103 PÀ'~SFILE» with ,83 -Transfers WaIe and' 20 t..an Recorded, Busi- ne s1 AbAut Average.. 26cfirsi nelao Business of lise recrdai's office for tisa vace.tenting lanuani 16, 1916* Numban et transfens, 83. 1.~~-++ + + +4. Nuiber i ofIani, 20. Total numbar af Instruaments leti. + LE103. 0 .~44..+4i+. + t.+ otalameunt oaiionsa. $43,632.59. qit-omtlli' a)tBili-tdand Bglte bubeau salisar quiet dur~ rimeeowwe cr**ý,jpF, Výy godaven, ct speclal trest vas the aIe omadgton. Cisear for 1-lt. Peter G ta It toert H. Melvee anti Elzabieth %pAs, bne~ lisptS., hIt. vIte. of a tract <of 78 are, Se- ing part of the tract knovn saisàe- ro SALE-85 tour mitisi aid pige.,. voots, atiilnlag tisaCralitree dam!y .:J.at.e. neai elTa. biisrtyville ftsm of lira. Scotti Dranti. anti bains -aI 18t iametlatel nntis of tise 20 acreu - moi-0tu laEdgar J. UIJiluant Intaoan WMSAt,E-44w 8 rçom buagaleir on mile n«oil.a!Lake Forest. The cou wi qa ve.'ehbath anti matera sderatien vas $123.000 anti sablai =iMeas. B. F. Woairidgat, LbetY-Ita a $40000 trust deati nov an tise nu~ çisos- 151j. 11praperti, itIhan a frontage o! 915 feion Laie eMiciigan anti etxania, to L t easpleÏ@ mat ai maritl'back saltproxlinateîy 3,700 test tu the »3ip * , flW.Wili aMI dhPpf ighyay. Mir. John Griflsho! Lake em*it oe. bn 2 ilivvilîS Fos« vga tihboiscr lis-tise transi 1801 action. - - jlIn Hihland Park. Michael b. Car- 909 SAs.94-i*giend RaiM 0<mb R t.-rnody of Chicago bougit a lot 0o Ra- êsM. Te msalleroon tfon matia, 1 0!vine ant i Hghlandi avenues iran ýTus_ le, UWW«â l implus stock S t higAIs, Iav Lindalsi tor $3.000. O caai.0160 )t<s $80 M suis;1£va J. Carquevtille hougbt tva lots , is.e anmdt-pulets $100O iieb on iFuret avenue.isonls o! Shianm i* O peliPrk-Ose am lgm smti- roati. frai Werner Spenger antiC. os. 'isimeat frolapises nIO lrurm af M, -Sermlis ton $6.000. »0i Wu"11100 Usim KlTrhfIl-T190d J. Franks Ralley of Chicago houais - tll, 1IL18t'!13 lots a lock 3 Ritigevooti Pari - - 1 ~~ Subdilvislion, froni. b. Watsonfo a msiicl coaideration. tocs Aisegmi ISarahs . lutaiWn bonght a lot at ~ra Plie 79-4. 811VinasantiEzuSr avenue frai Allen O. isul. mani alsq a lot at Vins -lié eau; Semiid Muislan avma tro* Sale touxa ba lez e MilohhImnavélitIcto h6zMéWdn Kit. , u m et 1 m d l i e bie for n ia l* oaIl4 iI - M 9 ~. 4~ Augelo anti sai X& - "P e* rnmstrut. f ranùi l. kuthids for bffleaMube? 09 oumiDoma . Atersil bougisithe j%"e Plued &A Lshi, Cei' raperty it athet ner oc 18!Sioiianmai gmq* avaUnse for l$t chae i ila. Inla iSgtswook;at. 1 and hi uat irismlmi Bainco "aBUibougtltAWa Burges -ilvtm ' b--propety at Rulroa sud HBlsbvoot es t,>WO b m. Bf-ltrn- avenue tor $3»00. fl avia n Waak*am T. J. Siaisi haugi 6 atSsil le e mb igéBit tsaprovati on crner et Mnotis ave 09 *Of Ml!le i5.tOv@, nue anti Second itre t .fromELB. 9ReI5d B*Unii"iSisisiof etKnoama for $1.500. 0*00110 sie.Ibin, Tb- iW.-1 Mattie P. Kraft bouais! a 100-teo *. .1L1 al'o n Nortis -avenue anti Greenvai avenue frai H. T. Cravtonti fori oA*-P.IaetiCMiaboni', tisais nominal conalderatîon. ~ iIll~. u dOr i L eeati Tisa certificats of Incorporaitin sleliaS s A ". U ac UsO a ci- ,Waukagan Terminal Company vai ri J« 480»9 4110, tudire 5are oit J , cordet. siowing captalistock $100 *IIftIM 00& it2 m",Ill P 0 Oser- ON ln sitaras of $10 eaici. l~h VOa.q79774 it! In Norths Chcage. Chutier A. an Rose.A. Sanisiaici baugit a lot 0 ~4*~~4a . . .... corner of Siateand i evruet + i1e~ 8 1? . streetatram John 13, Smnisis tan $1 *4 ê G G. . . e. . .I . H. Englanti bou gisi Irea to VtUSS-4tM . Stier Bldg. r on vesî ide of Roulis Jacksson mrae Lus rtisi. l.sd muth oft Tiaitistreet. frai And i 4'U 0 8 rooni bouse on>li-jGunsisfor $1.000. b~o r.tquine ai Robet 'lii.1 ln Antloch Tow sitl. Frank Asa.Wwuii. hoe î0-i. îsuanti Eva J. gavage bougisl a lot1 Smtha Subdivision on Channel Wa _________________________ - roua Chas. H. Smit on $560. '4Psfr4. 4.~4.+ + ++4j n Warren township.' . Tai M luti, f eraiChicago Soughl lise Leole.1 . . ......4.4. . .1 Manniepropert ln sautisyeat quait ~ jof section 14 at Gurnee for $4,000. " W*AfgO-,-Olelor.goueaaal haulvaari ln Wîucontis Townshsip. Dant 11W IL lg#a". Plane 219-R. 17.2 Rchairdson liougbt a lot la tiseV loge a! Vola, fanstlira. A. Moalgoni ~hW@-.OlrI iatmparal is.upwerk trn$126. là 0» 11111,1111. ML 0. ibinevta on Vernon Townsahip. Fretiei 1 At. M hu ila". -Lake Bluf. gtykar iongt 20 ates lnn.209»1 l'eli quarter section 25 traitsJuni sRe t 'aors anti Orman 1. ltebautlso'for »M.SSMAN !ANTRO-Yon anti jauninominal cansîderation. k6si'e o setc, laif"a up os ha $8 ai _ _____ 4dWbwbilics oaaptpmtkln. SuMa se Anotisarnotaycrthy. mretrans "ameafamintis4omontisSssî itna aeForat vau repoti -AUiCo.Oevel'ai.O 8P1 -clostin tahIe purrisMt bi Laina WANTEO-o'ýe" aferla Wtlltant401 - r-sa - lise C. . YTong as WANEOTe mu a arn 0 ai<il <>of 61 acres on Green Ba.y ruati :pOlMS. oue tUbertirviate 266-R 2 or bot s idasib te fikokia rive' 'Up.tJO" ais pee'. ai. lsd price s nat diacloset, batfil u tieratooti tis a asisiapice i$80,C .WANT~aiVaPbet5andt t'pite ialniajin s apsPa fatdas..gbne oa-i. mut bave lain Taelant jise aeoR agatiaooe -»dasuom, ios' boy te panctua'.-tâtobanGrd th.Isalea andensot Iiseiha-îoportuiii nn onis JohnGiffith.s pla n iearaclian-t - vil limacn amsbiti*-..-Pîma.taait eýunr oe ntep mgrseattisa Atractive hours (loodibnioe.6nn oea h P"eao, ezete» aIlaelld eia-. ia*. te. 1 pclal Wa welIam Dpartint. ta ml-ueine timultas Cantempt of CessC 1s-emt boue aurrouaadiuasi for out-1 1- A amie Wu appeaiedt tatisaUUt *nlvrepi-opt. Fr-aa il, <. z o*1 lteaSuprense court bacanie lu - ttis.useimal17-; o f the nelassani papera ln a mi onze tUse dc kbati matie the dite il p............. XI8EL&NOUS bIais 'ltisthba'190-' printet. wv iccounite tor tise mîmia. Tis t0 absunti enta -~Pitsburgh Sun. W LONKy-Fasn aveuait e. i nM eamt oeznIuiaDeeeip- Si-tailabana l lrnameanal v& -rb p JP*w. uiso.,'M ru Oasisor ferma. N. 1R. Lati, pia elt iSuf - Uiseiie. ,OyIATrS i N G RATES . eu ÀB Ios 18 L~~lJW851PI~~~I¶I j y. .e 'ishe tb M YKl'ee..t0 w éti kb lii CI1I~&UI~ LAKECOUNTV TITLE &TRUSTOQ.isp~tbok1 moeM1lêt cent NE ~ 5 Iq Ij~~I bsratsarise.Tite eurstsd.Htabiaisti ý Q. c. p ,tiai i f eaas. Te~teBitg.Ws~r. Waltsty W ftLcontadtito Peter îit; MiÀNJan. 7, 1916-Mathew HoIf anti QuIlk an4 $ittgsal PaSIlUk, lot 16. At.ni __wite et ai. ta Turn Verein GerrnnIa, block 9, WsisbirU Springs, Wauki- of La I'Lakewodi I*dVS, W Pur- IWaukegan iurist GCIJed Upon fOrhinait aea 0fe i. s ioi ,gn.F.1. 1. .an to IearFam-ln b' OigialWukean.w. D. 200 Jani. 1,PB1 . WF.fyards ad F to 9W'tOu- sMCriefry Albert Kilchmnann and wite ta E. J. vite ta Angola, andi Luste, Bartolli. dia;gl vt H5 Moiwee. County Family Feud. Doyle, 156 %cres ln sections 27. 28 and east 46 teet lot 6, bioS 12, Highlandi Nati 29 ietvletwsi.WD$7Park. W. D. $1.,t k~cre demisfetretiWedfleada tise Wdeteclc, Janl. î4.-Tise deck 9 îbryîle. or. ~ ~ Ga adv t oa .latw roai estate miarket unev one of spa- have beau cgared for tihe celebrated 912.50. Rt. b eradwf t oaE 94 coeigStull faruery case. visicis vii be Anna Daley ant! husisandta t j. Lm. Fetherstan, lots 6 an-d 7. blocks 6. Ex. the M, rita IntereBt being clamicvrn cailed In thse aircait court at Wood- Has., 120 acres ln east haIt section tueur Aiiint iiiniPr.W a protsarty jusît nortis of Lake BILL. stock on Wedaeasdav' of next veek, 3, Cuba tavnship. W.dditi D $ o HghadPrk %.sald vas the sale ta Robert H. McElvee Jani5 19.,Jtudge Claire Etivardu viliiW .$0 . l.s i *ud Elizabeth S., his wîîe, of a tract corne trimsaWskegan ta presitiq at James Murray ta A. H. Gosseill 120 C. H.Snilths and iflt a F~. E. Sav- oft s'. I thse tria, Whloh gives every Indication acres lu west haIt section 12, Cuba age andi vite, lot 5, Smiths Subdilvi- b.a of 78 acres, the transaction having of belng ana of thse mont stuhboroly township. W. D. $4,000.1 sie>n on Channel Lake. W. D. $550. 191(1 a qpecIsil interéat lu' ressafl of theiltub legal batties aveir vag#4 In Edvard Mueiler, Jr.. and vite te,- extaniv" i"f,"vvrn'pt% Involvei. mltenry aounty. Tis prper7. eia .gmrt~t Experte on handwrlting, Brea Marius Boysen and wite. lot 5, Bon. MÂjRRIÂGE I(JN8 trac knNsnas Lakseti," adjoia- thesa boiing national and even anu l-.att's Subdivision, Eagle Point, W. 1 t ractknou as 1ternatianal raputation, vili figure as D. $3,800. ioseph Boushes, :11, Waukesha. P ing thse lainant '«Crb. Tree" tarin & Important ln oae~b tise tri2l. B. L. Fîagg. Jr.. te F. N. TowlIin. Wis., an Ema rug,27 u- s Mrs. Scot Burand, ib a part Of the vhiie the tuiexsigbetwae emi- .oi m1Kreer 71Wu ilicage Real Mtata Investifent syn- biers of thse St'sII aiuly, among thesonSa, lot 1., block< 10, Bord DU "lcwatosa, Wisq.iter diaio t 75acesatttient knovfir muet vealis? aof Ma- Bluffs. NortIs Chicago. W. D. $1. Arthur L. Seritchfield. 23, Mlau- enaî 9 iaesholdiniso 35areat h range ftamilles, vili cone ta tise sur- W. H. Johnsaon andi wite.ta, Pietro kee. andi Lettis DeMas, 23, same. 1 dir,,i 6point wath approximately a mile af face sas each gives a radItal'a! the pligrini, east 44.21 feet oth 175 Il ames H. Cavanaugs,- 24, Wauwato- 191i ataie. rontage. case tisaitrivalves ovnershii ta a feet lot 4, Highwaod. W. D $1. la~. Ad lJeas E. Bonne, 20, Milwaa-Blotti 7transaer oetaract W" e filiarm eof 470 aes.hi Jas.8.196.C.F.Wah .tr 1atikes.of iL th ott aore' fie William IlIeu. lnvusmenthaner JBenjamin916.Windsor, 22, Wauke. ses. LakeSunt recrders oficeand, limiter a; Omnaha, Neb.. aippears vufe ta Luella .i. Itonis. lot,,13, Prac- Bnai .Wnsr 2 ak-ian 1,ile Wetinesday evening. fit ahows a as the, principal agalust wvmIslt i tor's Subdivision., Gmysiake. W. O.Igan. andi, Ean .Avtr 2 li a *-1wind'eMter. Dr. andti4 $2,0. .cage. '1 ti 5valluatiol, ci $123000. *ubject ta a brotise >a.av.20 trut ded f $0,00, hie maesRozAl MI. Cartisa. otfÇMarengo are dar a 60,00.whcbmaeaarrayeti. Edith P. Ring and hushandtiet Mat Raucs. l2t, aukegan, andi Mari Nntl athn' total consideration $163.000. Un- Notai Experts ona Mandwatinq. Charles PIle. lots 1 ta 4,1 block jifleh 27, Smrn.or 1t der thse terma o1 the cottact. tihe pur- Tise vepltls Nebraska ianker-brok- 6, CummiaL, and C'orpany's Additi on. rmitotd mmes, 21, M'vaukae., and 119V cîsaser contracta ta put up a structure or Is.in tor a finish figit. he accorts. te Waukegan. W. D. $1.675. Grace Fredericks, 18, smre. the wthin tva years ta cent not lesa thon sPensive- exprte on hisndwriting Adif, D. Adarne ta N .1. Nest andi John ihai:. 29, Waukegsan, and fatu 1isa $40,000. This tract ln known as tise kmaya inths emai listise persans of vile, iots 10 and 11, blocks 67. Norths Ricietirsic, 23,. mrn.'l elti Herishaw place. W. J. Ktnleî and-Artisur 8. Osborne Chicago. W. D. $10. Williiam L. Wallace, 48. Chicago, offf B- rots n akaio Nev York, aise of visomin as vrit- .Bsaae of Elizabeth B. DoodbridgeI and Marie P. Wallace, 42, sanie. 1 1) raissantak.ten booa anthi uijectandte tisa ofi Thse parcel luit oIti ta aithtie south or erhing a racognîsati auitisrit, an ta C. A. San'kiewicz and vite, lot 35, Valentine Sain, 26. Milwauksee, ant i l end oet the tract and esnbraces 'a front- tise sanilina. Hie tva lavyeri ara C. blIAi 16, Washbura Park, North Chsi- Ansie Voit. 26, saine. vgeon baite Michiga 0ai115fet anti P. Barues of Waodtoanassd Joisn A. cae. W. D. $200. George A. Stancliffe. 20t, Vernon, - exend bak apiolnstel 3,00 eetRussell, tise latter of Elgin and a for- extndsbac apyoImaely3,70 tstmer attarnai ganaral af Porta Beu. Cara A. Gray et ai. te balais Webb, anti Caroline Fisiger. 25, sanie. t te eiglsway luit east af thse Chf- anti bath eoacaded ta bea anonguh±e lots 10 anti 23, block< 1, Webb & Jen- Frini S. Murray. 31. Mlwaukee, ,cage & Norths Western ratîroati-andi mot sucemastulattorneys la tiesa ens Noth ida Addition ta Wau- andtihaier Young. 22,. mrn.th tise Chicago & Milwaukee Electric stae. l egan. W. D. $1200. fily E. Nymien. 28, Cisicago. and oeit fine. ~Tcharge algainit Plfuli ls forgary, Jan. 10, 1916.-Ernia J. Tripp an Myrtie Baunir, 20,aime. wl r ilue.I Il aug thse eontantion ai tiesa sate it This property vas secureti forlmi- tisat William Stull le îrying ta obtain buibanti ta Atdile I. Miller, lot 14 anti Jas Kalensisi 38, Waukagan. a.nd Cat ,e ,Mediatc mprvement as a cauntry passsiou of hlm .hrother's tariteh>' part of lot 15.,Cridley'm Subdivisiion Jusîppa ZuPaWeisa. 3, a aIt Lhuinemite, tisa tract having heen r insanaof? aviliS torgeti a cotauct ha. Liisrty4lle. W. 1o. $10. Irmaki Bocisabti. 29. Waukaian. anti sali Cy strîctetita resîiaence purpoies onu. lyseRa bluta«it! autbis isI'Otoi', Aidie IR. Miller ta UnEmaJ. ant Ir. Nllia Yauisaubat, 18, saine.Mai It ilsaiti that tisa mprovaniant conL- frmner tise fill boune tanM in laM. R. Tripp. lot 14 anti part of lot 15, NiebluSOiifchutz, 28. Kencoata. Win,, ntemplatat ill cenet $160.00 or more. reAitO; that tise Nebrasa brotiser Gritiley's Subdivision, Libantyrilia. anti Nalle fauchbe. 21. Green Bay. Win on Tisa MclUlveum mometints of Ilakcisanget tise naine 1lillar Btuff. Jr., Deati $10. r ta William Stuli, Sr.. lu arder la came F .Csuesl at i. aAga Parnt wviera they nov ava a ibeau.- ttaposMioo of tisetar..thse con- P. . CurcillandwiDItaII' S ud v itftsihaine, tract bavingt bluon atea~mi ea la Kuebken. part oft luisenst bunan-th Is DDS IBU Ir >Tisa deati canveYing tisa property 1911. polslinani Uetari to.fol- veat quarter nanthesat quartier sec- Adi recites' a conidaratton af $10. Tise lowl 2 oiBùlde u iotin 26, Waucoada tovnsbip. Q. ,.B 1D O 3S ' lie rvenu staps o thedeedamu tisatheeariy fal of1913 anti bis viii $1. R S A R reeuesapaa is iadaaineinameti William. is lbrother. ani Dr.1 ai ta $163, indicatiag a purchase price a! Cuarthua, big hrtber-Jn-1av, a ezecu- Guitav Lindahi ant i vie ta M. L, PlUn i i' fi$163.000 viicista a trille aver, $2.00 toras.sud trui'Utes.Cirusady. part lot 1, lblocks 65, Hiaigh-LU t 1E A 1 n an cr. t a udeitct tht n.luDr. anti Mm .Curtiz, tisa plaintifs landi Park; W. D. $10. ____ ld MElwe otaind amatrialcones.terrainai as tiairelative of baving a u.1,11-.P ml n Msien an tise priba at vicistise pirop- a finlis igisi tetisae oertis aai 1h5 wifm ta C. A. Sankiavicz anti vite, Mrs. Georg Besley, Frnleuy od rtY wvzn haiti. lniconiideration of big ton, bave forIOtifii lbUOvflvIl anrtis65 teet aeut 124.38foteofatblocks WaukigBfl omn, Viotm improvlng the property. bantwirting «ep *Bd antivli bave Mr. 93, Waahbura Park. Norths Chicago. )f Asthmra at Woodstock os, Tisee hm ban aîsiarala ie-Enata anti Mr. Evil et Cihicao. veiliW. D. $1.80. v t Ther bas ben coýiderab9 do. novn experte on bsisiwi'uig, tu tan- Jlu enessdwf ta.t i a-. veiopmn andtiactlvIty lu th ise nagis-titi for tisasa andti l1?. asset vils uin emeisd ieeta. A Paîiseîc came la presentetilaintie Co Sbarlsood of this praperty. ,Lest y1r c ot raervatian Ibat tisa signature 0f FrP". Stryner, veut 20 as rnntis dealis Sunaia iorning at 7 O'cloeis At an Edigar J. UihlisluPurchasei 20 acresJoel StuU.l, aedlOUthOOPOIMO» Of ut quarrnortiest arter section a oei otioi !lr. in mmedaaîay aautis of anti atjoining W tdving and Ati antlire 98 35,Version township. W. D. $10. eoe B n iey, to ci ia ophia nil hbc otaiiserdocumenta»viserein Henry Hogisenandw ta Meiony Gog ely omryMe oheo Od Mr. McElvee'i Purcissu, vhîch hau is w inm hasn thuyaow, ta liea a li11Sa~ aga~ Cane ot Wankegan. Han isubauti.ai] a Rtatd ta Imprave for a country borne. forgeri, State's Atornay D. R. Joslin Woloi4saae on ae u-blpiasant inl a ratiser comatale cois- ti having already erecteti firaprooa mvarynsd B. D. Shurtief vwiii represent Dr. division. W. D. $10. dtuba for a long tîme, anti given tisa pi .:> lcs buildings, anti Mn,. Cartda.Deerfielti Mon Society or Evangali- rclosst Paisible attention hi bar tor lug -a- Tise location ofthlie ]and uri ae licaI Assocation ta FIit Presbyteri- lthe pasitvaw years, tioesn't rmaie W. by Mr. MEiyeis ana mile naro at IN J11 r mau rho erillt1,On' htisi ehem benu alleti ta tise Great A .Ihe baitseForest syntiefe viîcs c-iIuANAEe a ÂR è s ViretAddition la Dearfeld. Dest aot. otsns ia ie a aia msi Guire & Orr aperateti succesitully. adot tnand 5wl5fslgfl ta $90.Toore 1avai ietare ha vai able ta anmvýr W 00 n ta iscis theY sai ovar 160 acras tao D iLM M i IIN IFON Wlba eninJnî* ~tise final entmoans, smetata bc one ith Stanley Field. & A. SPrague Il M~Iinorini anti Angela Grandi. veal 41oftecpisofasorlnhef th Staniay Flalti. A. A. iiprague. 11., test, ei. 191 feet of Sotsh ait, o iecpie ittti.i i ' fle H. B. Cli, Roy McWlliams. anti Mns. flT»~ ii'ýutSRIîi blci 4, plat "C," Biglivoat. W. D. case, hea iadbeen la a cnitial se C rsÉl.nearly ail etfvisosahave for a long tinta anti bu danarture C.e utMara-EIi, - - $150. vnttes loulai net have bean unexpactati at >ta buuli magaificLane countyaIts. Ibie anîblutera, visa for many Werner Springler ant i vie ta Eva nytire uring tise paît tva iears. let. ye~~~~~iars bava huntaiti incia an tisa saail J. Cairaueville, nonsh hait of lot il.a MsBle anye hetnda ufa JR INIIC 11ke sdrivera ot thea foi aeblocks 66, Highliandi Paris . ~D. $10.' Ithira.Bamoia i st It een tisratdm B. onienlng visailsr tisai ilil ha par- Charlotte M. Sexamitis anti hualianti IE DEANctui~icn mIllet ta huaI dutike nazI sprlng. ta Eva J. Carqueville, South 50 fti-t ber deatis vas dîrecli attributahle a1 in U 1i itrts tt a u' boig ! o ,bo' 6 îiiniPrs .ta asthme. vithwisvicis she hati long je àke 'EMÀd e LLRlflrteeaelwdei hoig ?o ,bo' 6 ihadPr.W been a suffarer. ti la alloved i ram Flîruar>' 15 te Marýh 1). $10. M.Bma a iaeda agse A 2, Inclusive. Theise ade ainaates, Jan. 12, 1916.-B. P. Staisl anti vite0M. eiywsteadndugern îîl- ., iriin.uuÀr bowver, toriîtshoting af gare ha- ta T. J. StaisI. sait 45 test Bfit ;20 fetMr. anti Mns.Samnai Cana., l. W.tycen those dates. teet of lot 2. block 6' NantisWest Ad yeana residenta of WauCegaa. visose D.eri TsI etin&Sslit em 5ta santi- Tisa cashIn isstatutes bas Seen tak- ti-tion ta Waukegan. W. D. $1,600. dathoccurr wa eti saner ofarso. C. e t. liittani ni fi prsa t baalaen ta tise Uniteti States supreme F. P. H-awkinss ant i vie ta A. Lacrîni a is ltro n ' ae ie hmOvn affaira vas tisa test o! a ver. ervscsv»dtrîevste ~riu.lt9 ok~ ru' H. Aibrecht of Cari avenue, Wauka- Vil- dict retllnaeti y a jury in connty court stata or nation bas aulisority avenrtise Addition ta; Highliandti aris. W. D. gan, Mrn. N. H. bLutsay of Wauke.F ai-y an MmaaY. Dr. A. IL Bravn vas gameoniecuti 1.gi anti ai Mn. Carter of Nev Y.ý.k, Tise cama vas trvahava Seanedofîthe Couantry.&TrstCa a .Mns. Carter anti isr daugislar, Ma- appaînThetidecasnva tha tuer.' as a a aebeudcId Chcg its&Tusno a LH in, ara te reacis Wauisgan Monday MMcinise teidmceraiboati tisat ai e asati »u*-iubfo -by 4tis e iwlme -anti vite. part o! lots 2, 4 evenîng u Utnisa *De la t tlima, alim e BIkIg alols- i.i atdiCIandhatha supreme' aount'Mt -OtMlbir. but tisa ant il,1.section 16, Ssltowansip. wvii1.iis a amate Tuesaia noon Ia tit-dnnkng0faiobll lquraani ba teciion bas not .ieen isandeti tova as Deeti $10. Oaisvooti cemeteri, Wuuisegai. )r a as a remuia&lPant o? hie body lia- yt .Butera of rater toit, hope Il H. T. Craytenî ant i vIe ta Maties ely a ianadat camne paralisadti aipmfrlii. vîlî lie rendaet isbtoire tis aprlng P. Kraft. 100 tet on Nantis avenue hi Ms ele a 2yar l n Ha speni muais of bis Btne la tise iunting season opena. 150 -feet on Greenvoati avenue at vasm rarnlati 42 yeas ago. For yaara tu- ounty l " ani mnll ILS -turneti Hu gtisai ilvi la ln cHanT. visera Mn. -cte aortthcueo ot Pyiin Hnngalong the sisores ot Lake sanliseast corner of Nantis anti Gran-BSalay vas a imugatauntil ha vaa onze ave, t eltie a a nbeu PsscaMicigaa. near Wauiagan, has net vooti avenues, Wauisegan. W. DB.siP1orcai ta relire iecause of hlmimli ina B«rovi LScIsellavrbainbeu ai tisaibeeu up ta standard Ilis ear.anti Jan. 13. 1916-Agues Mongomeyi1a tfvu, earsa go., Tisai Ibm novait laie~~~~~~~ wunsiis ,a ae ice ~ taY sportâman blttethe loing ta Danill Rîciartison. lot 7. AcIlCoteWooisiocisvsr ia aiaci Thn IPopeti Heti as conditi n ira i uisof, tiesa ugar refinen for tlisatact, Addition ta Valn. W. Il. $126. fantaisIe home net fer fron tisait riu.sa jb &mpooteth. e sbaTdig111eheycîaîm tisai lu past yea tise Auma Guis anti isbaistita 0G H. hi oD.Wl ely of un-ff Sair laotsasfplae anti apar. dcksanti therWater fol fd n Egladlois 14, 15 andi16, btisei,,n sn, dr. Waler.Basliea vr.l- 9 . a> ls, I getingalcai. ise wytise refueetnSO i lobta tis ailuise asDraiai"iSubdvisioni of Narthis -,Besley, tisera are tva other c!>tIdr-)D1 à. hy A Ila i-g o big, v ieaste usaterials frein tisarefluer", cage. W. D. $1. Mns. Dora Price.Waucontia. anti lins i hit A sisntilimotbis mo ta ie-andti th ie dmokado net comae ta MatiaDeTamble ant i vIe ta J.liane empntsiene. of Wooaotci, vis tof à -edth Isra aougbt 00bI ande onIbis region ineçoi. large nsaisan F. Kalliai. 10lots in RigevoatiPark ives vIls ber fphiss. Dta tIai O tisa fh gobis and on ince tise rafiaU? vas aiaied, anti Subdivisionl!hIgband Park. W.D. Il vas tva îeari mgo ihe. Mn. Bas- it for 1iquo0r- sti vulti soon hbe.cis tise machinny uMpvai ta other planta. $10. îey, ofiabrteofJh.esZ lu ltoiai coflion. Fr hs UonBaeaiWW 1ntmen are plan. O. L. Watson antivite ta J. P. Ke- ai Waukegan,bhda tirais. of para- ÉlgUsaig rp l h sps'ing, aundilai, los 10 ta -22, block 3, ltidgavoad lte 8climaivab lorvi aipaneti anti ,they proposaettaa aàcchance if tisa Park, Highlanid Par't. W. D. $10. hltsîs. Snverytisti e hlmrcondItio clea viiHeglva gottnî iali qsupreme court flas nol randeti ils Alflie-O. Franctaantidisuahaiid b> Iis -- anvnsntn.Te n eue R a s*neds I. I etn aos il ý» ~~xley, aitisougbis nata veil heraîf, li tisici ln fine àll-Dand a s re rants dcio ye-ide aI ari-a. a ra A. HgIns.lot 12, block 10, x-,ion abv a ta moeiarsl a!tie issersyaur theDte .$1 et! codigycaea aami 103i k isarng bl sd Dotblnej e rsay. jgameBorn e reiscsu orbeaumit hanet t MarAddition ta Hlibisiad Paris. Q, Bcue fln.Bmîispaa Lamai Allaifuk. allgati ite aukaan ant le isreaans t cauaMC.ep. tt coniîtneivesot. o Sna- Nomd tisat as iaaiatas .1 filS asommenut la noir, ,il Dralaee District ta th# ,ke anti State of lii.o. é ltuuut-tiplai o tisa und- alu M. Korn. Treaunrer 1 M ýtlcL nt haiél silice tin Laite oua> Bauax, l.itaa.rtyvuille, 111 al6 ,forP tise lOts dey o- Bea, 4;, ranin tanit o uc urspayaU4 t s.venal tratet o ao up u il ' intnemiim-nî romaiteunpaa it iii arcording te iaw upeytbsaat ch inataimust and coaîmi. oted tit 2td day 'ut Jalua-y. .. ' Ja&n. 714-21 ICIAL ASbESSMENT NOTiog sueteier.-by givra. taail tariw eraed tisaI an instaianat o! telle pr i *t fit an aasesaàiaat ieaalow dat fort,~ aaa.lge psjrp4os ti,r tisa jeanA 9. 5 upon lands lviaagwlanIees-4i ,dath Drainage lIti et ls isthemt Lakf andti blet> il Itiin.sii, aId SM» me mueit Iaopaiolti se abnoduterefemio -- ankitîta . Krnia, 'freasunanof e«W rit-t at hi# office la tise Lame coillv tiosaîliBank. Ltla.nis villa, ilinoio., n 'etoaa tise 10th day ai Mai-b, A ib 6, and inlideleuit ait-guceb 1 y massrai tracte o! lied upie v4sb .. id antaiiioaaai romiain@ napalti Mlibu e M i aaeordiag to liew topa> th«m mioa$-5 ouct itaialmnt ant ceai "teti thl. 2nd day ot Jannaa-, A. af; 'rtsnli S. Kra, Tremnar., - Jan. 7-14-là ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Public notice la hereby givea tkW e scriban. Admsinistratrlx et tSa. aie of Jisa A. Hoffima.io. ei4 11 attend tisa Caunty Court et iL!jM. asatY. i tna tis tereof tea bai84 tise Court Hanse in WauIsàllea. tl Caunty, on tise fini Moai fM arch aext. 1914, visomnivlabm ant bavlng dlaims igah* M stae are notifiai anti req*ueite amaent tis ai5C10ti CMourt ?UV j& tication. SRXITH 1. CRAWFORD. Iministratrix of tisaEntoiea t 0f I t 4LHna. Roatiedca*mm. Wauiseman lnati. Jemai 1, 1604 ilaîdacier au Heyder, att., ey fo- atate. vislyJan 7 14 9M ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Publie modee te haret.'given Utit a sauberriber, amnlnlmtratnizaof le Atale of P-ree tSio, de-Mfef l! attend l4o Cousu court of JLa" aunti. at a toalihit h a b im- 't ath tiacourt BOUse in Wauiaga. f nMid Cuty. an ttisetniMoodSg 1Marais, nazi,191, tvillent anti visas LI] pargnins brng daims gainsimt ad- Wttt are,' notified anti requaaled te -amasnt tise "me te aid Court tor ad- udication. LICNA STOCKE. tdinatnmtix of tise alta go!fredf- caici Stocke, dacesatid. Waukègan, llinois, Januari 3, 191j. Haîdecier & Haîdecsen, alternai anr estata. vili-Jan 7 14 21 SLOCUM DRAINAGE DISTRICT NOTICE. ÀOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVUN te I Persois inlteraste t uaI an inite-. ment o! Ton (10 paor cent> pae e tf thea asssmnent haretafare levie a nLOv due for drainage purpomea te th îeer A. O. 1915, upon lunde h- mg vilisin Slocum Drainage' llit» 9 lise Coualy o! baise and- Stt ait Illii. andtihtisaiane muet ha pMM to tise isateraîgnet Treasurer ofsaM Drainage District, ai 5hieoffice la iound lite.Illitnois, on an hefone-tha, ttnsl day of Marcis.L A. B.1916. andi le lefault of sucis payment lise sea"W tracts 0f landi upan vsici smaidJi; atalmeal roans unpalti vIi ha alUn sardin ag ioIa epaySàee mnmt of suc i e4almnt anti coïs. Datai Iis lt de. ocf Jaunani, A. D. E. C. WÎBBUE. Treeme. Wkl>4au.l4-I OM IN. MaLLUS. Aniwme ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Publienaoftce la baeau Rivten liaIt be 5B- sartber Adlniiaastr t fthie Esaae ci lie a. Christ. tiesiumd iti n Uattend tir e~~ Cours 'ai Lake. Oon7nt. taver Bsi 1 a b . s la od e » a I b m o au r t Ho u lfe f i U h m . ~ Diam Cooul". on tae aras andai aifNasai nazi.ý litaVas ad wbars li erIoffl mmbu Clalmi igatntsald Htite araeaaomeàatme rÎqusmted taessailia.sne mtoa lît Cour5tifr armITECHRSTe. Admintisii Waukeran. in.. .hanuar-nlie. sls Januati 5-2s-i.s ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Publiea lleU borenyaili'es abat m la. Acriber Adnlisltratnt aif he EsSIs e 91 Daa decassd. VIII attend liai 0= j~. onurtof Lake. oaunty at a teriuntoeog-t it oda s'.taihe. Coursatoniete na mebffIo an fîtd ouaiiy on Itheluarandai aiof LIVE Fune Nol ber a -wru noma ce bra arg agalt 353.1 L chul lion tiat fra sta ffu hai e t gi