111iu var, bas iog béén a mémber af thé rive outil todai' sud thé chances are a decidéd brichtening in thé autloa«ijing, and vas adiudgéd Insane and namé ta gel thé mohai' ta ro-viil w ismusfihtug ti égmen ud iltat alfIl i l iii ualcamne unlil for public béalbh. ardéned cammittéd ta thé bospital tamiiy vlb ils usedal. lit",« Captaîn BiodgélI. At thé close ni Wéduesday an Thurodai'. Bn. Geo. C. Ttuhiaud, héad af thé for the Insané at Elgin, mIl.téck pnmypcaclme, or vuteulfU thé var 'utr. Worth réiîîruéd ta tLake Thé mail bu thé Waukegan offce Mlwaukee béallh départment. today Reaie di-ha ero a cont ad fw onh lte ws elveedechda a f cmei v arnesi Milvauîkeagainét kisslué. Fé l tve ami tatPersn as stick Pindmi ramera. as Mtpti e couty nd fv mnth laervasdélvéèd achdayasil améladeclaned bis varnisg vas bécasse nf been acting strangeli' fan thé past tvo monéy. Whén 1 returu home, 1 vii ciaimed as bis bridé bis swétheart Ail mail that arrised hèere up ta noan thé revaleucé ai thé grip. vhlch bas 'or threè days. They béliévé that gladly reimburs ai' Walkcgmta af anté hélium days. Theré had béén ou Christmtas day vas délivèrèsi thé invadéd practicaiiy évéry bouse Iu thé vomi' drové hM Insane, aud tbey do vho cames ta my asalslane. i 1 mut au undenstandIng betwééu n.rWorth samne day. This proved a grisat sîrais city, sud bis spécial varning vas I iîéiivé thatlihé vii héc able ta returu gel thé monéy ta cars for My, faier sud bis sveetheant tiraittlhéy véré 1aon thé postoiicé farce, but they agalust pruomscuolus kisslng 0ni any vho are nov lu vaut. sont, esîuécialiy thé kissing 0ai ch:]-ta bls home lu Waukegau ithin thé Mayor Pearcé collet bu one af the get rnarrled aI thé close 0f théesia- vworkéd chenfuliy. knovinwhatlai' drnn Hé matId thai pareuts ashould néxt fév vèèks. palice chiéfs, sud héo %vetellthe For many years Mn. Worth en- tbéy vouid héieable ta canvèy ta peo- nat permit their chlldréu ta hé kisséd. Pearson iv one of thé bést kuovo yaung man. gagéd lu thé tarminé ibusiness, lu pie hy getiîng thé présents la them s1 nd that swééthéarts if Possible mlysothwie ilawl s Teplcecefan S mm shoud fregofilit leasre ntilthe1héard the doctor'a siori' al the po»ce tact. up ta 12 yéars ago when hée sid oauflime. Posîmasten Gradi' éveil épidémîc îs aven joué of thé bést kuovu Svedisb rèsi- 8station after dioner, then Dr. NU=o bis farti tWadswuîrth ta bis son.,tlacési big auitomobile lu commai ssion Kigtynine ai thé 340 staîlénts oai dents of thée ily. For utaay yéars hé réiuruéd 10 thé mmyor's affiéesMd Fred. and movéd ta Waukéoan. whéré as a carrier of Christmas packages. thé bigh scton] si-re absent liécausé vas empioyed as teautéter by F. C. salld: Tey bavé nefusd e, ll elp hé and bis vite bave reslded ès-c af sickuéss an V.'édnésdgy. ýGedge. district manager af thé Amer- lu time ai trauble. Tiser. le nalhIst since ~~ ~ 1a ana ~Hils Whoie North Shore. 1 afté &Wr opai.Wè on me ta do but ta bout liltatuehi- mince.JIDINIRférring athé epiui.nilc ai cr Sel& ieCopn. h caga. sud l'ut man euaugb ta do tiai. Mir. WnVrrih as taku n hy muritsUVER $o90 0 Isn,"that preva a il inuties néar ('hi- Vtr. Gedgé ett Waukégau a féw Wheu font séen théYaug dostor on l'bnlstmas sItes liri i iai],ad-Iî "othé Tribune valu toflay I monthq ago Mr. Pearson aceptéd a vas hOfiog il South Ou 0Gtellescé jutantof th lo(aiGrandArrmy osetnian!Ipnirysaprsiaetmore i-oilion au lrant foreman ut thé loc-il streel vlth thé camersansd bis sabat caledaibi hoe ndpr-sýntd im IM RO EMENTS BY 1teriuîhmiétitn ithé grippé.alun' edguntonau amirapt aven he bosultidr. eaisd i bs hme ud r s ntd bnad in ovi-r ('hii-sgiuandu.infat, lplant oniflie steel comparu' lie ha. andl bis vifs wlth a gaId coin tro'o I !itii, ie' u haoli cauntrv. 1t isa s té aînd aieé éillil thé inenîhers of thé tovit as a toksa TUE TELEPIIONE CO. pýpoci I% intlu otl in tlié schlat-, é ___________Fu of thI r,'psct asni estèém in which thor suad éi-.vhéré B ISO. Ib lieiii aei-stéral' and ulrws utrila ' 1 ' 1 lié Ii-o hétdis - inlt trd O a a nuIl wut uis11 ti' ai s ar iUNDRED MEN FURNISIIESAI4LTIIl3 rogrI s h licgo Telphon on tcrs se r,, r it oinn ed les py ivs owvnrgagvduinlumakîng nui lutî. so. uulif légrîiluîuî - ni'1 prsveté l lwti (("t oi wliich mailu-n ntté uu<,r-WILL BE PLACED AT TANNERY MATERIAL CONTR CTORAND égallivn eista-cu u kega i~îr~0 n u riceo uuth uiiuuosp uuunii ii ii WORK ON JAN* 3RD Three Million Bricks ta -Be Used SON FACED DEATII %<2îîîs- blpa )i,,,Idunl ht h,ég a tcn ta iona.-muii heWle y ,Iiiat'ori of oveurhead aires snd thé Teachers Corit'ue aHornes. on teWle o -,0 I N DEATII VALLE ipoýso li eeYn rupO col ) on o uales511~11< ~ uîu nlocîiî v"î niSétîo durLawrence Wilder in Telephone i Barrels of Cernent. lilox t liaýi i ngti élShop u î Iln(i 5rutau i lia s h éuer n t f t h eui l oi t f u r f v si r , f i e h e p ie - t hc' é iL th é i s i îu'uv d a v s tfl uc il fo i. î M e s s a g e to P o lic e C h ie f ri e . a ir to v Com p an y b as O h. nse ad Sn hri vék. iTFrcdsiitningrTiegllrsscsrsioiiiu tti-of Factory Plans. - tainéd thé conîrsét for prateeMy aiO Toba Jnsea ndow Soae Frm lkl.raeauiT.lu ord, ihsatifouagr orfhu e oblîlutu- icautiéru ta ski'té pîsu-- Tisti'he uling tuaténisi ta bd muelta oefaithé ci<miariYsavsthe work vill botrns hé muids, hué grîllu,. ur lut iithcosrtonfte rtIà Hae01 héscpe om nt econîplétsd héfare sprlng hé- coca, bavé groan itailattatarniig de L.iwrétiu- tu iluuiiiagéi uithliéthtecnstWiruction o hfratuit Death in Big Desert. causé theru- im sa mîuciî ot il ta lhégref, Mliii' tuutdru-uisof î-hiIutreîî ansutltrTuiuîi'iuaiuii.liu uii ii-Thirut nov lé laklug isatelaltu One i-f thé big -ablu u w il i ruin Iran, thé hpai- oui - ui-uriilg i a S ituri itpne lit iii Ciu g uucl uîîiiu'îuur ib ii sd té siu u i8 m Tvo Waukeé'in nuén. a tather sud thé 1ompais s uioffice !it u îke-gaiîtii) Of ilpubiiiiluic-llliad ilul a '. ilîî,îî 0 i-uvue t other day vau trous t son, tud a miractilouus escapeé tram Broadw ia-av thhicago.Ail thé lti o-t u u lcsly lsîiuuaui i~, iwi l %,I] Il- u ial licisite o ilrudting thé éxtteut ta visici o det abêti pasulng througb Déath nést i-f thé aork is ta hé donc In ibis s tltuuîu-tuatuérs us re soleito îalu i tl<tlus tactor, utiiliig-uun Nl(,iuday,, Ja,îu- tîal féaturé oi ibis big ia . V'alley, en routé ta California ou De- <îîy éxeîîîvîvéy Aîte thé catles <accs of as mas rétular tuýaitiers III, : ment viilré-aeh lu thé sud. l1* hI cember 201h. vhen thé, big engins haseabééti instalicd théré will lhé véry siha ré,m,)nnst t ai u'nteIlèlt rotlds Tf-ofcostuci1lare httepeatOdu,81 tés sériai uines lefi. and s niiar ;ulînîcuts.On Tues icul(, Tu uutuliidilui îniuita lairiththé préent oInc tdeursu g pulliig théir train îumpéd thé tnack F-or sortiets ime the congestion in reports shawéd .- 5,ileutîr sîthutîtit lts -xîii, ti< ,nnévtirejutuéle tvcman'iditss whule traveling Cl inliés an hour. Thé Wau'iegan. due ta thé grovbog popa- téachèrs véré sentltata uké te ph i ta ot,75- u sTe tillonbics iva men vre: biallon sud tuir nèréaséd démauds ftrofairu -uar teai-bèrs. aicrfit ý inatriitd ti,xtéhlon bricks. - rlle Wak-téléphanu' su rylce, bas madeé h dean ta Lke Conditions Eisewhere. tt -ru.îur oiîfé io aé 1.tosu a700Ieri . TOBIAS JENSEN. one of! thé fletéléptuané compani' that cates Sîmîlar canditions lirévail o at îsîuy l un7>, bri-k iii uuîîu andi 10i)comul' l tent. CHiS.Jes noEn, ou i ba s vé. wré adylsable. A tév days ales thé placés auîîsîdè (Cbicago iii thi mîddp lîbîtruti wiliité gîvén ork. Six tbausaud lu 7,» ê ilf'15 CHI. EE-N snofTblslocal couiany basséil thé 3,000 mark Vent.t i Ilsabd.At Joliet many pli- If 1, tui îulaî unjiaîuars 3 thée Tèen' drsbvee .Jensen, sud associstéd vith hlmna lu i thér vords théré are nov aven plis lu thé public schools are o-o, ilbgnatte con- hog teBa tébidn nuri.3,000 tlphons la Waukgan ud fiéd ta their homes sufrng ith Ire. euds -ttu i ugt oiIi o hog h a fli bildngIndsty.North (Chbcago. Thbs iv considércd au the paliments. Mani' Joliet busitness l i li loti it"batlilO t iéleof thé being délivfor d If Ibis aau Thé tva men let Waultègau a onusuaîîy garni record for s cîty 'bhis, aud trofessiatuai men are tînabié ta 1lIrgu-u.l liiluuriu-s iii thé won.ld. igth iaI is-ék aga lasI Frlday fan Califorula, sizé anuishovv vltb vhat strIdé' thé be aitsihbofce'imrhnts i Ii uuuglln uI, il us iUudénîtood. tifs1easy ta weététhe, wéré ta jolu Mrs. Jensen business bas heen grovlng ber . thé busness dbstric t anr-handicapuutixIl t,,guiiiet, lucètèefréticé abênt ii bc é hen t sud daughtee. vho havé speut thé Fron titme ta limé théelc'jauni' beéaffl mani' clérks havé been ai- 1 sixvèes u té vst Thinbas hein takiug davn thé sérfiai winès îackéd. i utislui lit icmten for carpétté, vay. train badituolipassvéd tbrough Crut- are ver' tev overbeail vbres In the arcs,00oronmitre casés In lité dît lur. AI tîuîs tour hunireîis ai carloada al! F. B ceea, C'ai., ahéjthé englue lumpéd dotova sectlin. Mach ai théea-ork Stantey Braviladnroule tIou sdtiioi 5and ithé tnack In thé désert sud turnéd t bat is hetng donc nav islu*Inthé resi- tudu'nis areéII. <litl u îuuuîéii 'akga u déni-i sections, Il tas héén touund Ds's Sep uvîi. ii t2iu uxifimarcaialare on MN~ battut Ida p. ail oacés vré nadvîs;ahîe ta tlace ail thé(,aties At I.Charteist. S.Lattis ;flri.Il.uu i i tti fýliath tuéNorth ~ .J cî'r er é InJuned. I lu' placéedoui no ies. T tèi'are ort célir t ed Fi s- l o éai ai 1 "',girl tewr flyn OJ P' Mir. Jentsen sud son ésrapèu i vîh more sigbtly than thé hîîudnéds or stu-is t t. i uîcuvtioouî<-îiéS., u utîuî-uilucwoka iyu afév scratches. Word vas réceivédviuvthexsehéo. trs.rsiuéintouutu-dsiiirieIri--mltércairu