Ob. 'y tbis 'I Nt#* «orAooept bu bt ba ~ lle*a utS la a'-hai I~to thej e- ots 0t"Mbe omowala «tiDr ke @tokita H» te 01'e "Pf as -el a he levhouaI z&ho heuy 81.1541 55s'o. Tbe. iows, adles,11s. for Iv. bora. » ma eai t lis loati vote mat vus wom imetrn m1 lihat day.. Hç waa 104Pb : M& ga job If b. returned W =osr *ptsa thle moin-M (4 eclo* ho le 'a'o lb. aho 91 nasa gel mr . meu, Nb bD Ieluai nesity fS "é- Bû : un. Re->àsd te toit havwi!. gah, 1b*tho tacladt§en unable MI erk. -Ttee wap food1A il e. the weod hua w«a empi. Dr.1 tal la isea eîply for i: liS vife atard tat t 0séeelM me orSfle B101.fl tld ber 2: le lilasHlm,élreich. and the Sbu buenSign ood sud.j vell acqusinted wlIh lthe 10 éour nembers of ber family -D I vihlI lie peut six iodla * Id odinas.d amisia oman h".Il My bmmuct& sThere are acte Wmen The tamlrIo ladoerr. i If Ilte naqa uWauke. lite ne". a wateh*ma. or a mana a met * meoi I hoa giaul an2: leýb wqol do wsl 10 hbe Iis pd thelumia»e offlior, baii, resues in Nrt C.l 9. 04 ut »M» laa son file at SOIN th oece.lk W r~dlho vmi aâiomasa te @I*'o Oo»kmd b~ 7e." re.i Is N la i -I R. hi ha s. Se se m ~ ~ m Jw yMs.Hansen oft N vhChicago R-_______ J u let CHILDREN NEED CLOTHING. Wi SB"p O ~ Husbànd"Ai ked for Work at th" 1 lobaco m D.vuanlm i~o -Wgs .ry f AIuRjo -N t Stron Enough. flfe the. b.Idias m tt A *Oman wendod ber way iowiy fSl cIpld m.w lb , seisur: of ber destination. 8h. OWPe nfront ot1s arM houge.. I UbaMmd of ym u ak of wfs the Worlng Girls' home wblch topic. W4p, adowedby the lte Hanuab WWcIa. Shesemed to hestate about c» tht 0.A.- M ruw a ig In. Fluaiiy ab. mouatî.4 the! 1h510. A Niler, ~paapd knocked tlmily. na l dtwl uit2ID1351YI ".Ceptin 0CooklnrTahabaed. j.pm4.r JithOIUI. 3 *l Tl he ado! tho Voluaterf d»-pape Md fôrSbu l~rca Wau'<egan Ivtdbr ~ wff~â l> koMe., Tiib e olstoed to' 11k. ~~ ~"i4p <if be tranceat elorlea ho bas ' j ~fia lis long blatory o car- ,«t.lwm f qfl . he 1OUaaappeared to b about 55 1mObjelio and M. î791o l oyage. Bbc was piainly but! SdIvpaper, I1t. a _»UI n g4 rouaod. Thero waa aomething ~ II.prasIak ~ aout ber wicii Indlcated ah. bl qi5kb bas 1h. appearaabc ko.r4 b w itme Iad r<ttid klai 109. Nubah en maartisan wiio aJ.vqu lad b.eablehI1ominan4 . ICIIERSbala,.badl boo tlaton fi.For thlest 1 1 7aho lan been l11 of an in- *4lidises.. tbat ha. madeil lux. LEfliAL SCIOOL ob4h for hlm te worr. The wte. - - I la, Iota.wlat ah. couid but 10w Je Excellent Instruton "4#"" iabc.n heri, to ch ot tanl me Been SecurWdfor the ,' % slnt. Ming r cbarlty," ah. Three-Day Meeting. emle, 'l- 4<1mb boller. 1 oer coutil bq.ýcryae«If tedo that. WitIne a La, county teaebers'aitbte la a 111*1. temporary aaistance." open Thuraday morning at90-M 4ho lb.. preaonted an article k ln eb Central scb4, Waulge. VIJi ah.ite ed Captain Cook to buy Itlexpocted that orer 300 f9 $1. 8h. ald abch bd pai $20 ors fromt the more distant poi#&U 1* JI;wbeu ber huaband was work-C A CEM TI4 ae couaby may flt ho able 10 p>I*. la. pw ah. féels lIaI ste muat hors unl tomorrow afterno4 l. SM Ulti. tubraa, a littie money. R SJT NA D~ Ma maJorty am OKpeebd to bc. on "- -, MdVomlant. 1hare o nes.for RraasS- mavs.sa 1 bymondg. ý 1 " aule." Captain Cook laid. "go lient instrucbilharo been seou-, ,I j0Md not 'continue tb do no ho- OoubyBupriteuon o!Bccc~ .gé èrle are go many demanda. Sinman Fmner lRas an tinlucky1 - BIW>aowfli b. ln charge of t4a rwdo~ota s 10Superrisor con. etn lhJ.Raonu adui'aelon. II- e u ansori ho wouid sond yeuan a eRard i, bc intruétors are: et an0. Sd provisions, Frount ,K8wanie TiIs Wý. r C. P. Colegroro.eltnlm , U. m mconrineod your ment. Toachoan' Coleège, Ce«' ' "1* %der ing on." STOLE CASE 0F SAMPLES. Ide, la. n mad could accept cbarlty - L J.Rotger doart~t j be ~lb," h. ald "K wii-Finer.Had Hired Out as Sales- 810100. Terre Haute,,md, Norupal lui Jq do azy klnd of work 10 Set mnbtNvrMd n »L ui su ad sûipport my huabaud, bt n b utaes Nd SktMadeDut. ru.liael8. aib, arîiascici I 4Wi accopt charlly. 1 neyer bave land Park. ý4i doc't b.1e ereI yr wil." oyu Jan. 8-Bignan Fluer. a.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~M ingaiLr10 be aa~- Wlalaal ber oyea abc leftItbe the Chicago man who wu* arrolteal r. c4 ebêuaoe . o» ed Ïwalkeil scrons the. etreet. IFrlday on chargesalied aainst hilm Pit coleège, ceili li Cool thougt qutckly. He b lte Reardon Bros. lits. Company i. OWS. aloe b tg te door and callod the of Waaikegau for iarceny 'as ballee, rL J. Rtîser. deuptment 9af . *43aa1ho&a-,.H. expined lu ber waa taken lu tb. St. Francia bospital "09oY. Terre Haute Noralg . tt h. dld Dol wlsh te purce ti.etrdymnlgflon ac- bol, lad.baete.ysedymrngolwi ac- ra. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýfl qb.& lao . acb Raiaa io iSbrougzt but tat be lape. al the police stion. Kldney Dol, Hghland Park,là. pld Jet ber haro tbe $6 auYwaY.trullabledtehvcosibé fispr9grsaà or the thre. dayu ýýbcokdbe.Sh surd:it ilàdon e:h eui bl, t h DW$.* *61; *hg nOdpsy tacitthe. moneuy Poile, station boe. s boéwaS unabloi Thuaaday. »nM aU Posse.tu10fainalsibouda which wero plwae MTmme Wocin ttePla ~ hipie bu a ae5 100. Hl$ Case waa continubo ul- bo>-Dr. Coleuror-4 he . ialadm liaCol tiJfmi72 [unie. 1i.-wOman Io ber bouae twice .-Btratetlc Points lu Educatîoi- t. l9* d*g a ith pid Inquiry sbows tbSt'Fino's errent Rettqr.b* l tkr wrk, refrrig ne towasratber uuexpected and ended s Rlýfet or dqdiwlViin 191t -it; froua lb. amount that bld two yoars' searcb for hlm alter bo S'iD reta.0f PoggiaiVialg ia I boruw.d. bladtalon a position as' Iraroling [uni Cue-r.Coogor. C-orbhappened to mention salemman for the. Reaidon Brthers :30-The ido Reqiremnts. orth* ller 10 superrisr Conrad, wio facbQJY. Il w. two yoars ago that uTeh. lDr.Re airomuta 0 T*Prepp. ad lad lb.ecaue report- h le a D{5 osItion, wau girns ase Tech r-dr. tt@r 4 -Ita is aqou, deorii;0fr il pos.-of samplesansd started out lu get 30--munlc. siblf paultano.. le commended Cap-usnes -R.tadaag aud Teaching tu lienai tfbi. oo'c foi what ho bld doue sud But go far as bis employers could r. Colegrore. 0Paléai hlm ho waa williin.g 10 statlet.sr.hbneyer trled te ell 5005 uait. 1at n Uniesa requost la madeof h itu>,and bhey wero unable lu getlnl toucht I-A Chapler froua the Hlstory 0!1 'te ItRe Instance merely roes wth hbina. They wrote for 1h01? cent-, once-Dr. Rettier. - toaisow that lier. are somte people Pies and case, but cotaiS not get a lino 151-Opeulng the Windows of lhe W» . wottl iersufcollr l lnace on tIe woudbe trarelliag an. TfiO3 i-Or. Coiegrore. 1* -Mate a pies for aid," Captaîn ld about giren up hopes of orer gel- &unie. td."Thore are otb.r Peu. ing tracl of hlm vbflil. unexpocl- 1:20-Biome Probiema"u*&0sîloau»WIOs5o0re lb.hesanme way od bappoued. Sauda.ut, l t su $11.woman. Theiaoy 57 Jo. Reardon, o0f tho firua, was ia ý:" uâe.bauray 1*I t q elft Wuld ho a disgrâce 10 ai- 1<.waiaee. Iii :Mast weolliàtiero lo 10--Tii. Essentiela of EMeiclut par- b*tWi elhborc 10 luow tRal bbey an atrceaFluer. He si oncý accoat1 ialily. lmee.Wad 10appeai for charity." od him. demandeS 10 llnow. #*tst»tJ lse. _________ been doue wltb lb.esamples ii lIew 1-The lgnificauce or Heredlty bge o c-lwd.t-g o c . Ilducation-Di. Rttîgor. the. ~.Cr. sOR9suad he wouid "square motté"s.» L15-'rîo Fundamentais of Mehod. AtfII M 6 = tle otl.r daya wm- Butt Judglua froua, hi& past, * tract Dr. Coiegrroo. eW#P'ta 54 lii moue. a"sdment. Mr. Roardon wouid nul couloni 1uste. lietole'woavb 1s. o oh ad hlm arresbed ais,,, itate! :30-A. PrObiem of Wate-iar a--w A th " abore. Thethboft 0f samples in II btter. r ýwt me." saaM No. 1. manuer ina apleultnlüa;ï oensâ and ýéWME -e»cweroa boole«w r o stsrosrrdSe TIbo elom Teet L4qb. butor. you vere marriedi"auotsros aeimaft os Boes ut "...liausi y" aiuI n t POhk O eL tjlÇ -8WgT MI OU ND i HE-INS -7T1E S-?Q:RE THÂT SELLS WOOL TEX" 0Ot'- C - 1 St -c1I ias Been Divided Into 5 Lots Wi.x. d aSensational Feature of- Coas pto 27at ;t 9- î'DOSLTIVELV the greateat reductions o colfiers e oasyo ceould possibly flnd- Here are Plushes, Mixtures, Broadcloths., Velvets, fuir trim- maxi, in ail sizes and styles. Coats to 8.75, %prcial at 2.98 Coats to 16.50, specIal-at 7.98 Coatsto 22.50,, spçicIèI otlOi00 Coats to 32.50. specla fat 16.50 Sale Extraordina ry 39C Brasisi eres Very 'SpecialI19c Womnen's fine embroidery trimmed brassieres worth 39e, ail sizes and styles. 35e Veris andFants 88c A really wondet'ful value se - eured in a special purchase. Ail sizes. .1 11 I Wemen's Fie 1.0dï Vernis or finis 39c Samples, azxd extra fine qual- ity <,nicely tuade and very warin, ail sizes. Wooli, SiIKh& ortyDresses$ t 1$&50 Alfthat i. most p6pular in~ thé iaew wool and silk dresses a weIl as the stylish party frocks W'111 be foundhere i.p'the. 14test and most wanted colora and fAbrics. See our windows., ô-, 0~oC . etCeo Has pan Rhoet'Wt Physiolan'Fol. sa far as Contagions dîsaus ai. coucernod, Waulegau appears le hé oneof tfhleMost oallbfui places la the state. At îhe present time o.àly ono case uf contagion las beus se ported Inthe liety phyaiclan. Tri se a a# 0 o scriot fever aLthIe home ef Fr. Chief Bars 0'Farrll. - At Ibis tsson o! the year lieré - J sually are sererai cass0f surtot fovor, a number of cas". of dIptalIS ria, mesies aud wbOOPlug eougav, Phaysicians cousîder 'il qut. uMURuu 10 tInlu tlbCity la s. ireof! hh# epîdemies Ibis wlnler. Soieo!1 lb* are InclineS bto gîre tbeeredt to ba cold w.antler. beleirlg Ilb. hedii. a goruas bave becu lilled. TIere s tIll anopuber reason. 10e'. erer. The atriet quaranttue IbsI la. nalntaitidwbaorer a cae Of t, Contagion appem ars sieleved le bave- lad as mci 10o do as auythlng lu Pie- ',entitg pideuilca- The .ptdemlc cf la grippe whltki. bau effecteil 10 a moro or 1010a ezlt. 78 par coul o! th. poople lu Wa«u. 'an, appeau 10 lare beeu hrolq.« [Ta iI. 'laatûtuIaeS -1 lth. wet . Ply'a$claas. ispoil1th$ slinc>.tlb.coiS weather began>te bas beu a continuai droPPîn IOZ 69 catis for îles frona people 111 of thas disease. Drugglsts report a droppfla off ln the calîs for quinine sud Coud The banane. plant ylelds 40 liom more by weight Ihan ltie poale pai 133 tien,..anr. Iban ubal .Il bews two cvops a year. Nn Insect wlii t- tack Il sud Itlel Immun. frotta dis& bd