foSr oeii em vbaraiezngte tlien.. IWat flu g lva ?Oa 'bu picole - khro the 4v a i*Wi0," l1Mr. 1h11 as hé, ooet thwe erO aet te boU t piezt o«aor et' sherlisoroui 111w a" thé 'City itmiko. vemrope'Mr. «'Nt wh e vs&,rt.vnon*thé *wfl ?m tejrt -t ti 1hb beo100 .ti& butlJobn L*~V 44 yes18 od, paeo . b a e l k hex vo begla zwy atth*-Jan@ cA~uter bmb# peosAn Flna cta .lUt adIbégln nutacw- 'roiy âgbt about 4 OC ,Dqé& turig. W 'les abeali bave a bis vau dlretly ettniluut*W in MB ow~s4 wATIG. ~'~ S l~ iiv e cu ho iniâlted Ï#itone or bléing ORDESý W ITIL *#- t$ inn 'Mèn he ond theavwek uMo whlite a5l*ugioftlEWl trtp-w"i IL-. > loU5lithe tman Wb* the WIllIam fOoe salon n terku premotoà uta deaM " vbo jtèeoted dim Km&,.Wviere be Va oyeda wd e a :08 aveth the mmauraoaer la Wekûoa brederý. The. esue ci death la gln. Iy AU Ieaiy. site, . Unl. ILi comffllits ai aueptlc ol0I _e URay the parti te thé IBIS. Abeut a weeob ugo, wbui *Uu Ur ~ M. Berth I. yen e nthmmItlc out botes. MUr. Lkey 'IonlqI g the 10 vtaf et te vuoven the prospects for the Company. Islight eut on one loger foma b4 le Compaeny came te> Waultto-He belleves Mr. (>gne u es01itho Î3 or Lheur ilg 00 10.1 - lMost Promwalo oiautaclurritu the - - niai. afttrzoolt Ilnpftted c000117 and ln repîiai as oe et et l" te heWlor O, luit Most efii n ooanica. Htsai ai te cftlsi etofthe ln- eu phénoménaal, comldezblkt t i Robort Pen4tté Baslan ,elm' IfIoegoreserved and lacitbe usenutive 0frtecompeav, Èihiu' 1tegel the pubitty wbjiel *comtasgo mueh lau romoôtiâO*cars Il #"s how t liensa chance 1and brnlg1tthem bhorth ie PublIC pis 14& sur Mhoer veel q4. 14le pilntsd te the fuelttI te1 t4r *i ou i ie l. Il Open arvon sevenl 7X11 t' laé et W e is u wèeealil ruai>'luthé bg race iurlug the pae ule * .~me deajute the tact tat Ihbu '001 Llm compmY bhon. naured. been vitel>' aiYeYllèd, bai net bée asib .red r pljietl.4, touel ca> for. racla&. etc -i y>Paitthé m ,1 6léuerw le.Oreo hobas a, < rn n ýýer igaU t i4kçncaro t sij a& Ïould bh..là ket1nyia nte tbm.~have s lisonalésent vuilt ~ Ca e, vhlfo bi a ffl wlll bmie». teen a____ >àeW ln t'er tu eginment. Îin aour tr ofOIO t.,- col i..Toont Blhedao. N most rmadraof 1* dAislet Visa ty *hré &t marnwab*h commaacw Vluk> uni* I enSat a Bra1is Ba z zc tahe u t h ni S.a iO t e mIES y as fft a16 a f ean i aler ah.e domeiien ho la ountbe tresL- de é' 0 lions evèr madk time. udi hd 0abOut tPm le 1. eat any IFOUR (,Rýoti~ Suk % vu~jA1~Ij~<oe FACli WEEI( 18e.alit iiicort. PHONOGRAPH.ý CLUB> Igealthe picasures and eujoyuieut deriv-.. edfonaphonograph. Payfor it on sucb en"i 'sum tha youwill hardly-isthe ainount each,ý The Nw Poorvi Pa~ is LcSs ThanTwoWeeksOMdand Afready HaS 50 Mlember. Any oe-anywhere -in Lake Couîty 'can' bxecome a meiuber. If yeu cannot cati at thé- »store the following coupon addressed tous -wiU.. bring you complete detailz: IIasé send-me, without à-ny obligation on, »Wýy part, 1eomplete' inforniation >about- yoûr y ogph iCub rpla ,<eitised in lr1'e Inde- MfbboMq,21-c. .&Jlsilk ire hair-bop l ribbons inu ail waàted 't colore. a inches wide. 0 Saturday Sale. These .Sme'r bav je uteeived a. mode1s, of fine Freiich serge., 1bèîchanIiigfiocks la ther roprkseut-at the4r Saturday pit. Imr0j;r 5ui1e. tePMi rhi ire hé <ml X.teettram teIbm Of> th nov Alà4iiuy "tfr, Atitheecol, neruo Osmmsà & *4Elaym tol*0 mS u mmôOned maihe 'va ttid uiW J~ .UI% he Uane CI$ lt.Chpt, 4 Wbem, le viuPI4a u it 110o:e taige andle oui hnleru Bi Illa pemi aite au menemuqUox Of ilshs h i. b alàug«gs»f ut- s4a nm" It, vas dltecverod tbie l.bai Me VUsbaiyrl mf'l iacO bo6dlY bIaISai about th* baCs 4 ii Mdiosimu."tbu, fi , rdays SpecialSae day 'o reatest vI1-gviýenalIl dy-to-wear. Our opeelal arrangements. hayg-been-carefully phýnndI and 100w that most teffective eeax~e and spe0- cial~Dê~x~#at ew uadiAe i~ere uit. Make' pr as 8te attend this "eventful sales occasion by pli meails Our~ choose CO ATS. EWorth to- À *eial "r r - ~c oi~ Ïbd combinai the Co t of make room fi daily affiim s a. etiKie cfl'~I iiew spriii~fr~ m - . Ir Ratines, at 19c The fiuest unaterials in- cluded inlu his big lot priced toeclear $§atur- day. 36 to 48 widths, S*turday Sale of AiB-WOOI Poplin A Skirt sale of unusual in- terealt for at thia littie price' ,We will offer*the best andý prettlest skfrts-you've ever seen ùffered , t any lime., Srn odels- al lrem. JLJST ARRIVEU- E&nbro1dfi A beautiful und varied seleetion f these pop. ular=Matr"als with fe color ebodrdde- aig. An exceptioifil Satira~4y Sale Of ~ Oè ftICorsets A& one-day epecial fieUig be apous, corÉets u h znot deable mdl: i I J s i -r' COATS Ic $25 I 'ealeÇ%-121c etys.ai8ft A, new aisortmient of A' featurod brand goos eturdy Percales lunilli on sale 'Satud.3- ,olorBsad figui!es. 36 i»ebeg wide. Tqisa unches wide. Saturday. 1rtce j i ar«« E~trao4tnaryOffer l, famona biluse section 48 a .er ho, able. tg «tr4ý The range of atyles,.thç.,' lt o th nW W Is b exceileut varitiyoffered wail go to make this a ýmoo't remnarkable bargatu event at the moderato price-" $2. Satui'day only. roduce uiew arT eXflp ollo êw '4.... -VI)' wo IN ( De PMn lmi pit Tét elmo the tmit eot tw *0 a a-n ah., tie M» Prm ti ai ,bci Iul th( Chic he h la buf ho, ta, dia mu be Prl bc or in de ce ad te lm ---l 1 8