II~Ab ARLY TRtis A. M lgéhAIè,'jUitBack Prom I4s1~,fi. Cafired taSafe- tIly bhyHer Kusband. Éb IN SP~ING. fiave ~n par- mu Por~*,.-To ug ofk~*u an.f 18. il t atewtodIlal tu* t Re. .1 ueo blo ln ;b tffIl tetd oi , -~ ~q -e Waulêsan, Ian. 1. lite detroyed the. home of Elgat Allen, 328 Linden street. WinnetkI la twe- outa andI neaeaitated carry ing Mma.Allen. rtccitly returne i home tramu opérationla a hoaPi- tai. frouate buining building out in- te thé freeting morning air. ibei flictarted firman apen giat., allared te but aal iilght Flames ,,ère, eeu b>' a nelgbbor shootîni Urouih the roof. A moment later AI. don aish son, Stewart, came out lte ibont door bearing Hi-s. Allen lu tilir arme. IMeicaAllen, 18 yeara aId. fol la,.d them partiali>' Oessed. Thi f=11t, relt ta the haine oi Whhiiaf The wotk of.,tbe village fin. de. partleut ba nearl>' the nhoie malt pehulatlôiauvedatter haines in tii ,r-elbbothoM 1110m Catchini fie.. I?4IMwSti 0' g 1'! Charman 0f t'id stai Cofi- mittee Mokes e-ft, t,J¶the RECTOR 1_TOAISMASTER. Pastôr Epi.odpachti6ti ta Ôt- f iciate at Comm ni Ban- ACCOMPLISI4MENT8 OF COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION. itab di i wumsu Lbtr a UnId R~h lili 8,inn to DIiie eTeam. esfRt t ,s »re a 'ucK' MoNAMARE ON JOB. - ~ ~ ~ ~ i Pocttai dark on, L5st iday. waukegan. an-.19. L. tester Bo>I, il appéa, r-nid tati- et drI:. a I Lwgnthi d rive Uic "ay lbI beRé rignel hieiposition «Io â1 ie-àrcmM .Company 1 Waukegan St. decpiueont, and i wthln tii, next feW àaya he nl accept a position us 6trvor ai on. Of the mil£ wagons for- ~s T fl &n dithe largeaI dairics aluthé Cty. ne h bai served sas a member of the en d.partmeat. unI statea that lie reaignel becauis ari 1hhealth.]PO r fÉn>'Yser$ thé fireuca aI station * No. 1 have been complaînitUsOf tbe foui odot nbfch permeictes even thélu it adroit 0f sleeping quartera. undIt habeen te * *PM t'» puied anon. or two occulona thSti r QkM yeVOln. or tro ai thé membeta woud -"a ~ é#«sreaiunleu tuit quartera none 10 L IVO Il made more sanitary. Health 0ffiuer ye. ftb& leiey 1.'retommended that a ter floor .4b lej ~ .laid la the. station, ald iwu tét- *9 *:z veol eit the tîme that a Cément noar FIX soicia lucti 'groi imboo1 docl TH' tail ed ai let cd fo Waukgalm, Ian. 1IL Ots-Decidâ te itake peraonai ftation end inyetilen of ln. ries seekiné locton heme, ln- cfe dapéatil0 *fiàetr.aenmdenme. EON D-Asaoclatton'caemmethitt bc Mater Cenèip ne c. le atill lïtin9g for their loaton, wlth ne ive action 0ietd MIRD-Repiri rooci1usd that 18 oata of Oleders ait belng ualead-. kt tanh51>' éver>' dey. 'U*TIi4*boemnltt-ea appoint.' ifr thsiteibof tthe'becdfcilew.ý Gantlierclpolbeaià@ teatmacier, and chairmait oft se"kcra'cooiltie. FIFTM-4401wei-ih otfleor apace taken b>' auteontnufituers afor auto show tae b. hélin WMukcgan. SIX'-Abcopt invfttlon of Woràa M. C. A 61 Iti dolitt. SiLVÈN+à--Ofcer adjutant.gener, ai Wf éat.suppor0f 01asociation ln oecurtng aAemmer militis camp ai Camp Legant. 711ic regulur neekl>' meetng ai tite boird of dîréctars of thé Waukceag Commercial Asociato rua hel toi- lownug loacitoon el noon Monday, Jàaur 17, ut Hetel Whnshbura. Tiers rére Proamut: Pi-cident. U 0. Melnne>, préstng; lirectors, L. J. Yeooman, H. C. BorneIt, W. i.I yi4 M. H. Huaie,',D. T. Webb,. Frank Burke, Chas. Morrisen. A. IP. Carney, C. E. Hairtor, Sedaetar>' R. N. M%. gilî, . W. Huckt, cit4man para caf. iItIee. and memiter naysaindmeaed boumllttee; Dr. C. . AmiTrne, onsa ber raya and muans cammitle; J. i. Pollon, chalrman finance committttu . T. Foi-i. goal roadIs ommittee; ,10 . B. oem, automobile show cou mttee. t e. xt 1 Id 1 re 1 er X, j tt-m th di w se P, q4O9 taHSO 1 iét s5 8 oiul8e laid nituulli'a vêt>'zen 1 < ~ IciiAlhlgtnési.months, P i'-iê t01 10 ! t 00. t !"Ta cnfinîng," ras thé excuse gI-. WMfpl utMOSAWiR10 > for eron b>' BaIl for reasigninghils posoin ir sd *b ute 5 0 isit dI>'as ai employé ai Uic cIl>. Buck Mc- Ii kt»IRIRMRI, la & stl Wril amaM. rita bas otiel la two or i 0- 00eIO00M i*1h1teata Otil tre. af thé liverIes ln Waeo a Un ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wl If1artaikel a~n ccépt is position, and nil pi-ah- ai ~~~êa#l ~ ~ t' ab.!e b vr ahi>'repart for wriltai>'or Thuri- UMel*Mu4 119RaIthe>'rent day. rn. nonlél ahtthe. Wtzél 1Wv- *mtor 14t. ery fat min>' years. "kR e 4 * nul eta have Boy's fahher, 'Cbaa., Baî. réignel' ýb Ï* I ifl% Un5 fie hohsaposition ai chiot 0f the Highlîadl 'fiffbl mbu etmee" mil Parka policé force &n FrilIaiilgtý ppl0uB atthIRe "onTuber- tet. Hlié rsigned because men fop-t Cige Ibelteve.'ý hé con- paltal b>' thé police commissuion hal "lb& haIlt eaOa rit>' men refusel ta compi>' with is orders. ýbs* la because t'bey Wbnt 10 and thé>' receivel teé backing of thte, t, abtRa whon IRe>' net dora police commssan lan é stand iîcit bolfflapI thé>ll b. ilsél thé>' tooklnt the mattér. Bo'a sue-c- pIIl tmes. The>' casioke cessai- as chief of te lepartinent wnu t*twoe-vi' ortitir 'Ove-to cnhoamoin tthé acxt meeting of te1 mi,# attlp the atunospheré ail comitssioitn wiicbjla ated for Fr1. ,al btit »iaaib. rienthé>'gel a'eénn ét thora ntR 011 Nid IRhe>' on' ______ R conuoiatioa la toliacco" é »er disevrofaitue Zion dît>' Reoponsibility Snijqd. r l nan arel&et lad ta tobacca Tii. youngtr's ganadmnotter and Mdil 4» n.argument for thé unI bal beau vhaltlhtg hlm. MMa mtho, ie's. al eetiteartla w hoamner Hocit of Maron relates. Iii trwev«tbb ov6 n bas.l i een Inciudiakg tilta bis lui>'- frled~ ecyb n eticas rs snyiig GaI bleusecdioifteïl:n tmil te, twýUk.thir loé Oan ie mdite taaiily al that ia. 'Me 6t0bt0liabc ilit Pot tue PrOtec- algit ar the.la>' an nhici t tue>' tt. et, IRe cirpeta ail thea indow ho prael hie prayera es usual. 4a du, nto.t mention thé cleaila cludltug theza. Thon h. 1001 a née- »ptiara al Mit-tuLs'.. Iis aew ail thougUt aid.L saI Oh. tua, I toi- Wer>' or VoIRvu' ouht ta b. re. go. Gvandmu aid unt. are gobeo. id wi*th greterguaothan te sa, y" oliedt't inI about theza aMr w10 of athe NorthtPle b>' Peary'. mr.-aaaCiy Stat. * Plques cf amnitios elh..Cit aie.r rU~ ~Iq~ioslatreftieeam "Who- '"s t» tclovPeDys, andi ils Wt roit t Ifan orti>'BOl nhbat ie hi çlalm ta fite>" 9ld q oret the Aponm iandvii nu mai, lfnutoe une lu rail tounded. a. mliabeitig tusce. héoil. My trbmd.I. olie e ritahoept a a badY neighins 14t pouah tedIM -frytimoto thon à year."-Kans »Quq&d oîf lime lest nitin ift>'CulJJournal. MadbUeuracdb>' ?ompaonlo____ I*n Dr eMoIne inatalled an p*,t nettqi«tu àlu a u ne0 aA Unolé Ibn. IlfW ee etiCifoeon s itUliovur . OA*Wbdà t * torgelinia dtg-. «0atr Ide ploneer arema m» at aIbu atalaboartel on &M Cicnucrmtdla blighia U«« pOiO' cuéiehéjo!e »a the »D f WahintS i- aldU- e Wi '*a capt - tai But. C»q1ben è ter Mr. e4, yeu ~~o c and~B*tW ail Pt ,lut Ceri« .~ W . R n~ Mar 0*a ~f 80*5701' I. ik Y" S- ra Follawiag roll cal.the minutea or te lait meeting vers. nid ami à> trovel. Tifs folawlng conimittée reporta wre thon made: Chaitinan L J. Yéomanu af the.la- duatrhal eootmittee apale tn a génerul way ai thé noria of hie committe. saying that provision ahould b. made. for personal slîcitation and Inveati- ilioèn et industries gocling location bere litéad of Iepeadlng an cor?.- apadé#nce tu, get resuits. Hé iéborfeil Uic Ogrén Motot Coin- ian>'. tac.. stîl negotiatlng for thelr location nitit no declalve action te- >aited.. Chtirman C. E. Bairstow ai the, cezaiitte. having ln charge thé ii.- Ing of the Wilder tanner>' tract stat- e1 tuaI uis cammitté. niasupplylng ail the chamnéedl aI prent B,. eraglng about :16 Cars per day. -11».,C. à. Ambroe of ithe nays n masscomMltte. réparWthlie I aP- pointaient aifaa ulY.cniittee anl oT- ganîzaLtlon wotk fot the succes o thi goaIifollahip cominit>' hmnqtet. He statel thut Rev. Hl. B. Gatiaer bal been selected as tcuatmnanter and chairman af the committee on speAl- crà. F. W. Buck.,citairMan af the cam-. mittée ta arrange for the rent4l of the ai-moi-y. C. E. Baltar chal>gnalb of the commîte on entertalament. wilh othet comnitilees nal yet ap- pointel. Cha-man W. 1. Lyon ai the. Lakte eaunt>'automobile show comllttee, toici ln a gêneri way of plans 'dia. le IfWek. W~ap~ ci le lx ta Choirmnrnn0. B. Hoém ai IRe 511h- roimittean exhitbits. 'He atatel .tut W42 ikaorth of space bal been ulgned foi-. lnmurlng thé financlal aucceci of thé enterprtse. Follartag a discussion af the auto. mobile show theé ce-ta-'raswudirect-ý éd upon motion ai L. J. Yeomnan, se&- onded by Fi-ank Burke, ta inviléthtie, Lake Count>' Good Roads Associatiton ta meet ln Waukégan luting the Bu- taonobile show. s Presilent Mcilney thon announcél thaltkth Waman's Club iliv$tedtheit Commercial Assaciation ta ooperate with theffi la an effort ,ta * Ueothi" Y, M. C. A. Iram debt und appoIÏtéâ ltée ioing on thaI collittsbe: 1). T. Wcebb, W. I. Lyon, EL . À. 'Lm . L. Clarke and Dr. P. 4 odurte>. Upon molhôn b>' C. B.'iuÈ.Ét *. 5C. ande b>' Chtas. Morrisan, theucra tai-y nas diréctel tao ôter (0 thé k. jutant-generai ai thé Otiteqh llnoa tba serviM'sot ibis g7iàoçii bI biMUplg.418. socur$ aa %uItn' tiilta D.- 'Captait Çok* $clam s itlblg ute pleg ýoueà ~a i-ortl1 u*ii 4hu Mna>'y* ne sayé -tut rit thinl it il g a.e, ofi<br1tuné. in the cae ho arn tRhueband tg à*Ir leu soittt of lWla idsp iiti ,non.' iaou stto"I îqmr. , _ venkingwàiaa a . bli e b she la deaeivini ofaissistance, but 40 advliestiat aamethlng ho donéc V nit. the hushatul aid la hie family'm suppor. Iuuting the. lait couple af reeks tiig Volututeors have réceived manY ai iteals feratautaace, no maoY la tact that tué>' have &bout exhauti tuel magertfui alud on Muet cal! uPoI the. public ta &là them. la tenderla fr- thtoraare any w r itanilita tal nid peroally Uiey wlll. le lul *11h ntns oi néelY anus-lt IRE profer, tue>' ins>'mule théitr iait htuowg ta Captaîn Cook and ho nIl .se thut they anc carricd ont Ther laeic aàuëtifetins turing thi aer sera *eather, accotins tu Captai Cook. id les dil ore s-e SETILIiROW OYUR RI3WÀRU MO~Y OI~ FI3REUBYTWII3U.S "iyansto PoIioq*oT t4n Qer- oie Pe n sion Iun Comnpromise ras olterel Tofiada>' as seltlémént af a tito >eats' contro- tets>'la wnicitformer Mayoam ar> Peai-son, Police Chief Leggett Anasiat- ant ChitélSchasier ami a sergeatut, a ~ tectlve and a ptrolipa 0ft tue vanulon Police force are involved. Il la sateti thatlain1913,jriten Pc- lceman Roy O. Staten, ljetactive R. 11. Johnson, and Detectivé James J. ite gaverament fort il Watt Sheri#An ald clilméd $50 rerakd. Subaer, h.hen ciéf, demandel lte mai puY the 1150 itthelb.pension fondîoet ~,sltrial. Whén LIUett, bocalne tief Mayar Pearson arderel hlm, tc caUéect thé moue>'. Tues4u>' thé men offerté ta p talf lte moné>' loto tite pension tuaI. Tie three lesértérs cauglit b>' lhe policéeaIthivanston escapel train FWr' S3hrlan atér béatitti-thé gitail pter the Itead niti bic or n .Tbe suai-i ras courtunaraitaledeath@ Ii.imé, and thé titre, déserter. nere sent ta the gotértment prison t -vot *LAven- nai-thinlaKim. No* thi, at Wîuiegtka l iii otilàd à police. peamitun fond, it -la 4iv4ew tué itind. abO"tthé e trcrtu' -O- Chairman. H. C. W. MoIsi-. A. G. Maetiter. Supervisai- Maether moted that the teport be accéptéd and adopted. notion carried. The follarlng petitiOn raprésent- el: 'l'a the Honorable Boa-I ai Stipervii sors: Your pettiaitor, Raile Dunbar. re. opecttully tépteaénti titut siteinta tenldent of te CcuntY of Lake. Aid lias beeti ta pccaattia1ioffthe DreiniuèI 'bereinaaflcr de.cuubed for sevelW i'ears lait past. 1 bat saId laid ie snamp land wlthý la lb. maniait ofitUic Stattite àAi la adjacent ta Margaret Henneasy's Bubdivitiion Eiidettlke. a bhoia b>' £hoeplat oi sald 81Siaiion ou recordl In h e Bcrdér'. office 0a Lake Caunt>'. Said premises are doaiel as fMl lows: A parcel oi JanIdoscribed as hein@ thi a oui-the icSoutheaut qUàrtér o fractiamal Section 4. 'lo*bobi 41 Northt Range 9 liait oi the ThIU P, IL. Iing bétrea liii tqrtli*eoi or»' lines af Karggret Heape@Wi subdivision of Lots 8 -and 9 ai Nlp pec-ait Club Shbdivlion aOf Part 01 lte atoresid Southehét quarter «, fractional section d. and thé 10w ns Ici- line ai Ntppersità aite.àald par tel of land Réiti hôoted (In MI Norheait b>' thé, Nortbéatterlt line o qal Margaret'. Heittosys ;SuMlvir ion produced northwweoty. and 0] thé Soutirest b>' thé Saithwe9térlý uineo ai alIMai-gai-t Heunns"cul division vroduCed NortfiWestéi-ly alf 1par-ce] of land contilining afleténi acre maté or- isai. Your Detitionor thèeéfore pi-ay *t bat yoor honorable body'nil ai thorium theé Chairman ai thé Cot; rt>' Board and tic Coont>' Ciet a ta execute by the Lakte oi Lait Catn a quit Clare Deel t Raniabat. lescrlbed promises, tai an lier payIng suci amaunt a y may b. flxed b>' yaur hourd. 1. ROSE DUNBAR. SupervIsar i-Icke moved that Ili e tîtian b. rperred ta te Swam t ré~ Commtteo. Motibn carrel. ý, su*i1lr0ï Con-ad. Chuituan ai Il IStitlal Coniuiitlee appdiatédl toami ndcnut bdrnabmteprovJia, for s-1a5 in for Ictucodel e oloarlug repart: StaW e Pt llfI ,Lake Count>', se. Bdiaà - & -, tUi-visai-s. Decemit iTerin, 1916., Mr. Chairo nsiad Gentlemen afilt ~B~d~C6uuh tite tarit ru 8 ýthî 1ttér toi nut d depédoat ehfidiren elit Mý lu dogétl>' court. toaYé ta report liat ne h4ve cc We.re ié h.é Wicue ofaIl 1, aeBiwt>. Bala td *Mid iSos tefr suels . tildae- à>' eiCR. Tour dammIttée tiiêiét<te rt 'l 'f ëd le rt M14L - -l i -- 1 -, lý 1 -, 1 1 - -1 c (tOoluael frqin pase - tê) -- ?he'au bmitted the toflowing re-, Satco risors Deeember Terin,1 ~I3btlelbÈa ot the, Co fletl ~W . e rriiJ &jn s .. ..... . 7 3 F l~~ IR............... ir. 6i, il tator, . ..8............. 2.6 Lake M' Giavel Co..4 Iý ï4w1 ...... ..... ... . . . . . 126 - C ........... 48.26" 14....... .... 12.8s oanrv .......... 75.00 Trept W hiMaâsan, TrtsgI i&TlrYPt, tietstiéa.............od W.C. I5.58 Chase Webb, . . . . . . . . . 222.46 *Public Service Ca.. ae flght and powcr... 9.57 M' 8416.90 W. have eximined te repart of C. Ce A. Applcy. Superintendeiit af the Catin- it> Fami, and find thé ~ cret and that there tg a lbe t e i.rr, bande due Lakce County. oi 889.31. Ir Aliofwhich ie rcspectfully aubmit- il ted. ngé A. T. Whiite. 7til tU ;ï7 u^ï g -- 1-ma-- ê ctâIftil *jurttiterretti Respectttiily aubq$#ta. Fred Iltscner. Superyisor, Flcke moved that the lit?~~ ut u tor.IRe tClw1mn ZOIL rfr %haimaafsI Qntiflhen of the, tumui eginittee appoint- t td i lot 18 lte »pl"hthe. el, Ust frthei- match ,Iriai tarin nt the Ci boufrt hèewith > Wate the. lloWiàg llât of 100 oi%ô Mo lot". A. E. all. lomted. W. J. i~ii8t0l8.Il A Vftefld.Thomas Chtarleas, Ài.~Irny. lietnieyer, Willli am on. 30oh1 F. Mat8, W. Wiliamabeio.Walter Chuan, lier 'Chaleas hqolwu1ièry qu*deiello John Cri b, MIllet-. Llrrflc, wWUâ- ewtbh, lÇIik Mai Aven. Simon naqut emar>Edw4rdp. c»Is lI7Ul;tà,Oliver lidot, Wtil* M« Warren. ebea' Jt Il.A. DoUt, htbblh T.H.E.r og .ilie , .ei Shields. Charl s Enfashi John fale: Iguicu til . 61 Keli2. Iuiifia Rosa, Mailla LeWis. Qere Là*IeOle. J-iouiti Treptoi "Smr> 0 .001. ony Morrts. r*iii.t. Rl. D. Cok. Fl d 01r, George Kàrtàn, Joe TItta, Johni Wtti. Jet Wfaner. WaueOhda. E. 1. Stocklng, William A. Toynte C. E. Whelack. Frank Wilson. RA Dowell. John Couseli. eubiL Roy Waterman. Rd. Waldhaia John Shumaker, George lProuty. BHenry Eggers. BarmAn Helter. E land Buetier. John TuyntOii .01o Westfall, Walter Plaise, V.rmon., John Barnholýeii. Ernest Hert 1Frank Haltje, C. J. Miaieon. 0. W9 retubetgi. Carl Witt. e .) Butler, Floy'Shidinor, W. Gàddis. L.awreaa O'Connor. W. Hall, William Haigi. DIratied. N. Etetgolin, E. H. itou, J. LIU R. E. Moore, 1.. Wreler. Chati lAtihl. * llepectiully submltted. aFredM1irahnet. ,d 1. W. mfflddge. is A. J. Walhi. oupervisor flrstow maved il the report lie acceptaid and adc h. d. id Motion carited. $IumrviaMeether, Chairman the Hospital Auditint Cainmit isubmltted the iollawing report: Lake Cotuit>'. sn. A, oard or Supervisors. Decumber Te 1915..1 SMr. Çhftlfnan and gentlemnt ofa gtil Adt to wbbdi the ý part af A. E. Ërowh. stipe s- tendentofath@Uiclae Cftnty- ,. oral Hespital, wàâ refgrred, ne leave ta report that we il of examiqed salt report and 'Vert ra- thé aime with t1i. vOutiers' ir- treasutci'g book and Md18thé si b« correct un to Decclubet lot. 1 of W. tlnd that the Treaaurer je on hand thre cuxi of ..1281 Olt TIret the SUt1*rIntçtident'9 rec- ty aordms how a bilante of.... 124: j. There being warrants In tran- ld ait unpaid, of ............ 41 tIý We theretore recommend that .report be akprovied. ly AIl of wliich le respectfuily s"b au- toid. un- ~A. G0.Masethet. *ic Ray Paddock. le Chas. A C rapo. t». Supervisari- irchner métedl p. the report he atcélited and a &q cd. Motion caried. Supçri-vîcr Clark. Cialfitan te the BEilaedps Assessitte4 tp mi$tee, submitted the ioUlowini port: Staté or liiinoilq the L&Ke CoAnt u tke Board of Superviors, December T ut 1h18. the Mfr. Chairnian aidGenlemnioa Boardof i uperviboaim: Yotw Cpimt ittee an Ermo Aeast#nts to *hotnthé. pt eT of ttaltnda ,a1r5 ia t ltibi .taxeOs wu trcfIted. bei iM*i he repart thet we have iaveMti the . matter ani find, that, improperty *as erancoisky aMI dàlaIt- $ 5 and hb isonren cd kit foi-1915. the ýCountY Fnda aietelie m*0. arsted 'and kelit =jiite, ai tb at pr u o Olth ad 2'Ege l mis an*Am repoithe P th e. .eav i ol pèrttior. Goilu moved ty at h i ut lakb autSrlized ,os. WrrnéO Sth aid 21Tr1h erforthe15 that the pnted llowed tapthelW- bill lte o dis utat thi'inotit ntion rvitdaer. reii Thved that th rConuti'on rbe thera Cc thTe av r fa. thst 'aie mioiat allowed te tii fl si-a Bouiardto tat Blindieât- tuila len t astlthemédiaS. Mot wincatris ed so.a nb apptted, WAnre, heaw poidsee tiat 1th l.abnt othe uan the Cerna tyMd Baîrd tDémrnsln; Pntc 1- tIi. blind es ies 'ai l And. Winlireac. ti. law tuim ta b. clisent M d thto t as.inne > tink winh this pension lathe né. I, Whcvbrcas. t e oea liat the rltonoi ela lated "d8 te a peion inted o tia os Tuprior, b.pi rcoved. that -féhe blicargon b. she Cta Vlark forrviaor of Uei tMua tôwhurl taofb.odilruuand taire ilnoqrosed tit"Aud Athert as - h for the ma prèpof a tcordaet tii rlasoftion b acept0dand W sMotion cariled. Supervisaioraputl o maed that se Î. Counr Sufor ccordnettoa14W r, batia0 sliers aoid main c eeuin ai plae sasoldiersitaai a ho Supervisor MTutierinoed ta R in. ua«lty filcrnntt f itl . wyats amiu thlendadEiU Are andt. b.auioed oi cl feSupervisr Muethr mercI ai en rs u etW b,théloi thé olbt utbortaota atted. BtetV sors Clark. gEmmina., g& Mac ililer. ?deer of Fremont. KiLt - tish, Martin. Piddoelk Rei u4 bUR, UtittOb ai Lake filla. Thqnipscn.Wiite.-i2. TRoue votIng Neo are 8ue' tel. aère 'Crapo, Ficke. COcaze,8o3 eh- rte. Krfchnei, Meyer et wau. Rdgai. 'rtle.. Wama.-4. Veto recurring on original a C. lion ai arnended lte saine waa pi caffied. Sbporviaar King moved ta ad. jouibt ntil Match tb. 1910. agi Motion carried. i.. LEW. A. HEI4DM, State oi T1lînlsq, Cak Lake Caunty. s. 1, Ler A. Heiide, Couaty Clé*~ in and for s"te ounty. be%. ,ai b>' certif>. the fdregoing ta b.e a pt. tripe 'UI oruleté transcrlpt of thé pt<oeedinga ,01 tifs Bout of SOuoervtWÔrs af aaid County at the. et Deýegmiér, 1915, session oi aid "te 86aida. ln Wltnecs Whcreef I have bereunto subacribed un> naine and affixed the. osaaiai said Ceunty, tbis 2,Ind day (SEAL) the. LEW A.H lmE r9. Tels BRACLET 915, Tuesday eveaiag Miss Wagner- ar b.6 1002 Belvidel-.atftiét inacrted a '!oat bracelet"' id ln The 2euh. .92 Tité Palier went ta press at ual t.QSUie. At 4:45 Ménager Hendsa of said the Harrison hheter c" am in Thé~ Soffice and laid the bracelet on tiie mît' désâ i saylng:-l1round iton thé 'riLl ln fro)nt oailît hbeàtet. Sur tflP ad andi hère It1W" «M elry! ereis an hone t tietelc thet iahâiii. What do yau ïhier auett if!" 'hàkouled a clerk in marct o aild «d Oh.1 'wpr e uaod Ï ta Iai ~'n 'rë4eqqenty d thim-gi aIt t Ro U g- ,a. 'a1w ytity to,) cate tue oraë a Iwe auDit a .ît ho'Liï tbeie t6it t fond it'l hé -theés, .t& Aiterinotance: Mra. AnduV *ie Cofiéliaoerted en ad Moneiday t ua #a1utp wcrk abouit the place. Mt tbW Tusyay ite rdèveft thid M titef ,throuch tité ad. ý, if uat *M atu 'stlw hor theme am08 *.ada do thé wdtk - fiet1, . Bitt JIO cocutt àht V'l