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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Feb 1916, p. 5

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LARE (,OUNTY LNDEPENI,1)ÈNT, FRII),\, FEBRUARY 4, 1916. p rHAPPENINGS AT £ditadbyF.J.ORUCE Phoniel Orderu Taken for Job Work. dkdvertiting fates onl application. R ¶rW. 1111itil ,. ine lamt Fridey ig lit alter bo.îa~~verl l aya wlth i, br(lt lur IDr .iTil IatO eo Mrm. lianm e4lur-Iiiiiq retorneti ron Chicago. Firank Feahîn rand v.ie opent ilundai w.th thet forînere parente at Wamkewha. Mitehell Blri r andd wlfé, of Waukegani br&aadOtrii l.umitir ere -mTuAemay. Porter buell rraaini chifago on huai- ne.. Sarinrdaï Arr'le Miore and I riend iroin Liberty. viii- . pr-t aturday and Sunday wltb Mr. Morore- vaÉrtt Juhn Maxzwell and lamily wore Wauket gam, vlitors Monda>. Ulma 8"leWitmbeari 5eeirtthe weah. md wiib frieuda at Waukegan. Uima Gertrude Ilinel opnt theo week end la Chicago Ut. aUd Mr. Oant Bill and IblmilY wbo bave boom on the CharieY LMOI taro, the pont ypat, lof t for Iboîr el hSme ln Indiana thia week. Mr. au Mm < t.Lange lave.' toyed bock ta IS taro m Ilr. Edgar Vow- waa Chiaýgu vialtr] the peat wepk. C. irhitand lire. Jawes tue weî in Chicago Sâtutday. lMra.C. 0. Suinti Who b"m beanu itihe iîepital th.,î turud eltb theym Ulma kagodfale le a;ratîduug a lew da3 ln Chicago. Bomil Kapple r.! Wanlegan, mpeaitut wek-end wtb bhtm Parente haie. mima Aima Biack ol Waukegau. WB@ kuat o fienI-da here iamt Thurmday. Mr. Lawyor Ici t Monday for A,'ivoi wbarm e@wiii apeud te rpmaînder the witr. Lt.z" ta ~ ranaNr: ____________Saturdav ant ilday Lit the JtiTI . ma>. v. s ne .,thruIJie leat Alvin Kitali o!f mi etrl pttthe Thor@day. mî fthel lb. ri ,ekuathle hiruiniof i iri thei vriem dove lut tir-alil'arlrt ary. ind , rîrîterIlat pthe tu tted lleilJtaluioLt!, styed&H hone'of hiris ,r,,its lrJlt,îriî aind sun- it Il ld. ltigt Mr#. Stanlitie rOfiPrairie 'Nîr w, la hAnrit F, M Hd lin Irci. Ni 1etClar, pendmag t,,, a-rktet te irlret ir. boue h-re an ho intitl -M, CITkand Muam. W.N J Situer. OfAlttiocb, ham been rtaîi'rg wtb bat. r.M uilaipt-e nd@u0 0. M. Hamilu ae a.lu Waukegan u &ro n ié> oukar, ie lanrlirràtte- ahi0airaJeuf buminessaTTneeday. M r. andi Mi@ H. E Prie y Mm. C. A. TalotliandNI rit. E. L. Wald 1rUItiuuadnee Il. .1hil fi-tiwf aiedj. IV haoenee 0,worm lu Chicago Monda sd attenided .a calit'd tu aquruîtiOurrjury Tucedai. Royal Nelghbur meeting eit the tiaronie !eirs ira Tnrîflrui rturnierihotuaSatul- Temple. dero a a Iect ieyal ter a weeka vOmit at Area and Frank gewo"D ntect vrChicago. Suday and Mondai- The boy mcoute aceonupauled by 1'. S. iRay Murphy rf Gary. itin, mpent rSun- Daniele iked ta Waakegan Monday to dcy at hfIe homne bure. meo Preideut Wilsom. A autaber of Tha perraienat organiztion ai tihe ethe girls vvet by train, so thora was no Waaconria liuprrjvement Jlub Sind the acthool lu Mima $mith'smoGn. farineri, uifaur courmnnlil'tir mlibe k- Claire Sberwood aeeompamled hy a lauti-hadubaitre village bail lit 1:30 p iriend apent Saday ai hlms homo ber. m . laturday. lieb, 51h. Thoe directtura ISlm Sîth Mia Mtbe~, imaPoterappointed attire' lamteeting twil piro k- m" eith mi IAthef, inePoteront. a contitution and by-iawm for and Mra. Danlela took part lu thecatats approval andtieimapremetovermi aanem at Antloch on Tuesday evennu gitan y of mInit the club lutenbera mil ho ased ethe Atioch Choral oclt, under theo û seect lihe oo ut,àoit apprruprate. This adirection toi Dr. Wilson. niclu is e gfornred tua atvancp any and 'e ta na ne OrsonW .trrinutEan'rrr-oriuI 8nday mth hue ianrlly. Kelly Kîmbal tii 1Ingleoidetriaacl ruoialeso hure Wetinc.sda3. Cias i.fglrmtni, Eut Drýilttle and Sandy Crt-riimu v.r-, rag %%aukglnu vtstom Mamoday. tetuerdHoktIC-aoaetSu- day andti ridaj setir Lis paenmta bere C. A. Mdiller tramactei businedssin Chlcago Tueaiayý alla eDrue. t-aaaated t'Ugine"e la Cieam onday- Monday the eson lome or la-rabit hu- atag. Tbf.islte hButmlyear ibey have ma& a clowdt seson for rabbite. [eo Fanlom aif(lurae., bai rented hie farin anti la golng IlaotemercantIle baiineésithtir Bruacher nt Garnee. Bave Jour couponund gai oine of Ihet Coinmuaity slvermeteat the Rozalij @tore,Lituceo Drng Ca. Mr. Poily (ardinier receivsd mord the tiret oi the eek of thé deatb ai ber brother. Joiba Turner ai Englant. ileH ra. asima thé brotherof Joeeph Tarmer tif tIis city. The (irayabînt Iaiket bail toat de- leater the Chicago Doagers lait SaturdaY in&a acoreo tri 53ta 16. NexItSaturtiaY ulgît îhey mIl pay the lierucry Atiil 1 C'lub of Chicagoi anti a grond gaile 1 t'apl. Streeterigare uliatereting talk et tIre opera hou-e u Tneday cvenn at the movle ahriur Buy yorar arrlfi-rthle Firemanehlaill tram irile yrru air get a cîrtrce fuom otr large earui'i TIre Itxali tirr, I rru l)Drrig I C tire Bruter i.ru 'rt-han'u le L.adieIrai dI n'-t f-l -e teLrior . Mr.. Carl trisnIlr'tîîlli Itis ureui ironsue, ioiuteti e L M ti i r I't 1nit jitrt r . . r n. r, , ' i un h frit rt ilr, i iî i f I " r kitr i GAGE'S LAKE h (-Irlru, uitui ouui-t inn k ,I 'niTin tnul Eliai ut, aîttendei t. autori linnl I li Jintihnr Iri et ,r. f Mies ',rolitr' utterteli wao air ryier Surira3 viai)i .nth ir, 1 liard anti i atg Il teaIr. 'rre are 9gladtirli1 "pornt thle ucondtiorn of Mie. T Mrgg ""'cl'tllITiru-irei Mrt. tattiIrem.janTjt'mTrrggr. woe- Round basie rietore lait meel. tir. Triggs wilation n'rroe L hie ferui near Luike Ville. E. S. etkr ,reledhio brothlefst Suaday, wrbrr i nil t hiebtrme near Gurnee. Carton Atrace lm qrêidirtg sene tiie rn Waukegsna aotiîrg ie brother et tire Thero ras a binail attendance et thie LadIe' 41d rblcb n'as aitiMrs James Taylar'e lait reek. The'IndOPfltdO5fthé ie ountys en- ly 12"00 wooréamky-4thet why ev@ui- bo hdy taim 1 1111 'Wtr George Ptman i a@ureturned home mter a tan daya etay lu CtriSetb bor @asmer' Gramte ratz. seho hem beau veu'y Ii mtb pneumonie. Mrs. L. Wtt hae retured from a viit wilh b Ciao f rl.dm. Mr. and N'irs. Il E tirre, e nt.rtainad a numnher of tIha yung peuple ai their home lait Friday eventug. Litio Miam Ceille Chritopher le. very filI witirdiabetem et ber home haro. Mlaa Olive Neloan ai Weukagai, ealled on4onde ber. lait mmak. WiIl Sabota br« beau conOineti ta him horme hy tir grîp. 'Ir. t:baiem i'tgroveedieti Moaday, .Iaî 24th. at tIre Lake oaaiy Hospital. Sue cas * 88>uarW aid. r.Colgrove maa a ur-ber aI the tiuiburn Congre- gatonali but-eh sant he funeraI raa Wed thora Wdneday, wit hurlIst Hickory camtery. Mu. and Mr*. A. K. Bain are rlrîingr oit thoîr buinpess haroant i liiaooni &..ove ta the reot. tir. and Mu-s. Merose are hlplag thain. idvrantiMtis. iYoung hava hoaght the Sho arfum nealr W adaert:. Fariner', Instituts mIl eho lId heu-e Feraary lOtir. Ira tîjrhua, moaaaitir. and Id r. ea. Stopbena. i@ et tira Wesioy Has-pîtal lu Ohleego. Ra bati an aperniion ler ap- pendief île Stanley Oduta moveti Monaatu tIre Johnson farin ais(Inrno. Mr@. Hazol Thaiu bad an operatian Monday ai the Pu-osyterian Hosptal un Chcago. Umse elen Saforti, reacher at Morri- mantille, 111 ,.and tiangîtor of 1ev. anti Mua. A. W. Safbord. in la G',icago fou- an operatian. She la as the St. Luke'e Hospital . Mr. andtIdtra. J. A. Thaîn anti 1ev. aad Mu-s, W. A. Safford transeetoti buainepe la Chicago. The Keyatome laie anti the Vo'auuieer claie*1lli gve a tartv ta Mr. and Mr@. Ralpb Miller t t tieir lîrrne Priday evonlng. a A speaker lton, Chircago r mlii 81thre pulpit uaday aiorning lu thre lttremt of tenrperafl. ANTIOCH .WireLloytrd WNibrt- TiofWauliegan. ut.'- rleti er parentesîerrn.. hetiret of hie reklard tiir-ci n ia. tlTi ltlie Cet-disandi daTirwmc i,..lii t li-ofrItllue NNI Iýi l rtI\s m n ~iIti rn. r'ittur in Cli iaguTrîav liii SterIunr i re rLS r t.iutti rý tire nere çreeeit. Ni r Wrii tAout nt -i eJiit rrt'rt enjterttiiriatlwtIi, .rrr i ujitu o it Pt-oi. V isuid tertalettI, t irrt, u the M. E.Gnt-ch. nrw a vcrIE' Itrge arti appueati're audirîtice. Mira. Fraii Hardet. has.. l, l]cn imth tire grlp lt.e pat neeit. Victor Chiona Ins movet i hie amily froid tle LaPlant bouse Ltirtoir arn bouse <n Lake ave. Ernet Brooks mes a Chicago isriitor mauday. tirs. Sînmons aleIter, tMrs. Smiiey, te- turned home Wedae@day alter vietîng irera several macta. Courage of Dempef r. A scboolboy's compostion farisitea tire folomlng: -"The courage of te Turkts la exlaiued by the tact titat a man mil more lth»One rIte la More infling 10 face doatb Ibm il beho M Oul, oue." aIl c(UDmmnly prjecte bthcountry aui Jvilae oandiwuoirant everybotiy ta, jjoo anud Iuouet the proj'st. Dont larget tbe dataeitatnrday, Ft, tbý yu, sare@ure#tcordially Inertéti ta attend t4e Ft-rne 'retitutu ai Waa. Coada i tiaw, FuIr. 18. ta huer B. b Thomai iof tcHenrY C'Oi,-On --Dairytng ta a Protilt .ruaa eutvtce Fat-m aut 10:30ea m.sharp Houu B Pyrere aot "Cu d. r. Bauge un-"TIhe HOm,' Ratinay Sait on I.l>lrYlngrr am songeP readînge, ati aoleohy aur tiigh w11001. Ladu" r-mIl srvu dînnfr lu the M W. A. hall, janua-3 18th ibf Modela Woodtui anud Rayai Neigirbora ircîtiju)int instala titra Their familles andi ,tircr inviter guemse me prePent The Waoda,ut affleure lot the. unaiag ternu meeulyI inataleti i.>Neighbrrr Fred Bang., alter wbIcb tIre iadrýaiTi tire rirgrert teati carryiarz tituit nus' ireniere,[tja1chberini anud thirr rlcre aere durly inaralluIIebY Neighbor t .uelinBrand l A tTTrtitit lunchr mag fsrveti hY the a iues B.E ainrau'ebig Pre-imnvcntory Cash Feb. 12 iîiclaslv, Tire bug sale Ie nom an la fall ewing andti --wd@ are attend lang eath 1e. Neyerbhuuzu u-ha lmng lutt i rraitus buen. iofired ti iay i ditial bol it over nom beeauea 3r. mant tri have a aharo la ibis big feivai Again on riatarday evural extra ope ei iare offereti as foliama: 50e Neyer Fat Sunap-dere. 29c; i.adiua tie Proo Ra.'iery 54)e anti 87e grade., 19c; tieni 50e andi 65e Neckmear, 319c; Ladiv Trueaee Shoea #-2 28, $100; $1*(X Bentr Goals cizea 22 ta 28, $1.01 valuee. 49e. Don't dulay your ptîrceau a@ tIre saraur you came the betier adaf tiou you mli bava. The largeIlnoc Men's.Boym, ant iultirunarSuit@aut COvercouhlatrandLadies' and Chiltir»s Coâta are tirawiag cagot baYera. )on' jet aIl oI thoefflbargaine Ott paRi YO a alter lth'e@aie lit wmlieataolate.fDon' r atl anr)tber day coure ai eoon ae Jr en and get yoar ahare oi the lt saulirgMa20e George ito-ilg ofRi[ound Lakte, me buelnee raler in thim viilnîty nemt WE ,Ir mlNsin, Vl tîrrld.î-Tuý day nt Wlîakrgan. ,re. John Titus iof Chieagig 'ari for lber ,îiîther, Mrs. Mar.1 (hIlt.r, w le atili (fuite li il i lagrippe3. nl it,11iii'ltiri lii unitis. lunli rmir i. ih-tuui tr; fire 1,1It i r d,'Iri rî irrringtt Sp.-ii t 'r r day it Il r luw.i Litielr IIcjtillii Am r-, wtr inliat mel-k forîquit.. iwhll, i-,on thc gain aLnmnhit ar r 1,.-tr ageiinurd înrck vVilIi rulkrLl purt crue day lest wr wîttî intier,rotlur Baraey anti bprntler. CARO 0F TH'ANKS 1 wisir to expr@as my thanîr trit nelgîbors antifriends for their kindi anti ayapatby rbown me luthie death mny brother. i eleri thank the ingf ai those a ho cîrtritruteti Snrers. 1 Misa,) SatIe Prier Sheep as Weather Propheti. fibopierds say thi thle rofot shéép lu-nibes an Sicellent lrdi lion of reathet- changes. Wbea It crisp tere nl' le no tain; nIer la lump andt halavot'y sot tOIlte t10 a ftortp la invàekI. - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - g et novt, man mnn , that "ad #Te mas loen Smo' 0 10 men t the ebli.. 0sid orné- wlav tout ni a Â~C7Â5IU~ >I'A rïur~ AWAftI1iurïIN 1111 lEt WIBA BURGLAR STANDINC! BAMMER MONTIIS OVER BED; SCREAMS MiO; IS INFECTED Petçrson Home on South Park Frank Bostrom Submitted to Ave. Burglarized-Thieves an Operation at the General Active Friday Night. Hospital Thursday.. SEVERAL HOMES VISITEO. OPERATE ON A «OMAN. Get Watch Given to Peterson' rnkBstoa wp,71knowa Watt- by Mrs. Samuel Krk-Po- 1 at'e Couaty General hoaîitai On lice Working on Cews. Thureday where hoe ubmltted Ia an Operation on one of hi, legs which Wankgan tar t- ad become highly infected. The Ia- WaukganJan.30, fecteti condition ls belleved by Boa- On.. woman awakened front ler trom 10 have resaulted troin an lajury siumbers hetreen 2 and 3 ovlocit Bat- to is knee eustained lent Noveaiber. 1urday morning tafindt a harglar At that tIme hoe siruck itshi lnee with standing nier ber lied. She screamed a hammer and white the injury wair at the top ot ber lange, and %ftr. Burg- ver palatal at the in...lie dld net 1r dimmed bhis flashlight, caught Up antîcîpate any serions minuits. a sali goid watch whicb lay on the1 The member coatinued ta bother dresser, and escaped through a lied hlm, horever, and grew greatly ewol* room wndow, before the hueband hall len. Stil be dld nat attrIbut..lit te an oppotunlty te grapple ritb liai. the înjuîy lbu had Bstaineti. A fev. Waukoigan waa viaitedl by a dering days ago hie consultedl Dr. Proire band of harglarm Saturday marnlng, aofl.ake Forent as a resuIt o! rhlcl, Whbo meade atteiapts te burgierizueuv- he was brauglit ta the Lakte County éral homes. The homes vleieti by hoapital on Tbursday. The opera- the butgl-s: ieniras performeti by Dr. A. 9. JAKE PETERSON-427 Soutb Park Browna. Bostrom le resting eastllî avenue - Mns. Pterson awaitened sud proviîg that the Infection does front ber elumber ta filnd huigler flot @prend aad reaIt la blooti poison stauding over ber bied. Had flash- ibe la expected te recover. light la band. Solid gold irateli tait- Oporate on Womn. t Mrm. J. Comello of Hlghrood, irbe HOLMQUIST RESIDENCE -417 iras romoved ta the Laite Couaty Gea- South Park avenue-Burglars fright- er-a homptal a fer days ago, ras op- tened off irbea Mts. Hoiniqulet ga ereted apon Weduesday. The opera- tleml attemirtiug te "immy" otren bar tien wam petformed by Dr. A. P. bed room iildow. At 1: 40 a. am.. Mr.r Browu o! Waukegananad Dr. Prox- Beciilal? irbo lives la fiait on Sec- mire of* Laie Foret. It Witteane of ond fioot-, et la a caîl for the pa rrt the mont délicate operations Imegin- wagon. eable. Mra. Cotello le restlag eaIS11t HARGRAVE RESII3ENCE - 233 et the hoptal. 9Georgia avenue-At 3 o'ctnnk Mu-. Barr la Convalescîna. t Hargiave destectad burglars la act of! Roland Berr-, an employe of the forcng open les bedrnootu rndow. i Times Rever oilce at North Chicego Burgler raieied rndor 12 luches and rh wias removeJ la th.. Laite CouatY flashed electyie light tutOti oOa.. Mn. Geuerul hospital several reeks âge, Haargrave screaaied; burglere t.oOl suffering o! a eevere attacit o! ty *te their béais. pbold tever. ta canvalesclng and rul -WAGNER RESIDENCE-621 AChbe rell te ratura Lu hie homne lna et- avenue-Baiglars !rlghtened off fer days. etter attempt ta 'jimmy" open a ia- i dow. ,entrance lato bat on.. reeldeace, de- IE U E OQV Sspite the fect that they vlelted sev-j eral homes. They got a soiid go.id y ratcli et the Petersan houle. and a N MRE OFr MYSTERY Pr gold chain. The ratel i rs praient-i ni Pd to Mr. Petersan by Mis. Samne IiE nKirk, and the letter "'ras n-, i YYVIYLIiIIES graved on the bacit or the match. The )y ratch mag carried maay years by the ('hi..! of Police E. G. Slebur of Wi l late Samuiel Kirk.i The policé rare active ail night, nieLle yeterday calieti on Dr. Htr and Thos. Tyrreil believes that hie hem lert V. Melinger for a report on th, hb found a ciao rhich nul terminale in maman ni mystery who ras picke t' he bargiars' au-est before night. He )i h nwl intab ,w belleves thât thora rare tro bargiars. ala h ai intab id. ad that these two mou visitel ever! Laite Foret reniflent on the nighto home f romt which a bargiar report Janitary 19 and taken ta hle office fo ras received. Mr. Tytrell ras called treatment. The physicien calmli fro itshie hd et 2 'clock by one Of înt aîva bermn a ru lies marrIed dauitet-s rho tePoitadteheahoiesbu umt U ta hum tat an attompt bad Ibeen madetaheatoilsbusumtd al.tehurgiarize bier resideuce. Heitily brief typewrriten statemeat. rblchj ibdoaniug is clothes, Mr. Tyrrol wont part ras ais folloirs: teotheomtail br-idge near the "burg- "Sh.. had evidentiy fallen on th sil lar zona" anti he waited there many I ire and enor adiras somlerhat hy lo minutes, hoping te catch the hargiars ercl hwabueigtyrin laas thoy rent halo the ravine. teca.Sersbtlitybas teswHe believes tat the baîglaries Her relativeoit bar froin my ( e ere cammittei by local taient."'We fice atoon as possible. It happai 00> have speclal policemen guardlng th@ et the time the reporters wrose 00 property ln every section o1 the ciL! m, except tbat vlsited by the bargiars Iag me 1 ras making a calan e lest night. We have policemen Onu patient. The came or!titis patient i the North, Southt and West ides, bati unfortanately been connected rl 0i tle Southwost Bide lasnot bhean vis- the etory. There la nothlng whit ,d ited evory hour each nigît by aur rtcoetthtw indns. 'a special policemen," gald Tom. itconttetr Icdne. nt Extra polcemen rîi holi put, ta Edwin J. Learned of Laite Foret iswrk on aght. toe tay the wirofo!the rbo bud the roman ln thte snr, a.buiglars. Kenoshe. Racina, Jolet ,aId a revolver lay near an opeti ttand Elgin bati been riîded by baig- adgnery ThjnioofI na lais aarîng the peet for reeks, and ibabgnab.Tejntro ig 111le to b.. expecteti that titey will et building ia rhicb Di. Meliiger l least ma-te an attempt on Waakegan an office said be raebed blootiiro CI hames. the etepe the next day. The patie The police chiefe agit Ibat rami- ireuedthyheheians Jdents senti in reporte the minute îley e! dt yth hsce eM detect a stranger about theu haouge John Cuneo, wba is saldte10have b. et night. "Cali ue and me nIlI have Injureti in a faitifront a Street ra. policemen on Lb.. job n et least ten -- l i emintes," eaiti the chie!. Ilteedtt raeedr hT 'ed- At Il o'clock Fridey nlght theo pro- OTtteeîlr.i'ntul prietora of the- bowling alleys ln the _________________ Schwartz buildIng-Mesese. Kirehaerý ce-deiecteti h t the police helieve te bave been rut attempt ta burgiarize their quarters, They diecoverad that tb.. tock i tc o herdaoe ho bt-en iltei v. h v.ood, go ane police- man epeat tLht niglbt rithin te poolP SECY. GiODRECIIT TO OPE'HL REMAIN IN CHAÀRGiE Lph,ý r--I 0F U1E Y. M. C.A . ONEIDAC(V' t.Services of Young Educator Ezn'o n' .ui- and Christian Are Welcom- wJcl'el i eer iuAn laInukean. -c- , rny ut, I mI Th nna lectron o! the board if "lt k directars of tht- aukgcatln Youheng - . at the aeeociation building lest eve- - pet ning. The folloing afficers were i LniTînFiwvade electeti for the year 1916: Hiirnr ony T'rare. leur President-W. 0. Meianey. i Antle- Bruses Siitil,r,r3 Vice Presient-E. B. 'ïager. I Rnil, boodsnâdhuireds of oThet- item,hs. harmbltprepar Treasarer--C harles. L. Whyte. atons. etic. When vourwn ti, Recoîdiag Secretary--Joseph Han- nathgask tf.,a teri- th son. 1)rug Cto. prridrrt nie% The boardi or directora consiste o! . ". n,a cat r fforj-de hl oif the folloring gentlemen: W. o. MC-.t ecenre this, eurar bevrt -nlae. gnarsnteed 25 rear gel@ Klnney. E. B. Yeger, C. L. Wbyte. Jo- wheiyou cin~ls it ounur hM seph Hanson, J. W. Barreli, L.P. bouiirtn. A an exarusde Hanna, J. E. Hall. L. M. Eitstrand. L. h, amUlis elsll ut re J. Tager, C. W. Dîver,1 J.G. Airt yrUrgtfeP=@.ihc W. A.Stren, B. . Munan.IW ent t rs. been IF TUERE IS ONE KAN WIO ABOVE ALL SEU BAVE PRINTED LETIEIUIEADS AND> ENVELOPWS TUÂT MAN IS TUE FAIllER .. .. .. .. .. FARMERS, yon who write for cata- poultry stock, or desire other information, your name and address, R F. D. Box and the name of your farm means that yen will get an answer quick. Your letterhead looks bunsiness like and tells the house that you are progressive and moderu. The letter written oni scratchy rough ruled paper marks the writer as one who is nlot fully awake te present day correspondence. If you have a photo of your house, barn, stock, orchard, etc., bring it in and have us make a cut from it Use this eut to illustrate your letterheads. INDEPENDENT JOB DEPARTMENT C ~PPORTUNITIMS, like e","are allppery sd M. Jhard 10 hol-1, anleas firmiy soized. They ulide Fr I l . hro he1h fingers and are gone ere oe in swame Conte Too mûe the mont of opportunities that 1»y b. grasped by adverti@ing, une The Iudepeadsit'acil@- i*14111 A\NN\1 L ~asqurad~~Bai! GIVEN BYV Che (Jolnleer ïirt o AI TH-l lis Grayslake Opera Hou*O. NMATY 1I>RIZES WILI, BE AWARDEDI MU SIC 8V BRM4DSTETTERS I * j VERYNE NELC0ME! I ~------- - - -----u- >Fence 'Prices GoingHgh! SU Y NOW. Ceet mou become Prohiitive. r Speciai Iow prices on extra beatvg wire Ienclug. ýy AMERUCAN WIRE fENCE CO., r. unEaTYVILLE, RJnOis WARMTII WITIIOUT WEALTII Attend to your boue beasting ow. Ite aie andebepernow.. Ont iacliltles for repairina or renewlmg etauinrôthot- water iîealing. rm.ilatave, pipe.. valfet, tc, are exceptlonally gond. W. are vxp.rio at new installation@, ehaaglng r-foi tmatovea ta furnarea rapldly, eIIUSply or- ad Ff..iftively. Steam or hoivaier he Iuating cavea coul, bealb, labbr. It'a ed le i mater, quclertot beat, gitée a eteadior O! *~ - heat and removes the danger of Ore. If for we do t, it', rlht sud guaranted: de- me TOM WALSII The Hardware Mn Sa in GIRAYSLAKER, ILLINOIS ther y - Theodore H. 0.rt, Proaldent. W . . Smith, Vice Ptmsdant. ed. F. W. Churchilli, Secretary and Manager ut. Hon. DeWitt L. Jones, Gin. Counie ai- TELEPHONE 8SI hs ilas SECUR1TY TITLE & TRUST C00 te ABSTRACTSOF TITLE TJTLES GUARAY4TRED ýow.Capital $125,000.00 STABUNG AND CHECKING FREE UIT FLIVIC UIITU à SUPPER WRL SE SERVED ILLINOIS WAUKEGAN

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